Francesca de Caprariis - (original) (raw)

Papers by Francesca de Caprariis

Research paper thumbnail of Public Buildings and Urban Landscape. A View from the Riverfront, in A Community in Transition. Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi Edited by Mattia Balbo and Federico Santangelo, Oxford 2023

A Community in Transition. Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi Edited by Mattia Balbo and Federico Santangelo, 2023

Among the defining moments in the urban history of Rome, the first half of the 2nd Century BCE ha... more Among the defining moments in the urban history of Rome, the first half of the 2nd Century BCE has long been recognized as a pivotal one, marking the transformation from city-state to Hellenistic Capital.
Demographic growth together with an inflow of wealth, much of it spent on public buildings or on public décor, were the driving forces behind an intense building activity contracted by censors and aediles that recreated the urban centre, the forum with the commercial buildings nearby, streets, sewers and the river port.
Single aspects of this phenomenon and its consequences on the urban fabric have been investigated: its suddeness, the cultural impact, and the social and demographic one.
The view from the Tiber proposed in this paper is a perspective for a critical reappraisal of the dossier of this defining period, because while the general picture is quite clear, the details (literary sources, archaeology, recent topographical debates) are much more complicated.
The focus is on the port infrastructure in general - from the Aventine plain up to the Circus Flaminius riverfront- and on the Navalia question in particular. The identification of the huge Testaccio building, which has lately become the most hyphenated monument of ancient Rome (Navalia – “porticus Aemilia” – Horrea), is of no little consequence for trying to understand the port system of Republican Rome and its growth.

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Research paper thumbnail of full text La forma urbis e la scienza. Riflessioni sui primi risultati di nuove analisi

Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 123, 2022, pp. 187-191 , 2022

The authors summarize recent analysis on the fragments of the Severan marble plan focusing particularly on cathodoluminescence
(CL) microscopy and stable isotopes (Minerals 2021; 11(12):1400). Some of the consequences of the results on some reconstructions
of the fragments are briefly discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rodriguez e il Quirinale, in A. Pizzo- R. Montalbano (eds), Tra le pendici del Quirinale e il Campo Marzio.

Tra le pendici del Quirinale e il Campo Marzio , 2022

The Author gives a brief survey of E. R. work on the Quirinal Hill, focusing on his studies on Ma... more The Author gives a brief survey of E. R. work on the Quirinal Hill, focusing on his studies on Martial references to urban topography.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vrbs e pianta marmorea, trenta anni dopo    (open access:

ROME, ARCHÉOLOGIE ET HISTOIRE URBAINE : TRENTE ANS APRÈS L’URBS (1987) Cyril Courrier, Jean-Pierre Guilhembet, Nicolas Laubry e Domenico Palombi (dir.) Collection de l'École française de Rome, 2022

A review of the research on the marble plan over the last thirty years shows a tendency towards c... more A review of the research on the marble plan over the last thirty years shows a tendency towards critical revision, particularly for areas - such as the campus Martius, where the Saepta are an emblematic example - for which the marble plan has been one of the main tools of topographical knowledge. The ambiguous status of the Forma Vrbis as a documentary source should not prevent other potentials for research and knowledge: among these, the area of the city shown is of great interest, which, particularly on the northern and southern sides, corresponds to the growth of the Vespasian city and recalls a precedent of the Severan plan on the same wall of the Aula del templum Pacis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Il monumento dei Fasti: il quando e il dove

I Fasti Capitolini, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of FULL TEXT Traiano in Campidoglio

Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 122, 2021, pp. 137-144 , 2021

This paper considers the extent of Trajan’ building activity on the Capitol Hill notwithstanding ... more This paper considers the extent of Trajan’ building activity on the Capitol Hill notwithstanding the scanty sources on the subject.
The author agrees with Fred S. Kleiner identification of the monument depicted in RIC II, 572 is an arch at the entrance of the Area
Capitolina and argues that the remains of a monumental inscription found around 1830 in the Forum area originally belonged to it.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring New Ways to Reconstruct the Forma Urbis Romae: An Archaeometric Approach (CL Color and Stable Isotope Analyses)

Lluís Casas, Roberta Di Febo, Mauro Brilli, Francesca Giustini, Marco Gozzi, Francesca De Caprari... more Lluís Casas, Roberta Di Febo, Mauro Brilli, Francesca Giustini, Marco Gozzi, Francesca De Caprariis, Juan D. Martín-Martín, and Claudio Parisi Presicce. 2021. "Exploring New Ways to Reconstruct the Forma Urbis Romae: An Archaeometric Approach (CL Color and Stable Isotope Analyses)" Minerals 11, no. 12: 1400.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cosa fare della Forma Urbis, in M.T. D'Alessio, M.C. Marchetti (a cura di), RAC in Rome, Atti della 12a Roman Archaeology Conference (2016): le sessioni di Roma  Roma 2020

First page only

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Research paper thumbnail of (full text)     L’invisibile Roma dei Fulvi, in Fulvio Nobiliore e il suo tempo. Giornata di Studi, 22 Novembre 2017. Roma, Auditorium dell'Ara Pacis

Bullettino della Commissione archeologica comunale , 2019

The goal of this paper is to analyze the censorship of 179 held by Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and Ma... more The goal of this paper is to analyze the censorship of 179 held by Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and Marcus Fulvius Nobilior, with a focus on the achievements of the latter, whose works left scant traces in the urban landscape. A particular attention is given to the porticus on the river front: a subject that provides the opportunity to tackle briefly the question of the Navalia and the porticus Aemilia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nolli & co.: la scala della pianta marmorea severiana

PBSR, 2018

This paper analyses the manuscripts of Diego de Revillas in the British School at Rome Library re... more This paper analyses the manuscripts of Diego de Revillas in the British School at Rome Library regarding the Severan marble plan and its arrangement in the Capitoline Museum, in 1742. They offer some insight into how this much discussed work was undertaken by Giovanni Battista Nolli, under the supervision of Alessandro Gregorio Capponi and Revillas. Specifically, Revillas’ documents throw new light on the way the scale reduction of the Forma Urbis was (incorrectly) figured out.

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Research paper thumbnail of La pianta severiana nel Museo Capitolino, in  Il tesoro di antichità

La pianta severiana nel Museo Capitolino, in E. Dodero, C. Parisi Presicce (a cura di), Il Tesoro... more La pianta severiana nel Museo Capitolino, in E. Dodero, C. Parisi Presicce (a cura di), Il Tesoro di antichità. Winckelmann e il Museo Capitolino nella Roma del Settecento, Roma 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Forma Urbis: novità e prospettive, in Atti del Convegno BCom 2016 - Full Text

Errata corrige: p. 85, nota 35, va letto "rovescio liscio" e non "rovescio grezzo".

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Research paper thumbnail of Drusi filia, uxor Caesaris : Livia e il tempio di Fortuna Muliebre, in BCom CXVII 2016 - FULL TEXT

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Research paper thumbnail of L'arco di Costantino: due problemi, RendLinc s.IX, 14, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Fortuna Redux, in Archeologia Classica, 56, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Druso, Giove Feretrio e le coppe imperiali di Boscoreale, in MEFRA 114, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of TransformationsUrbsporti.pdf

I porti di Roma nel IV e V secolo, in W.V. Harris (ed.), The Transformation of Urbs Roma in Late... more I porti di Roma nel IV e V secolo, in W.V. Harris (ed.), The Transformation of Urbs Roma in Late Antiquity, Rhode Island 1999, pp.216-234

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Research paper thumbnail of Roma : i porti urbani tra continuità e trasformazioni (eds. G.Pascual Berlanga - J. Pérez Balleste, rAtti IV Jornadas Internacionales de Arqueologia Subacuatica, Valencia 2003.

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Research paper thumbnail of ServilioIsauricoRiasa.pdf

18. P. Servilio Isaurico e un “nuovo” monumento della Roma tardo-repubblicana, in Rivista dell’Is... more 18. P. Servilio Isaurico e un “nuovo” monumento della Roma tardo-repubblicana, in Rivista dell’Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte, 19-20, 1996-1997, pp. 49-60

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Research paper thumbnail of BCom1993 iscrizion.pdf

21. Un monumento dinastico tiberiano nel Campo Marzio settentrionale, in Bullettino della Commiss... more 21. Un monumento dinastico tiberiano nel Campo Marzio settentrionale, in Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale, 95, 1993, pp. 93–114

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Research paper thumbnail of Public Buildings and Urban Landscape. A View from the Riverfront, in A Community in Transition. Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi Edited by Mattia Balbo and Federico Santangelo, Oxford 2023

A Community in Transition. Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi Edited by Mattia Balbo and Federico Santangelo, 2023

Among the defining moments in the urban history of Rome, the first half of the 2nd Century BCE ha... more Among the defining moments in the urban history of Rome, the first half of the 2nd Century BCE has long been recognized as a pivotal one, marking the transformation from city-state to Hellenistic Capital.
Demographic growth together with an inflow of wealth, much of it spent on public buildings or on public décor, were the driving forces behind an intense building activity contracted by censors and aediles that recreated the urban centre, the forum with the commercial buildings nearby, streets, sewers and the river port.
Single aspects of this phenomenon and its consequences on the urban fabric have been investigated: its suddeness, the cultural impact, and the social and demographic one.
The view from the Tiber proposed in this paper is a perspective for a critical reappraisal of the dossier of this defining period, because while the general picture is quite clear, the details (literary sources, archaeology, recent topographical debates) are much more complicated.
The focus is on the port infrastructure in general - from the Aventine plain up to the Circus Flaminius riverfront- and on the Navalia question in particular. The identification of the huge Testaccio building, which has lately become the most hyphenated monument of ancient Rome (Navalia – “porticus Aemilia” – Horrea), is of no little consequence for trying to understand the port system of Republican Rome and its growth.

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Research paper thumbnail of full text La forma urbis e la scienza. Riflessioni sui primi risultati di nuove analisi

Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 123, 2022, pp. 187-191 , 2022

The authors summarize recent analysis on the fragments of the Severan marble plan focusing particularly on cathodoluminescence
(CL) microscopy and stable isotopes (Minerals 2021; 11(12):1400). Some of the consequences of the results on some reconstructions
of the fragments are briefly discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rodriguez e il Quirinale, in A. Pizzo- R. Montalbano (eds), Tra le pendici del Quirinale e il Campo Marzio.

Tra le pendici del Quirinale e il Campo Marzio , 2022

The Author gives a brief survey of E. R. work on the Quirinal Hill, focusing on his studies on Ma... more The Author gives a brief survey of E. R. work on the Quirinal Hill, focusing on his studies on Martial references to urban topography.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vrbs e pianta marmorea, trenta anni dopo    (open access:

ROME, ARCHÉOLOGIE ET HISTOIRE URBAINE : TRENTE ANS APRÈS L’URBS (1987) Cyril Courrier, Jean-Pierre Guilhembet, Nicolas Laubry e Domenico Palombi (dir.) Collection de l'École française de Rome, 2022

A review of the research on the marble plan over the last thirty years shows a tendency towards c... more A review of the research on the marble plan over the last thirty years shows a tendency towards critical revision, particularly for areas - such as the campus Martius, where the Saepta are an emblematic example - for which the marble plan has been one of the main tools of topographical knowledge. The ambiguous status of the Forma Vrbis as a documentary source should not prevent other potentials for research and knowledge: among these, the area of the city shown is of great interest, which, particularly on the northern and southern sides, corresponds to the growth of the Vespasian city and recalls a precedent of the Severan plan on the same wall of the Aula del templum Pacis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Il monumento dei Fasti: il quando e il dove

I Fasti Capitolini, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of FULL TEXT Traiano in Campidoglio

Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 122, 2021, pp. 137-144 , 2021

This paper considers the extent of Trajan’ building activity on the Capitol Hill notwithstanding ... more This paper considers the extent of Trajan’ building activity on the Capitol Hill notwithstanding the scanty sources on the subject.
The author agrees with Fred S. Kleiner identification of the monument depicted in RIC II, 572 is an arch at the entrance of the Area
Capitolina and argues that the remains of a monumental inscription found around 1830 in the Forum area originally belonged to it.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring New Ways to Reconstruct the Forma Urbis Romae: An Archaeometric Approach (CL Color and Stable Isotope Analyses)

Lluís Casas, Roberta Di Febo, Mauro Brilli, Francesca Giustini, Marco Gozzi, Francesca De Caprari... more Lluís Casas, Roberta Di Febo, Mauro Brilli, Francesca Giustini, Marco Gozzi, Francesca De Caprariis, Juan D. Martín-Martín, and Claudio Parisi Presicce. 2021. "Exploring New Ways to Reconstruct the Forma Urbis Romae: An Archaeometric Approach (CL Color and Stable Isotope Analyses)" Minerals 11, no. 12: 1400.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cosa fare della Forma Urbis, in M.T. D'Alessio, M.C. Marchetti (a cura di), RAC in Rome, Atti della 12a Roman Archaeology Conference (2016): le sessioni di Roma  Roma 2020

First page only

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Research paper thumbnail of (full text)     L’invisibile Roma dei Fulvi, in Fulvio Nobiliore e il suo tempo. Giornata di Studi, 22 Novembre 2017. Roma, Auditorium dell'Ara Pacis

Bullettino della Commissione archeologica comunale , 2019

The goal of this paper is to analyze the censorship of 179 held by Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and Ma... more The goal of this paper is to analyze the censorship of 179 held by Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and Marcus Fulvius Nobilior, with a focus on the achievements of the latter, whose works left scant traces in the urban landscape. A particular attention is given to the porticus on the river front: a subject that provides the opportunity to tackle briefly the question of the Navalia and the porticus Aemilia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nolli & co.: la scala della pianta marmorea severiana

PBSR, 2018

This paper analyses the manuscripts of Diego de Revillas in the British School at Rome Library re... more This paper analyses the manuscripts of Diego de Revillas in the British School at Rome Library regarding the Severan marble plan and its arrangement in the Capitoline Museum, in 1742. They offer some insight into how this much discussed work was undertaken by Giovanni Battista Nolli, under the supervision of Alessandro Gregorio Capponi and Revillas. Specifically, Revillas’ documents throw new light on the way the scale reduction of the Forma Urbis was (incorrectly) figured out.

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Research paper thumbnail of La pianta severiana nel Museo Capitolino, in  Il tesoro di antichità

La pianta severiana nel Museo Capitolino, in E. Dodero, C. Parisi Presicce (a cura di), Il Tesoro... more La pianta severiana nel Museo Capitolino, in E. Dodero, C. Parisi Presicce (a cura di), Il Tesoro di antichità. Winckelmann e il Museo Capitolino nella Roma del Settecento, Roma 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Forma Urbis: novità e prospettive, in Atti del Convegno BCom 2016 - Full Text

Errata corrige: p. 85, nota 35, va letto "rovescio liscio" e non "rovescio grezzo".

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Research paper thumbnail of Drusi filia, uxor Caesaris : Livia e il tempio di Fortuna Muliebre, in BCom CXVII 2016 - FULL TEXT

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Research paper thumbnail of L'arco di Costantino: due problemi, RendLinc s.IX, 14, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Fortuna Redux, in Archeologia Classica, 56, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Druso, Giove Feretrio e le coppe imperiali di Boscoreale, in MEFRA 114, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of TransformationsUrbsporti.pdf

I porti di Roma nel IV e V secolo, in W.V. Harris (ed.), The Transformation of Urbs Roma in Late... more I porti di Roma nel IV e V secolo, in W.V. Harris (ed.), The Transformation of Urbs Roma in Late Antiquity, Rhode Island 1999, pp.216-234

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Research paper thumbnail of Roma : i porti urbani tra continuità e trasformazioni (eds. G.Pascual Berlanga - J. Pérez Balleste, rAtti IV Jornadas Internacionales de Arqueologia Subacuatica, Valencia 2003.

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Research paper thumbnail of ServilioIsauricoRiasa.pdf

18. P. Servilio Isaurico e un “nuovo” monumento della Roma tardo-repubblicana, in Rivista dell’Is... more 18. P. Servilio Isaurico e un “nuovo” monumento della Roma tardo-repubblicana, in Rivista dell’Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte, 19-20, 1996-1997, pp. 49-60

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Research paper thumbnail of BCom1993 iscrizion.pdf

21. Un monumento dinastico tiberiano nel Campo Marzio settentrionale, in Bullettino della Commiss... more 21. Un monumento dinastico tiberiano nel Campo Marzio settentrionale, in Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale, 95, 1993, pp. 93–114

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Research paper thumbnail of review J. Prim, Aventinus Mons (full text)

Archeologia Classica, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of review ArchClass.pdf

Archeologia Classica , 2018

recensione a Fedora Filippi (a cura di), Campo Marzio. Nuove Ricerche, Atti del Seminario di Stud... more recensione a Fedora Filippi (a cura di), Campo Marzio. Nuove Ricerche, Atti del Seminario di Studi sul Campo Marzio, Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano a Palazzo Altemps, 18-19 marzo
2013, Roma 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Luca Signorelli e Roma. Oblio e riscoperte

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Research paper thumbnail of I monumenti di Roma antica tra XV e XVI secolo: percezione e realtà

Luca Signorelli e Roma. Oblio e riscoperte. Giornate di Studi. Musei Capitolini, Sala Pietro da ... more Luca Signorelli e Roma. Oblio e riscoperte. Giornate di Studi. Musei Capitolini, Sala Pietro da Cortona 27-28 novembre 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Parco archeologico del Celio Museo della Forma Urbis

A concise guide to the new Museum and the park.

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Research paper thumbnail of Parco archeologico del Celio - Museo della Forma Urbis

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