Fathul Lubabin Nuqul - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Fathul Lubabin Nuqul

Research paper thumbnail of Secondary traumatic stress disorder in police who handle sexual violence cases

Journal of Indonesian Psychological Science (JIPS), Dec 24, 2023

Secondary traumatic stress disorder in police who handle sexual violence cases Gangguan stres tra... more Secondary traumatic stress disorder in police who handle sexual violence cases Gangguan stres traumatik sekunder pada polisi yang menangani kasus kekerasan seksual Secondary traumatic stress disorder in police who handle sexual violence cases negeri Journal of Indonesian Psychological Science Volume 03, No 2 (2023) | 457 avoidance symptoms. It was also found that there was a uniqueness in each subject in how to overcome the onset of Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder (STSD). STSD in the police has the potential to affect the accuracy in investigating the cases they handle, which then affects law enforcement in the community.

Research paper thumbnail of Child engagement in Female Prisoners

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, Dec 31, 2022


Jurnal Darussalam: Jurnal Pendidikan, Komunikasi dan Pemikiran Hukum Islam

Dilihat pada era zaman seperti sekarang ini tidak terlepas dari berbagai peran remaja. Remaja ada... more Dilihat pada era zaman seperti sekarang ini tidak terlepas dari berbagai peran remaja. Remaja adalah generasi bangsa yang akan mengalami perkembangan dari masanya menuju masa dewasa hingga lansia Fenomena yang terjadi pada siswa di Mts Nur Ilahi Siswa yang memiliki konsep diri negatif yang menjadi penghambat siswa tersebut tidak bergairah untuk belajar di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya hubungan maupun pengaruh antara Dukungan Sosial Teman Sebaya dan Dukungan Guru terhadap Konsep Diri di Mts Nur Ilahi Malang. penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII MTs Nur Illahi yang berjumlah 128 orang Berdasarkan Kategorisasi dan tingkat dukungan sosial teman sebaya diketahui bahwa terdapat 33 orang atau siswa yang memiliki tingkat pergaulan teman sebaya yang rendah, 66 orang yang sedang serta 27 orang lainnya memiliki kecenderungan yang tinggi. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sisw...

Research paper thumbnail of Luka Yang Terabaikan: Kajian Tentang Pengaruh Hostile Sexism Dan Kemarahan Moral Terhadap Mitos Pemerkosaan

Psycho Idea, Aug 31, 2020

Sexual violence occurs in the form of sexual harassment, rape, pornography and incest. Many victi... more Sexual violence occurs in the form of sexual harassment, rape, pornography and incest. Many victims of sexual violence are women and women are often blamed because women are considered weak, helpless, and not as intelligent as men. This study aims to determine the level of rape culture, hostile sexism, and moral anger. To find out the influence of hostile sexism and moral outrage on rape culture. This study uses a quantitative approach and probability sampling techniques with 260 students from the faculties of psychology, economics, tarbiyah and teaching, sharia, science and technology, and humanities. This study uses the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale for rape culture, The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory for hostile sexism, and the Deontic Justice Scale for moral outrage. The research used descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The result show that hostile sexism has effect toward myth of rape but moral outrage hasn't effect toward myth of rape

Research paper thumbnail of Resiliensi Pada Anak Berkonflik Dengan Hukum (Abh) DI Indonesia Ditinjau Dari Efikasi Diri

The recidivism rate in Indonesia in the case of ABH reached 42,8% (Marliana, 2017). Then, an effe... more The recidivism rate in Indonesia in the case of ABH reached 42,8% (Marliana, 2017). Then, an effective interpolation is needed to achieve personal qualities through resilience. The purpose of this paper was to determine the effect of self-efficacy on increasing resilience on ABH in Indonesia.This paper is using a quantitative method that had 102 subjects of ABH which consist of representatives of some regions in Indonesia. The data collection used in this research is a cluster sampling technique. The data collection was used twoscale, named Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents (Saklofske et al, 2016) which consist of 51 items and the "General Self-Efficacy Scale" (Schwar & Jerussalem, 1995) which consist of 10 items. The result of the analysis shows that the range of resiliency on ABH is intermediate level with 52,9% of the presentation. Simultaneous results obtained by the regression analysis show that there is no significant effect between self-efficacy on law conflicted children's resilience in Indonesia. Abstrak: Pada tahun 2017 tingkat residivis di Indonesia pada kasus ABH mencapai 42,8% (Marlina, 2017). ABH sebagai remaja mempunyai tugas-tugas perkembangan yang harus dihadapi dengan penyesuaian diri terhadap problematika kehidupannya secara baik. Maka perlu adanya penyesuaian diri yang efektif untuk mencapai pribadi yang berkualitas melalui resiliensi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari efikasi diri terhadap peningkatan resiliensi pada ABH di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jumlah subjek 102 ABH yang terdiri dari beberapa daerah sebagai perwakilan wilayah di Indonesia. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan teknik cluster sampling. Pengambilan data penelitian menggunakan dua skala yaitu Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents (Saklofske et al, 2016) yang terdiri dari 51 aitem dan General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarer dan Jerusalem, 1995) terdiri dari 10 aitem. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tingkat resiliensi pada ABH berada pada kategori sedang dengan tingkat presentase 52,9% dan efikasi diri pada tingkat sedang dengan tingkat presentase 100%. Secara simultan hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara efikasi diri terhadap resiliensi pada anak berkonflik dengan hukum di Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Efektivitas Cognitive Behavior Therapy Untuk Menurunkan Body Shame

JIP: Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi, Dec 25, 2019

Individuals who are unable to comply with the standards of ideal physical conditions found in the... more Individuals who are unable to comply with the standards of ideal physical conditions found in the community are vulnerable to criticism or scorn. Criticism of the individual's physical appearance performed by other people and themselves tend to make individuals experience feelings of shame about their bodies. One of the factors that influence body shame is the thoughts individuals have about their physical condition. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce the level of body shame. This research method uses quasi-experiments. The research subjects were 17 people. The experimental group was given Cognitive behavior therapy while the control group was given makeup skills training or Beauty Class. Data analysis used by using One-way ANOVA. The results showed that effective Cognitive Behavior Therapy to reduce the body shame level of research subjects compared to Beauty Class

Research paper thumbnail of Considering the Potential of Pesantren’s Constribution in Diversion Programs for Juvenile Offenders

Diversion, in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Justice... more Diversion, in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Justice System, aims to save the future of children (victims and perpetrators). In the process diversion involves the community in the process of restoration of relations between victims and perpetrators. Diversion is carried out bearing in mind that children who are perpetrators of crime have the right to be treated fairly by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. The problem in the current diversion is the stigmatization of society and the rejection of perpetrators and their families. To overcome this, a selter is needed for adequate coaching. The existence of selter and competent social workers who handle is still very less when compared with the existing needs. Is an Islamic boarding school as an educational institution in Indonesia, has made many contributions in the development of social society in Indonesia. Not only religious education, the role of pesantren also contributes to the development of community skills, poverty alleviation, empowerment and other behaviorbased activities. Islamic boarding school education applies a live in system, which makes students (santri) live in a dormitory. With a system like this pesantren must have adequate facilities such as dormitories, places to study and mosques. Data from the Directorate of Islamic Education (Pendis) Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, recorded 27,230 pesantren with various models (salaf and modern) that have accommodated 3,759,198 santri, both male and female. This number illustrates that pesantren has the potential to contribute to the handling of child offenders. Contribution of pesantren can be in the form of shelter and guidance for children of perpetrators. Some potential reasons that pesantren are alternative places to carry out diversion programs: 1) in large quantities and spread throughout Indonesia 2) have adequate facilities and human resources for mental development; 3). tested in a mental development program; 4). Community trust in pesantren is quite high. Before the pesantren becomes an alternative, there are a number of things that need to be addressed, among others: 1) aligning the vision of diversion between the legal apparatus and the boarding school administrators; 2) readiness of other pesantren residents (santri and teachers) to accept child crime perpetrators. 3) improvement of coach / teacher skills in handling child offenders.

Research paper thumbnail of Bijak dalam Bersosial Media: Pengaruh Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Psikologis Terhadap Perspective Taking Dalam Mengunggah Instastory

Research paper thumbnail of Mental Membangun Pada Pelajar : Suatu Konsep Pembaharuan

Mental membangun terdiri atas 3 dimensi yaitu; confidence (keyakinan akan kemampuannya untuk memb... more Mental membangun terdiri atas 3 dimensi yaitu; confidence (keyakinan akan kemampuannya untuk membangun daerah dan mengatasi segala rintangan yang ada dalam proses pembangunan), pride (rasa bangga individu karena identitasnya sebagai bagian dari daerah dan kebanggaan pada potensi daerah), dan yang terakhir adalah care (kepedulian individu terhadapdaerahnya sehingga ia mau untuk berkomitmen menjadi bagian dari pembangunan).Individu yang memiliki mental membangun tinggi maka akan terdapat tiga dimensi tersebut dalam dirinya. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pelajar tingkat menengah ke atas dalam jenjang pendidikan SMA/SMK/MA sebanyak 620 orang dengan rincian subjek yang mengaku berasal dari Kutai Timur berjumlah 250 orang dan pendatang sebanyak 370. Berdasarkan jenis kelamin, jumlah subjek laki-laki sebanyak 388 orang dan perempuan berjumlah 232 orang. Mental membangun diukur menggunakan General Self Efficacy Scale dan Life Orientation Test Revised untuk dimensi confidence, Skala General National Pride untuk mengukur dimensi pride, dan terakhir dimensi care diukur menggunakan skala Group Belongingness Scale, Global Social Responsibility Scale dan Organizational Commitmen Scale.Analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisis deskriptif. Analisis deskriptif bertujuan untuk mendekipsikan data secara sistematik sehingga dapat mudah difahami. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa mental membangun yang dimiliki oleh para pelajar di Kabupaten Kutai Timur tergolong tinggi dengan nilai mean empirik sebesar 61,49 dan mean hipotetik sebesar 43,5.

Research paper thumbnail of Perbedaan Penilaian Keadilan Karyawan Ditinjau Dari Jenis Kelamin

Egalita, May 14, 2012

Percieve of justice is most important factor to support an employ's activity. Percieve Justice ha... more Percieve of justice is most important factor to support an employ's activity. Percieve Justice has influenced to health, organization commitment, job satisfaction and productivity. In fact most discrimination toward women employees has accurs. But, teoritically, women are more tolerant than men in injustice situation. It is cause in our society has sex role, has derived what kind behaviors that does by women and men. The result of the study, reveal significant gender effect was non-existent. Merasakan keadilan adalah faktor paling penting untuk mendukung aktivitas kinerja. Rasa keadilan dianggap memiliki pengaruh terhadap kesehatan, komitmen organisasi, kepuasan kerja dan produktivitas. Bahkan diskriminasi terhadap sebagian besar karyawan perempuan telah terjadi. Namun, secara teori wanita lebih toleran daripada laki-laki dalam situasi ketidakadilan. Hal ini menyebabkan munculnya peran jenis kelamin di dalam masyarakat kita, telah ditunjukkan berbagai perilaku yang dilakukan oleh perempuan dan laki-laki. Hasil penelitian, menunjukkan efek gender yang signifikan itu tidak ada.

Research paper thumbnail of Attitudes to Help: Reviewed from Sexual Harassing Experience and Assertive

Sexual harassment cases experienced over time. Annual Note of the National Commission of Women 20... more Sexual harassment cases experienced over time. Annual Note of the National Commission of Women 2017 indicates sexual violence that occurs in community reach 3,092 cases. Sexual harassment victims who face intimidation from perpetrator tend to bury their experience and do not tell others, refuse to seek help from professionals. Most victims do not want to tell the story because shame, fear, and afraid will suffer more, both socially and economically. Victims also feel that reporting their cases may lead to negative public stigma and lead to chronic trauma. The subject in this research is the female student of UIN Malang. This research uses purposive sampling technique of 322 subjects. The instrument used in data collection is the Sexual Experience Questionnaire scale developed by Fitzgerald et al., the Assertiveness scale, Mental Help-Seeking Attitudes Scale. The results showed that overall, there was an effect of assertiveness and experience of sexual harassment on attitudes in relief seeking. The partial analysis shows that as the more severe the experience of sexual abuse experienced, the more reluctant the victim seeks help. This result means that victims who get light harassment such as gender harassment will tend to seek professional help, whereas victims of severe sexual coercion will tend to be reluctant to seek help.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing internet addiction and its psychological risk (depression, anxiety, stress and loneliness) among undergraduate students of UIN Malang

Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan ... more Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apapun tanpa ijin tertulis dari penerbit.

Research paper thumbnail of Internet Addiction and Its Correlation with Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Loneliness in Undergraduate Students of UIN Malang

The arrival of the internet in addition brings positive impacts such as facilitate communication.... more The arrival of the internet in addition brings positive impacts such as facilitate communication. However, it also brings negative impacts. One of the negative impact brought by the technological development is the phenomenon called internet addiction that has been widely studied. This study aims to find the relationship between internet addiction with depression, anxiety, and stress. A total of 166 UIN Malang undergraduate students were selected as research subjects. Each of the subjects were given IAT scale, DASS-42, and UCLA Loneliness scale to measure each variable of the research. We asked the participants to fill in the questionnaires, including the demographic characteristic of the internet they use such as the device they use for accessing the internet, the provider they use, the reason they access the internet and so on. Pearson correlation conducted found that there is a correlation between internet addiction, depression (r = .32, p < 0.05) , anxiety (r = .39, p < 0.05), stress (r = .39, p < 0.05, and loneliness (r = .19, p < 0.05). The correlation score of internet addiction and loneliness are quite small; this is because of the culture diversity among the subjects. These correlation results indicate that people with internet addiction tend to have depression, anxiety, stress, and loneliness.

Research paper thumbnail of Teropong sosial: kumpulan riset aplikatif

oleh pola pengambilan keputusan yang berbeda. Penelitian Ika Azizatul Rahmawati, Elma Prastika Ma... more oleh pola pengambilan keputusan yang berbeda. Penelitian Ika Azizatul Rahmawati, Elma Prastika Maharani, Titi Nur Aini, dan Roikhatul Uzza mengungkap bahwa mahasiswa yang tidak aktif, lebih intuitif dalam mengambil putusan. Selain kehidupan beroraganisasi, kehidupan personal mahasiswa juga menarik untuk disorot. Misalnya pola cinta lokasi (Ernawati dan Ushfuriyah) dan pernikahan dini (Ibrahim hasan & Luluk Kurniawati) menunjukkan keunikan fenomena tersendiri. Bahkan relasi dalam berjejaring sosial memikat Astika Rimbawati dan Ariyana Isti Kusumayani untuk menelitinya. Kejelian para peneliti tidak hanya berkutat pada kehidupan anak-anak dan mahasiswa tetapi juga merambah pada dunia kerja. Bahkan peneliti berusaha mengeksploitasi nilai-nilai positif yang dipunyai oleh masyarakat sekitar. Misalnya Riananda Regita Cahyani dan Asri Khairil'aini melihat bahwa masyarakat yang secara swadaya mengatur lalu lintas atau yang biasa disebut dengan 'polisi cepek' , memiliki keterikatan kerja yang unit. Mereka rela melakukan pekerjaan secara rutin dengan imbalan yang tidak pasti demi tujuan kemanusiaan. Pengalaman melihat kecelakaan di jalan raya menjadi salah satu penggerak nurani polisi cepek ini. Lain halnya dengan tukang ojek konvensional, yang tetap bertahan di tengah persaingan usaha dengan ojek online. M. Yusuf Wildan A, Ahmad Farafis Hakari, Khumaidatul Khananah, dan Umumatul Adzibah, menelusuri modal sosial yang bisa diangkat sebagai amunisi untuk tetap bertahan menghadapi persaingan usaha ini. Rasa syukur yang dipunyai oleh tukang ojek konvensional adalah tameng untuk menghadapi menurunnya income dan mempertahankan idealismenya. Fenomena sosial yang lebih makro juga tidak lepas dari pengamatan peneliti. Misalnya propaganda film hollywood tentang Islam. Abdul Muchith, Haris Hanifah, Wildan Habibullah, Mas Ian Rif'ati dan Seftyan Dwi Rarangganis menemukan dalam analisis film yang dilakukan bahwa ada beberapa adegan flim yang menggambarkan bahwa Islam adalah agama yang kejam. Disisi lain penelitian yang di Lakukan oleh Lilin Khoiriyah, Elva Rohmatin Neysa, Lutfiatul Fiqriyah dan Iluk Auliya menunjukkan bahwa nilai toleransi merupakan nilai yang menjadi ajaran utama dalam Islam. Respoden tokoh-tokoh agama mempunyai batasan-batasan tertentu dalam implikasinya di kehidupan sehari-hari. Orang Islam harus menjunjung tinggi kebersamaan di kehidupan sehari-hari tapi mempunyai batasan kuat dalam berakidah Variasi topik riset peneliti ini menunjukkan keluasan kajian psikologi khususnya psikologi sosial yang semakin hari semakin berkembang. Upaya stimulasi kelas berbasis riset hingga penyusunan buku ini adalah langkah awal membawa fenomena lapangan ke proses perkuliahan agar mahasiswa lebih mampu mendekatkan teori dan fenomena di lapangan. Diatas semua itu kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih memiliki kekurangan-kekurangan yang perlu dibenahi dan disempurnakan di kemudian hari. Semoga langkah ini bisa memotivasi para akademisi psikologi untuk bersama-sama menghasilkan karya yang lebih baik di waktu yang akan datang demi menyebarkan kemanfaatan ilmu psikologi secara luas, Aamiin.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of the psychological needs on student academic hardiness in acceleration program

Research paper thumbnail of Criminal thinking pada narapidana wanita

Dalam kajian kriminologi dan psikologi hukum dikenal banyak penyebab seseorang melakukan tindak k... more Dalam kajian kriminologi dan psikologi hukum dikenal banyak penyebab seseorang melakukan tindak kriminal, salah satunya adalah faktor kognitif. Faktor ini merupakan faktor dasar dari sebuah tindakan. Kesalahan dalam memahami dan menyikapi sebuah obyek akan mengakibatkan kesalahan dalam bertindak. Criminal thinking adalah salah satu istilah untuk memahami pemiikiran-pemikiran seseorang yang menyebabkan atau yang digunakan untuk melegitimasi tindak kejahatan. Criminal thinking terdiri dari beberapa dimensi yaitu: entitlement, rational, irresponsibility, justification, cold heartedness, dan power orientation. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pola pemikiran-pemikiran criminal pada narapidana, baik narapidana pelaku kejahatan pada property, kejahatan jiwa dan narkoba. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode survey pada 60 narapidana yang diambil secara cluster sampling pada Lapas Wanita kelas II Malang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah criminal thinking scale. Hasil secara umum menunjukkan bahwa narapidana pelaku kejahatan pada jiwa mempunyai tingkat criminal thinking lebih tinggi dibanding dengan dua kejahatan yang lain. Beberapa dimensi yang dominan untuk narapidana pelaku kejahatan dengan kerugia juwa yaitu dimensi power orientation (agresifitas), entitlement, justification dan irresponsibility. Pada dimensi ketenangan dalam melakukan kejahatan dominan pada kejahatan property sedangkan pada dimensi rasionalisasi lebih dominan pada kejahatan narkoba. Dari hasil ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa masing-masing kejahatan mempunyai pola sendiri pada aspek kognisi pelakunya. Untuk itu guna melakukan pembinaan dan mengurangi residivisme perlu mempertimbang gaya criminal thinking pada narapidana atau pelaku kejahatan.

Research paper thumbnail of Dukungan sosial untuk mahasantri Ma’had Sunan Ampel Al Aly UIN Maliki Malang

Ma'had Sunan Ampel Al-Aly (MSAA) is an icon of the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibra... more Ma'had Sunan Ampel Al-Aly (MSAA) is an icon of the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. In MSAA, all new college students (mahasantri) must be learning with the pattern of pesantren education. The problem is, not all mahasantri feel ready to stay in the boarding school program. Various reasons are put forward are mostly considered himself not have the capital to study in boarding school and others felt they was too long to stay in the boarding school before. But, on the other hand, some of students enthusiastically participated for this program. In an effort to accomplish objectives of MSAA program, it is required study-related mahasantri's needs and psychological dynamics for implementing this program. This study aims to obtain the mapping of social support for mahasantri, both pleasent conditions as well as unpleasent conditions. The study involved 87 mahasantri with a survey method. The study used openended questionnaire as data inquiry. Some questions include on the positive experiences, such as "Tell us briefly what your benefits during stay in MSSA?" "Are there people who most often assist you to achieve your benefit during stay in MSAA?" In negative experience, "Tell me what your problem is greatest during stay in MSAA" "How do you solve a problem that you felt are" and "who helps resolve your problem?" The results showed that that mahasantri felt lucky to get friend a lot and had opportunity to learn the science of religion. The result also showed that mahasantri, majority stated that friends as contribute part to got benefit. On the negative experience , there is a wide variation, such as got a penalty, and involved a conflict with others. Mushrifs and roommate is a party who was considered helpfull to overcoming these negative conditions. According the results, this study indicate that the process experienceed by mahasantri in MSAA, cannot seperate from personalized environment. It mean, that consideration and the risk of the existence of such parties should be part of a great management of education design in MSAA.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Parents’ Education Level and Parental Engagement in The Pandemic Period of Covid-19

One solution to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus is Physical Distancing. In the world of e... more One solution to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus is Physical Distancing. In the world of education, physical distancing is implemented by holding teaching and learning activities in their homes. In these conditions, parental engagement is needed so that the education program that has been packaged by the school can run smoothly. One of the factors influencing parental involvement is the education factor of parents. In this study, researchers used descriptive statistical methods and correlations to examine the relationship between parental education and parental engagement. The independent variables in this study are parental education, and the dependent variable is parental engagement. Based on descriptive analysis, the highest frequency in parental education variables is in the moderate category at 63%, and the high or low category with a percentage of 19%. While in parental engagement, the highest frequency is in the medium category, namely 75% and high or low categories, with a percentage of 12.5%. The correlation test between parental education variables (X) and parental engagement (Y) was performed using the Pearson Product Moment technique. The value of calculated r (0.552) is greater than the r table (0.4973), so it can be said that there is a correlation between parental education variables (X) and parental engagement (Y).

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Kecemasan Atlet Mahasiswa: Studi Pada Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (Ukm) Olah Raga Universitas Islam Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Jurnal Psikologi Integratif, Aug 28, 2018

Fighting anxiety often occurs in male and female athletes, as well as individual group sports and... more Fighting anxiety often occurs in male and female athletes, as well as individual group sports and sports. The anxiety is a feeling of worry, anxiety, and uneasiness by considering the game as something dangerous. There are many factors that can cause an athlete to experience anxiety during a match that is dysfunctional thoughts and stress, academic problems, anxiety injuries, and poor team relationships. Other factors also exist from such individuals and the environment, such as negative thoughts on the outcome of the game, the pressure of the coach or supporters. Therefore, the fighting anxiety is very important to be known by every athlete or team that will compete, in order to be able to improve its best performance in the face of the game. This study used a quantitative approach measured using the scale of The Sport Interference Checklist (SIC) to measure athlete's anxiety. The subjects of the study were 110 people consisting of athletes of students in the Sports student Unit State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. With male gender of 64 people and 46 women, as well as individual sports from two sports that is badminton and table tennis totaling 31 people and sports groups from four sports that is soccer, volleyball, basketball, and sepak takraw amounted to 79 person. The analysis is descriptive analysis. The results showed that there was no difference between sex of male athlete with percentage 63,00% and woman equal to 66,89%, because anxiety at athlete evaluated from gender have no significance, and difference between type of individual sport with percentage 67, 12% and sports groups of 63.64%, if reviewed the anxiety of the athlete's sports type does not have significant. This means that athletes in the Sport students Unit equally have anxiety problems when playing.

Research paper thumbnail of Prestasi anak jalanan: Sebuah penelitian eksplorasi

Street children often live and thrive under a stigma as a disturber of order whose have many moti... more Street children often live and thrive under a stigma as a disturber of order whose have many motivations that drive them to survive and enjoy life with all its shortcomings. Many of those who have had enough of what they get now, but also not a few of those who want a big change and meaning in his life. Along the journey of human life certainly has the desire to achieve a success or achievement. The conclusion of some achievement definitions are proposed by the experts that the achievement is a result that has been achieved from a business that has been done and created either individually or in groups in the form of knowledge and skills. Some of the factors that affect performance such as intelligence, motivation, personality, and environments are both the family and school. The subjects in this study are 30 street children, the subjects aged between 6-18 years, including in the category of children on the street who spent more than 4 hours on the road and not include children who live in certain houses. The results showed that the perception of street children against the proud achievement was closely related to economic problems. In addition to getting as much money from his work to his parents happy, street children are also proud of his accomplishments because they feel able to live independently without frustrating for parents. Factors which affect street children in the achievement of the performance are hard work, in which case they are supported by their parents to always be motivated to work harder. Several other street children pleaded to not get support from anyone in any form, but with hard work they can still achieve to success.

Research paper thumbnail of Secondary traumatic stress disorder in police who handle sexual violence cases

Journal of Indonesian Psychological Science (JIPS), Dec 24, 2023

Secondary traumatic stress disorder in police who handle sexual violence cases Gangguan stres tra... more Secondary traumatic stress disorder in police who handle sexual violence cases Gangguan stres traumatik sekunder pada polisi yang menangani kasus kekerasan seksual Secondary traumatic stress disorder in police who handle sexual violence cases negeri Journal of Indonesian Psychological Science Volume 03, No 2 (2023) | 457 avoidance symptoms. It was also found that there was a uniqueness in each subject in how to overcome the onset of Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder (STSD). STSD in the police has the potential to affect the accuracy in investigating the cases they handle, which then affects law enforcement in the community.

Research paper thumbnail of Child engagement in Female Prisoners

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, Dec 31, 2022


Jurnal Darussalam: Jurnal Pendidikan, Komunikasi dan Pemikiran Hukum Islam

Dilihat pada era zaman seperti sekarang ini tidak terlepas dari berbagai peran remaja. Remaja ada... more Dilihat pada era zaman seperti sekarang ini tidak terlepas dari berbagai peran remaja. Remaja adalah generasi bangsa yang akan mengalami perkembangan dari masanya menuju masa dewasa hingga lansia Fenomena yang terjadi pada siswa di Mts Nur Ilahi Siswa yang memiliki konsep diri negatif yang menjadi penghambat siswa tersebut tidak bergairah untuk belajar di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya hubungan maupun pengaruh antara Dukungan Sosial Teman Sebaya dan Dukungan Guru terhadap Konsep Diri di Mts Nur Ilahi Malang. penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII MTs Nur Illahi yang berjumlah 128 orang Berdasarkan Kategorisasi dan tingkat dukungan sosial teman sebaya diketahui bahwa terdapat 33 orang atau siswa yang memiliki tingkat pergaulan teman sebaya yang rendah, 66 orang yang sedang serta 27 orang lainnya memiliki kecenderungan yang tinggi. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sisw...

Research paper thumbnail of Luka Yang Terabaikan: Kajian Tentang Pengaruh Hostile Sexism Dan Kemarahan Moral Terhadap Mitos Pemerkosaan

Psycho Idea, Aug 31, 2020

Sexual violence occurs in the form of sexual harassment, rape, pornography and incest. Many victi... more Sexual violence occurs in the form of sexual harassment, rape, pornography and incest. Many victims of sexual violence are women and women are often blamed because women are considered weak, helpless, and not as intelligent as men. This study aims to determine the level of rape culture, hostile sexism, and moral anger. To find out the influence of hostile sexism and moral outrage on rape culture. This study uses a quantitative approach and probability sampling techniques with 260 students from the faculties of psychology, economics, tarbiyah and teaching, sharia, science and technology, and humanities. This study uses the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale for rape culture, The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory for hostile sexism, and the Deontic Justice Scale for moral outrage. The research used descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The result show that hostile sexism has effect toward myth of rape but moral outrage hasn't effect toward myth of rape

Research paper thumbnail of Resiliensi Pada Anak Berkonflik Dengan Hukum (Abh) DI Indonesia Ditinjau Dari Efikasi Diri

The recidivism rate in Indonesia in the case of ABH reached 42,8% (Marliana, 2017). Then, an effe... more The recidivism rate in Indonesia in the case of ABH reached 42,8% (Marliana, 2017). Then, an effective interpolation is needed to achieve personal qualities through resilience. The purpose of this paper was to determine the effect of self-efficacy on increasing resilience on ABH in Indonesia.This paper is using a quantitative method that had 102 subjects of ABH which consist of representatives of some regions in Indonesia. The data collection used in this research is a cluster sampling technique. The data collection was used twoscale, named Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents (Saklofske et al, 2016) which consist of 51 items and the "General Self-Efficacy Scale" (Schwar & Jerussalem, 1995) which consist of 10 items. The result of the analysis shows that the range of resiliency on ABH is intermediate level with 52,9% of the presentation. Simultaneous results obtained by the regression analysis show that there is no significant effect between self-efficacy on law conflicted children's resilience in Indonesia. Abstrak: Pada tahun 2017 tingkat residivis di Indonesia pada kasus ABH mencapai 42,8% (Marlina, 2017). ABH sebagai remaja mempunyai tugas-tugas perkembangan yang harus dihadapi dengan penyesuaian diri terhadap problematika kehidupannya secara baik. Maka perlu adanya penyesuaian diri yang efektif untuk mencapai pribadi yang berkualitas melalui resiliensi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari efikasi diri terhadap peningkatan resiliensi pada ABH di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jumlah subjek 102 ABH yang terdiri dari beberapa daerah sebagai perwakilan wilayah di Indonesia. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan teknik cluster sampling. Pengambilan data penelitian menggunakan dua skala yaitu Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents (Saklofske et al, 2016) yang terdiri dari 51 aitem dan General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarer dan Jerusalem, 1995) terdiri dari 10 aitem. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tingkat resiliensi pada ABH berada pada kategori sedang dengan tingkat presentase 52,9% dan efikasi diri pada tingkat sedang dengan tingkat presentase 100%. Secara simultan hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara efikasi diri terhadap resiliensi pada anak berkonflik dengan hukum di Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Efektivitas Cognitive Behavior Therapy Untuk Menurunkan Body Shame

JIP: Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi, Dec 25, 2019

Individuals who are unable to comply with the standards of ideal physical conditions found in the... more Individuals who are unable to comply with the standards of ideal physical conditions found in the community are vulnerable to criticism or scorn. Criticism of the individual's physical appearance performed by other people and themselves tend to make individuals experience feelings of shame about their bodies. One of the factors that influence body shame is the thoughts individuals have about their physical condition. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce the level of body shame. This research method uses quasi-experiments. The research subjects were 17 people. The experimental group was given Cognitive behavior therapy while the control group was given makeup skills training or Beauty Class. Data analysis used by using One-way ANOVA. The results showed that effective Cognitive Behavior Therapy to reduce the body shame level of research subjects compared to Beauty Class

Research paper thumbnail of Considering the Potential of Pesantren’s Constribution in Diversion Programs for Juvenile Offenders

Diversion, in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Justice... more Diversion, in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Justice System, aims to save the future of children (victims and perpetrators). In the process diversion involves the community in the process of restoration of relations between victims and perpetrators. Diversion is carried out bearing in mind that children who are perpetrators of crime have the right to be treated fairly by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. The problem in the current diversion is the stigmatization of society and the rejection of perpetrators and their families. To overcome this, a selter is needed for adequate coaching. The existence of selter and competent social workers who handle is still very less when compared with the existing needs. Is an Islamic boarding school as an educational institution in Indonesia, has made many contributions in the development of social society in Indonesia. Not only religious education, the role of pesantren also contributes to the development of community skills, poverty alleviation, empowerment and other behaviorbased activities. Islamic boarding school education applies a live in system, which makes students (santri) live in a dormitory. With a system like this pesantren must have adequate facilities such as dormitories, places to study and mosques. Data from the Directorate of Islamic Education (Pendis) Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, recorded 27,230 pesantren with various models (salaf and modern) that have accommodated 3,759,198 santri, both male and female. This number illustrates that pesantren has the potential to contribute to the handling of child offenders. Contribution of pesantren can be in the form of shelter and guidance for children of perpetrators. Some potential reasons that pesantren are alternative places to carry out diversion programs: 1) in large quantities and spread throughout Indonesia 2) have adequate facilities and human resources for mental development; 3). tested in a mental development program; 4). Community trust in pesantren is quite high. Before the pesantren becomes an alternative, there are a number of things that need to be addressed, among others: 1) aligning the vision of diversion between the legal apparatus and the boarding school administrators; 2) readiness of other pesantren residents (santri and teachers) to accept child crime perpetrators. 3) improvement of coach / teacher skills in handling child offenders.

Research paper thumbnail of Bijak dalam Bersosial Media: Pengaruh Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Psikologis Terhadap Perspective Taking Dalam Mengunggah Instastory

Research paper thumbnail of Mental Membangun Pada Pelajar : Suatu Konsep Pembaharuan

Mental membangun terdiri atas 3 dimensi yaitu; confidence (keyakinan akan kemampuannya untuk memb... more Mental membangun terdiri atas 3 dimensi yaitu; confidence (keyakinan akan kemampuannya untuk membangun daerah dan mengatasi segala rintangan yang ada dalam proses pembangunan), pride (rasa bangga individu karena identitasnya sebagai bagian dari daerah dan kebanggaan pada potensi daerah), dan yang terakhir adalah care (kepedulian individu terhadapdaerahnya sehingga ia mau untuk berkomitmen menjadi bagian dari pembangunan).Individu yang memiliki mental membangun tinggi maka akan terdapat tiga dimensi tersebut dalam dirinya. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pelajar tingkat menengah ke atas dalam jenjang pendidikan SMA/SMK/MA sebanyak 620 orang dengan rincian subjek yang mengaku berasal dari Kutai Timur berjumlah 250 orang dan pendatang sebanyak 370. Berdasarkan jenis kelamin, jumlah subjek laki-laki sebanyak 388 orang dan perempuan berjumlah 232 orang. Mental membangun diukur menggunakan General Self Efficacy Scale dan Life Orientation Test Revised untuk dimensi confidence, Skala General National Pride untuk mengukur dimensi pride, dan terakhir dimensi care diukur menggunakan skala Group Belongingness Scale, Global Social Responsibility Scale dan Organizational Commitmen Scale.Analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisis deskriptif. Analisis deskriptif bertujuan untuk mendekipsikan data secara sistematik sehingga dapat mudah difahami. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa mental membangun yang dimiliki oleh para pelajar di Kabupaten Kutai Timur tergolong tinggi dengan nilai mean empirik sebesar 61,49 dan mean hipotetik sebesar 43,5.

Research paper thumbnail of Perbedaan Penilaian Keadilan Karyawan Ditinjau Dari Jenis Kelamin

Egalita, May 14, 2012

Percieve of justice is most important factor to support an employ's activity. Percieve Justice ha... more Percieve of justice is most important factor to support an employ's activity. Percieve Justice has influenced to health, organization commitment, job satisfaction and productivity. In fact most discrimination toward women employees has accurs. But, teoritically, women are more tolerant than men in injustice situation. It is cause in our society has sex role, has derived what kind behaviors that does by women and men. The result of the study, reveal significant gender effect was non-existent. Merasakan keadilan adalah faktor paling penting untuk mendukung aktivitas kinerja. Rasa keadilan dianggap memiliki pengaruh terhadap kesehatan, komitmen organisasi, kepuasan kerja dan produktivitas. Bahkan diskriminasi terhadap sebagian besar karyawan perempuan telah terjadi. Namun, secara teori wanita lebih toleran daripada laki-laki dalam situasi ketidakadilan. Hal ini menyebabkan munculnya peran jenis kelamin di dalam masyarakat kita, telah ditunjukkan berbagai perilaku yang dilakukan oleh perempuan dan laki-laki. Hasil penelitian, menunjukkan efek gender yang signifikan itu tidak ada.

Research paper thumbnail of Attitudes to Help: Reviewed from Sexual Harassing Experience and Assertive

Sexual harassment cases experienced over time. Annual Note of the National Commission of Women 20... more Sexual harassment cases experienced over time. Annual Note of the National Commission of Women 2017 indicates sexual violence that occurs in community reach 3,092 cases. Sexual harassment victims who face intimidation from perpetrator tend to bury their experience and do not tell others, refuse to seek help from professionals. Most victims do not want to tell the story because shame, fear, and afraid will suffer more, both socially and economically. Victims also feel that reporting their cases may lead to negative public stigma and lead to chronic trauma. The subject in this research is the female student of UIN Malang. This research uses purposive sampling technique of 322 subjects. The instrument used in data collection is the Sexual Experience Questionnaire scale developed by Fitzgerald et al., the Assertiveness scale, Mental Help-Seeking Attitudes Scale. The results showed that overall, there was an effect of assertiveness and experience of sexual harassment on attitudes in relief seeking. The partial analysis shows that as the more severe the experience of sexual abuse experienced, the more reluctant the victim seeks help. This result means that victims who get light harassment such as gender harassment will tend to seek professional help, whereas victims of severe sexual coercion will tend to be reluctant to seek help.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing internet addiction and its psychological risk (depression, anxiety, stress and loneliness) among undergraduate students of UIN Malang

Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan ... more Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apapun tanpa ijin tertulis dari penerbit.

Research paper thumbnail of Internet Addiction and Its Correlation with Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Loneliness in Undergraduate Students of UIN Malang

The arrival of the internet in addition brings positive impacts such as facilitate communication.... more The arrival of the internet in addition brings positive impacts such as facilitate communication. However, it also brings negative impacts. One of the negative impact brought by the technological development is the phenomenon called internet addiction that has been widely studied. This study aims to find the relationship between internet addiction with depression, anxiety, and stress. A total of 166 UIN Malang undergraduate students were selected as research subjects. Each of the subjects were given IAT scale, DASS-42, and UCLA Loneliness scale to measure each variable of the research. We asked the participants to fill in the questionnaires, including the demographic characteristic of the internet they use such as the device they use for accessing the internet, the provider they use, the reason they access the internet and so on. Pearson correlation conducted found that there is a correlation between internet addiction, depression (r = .32, p < 0.05) , anxiety (r = .39, p < 0.05), stress (r = .39, p < 0.05, and loneliness (r = .19, p < 0.05). The correlation score of internet addiction and loneliness are quite small; this is because of the culture diversity among the subjects. These correlation results indicate that people with internet addiction tend to have depression, anxiety, stress, and loneliness.

Research paper thumbnail of Teropong sosial: kumpulan riset aplikatif

oleh pola pengambilan keputusan yang berbeda. Penelitian Ika Azizatul Rahmawati, Elma Prastika Ma... more oleh pola pengambilan keputusan yang berbeda. Penelitian Ika Azizatul Rahmawati, Elma Prastika Maharani, Titi Nur Aini, dan Roikhatul Uzza mengungkap bahwa mahasiswa yang tidak aktif, lebih intuitif dalam mengambil putusan. Selain kehidupan beroraganisasi, kehidupan personal mahasiswa juga menarik untuk disorot. Misalnya pola cinta lokasi (Ernawati dan Ushfuriyah) dan pernikahan dini (Ibrahim hasan & Luluk Kurniawati) menunjukkan keunikan fenomena tersendiri. Bahkan relasi dalam berjejaring sosial memikat Astika Rimbawati dan Ariyana Isti Kusumayani untuk menelitinya. Kejelian para peneliti tidak hanya berkutat pada kehidupan anak-anak dan mahasiswa tetapi juga merambah pada dunia kerja. Bahkan peneliti berusaha mengeksploitasi nilai-nilai positif yang dipunyai oleh masyarakat sekitar. Misalnya Riananda Regita Cahyani dan Asri Khairil'aini melihat bahwa masyarakat yang secara swadaya mengatur lalu lintas atau yang biasa disebut dengan 'polisi cepek' , memiliki keterikatan kerja yang unit. Mereka rela melakukan pekerjaan secara rutin dengan imbalan yang tidak pasti demi tujuan kemanusiaan. Pengalaman melihat kecelakaan di jalan raya menjadi salah satu penggerak nurani polisi cepek ini. Lain halnya dengan tukang ojek konvensional, yang tetap bertahan di tengah persaingan usaha dengan ojek online. M. Yusuf Wildan A, Ahmad Farafis Hakari, Khumaidatul Khananah, dan Umumatul Adzibah, menelusuri modal sosial yang bisa diangkat sebagai amunisi untuk tetap bertahan menghadapi persaingan usaha ini. Rasa syukur yang dipunyai oleh tukang ojek konvensional adalah tameng untuk menghadapi menurunnya income dan mempertahankan idealismenya. Fenomena sosial yang lebih makro juga tidak lepas dari pengamatan peneliti. Misalnya propaganda film hollywood tentang Islam. Abdul Muchith, Haris Hanifah, Wildan Habibullah, Mas Ian Rif'ati dan Seftyan Dwi Rarangganis menemukan dalam analisis film yang dilakukan bahwa ada beberapa adegan flim yang menggambarkan bahwa Islam adalah agama yang kejam. Disisi lain penelitian yang di Lakukan oleh Lilin Khoiriyah, Elva Rohmatin Neysa, Lutfiatul Fiqriyah dan Iluk Auliya menunjukkan bahwa nilai toleransi merupakan nilai yang menjadi ajaran utama dalam Islam. Respoden tokoh-tokoh agama mempunyai batasan-batasan tertentu dalam implikasinya di kehidupan sehari-hari. Orang Islam harus menjunjung tinggi kebersamaan di kehidupan sehari-hari tapi mempunyai batasan kuat dalam berakidah Variasi topik riset peneliti ini menunjukkan keluasan kajian psikologi khususnya psikologi sosial yang semakin hari semakin berkembang. Upaya stimulasi kelas berbasis riset hingga penyusunan buku ini adalah langkah awal membawa fenomena lapangan ke proses perkuliahan agar mahasiswa lebih mampu mendekatkan teori dan fenomena di lapangan. Diatas semua itu kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih memiliki kekurangan-kekurangan yang perlu dibenahi dan disempurnakan di kemudian hari. Semoga langkah ini bisa memotivasi para akademisi psikologi untuk bersama-sama menghasilkan karya yang lebih baik di waktu yang akan datang demi menyebarkan kemanfaatan ilmu psikologi secara luas, Aamiin.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of the psychological needs on student academic hardiness in acceleration program

Research paper thumbnail of Criminal thinking pada narapidana wanita

Dalam kajian kriminologi dan psikologi hukum dikenal banyak penyebab seseorang melakukan tindak k... more Dalam kajian kriminologi dan psikologi hukum dikenal banyak penyebab seseorang melakukan tindak kriminal, salah satunya adalah faktor kognitif. Faktor ini merupakan faktor dasar dari sebuah tindakan. Kesalahan dalam memahami dan menyikapi sebuah obyek akan mengakibatkan kesalahan dalam bertindak. Criminal thinking adalah salah satu istilah untuk memahami pemiikiran-pemikiran seseorang yang menyebabkan atau yang digunakan untuk melegitimasi tindak kejahatan. Criminal thinking terdiri dari beberapa dimensi yaitu: entitlement, rational, irresponsibility, justification, cold heartedness, dan power orientation. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pola pemikiran-pemikiran criminal pada narapidana, baik narapidana pelaku kejahatan pada property, kejahatan jiwa dan narkoba. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode survey pada 60 narapidana yang diambil secara cluster sampling pada Lapas Wanita kelas II Malang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah criminal thinking scale. Hasil secara umum menunjukkan bahwa narapidana pelaku kejahatan pada jiwa mempunyai tingkat criminal thinking lebih tinggi dibanding dengan dua kejahatan yang lain. Beberapa dimensi yang dominan untuk narapidana pelaku kejahatan dengan kerugia juwa yaitu dimensi power orientation (agresifitas), entitlement, justification dan irresponsibility. Pada dimensi ketenangan dalam melakukan kejahatan dominan pada kejahatan property sedangkan pada dimensi rasionalisasi lebih dominan pada kejahatan narkoba. Dari hasil ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa masing-masing kejahatan mempunyai pola sendiri pada aspek kognisi pelakunya. Untuk itu guna melakukan pembinaan dan mengurangi residivisme perlu mempertimbang gaya criminal thinking pada narapidana atau pelaku kejahatan.

Research paper thumbnail of Dukungan sosial untuk mahasantri Ma’had Sunan Ampel Al Aly UIN Maliki Malang

Ma'had Sunan Ampel Al-Aly (MSAA) is an icon of the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibra... more Ma'had Sunan Ampel Al-Aly (MSAA) is an icon of the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. In MSAA, all new college students (mahasantri) must be learning with the pattern of pesantren education. The problem is, not all mahasantri feel ready to stay in the boarding school program. Various reasons are put forward are mostly considered himself not have the capital to study in boarding school and others felt they was too long to stay in the boarding school before. But, on the other hand, some of students enthusiastically participated for this program. In an effort to accomplish objectives of MSAA program, it is required study-related mahasantri's needs and psychological dynamics for implementing this program. This study aims to obtain the mapping of social support for mahasantri, both pleasent conditions as well as unpleasent conditions. The study involved 87 mahasantri with a survey method. The study used openended questionnaire as data inquiry. Some questions include on the positive experiences, such as "Tell us briefly what your benefits during stay in MSSA?" "Are there people who most often assist you to achieve your benefit during stay in MSAA?" In negative experience, "Tell me what your problem is greatest during stay in MSAA" "How do you solve a problem that you felt are" and "who helps resolve your problem?" The results showed that that mahasantri felt lucky to get friend a lot and had opportunity to learn the science of religion. The result also showed that mahasantri, majority stated that friends as contribute part to got benefit. On the negative experience , there is a wide variation, such as got a penalty, and involved a conflict with others. Mushrifs and roommate is a party who was considered helpfull to overcoming these negative conditions. According the results, this study indicate that the process experienceed by mahasantri in MSAA, cannot seperate from personalized environment. It mean, that consideration and the risk of the existence of such parties should be part of a great management of education design in MSAA.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Parents’ Education Level and Parental Engagement in The Pandemic Period of Covid-19

One solution to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus is Physical Distancing. In the world of e... more One solution to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus is Physical Distancing. In the world of education, physical distancing is implemented by holding teaching and learning activities in their homes. In these conditions, parental engagement is needed so that the education program that has been packaged by the school can run smoothly. One of the factors influencing parental involvement is the education factor of parents. In this study, researchers used descriptive statistical methods and correlations to examine the relationship between parental education and parental engagement. The independent variables in this study are parental education, and the dependent variable is parental engagement. Based on descriptive analysis, the highest frequency in parental education variables is in the moderate category at 63%, and the high or low category with a percentage of 19%. While in parental engagement, the highest frequency is in the medium category, namely 75% and high or low categories, with a percentage of 12.5%. The correlation test between parental education variables (X) and parental engagement (Y) was performed using the Pearson Product Moment technique. The value of calculated r (0.552) is greater than the r table (0.4973), so it can be said that there is a correlation between parental education variables (X) and parental engagement (Y).

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Kecemasan Atlet Mahasiswa: Studi Pada Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (Ukm) Olah Raga Universitas Islam Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Jurnal Psikologi Integratif, Aug 28, 2018

Fighting anxiety often occurs in male and female athletes, as well as individual group sports and... more Fighting anxiety often occurs in male and female athletes, as well as individual group sports and sports. The anxiety is a feeling of worry, anxiety, and uneasiness by considering the game as something dangerous. There are many factors that can cause an athlete to experience anxiety during a match that is dysfunctional thoughts and stress, academic problems, anxiety injuries, and poor team relationships. Other factors also exist from such individuals and the environment, such as negative thoughts on the outcome of the game, the pressure of the coach or supporters. Therefore, the fighting anxiety is very important to be known by every athlete or team that will compete, in order to be able to improve its best performance in the face of the game. This study used a quantitative approach measured using the scale of The Sport Interference Checklist (SIC) to measure athlete's anxiety. The subjects of the study were 110 people consisting of athletes of students in the Sports student Unit State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. With male gender of 64 people and 46 women, as well as individual sports from two sports that is badminton and table tennis totaling 31 people and sports groups from four sports that is soccer, volleyball, basketball, and sepak takraw amounted to 79 person. The analysis is descriptive analysis. The results showed that there was no difference between sex of male athlete with percentage 63,00% and woman equal to 66,89%, because anxiety at athlete evaluated from gender have no significance, and difference between type of individual sport with percentage 67, 12% and sports groups of 63.64%, if reviewed the anxiety of the athlete's sports type does not have significant. This means that athletes in the Sport students Unit equally have anxiety problems when playing.

Research paper thumbnail of Prestasi anak jalanan: Sebuah penelitian eksplorasi

Street children often live and thrive under a stigma as a disturber of order whose have many moti... more Street children often live and thrive under a stigma as a disturber of order whose have many motivations that drive them to survive and enjoy life with all its shortcomings. Many of those who have had enough of what they get now, but also not a few of those who want a big change and meaning in his life. Along the journey of human life certainly has the desire to achieve a success or achievement. The conclusion of some achievement definitions are proposed by the experts that the achievement is a result that has been achieved from a business that has been done and created either individually or in groups in the form of knowledge and skills. Some of the factors that affect performance such as intelligence, motivation, personality, and environments are both the family and school. The subjects in this study are 30 street children, the subjects aged between 6-18 years, including in the category of children on the street who spent more than 4 hours on the road and not include children who live in certain houses. The results showed that the perception of street children against the proud achievement was closely related to economic problems. In addition to getting as much money from his work to his parents happy, street children are also proud of his accomplishments because they feel able to live independently without frustrating for parents. Factors which affect street children in the achievement of the performance are hard work, in which case they are supported by their parents to always be motivated to work harder. Several other street children pleaded to not get support from anyone in any form, but with hard work they can still achieve to success.