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Papers by Gani Pllana
Kërkime Pedagogjike, Jun 11, 2024
Lindja e teorisё sё komunikimit gjuhёsor nё kuadrin e shkencave tё komunikimit i pёrket njё kohe ... more Lindja e teorisё sё komunikimit gjuhёsor nё kuadrin e shkencave tё komunikimit i pёrket njё kohe tё vonёt tё zhvillimit tё mendimit shkencor gjuhësor, meqё ёshtё ndёrtuar pak a shumё mbi bazёn e arritjeve tё fushave tё tjera tё dijes, jo vetёm me karakter shoqёror, tё afёrta me tё, por edhe me ato me karakter tё pёrpiktё e zbatimor. Sipas kërkimeve nga shkencat e komunikimit lëvizjet trupore përbëjnë 55% të transmetimit të mesazhit, fjalët 7% dhe 38% e mesazhit jepet nga përdorimi i zërit. Gjuha e trupit ka tejkaluar shpejt kuadrin e kërkimeve shkencore. E sot mund të themi se ka gjetur zbatime të mëdha në marketingun bashkëkohorë, në politikë, sociologji, reklama apo kriminalistikë. Ajo që është e veçantë te komunikimi joverbal është fakti që ne u dërgojmë mesazhe të tjerëve dhe kundër vullnetit tonë. ne shpesh skuqemi apo djersitemi në mënyrë të pavullnetshme. Madje në shumë raste këto mesazhe janë në kundërshti të plotë me atë që themi me fjalë. Vetëm rreth një e katërta e njerëzve janë në gjendje të identifikojnë elementët e gjuhës së trupit që ata vetë përdorin në jetën e përditshme.
Contemporary understanding of this notion puts in the first plan the worries about human potentia... more Contemporary understanding of this notion puts in the first plan the worries about human potential and professional development of employers in order to obtain the quality of the learning process. Man’s function, who should be the initiator of innovations in school, should be taken by the school director as a leader. The essential idea is that initiation of innovations in directors work is the key for changing the school’s climate and culture, which would lead towards providing of conditions for implementation of pedagogical innovations, respectively the climate’s innovation.This research includes school directors and primary and secondary school teachers, and it aims revising functions of school director as a leader, and his/her relationships towards the introduction of the pedagogical innovations.Keywords: school, director, contemporary leadership, school leadership
Among the terminology of the various fields of knowledge, especially the science of applied scien... more Among the terminology of the various fields of knowledge, especially the science of applied sciences, the terminology of mechanics constitutes a vocabulary of special research interest. On the one hand this relates to the mechanics itself as a technical base of science with a wide application range within its own goals, while, on the other hand, its integration into many other areas of knowledge, while, on the other hand, with its integration into many other areas of knowledge, starting with the more traditional areas (electricity, construction) as well as with the most modern ones (electronics, computer science, etc.). In addition, the core concepts of all fundamental sciences such as mathematics, geometry, physics and chemistry lie at the base of its theoretical and practical basis. This complex and diverse connection of mechanics, as a science with many fields of knowledge makes its terminology vocabulary widely applicable and as such has attracted and continues to attract the attention of terminology researchers. From this point of view, all the single-word terms (word terms) would be accepted as the basic vocabulary of the terminology of mechanics. This may be furthered by the fact that almost every word term serves as the basis for the formation of many terms of the word-groups, which mark the concepts disassembled into multiple branches, being introduced in different relationships, such as gender / type , whole / part etc. In this paper, we will accept not only the terminological naming units, expressed by the nouns and the word-groups with nominative base, but also the units expressed by other parts of the word elements, especially when they express the specificity of the field and connect with the word terms in the word formation system such as couple and (to) couple-coupled; axis-axial-axially (Alb. çift çiftëzohet-i çiftëzuar; aks and aksial-aksialisht)
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Dec 15, 2015
Antonymy being an important feature of everyday life, is present everywhere and occupies a place ... more Antonymy being an important feature of everyday life, is present everywhere and occupies a place in society. In terminologies of different fields of knowledge there is a presence of antonyms, depending on the terminology of the field being studied. Antonym words are used in a scientific-technical style. In each antonym pair antonym words usually either are or appear implicit, they also meet the requirement that technical-scientific terms need. By entering a systematic link with other words of the vocabulary, antonyms perform the role of expression or of naming a thing, of a phenomenon and process, and can often serve also as the terms of a specific field of scientific and technical terminology. Such are for example anode and cathode (in the terminology of physics), concave-convex (in optics, etc.). In the field of theoretical mechanics we also come across a number of antonym terms, which will be addressed in this paper.
Like in other terminologies, the terminology of mechanics in general, as well as its basic termin... more Like in other terminologies, the terminology of mechanics in general, as well as its basic terminology is distinguished, among other things, for its Albanian composition by construction, for the relations it has with the general lexicon of the language, as well as with the terminological lexicon of other fields, especially with basic theoretical fields of knowledge. Of a particular importance here is the view of the motivation of the conceptual content of the terms of this field from the point of view of their construction, which represents the mechanism of functioning of the terms, where the relations of form with the content stand out. The accomplishment of the aim of the study has become possible through relying on a sound theoretical base, argued and contemporary; which has got as a starting point the observation of terminology as a system of a field that is an identified and independent knowledge, which responds to the conceptual system of the respective field. The reliance on this idea, which is based on the relationship between concepts, has created the possibility to raise and to resolve a range of problems connected with the respective terminology.
ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association for Anglo-American Studies, Dec 22, 2016
Antonyms are different words with opposite meaning, which belong to the same part of speech. By s... more Antonyms are different words with opposite meaning, which belong to the same part of speech. By studying the antonym it appears that we are dealing with an issue of a methodological character which should be kept in mind for the right definition of the antonym as a linguistic phenomenon. There are appearances of antonyms in the terminology of different fields of knowledge, depending on the terminology of the field being studied. In the field of theoretical mechanics there are also found a number of antonym terms. This paper will present the most common antonyms, antonyms of adjectives and adverbs, which are used in theoretical mechanics. In this case we have greater clarity for antonyms of adjectives and of adverbs. for antonyms of adjectives: asymmetrical-symmetrical (alb. asimetriksimetrik), hard-soft (alb. i ashpëri butë), wide forehead-narrow forehead (alb. ballëgjerëballëngushtë), white
The basic terms of mechanics become the object of the work, which, being treated on the level of ... more The basic terms of mechanics become the object of the work, which, being treated on the level of comparison in both languages, in Albanian Language and English Language, provide an opportunity to better enlighten the terminological problems in the whole field of mechanics. The state and development of the terminology of this field presents with a clearer perspective, precisely by being compared with the terminology of one of the international languages, such as English today, which also serves as a standardization model for the terminology of every knowledge area.Keywords: Univocality, accuracy, mechanics terminology
Nga shqyrtimi që i kemi bërë rrugëve të ndërtimit të termave bazë të mekanikës, të cilët shërbejn... more Nga shqyrtimi që i kemi bërë rrugëve të ndërtimit të termave bazë të mekanikës, të cilët shërbejnë vetë si elemente përbërëse të termave togfjalësh, del se një rrugë me interes të veçantë studimi është rruga semantike, meqë termat e krijuar shfaqen si lidhje të gjuhës së përgjithshme me leksikun terminologjik të fushës përkatëse. Për studimin e leksikut në fjalë si leksik bazë, por edhe i përbashkët për nënfushat e tjera të mekanikës, vlerë të veçantë merr veçimi dhe identifikimi i këtij leksiku me teknologjinë mekanike, automobilin etj. Një vend më vete zënë termat bazë, kur vështrohen si mjete për ndërtimet togfjalëshe, të cilat në terminologjinë e mekanikës zënë 70-80% të të gjitha njësive emërtuese terminologjike. Marrë në tërësinë e saj gjithë kjo shtresë leksikore speciale e mekanikës shërben si bazë edhe për mjaft terminologji të tjera teknike
Lënda e gjerë dhe e pasur nga fushat e terminologjive të ndryshme teknike ka krijuar kushtet për ... more Lënda e gjerë dhe e pasur nga fushat e terminologjive të ndryshme teknike ka krijuar kushtet për hartimin e fjalorëve terminologjikë qysh nga vitet ’50 të shek. XX, ndonëse kjo veprimtari ka fillesa më të hershme. Për hartimin e tyre ka ndikuar drejtpërdrejt zhvillimi i vetë terminologjisë shqipe, si nga ana e lëndës së krijuar, ashtu edhe nga ana e përpunimit të saj dhe e pasqyrimit në fjalorët përkatës. Rruga e krijimit të këtyre fjalorëve, duhet vështruar në lidhje me gjithë kohën, gjatë së cilës ka kaluar terminologjia shqipe, si në praktikën e saj, në krijimin e bazave teorike, në metodat e punës etj
Like in other terminologies, the terminology of mechanics in general, as well as its basic termin... more Like in other terminologies, the terminology of mechanics in general, as well as its basic terminology is distinguished, among other things, for its Albanian composition by construction, for the relations it has with the general lexicon of the language, as well as with the terminological lexicon of other fields, especially with basic theoretical fields of knowledg
Konferenca e Parë e Infrastrukturës së Cilësisë, 2009
For a long time, terminology as a linguistic field has been the subject of research by scholars, ... more For a long time, terminology as a linguistic field has been the subject of research by scholars, both in the context of the general problematic of the Albanian language and in regards to the problematic that the terminology itself encompasses. Albanian technical terminology is related to international terminological systems, as well as new arrivals conditioned by the opening of Albania and Kosovo and their path to integration into international organizations, such as NATO, EU, etc. It is also related to globalization and the powerful impact of English. The history of development motivates the current state of linguistic and technical terminology in close connection with the general lexicon of the Albanian language, with units that are specialized as standardized terms in various fields of technical-technological knowledge. This paper deals with an overview of the beginnings and developments of Albanian linguistic terminology and technical terminology in the Albanian language.
he view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its un... more he view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its units have usage not only in other fields of knowledge, up to the general language like sustë, bulon, vidhë, but these do come across even in the explanatory dictionaries. Therefore, from this viewpoint, their layout and place in both languages takes importance, and in a particular way also the reflection in explanatory dictionaries, where deficiencies become apparent in the level of their representation in these dictionaries, and the symmetric withholding of definitions, as it is seen in the terms kushinetë (bearing), sustë (spring) etc. Likewise the view of these terms in the system of word forming connections brings out on the first level the review of the terms not only in the conceptual aspect, but also on the true meaning of comprehension, by making the term an object of its appearance in other parts of speech as well, except the noun, as in the adjective, the verb, the adverb. This makes the representation of these forms in the terminological dictionaries necessary, particularly when those connect with the word forming system (term forming) and express the specificity of the field, like: mekanikë and mekanik-e-mekanikisht (përpunoj), lëvizje-lëviz-i lëvizshëm-lëvizëse, as in English: mechanics-mechanic-mechanically, (to) move-movement-moving-movable etc.
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, Dec 19, 2019
A special attention in Albanian linguistics is given to studies about the terminology problems, t... more A special attention in Albanian linguistics is given to studies about the terminology problems, the observation of terminological lexicon in particular, broad, narrow and very narrow level of the knowledge fields. In general, these terminologies have been looked at the synchronous axis and in special cases, also have been dealt within the diachronic development line. Problems with the history of terminology development have been largely limited to partial cases, but rarely have been seen as separate issues. Up to nowadays, Albanian technical (technology) terminology generally has been studied in the form of specific terminologies, starting from the terminology of more or less extensive fields, such as economics, medicine, mechanics, agriculture and any other within them, such as agronomy or even narrower ones. From the broad-field terminologies it was able to make basic generalizations, but even narrow ones have been able to delve deeper into specific issues. Conducted generalizatio...
ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association for Anglo-American Studies, 2015
One of the fundamental problems of standardization of every terminology, and in particular of a k... more One of the fundamental problems of standardization of every terminology, and in particular of a knowledge area, is the systemization of terms, i.e., the adjustment and their insertion into the system by aiming to accomplish as a final goal the equivalence: one term-one concept. The implementation of this process relates to the construction of a terminology as a system of forms and contents, where the system of forms (terms) will be adequately adapted to the system of the contents (concepts). The creation of this system is affected by two semantic phenomena observed in it, like the absolute synonymy, which causes an overloading of signs, as well as the polysemy (homonymy), which leads to its incompleteness with sufficient signs, where not each one responds to the relevant concepts. Keywords: standardization, term, terminology, theoretical mechanics.
The history of appearance and development of technical terminologies in the Albanian area sheds l... more The history of appearance and development of technical terminologies in the Albanian area sheds light on the relationships they have entered into with social factors indicating what kinds of factors have prevailed in their appearance and development. Thus, for instance, at the end of the 19th century, a number of knowledge fields were stipulated by political factors, cultural and linguistic factors that are inextricably linked to our nation's efforts to arouse national consciousness through the growth of educational and cultural level of the people. Some sciences, through their fundamental special fields probably would be one of those factors that would accomplish this objective. Other factors were the opening of schools and the drafting of relevant textbooks thereby their accomplishment is to be achieved by means of written language. Therefore the first fundamental knowledge fields were embodied with them, such as mathematics, linguistics, geography. So the conceptual systems o...
Among the terminology of the various fields of knowledge, especially the science of applied scien... more Among the terminology of the various fields of knowledge, especially the science of applied sciences, the terminology of mechanics constitutes a vocabulary of special research interest. On the one hand this relates to the mechanics itself as a technical base of science with a wide application range within its own goals, while, on the other hand, its integration into many other areas of knowledge, while, on the other hand, with its integration into many other areas of knowledge, starting with the more traditional areas (electricity, construction) as well as with the most modern ones (electronics, computer science, etc.). In addition, the core concepts of all fundamental sciences such as mathematics, geometry, physics and chemistry lie at the base of its theoretical and practical basis. This complex and diverse connection of mechanics, as a science with many fields of knowledge makes its terminology vocabulary widely applicable and as such has attracted and continues to attract the at...
ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association for Anglo-American Studies, 2016
Antonyms are different words with opposite meaning, which belong to the same part of speech. By s... more Antonyms are different words with opposite meaning, which belong to the same part of speech. By studying the antonym it appears that we are dealing with an issue of a methodological character which should be kept in mind for the right definition of the antonym as a linguistic phenomenon. There are appearances of antonyms in the terminology of different fields of knowledge, depending on the terminology of the field being studied. In the field of theoretical mechanics, there are also found a number of antonym terms. This paper will present the most common antonyms, antonyms of adjectives and adverbs, which are used in theoretical mechanics. Keywords: theoretical mechanics terminology, antonyms, antonyms of adjectives, antonyms of adverbs.
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, 2019
История появления и развития технических областей в нашей стране проливает свет на отношения, кот... more История появления и развития технических областей в нашей стране проливает свет на отношения, которые были созданы с социальными факторами, показывая, какие факторы доминировали над их появлением и развитием. Так, например, в конце 19-го века ряд областей знаний были предвидены политическими, культурными и языковыми факторами, которые неразрывно связаны с усилиями нашей страны по повышению национальной осведомленности посредством роста образовательного и культурного уровня людей. Некоторые науки, по их основным специальностям, вероятно, были одним из тех факторов, которые позволят достичь этой цели. Другими факторами были открытие школ и разработка соответствующих учебников, для достижения этий целей посредством письменного языка. Поэтому первые области базовых знаний были воплощены в них, такие как математика, лингвистика, география.
Kërkime Pedagogjike, Jun 11, 2024
Lindja e teorisё sё komunikimit gjuhёsor nё kuadrin e shkencave tё komunikimit i pёrket njё kohe ... more Lindja e teorisё sё komunikimit gjuhёsor nё kuadrin e shkencave tё komunikimit i pёrket njё kohe tё vonёt tё zhvillimit tё mendimit shkencor gjuhësor, meqё ёshtё ndёrtuar pak a shumё mbi bazёn e arritjeve tё fushave tё tjera tё dijes, jo vetёm me karakter shoqёror, tё afёrta me tё, por edhe me ato me karakter tё pёrpiktё e zbatimor. Sipas kërkimeve nga shkencat e komunikimit lëvizjet trupore përbëjnë 55% të transmetimit të mesazhit, fjalët 7% dhe 38% e mesazhit jepet nga përdorimi i zërit. Gjuha e trupit ka tejkaluar shpejt kuadrin e kërkimeve shkencore. E sot mund të themi se ka gjetur zbatime të mëdha në marketingun bashkëkohorë, në politikë, sociologji, reklama apo kriminalistikë. Ajo që është e veçantë te komunikimi joverbal është fakti që ne u dërgojmë mesazhe të tjerëve dhe kundër vullnetit tonë. ne shpesh skuqemi apo djersitemi në mënyrë të pavullnetshme. Madje në shumë raste këto mesazhe janë në kundërshti të plotë me atë që themi me fjalë. Vetëm rreth një e katërta e njerëzve janë në gjendje të identifikojnë elementët e gjuhës së trupit që ata vetë përdorin në jetën e përditshme.
Contemporary understanding of this notion puts in the first plan the worries about human potentia... more Contemporary understanding of this notion puts in the first plan the worries about human potential and professional development of employers in order to obtain the quality of the learning process. Man’s function, who should be the initiator of innovations in school, should be taken by the school director as a leader. The essential idea is that initiation of innovations in directors work is the key for changing the school’s climate and culture, which would lead towards providing of conditions for implementation of pedagogical innovations, respectively the climate’s innovation.This research includes school directors and primary and secondary school teachers, and it aims revising functions of school director as a leader, and his/her relationships towards the introduction of the pedagogical innovations.Keywords: school, director, contemporary leadership, school leadership
Among the terminology of the various fields of knowledge, especially the science of applied scien... more Among the terminology of the various fields of knowledge, especially the science of applied sciences, the terminology of mechanics constitutes a vocabulary of special research interest. On the one hand this relates to the mechanics itself as a technical base of science with a wide application range within its own goals, while, on the other hand, its integration into many other areas of knowledge, while, on the other hand, with its integration into many other areas of knowledge, starting with the more traditional areas (electricity, construction) as well as with the most modern ones (electronics, computer science, etc.). In addition, the core concepts of all fundamental sciences such as mathematics, geometry, physics and chemistry lie at the base of its theoretical and practical basis. This complex and diverse connection of mechanics, as a science with many fields of knowledge makes its terminology vocabulary widely applicable and as such has attracted and continues to attract the attention of terminology researchers. From this point of view, all the single-word terms (word terms) would be accepted as the basic vocabulary of the terminology of mechanics. This may be furthered by the fact that almost every word term serves as the basis for the formation of many terms of the word-groups, which mark the concepts disassembled into multiple branches, being introduced in different relationships, such as gender / type , whole / part etc. In this paper, we will accept not only the terminological naming units, expressed by the nouns and the word-groups with nominative base, but also the units expressed by other parts of the word elements, especially when they express the specificity of the field and connect with the word terms in the word formation system such as couple and (to) couple-coupled; axis-axial-axially (Alb. çift çiftëzohet-i çiftëzuar; aks and aksial-aksialisht)
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Dec 15, 2015
Antonymy being an important feature of everyday life, is present everywhere and occupies a place ... more Antonymy being an important feature of everyday life, is present everywhere and occupies a place in society. In terminologies of different fields of knowledge there is a presence of antonyms, depending on the terminology of the field being studied. Antonym words are used in a scientific-technical style. In each antonym pair antonym words usually either are or appear implicit, they also meet the requirement that technical-scientific terms need. By entering a systematic link with other words of the vocabulary, antonyms perform the role of expression or of naming a thing, of a phenomenon and process, and can often serve also as the terms of a specific field of scientific and technical terminology. Such are for example anode and cathode (in the terminology of physics), concave-convex (in optics, etc.). In the field of theoretical mechanics we also come across a number of antonym terms, which will be addressed in this paper.
Like in other terminologies, the terminology of mechanics in general, as well as its basic termin... more Like in other terminologies, the terminology of mechanics in general, as well as its basic terminology is distinguished, among other things, for its Albanian composition by construction, for the relations it has with the general lexicon of the language, as well as with the terminological lexicon of other fields, especially with basic theoretical fields of knowledge. Of a particular importance here is the view of the motivation of the conceptual content of the terms of this field from the point of view of their construction, which represents the mechanism of functioning of the terms, where the relations of form with the content stand out. The accomplishment of the aim of the study has become possible through relying on a sound theoretical base, argued and contemporary; which has got as a starting point the observation of terminology as a system of a field that is an identified and independent knowledge, which responds to the conceptual system of the respective field. The reliance on this idea, which is based on the relationship between concepts, has created the possibility to raise and to resolve a range of problems connected with the respective terminology.
ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association for Anglo-American Studies, Dec 22, 2016
Antonyms are different words with opposite meaning, which belong to the same part of speech. By s... more Antonyms are different words with opposite meaning, which belong to the same part of speech. By studying the antonym it appears that we are dealing with an issue of a methodological character which should be kept in mind for the right definition of the antonym as a linguistic phenomenon. There are appearances of antonyms in the terminology of different fields of knowledge, depending on the terminology of the field being studied. In the field of theoretical mechanics there are also found a number of antonym terms. This paper will present the most common antonyms, antonyms of adjectives and adverbs, which are used in theoretical mechanics. In this case we have greater clarity for antonyms of adjectives and of adverbs. for antonyms of adjectives: asymmetrical-symmetrical (alb. asimetriksimetrik), hard-soft (alb. i ashpëri butë), wide forehead-narrow forehead (alb. ballëgjerëballëngushtë), white
The basic terms of mechanics become the object of the work, which, being treated on the level of ... more The basic terms of mechanics become the object of the work, which, being treated on the level of comparison in both languages, in Albanian Language and English Language, provide an opportunity to better enlighten the terminological problems in the whole field of mechanics. The state and development of the terminology of this field presents with a clearer perspective, precisely by being compared with the terminology of one of the international languages, such as English today, which also serves as a standardization model for the terminology of every knowledge area.Keywords: Univocality, accuracy, mechanics terminology
Nga shqyrtimi që i kemi bërë rrugëve të ndërtimit të termave bazë të mekanikës, të cilët shërbejn... more Nga shqyrtimi që i kemi bërë rrugëve të ndërtimit të termave bazë të mekanikës, të cilët shërbejnë vetë si elemente përbërëse të termave togfjalësh, del se një rrugë me interes të veçantë studimi është rruga semantike, meqë termat e krijuar shfaqen si lidhje të gjuhës së përgjithshme me leksikun terminologjik të fushës përkatëse. Për studimin e leksikut në fjalë si leksik bazë, por edhe i përbashkët për nënfushat e tjera të mekanikës, vlerë të veçantë merr veçimi dhe identifikimi i këtij leksiku me teknologjinë mekanike, automobilin etj. Një vend më vete zënë termat bazë, kur vështrohen si mjete për ndërtimet togfjalëshe, të cilat në terminologjinë e mekanikës zënë 70-80% të të gjitha njësive emërtuese terminologjike. Marrë në tërësinë e saj gjithë kjo shtresë leksikore speciale e mekanikës shërben si bazë edhe për mjaft terminologji të tjera teknike
Lënda e gjerë dhe e pasur nga fushat e terminologjive të ndryshme teknike ka krijuar kushtet për ... more Lënda e gjerë dhe e pasur nga fushat e terminologjive të ndryshme teknike ka krijuar kushtet për hartimin e fjalorëve terminologjikë qysh nga vitet ’50 të shek. XX, ndonëse kjo veprimtari ka fillesa më të hershme. Për hartimin e tyre ka ndikuar drejtpërdrejt zhvillimi i vetë terminologjisë shqipe, si nga ana e lëndës së krijuar, ashtu edhe nga ana e përpunimit të saj dhe e pasqyrimit në fjalorët përkatës. Rruga e krijimit të këtyre fjalorëve, duhet vështruar në lidhje me gjithë kohën, gjatë së cilës ka kaluar terminologjia shqipe, si në praktikën e saj, në krijimin e bazave teorike, në metodat e punës etj
Like in other terminologies, the terminology of mechanics in general, as well as its basic termin... more Like in other terminologies, the terminology of mechanics in general, as well as its basic terminology is distinguished, among other things, for its Albanian composition by construction, for the relations it has with the general lexicon of the language, as well as with the terminological lexicon of other fields, especially with basic theoretical fields of knowledg
Konferenca e Parë e Infrastrukturës së Cilësisë, 2009
For a long time, terminology as a linguistic field has been the subject of research by scholars, ... more For a long time, terminology as a linguistic field has been the subject of research by scholars, both in the context of the general problematic of the Albanian language and in regards to the problematic that the terminology itself encompasses. Albanian technical terminology is related to international terminological systems, as well as new arrivals conditioned by the opening of Albania and Kosovo and their path to integration into international organizations, such as NATO, EU, etc. It is also related to globalization and the powerful impact of English. The history of development motivates the current state of linguistic and technical terminology in close connection with the general lexicon of the Albanian language, with units that are specialized as standardized terms in various fields of technical-technological knowledge. This paper deals with an overview of the beginnings and developments of Albanian linguistic terminology and technical terminology in the Albanian language.
he view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its un... more he view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its units have usage not only in other fields of knowledge, up to the general language like sustë, bulon, vidhë, but these do come across even in the explanatory dictionaries. Therefore, from this viewpoint, their layout and place in both languages takes importance, and in a particular way also the reflection in explanatory dictionaries, where deficiencies become apparent in the level of their representation in these dictionaries, and the symmetric withholding of definitions, as it is seen in the terms kushinetë (bearing), sustë (spring) etc. Likewise the view of these terms in the system of word forming connections brings out on the first level the review of the terms not only in the conceptual aspect, but also on the true meaning of comprehension, by making the term an object of its appearance in other parts of speech as well, except the noun, as in the adjective, the verb, the adverb. This makes the representation of these forms in the terminological dictionaries necessary, particularly when those connect with the word forming system (term forming) and express the specificity of the field, like: mekanikë and mekanik-e-mekanikisht (përpunoj), lëvizje-lëviz-i lëvizshëm-lëvizëse, as in English: mechanics-mechanic-mechanically, (to) move-movement-moving-movable etc.
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, Dec 19, 2019
A special attention in Albanian linguistics is given to studies about the terminology problems, t... more A special attention in Albanian linguistics is given to studies about the terminology problems, the observation of terminological lexicon in particular, broad, narrow and very narrow level of the knowledge fields. In general, these terminologies have been looked at the synchronous axis and in special cases, also have been dealt within the diachronic development line. Problems with the history of terminology development have been largely limited to partial cases, but rarely have been seen as separate issues. Up to nowadays, Albanian technical (technology) terminology generally has been studied in the form of specific terminologies, starting from the terminology of more or less extensive fields, such as economics, medicine, mechanics, agriculture and any other within them, such as agronomy or even narrower ones. From the broad-field terminologies it was able to make basic generalizations, but even narrow ones have been able to delve deeper into specific issues. Conducted generalizatio...
ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association for Anglo-American Studies, 2015
One of the fundamental problems of standardization of every terminology, and in particular of a k... more One of the fundamental problems of standardization of every terminology, and in particular of a knowledge area, is the systemization of terms, i.e., the adjustment and their insertion into the system by aiming to accomplish as a final goal the equivalence: one term-one concept. The implementation of this process relates to the construction of a terminology as a system of forms and contents, where the system of forms (terms) will be adequately adapted to the system of the contents (concepts). The creation of this system is affected by two semantic phenomena observed in it, like the absolute synonymy, which causes an overloading of signs, as well as the polysemy (homonymy), which leads to its incompleteness with sufficient signs, where not each one responds to the relevant concepts. Keywords: standardization, term, terminology, theoretical mechanics.
The history of appearance and development of technical terminologies in the Albanian area sheds l... more The history of appearance and development of technical terminologies in the Albanian area sheds light on the relationships they have entered into with social factors indicating what kinds of factors have prevailed in their appearance and development. Thus, for instance, at the end of the 19th century, a number of knowledge fields were stipulated by political factors, cultural and linguistic factors that are inextricably linked to our nation's efforts to arouse national consciousness through the growth of educational and cultural level of the people. Some sciences, through their fundamental special fields probably would be one of those factors that would accomplish this objective. Other factors were the opening of schools and the drafting of relevant textbooks thereby their accomplishment is to be achieved by means of written language. Therefore the first fundamental knowledge fields were embodied with them, such as mathematics, linguistics, geography. So the conceptual systems o...
Among the terminology of the various fields of knowledge, especially the science of applied scien... more Among the terminology of the various fields of knowledge, especially the science of applied sciences, the terminology of mechanics constitutes a vocabulary of special research interest. On the one hand this relates to the mechanics itself as a technical base of science with a wide application range within its own goals, while, on the other hand, its integration into many other areas of knowledge, while, on the other hand, with its integration into many other areas of knowledge, starting with the more traditional areas (electricity, construction) as well as with the most modern ones (electronics, computer science, etc.). In addition, the core concepts of all fundamental sciences such as mathematics, geometry, physics and chemistry lie at the base of its theoretical and practical basis. This complex and diverse connection of mechanics, as a science with many fields of knowledge makes its terminology vocabulary widely applicable and as such has attracted and continues to attract the at...
ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association for Anglo-American Studies, 2016
Antonyms are different words with opposite meaning, which belong to the same part of speech. By s... more Antonyms are different words with opposite meaning, which belong to the same part of speech. By studying the antonym it appears that we are dealing with an issue of a methodological character which should be kept in mind for the right definition of the antonym as a linguistic phenomenon. There are appearances of antonyms in the terminology of different fields of knowledge, depending on the terminology of the field being studied. In the field of theoretical mechanics, there are also found a number of antonym terms. This paper will present the most common antonyms, antonyms of adjectives and adverbs, which are used in theoretical mechanics. Keywords: theoretical mechanics terminology, antonyms, antonyms of adjectives, antonyms of adverbs.
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, 2019
История появления и развития технических областей в нашей стране проливает свет на отношения, кот... more История появления и развития технических областей в нашей стране проливает свет на отношения, которые были созданы с социальными факторами, показывая, какие факторы доминировали над их появлением и развитием. Так, например, в конце 19-го века ряд областей знаний были предвидены политическими, культурными и языковыми факторами, которые неразрывно связаны с усилиями нашей страны по повышению национальной осведомленности посредством роста образовательного и культурного уровня людей. Некоторые науки, по их основным специальностям, вероятно, были одним из тех факторов, которые позволят достичь этой цели. Другими факторами были открытие школ и разработка соответствующих учебников, для достижения этий целей посредством письменного языка. Поэтому первые области базовых знаний были воплощены в них, такие как математика, лингвистика, география.