Fransiskus Xaverius Manggau - (original) (raw)
Papers by Fransiskus Xaverius Manggau
Jurusan Teknik Informatika merupakan salah satu Jurusan pada Fakultas Teknik Universitas Musamus ... more Jurusan Teknik Informatika merupakan salah satu Jurusan pada Fakultas Teknik Universitas Musamus yang mempelajari bidang jaringan komputer dan pengembangan software. Dalam menjalankan kegiatan administrasi, Jurusan teknik Informatika sering terjadi kehilangan arsip pada Jurusan. Cloud storage merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi pengelolaan file atau data, agar terpusat dan mempermudah akses pengguna sistem terhadap data yang berhak diakses olehnya. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengimplementasikan owncloud sebagai tempat penyimpanan yang terpusat pada Jurusan teknik Informatika sehingga memudahkan bagi pengguna dalam mengakses dokumen, pengarsipan dan sharing dokumen dalam jaringan lokal yang berada pada Jurusan teknik Informatika. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam implementasi owncloud pada Jurusan teknik Informatika yaitu analisis dan perancangan, implementasi xampp, pembuatan database, instalasi owncloud, konfigurasi IP pada xampp dan melakukan upload, download sert...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 17, 2023
Engineering and Technology Journal
Remote sensing technology uses various vehicles including satellites, helicopters, aircraft, and ... more Remote sensing technology uses various vehicles including satellites, helicopters, aircraft, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Drones. Remote sensing technology is often used in agriculture, especially for monitoring rice fields, helping the age of rice and so on. In the current technological era, drone devices are vehicles that are often used to monitor rice fields which are considered effective, considering that the data obtained is the latest data during flights, this is also balanced with current developments in various fields, especially for capturing air, drones be an alternative choice than other alternatives that are considered conventional. Rice is an important cultivated crop because it is a staple food for 90% of Indonesia's population, and also for the people of Papua in Merauke, which is a national food storage area. However, the obstacle that is often experienced is interference from rice diseases. Therefore a fast and accurate analysis of the health of rice p...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a significant topic in the context of the Fourth Indu... more The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a significant topic in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). In the IoT paradigm, digital proficiency plays a critical role. Furthermore, digital competency is considered to be one of the most important abilities in the 21st-century learning framework. This study aims to provide an overview of the digital proficiency of higher education students in Papua. Two hundred and twenty students from the engineering faculty were given the questionnaire on digital competence measurement. A moderate level of digital competence (x 3.1) was discovered in this study, which included hardware and software mastery, self-competence, digital security, collaborative learning in the classroom, and digital development mastery. Furthermore, the findings of this study may be applied to the next stage of designing learning curriculum to increase digital competencies to prepare students for having better knowledge and practical skill of IoT.
International Association of Engineering and Management Education, Nov 1, 2018
International Association of Engineering and Management Education (IAEME), Feb 1, 2019
The pharmaceutical warehouse in the pharmaceutical sub-department of the Merauke District Health ... more The pharmaceutical warehouse in the pharmaceutical sub-department of the Merauke District Health Office is a center for drug distribution in and out of the Merauke Regency area. Until now, the system used in pharmaceutical warehouses is still semi conventional in the process of data collection of drugs. This study aims to make an inventory information system application in the pharmacy warehouse to be faster in carrying out inventory data collection and reporting drug distribution out and that goes to the pharmaceutical warehouse. The method used is data collection using literature studies, interviews, and observations and forward chaining in system implementation. Application testing method is by conducting a simulation, the results obtained in this study based on the simulation results are an inventory control system supplying the goods produced can be used to conduct real time monitoring of stock positions, reorder points, and periodic reviews. The rule-based forward-chaining inference method that is applied can process the facts that occur regarding changes in warehouse stock and stock renewal warnings.
Materials Performance eJournal, 2019
Farming is one of the spearheads of national development which has an important role, especially ... more Farming is one of the spearheads of national development which has an important role, especially Merauke Regency which is planned as an area of national food selfsufficiency in the field of agribusiness. Agriculture in Indonesia has a lot of food land that is widely spread and various types of paddy fields from several types of food management especially in agriculture, however there is no system that visualizes the progress of food crop growth in particular areas by looking at the condition of the land in an approach visual. The estimated age of paddy growth is aimed at managing and monitoring paddy plants as information needs in assisting the government, especially in monitoring the area planted by utilizing image images taken through aerial bphotographs using Drone devices. In this paper we present an approach to estimate the age of paddy in drone images using the Support Vector Machines - SVM and Histogram method. SVM is a learning machine method that works on the principle of S...
EngRN: Operations Research (Topic), 2019
Customer relationship management (CRM) is defined as a clear business strategy and is a combinati... more Customer relationship management (CRM) is defined as a clear business strategy and is a combination of a range of functions, skills, processes, and technologies that together allow companies to better manage profits with customers as real assets. PT Hasrat Abadi is the official distributor for Toyota and Yamaha vehicles in five regions in Eastern Indonesia. However, PT Hasrat Abadi does not have software that can manage company relationships with customers, and provide fast information to customers for customer satisfaction and increase profits from the company. Making this application uses the RUP (Rational Unified Process) methodology which is gradual with upward progress and iterative (repetitive) to get the appropriate results. Applications can help companies in making a new breakthrough to market their goods and services by reading customer behavior through questionnaires, polling and recording customer activity, this application can help companies to promote the latest product...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018), 2018
Technology for communication in business processes by companies or organizations, in the form of ... more Technology for communication in business processes by companies or organizations, in the form of services, is increasingly felt the benefits that ultimately encourage the use of information technology, with a guarantee of good service management becoming a fundamental need. Nowadays the Informatics Engineering Department has utilized such information technology, therefore in the user information technology, there are still problems requiring a management model that can be used as a reference, in accordance with the company's strategy and objectives, and can be used to overcome the problems occurring in agencies. COBIT is a representative and comprehensive governance standard model for the entire IT process. Based on that, then this research will design an IT management model for the Merauke Informatics Engineering Department using the COBIT framework. The COBIT framework identifies IT processes in four main domains: Planning and Organization (PO), Acquisition and Implementation (AI) domains, Delivery and Support (DS), and Monitoring and Evaluate (ME). The PO domain includes strategies and tactics, as well as attention to identifying the ways of IT in giving its best contribution to the achievement of business objectives. The AI domain includes the realization, implementation, and integration of IT strategies, into business processes. The DS domain deals with the delivery and support of the IT services. The ME domain includes supervision of all controls applied to each IT process. The results of this research indicate that the PO domain is at level 2 (repeatable but intuitive), and the AI domain is at level 1 (initial / Ad-hoc), so that Information Technology in the Informatics Engineering Department of Merauke is still below the expected level of maturity, at level 3 (Define).
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Farming is one of the pioneers of national development that plays an important role, especially M... more Farming is one of the pioneers of national development that plays an important role, especially Merauke Regency, which is planned to be the area for national food self-reliance in agribusiness (Indonesian). Government is currently very difficult. Will see the latest developments in the growth of food crops in the region, starting at the village level / kelurahan to the national level. These kindergartens growth in the crop until harvest time, and several obstacles to failure of crops from pests and environmental conditions such as flooding. Production estimates are easy if this information is available. The research aims to be able to show the status of the land in the form of different colors by the histogram method, plant information and the type of pest disease, while the retrieval of data is carried out using the photographic images. The long-term proficiency based on the coordinates through the GPS found on the Dji-Phantom Phantom device can also be used to calculate the area o...
Jaringan komputer sangat dibutuhkan di berbagai bidang pekerjaan sebagai sarana untuk bertukar da... more Jaringan komputer sangat dibutuhkan di berbagai bidang pekerjaan sebagai sarana untuk bertukar dan memperbaharui informasi pada era modern seperti sekarang ini. Perencanaan, perancangan, dan pembangunan topologi yang baik, akan menunjang kinerja jaringan komputer itu sendiri serta pihak-pihak yang menggunakannya. Cisco Packet Tracer adalah simulator yang digunakan untuk mendesain model topologi jaringan komputer yang akan dibangun maupun yang akan dikembangkan. Penentuan rute terpendek untuk mengirim paket data pada jaringan komputer dapat membantu memelihara kinerja jaringan. Algoritma Kruskal adalah salah satu algoritma yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah pohon perentang minimum dalam sebuah topologi jaringan. Aturan dasar dari algoritma Kruskal dalam mencari pohon perentang minimum adalah total bobot minimum dari setiap sisi yang dipilih secara berurutan. Routing adalah proses menentukan rute yang diterapkan pada router dalam jaringan komputer untuk menghasilkan rute-rute ...
Quadrotor control is needed so that the quadrotor can float close to the stationary state. For th... more Quadrotor control is needed so that the quadrotor can float close to the stationary state. For that we need control techniques. One control technique that can be designed and implemented in quadrotor is PID control. PID parameter tuning using the Genetic Algorithm technique can speed up the manual tuning process. The weakness in the application of the Genetic Algorithm rule is that it often rejects important information found in other individuals and causes premature convergence, especially at the beginning of the generation. These problems can be overcome by using crossover and mutation rules with different probability levels according to fitness values and evolutionary processes. The results of the study using fast genetic algorithm techniques obtained constants Kp, Ki and Kd with the lowest rise time and overshoot, namely 0.010, 0.001 and 0.036 at the pitch angle. At the roll angle, they are 0.010, 0.001 and 0.03. At yaw angle 0.018, 0.006 and 0.043. Comparison of PID tuning simu...
Kesehatan hewan ternak merupakan bagian yang penting untuk memajukan bidang peternakan. Namun jum... more Kesehatan hewan ternak merupakan bagian yang penting untuk memajukan bidang peternakan. Namun jumlah dokter hewan yang terbatas, menyebabkan penanganan terhadap sapi yang sakit menjadi sangat lambat. Selain itu jarak antar lokasi pemeliharaan sapi yang jauh menyebabkan penyakit sapi semakin meluas, serta kurangnya pemahaman peternak tentang penyakit sapi juga menambah lambatnya penanganan terhadap penyakit sapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Sapi pada Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Merauke yang dapat digunakan untuk mendiagnosa penyakit sapi dan mengetahui cara penanganan awalnya. Metode inferensi yang digunakan adalah forward chaining.Tools yang digunakan adalah microsoft visual basic 6.0, perancangan database menggunakan Microsoft acces 2007 dan crystal report8.5 untuk pembuatan laporan. Pengujian sistem menggunakan blackbox dan kuisioner kepada staf bidang Kesehatan Hewan pada Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Merauke. Hasil akhir dari penelitian menunjukan perubahan yang cukup signifikan terhadap kinerja kerja dimana terjadi tingkat kenaikan waktu dalam penanganan terhadap penyakit sapi Berdasarkan hasil kuisioner tentang mengenai hasil kinerja dan kecepatan program dalam penyajian data dan informasi diperoleh informasi sebagai berikut, 2 (20%) responden yang menjawab sangat cepat, 8 (80%) responden menjawab cepat dan tidak ada responden yang menjawab lambat. Artinya penanganan terhadap penyakit sapi menggunakan sistem lebih cepat. Kata kunci:Sapi, Sistem Pakar,Penyakit, microsoft visual basic 6.0. PENDAHULUA a. Latar Belakang Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Merauke yang saat ini memiliki motto "TERNAK BANGKIT", bertujuan untuk memajukan peternakan yang ada di Kabupaten Merauke dan mendukung terselenggaranya pertanian yang berkelanjutan serta ramah lingkungan. Hal ini berarti, kesehatan hewan ternak merupakan bagian yang penting untuk memajukan bidang peternakan di Kabupaten Merauke. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Bidang Kesehatan Hewan ini dibantu oleh beberapa dokter hewan yang menangani penyakit hewan, namun jumlah dokter hewan yang CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at
Penempatan kunci kriptografi pada end point device seperti smartphone dan aplikasi layanan publik... more Penempatan kunci kriptografi pada end point device seperti smartphone dan aplikasi layanan publik akan menimbulkan resiko tersendiri. Peralatan tersebut umumnya menerapkan end point cryptography dan sangat rentan dengan vulnerabilitas serta dipandang sebagai bad place untuk menghasilkan key generator. Cloud adalah sebuah solusi yang banyak ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Dalam hal ini, Cryptography as a Service (CaaS) adalah salah satu teknik cloud yang dikembangkan untuk memberikan solusi adanya vulnerabilitas yang terjadi pada saat endpoint cryptography process. Tulisan ini memberikan studi tentang pendalaman issue CaaS melalui eksplorasi cara kerja serta potensi penerapan dan tantangan yang mungkin akan dihadapi dalam implementasinya. Penerepan pada end user mobile phone serta e-government adalah merupakan peluang dari implementasi CaaS. Solusi CaaS sebenarnya memberikan harapan akan kemudahan dalam mengimplementasikan kebutuhan teknologi kriptografi yang diperl...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
E3S Web of Conferences, 2018
This study aimed to increase the range of the wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g by adding the antenna gain... more This study aimed to increase the range of the wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g by adding the antenna gain, testing the performance of access point with router access point mode of the wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g, and comparing the performance of access point with router access point mode of the wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g.This research was conducted in Makassar. The method used was by performing direct performance measurement of end to end node, namely: delay time, throughput and Packet Loss. Wireless access point was placed on the SPN tower (Sekolah Tinggi Kepolisian Negara/College of Police of State) of Batua. Wireless clients were placed at 2.7 km, 5.36 km, 8.81 km and 10.82 km.The results showed that wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g can be used for data communications up to 10.82 km by adding 24 dB of antenna gain. Wireless with access point mode and router access point mode experienced 100% of packet loss with 60000 bytes of window size packets’ delivery and can handle only 1000 bytes of window size...
Musamus Journal Of Research Information and Communication Technology, 2018
Potensi perkebunan karet dikabupaten Merauke di dukung oleh keadaan alam serta iklim yang baik un... more Potensi perkebunan karet dikabupaten Merauke di dukung oleh keadaan alam serta iklim yang baik untuk pengembangan perkebunan karet. Kurangnya informasi pengembangan perkebunan karet di Kabupaten Merauke yang diharapkan melibatkan investor, sampai saat ini masih menjadi tantangan untuk mancari solusi pemecahannya, berdasarkan masalah tersebut maka diperlukan Sistem informasi berbasis web dapat mambantu publikasi serta promosi potensi produksi dan pengembangan perkebunan karet di Kabupaten Merauke. Pembuatan aplikasi SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis) menggunakan Google Map serta MySQL (MyStructure Query Language), Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pengumpulan data lokasi, luas lahan, produksi dan lokasi pengembangan lahan perkebunan karet, Perancangan, Analisa data dan Pengujian dilakukan dengan Metode Black Box dengan menggunakan kuisioner. Informasi yang diberikan berupa informasi lokasi, luas lahan, produksi dan lokasi pengembangan lahan perkebunan karet di Kabupaten Merauke...
Penyebaran informasi pada UNMUS (Universitas Musamus) Merauke masih menggunakan mobile phone, seh... more Penyebaran informasi pada UNMUS (Universitas Musamus) Merauke masih menggunakan mobile phone, sehingga hal ini dinilai kurang efisien karena membutuhkan biaya percakapan lokal yang cukup tinggi dan tidak dapat diestimasi. Belum adanya alternatif komunikasi yang tidak membutuhkan biaya percakapan lokal di universitas musamus seperti PABX merupakan alasan utama untuk dilaksanakan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan Membangun komunikasi voice yang diintegrasikan dengan LAN UNMUS sehingga tidak membutuhkan infrastruktur baru untuk komunikasi antar bagian-bagian dilingkungan kampus UNMUS dan Mengetahui kualitas suara percakapan dari sistem yang diintegrasikan Pada LAN UNMUS baik yang mengguakan software maupun panggilan Phone adapter Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi suara menggunakan teknologi VoiP dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif komunikasi antar bagian dalam lingkungan UNMUS yang diintegrasikan dengan LAN UNMUS sehingga tidak membutuhkan biaya yang relatif tinggi un...
Sistem kendali dibutuhkan quadrotor agar dapat melayang mendekati keadaan stasioner. Salah satu s... more Sistem kendali dibutuhkan quadrotor agar dapat melayang mendekati keadaan stasioner. Salah satu sistem kendali yang dapat dirancang dan diimplementasikan pada quadrotor adalah kendali PID. Metode tradisional yang popular untuk kendali PID adalah menggunakan Ziegler Nichol. Kelemahan metode tersebut sering menghasilkan gelombang overshoot tinggi. Di sisi lain, beberapa pendekatan intelligence juga diusulkan untuk meningkatkan hasil tuning tradisional PID seperti menggunakan optimalisasi heuristic.Optimalisasi heuristic merupakan sebuah teknik pencarian solusi terbaik dalam dunia komputasi dengan ketetapan yaitu tidak memiliki batasan dalam mencapai nilai optimal suatu parameter tertentu. Salah satu metode yang termasuk dalam optimalisasi heuristic adalah Algoritma Genetika. Tunning PID menggunakan simulasi berbasis Algoritma Genetika dapat memepercepat proses pencarian konstanta PID yang optimal. Parameter-parameter yang digunakan pada simulasi ini yaitu massa, panjang lengan, radius...
Jurusan Teknik Informatika merupakan salah satu Jurusan pada Fakultas Teknik Universitas Musamus ... more Jurusan Teknik Informatika merupakan salah satu Jurusan pada Fakultas Teknik Universitas Musamus yang mempelajari bidang jaringan komputer dan pengembangan software. Dalam menjalankan kegiatan administrasi, Jurusan teknik Informatika sering terjadi kehilangan arsip pada Jurusan. Cloud storage merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi pengelolaan file atau data, agar terpusat dan mempermudah akses pengguna sistem terhadap data yang berhak diakses olehnya. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengimplementasikan owncloud sebagai tempat penyimpanan yang terpusat pada Jurusan teknik Informatika sehingga memudahkan bagi pengguna dalam mengakses dokumen, pengarsipan dan sharing dokumen dalam jaringan lokal yang berada pada Jurusan teknik Informatika. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam implementasi owncloud pada Jurusan teknik Informatika yaitu analisis dan perancangan, implementasi xampp, pembuatan database, instalasi owncloud, konfigurasi IP pada xampp dan melakukan upload, download sert...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 17, 2023
Engineering and Technology Journal
Remote sensing technology uses various vehicles including satellites, helicopters, aircraft, and ... more Remote sensing technology uses various vehicles including satellites, helicopters, aircraft, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Drones. Remote sensing technology is often used in agriculture, especially for monitoring rice fields, helping the age of rice and so on. In the current technological era, drone devices are vehicles that are often used to monitor rice fields which are considered effective, considering that the data obtained is the latest data during flights, this is also balanced with current developments in various fields, especially for capturing air, drones be an alternative choice than other alternatives that are considered conventional. Rice is an important cultivated crop because it is a staple food for 90% of Indonesia's population, and also for the people of Papua in Merauke, which is a national food storage area. However, the obstacle that is often experienced is interference from rice diseases. Therefore a fast and accurate analysis of the health of rice p...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a significant topic in the context of the Fourth Indu... more The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a significant topic in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). In the IoT paradigm, digital proficiency plays a critical role. Furthermore, digital competency is considered to be one of the most important abilities in the 21st-century learning framework. This study aims to provide an overview of the digital proficiency of higher education students in Papua. Two hundred and twenty students from the engineering faculty were given the questionnaire on digital competence measurement. A moderate level of digital competence (x 3.1) was discovered in this study, which included hardware and software mastery, self-competence, digital security, collaborative learning in the classroom, and digital development mastery. Furthermore, the findings of this study may be applied to the next stage of designing learning curriculum to increase digital competencies to prepare students for having better knowledge and practical skill of IoT.
International Association of Engineering and Management Education, Nov 1, 2018
International Association of Engineering and Management Education (IAEME), Feb 1, 2019
The pharmaceutical warehouse in the pharmaceutical sub-department of the Merauke District Health ... more The pharmaceutical warehouse in the pharmaceutical sub-department of the Merauke District Health Office is a center for drug distribution in and out of the Merauke Regency area. Until now, the system used in pharmaceutical warehouses is still semi conventional in the process of data collection of drugs. This study aims to make an inventory information system application in the pharmacy warehouse to be faster in carrying out inventory data collection and reporting drug distribution out and that goes to the pharmaceutical warehouse. The method used is data collection using literature studies, interviews, and observations and forward chaining in system implementation. Application testing method is by conducting a simulation, the results obtained in this study based on the simulation results are an inventory control system supplying the goods produced can be used to conduct real time monitoring of stock positions, reorder points, and periodic reviews. The rule-based forward-chaining inference method that is applied can process the facts that occur regarding changes in warehouse stock and stock renewal warnings.
Materials Performance eJournal, 2019
Farming is one of the spearheads of national development which has an important role, especially ... more Farming is one of the spearheads of national development which has an important role, especially Merauke Regency which is planned as an area of national food selfsufficiency in the field of agribusiness. Agriculture in Indonesia has a lot of food land that is widely spread and various types of paddy fields from several types of food management especially in agriculture, however there is no system that visualizes the progress of food crop growth in particular areas by looking at the condition of the land in an approach visual. The estimated age of paddy growth is aimed at managing and monitoring paddy plants as information needs in assisting the government, especially in monitoring the area planted by utilizing image images taken through aerial bphotographs using Drone devices. In this paper we present an approach to estimate the age of paddy in drone images using the Support Vector Machines - SVM and Histogram method. SVM is a learning machine method that works on the principle of S...
EngRN: Operations Research (Topic), 2019
Customer relationship management (CRM) is defined as a clear business strategy and is a combinati... more Customer relationship management (CRM) is defined as a clear business strategy and is a combination of a range of functions, skills, processes, and technologies that together allow companies to better manage profits with customers as real assets. PT Hasrat Abadi is the official distributor for Toyota and Yamaha vehicles in five regions in Eastern Indonesia. However, PT Hasrat Abadi does not have software that can manage company relationships with customers, and provide fast information to customers for customer satisfaction and increase profits from the company. Making this application uses the RUP (Rational Unified Process) methodology which is gradual with upward progress and iterative (repetitive) to get the appropriate results. Applications can help companies in making a new breakthrough to market their goods and services by reading customer behavior through questionnaires, polling and recording customer activity, this application can help companies to promote the latest product...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018), 2018
Technology for communication in business processes by companies or organizations, in the form of ... more Technology for communication in business processes by companies or organizations, in the form of services, is increasingly felt the benefits that ultimately encourage the use of information technology, with a guarantee of good service management becoming a fundamental need. Nowadays the Informatics Engineering Department has utilized such information technology, therefore in the user information technology, there are still problems requiring a management model that can be used as a reference, in accordance with the company's strategy and objectives, and can be used to overcome the problems occurring in agencies. COBIT is a representative and comprehensive governance standard model for the entire IT process. Based on that, then this research will design an IT management model for the Merauke Informatics Engineering Department using the COBIT framework. The COBIT framework identifies IT processes in four main domains: Planning and Organization (PO), Acquisition and Implementation (AI) domains, Delivery and Support (DS), and Monitoring and Evaluate (ME). The PO domain includes strategies and tactics, as well as attention to identifying the ways of IT in giving its best contribution to the achievement of business objectives. The AI domain includes the realization, implementation, and integration of IT strategies, into business processes. The DS domain deals with the delivery and support of the IT services. The ME domain includes supervision of all controls applied to each IT process. The results of this research indicate that the PO domain is at level 2 (repeatable but intuitive), and the AI domain is at level 1 (initial / Ad-hoc), so that Information Technology in the Informatics Engineering Department of Merauke is still below the expected level of maturity, at level 3 (Define).
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Farming is one of the pioneers of national development that plays an important role, especially M... more Farming is one of the pioneers of national development that plays an important role, especially Merauke Regency, which is planned to be the area for national food self-reliance in agribusiness (Indonesian). Government is currently very difficult. Will see the latest developments in the growth of food crops in the region, starting at the village level / kelurahan to the national level. These kindergartens growth in the crop until harvest time, and several obstacles to failure of crops from pests and environmental conditions such as flooding. Production estimates are easy if this information is available. The research aims to be able to show the status of the land in the form of different colors by the histogram method, plant information and the type of pest disease, while the retrieval of data is carried out using the photographic images. The long-term proficiency based on the coordinates through the GPS found on the Dji-Phantom Phantom device can also be used to calculate the area o...
Jaringan komputer sangat dibutuhkan di berbagai bidang pekerjaan sebagai sarana untuk bertukar da... more Jaringan komputer sangat dibutuhkan di berbagai bidang pekerjaan sebagai sarana untuk bertukar dan memperbaharui informasi pada era modern seperti sekarang ini. Perencanaan, perancangan, dan pembangunan topologi yang baik, akan menunjang kinerja jaringan komputer itu sendiri serta pihak-pihak yang menggunakannya. Cisco Packet Tracer adalah simulator yang digunakan untuk mendesain model topologi jaringan komputer yang akan dibangun maupun yang akan dikembangkan. Penentuan rute terpendek untuk mengirim paket data pada jaringan komputer dapat membantu memelihara kinerja jaringan. Algoritma Kruskal adalah salah satu algoritma yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah pohon perentang minimum dalam sebuah topologi jaringan. Aturan dasar dari algoritma Kruskal dalam mencari pohon perentang minimum adalah total bobot minimum dari setiap sisi yang dipilih secara berurutan. Routing adalah proses menentukan rute yang diterapkan pada router dalam jaringan komputer untuk menghasilkan rute-rute ...
Quadrotor control is needed so that the quadrotor can float close to the stationary state. For th... more Quadrotor control is needed so that the quadrotor can float close to the stationary state. For that we need control techniques. One control technique that can be designed and implemented in quadrotor is PID control. PID parameter tuning using the Genetic Algorithm technique can speed up the manual tuning process. The weakness in the application of the Genetic Algorithm rule is that it often rejects important information found in other individuals and causes premature convergence, especially at the beginning of the generation. These problems can be overcome by using crossover and mutation rules with different probability levels according to fitness values and evolutionary processes. The results of the study using fast genetic algorithm techniques obtained constants Kp, Ki and Kd with the lowest rise time and overshoot, namely 0.010, 0.001 and 0.036 at the pitch angle. At the roll angle, they are 0.010, 0.001 and 0.03. At yaw angle 0.018, 0.006 and 0.043. Comparison of PID tuning simu...
Kesehatan hewan ternak merupakan bagian yang penting untuk memajukan bidang peternakan. Namun jum... more Kesehatan hewan ternak merupakan bagian yang penting untuk memajukan bidang peternakan. Namun jumlah dokter hewan yang terbatas, menyebabkan penanganan terhadap sapi yang sakit menjadi sangat lambat. Selain itu jarak antar lokasi pemeliharaan sapi yang jauh menyebabkan penyakit sapi semakin meluas, serta kurangnya pemahaman peternak tentang penyakit sapi juga menambah lambatnya penanganan terhadap penyakit sapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Sapi pada Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Merauke yang dapat digunakan untuk mendiagnosa penyakit sapi dan mengetahui cara penanganan awalnya. Metode inferensi yang digunakan adalah forward chaining.Tools yang digunakan adalah microsoft visual basic 6.0, perancangan database menggunakan Microsoft acces 2007 dan crystal report8.5 untuk pembuatan laporan. Pengujian sistem menggunakan blackbox dan kuisioner kepada staf bidang Kesehatan Hewan pada Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Merauke. Hasil akhir dari penelitian menunjukan perubahan yang cukup signifikan terhadap kinerja kerja dimana terjadi tingkat kenaikan waktu dalam penanganan terhadap penyakit sapi Berdasarkan hasil kuisioner tentang mengenai hasil kinerja dan kecepatan program dalam penyajian data dan informasi diperoleh informasi sebagai berikut, 2 (20%) responden yang menjawab sangat cepat, 8 (80%) responden menjawab cepat dan tidak ada responden yang menjawab lambat. Artinya penanganan terhadap penyakit sapi menggunakan sistem lebih cepat. Kata kunci:Sapi, Sistem Pakar,Penyakit, microsoft visual basic 6.0. PENDAHULUA a. Latar Belakang Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Merauke yang saat ini memiliki motto "TERNAK BANGKIT", bertujuan untuk memajukan peternakan yang ada di Kabupaten Merauke dan mendukung terselenggaranya pertanian yang berkelanjutan serta ramah lingkungan. Hal ini berarti, kesehatan hewan ternak merupakan bagian yang penting untuk memajukan bidang peternakan di Kabupaten Merauke. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Bidang Kesehatan Hewan ini dibantu oleh beberapa dokter hewan yang menangani penyakit hewan, namun jumlah dokter hewan yang CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at
Penempatan kunci kriptografi pada end point device seperti smartphone dan aplikasi layanan publik... more Penempatan kunci kriptografi pada end point device seperti smartphone dan aplikasi layanan publik akan menimbulkan resiko tersendiri. Peralatan tersebut umumnya menerapkan end point cryptography dan sangat rentan dengan vulnerabilitas serta dipandang sebagai bad place untuk menghasilkan key generator. Cloud adalah sebuah solusi yang banyak ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Dalam hal ini, Cryptography as a Service (CaaS) adalah salah satu teknik cloud yang dikembangkan untuk memberikan solusi adanya vulnerabilitas yang terjadi pada saat endpoint cryptography process. Tulisan ini memberikan studi tentang pendalaman issue CaaS melalui eksplorasi cara kerja serta potensi penerapan dan tantangan yang mungkin akan dihadapi dalam implementasinya. Penerepan pada end user mobile phone serta e-government adalah merupakan peluang dari implementasi CaaS. Solusi CaaS sebenarnya memberikan harapan akan kemudahan dalam mengimplementasikan kebutuhan teknologi kriptografi yang diperl...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
E3S Web of Conferences, 2018
This study aimed to increase the range of the wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g by adding the antenna gain... more This study aimed to increase the range of the wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g by adding the antenna gain, testing the performance of access point with router access point mode of the wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g, and comparing the performance of access point with router access point mode of the wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g.This research was conducted in Makassar. The method used was by performing direct performance measurement of end to end node, namely: delay time, throughput and Packet Loss. Wireless access point was placed on the SPN tower (Sekolah Tinggi Kepolisian Negara/College of Police of State) of Batua. Wireless clients were placed at 2.7 km, 5.36 km, 8.81 km and 10.82 km.The results showed that wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g can be used for data communications up to 10.82 km by adding 24 dB of antenna gain. Wireless with access point mode and router access point mode experienced 100% of packet loss with 60000 bytes of window size packets’ delivery and can handle only 1000 bytes of window size...
Musamus Journal Of Research Information and Communication Technology, 2018
Potensi perkebunan karet dikabupaten Merauke di dukung oleh keadaan alam serta iklim yang baik un... more Potensi perkebunan karet dikabupaten Merauke di dukung oleh keadaan alam serta iklim yang baik untuk pengembangan perkebunan karet. Kurangnya informasi pengembangan perkebunan karet di Kabupaten Merauke yang diharapkan melibatkan investor, sampai saat ini masih menjadi tantangan untuk mancari solusi pemecahannya, berdasarkan masalah tersebut maka diperlukan Sistem informasi berbasis web dapat mambantu publikasi serta promosi potensi produksi dan pengembangan perkebunan karet di Kabupaten Merauke. Pembuatan aplikasi SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis) menggunakan Google Map serta MySQL (MyStructure Query Language), Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pengumpulan data lokasi, luas lahan, produksi dan lokasi pengembangan lahan perkebunan karet, Perancangan, Analisa data dan Pengujian dilakukan dengan Metode Black Box dengan menggunakan kuisioner. Informasi yang diberikan berupa informasi lokasi, luas lahan, produksi dan lokasi pengembangan lahan perkebunan karet di Kabupaten Merauke...
Penyebaran informasi pada UNMUS (Universitas Musamus) Merauke masih menggunakan mobile phone, seh... more Penyebaran informasi pada UNMUS (Universitas Musamus) Merauke masih menggunakan mobile phone, sehingga hal ini dinilai kurang efisien karena membutuhkan biaya percakapan lokal yang cukup tinggi dan tidak dapat diestimasi. Belum adanya alternatif komunikasi yang tidak membutuhkan biaya percakapan lokal di universitas musamus seperti PABX merupakan alasan utama untuk dilaksanakan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan Membangun komunikasi voice yang diintegrasikan dengan LAN UNMUS sehingga tidak membutuhkan infrastruktur baru untuk komunikasi antar bagian-bagian dilingkungan kampus UNMUS dan Mengetahui kualitas suara percakapan dari sistem yang diintegrasikan Pada LAN UNMUS baik yang mengguakan software maupun panggilan Phone adapter Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi suara menggunakan teknologi VoiP dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif komunikasi antar bagian dalam lingkungan UNMUS yang diintegrasikan dengan LAN UNMUS sehingga tidak membutuhkan biaya yang relatif tinggi un...
Sistem kendali dibutuhkan quadrotor agar dapat melayang mendekati keadaan stasioner. Salah satu s... more Sistem kendali dibutuhkan quadrotor agar dapat melayang mendekati keadaan stasioner. Salah satu sistem kendali yang dapat dirancang dan diimplementasikan pada quadrotor adalah kendali PID. Metode tradisional yang popular untuk kendali PID adalah menggunakan Ziegler Nichol. Kelemahan metode tersebut sering menghasilkan gelombang overshoot tinggi. Di sisi lain, beberapa pendekatan intelligence juga diusulkan untuk meningkatkan hasil tuning tradisional PID seperti menggunakan optimalisasi heuristic.Optimalisasi heuristic merupakan sebuah teknik pencarian solusi terbaik dalam dunia komputasi dengan ketetapan yaitu tidak memiliki batasan dalam mencapai nilai optimal suatu parameter tertentu. Salah satu metode yang termasuk dalam optimalisasi heuristic adalah Algoritma Genetika. Tunning PID menggunakan simulasi berbasis Algoritma Genetika dapat memepercepat proses pencarian konstanta PID yang optimal. Parameter-parameter yang digunakan pada simulasi ini yaitu massa, panjang lengan, radius...