Małgorzata Gałczyńska - (original) (raw)
Papers by Małgorzata Gałczyńska
Applied Sciences
Macrophytes play an important role in assessing the condition of aquatic ecosystems. The aim of t... more Macrophytes play an important role in assessing the condition of aquatic ecosystems. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of cadmium uptake by frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) for the phytoremediation of aquatic ecosystems. The study examined cadmium (Cd) uptake by frogbit grown under conditions of low and high fertilizer dose and three cadmium dose levels over three- and six-week exposure times. Cadmium uptake was found to be influenced by water reactivity, mineral nutrient abundance, and exposure time. Its accumulation in frogbit is hence a good bioindicator of cadmium pollution in water bodies. Where the plant had greater access to phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium (PNK) compounds, i.e., high fertilizer level, a higher pH level (7.6) was associated with increased cadmium uptake and decreased plant biomass. A higher PNK level was also associated with greater tolerance to cadmium, while at lower PNK levels, more efficient cadmium uptake was noted after three weeks. ...
The study presents assessment of economic benefits possible to be obtained thanks to restoring ag... more The study presents assessment of economic benefits possible to be obtained thanks to restoring agricultural production on fallowed/abandoned land located on arable parcels of medium-good and medium quality classes of land in Poland. Unused agricultural areas appeared in the 90s of XX century, after the political transformation. Currently, 1.3 million ha of arable land, 281 thousand ha of pastures and 39 thousand ha of orchards still remain uncultivated, which is 14.6% of total agricultural area. Modelling of potential benefits after restoring agricultural production was conducted by using spatial analysis in the scale of parcels. The main conclusions: (a) in Poland there are over 442.8 thousand ha of arable land which can be effectively restored to crop production, (b) after land use change of the mentioned area, a potential increase in cereal production by 5.94% is expected, which can be equivalent to 1.77 million tonnes of triticale, (c) besides, 1.59 million tonnes of straw can b...
Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series E: Food Technology
The value of honey as a natural food product is influenced by its pollen content, with the domina... more The value of honey as a natural food product is influenced by its pollen content, with the dominant type of pollen conferring specific medicinal properties. The present study examines the pollen spectra of 31 honeys from urban (linden, acacia, polyfloral, honeydew) and rural (rape, acacia, polyfloral, honeydew) apiaries in Poland. The pollen in content in honey ranged from 0.2 to 88 %. In total, 76 plant taxa were identified, 21 of which were assigned to forms A, B and C. Higher pollen grain content and a greater diversity of honey plant taxa were found in the urban honey, particularly polyfloral honey; this could be attributed to the rich variety of plants found in urban green areas compared to rural areas ones.
Scientific Reports, 2022
Carex pulicaris is considered an endangered species, and further losses are forecast under the in... more Carex pulicaris is considered an endangered species, and further losses are forecast under the influence of even moderate climate change. Local studies indicate that temporal declines in C. pulicaris abundance are positively correlated to decreases in precipitation and increases in air temperature. Determining ecological properties on larger scales than local ones can help develop effective protection programs for the species. We hypothesize that the local relationships observed between C. pulicaris abundance and precipitation, air temperature and soil properties will be confirmed in a spatially-oriented large-scale study performed in situ. Therefore, the present study takes a novel, large-scale integrated approach to (1) precisely characterize the ecological requirements of C. pulicaris within its eastern distribution range, and (2) determine the influence of its community type, soil properties and climatic conditions on its abundance. It was found that C. pulicaris is not a domina...
The objective of the presented studies carried out in the Wkrzańska Primeval Forest (north−wester... more The objective of the presented studies carried out in the Wkrzańska Primeval Forest (north−western Poland) was to determine the influence of ecotone structure on phytodiversity. Basing on data from three transects, it was shown that the inappropriate structure causes reduction in the number of plant species and communities as compared to typical forest phytocoenoses. It also results in the increase of non−forest flora from nitrophilous and meadow habitats.
ABSTRACT The efficiency of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment depends on the adaptabil... more ABSTRACT The efficiency of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment depends on the adaptability of water and wetland plants to grow in artificial aquatic ecosystems contaminated with biogenic compounds and metals. The aim of this study was to determine the role of Hippuris vulgaris in the removal of manganese, zinc and copper from a created aquatic ecosystem contaminated with sewage and sewage sludge. In a pot experiment conducted in the summer of 2007 in a vegetation hall Hippuris vulgaris was grown in 6 different types of pots without (object 0) and with the addition of one batch of raw municipal wastewater (objects Ia, Ib and Ic) and in pots with the addition of one batch of non-hygienized sludge (IIa and IIb). Samples of the solutions, the plant material and the soil substrate were taken for analysis at the beginning (0 term), after 6 weeks (1st term) and 12 weeks (2nd term). In the first and second term the measurements of fresh weight yield of Hippuris vulgaris were made. The concentrations of Zn, Cu and Mn in water and their content in plant and soil material samples were determined with AAS technique. Measurement of pH of the soil and water were determined by potentiometry. The results of biometric and chemical measurements were presented mainly in the form of Hippuris vulgaris tolerance index (It,) and the indicators of the metal contamination level of the plant (Wr, Me), water (Ww, Me) and the substrate (Wp, Me). In the statistical analysis of the results a two-way analysis of variance was used (1st factor – the object – 5 levels, 2nd factor – the term – 2 levels), with a significance level of α = 0.05. The analytical form of linear regression equation was carried out and the value of the determination coefficient between the metal content in the plant and its concentration in the water and in relation to the contents of these metals in the soil, as well as between the ratio of copper to zinc in the plant and the value of tolerance index were determined. It was found that Hippuris vulgaris with optimum access to mineral nutrients may be involved in the removal of manganese, zinc and copper from solutions used in the experiment: municipal sewage and sewage sludge. The decrease in yield of Hippuris vulgaris can be influenced not only by the concentration of nutrients but it may also be affected by too high accumulation of zinc and copper in the tissues. The high availability of nutrients and an appropriate ratio, mostly between copper and zinc content in the biomass, can have a positive influence on the growth and development of Hippuris vulgaris.
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2018
In the years 2007-2009 the differentiation of flora on the area of balks of different length was ... more In the years 2007-2009 the differentiation of flora on the area of balks of different length was assessed. The studies of flora were carried out in the area of 7772 ha of Ińsko Lakeland in Poland. For the detailed studies 72 balks were chosen, formed from roadsides and divided into two groups according to the length. Topographic maps in the scale 1:10 000 were used for the assessment of earlier functions of the studied objects. It was shown that in the areas of an arable surface characteristic of average farms as regards their size in the European Union, the size of arable land and the length of balks related with it had an influence on phytodiversity. Despite the fact that the number of phytocoenoses was larger on shorter balks, their specific poverty did not affect biodiversity significantly. The presence of a large number of melliferous species influenced not only phytodiversity of balks, but it also resulted in the improvement of nutritive conditions, among others, for bees. A larger number of plant species on long balks, including also melliferous and therapeutic species, proves correct management of the production space in a long time period.
Water, 2019
Birch bog is formed on the margins of or within raised bogs, on secondary habitats. The study aim... more Birch bog is formed on the margins of or within raised bogs, on secondary habitats. The study aim was to understand the vegetation and mycological diversity of birch bog on the background of habitat conditions on raised bogs subject to anthropogenic changes, including 15 areas located on seven bogs. Two of the analyzed areas were located on a peat bog not subject to human impact. Phytosociological and mycosociological relevés were taken and substrate analyses were carried out (pH, humidity, N-NH4, N-NO2, N-NO3 and P-PO4). Based on habitat predictors, two area groups were distinguished, differing primarily in humidity. More humid habitats were present on the margins of bogs, and were characterized by lower acidity and higher N-NH4 and P-PO4 abundance. Despite the fact they were enriched by runoffs from the neighboring arable fields, this was not always reflected in the plant and fungi species richness. Quercus robur appeared on less humid habitats, which may be a symptom of unfavorab...
A change of the agricultural policy in Poland after 1990 caused significant changesin the structu... more A change of the agricultural policy in Poland after 1990 caused significant changesin the structures of the agricultural landscape functioning in the area of WestPomerania (Pomorze Zachodnie). The field fragments, which had been in a form ofbarren land in the protective zone of Miedwie Lake for 30 years, were chosen forthe detailed phytosociological studies. The aim of the current study was theanalysis of anthropogenic impacts on flora in the surveyed terrain. In the studiedarea, the values of the synanthropization indices of the flora were as follows:synanthropization - 2.58, apophytisation - 2.0, anthropophytisation - 0.56,archaeophytisation - 0.38, kenophytisation - 0.16, and fluctuation changes in theflora - 0.04. It is assumed that the larger the share of nonsynanthropic species, thelarger the naturalness of the flora inthese biotopes. The large values for theapophytisation index showed degradation in natural habitats A large share ofanthropophytes indicates dominance of the pr...
The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry", 2016
Global climate models shows patterns of temperature and precipitation changes worldwide. Soil moi... more Global climate models shows patterns of temperature and precipitation changes worldwide. Soil moisture and type of fertilization are key determinants of the microbial processes that determine the fluxes of gases from soil. There are not many research activities including the assessment how land conversion to the grassland can influence the greenhouse effect. The aim of this study was to determine the biomass content of microorganisms in soil and CO 2 and CH 4 emissions in conditions of diversified nitrogen fertilization and soil moisture in the cultivation of pot grass mixtures. The results of the study were treated by two-factor analysis of variance. The linear correlation between analysed gases and between microbial biomass and CO 2 or CH 4 emissions was performed. The volume of soil microbial biomass in the cultivation of grass mixtures was affected by the type of nitrogen fertilization and the level of soil moisture. Approximately 1.5 times bigger microbial biomass was found after fertilization than under control conditions. The same relationship occurred in the comparison between the microbial biomass during wet and dry conditions. Only the volume of CO 2 emission in this pot experiment was affected by the type of nitrogen fertilization. Higher emission of CO 2 was accompanied by increased emission of CH 4. In humid conditions, both mineral and organic fertilization affected positively on soil microbial biomass and the volume of CO 2 emission. From the viewpoint of reducing greenhouse gases emission, inorganic fertilizers used in dry conditions during the land conversion to the grassland, would be the best grassland cultivation method.
Journal of Elemntology, 2010
Szybkie zanikanie i degradacja oczek wodnych poci¹ga za sob¹ wiele negatywnych zjawisk w struktur... more Szybkie zanikanie i degradacja oczek wodnych poci¹ga za sob¹ wiele negatywnych zjawisk w strukturze agroekosystemów, zmniejsza retencjê powierzchniow¹ i powoduje wzrost migracji sk³adników ze zlewni. Celem pracy by³o ustalenie wp³ywu antropopresji na sk³ad chemiczny wód oeródpolnych oczek wodnych. Materia³ do analiz wybranych wskaŸników chemicznych i fizycznych wód stanowi³y próbki wodne pobierane raz w miesi¹cu z 5 oczek oeródpolnych po³o¿onych w powiecie pyrzyckim, w gminie ¯abowo, w okresie od III do X 2004 roku. Badane zbiorniki ró¿ni³y siê nie tylko sposobem zagospodarowania terenu w bezpooerednim ich s¹siedztwie, ale równie¿ form¹ dewastacji. Oznaczenia stê¿eñ: N-NH 4 + , N-NO 2 i N-NO 3 oraz PO 4 3wykonano zgodnie z Polskimi Normami. W terenie, bezpooerednio po poborze prób, zmierzono stê¿enie tlenu, temperaturê i pH wód. Ustalono, ¿e analizowane oeródpolne oczka wodne ró¿ni³y siê stopniem zaawansowania procesów degradacji. Cech¹ charakterystyczn¹ badanych obiektów by³a du¿a zmiennooeae stê¿eñ zwi¹zków biogennych w wodzie zale¿na od formy antropopresji oraz rooelinnooeci wystêpuj¹cej w zbiorniku i wokó³ niego. Wysoki poziom stê¿enia PO 4 3i N-NH 4 + w wodach oraz sukcesja rooelinnooeci wodnej oewiadcz¹ o zaawansowanym procesie eutrofizacji szczególnie oczek nr 2, 3 i 4. Bardzo du¿e stê¿enie ortofosforanów(V) w wodach oczka nr 2, po³o¿onego przy zabudowaniach dawnego PGR-u, mo¿na uznaae za hipertroficzne. W wodach tych stwierdzono te¿ najwiêkszy deficyt tlenowy.
Journal of Elemntology, 2012
The object of the research was to analyze the influence of coal ash from fluidized-bed combustion... more The object of the research was to analyze the influence of coal ash from fluidized-bed combustion applied to light soil, and combined with the microbiological preparation Effective Microorganisms (EM-1), on changes of the iron and manganese content in cultivated plants of spring wheat and spring barley. Commissioned by the company Vattenfall, a field study on seven fertilizer variants was carried out in 2007-2009. The experiments were set up in Małyszyn near Gorzów Wielkopolski (Hodowla Roślin Strzelce sp. z o.o. Oddział Małyszyn) on light soil, soil valuation class IVb. Each plot covered 10 m 2. The research was carried out in completely randomized blocks with four replications. Plant samples (grain and straw) were mineralized in a solution of nitric acid(V) and chloric acid(VII); afterwards the total content of iron and manganese was assessed. Application of coal ash to the soil resulted in a decrease of iron and manganese in spring wheat and spring barley grain and straw, especially in the second and third year of the experiment. Additionally, the enrichment of soil with the microbiological preparation EM-1 decreased the concentrations of iron and manganese in the plants. It was noted that the quantities of iron and manganese in the grain and straw of both wheat and barley were decreasing in the subsequent years of the experiment, as a result of which the plant content of these microelements in individual years was varied. To some extent, the above relationship can be explained by the fact that in the last growing season was characterized by the least rainfall. No influence of the applied coal ash on the Fe:Mn weight ratio was determined in grain from cv. Nawra wheat or cv. Lot barley.
Folia Pomeranae Universitatis Technologiae Stetinensis Agricultura, Alimentaria, Piscaria et Zootechnica
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2018
This research was carried out in order to determine the effect of fertilization, or lack of it, o... more This research was carried out in order to determine the effect of fertilization, or lack of it, on N2O emission in different conditions of soil reaction and grown grass species. The pot experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with three replications in 2014–2016 (Poland). Four grass species were grown in mineral soil under mineral or organic fertilizing (Ʃ = 150 N kg), or lack of fertilization and different soil reaction. The effect of N-fertilization dose was determined, too. The difference of groundcover density of tested grass species was assessed. The results indicated that N2O emission was reduced with subsequent doses by 13, 15 and 18% compared with the initial values. The application of mineral fertilization caused a higher increase of the grass biomass than the use of organic fertilizer – without any marked effect of soil reaction. The N2O emission was influenced by the type and dose of nitrogen fertilization, the reaction of mineral soil and the biomass of the...
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2021
A diverse terrain is one of the essential natural features of a balanced landscape and the specif... more A diverse terrain is one of the essential natural features of a balanced landscape and the specific features of its geomorphological units (sandur, moraine) contribute to regional diversity. The present work describes research designed to verify the hypothesis that the diversity of flora in the ecotone zone of woodland in Poland relates to variability both in the terrain and in land use. By using phytoindication it was possible to assess differentiation in the surfaces under study. It was found that land use (agricultural and forest use) was responsible for the occurrence of a positive interrelationship between trophy and synanthropisation values, no matter what kind of geomorphological unit there was. On the basis of the species composition in the areas under research, within the ecotone zone of woodland, it was established that in the area within moraine which had previously been used agriculturally there was a cumulation of species due to habitat diversity in ecological niches re...
The aim of the study was to determine the biomass content of microorganisms in soil and carbon di... more The aim of the study was to determine the biomass content of microorganisms in soil and carbon dioxide emissions in conditions of nitrogen fertilization in the cultivation of pot grass mixtures. In soil samples in two terms size of the biomass of living microorganisms was measured using developed by Andersen and Domsch physiological method based on measurements of generating carbon dioxide. Measurements of carbon dioxide emissions using field gas monitor INNOVA 1412 were also carried out. The results of the study were treated by two-factor analysis of variance. The linear correlation between microbial biomass and carbon dioxide emissions was performed. Used in the studies, doses of nitrogen fertilization (ammonium nitrate – 50 kg N∙ha, liquid manure – 50 kg N∙ha) do not influenced the development of soil microorganisms. The volume of soil microbial biomass in the cultivation of grass mixtures was affected by the type and number of doses of nitrogen fertilization. Both mineral and or...
Resources, 2021
Urban vegetation is generally exposed to high levels of air pollution in airborne particles, with... more Urban vegetation is generally exposed to high levels of air pollution in airborne particles, with the greatest exposure in the EU being seen in Poland. With the continuing growth of urban populations, there is a need to confirm whether honey produced from urban areas is of similar high quality to that from rural areas. A total of 27 honey samples were collected from urban and rural apiaries and tested for the concentrations of 19 elements by ICP-OES. The results were compared with data on honey produced in old and new EU countries (metadata). Our evaluation used a novel approach to determine threshold values in the identification of the bioproduct contamination index. The analysed urban honey samples demonstrated higher concentrations of K, Sr, Ba, Ni, and Co, and lower levels of Mn and B than rural honey samples. Contamination by PM10 particles and the toxic elements contained in them proved to be a poor predictor of the content of these elements in honey, in contrast to the effect...
Applied Sciences
Macrophytes play an important role in assessing the condition of aquatic ecosystems. The aim of t... more Macrophytes play an important role in assessing the condition of aquatic ecosystems. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of cadmium uptake by frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) for the phytoremediation of aquatic ecosystems. The study examined cadmium (Cd) uptake by frogbit grown under conditions of low and high fertilizer dose and three cadmium dose levels over three- and six-week exposure times. Cadmium uptake was found to be influenced by water reactivity, mineral nutrient abundance, and exposure time. Its accumulation in frogbit is hence a good bioindicator of cadmium pollution in water bodies. Where the plant had greater access to phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium (PNK) compounds, i.e., high fertilizer level, a higher pH level (7.6) was associated with increased cadmium uptake and decreased plant biomass. A higher PNK level was also associated with greater tolerance to cadmium, while at lower PNK levels, more efficient cadmium uptake was noted after three weeks. ...
The study presents assessment of economic benefits possible to be obtained thanks to restoring ag... more The study presents assessment of economic benefits possible to be obtained thanks to restoring agricultural production on fallowed/abandoned land located on arable parcels of medium-good and medium quality classes of land in Poland. Unused agricultural areas appeared in the 90s of XX century, after the political transformation. Currently, 1.3 million ha of arable land, 281 thousand ha of pastures and 39 thousand ha of orchards still remain uncultivated, which is 14.6% of total agricultural area. Modelling of potential benefits after restoring agricultural production was conducted by using spatial analysis in the scale of parcels. The main conclusions: (a) in Poland there are over 442.8 thousand ha of arable land which can be effectively restored to crop production, (b) after land use change of the mentioned area, a potential increase in cereal production by 5.94% is expected, which can be equivalent to 1.77 million tonnes of triticale, (c) besides, 1.59 million tonnes of straw can b...
Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series E: Food Technology
The value of honey as a natural food product is influenced by its pollen content, with the domina... more The value of honey as a natural food product is influenced by its pollen content, with the dominant type of pollen conferring specific medicinal properties. The present study examines the pollen spectra of 31 honeys from urban (linden, acacia, polyfloral, honeydew) and rural (rape, acacia, polyfloral, honeydew) apiaries in Poland. The pollen in content in honey ranged from 0.2 to 88 %. In total, 76 plant taxa were identified, 21 of which were assigned to forms A, B and C. Higher pollen grain content and a greater diversity of honey plant taxa were found in the urban honey, particularly polyfloral honey; this could be attributed to the rich variety of plants found in urban green areas compared to rural areas ones.
Scientific Reports, 2022
Carex pulicaris is considered an endangered species, and further losses are forecast under the in... more Carex pulicaris is considered an endangered species, and further losses are forecast under the influence of even moderate climate change. Local studies indicate that temporal declines in C. pulicaris abundance are positively correlated to decreases in precipitation and increases in air temperature. Determining ecological properties on larger scales than local ones can help develop effective protection programs for the species. We hypothesize that the local relationships observed between C. pulicaris abundance and precipitation, air temperature and soil properties will be confirmed in a spatially-oriented large-scale study performed in situ. Therefore, the present study takes a novel, large-scale integrated approach to (1) precisely characterize the ecological requirements of C. pulicaris within its eastern distribution range, and (2) determine the influence of its community type, soil properties and climatic conditions on its abundance. It was found that C. pulicaris is not a domina...
The objective of the presented studies carried out in the Wkrzańska Primeval Forest (north−wester... more The objective of the presented studies carried out in the Wkrzańska Primeval Forest (north−western Poland) was to determine the influence of ecotone structure on phytodiversity. Basing on data from three transects, it was shown that the inappropriate structure causes reduction in the number of plant species and communities as compared to typical forest phytocoenoses. It also results in the increase of non−forest flora from nitrophilous and meadow habitats.
ABSTRACT The efficiency of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment depends on the adaptabil... more ABSTRACT The efficiency of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment depends on the adaptability of water and wetland plants to grow in artificial aquatic ecosystems contaminated with biogenic compounds and metals. The aim of this study was to determine the role of Hippuris vulgaris in the removal of manganese, zinc and copper from a created aquatic ecosystem contaminated with sewage and sewage sludge. In a pot experiment conducted in the summer of 2007 in a vegetation hall Hippuris vulgaris was grown in 6 different types of pots without (object 0) and with the addition of one batch of raw municipal wastewater (objects Ia, Ib and Ic) and in pots with the addition of one batch of non-hygienized sludge (IIa and IIb). Samples of the solutions, the plant material and the soil substrate were taken for analysis at the beginning (0 term), after 6 weeks (1st term) and 12 weeks (2nd term). In the first and second term the measurements of fresh weight yield of Hippuris vulgaris were made. The concentrations of Zn, Cu and Mn in water and their content in plant and soil material samples were determined with AAS technique. Measurement of pH of the soil and water were determined by potentiometry. The results of biometric and chemical measurements were presented mainly in the form of Hippuris vulgaris tolerance index (It,) and the indicators of the metal contamination level of the plant (Wr, Me), water (Ww, Me) and the substrate (Wp, Me). In the statistical analysis of the results a two-way analysis of variance was used (1st factor – the object – 5 levels, 2nd factor – the term – 2 levels), with a significance level of α = 0.05. The analytical form of linear regression equation was carried out and the value of the determination coefficient between the metal content in the plant and its concentration in the water and in relation to the contents of these metals in the soil, as well as between the ratio of copper to zinc in the plant and the value of tolerance index were determined. It was found that Hippuris vulgaris with optimum access to mineral nutrients may be involved in the removal of manganese, zinc and copper from solutions used in the experiment: municipal sewage and sewage sludge. The decrease in yield of Hippuris vulgaris can be influenced not only by the concentration of nutrients but it may also be affected by too high accumulation of zinc and copper in the tissues. The high availability of nutrients and an appropriate ratio, mostly between copper and zinc content in the biomass, can have a positive influence on the growth and development of Hippuris vulgaris.
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2018
In the years 2007-2009 the differentiation of flora on the area of balks of different length was ... more In the years 2007-2009 the differentiation of flora on the area of balks of different length was assessed. The studies of flora were carried out in the area of 7772 ha of Ińsko Lakeland in Poland. For the detailed studies 72 balks were chosen, formed from roadsides and divided into two groups according to the length. Topographic maps in the scale 1:10 000 were used for the assessment of earlier functions of the studied objects. It was shown that in the areas of an arable surface characteristic of average farms as regards their size in the European Union, the size of arable land and the length of balks related with it had an influence on phytodiversity. Despite the fact that the number of phytocoenoses was larger on shorter balks, their specific poverty did not affect biodiversity significantly. The presence of a large number of melliferous species influenced not only phytodiversity of balks, but it also resulted in the improvement of nutritive conditions, among others, for bees. A larger number of plant species on long balks, including also melliferous and therapeutic species, proves correct management of the production space in a long time period.
Water, 2019
Birch bog is formed on the margins of or within raised bogs, on secondary habitats. The study aim... more Birch bog is formed on the margins of or within raised bogs, on secondary habitats. The study aim was to understand the vegetation and mycological diversity of birch bog on the background of habitat conditions on raised bogs subject to anthropogenic changes, including 15 areas located on seven bogs. Two of the analyzed areas were located on a peat bog not subject to human impact. Phytosociological and mycosociological relevés were taken and substrate analyses were carried out (pH, humidity, N-NH4, N-NO2, N-NO3 and P-PO4). Based on habitat predictors, two area groups were distinguished, differing primarily in humidity. More humid habitats were present on the margins of bogs, and were characterized by lower acidity and higher N-NH4 and P-PO4 abundance. Despite the fact they were enriched by runoffs from the neighboring arable fields, this was not always reflected in the plant and fungi species richness. Quercus robur appeared on less humid habitats, which may be a symptom of unfavorab...
A change of the agricultural policy in Poland after 1990 caused significant changesin the structu... more A change of the agricultural policy in Poland after 1990 caused significant changesin the structures of the agricultural landscape functioning in the area of WestPomerania (Pomorze Zachodnie). The field fragments, which had been in a form ofbarren land in the protective zone of Miedwie Lake for 30 years, were chosen forthe detailed phytosociological studies. The aim of the current study was theanalysis of anthropogenic impacts on flora in the surveyed terrain. In the studiedarea, the values of the synanthropization indices of the flora were as follows:synanthropization - 2.58, apophytisation - 2.0, anthropophytisation - 0.56,archaeophytisation - 0.38, kenophytisation - 0.16, and fluctuation changes in theflora - 0.04. It is assumed that the larger the share of nonsynanthropic species, thelarger the naturalness of the flora inthese biotopes. The large values for theapophytisation index showed degradation in natural habitats A large share ofanthropophytes indicates dominance of the pr...
The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry", 2016
Global climate models shows patterns of temperature and precipitation changes worldwide. Soil moi... more Global climate models shows patterns of temperature and precipitation changes worldwide. Soil moisture and type of fertilization are key determinants of the microbial processes that determine the fluxes of gases from soil. There are not many research activities including the assessment how land conversion to the grassland can influence the greenhouse effect. The aim of this study was to determine the biomass content of microorganisms in soil and CO 2 and CH 4 emissions in conditions of diversified nitrogen fertilization and soil moisture in the cultivation of pot grass mixtures. The results of the study were treated by two-factor analysis of variance. The linear correlation between analysed gases and between microbial biomass and CO 2 or CH 4 emissions was performed. The volume of soil microbial biomass in the cultivation of grass mixtures was affected by the type of nitrogen fertilization and the level of soil moisture. Approximately 1.5 times bigger microbial biomass was found after fertilization than under control conditions. The same relationship occurred in the comparison between the microbial biomass during wet and dry conditions. Only the volume of CO 2 emission in this pot experiment was affected by the type of nitrogen fertilization. Higher emission of CO 2 was accompanied by increased emission of CH 4. In humid conditions, both mineral and organic fertilization affected positively on soil microbial biomass and the volume of CO 2 emission. From the viewpoint of reducing greenhouse gases emission, inorganic fertilizers used in dry conditions during the land conversion to the grassland, would be the best grassland cultivation method.
Journal of Elemntology, 2010
Szybkie zanikanie i degradacja oczek wodnych poci¹ga za sob¹ wiele negatywnych zjawisk w struktur... more Szybkie zanikanie i degradacja oczek wodnych poci¹ga za sob¹ wiele negatywnych zjawisk w strukturze agroekosystemów, zmniejsza retencjê powierzchniow¹ i powoduje wzrost migracji sk³adników ze zlewni. Celem pracy by³o ustalenie wp³ywu antropopresji na sk³ad chemiczny wód oeródpolnych oczek wodnych. Materia³ do analiz wybranych wskaŸników chemicznych i fizycznych wód stanowi³y próbki wodne pobierane raz w miesi¹cu z 5 oczek oeródpolnych po³o¿onych w powiecie pyrzyckim, w gminie ¯abowo, w okresie od III do X 2004 roku. Badane zbiorniki ró¿ni³y siê nie tylko sposobem zagospodarowania terenu w bezpooerednim ich s¹siedztwie, ale równie¿ form¹ dewastacji. Oznaczenia stê¿eñ: N-NH 4 + , N-NO 2 i N-NO 3 oraz PO 4 3wykonano zgodnie z Polskimi Normami. W terenie, bezpooerednio po poborze prób, zmierzono stê¿enie tlenu, temperaturê i pH wód. Ustalono, ¿e analizowane oeródpolne oczka wodne ró¿ni³y siê stopniem zaawansowania procesów degradacji. Cech¹ charakterystyczn¹ badanych obiektów by³a du¿a zmiennooeae stê¿eñ zwi¹zków biogennych w wodzie zale¿na od formy antropopresji oraz rooelinnooeci wystêpuj¹cej w zbiorniku i wokó³ niego. Wysoki poziom stê¿enia PO 4 3i N-NH 4 + w wodach oraz sukcesja rooelinnooeci wodnej oewiadcz¹ o zaawansowanym procesie eutrofizacji szczególnie oczek nr 2, 3 i 4. Bardzo du¿e stê¿enie ortofosforanów(V) w wodach oczka nr 2, po³o¿onego przy zabudowaniach dawnego PGR-u, mo¿na uznaae za hipertroficzne. W wodach tych stwierdzono te¿ najwiêkszy deficyt tlenowy.
Journal of Elemntology, 2012
The object of the research was to analyze the influence of coal ash from fluidized-bed combustion... more The object of the research was to analyze the influence of coal ash from fluidized-bed combustion applied to light soil, and combined with the microbiological preparation Effective Microorganisms (EM-1), on changes of the iron and manganese content in cultivated plants of spring wheat and spring barley. Commissioned by the company Vattenfall, a field study on seven fertilizer variants was carried out in 2007-2009. The experiments were set up in Małyszyn near Gorzów Wielkopolski (Hodowla Roślin Strzelce sp. z o.o. Oddział Małyszyn) on light soil, soil valuation class IVb. Each plot covered 10 m 2. The research was carried out in completely randomized blocks with four replications. Plant samples (grain and straw) were mineralized in a solution of nitric acid(V) and chloric acid(VII); afterwards the total content of iron and manganese was assessed. Application of coal ash to the soil resulted in a decrease of iron and manganese in spring wheat and spring barley grain and straw, especially in the second and third year of the experiment. Additionally, the enrichment of soil with the microbiological preparation EM-1 decreased the concentrations of iron and manganese in the plants. It was noted that the quantities of iron and manganese in the grain and straw of both wheat and barley were decreasing in the subsequent years of the experiment, as a result of which the plant content of these microelements in individual years was varied. To some extent, the above relationship can be explained by the fact that in the last growing season was characterized by the least rainfall. No influence of the applied coal ash on the Fe:Mn weight ratio was determined in grain from cv. Nawra wheat or cv. Lot barley.
Folia Pomeranae Universitatis Technologiae Stetinensis Agricultura, Alimentaria, Piscaria et Zootechnica
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2018
This research was carried out in order to determine the effect of fertilization, or lack of it, o... more This research was carried out in order to determine the effect of fertilization, or lack of it, on N2O emission in different conditions of soil reaction and grown grass species. The pot experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with three replications in 2014–2016 (Poland). Four grass species were grown in mineral soil under mineral or organic fertilizing (Ʃ = 150 N kg), or lack of fertilization and different soil reaction. The effect of N-fertilization dose was determined, too. The difference of groundcover density of tested grass species was assessed. The results indicated that N2O emission was reduced with subsequent doses by 13, 15 and 18% compared with the initial values. The application of mineral fertilization caused a higher increase of the grass biomass than the use of organic fertilizer – without any marked effect of soil reaction. The N2O emission was influenced by the type and dose of nitrogen fertilization, the reaction of mineral soil and the biomass of the...
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2021
A diverse terrain is one of the essential natural features of a balanced landscape and the specif... more A diverse terrain is one of the essential natural features of a balanced landscape and the specific features of its geomorphological units (sandur, moraine) contribute to regional diversity. The present work describes research designed to verify the hypothesis that the diversity of flora in the ecotone zone of woodland in Poland relates to variability both in the terrain and in land use. By using phytoindication it was possible to assess differentiation in the surfaces under study. It was found that land use (agricultural and forest use) was responsible for the occurrence of a positive interrelationship between trophy and synanthropisation values, no matter what kind of geomorphological unit there was. On the basis of the species composition in the areas under research, within the ecotone zone of woodland, it was established that in the area within moraine which had previously been used agriculturally there was a cumulation of species due to habitat diversity in ecological niches re...
The aim of the study was to determine the biomass content of microorganisms in soil and carbon di... more The aim of the study was to determine the biomass content of microorganisms in soil and carbon dioxide emissions in conditions of nitrogen fertilization in the cultivation of pot grass mixtures. In soil samples in two terms size of the biomass of living microorganisms was measured using developed by Andersen and Domsch physiological method based on measurements of generating carbon dioxide. Measurements of carbon dioxide emissions using field gas monitor INNOVA 1412 were also carried out. The results of the study were treated by two-factor analysis of variance. The linear correlation between microbial biomass and carbon dioxide emissions was performed. Used in the studies, doses of nitrogen fertilization (ammonium nitrate – 50 kg N∙ha, liquid manure – 50 kg N∙ha) do not influenced the development of soil microorganisms. The volume of soil microbial biomass in the cultivation of grass mixtures was affected by the type and number of doses of nitrogen fertilization. Both mineral and or...
Resources, 2021
Urban vegetation is generally exposed to high levels of air pollution in airborne particles, with... more Urban vegetation is generally exposed to high levels of air pollution in airborne particles, with the greatest exposure in the EU being seen in Poland. With the continuing growth of urban populations, there is a need to confirm whether honey produced from urban areas is of similar high quality to that from rural areas. A total of 27 honey samples were collected from urban and rural apiaries and tested for the concentrations of 19 elements by ICP-OES. The results were compared with data on honey produced in old and new EU countries (metadata). Our evaluation used a novel approach to determine threshold values in the identification of the bioproduct contamination index. The analysed urban honey samples demonstrated higher concentrations of K, Sr, Ba, Ni, and Co, and lower levels of Mn and B than rural honey samples. Contamination by PM10 particles and the toxic elements contained in them proved to be a poor predictor of the content of these elements in honey, in contrast to the effect...