Marcos Ventura Faria - (original) (raw)
Papers by Marcos Ventura Faria
Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo
RESUMO - O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar em nível microscópico a estruturação dos grânulos ... more RESUMO - O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar em nível microscópico a estruturação dos grânulos de amido nas porções vítrea e farinácea dos grãos e a influência na digestibilidade de grãos de milho com diferentes vitreosidades, colhidos no ponto de ensilagem. Foram avaliados 12 híbridos comerciais de milho, divididos em dois grupos (seis com grãos duros e seis com grãos dentados). Os experimentos foram conduzidos em dois locais no Centro-Sul do Paraná nos municípios de Guarapuava e Laranjeiras do Sul, sendo as plantas colhidas para análise dos grãos no estádio de ¾ da linha do leite, correspondente ao ponto de silagem. Foram avaliadas distribuição e número de grânulos de amido por área de 5200 μm2 na região vítrea e farinácea do endosperma, por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e digestibilidade in situ dos grãos. Há maior número de grânulos de amido no endosperma farináceo dos grãos de milho quando comparado ao endosperma vítreo, aumentando assim a superfície especifica ...
The aim of this review was to report studies on genetic improvement of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L... more The aim of this review was to report studies on genetic improvement of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), intended for obtaining genotypes with better forage characteristics for silage production. Among the forages destined to silage production, the sorghum constitutes a good alternative, with production superior to 20 t ha-1 of dry biomass. The main advantage of using sorghum is the possibility of producing higher biomass volume and better quality silage, with digestible fibers of great animal consumption and performance, in areas where cultivation restrictions for maize and others forages are risky and/or impossible. One of the limitations of using sorghum on animal nutrition is the tannin concentration in the grain, relating negatively with dry mass digestibility. By means of genetic improvement, such situation, through the knowledge of genetic inheritance of this characteristic, enabled 95% of the national sorghum to be devoid from tannin in the grains. As for the bromatologic...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2017
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of commercial maiz... more The main objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of commercial maize hybrids with modern and old architecture, under the influence of nitrogen (N) as top dressing with different plant populations. Two independent experiments were conducted, one in the municipality of Guarapuava (reduced spacing = 0.45 m) and the other in the municipality of Laranjeiras do Sul (conventional spacing = 0.90 m), in the Paraná state, Brazil, in the 2012/2013 growing seasons. The experiments were set in a randomized block design, with three replicates, in a factorial scheme (6 x 3 x 3), corresponding to six maize hybrids (with modern and old architecture), three plant populations (60000, 75000 and 90000 plants ha-1) and three N doses as top dressing (0, 90 and 180 kg ha-1 of N), both installed in October. N doses as top dressing and sowing density influenced the thousand-grain weight in maize hybrids with modern and old architecture. The increase in sowing density reduced ste...
Semina-ciencias Agrarias, 2017
Commercial hybrids are viable to generate base populations for obtaining new superior lines. Ther... more Commercial hybrids are viable to generate base populations for obtaining new superior lines. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the performance and stability of maize topcross hybrids and select superior partly inbred lines. We evaluated 155 topcross hybrids of partly inbred lines crossed with an elite inbred line (tester) together with 14 commercial hybrids (2B688, AG7088, AS1575, DKB390, GNZ2005, GNZ8132, GNZ9501, GNZ9505, GNZ9548, GNZ9623, P30F35, P30F53, P30R50, and Penta) in Guarapuava-PR, Candoi-PR, Guarda-Mor-MG, and Paracatu-MG (Brazil). The assessed variable was grain yield (GY), in kg ha-1, at 13% moisture, being the plant stand corrected by covariance method. A variance analysis was carried out, testing both stability and adaptability. There were significant differences for all sources of variation. By considering the GY means of the genotypes in each environment, Candoi (10,985 kg ha-1) and Paracatu (10,917 kg ha-1) were in the first group, while Guarda-Mor (10,448 ...
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 2021
Maize forage is commonly used as silage in milk and beef cattle livestock production systems. Des... more Maize forage is commonly used as silage in milk and beef cattle livestock production systems. Despite the wide variety of maize hybrids with high potential for grain production, few available hybrids have been developed exclusively for forage aptitude. The present study aimed to select S3 maize progenies derived from the single hybrid AS1572 based on the combining ability of forage traits in topcrosses with testers AG8025, 70.H26.1, and MLP102. The 135 resulting topcross hybrids were assessed in partial diallel in Guarapuava and Rio Bonito do Iguaçu, Paraná State, Brazil. Were evaluated the contents of neutral detergent fiber (NDF, %DM) and acid detergent fiber (ADF, %DM), forage dry matter yield (DMY, t ha-1), and in situ digestibility of forage dry matter (DIG, %DM). For all evaluated traits, the variability allowed us to select superior progenies. Progenies 3.1, 22.1, and 39.1stood out in terms of NDF, ADF, and DIG, whereas progenies 47.1, 73.1, 79.1, and 90.2 were efficient in i...
Mendes (2) ; Ivan Cruz (3) ; Elizandro Ricardo Kluge (4) ; Marcos Ventura Faria (5) ; Jean Carlos... more Mendes (2) ; Ivan Cruz (3) ; Elizandro Ricardo Kluge (4) ; Marcos Ventura Faria (5) ; Jean Carlos Zocche (6) .
A toxidez de aluminio e um dos principais fatores limitantes a producao de graos e forragem em so... more A toxidez de aluminio e um dos principais fatores limitantes a producao de graos e forragem em solos acidos, os quais compreendem grandes areas em regioes tropicais e subtropicais. A cultura do sorgo apresenta grande variabilidade para esta caracteristica, havendo no mercado hibridos de sorgo granifero tolerantes ao aluminio. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a resposta diferencial de um conjunto de cultivares de sorgo forrageiro, buscando entender o efeito do aluminio no crescimento radicular e selecionar cultivares tolerantes para cultivo em areas afetadas por este estresse abiotico. Foram avaliados quatro hibridos comerciais, vinte hibridos experimentais, quatro variedades, e duas testemunhas, totalizando 32 tratamentos. Os tratamentos foram submetidos a duas concentracoes de aluminio (Al) em solucao nutritiva, 0 e 27 uM de atividade de Al3+. Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos ao acaso em fatorial simples, com tres repeticoes. Foram avaliadas as caracteristicas Crescimento ...
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 2020
The objective of this work was to identify corn (Zea mays) genotypes with forage potential and to... more The objective of this work was to identify corn (Zea mays) genotypes with forage potential and to evaluate the efficiency of testers to discriminate forage traits in topcrosses, considering the contribution of additive and nonadditive genes. The experiment was carried out in the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 crop seasons, in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Thirty S3 corn progenies were evaluated in topcrosses with the AG8025, P30B39, MLP102, 60.H23.1, and 70.H26.1 testers. The following traits were assessed: forage dry mass yield, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and forage dry mass degradability. Progenies 205.2, 159.6, and 199.2, in this order, presented the best performance for forage potential. Testers 60.H23.1 and 70.H26.1 better expressed the genetic variability between progenies. For all traits in both crop seasons, there is a predominance of the action of genes of nonadditive effects.
Universidade Estadual do Centro – Oeste do Paraná – Unicentro, Guarapuava, PR, estudante pós grad... more Universidade Estadual do Centro – Oeste do Paraná – Unicentro, Guarapuava, PR, estudante pós graduação,, estudante de graduação,,, ProfessorAdjunto,,, , Pesquisador Embrapa Sete-Lagoas, MG, estudante graduação – UNIFEMM Bolsista Embrapa Sete
Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo, 2018
RESUMO – A utilização de híbridos comerciais é uma opção para gerar populações-base para obter n... more RESUMO – A utilização de híbridos comerciais é uma opção para gerar populações-base para obter novas linhagens superiores. Portanto, objetivou-se com a pesquisa selecionar linhagens S3 superiores para produtividade de grãos, avaliadas em dois espaçamentos, para ser avançadas no processo de endogamia. Para isso, foram avaliados 75 híbridos topcrosses juntamente com seis híbridos comerciais (DKB245 PRO2, P30F53 H, P30B39 H, AS1572, DKB315 PRO e SG6030 PRO). Foi utilizado o delineamento látice triplo 9x9 para avaliação de florescimento masculino (FM), altura de planta (AP), altura de espiga (AE), prolificidade (PR) e produtividade de grãos (PG). Houve diferença significativa entre genótipos para todas as características avaliadas, interação genótipo x espaçamento para a PG e AE. Não foi constatada diferença significativa para espaçamento entre linhas. Os híbridos topcrosses TC102-05, TC102-06, TC102-15, TC102-16, TC102-17, TC102-21 e TC102-24 se destacaram nos dois espaçamentos entre ...
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2020
The objective of this work was to evaluate the yield performance, adaptability, and stability of ... more The objective of this work was to evaluate the yield performance, adaptability, and stability of corn (Zea mays) topcross hybrids in nine environments in Brazil, in order to select inbred lines, testers, and promising hybrid combinations for these environments in the second crop season. The trials were carried out during the second crop season of 2017, in six sites in the state of Paraná and three in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Sixty-six single-cross hybrids, made up of 33 inbred lines crossed with two testers, were evaluated. The stability of the genotypes was assessed by the Schmidt & Cruz method and by the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) methodology. In addition, the genetic parameters and the general combining ability of the testers were estimated. Tester 2 is the most adapted to discriminate inbred lines in the second-crop environments. Inbred lines 12, 21, 23, and 32 are recommended for obtaining hybrids to be cultivated in the second crop season due to their good adaptability and stability and high yield in the crosses in which they participated. The HS123, HS223, and HS232 hybrids present the best performance and are the most recommended for the second-crop environments.
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2018
Resistance of maize inbred lines to major leaf diseases should be characterized for the developme... more Resistance of maize inbred lines to major leaf diseases should be characterized for the development of new hybrids in breeding programs. Thus, this study aimed to assess the severity of leaf diseases in maize inbredlines with different kernel hardnessand two sowingseasons. We assessed four inbred lines and one check hybrid with dent kernels and four inbred lines and a check hybrid with flint kernels. Treatments were conducted in two sowing seasons, one in October, and another in December 2013. The symptoms of gray leaf spot (Cercospora zeae-maydis), northern leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum), and white leaf spot (a complex of Phaeosphaeria maydis and Pantoea ananatis) were assessed every 10 days from flowering. The area under the disease progress curve was also calculated. Severity level of the diseases was higher in inbred lines when compared to the check hybrds (AG8041 PRO and P30R50YH), regardless of kernel hardness. Dent-kernel inbred lines showed a higher severity of northern ...
Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Aplicada nas Ciências Agrárias, 2019
O milho é uma cultura muito utilizada para ensilagem. Entretanto, devido as modificações introduz... more O milho é uma cultura muito utilizada para ensilagem. Entretanto, devido as modificações introduzidas nos genótipos recentes, torna-se necessário reavaliar suas práticas de manejo. O experimento objetivou avaliar a produção de biomassa, a composição física da planta e os teores de matéria seca da planta e de componentes estruturais do híbrido de milho SG-6418 para silagem, cultivado em dois níveis de adubação (250 kg ha-1 de adubo (N-P 2 O 5-K 2 O: 08-30-20) + 155 kg ha-1 de ureia (70 kg de N) ou 500 kg ha-1 de adubo (N-P 2 O 5-K 2 O: 08-30-20) + 310 kg ha-1 de ureia (140 kg de N) associado a dois espaçamentos entre linhas (0,4 ou 0,8 m) e duas densidades de plantio (50 mil ou 70 mil plantas ha-1). O milho cultivado em nível de maior adubação proporcionou maiores produções de matéria verde (50.764 contra 42.127 kg ha-1), de matéria seca (18.772 contra 14.443 kg ha-1), e de grãos (9.488 contra 6.998 kg ha-1) comparado ao milho cultivado em nível de menor adubação. Independentemente do nível de adubação, o milho, quando cultivado em espaçamento reduzido e associado a maior população de plantas, também determinou maiores produções de matéria verde, de matéria seca e de grãos, comparativamente às demais associações de cultivo. O aumento da população de plantas afetou a distribuição dos componentes da planta de milho com aumento da participação de folhas e colmo e redução de espiga. Portanto, a redução do espaçamento de semeadura entre linhas propiciou melhor distribuição espacial de plantas de milho e melhor produção de forragem. Palavras-chave: densidade de plantas, espaçamento entre linhas, níveis de adubação, Zea mays.
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias - Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2017
The expansion of wheat cultivation to new and promising regions has been an alternative to increa... more The expansion of wheat cultivation to new and promising regions has been an alternative to increase Brazilian production. For this purpose, the study of genotypes x environments interaction is essential for the recommendation of new cultivars. The objective of this research was to evaluate the adaptability and phenotypic stability of the grain yield of wheat genotypes grown in 10 environments in the states of São Paulo and Paraná, using Annicchiarico and AMMI methods. The experiments were composed of 20 lines and five commercial cultivars (checks), evaluated in ten environments, in randomized complete block design. The line G19 and the cultivar Ametista were stable in all environments. The G5 line showed specific adaptability to the Apucarana environment. The lines G7, G8, G18, G21 and G24 were adapted to Nova Fatima environments in the two evaluated years. Based on the results, the cultivars for a micro-region in the region of wheat can be recommended. It was verified that in the group of genotypes there is genetic variability, and that the most stability and adaptability, can be used as a source of favorable characteristics in future breeding cycles aimed at the region.
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 2017
This study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of fungicide application o... more This study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of fungicide application on grain rot in commercial maize hybrids and the relation between grain rot and the expression of lipoxygenase enzyme in grain in conventional row spacing of 0.70 m and reduced row spacing of 0.45 m. Treatments were made in a 3 x 8 factorial scheme, using three forms of management with fungicide (Trifloxystrobin + Prothioconazole) and eight maize hybrids divided into two groups (tolerant and susceptible) with three repetitions, totaling 72 plots in each environment (conventional and reduced spacing) in the 2013/2014 crop. The following characteristics were evaluated: grain rot percentage and lipoxygenase enzyme expression (LOX) in the grain. The hybrid and the fungicide utilized influenced the grain rot percentage. Grain rot percentage was reduced by the use of the fungicide, and the highest reduction was in susceptible hybrids with two applications, V8 and V8+VT. There was higher expression of LOX enzyme in maize hybrids that belong to the group tolerant of fungi that cause grain rot .The use of the fungicide in two applications, V8 (eight leaves) and VT (tasseling), increased the intensity of the LOX enzyme, which was more evident for the reduced spacing.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2016
Wheat flour can be allocated for manufacturing various products, but each purpose requires specif... more Wheat flour can be allocated for manufacturing various products, but each purpose requires specificities defined by the industrial quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of experimental lines and commercial cultivars of wheat, in South and Southeast of Brazil and to identify genotypes with favorable characteristics of industrial quality. Twenty lines in the stage of cultivation and use and three commercial cultivars were evaluated for grain yield components (hectoliter weight and thousand-grain weight) and features related to the industrial quality of the flour (protein, flour stability, sedimentation with sodium dodecyl sulfate and color). The genotypes CRX/CD104//ALC, LAJ96010/JSP//ALC and CRX/ALC//ALC showed favorable characteristics for biscuit production, while the genotypes ORL97061/ORL00241//CD104, SUZ6/WEAVER//TUI/3/SUP/4/CD104, ORL99396/ORL97061//SUP, CRX/CD104//ALC, ORL98231/IOR00131//ÔNIX, ORL94346/ALC//AVT/3/ÔNIX, CEP0033/ÔNIX/3/ÔNIX*2//TC14...
Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Aplicada nas Ciências Agrárias, 2015
A mangueira (Mangifera indica L.) é uma fruteira de grande importância econômica no mundo. Com o ... more A mangueira (Mangifera indica L.) é uma fruteira de grande importância econômica no mundo. Com o objetivo de verificar o efeito da adubação fosfatada sobre a produção de mangas 'Tommy Atkins', foi conduzido um experimento, na Fazenda São Francisco, no período de junho/2008 à março/2009, no Vale do Assú-RN. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso com 5 tratamentos de adubação fosfatada (0; 50; 100; 150; 150 gramas de P 2 O 5) e quatro repetições, constituídas por seis plantas, na parcela experimental, considerando como parcela útil as quatro plantas centrais. Como fonte de P, foi utilizado o superfosfato simples (18% de P 2 O 5). O adubo fosfatado foi aplicado em única vez, após a poda de frutificação e antes da floração. As plantas de mangueira possuíam 9 anos de idade. A colheita foi realizada 9 meses após adubação das plantas. Avaliou-se o número de frutos planta-1 , peso de frutos planta-1 e produção total planta-1. Não houve efeito significativo das doses de fósforo sobre nenhuma das variáveis avaliadas para esse ciclo de produção. Os valores médios para número de frutos planta-1 , peso de frutos planta-1 e produção total há foram 255, 140g e 13t, respectivamente.
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 2016
The aim of this research was to evaluate vitreousness in commercial corn hybrids with flint and d... more The aim of this research was to evaluate vitreousness in commercial corn hybrids with flint and dent grains and to study the effect of this characteristic on agronomic behavior, nutritional value, and ruminal degradability of grains harvested in silage maturity. Twelve commercial corn hybrids were evaluated. They were divided in two groups (six with flint grains and six with dent grains). The experiments were conducted in two municipalities represented by Guarapuava and Laranjeiras do Sul, both in Paraná State. The harvest for the grain quality analysis was performed at ¾ of the milk line stage in the grain. The following characteristics were evaluated: grain yield, grain yield in silage maturity, vitreousness, ruminal digestibility of grain, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and crude protein. The grains in the group of dent hybrids exhibited better degradability associated with lower vitreousness than the group of flint hybrids. The group of dent hybrids exhibited better ruminal digestibility of the grains associated with lower vitreousness versus the group of flint hybrids. There is a negative correlation between vitreousness and the digestibility of the grain; thus, vitreousness can be a criterion for selecting genotypes for forage production.
Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Aplicada nas Ciências Agrárias, 2015
As alturas de inserção da primeira espiga mostraram amplitudes de 1,13 (DKB-215) a 1,69 m (P-30P7... more As alturas de inserção da primeira espiga mostraram amplitudes de 1,13 (DKB-215) a 1,69 m (P-30P70), enquanto que na altura de planta observaram-se variações de 2,06 (DKB-215) a 2,71 m (AG-8021). As produções de matéria verde e matéria seca tiveram amplitudes de 47.708 (DKB-215) a 66.416 kg ha-1 (AS-3430) e de 20.259 (DKB-215) a 28.079 kg ha-1 (AS-3430), respectivamente. Os híbridos AS-3430 e AS-3477 mostraram baixo "stay green" (5,2 folhas secas na estrutura da planta) comparativamente ao P-30F33 e AG-8021 (3,0 e 3,1 folhas secas, respectivamente). Os híbridos DKB-200, DKB-214, DAS-120, DAS-599, AG-5011, P-30F33, P-30F53 e P-30P70 caracterizaram-se como tolerantes a Pucciniasorghi e Phaeosphaeriamaydis (área foliar afetada abaixo de 24%), enquanto que os híbridos AG-8021, SHS-4040 e SHS-4060 caracterizaram-se como suscetíveis às doenças (área foliar afetada acima de 40%). Sob análise somativa dos parâmetros quantitativos da planta dos híbridos testados, tendo como referencial a média geral das variáveis quantitativas, os materiais DKB-214, DKB-9034, P-3021, P-30F53 e GNZ-2004 destacaram-se para produção de silagem. Palavras chave: composição da planta, produção de matéria seca, sanidade da planta, staygreen Productive behavior of corn hybrids (Zea mays, L.
Os biorreguladores são produtos relativamente novos no mercado e sua utilização vem gradativament... more Os biorreguladores são produtos relativamente novos no mercado e sua utilização vem gradativamente aumentando na agricultura. Porém, há poucos trabalhos científicos que denotam a eficiência de utilização desses produtos no tratamento de sementes e via aplicação foliar para a cultura do trigo no Brasil. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a eficiência agronômica de um biorregulador comercial à base de auxina, citocinina e giberelina no tratamento de sementes e/ou aplicado via foliar em diferentes estádios fenológicos na cultivar de trigo Quartzo. As aplicações foliares foram realizadas nos estádios fenológicos de perfilhamento, florescimento e em ambos estádios perfilhamento e florescimento. O experimento foi conduzido em condições de campo, no sistema de plantio direto, onde, anteriormente, havia sido cultivado milho no verão, no município de Guarapuava, PR. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições, sendo avaliado, após o ponto de mat...
Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo
RESUMO - O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar em nível microscópico a estruturação dos grânulos ... more RESUMO - O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar em nível microscópico a estruturação dos grânulos de amido nas porções vítrea e farinácea dos grãos e a influência na digestibilidade de grãos de milho com diferentes vitreosidades, colhidos no ponto de ensilagem. Foram avaliados 12 híbridos comerciais de milho, divididos em dois grupos (seis com grãos duros e seis com grãos dentados). Os experimentos foram conduzidos em dois locais no Centro-Sul do Paraná nos municípios de Guarapuava e Laranjeiras do Sul, sendo as plantas colhidas para análise dos grãos no estádio de ¾ da linha do leite, correspondente ao ponto de silagem. Foram avaliadas distribuição e número de grânulos de amido por área de 5200 μm2 na região vítrea e farinácea do endosperma, por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e digestibilidade in situ dos grãos. Há maior número de grânulos de amido no endosperma farináceo dos grãos de milho quando comparado ao endosperma vítreo, aumentando assim a superfície especifica ...
The aim of this review was to report studies on genetic improvement of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L... more The aim of this review was to report studies on genetic improvement of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), intended for obtaining genotypes with better forage characteristics for silage production. Among the forages destined to silage production, the sorghum constitutes a good alternative, with production superior to 20 t ha-1 of dry biomass. The main advantage of using sorghum is the possibility of producing higher biomass volume and better quality silage, with digestible fibers of great animal consumption and performance, in areas where cultivation restrictions for maize and others forages are risky and/or impossible. One of the limitations of using sorghum on animal nutrition is the tannin concentration in the grain, relating negatively with dry mass digestibility. By means of genetic improvement, such situation, through the knowledge of genetic inheritance of this characteristic, enabled 95% of the national sorghum to be devoid from tannin in the grains. As for the bromatologic...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2017
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of commercial maiz... more The main objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of commercial maize hybrids with modern and old architecture, under the influence of nitrogen (N) as top dressing with different plant populations. Two independent experiments were conducted, one in the municipality of Guarapuava (reduced spacing = 0.45 m) and the other in the municipality of Laranjeiras do Sul (conventional spacing = 0.90 m), in the Paraná state, Brazil, in the 2012/2013 growing seasons. The experiments were set in a randomized block design, with three replicates, in a factorial scheme (6 x 3 x 3), corresponding to six maize hybrids (with modern and old architecture), three plant populations (60000, 75000 and 90000 plants ha-1) and three N doses as top dressing (0, 90 and 180 kg ha-1 of N), both installed in October. N doses as top dressing and sowing density influenced the thousand-grain weight in maize hybrids with modern and old architecture. The increase in sowing density reduced ste...
Semina-ciencias Agrarias, 2017
Commercial hybrids are viable to generate base populations for obtaining new superior lines. Ther... more Commercial hybrids are viable to generate base populations for obtaining new superior lines. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the performance and stability of maize topcross hybrids and select superior partly inbred lines. We evaluated 155 topcross hybrids of partly inbred lines crossed with an elite inbred line (tester) together with 14 commercial hybrids (2B688, AG7088, AS1575, DKB390, GNZ2005, GNZ8132, GNZ9501, GNZ9505, GNZ9548, GNZ9623, P30F35, P30F53, P30R50, and Penta) in Guarapuava-PR, Candoi-PR, Guarda-Mor-MG, and Paracatu-MG (Brazil). The assessed variable was grain yield (GY), in kg ha-1, at 13% moisture, being the plant stand corrected by covariance method. A variance analysis was carried out, testing both stability and adaptability. There were significant differences for all sources of variation. By considering the GY means of the genotypes in each environment, Candoi (10,985 kg ha-1) and Paracatu (10,917 kg ha-1) were in the first group, while Guarda-Mor (10,448 ...
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 2021
Maize forage is commonly used as silage in milk and beef cattle livestock production systems. Des... more Maize forage is commonly used as silage in milk and beef cattle livestock production systems. Despite the wide variety of maize hybrids with high potential for grain production, few available hybrids have been developed exclusively for forage aptitude. The present study aimed to select S3 maize progenies derived from the single hybrid AS1572 based on the combining ability of forage traits in topcrosses with testers AG8025, 70.H26.1, and MLP102. The 135 resulting topcross hybrids were assessed in partial diallel in Guarapuava and Rio Bonito do Iguaçu, Paraná State, Brazil. Were evaluated the contents of neutral detergent fiber (NDF, %DM) and acid detergent fiber (ADF, %DM), forage dry matter yield (DMY, t ha-1), and in situ digestibility of forage dry matter (DIG, %DM). For all evaluated traits, the variability allowed us to select superior progenies. Progenies 3.1, 22.1, and 39.1stood out in terms of NDF, ADF, and DIG, whereas progenies 47.1, 73.1, 79.1, and 90.2 were efficient in i...
Mendes (2) ; Ivan Cruz (3) ; Elizandro Ricardo Kluge (4) ; Marcos Ventura Faria (5) ; Jean Carlos... more Mendes (2) ; Ivan Cruz (3) ; Elizandro Ricardo Kluge (4) ; Marcos Ventura Faria (5) ; Jean Carlos Zocche (6) .
A toxidez de aluminio e um dos principais fatores limitantes a producao de graos e forragem em so... more A toxidez de aluminio e um dos principais fatores limitantes a producao de graos e forragem em solos acidos, os quais compreendem grandes areas em regioes tropicais e subtropicais. A cultura do sorgo apresenta grande variabilidade para esta caracteristica, havendo no mercado hibridos de sorgo granifero tolerantes ao aluminio. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a resposta diferencial de um conjunto de cultivares de sorgo forrageiro, buscando entender o efeito do aluminio no crescimento radicular e selecionar cultivares tolerantes para cultivo em areas afetadas por este estresse abiotico. Foram avaliados quatro hibridos comerciais, vinte hibridos experimentais, quatro variedades, e duas testemunhas, totalizando 32 tratamentos. Os tratamentos foram submetidos a duas concentracoes de aluminio (Al) em solucao nutritiva, 0 e 27 uM de atividade de Al3+. Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos ao acaso em fatorial simples, com tres repeticoes. Foram avaliadas as caracteristicas Crescimento ...
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 2020
The objective of this work was to identify corn (Zea mays) genotypes with forage potential and to... more The objective of this work was to identify corn (Zea mays) genotypes with forage potential and to evaluate the efficiency of testers to discriminate forage traits in topcrosses, considering the contribution of additive and nonadditive genes. The experiment was carried out in the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 crop seasons, in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Thirty S3 corn progenies were evaluated in topcrosses with the AG8025, P30B39, MLP102, 60.H23.1, and 70.H26.1 testers. The following traits were assessed: forage dry mass yield, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and forage dry mass degradability. Progenies 205.2, 159.6, and 199.2, in this order, presented the best performance for forage potential. Testers 60.H23.1 and 70.H26.1 better expressed the genetic variability between progenies. For all traits in both crop seasons, there is a predominance of the action of genes of nonadditive effects.
Universidade Estadual do Centro – Oeste do Paraná – Unicentro, Guarapuava, PR, estudante pós grad... more Universidade Estadual do Centro – Oeste do Paraná – Unicentro, Guarapuava, PR, estudante pós graduação,, estudante de graduação,,, ProfessorAdjunto,,, , Pesquisador Embrapa Sete-Lagoas, MG, estudante graduação – UNIFEMM Bolsista Embrapa Sete
Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo, 2018
RESUMO – A utilização de híbridos comerciais é uma opção para gerar populações-base para obter n... more RESUMO – A utilização de híbridos comerciais é uma opção para gerar populações-base para obter novas linhagens superiores. Portanto, objetivou-se com a pesquisa selecionar linhagens S3 superiores para produtividade de grãos, avaliadas em dois espaçamentos, para ser avançadas no processo de endogamia. Para isso, foram avaliados 75 híbridos topcrosses juntamente com seis híbridos comerciais (DKB245 PRO2, P30F53 H, P30B39 H, AS1572, DKB315 PRO e SG6030 PRO). Foi utilizado o delineamento látice triplo 9x9 para avaliação de florescimento masculino (FM), altura de planta (AP), altura de espiga (AE), prolificidade (PR) e produtividade de grãos (PG). Houve diferença significativa entre genótipos para todas as características avaliadas, interação genótipo x espaçamento para a PG e AE. Não foi constatada diferença significativa para espaçamento entre linhas. Os híbridos topcrosses TC102-05, TC102-06, TC102-15, TC102-16, TC102-17, TC102-21 e TC102-24 se destacaram nos dois espaçamentos entre ...
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2020
The objective of this work was to evaluate the yield performance, adaptability, and stability of ... more The objective of this work was to evaluate the yield performance, adaptability, and stability of corn (Zea mays) topcross hybrids in nine environments in Brazil, in order to select inbred lines, testers, and promising hybrid combinations for these environments in the second crop season. The trials were carried out during the second crop season of 2017, in six sites in the state of Paraná and three in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Sixty-six single-cross hybrids, made up of 33 inbred lines crossed with two testers, were evaluated. The stability of the genotypes was assessed by the Schmidt & Cruz method and by the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) methodology. In addition, the genetic parameters and the general combining ability of the testers were estimated. Tester 2 is the most adapted to discriminate inbred lines in the second-crop environments. Inbred lines 12, 21, 23, and 32 are recommended for obtaining hybrids to be cultivated in the second crop season due to their good adaptability and stability and high yield in the crosses in which they participated. The HS123, HS223, and HS232 hybrids present the best performance and are the most recommended for the second-crop environments.
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2018
Resistance of maize inbred lines to major leaf diseases should be characterized for the developme... more Resistance of maize inbred lines to major leaf diseases should be characterized for the development of new hybrids in breeding programs. Thus, this study aimed to assess the severity of leaf diseases in maize inbredlines with different kernel hardnessand two sowingseasons. We assessed four inbred lines and one check hybrid with dent kernels and four inbred lines and a check hybrid with flint kernels. Treatments were conducted in two sowing seasons, one in October, and another in December 2013. The symptoms of gray leaf spot (Cercospora zeae-maydis), northern leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum), and white leaf spot (a complex of Phaeosphaeria maydis and Pantoea ananatis) were assessed every 10 days from flowering. The area under the disease progress curve was also calculated. Severity level of the diseases was higher in inbred lines when compared to the check hybrds (AG8041 PRO and P30R50YH), regardless of kernel hardness. Dent-kernel inbred lines showed a higher severity of northern ...
Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Aplicada nas Ciências Agrárias, 2019
O milho é uma cultura muito utilizada para ensilagem. Entretanto, devido as modificações introduz... more O milho é uma cultura muito utilizada para ensilagem. Entretanto, devido as modificações introduzidas nos genótipos recentes, torna-se necessário reavaliar suas práticas de manejo. O experimento objetivou avaliar a produção de biomassa, a composição física da planta e os teores de matéria seca da planta e de componentes estruturais do híbrido de milho SG-6418 para silagem, cultivado em dois níveis de adubação (250 kg ha-1 de adubo (N-P 2 O 5-K 2 O: 08-30-20) + 155 kg ha-1 de ureia (70 kg de N) ou 500 kg ha-1 de adubo (N-P 2 O 5-K 2 O: 08-30-20) + 310 kg ha-1 de ureia (140 kg de N) associado a dois espaçamentos entre linhas (0,4 ou 0,8 m) e duas densidades de plantio (50 mil ou 70 mil plantas ha-1). O milho cultivado em nível de maior adubação proporcionou maiores produções de matéria verde (50.764 contra 42.127 kg ha-1), de matéria seca (18.772 contra 14.443 kg ha-1), e de grãos (9.488 contra 6.998 kg ha-1) comparado ao milho cultivado em nível de menor adubação. Independentemente do nível de adubação, o milho, quando cultivado em espaçamento reduzido e associado a maior população de plantas, também determinou maiores produções de matéria verde, de matéria seca e de grãos, comparativamente às demais associações de cultivo. O aumento da população de plantas afetou a distribuição dos componentes da planta de milho com aumento da participação de folhas e colmo e redução de espiga. Portanto, a redução do espaçamento de semeadura entre linhas propiciou melhor distribuição espacial de plantas de milho e melhor produção de forragem. Palavras-chave: densidade de plantas, espaçamento entre linhas, níveis de adubação, Zea mays.
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias - Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2017
The expansion of wheat cultivation to new and promising regions has been an alternative to increa... more The expansion of wheat cultivation to new and promising regions has been an alternative to increase Brazilian production. For this purpose, the study of genotypes x environments interaction is essential for the recommendation of new cultivars. The objective of this research was to evaluate the adaptability and phenotypic stability of the grain yield of wheat genotypes grown in 10 environments in the states of São Paulo and Paraná, using Annicchiarico and AMMI methods. The experiments were composed of 20 lines and five commercial cultivars (checks), evaluated in ten environments, in randomized complete block design. The line G19 and the cultivar Ametista were stable in all environments. The G5 line showed specific adaptability to the Apucarana environment. The lines G7, G8, G18, G21 and G24 were adapted to Nova Fatima environments in the two evaluated years. Based on the results, the cultivars for a micro-region in the region of wheat can be recommended. It was verified that in the group of genotypes there is genetic variability, and that the most stability and adaptability, can be used as a source of favorable characteristics in future breeding cycles aimed at the region.
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 2017
This study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of fungicide application o... more This study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of fungicide application on grain rot in commercial maize hybrids and the relation between grain rot and the expression of lipoxygenase enzyme in grain in conventional row spacing of 0.70 m and reduced row spacing of 0.45 m. Treatments were made in a 3 x 8 factorial scheme, using three forms of management with fungicide (Trifloxystrobin + Prothioconazole) and eight maize hybrids divided into two groups (tolerant and susceptible) with three repetitions, totaling 72 plots in each environment (conventional and reduced spacing) in the 2013/2014 crop. The following characteristics were evaluated: grain rot percentage and lipoxygenase enzyme expression (LOX) in the grain. The hybrid and the fungicide utilized influenced the grain rot percentage. Grain rot percentage was reduced by the use of the fungicide, and the highest reduction was in susceptible hybrids with two applications, V8 and V8+VT. There was higher expression of LOX enzyme in maize hybrids that belong to the group tolerant of fungi that cause grain rot .The use of the fungicide in two applications, V8 (eight leaves) and VT (tasseling), increased the intensity of the LOX enzyme, which was more evident for the reduced spacing.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2016
Wheat flour can be allocated for manufacturing various products, but each purpose requires specif... more Wheat flour can be allocated for manufacturing various products, but each purpose requires specificities defined by the industrial quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of experimental lines and commercial cultivars of wheat, in South and Southeast of Brazil and to identify genotypes with favorable characteristics of industrial quality. Twenty lines in the stage of cultivation and use and three commercial cultivars were evaluated for grain yield components (hectoliter weight and thousand-grain weight) and features related to the industrial quality of the flour (protein, flour stability, sedimentation with sodium dodecyl sulfate and color). The genotypes CRX/CD104//ALC, LAJ96010/JSP//ALC and CRX/ALC//ALC showed favorable characteristics for biscuit production, while the genotypes ORL97061/ORL00241//CD104, SUZ6/WEAVER//TUI/3/SUP/4/CD104, ORL99396/ORL97061//SUP, CRX/CD104//ALC, ORL98231/IOR00131//ÔNIX, ORL94346/ALC//AVT/3/ÔNIX, CEP0033/ÔNIX/3/ÔNIX*2//TC14...
Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Aplicada nas Ciências Agrárias, 2015
A mangueira (Mangifera indica L.) é uma fruteira de grande importância econômica no mundo. Com o ... more A mangueira (Mangifera indica L.) é uma fruteira de grande importância econômica no mundo. Com o objetivo de verificar o efeito da adubação fosfatada sobre a produção de mangas 'Tommy Atkins', foi conduzido um experimento, na Fazenda São Francisco, no período de junho/2008 à março/2009, no Vale do Assú-RN. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso com 5 tratamentos de adubação fosfatada (0; 50; 100; 150; 150 gramas de P 2 O 5) e quatro repetições, constituídas por seis plantas, na parcela experimental, considerando como parcela útil as quatro plantas centrais. Como fonte de P, foi utilizado o superfosfato simples (18% de P 2 O 5). O adubo fosfatado foi aplicado em única vez, após a poda de frutificação e antes da floração. As plantas de mangueira possuíam 9 anos de idade. A colheita foi realizada 9 meses após adubação das plantas. Avaliou-se o número de frutos planta-1 , peso de frutos planta-1 e produção total planta-1. Não houve efeito significativo das doses de fósforo sobre nenhuma das variáveis avaliadas para esse ciclo de produção. Os valores médios para número de frutos planta-1 , peso de frutos planta-1 e produção total há foram 255, 140g e 13t, respectivamente.
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 2016
The aim of this research was to evaluate vitreousness in commercial corn hybrids with flint and d... more The aim of this research was to evaluate vitreousness in commercial corn hybrids with flint and dent grains and to study the effect of this characteristic on agronomic behavior, nutritional value, and ruminal degradability of grains harvested in silage maturity. Twelve commercial corn hybrids were evaluated. They were divided in two groups (six with flint grains and six with dent grains). The experiments were conducted in two municipalities represented by Guarapuava and Laranjeiras do Sul, both in Paraná State. The harvest for the grain quality analysis was performed at ¾ of the milk line stage in the grain. The following characteristics were evaluated: grain yield, grain yield in silage maturity, vitreousness, ruminal digestibility of grain, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and crude protein. The grains in the group of dent hybrids exhibited better degradability associated with lower vitreousness than the group of flint hybrids. The group of dent hybrids exhibited better ruminal digestibility of the grains associated with lower vitreousness versus the group of flint hybrids. There is a negative correlation between vitreousness and the digestibility of the grain; thus, vitreousness can be a criterion for selecting genotypes for forage production.
Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Aplicada nas Ciências Agrárias, 2015
As alturas de inserção da primeira espiga mostraram amplitudes de 1,13 (DKB-215) a 1,69 m (P-30P7... more As alturas de inserção da primeira espiga mostraram amplitudes de 1,13 (DKB-215) a 1,69 m (P-30P70), enquanto que na altura de planta observaram-se variações de 2,06 (DKB-215) a 2,71 m (AG-8021). As produções de matéria verde e matéria seca tiveram amplitudes de 47.708 (DKB-215) a 66.416 kg ha-1 (AS-3430) e de 20.259 (DKB-215) a 28.079 kg ha-1 (AS-3430), respectivamente. Os híbridos AS-3430 e AS-3477 mostraram baixo "stay green" (5,2 folhas secas na estrutura da planta) comparativamente ao P-30F33 e AG-8021 (3,0 e 3,1 folhas secas, respectivamente). Os híbridos DKB-200, DKB-214, DAS-120, DAS-599, AG-5011, P-30F33, P-30F53 e P-30P70 caracterizaram-se como tolerantes a Pucciniasorghi e Phaeosphaeriamaydis (área foliar afetada abaixo de 24%), enquanto que os híbridos AG-8021, SHS-4040 e SHS-4060 caracterizaram-se como suscetíveis às doenças (área foliar afetada acima de 40%). Sob análise somativa dos parâmetros quantitativos da planta dos híbridos testados, tendo como referencial a média geral das variáveis quantitativas, os materiais DKB-214, DKB-9034, P-3021, P-30F53 e GNZ-2004 destacaram-se para produção de silagem. Palavras chave: composição da planta, produção de matéria seca, sanidade da planta, staygreen Productive behavior of corn hybrids (Zea mays, L.
Os biorreguladores são produtos relativamente novos no mercado e sua utilização vem gradativament... more Os biorreguladores são produtos relativamente novos no mercado e sua utilização vem gradativamente aumentando na agricultura. Porém, há poucos trabalhos científicos que denotam a eficiência de utilização desses produtos no tratamento de sementes e via aplicação foliar para a cultura do trigo no Brasil. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a eficiência agronômica de um biorregulador comercial à base de auxina, citocinina e giberelina no tratamento de sementes e/ou aplicado via foliar em diferentes estádios fenológicos na cultivar de trigo Quartzo. As aplicações foliares foram realizadas nos estádios fenológicos de perfilhamento, florescimento e em ambos estádios perfilhamento e florescimento. O experimento foi conduzido em condições de campo, no sistema de plantio direto, onde, anteriormente, havia sido cultivado milho no verão, no município de Guarapuava, PR. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições, sendo avaliado, após o ponto de mat...