Gustavo Eduardo Quipuscoa Marquez - (original) (raw)

Papers by Gustavo Eduardo Quipuscoa Marquez

Research paper thumbnail of El problema del empleo en Am�rica Latina: percepciones y un extracto de los hechos

Research paper thumbnail of Development Beyond Economics

This report moves beyond the conventional scope of economics to examine three entrenched structur... more This report moves beyond the conventional scope of economics to examine three entrenched structural factors -demography, geography and institutions- that are closely connected to economic and social development. Historical in nature and slow to evolve, these variables are not always in the forefront of economic analysis. They do, however, hold the key to better understanding Latin American societies and the challenges awaiting them in the new century. Development Beyond Economics compares Latin America's development with that of other regions of the world not only in terms of economic progress, but also human development and the capacity of people to work together as a society. This means examining variables ranging from income distribution to social indicators, democratic benchmarks and crime.

Research paper thumbnail of Ties that Bind: Employment Protection and Labor Market Outcomes in Latin America

SSRN Electronic Journal, 1998

for their valuable research support. In addition, we would like to thank Eduardo Lora for his sug... more for their valuable research support. In addition, we would like to thank Eduardo Lora for his suggestions and comments. Any remaining errors are of our own. This paper reflects the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the Inter-American Development Bank.

Research paper thumbnail of Unemployment in Latin America and the Caribbean in the mid-90's

SSRN Electronic Journal, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Labor Markets and Income Support: What Did We Learn from the Crises?

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000

La lE D hacia A m érica Latina y e l Caribe viene experim entando aum entos sin precedentes duran... more La lE D hacia A m érica Latina y e l Caribe viene experim entando aum entos sin precedentes durante lo s 9 0 's (de p oco m enos de 10.000 m illon es de dólares en 1990 pasó a poco m as de 67.000 m illones en 1998).-Entre las explicacion es de tal auge destaca un sensible cam bio de actitud en lo s países respecto al rol de la lE D .-En un notable ejem plo de cam bio de paradigma, respecto al que prevalecía durante las primeras tres décadas posteriores a la II Guerra M undial, la lE D es hoy percibida com o una manera superior de dinam izar el com ercio internacional e im pulsar el crecim iento econ óm ico.-En principio ella permite que la econom ía receptora acceda a nuevos y privilegiados m ercados (de insum os y productos), a tecnologías y asistencia técnica más avanzadas, así com o a nuevas form as de conocim iento (en materia de producción, adm inistración, com ercialización, transporte, etc.), y por cierto, a la generación de nuevos em pleos con productividad y rem uneraciones superiores a la mediaEllo explica en parte por qué las autoridades económ icas de la región están dispuestas a-y de hecho se esfuerzan p o r-prom over la radicación de la lE D dentro de sus respectivas jurisdicciones, m endiante la oferta de diversos tipos de incentivos.-Entre estos últim os destacan diversas m odalidades de incentivos tributarios horizontales y /o selectivos (por sectores, industrias o em presas). D e hecho, los gobiernos Uegan a com petir entre sí-d e maneras a veces predatoria-para asegurar la localización d el m ayor volum en posible de lE D dentro de sus respectivas fronteras (para lo cual conceden exenciones o vacaciones im positivas por diferentes horizontes tem porales, deducciones especiales por cuenta de depreciaciones aceleradas, tasas preferenciales, zonas libres de im puestos, etc.), descuidando hasta cierto punto su com posición .-E ste últim o punto viene generando abundante reflexión en algunos p aíses, donde los incentivos tributarios están siendo diseñados no apenas para atraer lE D , sino para asegurar que ésta se canalice hacia actividades y /o sectores prioritarios.-A dem ás, estos tem as vienen despertando fuerte interés en las llam adas 'econom ías pequeñas', que para com petir exitosam ente con las de m ayor tamaño relativo son impulsadas a atender dem andas de las em presas responsables por la lE , con pesadas consecuencias en materia de 'renuncias' tributarias para e l Tesoro N acional.-E sto últim o tam bién puede llegar a tener un significativo im pacto sobre las finanzas públicas de lo s gobiernos subnacionales (y por carácter transitivo, sobre el Tesoro N acional) en econom ías grandes y de tradición p olítica federal, donde la 'guerra' de incentivos entre niveles de gobierno subnacionales ha venido ganando espacio hasta transformarse en un grave problema fiscal.-Provósüo Promover el anáfisis y discusión entorno a diversas m odalidades de incentivos tributarios para atraer lE D en uso en la región, desde una perspectiva com parativa en cuanto al diseño de tales instrum entos, al costo fiscal de su utilización y lo s resultados que vienen siendo alcanzados.-SésiónS Administración de Riesgos y manejo de Pasivos Contingentes del Sector Público; ¿Cómo incorporar el tema de las Garantías Gubernamentales-explícitas e imfHícitas-a la programación presupuestaria anual y plurimiual? Antecedentes El sector gobierno, com o cualquier agente económ ico, debe hacer frente a m uchos tipos de im previstos con claras consecuencias financieras.-A sí cabe m encionar los pagos que e l T esoro público debe efectuar en cada ejercicio fiscal com o consecuencia de fallos jud iciales adversos, o por reconocim iento de deudas inadecuadam ente contabilizadas en el pasado (ej. reconocim iento de 'esqueletos' fiscales), o por indem nizaciones (ej. por despidos de trabajadores), com pensaciones (ej. por expropiación de propiedades) y/o reparaciones (ej. por daños privados causados por agentes públicos).-D e igual m odo, e l Estado debe hacerse cargo del pago de diversos seguros im plícitos [ej. por quiebres de cosechas, inundaciones, terremotos u otras catástrofes naturales, a los que debe adicionarse el 'rescate' de organizaciones financieras-estatales y privadas-in solventes, agencias de gobiernos subnacionales técnicam ente en bancarrota, o en general, de 'proyectos' que por diversos m otivos cuentan con garantías gubernam entales im plícitas (ej. la seguridad Como consecuencia, cambia la caracterización del sector gobierno (desde la óptica de funciones a la de agrupación de unidades), el criterio para registrar transacciones (de caja a devengado), y aumenta el grado de integración entre flujos y estoques (la noción de riqueza neta y hoja de balance del sector gobierno adquieren gran importancia).-Estos últimos y otros importantes avances conceptuales propuestos en el Manual, contrastan con la sensación de que los indicadores riscales más utilizados (digamos, sobre déficit y deuda pública) están afectados de una cierta dosis de opacidad que convendría disipar pues perjudica las posibilidades de evaluación y análisis de las propias autoridades económicas nacionales y, por cierto, la comparabilidad internacional de las finanzas públicas y de la política fiscal.-Por este motivo, la CEPAL y el Banco Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social (BNDES) de Brasil vienen trabajando en una iniciativa conjunta para mejorar la transparencia y comparabilidad de los indicadores fiscales de los países de AL&C, tema este que será objeto de discusión en un Taller ad-hoc a realizarse el día posterior a esta sesión.-Provósiío Crear un espacio para que los especialistas en finanzas públicas y política fiscal de la región, quiera sean de gobierno, instituciones académicas especializadas u organismos internacionales, puedan tomar conocimiento detallado y en primera mano, sobre los cambios que vienen siendo propuestos para esta nueva edición del Manual y para que tengan la oportunidad de expresar sus observaciones, sugerencias y recomendaciones. V. M ea su rin g th e G en era l Q u a lity o f th e P u b lic S e c to r, VI. C o n clu d in g R e m a r k s _________________________________ R e fe re n c e s_________________________________________________ 5 .8 .10 11 .13 .13 Disertación Inaugural-4 Disertación Inaugural-8 Constitution, which specifically deals with "economic relations," lists many riehts of workers and only limitations to property rights. It specifies that the state can put limits to the use o f property and can expropriate it for the national interest. It also states that the state can impose various limits to the use of property in order to "establish equitable social relations." If the proper economic role of the state in a market economy requires the protection of property rights, this document is surely reluctant to assign that role to the state. It should, thus, not be surprising if economic policies and institutions in Italy have developed to conform to this constitution and have allowed policies (rent controls, expropriation of land with very low compensation, etc.) that are contrary to the protection o f property. In conclusion, the role that constitutions play in determining the quality o f the public sector cannot be exaggerated.' It is the constitution that allows or disallows certain actions on the part of the governing body and on the part of the citizens. Thus, at least in principle, the laws and the regulations that govern a country must be consistent with the constitutional principles as interpreted by a Supreme Court or by an equivalent body. In recent years, there has been a trend in many countries to try to modernize their constitutions. However, the results have not been always very good. At times the revised constitutions have been poorly formulated, complex and confusing. Some economists, including James Buchanan and Francesco Forte have argued that the economic or fiscal role o f the constitution should be one of establishing limits to governmental action as for example done by the Swiss Constitution. See Forte (1998). The constitution should stress what the state caimot do rather than what it should do. Thus, these authors might favor limitations to tax rates, to levels of public spending or to fiscal deficits. The Maastricht Stability and Growth Pact might be seen as an example of such a constitution even though it is silent about the size of public spending. In some circumstances, and again Brazil comes to mind, a change in the constitution that removed obstacles to desirable and important reforms may be a necessary condition for raising the quality of the public sector and o f public policy. B. Laws W hile the constitution sets, or at least should set, the general principles that guide the country's policies, the latter are permitted and directed by specific laws. It is possible to generalize that the quality of the public sector is enhanced when the laws are relatively few, are clearly written-and thus not subject to conflicting interpretation-are comprehensive, and are not in conflict among themselves. Difficulties have arisen when the laws are too many, are not clear, do not cover all relevant areas o f economic activities, or provide conflicting signals. Among European countries it has been reported that while some of them have only few thousands active laws others may have tens of thousands. See for example, Ferro et al (1999). It may thus be difficult to find one's way in this legal jungle. The legal system may reflect a problem conceptually similar to that associated with Y2K. It occurs because at each time that a new law is enacted, all the existing laws should be scrutinized and, if necessary, revised to make sure that all the elements o f these laws are consistent with the new law. W hen the existing laws are many, and especially when they are not clear, it is almost impossible to ascertain this. Thus, occasionally elements imbedded in laws enacted in the past, but still on the...

Research paper thumbnail of The Employment Problem in Latin America: Perceptions and Stylized Facts

SSRN Electronic Journal, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Search Methods and Outcomes in Developing Countries: The Case of Venezuela

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2004

Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. If the documents have been made available under an Open Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.

Research paper thumbnail of Métodos de búsqueda y resultados en países en desarrollo: el caso de Venezuela

Search methods and outcomes in developing countries : the case of Venezuela / by Gustavo Márquez ... more Search methods and outcomes in developing countries : the case of Venezuela / by Gustavo Márquez M., Cristóbal Ruiz-Tagle V. p. cm. (Research Department Working Papers ; 519) Includes bibliographical references. 1. Job hunting-Venezuela. I. Ruiz-Tagle V., Cristóbal. II. Inter-American Development Bank. Research Dept. III. Title. IV. Series.

Research paper thumbnail of Structural and electrophysiological effects of local anesthetics and of low temperature on myelinated nerves: implication of the lipid chains in nerve excitability 1 1Edited by A. Klug

Journal of Molecular Biology, 1999

X-ray scattering and electrophysiological experiments performed on toad sciatic nerves as a funct... more X-ray scattering and electrophysiological experiments performed on toad sciatic nerves as a function of the exposure to either low temperature or tetracaine yielded the following results: (i) the main structural effect is to thicken the individual membranes, thus to stiffen the acyl chains and increase the repeat distance of the one-dimensional lattice, phenomena that are typical of lipid-containing systems with disordered chains; (ii) the electrophysiological effect is to decrease the amplitude and velocity of the compound action potential; (iii) the structural and physiological effects of the two agents are practically identical. Since the structural and the electrophysiological parameters have different origins in the nerves (the structure regards the myelin sheath, the electrical signals originate at the nodes of Ranvier) it is inferred that tetracaine and low temperature exert similar effects on the membranes of both the myelin sheath and the nodes of Ranvier. Also, since local anesthetics act by inhibiting the Na channels, these observations suggest that the acyl chain conformation modulates the channel function and thus the generation of action potential.

Research paper thumbnail of Malnutrition and myelin structure: an X-ray scattering study of rat sciatic and optic nerves

European Biophysics Journal, 2000

Taking advantage of the fast and accurate Xray scattering techniques recently developed in our la... more Taking advantage of the fast and accurate Xray scattering techniques recently developed in our laboratory, we tackled the study of the structural alterations induced in myelin by malnutrition. Our work was performed on sciatic and optic nerves dissected from rats fed with either a normal or a low-protein caloric diet, as a function of age (from birth to 60 days). By way of electrophysiological controls we also measured (on the sciatic nerves) the height and velocity of the compound action potential. Malnutrition was found to decrease the amount of myelin and to impair the packing order of the membranes in the sheaths.

Research paper thumbnail of A reversible abnormal form of myelin: an X-ray scattering study of human sural and rat sciatic nerves

European Biophysics Journal, 2001

A sural nerve dissected from a recently dead patient displayed an unusual X-ray diraction pattern... more A sural nerve dissected from a recently dead patient displayed an unusual X-ray diraction pattern, suggesting that in situ and at the time of the patient's death the myelin sheaths were in a swollen state. Diffraction patterns of the swollen type were also recorded from: (1) a sural nerve from the corpse of a neurologically healthy person after soaking the nerve with Ringer solution at pH 5.5; (2) sciatic nerves dissected from rat cadavers at increasing time after death. In all the cases the swollen patterns reversed to the native type upon superfusion with Ringer solution at pH 7.3. The postmortem eect is to decrease the pH of the¯uids surrounding the nerves in the cadavers. Our experiments show that the early postmortem processes have the eect of acidifying PNS nerves and that as a consequence of acidi®cation the myelin sheaths swell.

Research paper thumbnail of Outsiders?: the changing patterns of exclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean

This report raises a number of fundamental questions about the multidimensional and interrelated ... more This report raises a number of fundamental questions about the multidimensional and interrelated nature of social exclusion and moves beyond the traditional emphasis on outcomes and groups to view exclusion as a process that results from societal traits that limit the functionings of the excluded. Using the tools of experimental economics, the report shows the enormous economic and welfare costs of exclusion, suggesting that inclusion policies should be viewed as an investment rather than as a supposedly generous handout to the worst off in society. Inclusion policies thus are more than new programs or new institutions to redress past injustices through income transfers, and imply fundamental changes in the way decisions are made, resources are allocated, and policies are implemented in democratic societies.

Research paper thumbnail of El problema del empleo en América Latina: percepciones y un extracto de los hechos

(Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) En este artículo, que hace las veces de introducción de ... more (Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) En este artículo, que hace las veces de introducción de un conjunto de estudios preparados por la Oficina del Economista principal del BID, presenta las percepciones de ciudadanos y empresas latinoamericanas sobre el problema del empleo. Se compara dichas percepciones con las condiciones de los mercados laborales de la región.

Research paper thumbnail of Competitividad: el motor del crecimiento

© Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Todos los derechos reservados. Visite nuestro sitio Web par... more © Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Todos los derechos reservados. Visite nuestro sitio Web para obtener más información: Página en blanco a propósito © Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Todos los derechos reservados. Visite nuestro sitio Web para obtener más información: El motor del crecimiento Intorme 2001 Progreso económico y social en América Latina

Research paper thumbnail of El problema del empleo en Am�rica Latina: percepciones y un extracto de los hechos

Research paper thumbnail of Development Beyond Economics

This report moves beyond the conventional scope of economics to examine three entrenched structur... more This report moves beyond the conventional scope of economics to examine three entrenched structural factors -demography, geography and institutions- that are closely connected to economic and social development. Historical in nature and slow to evolve, these variables are not always in the forefront of economic analysis. They do, however, hold the key to better understanding Latin American societies and the challenges awaiting them in the new century. Development Beyond Economics compares Latin America's development with that of other regions of the world not only in terms of economic progress, but also human development and the capacity of people to work together as a society. This means examining variables ranging from income distribution to social indicators, democratic benchmarks and crime.

Research paper thumbnail of Ties that Bind: Employment Protection and Labor Market Outcomes in Latin America

SSRN Electronic Journal, 1998

for their valuable research support. In addition, we would like to thank Eduardo Lora for his sug... more for their valuable research support. In addition, we would like to thank Eduardo Lora for his suggestions and comments. Any remaining errors are of our own. This paper reflects the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the Inter-American Development Bank.

Research paper thumbnail of Unemployment in Latin America and the Caribbean in the mid-90's

SSRN Electronic Journal, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Labor Markets and Income Support: What Did We Learn from the Crises?

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000

La lE D hacia A m érica Latina y e l Caribe viene experim entando aum entos sin precedentes duran... more La lE D hacia A m érica Latina y e l Caribe viene experim entando aum entos sin precedentes durante lo s 9 0 's (de p oco m enos de 10.000 m illon es de dólares en 1990 pasó a poco m as de 67.000 m illones en 1998).-Entre las explicacion es de tal auge destaca un sensible cam bio de actitud en lo s países respecto al rol de la lE D .-En un notable ejem plo de cam bio de paradigma, respecto al que prevalecía durante las primeras tres décadas posteriores a la II Guerra M undial, la lE D es hoy percibida com o una manera superior de dinam izar el com ercio internacional e im pulsar el crecim iento econ óm ico.-En principio ella permite que la econom ía receptora acceda a nuevos y privilegiados m ercados (de insum os y productos), a tecnologías y asistencia técnica más avanzadas, así com o a nuevas form as de conocim iento (en materia de producción, adm inistración, com ercialización, transporte, etc.), y por cierto, a la generación de nuevos em pleos con productividad y rem uneraciones superiores a la mediaEllo explica en parte por qué las autoridades económ icas de la región están dispuestas a-y de hecho se esfuerzan p o r-prom over la radicación de la lE D dentro de sus respectivas jurisdicciones, m endiante la oferta de diversos tipos de incentivos.-Entre estos últim os destacan diversas m odalidades de incentivos tributarios horizontales y /o selectivos (por sectores, industrias o em presas). D e hecho, los gobiernos Uegan a com petir entre sí-d e maneras a veces predatoria-para asegurar la localización d el m ayor volum en posible de lE D dentro de sus respectivas fronteras (para lo cual conceden exenciones o vacaciones im positivas por diferentes horizontes tem porales, deducciones especiales por cuenta de depreciaciones aceleradas, tasas preferenciales, zonas libres de im puestos, etc.), descuidando hasta cierto punto su com posición .-E ste últim o punto viene generando abundante reflexión en algunos p aíses, donde los incentivos tributarios están siendo diseñados no apenas para atraer lE D , sino para asegurar que ésta se canalice hacia actividades y /o sectores prioritarios.-A dem ás, estos tem as vienen despertando fuerte interés en las llam adas 'econom ías pequeñas', que para com petir exitosam ente con las de m ayor tamaño relativo son impulsadas a atender dem andas de las em presas responsables por la lE , con pesadas consecuencias en materia de 'renuncias' tributarias para e l Tesoro N acional.-E sto últim o tam bién puede llegar a tener un significativo im pacto sobre las finanzas públicas de lo s gobiernos subnacionales (y por carácter transitivo, sobre el Tesoro N acional) en econom ías grandes y de tradición p olítica federal, donde la 'guerra' de incentivos entre niveles de gobierno subnacionales ha venido ganando espacio hasta transformarse en un grave problema fiscal.-Provósüo Promover el anáfisis y discusión entorno a diversas m odalidades de incentivos tributarios para atraer lE D en uso en la región, desde una perspectiva com parativa en cuanto al diseño de tales instrum entos, al costo fiscal de su utilización y lo s resultados que vienen siendo alcanzados.-SésiónS Administración de Riesgos y manejo de Pasivos Contingentes del Sector Público; ¿Cómo incorporar el tema de las Garantías Gubernamentales-explícitas e imfHícitas-a la programación presupuestaria anual y plurimiual? Antecedentes El sector gobierno, com o cualquier agente económ ico, debe hacer frente a m uchos tipos de im previstos con claras consecuencias financieras.-A sí cabe m encionar los pagos que e l T esoro público debe efectuar en cada ejercicio fiscal com o consecuencia de fallos jud iciales adversos, o por reconocim iento de deudas inadecuadam ente contabilizadas en el pasado (ej. reconocim iento de 'esqueletos' fiscales), o por indem nizaciones (ej. por despidos de trabajadores), com pensaciones (ej. por expropiación de propiedades) y/o reparaciones (ej. por daños privados causados por agentes públicos).-D e igual m odo, e l Estado debe hacerse cargo del pago de diversos seguros im plícitos [ej. por quiebres de cosechas, inundaciones, terremotos u otras catástrofes naturales, a los que debe adicionarse el 'rescate' de organizaciones financieras-estatales y privadas-in solventes, agencias de gobiernos subnacionales técnicam ente en bancarrota, o en general, de 'proyectos' que por diversos m otivos cuentan con garantías gubernam entales im plícitas (ej. la seguridad Como consecuencia, cambia la caracterización del sector gobierno (desde la óptica de funciones a la de agrupación de unidades), el criterio para registrar transacciones (de caja a devengado), y aumenta el grado de integración entre flujos y estoques (la noción de riqueza neta y hoja de balance del sector gobierno adquieren gran importancia).-Estos últimos y otros importantes avances conceptuales propuestos en el Manual, contrastan con la sensación de que los indicadores riscales más utilizados (digamos, sobre déficit y deuda pública) están afectados de una cierta dosis de opacidad que convendría disipar pues perjudica las posibilidades de evaluación y análisis de las propias autoridades económicas nacionales y, por cierto, la comparabilidad internacional de las finanzas públicas y de la política fiscal.-Por este motivo, la CEPAL y el Banco Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social (BNDES) de Brasil vienen trabajando en una iniciativa conjunta para mejorar la transparencia y comparabilidad de los indicadores fiscales de los países de AL&C, tema este que será objeto de discusión en un Taller ad-hoc a realizarse el día posterior a esta sesión.-Provósiío Crear un espacio para que los especialistas en finanzas públicas y política fiscal de la región, quiera sean de gobierno, instituciones académicas especializadas u organismos internacionales, puedan tomar conocimiento detallado y en primera mano, sobre los cambios que vienen siendo propuestos para esta nueva edición del Manual y para que tengan la oportunidad de expresar sus observaciones, sugerencias y recomendaciones. V. M ea su rin g th e G en era l Q u a lity o f th e P u b lic S e c to r, VI. C o n clu d in g R e m a r k s _________________________________ R e fe re n c e s_________________________________________________ 5 .8 .10 11 .13 .13 Disertación Inaugural-4 Disertación Inaugural-8 Constitution, which specifically deals with "economic relations," lists many riehts of workers and only limitations to property rights. It specifies that the state can put limits to the use o f property and can expropriate it for the national interest. It also states that the state can impose various limits to the use of property in order to "establish equitable social relations." If the proper economic role of the state in a market economy requires the protection of property rights, this document is surely reluctant to assign that role to the state. It should, thus, not be surprising if economic policies and institutions in Italy have developed to conform to this constitution and have allowed policies (rent controls, expropriation of land with very low compensation, etc.) that are contrary to the protection o f property. In conclusion, the role that constitutions play in determining the quality o f the public sector cannot be exaggerated.' It is the constitution that allows or disallows certain actions on the part of the governing body and on the part of the citizens. Thus, at least in principle, the laws and the regulations that govern a country must be consistent with the constitutional principles as interpreted by a Supreme Court or by an equivalent body. In recent years, there has been a trend in many countries to try to modernize their constitutions. However, the results have not been always very good. At times the revised constitutions have been poorly formulated, complex and confusing. Some economists, including James Buchanan and Francesco Forte have argued that the economic or fiscal role o f the constitution should be one of establishing limits to governmental action as for example done by the Swiss Constitution. See Forte (1998). The constitution should stress what the state caimot do rather than what it should do. Thus, these authors might favor limitations to tax rates, to levels of public spending or to fiscal deficits. The Maastricht Stability and Growth Pact might be seen as an example of such a constitution even though it is silent about the size of public spending. In some circumstances, and again Brazil comes to mind, a change in the constitution that removed obstacles to desirable and important reforms may be a necessary condition for raising the quality of the public sector and o f public policy. B. Laws W hile the constitution sets, or at least should set, the general principles that guide the country's policies, the latter are permitted and directed by specific laws. It is possible to generalize that the quality of the public sector is enhanced when the laws are relatively few, are clearly written-and thus not subject to conflicting interpretation-are comprehensive, and are not in conflict among themselves. Difficulties have arisen when the laws are too many, are not clear, do not cover all relevant areas o f economic activities, or provide conflicting signals. Among European countries it has been reported that while some of them have only few thousands active laws others may have tens of thousands. See for example, Ferro et al (1999). It may thus be difficult to find one's way in this legal jungle. The legal system may reflect a problem conceptually similar to that associated with Y2K. It occurs because at each time that a new law is enacted, all the existing laws should be scrutinized and, if necessary, revised to make sure that all the elements o f these laws are consistent with the new law. W hen the existing laws are many, and especially when they are not clear, it is almost impossible to ascertain this. Thus, occasionally elements imbedded in laws enacted in the past, but still on the...

Research paper thumbnail of The Employment Problem in Latin America: Perceptions and Stylized Facts

SSRN Electronic Journal, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Search Methods and Outcomes in Developing Countries: The Case of Venezuela

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2004

Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. If the documents have been made available under an Open Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.

Research paper thumbnail of Métodos de búsqueda y resultados en países en desarrollo: el caso de Venezuela

Search methods and outcomes in developing countries : the case of Venezuela / by Gustavo Márquez ... more Search methods and outcomes in developing countries : the case of Venezuela / by Gustavo Márquez M., Cristóbal Ruiz-Tagle V. p. cm. (Research Department Working Papers ; 519) Includes bibliographical references. 1. Job hunting-Venezuela. I. Ruiz-Tagle V., Cristóbal. II. Inter-American Development Bank. Research Dept. III. Title. IV. Series.

Research paper thumbnail of Structural and electrophysiological effects of local anesthetics and of low temperature on myelinated nerves: implication of the lipid chains in nerve excitability 1 1Edited by A. Klug

Journal of Molecular Biology, 1999

X-ray scattering and electrophysiological experiments performed on toad sciatic nerves as a funct... more X-ray scattering and electrophysiological experiments performed on toad sciatic nerves as a function of the exposure to either low temperature or tetracaine yielded the following results: (i) the main structural effect is to thicken the individual membranes, thus to stiffen the acyl chains and increase the repeat distance of the one-dimensional lattice, phenomena that are typical of lipid-containing systems with disordered chains; (ii) the electrophysiological effect is to decrease the amplitude and velocity of the compound action potential; (iii) the structural and physiological effects of the two agents are practically identical. Since the structural and the electrophysiological parameters have different origins in the nerves (the structure regards the myelin sheath, the electrical signals originate at the nodes of Ranvier) it is inferred that tetracaine and low temperature exert similar effects on the membranes of both the myelin sheath and the nodes of Ranvier. Also, since local anesthetics act by inhibiting the Na channels, these observations suggest that the acyl chain conformation modulates the channel function and thus the generation of action potential.

Research paper thumbnail of Malnutrition and myelin structure: an X-ray scattering study of rat sciatic and optic nerves

European Biophysics Journal, 2000

Taking advantage of the fast and accurate Xray scattering techniques recently developed in our la... more Taking advantage of the fast and accurate Xray scattering techniques recently developed in our laboratory, we tackled the study of the structural alterations induced in myelin by malnutrition. Our work was performed on sciatic and optic nerves dissected from rats fed with either a normal or a low-protein caloric diet, as a function of age (from birth to 60 days). By way of electrophysiological controls we also measured (on the sciatic nerves) the height and velocity of the compound action potential. Malnutrition was found to decrease the amount of myelin and to impair the packing order of the membranes in the sheaths.

Research paper thumbnail of A reversible abnormal form of myelin: an X-ray scattering study of human sural and rat sciatic nerves

European Biophysics Journal, 2001

A sural nerve dissected from a recently dead patient displayed an unusual X-ray diraction pattern... more A sural nerve dissected from a recently dead patient displayed an unusual X-ray diraction pattern, suggesting that in situ and at the time of the patient's death the myelin sheaths were in a swollen state. Diffraction patterns of the swollen type were also recorded from: (1) a sural nerve from the corpse of a neurologically healthy person after soaking the nerve with Ringer solution at pH 5.5; (2) sciatic nerves dissected from rat cadavers at increasing time after death. In all the cases the swollen patterns reversed to the native type upon superfusion with Ringer solution at pH 7.3. The postmortem eect is to decrease the pH of the¯uids surrounding the nerves in the cadavers. Our experiments show that the early postmortem processes have the eect of acidifying PNS nerves and that as a consequence of acidi®cation the myelin sheaths swell.

Research paper thumbnail of Outsiders?: the changing patterns of exclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean

This report raises a number of fundamental questions about the multidimensional and interrelated ... more This report raises a number of fundamental questions about the multidimensional and interrelated nature of social exclusion and moves beyond the traditional emphasis on outcomes and groups to view exclusion as a process that results from societal traits that limit the functionings of the excluded. Using the tools of experimental economics, the report shows the enormous economic and welfare costs of exclusion, suggesting that inclusion policies should be viewed as an investment rather than as a supposedly generous handout to the worst off in society. Inclusion policies thus are more than new programs or new institutions to redress past injustices through income transfers, and imply fundamental changes in the way decisions are made, resources are allocated, and policies are implemented in democratic societies.

Research paper thumbnail of El problema del empleo en América Latina: percepciones y un extracto de los hechos

(Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) En este artículo, que hace las veces de introducción de ... more (Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) En este artículo, que hace las veces de introducción de un conjunto de estudios preparados por la Oficina del Economista principal del BID, presenta las percepciones de ciudadanos y empresas latinoamericanas sobre el problema del empleo. Se compara dichas percepciones con las condiciones de los mercados laborales de la región.

Research paper thumbnail of Competitividad: el motor del crecimiento

© Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Todos los derechos reservados. Visite nuestro sitio Web par... more © Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Todos los derechos reservados. Visite nuestro sitio Web para obtener más información: Página en blanco a propósito © Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Todos los derechos reservados. Visite nuestro sitio Web para obtener más información: El motor del crecimiento Intorme 2001 Progreso económico y social en América Latina