Febri Hijroh Mukhlis - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Febri Hijroh Mukhlis
Fikrah: jurnal ilmu aqidah dan studi keagamaan, Dec 31, 2016
Pancasila adalah ideologi dan falsafah hidup bangsa Indonesia. Pancasila lahir dari kesepakatan p... more Pancasila adalah ideologi dan falsafah hidup bangsa Indonesia. Pancasila lahir dari kesepakatan politik, budaya dan agama. Jadi pancasila itu sifatnya ideal paripurna, tidak bisa ditawar-tawar lagi. Keberadaan pancasila memberikan nilai mengenai pentingnya keragaman di Indonesia. Keragaman agama terutama mesti disikapi dengan terbuka, saling toleran dan menjaga kerukunan. Dalam konsep pluralisme agama (toleransi) mestinya yang paling utama adalah mengedepankan kepentingan sosial-kemasyarakatan, bukan berdasar keyakinan. Dengan demikian pancasila mestinya menjadi landasan teologis bagi agamaagama, tujuannya untuk menjaga sikap saling menghargai perbedaan. menjaga kesantunan dan keramahan dalam kehidupan sosialkeagamaan. Selain itu, dengan kesadaran beragama serta berpancasila visi kebangsaan akan tewujud secara kolektif melibatkan semua elemen bangsa.
This paper elaborates on Dawam Raharjo's interpretational thoughts and works. Dawam Raharjo&#... more This paper elaborates on Dawam Raharjo's interpretational thoughts and works. Dawam Raharjo's research on the interpretation of the Qur'an is unique. Even Dawam offers a novel perspective on the variety of interpretations by proposing that the interpretation can be approached from a variety of scientific perspectives. Dawam offers a new perspective in the diversity of interpretations, that interpretations can be approached with various scientific backgrounds. There are two things that are the focus of this essay, namely how the character and form of Dawam Raharjo, and how the style, method and science of interpretation of Dawam Raharjo. This paper is a literary study, the focus is on the study of interpreters with a descriptive-analytical approach. The result is that Dawam Raharjo's interpretation uses the thematic method. His interpretation includes twenty-seven socio religious themes. According to him, the Qur'an has a social-societal dimension; consequently, i...
This paper provides a detailed analysis of the Qur'an's teachings on environmental protec... more This paper provides a detailed analysis of the Qur'an's teachings on environmental protection. First, the Qur'an provides an overview of the creation of the universe through its verses. The verses also define numerous natural terms, such as living things, plants, soil, and water, among others. Second, the Qur'an explains that human intervention is necessary to maintain the balance of nature. Therefore, the Qur'an emphasizes that humans are responsible for maintaining, caring for, and preserving their living environment. Even the Qur'an provides a stern warning to humans who harm the environment. The Qur'an provides several concepts of environmental sustainability, including gratitude for the gift of natural resources, respect for nature, and stewardship of the natural environment. The way these ecological verses are explained demonstrates that the Qur'an is highly relevant and even contextual to the issue of environmental degradation. To protect and p...
Dialogia, 2015
Abstract: Ahmad Hanafi intention including one of the pioneers works in the field of theology in ... more Abstract: Ahmad Hanafi intention including one of the pioneers works in the field of theology in Indonesia. His book is oriented to introduce Islamic theology as part of theology to the Indonesian people. According to the method that he applied in, Hanafi divided his theological study into three parts, firstly, talking about the history of development (birth) theology or theology of Islam; secondly, specifically discussing theology streams. Thirdly, discuss some issues theology. The scope of this study is no longer follows the system of theology books that exist. His book only emphasized the problem of theology, without giving any attentions at all to the history. The material sought as far as possible so that each issue is discussed as widely as possible not only limited to a particular stream. The discussions are more comparative, not only between streams of theology itself, but also to the philosophy of Islam. In explaining those, Ahmad Hanafi used historical-comparative method. ...
Konsep ummah dan warga negara di Indonesia memiliki kesamaan. Tulisan ini kembali menghadirkan ba... more Konsep ummah dan warga negara di Indonesia memiliki kesamaan. Tulisan ini kembali menghadirkan bagaimana kontekstualisasi pesan-pesan Nabi Muhammad dalam piagam madinah itu di Indonesia. Para tokoh dan ulama di Indonesia telah berhasil membumikan pesan Nabi Muhammad sesuai dengan zamannya. Indonesia dalam ragam identitas agama dan budaya, mesti memiliki simbol persatuan dan kesatuan. Titik temu itu bernama pancasila. Ideologi pancasila ini menjadi alat pemersatu bangsa dengan memberikan pemahaman bahwa dalam kehidupan demokrasi, seseorang selain menjadi seorang warga agama, ia juga seorang warga negara.
AL-ADABIYA: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan, 2018
Islam and science have such a historical bonding. Both of them are an important part in the dynam... more Islam and science have such a historical bonding. Both of them are an important part in the dynamics of global civilization. Today, when humanities’ problem is going more complex, Islam cannot speak with only a face or with a mono scientific discipline. Islamic scholarship should interact to developing modern sciences. In this modern era, people have to think multidisciplinary, not linear. Amin Abdullah’s idea on integrative-interconnective paradigm is an excellent effort in developing religious thought and sciences altogether. His idea has an important point in suggesting that all scientific disciplines should interact each other, to respond the dynamics of civilization that continuously growing.
AL-ADABIYA: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan, 2018
Islamic theology and philosophy have dynamically encountered. Based on historical trace, they hav... more Islamic theology and philosophy have dynamically encountered. Based on historical trace, they have built a fundamental scientific perspective. Nowadays, they have to continue interacting in critical and contributive way for the future civilization development. They cannot opposite each other and have to be in common ground in scientific methodological framework. They have now an important role in responding new issues in social, humanities, and also cultural.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2019
The Liberal Islam Network is a social-intellectual movement and policy reform group for Islamic s... more The Liberal Islam Network is a social-intellectual movement and policy reform group for Islamic sciences. A party that brings the discourse of emancipation and freedom of thought with concepts of pluralism, democracy, and secularism to give birth to ideas about inclusive Islam, progressive Islam, and humanist Islam. By reinterpreting the practices of the Islamic sciences, such as the study of the Qu'ran, the Kalam, the Fiqh, the Sufism, and the Philosophy, it has received much criticism as well as support for contributing to the Islamic sciences. Liberal Islamic networks want a religious definition that is humanistic, broad-based monotheism, not authoritarian, and they tend to be more transparent, inclusive and egalitarian, not simply dishonest or disbelieving to other communities. This paper will focus on two studies, first, about the movement of the Liberal Islamic Network methodology. ; Secondly, explore the contribution of the Liberal Islamic Network to the renewal of the tr...
Dialogia, 2017
Ab stract Islam brings universal messages involve justice, equality, respect and humanity. These ... more Ab stract Islam brings universal messages involve justice, equality, respect and humanity. These actually are the sacred Sunnah of the Prophet. However, the current problems of human are so varied, in line with the development of information and technology which are so advanced. Those problems could be positive if everyone really understands the universal messages of Prophet by always on the side of social-humanity. This article seeks to examine the problem of human rights and Islamic law as the one of efforts to resolve the dichotomy between Islam and the humanity problems. This article is the conceptual study which specifically uses qualitative descriptive study. The conclusion of this study is the dichotomy between the concept of human rights and Islamic law must be resolved, both are on one purpose involve justice, equality and humanity. Human right is a common concern regardless of any interest, whether religious, politic, culture, and even science. If there is no harmony in the concept of humanity in a religious frame or tauhid, then the understanding of humanity must be freed from all forms of identity of interests. Ab strak Islam membawa pesan universal yang abadi, yakni: keadilan, persamaan, penghargaan, dan kemanusiaan. Pesan universal inilah yang sebenarnya Sunnah Nabi yang suci. Namun problem terkini umat manusia begitu variatif, dengan semakin majunya informasi dan teknologi. Problem tersebut bisa menjadi positif jika semua orang benar-benar memahami pesan universal kenabian dengan selalu memihak kepada sosial-kemanusiaan. Artikel ini berupaya mengkaji problem HAM dan hukum Islam sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mengakhiri dikotomi antara Islam dan problem kemanusiaan. Artikel ini merupakan kajian konseptual, dengan jenis kajian kualitatif deskriptif. Kesimpulan dari kajian ini yaitu, dikotomi antara konsep HAM dan hukum Islam haruslah dituntaskan, kedunya berada pada satu ujung tujuan, yakni keadilan, kesetaraan dan kemanusiaan. Urusan kemanusiaan adalah urusan bersama tanpa memandang kepentingan apapun, baik agama, politik, budaya, bahkan pengetahuan. Jika tidak adanya keharmonisan dan kesepahaman antara konsep kemanusiaan dalam bingkai keagamaan atau tauhid maka pemahaman tentang kemanusiaan haruslah dibebaskan dari segala bentuk kepentingan identitas.
Dialogia, 2017
Abstrct: Islam is influential religion in the world. In spite of, that condition does not in line... more Abstrct: Islam is influential religion in the world. In spite of, that condition does not in line with the highest productivity level in developing Islamic studies. Traditionally, there are several communities that highest imitation and unchangeable. Even in the modern era with various scientific developments, modern Muslims are even more gregarious and fanatical groups. Political identity became a new problem in Islamic modernity, the loss of productivity due to fall asleep with the spirit of the identity of interest to mutual recriminations completely wrong. Muhammad al-Mustiry criticized both (tradition and modernity) by offering the idea of the importance of reading tradition histories, prioritizing knowledge. And the main aim is Islam gives its contribution to civilization development. Keywords: Islam, awakening, tradition, modernity.
FIKRAH, 2016
Aksi bela Islam yang belum lama terjadi (4/11) di Jakarta berbuntut panjang. Sebenarnya aksi yang... more Aksi bela Islam yang belum lama terjadi (4/11) di Jakarta berbuntut panjang. Sebenarnya aksi yang dikatakan bela al-Qur’an ini adalah buntut dari dugaan penistaan agama oleh salah satu calon gubernur DKI Jakarta. Kepolisian telah menetapkan terduga saat ini sebagai tersangka. Dengan pelbagai tekanan yang ada kepolisian telah bertindak sesuai hukum dan bersikap professional. Buktinya gelar perkara kasus ini dilakukan secara terbuka terbatas, ini merupakan gelar perkara pertama yang dilakukan secara terbuka dengan melibatkan langsung semua yang terlibat termasuk saksi ahli.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2018
This study highlights the tendency of ʿIlm al-Kalām or sometimes called "Islamic scholastic theol... more This study highlights the tendency of ʿIlm al-Kalām or sometimes called "Islamic scholastic theology" which is one of the less developed Islamic studies. The author proposes that developing this study requires criticism and a new, more contextual approach. One of the most urgent in Kalam's study is to include contemporary contextual themes such as social, humanity, culture and technology. Therefore, the study orientation of Kalam on the issue of divinity (theocentric) must be transformed into the issue of humanity (anthropocentric). For this reason, Kalam's study must be interdisciplinary with the social sciences and other modern humanities.
Fikrah: jurnal ilmu aqidah dan studi keagamaan, Dec 31, 2016
Pancasila adalah ideologi dan falsafah hidup bangsa Indonesia. Pancasila lahir dari kesepakatan p... more Pancasila adalah ideologi dan falsafah hidup bangsa Indonesia. Pancasila lahir dari kesepakatan politik, budaya dan agama. Jadi pancasila itu sifatnya ideal paripurna, tidak bisa ditawar-tawar lagi. Keberadaan pancasila memberikan nilai mengenai pentingnya keragaman di Indonesia. Keragaman agama terutama mesti disikapi dengan terbuka, saling toleran dan menjaga kerukunan. Dalam konsep pluralisme agama (toleransi) mestinya yang paling utama adalah mengedepankan kepentingan sosial-kemasyarakatan, bukan berdasar keyakinan. Dengan demikian pancasila mestinya menjadi landasan teologis bagi agamaagama, tujuannya untuk menjaga sikap saling menghargai perbedaan. menjaga kesantunan dan keramahan dalam kehidupan sosialkeagamaan. Selain itu, dengan kesadaran beragama serta berpancasila visi kebangsaan akan tewujud secara kolektif melibatkan semua elemen bangsa.
This paper elaborates on Dawam Raharjo's interpretational thoughts and works. Dawam Raharjo&#... more This paper elaborates on Dawam Raharjo's interpretational thoughts and works. Dawam Raharjo's research on the interpretation of the Qur'an is unique. Even Dawam offers a novel perspective on the variety of interpretations by proposing that the interpretation can be approached from a variety of scientific perspectives. Dawam offers a new perspective in the diversity of interpretations, that interpretations can be approached with various scientific backgrounds. There are two things that are the focus of this essay, namely how the character and form of Dawam Raharjo, and how the style, method and science of interpretation of Dawam Raharjo. This paper is a literary study, the focus is on the study of interpreters with a descriptive-analytical approach. The result is that Dawam Raharjo's interpretation uses the thematic method. His interpretation includes twenty-seven socio religious themes. According to him, the Qur'an has a social-societal dimension; consequently, i...
This paper provides a detailed analysis of the Qur'an's teachings on environmental protec... more This paper provides a detailed analysis of the Qur'an's teachings on environmental protection. First, the Qur'an provides an overview of the creation of the universe through its verses. The verses also define numerous natural terms, such as living things, plants, soil, and water, among others. Second, the Qur'an explains that human intervention is necessary to maintain the balance of nature. Therefore, the Qur'an emphasizes that humans are responsible for maintaining, caring for, and preserving their living environment. Even the Qur'an provides a stern warning to humans who harm the environment. The Qur'an provides several concepts of environmental sustainability, including gratitude for the gift of natural resources, respect for nature, and stewardship of the natural environment. The way these ecological verses are explained demonstrates that the Qur'an is highly relevant and even contextual to the issue of environmental degradation. To protect and p...
Dialogia, 2015
Abstract: Ahmad Hanafi intention including one of the pioneers works in the field of theology in ... more Abstract: Ahmad Hanafi intention including one of the pioneers works in the field of theology in Indonesia. His book is oriented to introduce Islamic theology as part of theology to the Indonesian people. According to the method that he applied in, Hanafi divided his theological study into three parts, firstly, talking about the history of development (birth) theology or theology of Islam; secondly, specifically discussing theology streams. Thirdly, discuss some issues theology. The scope of this study is no longer follows the system of theology books that exist. His book only emphasized the problem of theology, without giving any attentions at all to the history. The material sought as far as possible so that each issue is discussed as widely as possible not only limited to a particular stream. The discussions are more comparative, not only between streams of theology itself, but also to the philosophy of Islam. In explaining those, Ahmad Hanafi used historical-comparative method. ...
Konsep ummah dan warga negara di Indonesia memiliki kesamaan. Tulisan ini kembali menghadirkan ba... more Konsep ummah dan warga negara di Indonesia memiliki kesamaan. Tulisan ini kembali menghadirkan bagaimana kontekstualisasi pesan-pesan Nabi Muhammad dalam piagam madinah itu di Indonesia. Para tokoh dan ulama di Indonesia telah berhasil membumikan pesan Nabi Muhammad sesuai dengan zamannya. Indonesia dalam ragam identitas agama dan budaya, mesti memiliki simbol persatuan dan kesatuan. Titik temu itu bernama pancasila. Ideologi pancasila ini menjadi alat pemersatu bangsa dengan memberikan pemahaman bahwa dalam kehidupan demokrasi, seseorang selain menjadi seorang warga agama, ia juga seorang warga negara.
AL-ADABIYA: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan, 2018
Islam and science have such a historical bonding. Both of them are an important part in the dynam... more Islam and science have such a historical bonding. Both of them are an important part in the dynamics of global civilization. Today, when humanities’ problem is going more complex, Islam cannot speak with only a face or with a mono scientific discipline. Islamic scholarship should interact to developing modern sciences. In this modern era, people have to think multidisciplinary, not linear. Amin Abdullah’s idea on integrative-interconnective paradigm is an excellent effort in developing religious thought and sciences altogether. His idea has an important point in suggesting that all scientific disciplines should interact each other, to respond the dynamics of civilization that continuously growing.
AL-ADABIYA: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan, 2018
Islamic theology and philosophy have dynamically encountered. Based on historical trace, they hav... more Islamic theology and philosophy have dynamically encountered. Based on historical trace, they have built a fundamental scientific perspective. Nowadays, they have to continue interacting in critical and contributive way for the future civilization development. They cannot opposite each other and have to be in common ground in scientific methodological framework. They have now an important role in responding new issues in social, humanities, and also cultural.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2019
The Liberal Islam Network is a social-intellectual movement and policy reform group for Islamic s... more The Liberal Islam Network is a social-intellectual movement and policy reform group for Islamic sciences. A party that brings the discourse of emancipation and freedom of thought with concepts of pluralism, democracy, and secularism to give birth to ideas about inclusive Islam, progressive Islam, and humanist Islam. By reinterpreting the practices of the Islamic sciences, such as the study of the Qu'ran, the Kalam, the Fiqh, the Sufism, and the Philosophy, it has received much criticism as well as support for contributing to the Islamic sciences. Liberal Islamic networks want a religious definition that is humanistic, broad-based monotheism, not authoritarian, and they tend to be more transparent, inclusive and egalitarian, not simply dishonest or disbelieving to other communities. This paper will focus on two studies, first, about the movement of the Liberal Islamic Network methodology. ; Secondly, explore the contribution of the Liberal Islamic Network to the renewal of the tr...
Dialogia, 2017
Ab stract Islam brings universal messages involve justice, equality, respect and humanity. These ... more Ab stract Islam brings universal messages involve justice, equality, respect and humanity. These actually are the sacred Sunnah of the Prophet. However, the current problems of human are so varied, in line with the development of information and technology which are so advanced. Those problems could be positive if everyone really understands the universal messages of Prophet by always on the side of social-humanity. This article seeks to examine the problem of human rights and Islamic law as the one of efforts to resolve the dichotomy between Islam and the humanity problems. This article is the conceptual study which specifically uses qualitative descriptive study. The conclusion of this study is the dichotomy between the concept of human rights and Islamic law must be resolved, both are on one purpose involve justice, equality and humanity. Human right is a common concern regardless of any interest, whether religious, politic, culture, and even science. If there is no harmony in the concept of humanity in a religious frame or tauhid, then the understanding of humanity must be freed from all forms of identity of interests. Ab strak Islam membawa pesan universal yang abadi, yakni: keadilan, persamaan, penghargaan, dan kemanusiaan. Pesan universal inilah yang sebenarnya Sunnah Nabi yang suci. Namun problem terkini umat manusia begitu variatif, dengan semakin majunya informasi dan teknologi. Problem tersebut bisa menjadi positif jika semua orang benar-benar memahami pesan universal kenabian dengan selalu memihak kepada sosial-kemanusiaan. Artikel ini berupaya mengkaji problem HAM dan hukum Islam sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mengakhiri dikotomi antara Islam dan problem kemanusiaan. Artikel ini merupakan kajian konseptual, dengan jenis kajian kualitatif deskriptif. Kesimpulan dari kajian ini yaitu, dikotomi antara konsep HAM dan hukum Islam haruslah dituntaskan, kedunya berada pada satu ujung tujuan, yakni keadilan, kesetaraan dan kemanusiaan. Urusan kemanusiaan adalah urusan bersama tanpa memandang kepentingan apapun, baik agama, politik, budaya, bahkan pengetahuan. Jika tidak adanya keharmonisan dan kesepahaman antara konsep kemanusiaan dalam bingkai keagamaan atau tauhid maka pemahaman tentang kemanusiaan haruslah dibebaskan dari segala bentuk kepentingan identitas.
Dialogia, 2017
Abstrct: Islam is influential religion in the world. In spite of, that condition does not in line... more Abstrct: Islam is influential religion in the world. In spite of, that condition does not in line with the highest productivity level in developing Islamic studies. Traditionally, there are several communities that highest imitation and unchangeable. Even in the modern era with various scientific developments, modern Muslims are even more gregarious and fanatical groups. Political identity became a new problem in Islamic modernity, the loss of productivity due to fall asleep with the spirit of the identity of interest to mutual recriminations completely wrong. Muhammad al-Mustiry criticized both (tradition and modernity) by offering the idea of the importance of reading tradition histories, prioritizing knowledge. And the main aim is Islam gives its contribution to civilization development. Keywords: Islam, awakening, tradition, modernity.
FIKRAH, 2016
Aksi bela Islam yang belum lama terjadi (4/11) di Jakarta berbuntut panjang. Sebenarnya aksi yang... more Aksi bela Islam yang belum lama terjadi (4/11) di Jakarta berbuntut panjang. Sebenarnya aksi yang dikatakan bela al-Qur’an ini adalah buntut dari dugaan penistaan agama oleh salah satu calon gubernur DKI Jakarta. Kepolisian telah menetapkan terduga saat ini sebagai tersangka. Dengan pelbagai tekanan yang ada kepolisian telah bertindak sesuai hukum dan bersikap professional. Buktinya gelar perkara kasus ini dilakukan secara terbuka terbatas, ini merupakan gelar perkara pertama yang dilakukan secara terbuka dengan melibatkan langsung semua yang terlibat termasuk saksi ahli.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2018
This study highlights the tendency of ʿIlm al-Kalām or sometimes called "Islamic scholastic theol... more This study highlights the tendency of ʿIlm al-Kalām or sometimes called "Islamic scholastic theology" which is one of the less developed Islamic studies. The author proposes that developing this study requires criticism and a new, more contextual approach. One of the most urgent in Kalam's study is to include contemporary contextual themes such as social, humanity, culture and technology. Therefore, the study orientation of Kalam on the issue of divinity (theocentric) must be transformed into the issue of humanity (anthropocentric). For this reason, Kalam's study must be interdisciplinary with the social sciences and other modern humanities.