Hakan Usakli - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Hakan Usakli

Research paper thumbnail of Psi̇kodramada Bi̇r Kaynak: Dede Korkut Hi̇kâyeleri̇

Araştırma ve Deneyim Dergisi

Psikodrama sağaltımın yaşandığı bir grup psikoterapi türüdür. Bazan katılımcılar psikodramada çek... more Psikodrama sağaltımın yaşandığı bir grup psikoterapi türüdür. Bazan katılımcılar psikodramada çekingen davranmakta kendilerini istedikleri gibi açmada direnç gösterebilmektedirler. Dede Korkut Hikayeleri Türk sözlü edebiyatının en önde gelen eserlerindendir. Hikâyelerde aile, devlet işleri, akrabalık, karşı cinsle ilişkiler gibi çeşitli konularda tavsiyelerde bulunulmaktadır. Bu hikâyelerde geçmiş, günümüz ve geleceğe ilişkin kişisel ve sosyal hayat rahatlıkla incelenebilmektedir. Küçük Prens gibi öyküler psikodramada yer almış ve incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada Dede Korkut Hikâyelerinin psikodramaya nasıl konu olacağı araştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada nitel veri toplama ve analiz yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Genel bir psikodrama oturumu ısınma, oyun ve değerlendirme aşamalarından oluşur. Yönetici, sahne, protagonist, yardımcı egolar ise psikodramayı oluşturan ögelerdir. Ayna, eşleme, rol değiştirme, kendi kendine konuşma ise temel tekniklerdir. Dede Korkut Hikâyelerinin psikodramada...

Research paper thumbnail of İlkokulda Rehberlik Ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık

Hayat boyu kapsamlı rehberlik ve psikolojik danışma, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Self-Help Books to the Life Skills of Undergraduate and Graduate Students

The International Journal of Educational Researchers, 2010

In the current study, the effect of self-help books on the life skills of undergraduate and gradu... more In the current study, the effect of self-help books on the life skills of undergraduate and graduate university students were investigated. To collect data, Emphatic Tendency Scale, open-ended interview forms and personal information forms were used. The data were analyzed through one-way variance analysis. Open-ended interview forms were categorized, and thus their percentages were given. Data analysis showed that self-help books which appealed to a large reader group in Turkey and other countries did not have any contributions to the university students’ life skills. Some books such as “Educational Psychology, Development and Learning and Guidance” aimed at psycho-education” can be advised in the courses at the faculties of education. But, on the other hand, in the lessons such as “Human Relations” and “Communication”, which are at the universities’ category of elective courses, great attention should be given to the choosing course books and source books. There is no limitation on the on self-help books. The latest tendency of self-help books are on the best direct leading with direct alternative.

Research paper thumbnail of Selected, Adopted and Implemented Social-Emotional Learning Program: the Kindness Curriculum for Kids

The aim of this manuscript is to introduce the program of social-emotional learning. Developed by... more The aim of this manuscript is to introduce the program of social-emotional learning. Developed by the Centre for Healthy Minds (CHM) this program is called the Kindness Curriculum (CHM, 2017). Founded by the world renowned neuroscientist Dr. Richard J. Davidson, the Centre for Healthy Minds offers a kinder, wiser, more compassionate world. Methodology. Qualitative research method was used in this study. The methods of documentary research, observation and interview were also applied. The Kindness Curriculum was employed as a documentary study. The target audience and the object of observation were primary school children aged 6 to 7, the teachers were interviewed. Results. The mission of the centre is to cultivate kindness and relieve suffering through the scientific study of the mind. There are some social-emotional training programs, but the program developed by the centre is free. This program has been used by preschools and some researchers. The study involves the adaptation of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fen Laboratuvari Kaygi Ölçeği̇ni̇n(Flkö) Geli̇şti̇ri̇lmesi̇

K. Ü. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 2015

Kayginin, bir organizmanin istenmeyen bir durum karsisinda gosterdigi tepkiler butunu oldugu bili... more Kayginin, bir organizmanin istenmeyen bir durum karsisinda gosterdigi tepkiler butunu oldugu bilinmektedir. Genel olarak sinavlara donuk kaygilarin yaninda matematik ve fen bilimleri gibi derslere yonelik kaygilar arastirmacilar tarafindan calisilmaktadir. Ayrica sosyal kaygi da bu calismalar arasinda yer alir. Bu calismada, biyoloji, fizik, kimya ve fen bilgisi laboratuvari dersini alan fen bilgisi ve matematik ogretmenligi ogrencilerinin fen laboratuvarina yonelik kaygilarini belirlemede kullanilacak “fen laboratuvarina yonelik kaygi olcegi” gelistirilmistir. Fen laboratuvarina yonelik kaygi olcegi 24 maddeden olusmakta ve 5 faktorludur. Faktorlerde bulunan maddeler incelendiginde birinci faktor “duyusal boyut”, ikinci faktor “basari”, ucuncu faktor “arac-gerec kullanimi”, dorduncu faktor “degerlendirme” ve besinci faktor “ kimyasal madde kullanimi” olarak adlandirilmistir. Faktorlerle ilgili olarak guvenirlik katsayilarinin. 76 ile .92 arasinda degistigi gorulmektedir. Ayrica olc...

Research paper thumbnail of Kendi Kendine Yardım Kitaplarının Lisans ve Lisansüstü Öğrencilerinin Hayat Becerilerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

The Effect of Self-Help Books to the Life Skills of Undergraduate and Graduate Students (Kendi Kendine Yardım Kitaplarının Lisans ve Lisansüstü Öğrencilerinin Hayat Becerilerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi), 2010

Bucalismada kendi kendine yardim (self-help books) kitaplarinin lisans ve lisansustu ogrencilerin... more Bucalismada kendi kendine yardim (self-help books) kitaplarinin lisans ve lisansustu ogrencilerinin hayat becerilerine olan etkisi incelenmistir. Arastirmada, empati kurma, ofke yonetimi, benlik saygisini artirma ve aktif dinleme becerisini yerinde kullanma kisiler arasi iletisimde hayat becerisi olarak ele alinmistir. Arastirmada olcme araci olarak Empatik Egilim Olcegi, acik uclu gorusme formu ve kisisel bilgi formu kullanilmistir. Veri analizinde tek yonlu varyans analizi ve acik uclu gorusme formuna verilen yanitlar kategorilere ayrilarak yuzdelikleri verilmistir. Veri analizleri sonunda, ulkemizde de yaygin okuyucu kitlesi olan kendi kendine yardim kitaplarinin universite ogrencilerinin hayat becerilerine katkida bulunmadigi bulunmustur. Psiko-egitim amacli bir kisim kitaplarin Egitim Psikolojisi, Gelisim ve Ogrenme, Rehberlik gibi egitim fakultelerince okutulan derslerde tavsiye edilebilir. Ancak Insan Iliskileri, Iletisim gibi universitelerde secmeli ders kapsaminda okutulaca...

Research paper thumbnail of The Base for School Folks Fall in Interaction

International Journal of Education and Science, 2019

Background and Aim of Study: As an applied discipline term, educational psychology, related to de... more Background and Aim of Study: As an applied discipline term, educational psychology, related to development, learning, motivation and group process of school in general. Although both ideologist Baruch Spinoza and Jacob Levy Moreno hadn't directly give work on schools and education their works have been supplying profound benefits to educational psychology. This study is about how perspectives gaining and differentiating by individuals. The aim of the study: to stimulate various phases of school experience in terms of two influential philosophers, modern society engineers Spinoza and Moreno, like Azevedo did before in different perspective. Materials and Methods: The study was designed as qualitative. Apart from two chief books on by Spinoza and Moreno, thirty lately published scientific journals investigated in this study. Also, a frame of reference droved on what educational psychology is according to written books and scientific articles about it at the end of this study. Results: In school time, students, teachers and many related people devoting a good deal of their daily life with seeing each other and taking role-plays. Perspective is the main theme for Spinoza and psychodrama for Moreno alike. Educational psychology is what all school soul structure is. Three distinct themes, perspective, psychodrama, and interaction got crossed with each other. This study shows that perspective is seeing, psychodrama is being and interaction is living. Conclusions: From the educational perspective, fruitful and meaningful interaction should be held in between people. It is perspective and psychodrama that could open for desired understanding between students, teachers, parents, and others related to school and the educational psychology base. It can recommend that school people should be experienced psychodrama to see other perspectives, to understand each other to share the goodness.

Research paper thumbnail of Özel Eğitim Kurumlarının İhtiyaç Analizi: Sinop Örneklemi

Özel Eğitim Kurumlarının İhtiyaç Analizi: Sinop Örneklemi, Sep 1, 2009

Hiçbir ayrım yapmaksızın tüm öğrencilerimizi öncelikle kendilerine güvenen, ailelerine bağımlı ol... more Hiçbir ayrım yapmaksızın tüm öğrencilerimizi öncelikle kendilerine güvenen, ailelerine bağımlı olmadan bağlılık duyguları
yaşatan ve her şeyden önemlisi tüm zorluklarla mücadelede kendisine destek olan güçlere boyun eğmeden minnet duyan bireyleri
yetiştirmek özel eğitimin en önemli amaçlarındandır. Bu çalışmada Sinop İl Merkezinde bulunan özel öğretim kurumları
tanıtılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu kurumlara ilişkin olarak ihtiyaç analizi çıkarılmıştır. Özel eğitime muhtaç çocukların topluma
kazandırılması yönünde Sinop’ta yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Sinop merkez ve ilçelerinde sadece özel şahıslara ait toplam
dokuz eğitim kurumu bulunmaktadır. Merkezde ise ayrıca devlete ait iki okul daha bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Sinop
Merkezinde bulunan dört özel eğitim kurumu incelenmiştir. Gerekli izinlerin alınarak yürütüldüğü çalışmada özel eğitim
kurumlarının fiziksel özellikleri ve eğitim alan öğrencilerin özür gruplarına göre dağılım sayıları çıkarılmıştır. Yapılan gözlem ve
görüşmelerde Sinop’ta bulunan özel eğitim kurumlarının standartlara uygun bir şekilde beklenen ihtiyacı karşılamadığı sonucuna
ulaşılmıştır. Özellikle özel eğitim kurumlarının fiziksel donanımları ve çalışan personelin hem nitelik hem de nicelik açısından
yetersizlikleri araştırma sonunda ortaya konmuştur.

Research paper thumbnail of Çocuk Ve Spor

Research paper thumbnail of Çocuklarda Davranış Eğilimi Ölçeğinin Arapça Adaptasyonu

Journal of Communication, Sociology and History Studies, 2022

Davranış, psikolojik anlamda canlıların dış dünyaya karşı gösterdikleri her türlü bilişsel, duyu... more Davranış, psikolojik anlamda canlıların dış dünyaya karşı
gösterdikleri her türlü bilişsel, duyuşsal ve psikomotor
(bedensel-fiziksel) tepkilerin genel adıdır. Çekingen ve
saldırgan davranış kalıpları genel olarak insan ilişkilerinde
kişiye ve karşısındakine zarar verebilir. Ancak atılgan
davranışlar insan ilişkilerinde arzu edilir. Atılgan davranış
biçimi kişinin başkalarına zarar vermeden kendi haklarını
korumasıdır. 2011 yılından beri binlerce Suriyeli Türkiye’ye
göç etmektedir. Kültürel farklılıklara duyarlı olarak Arap
çocuklarının yeni yerleşim yerlerinde atılgan davranış
biçimlerini öğrenmeleri önemlidir. Çocuklarda Davranış
Eğilimi ölçeği ilk olarak Deluty (1979) tarafından Amerika
Birleşik Devletleri’nde hazırlanmıştır. Bu ölçme aracı Uşaklı
(2006) tarafından Türkçe adaptasyonu yapılmıştır. Bu
çalışmada Çocuklarda Davranış Ölçeğinin Türkçe
adaptasyonundan Arapça adaptasyon çalışmaları
amaçlanmıştır. Çocuklarda Davranış Eğilimi Ölçeği Türkçe
uyarlaması üç farklı Arapça anadiline sahip uzman tarafından
çevrilmiştir. Uzmanların ortak olarak birleşerek uluşturulan
Arapça ölçek tercümesi yaşları 9 ile 13 arasında değişen 202
Suriyeli çocuğa uygulanmıştır. Aynı ölçek üç hafta arayla
tekrar aynı gruba uygulanmıştır. Uzmanlar arası uyum
yüzdesi ve kapsam geçerlilik indeksi %82’dir. Testi ölçüm
güvenirliği kestiriminde test-tekrar test yöntemi
kullanılmıştır. Testin ölçümleri için test-tekrar test
güvenirliği .84’tür. Bu test için bezer ölçekler testi çalışmaları
tavsiye olunmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Liselerde rehberlik ve psikolojik danışmanlık

Research paper thumbnail of Okul temelli aile danışmanlığı

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation of Social Emotional Learning Skills in Primary Schools in Terms of Some Variables

Global Research in Higher Education

In this study, the social-emotional learning skills of the students attending the fourth and fift... more In this study, the social-emotional learning skills of the students attending the fourth and fifth grades of primary school were examined in terms of gender, class, parental association, assertiveness, aggression, and submissiveness variables. As a measurement tool in the study, it consists of four dimensions and twenty-one items developed by Baydan (2010). Behavioral Tendency Scale for Children, which was developed by Deluty (1979) and adapted to Turkish by Usakli (2006), was used. The findings of the study revealed that there were significant differences in the social-emotional learning skills of the students attending the fourth and fifth grades in terms of gender, class, parental association, assertiveness, aggression, and submissive variables. In future studies, it may be about giving social emotional learning skills training in different grade levels by associating it with assertiveness training.

Research paper thumbnail of Title: Reflective Teaching in Teaching Social Skills: Utopia or Necessity?

Social skills can be defined as the skills to be gained to the students at the beginning of the a... more Social skills can be defined as the skills to be gained to the students at the beginning of the academic year, like engaging in, self introducing, and asking questions. Those skills can be gained by the teachers. Reflective teaching is very significant for teachers. Teachers pay attention to everything in the classroom during their instruction. They think of the objectives and the targets to be advanced, do objective observations, and then diversify the methods with respect to the classroom atmosphere. Reflective teaching is among the most popular practices studied recently. In this study, the value of reflective teaching for both the guidance practitioner (psychological counselor) and the teachers (secondary education teachers) is reported. Reflective teaching requires a lasting self-observation and self-evaluation in order to figure out both own and students ’ behaviors and responses. In this study, the effect of an application of reflective teaching in group counseling on teachin...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of forum theater (Drama technique) on adolescence' Johari awareness window

Journal of Education Research and Behavioral Sciences, 2012

Effectiveness of Forum Theater model which is one of the drama techniques on Johari Awareness win... more Effectiveness of Forum Theater model which is one of the drama techniques on Johari Awareness window of adolescence examined in the following study. Designed as an experimental study was done with elementary education students in Sinop. Experimental group which is consisting of 34 students and control group which is consist of 32 students attending Sail Club in Sinop. The experimental group attended six weeks one and half hours each session. The group process was examined and forum theatre forming on approach to inner group relations as an alternative was introduced. Volunteer, educated and experienced five fourth class university students had drama courses played scenario being created by them and depending on real life stories with drama technique the Forum Theater model to the students in the participated as group leader in six sessions. At the end of the collecting data, the students pointed out that personal problem solving model in which they can discuss the problems about sel...

Research paper thumbnail of Discourse Analyses in Psychotherapy, Counseling and Guidance

Discourse analysis is a general term that is related for a number of approaches to analyzing writ... more Discourse analysis is a general term that is related for a number of approaches to analyzing written, vocal, or sign language use or any significant semiotic event. The general objective of discourse analysis discourse, writing, conversation, and communicative event are variously defined in terms of coherent sequences of sentences, propositions, speech acts, or turns at talk. As general terminology psychotherapy is refers to therapeutic processes of communication, treatment, responses, interference and involvement of two parties such as between professional and client. Counseling and guidance is related with help relation for self actualization of client mainly occurs in school settings. How discourse analyses conduct in interviews’ transcripts gathered form psychotherapy, counseling and guidance is main concern of this book. As a terminology discourse analysis in literature has closely scrutinized. About thousands of sources such as books, booklets, articles not only scientific but...

Research paper thumbnail of Uşak İl Merkezinde Görevli Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin İlkyardım Bilgi Seviyelerinin Araştırılması

AKÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2001

İlkyardım, herhangi bir hastalık veya kaza sonucu saglıgı tehlikeye girmis olan kisiye, durumunu... more İlkyardım, herhangi bir hastalık veya kaza sonucu saglıgı tehlikeye
girmis olan kisiye, durumunun kötülesmesi amacıyla ilaçsız olarak yapılan
ilk müdahaledir. lkögretim okullarında ögrencilerin saglıgından birinci
derecede sorumlu olan ögretmenlerin ilkyardım bilgi seviyeleri çok
önemlidir. Usak l merkezinde görevli sınıf ögretmenlerinin yüzde 92’sinin
ilkyardım konusunda yeterli bilgiye sahip oldukları bu çalısmada ortaya

Research paper thumbnail of Improving Science Laboratory Anxiety Scale (Slas)

It is known that anxiety is the collection of the responses to undesired situation for an organis... more It is known that anxiety is the collection of the responses to undesired situation for an organism. In general, it can be seen that not only test anxiety but also mathematics and science anxieties have been studying by researchers. In addition social anxiety has been studying. In this study, laboratory anxiety scale has been developed for students who are taking physics, chemistry and science laboratory in department of science and mathematics students. The scale consists of 24 items and there are 5 factors. When the factors have been examined, first factor is named as emotional, second factor is named as success, third factor is named as the usage of materials, fourth factor is named as evaluation and fifth factor is named as usage of chemical substance. The reliability coefficients for factors are changing between .76 and .92. In addition for these, the general reliability coefficient is .89.

Research paper thumbnail of Competences for All: Recognizing and Developing Competences of Young People with Fewer Opportunities

European Journal of Education Studies, 2016

This qualitative study clarifies opinion of 32 European volunteer youth leaders on concepts of co... more This qualitative study clarifies opinion of 32 European volunteer youth leaders on concepts of competence, fewer opportunities and enlargement strategies on competence of fewer opportunities. Leaders underline main competencies as follows: tongue, languages, mathematical, digital, learning, social, entrepreneurship, cultural. Key competences are those which all individuals need for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment (Figel, 2007). The key competences are all considered equally important, because each of them can contribute to a successful life in a knowledge society. According to leader, fewer opportunities mean; obstacles can prevent such young people from having access to education, to mobility, to participation. All leaders agree with the non-formal education which is base for development of competence of fewer opportunities. Non-formal education may be one of them, especially – but not solely – for young people with fewer op...

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities of Messengers for Conducting Training Sessions and Student Consultations

International Journal of Education and Science, 2020

This letter is about “A Need for New Competence to Human Engineering”. What is the deference betw... more This letter is about “A Need for New Competence to Human Engineering”. What is the deference between social science and natural science? When we say there is no difference between both sciences what should be our investigating point? The world is more crowded more mobile and in pressure of depression. Because of Corona virus alienation is in high pick. So what should we do not only social scientist, but also natural one or in short what should we do as a layman. This short chat is arguing a need for new competence apart from European Union eight competencies. This is spontaneity that make new generation more competent, satisfied and fruitful.

Research paper thumbnail of Psi̇kodramada Bi̇r Kaynak: Dede Korkut Hi̇kâyeleri̇

Araştırma ve Deneyim Dergisi

Psikodrama sağaltımın yaşandığı bir grup psikoterapi türüdür. Bazan katılımcılar psikodramada çek... more Psikodrama sağaltımın yaşandığı bir grup psikoterapi türüdür. Bazan katılımcılar psikodramada çekingen davranmakta kendilerini istedikleri gibi açmada direnç gösterebilmektedirler. Dede Korkut Hikayeleri Türk sözlü edebiyatının en önde gelen eserlerindendir. Hikâyelerde aile, devlet işleri, akrabalık, karşı cinsle ilişkiler gibi çeşitli konularda tavsiyelerde bulunulmaktadır. Bu hikâyelerde geçmiş, günümüz ve geleceğe ilişkin kişisel ve sosyal hayat rahatlıkla incelenebilmektedir. Küçük Prens gibi öyküler psikodramada yer almış ve incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada Dede Korkut Hikâyelerinin psikodramaya nasıl konu olacağı araştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada nitel veri toplama ve analiz yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Genel bir psikodrama oturumu ısınma, oyun ve değerlendirme aşamalarından oluşur. Yönetici, sahne, protagonist, yardımcı egolar ise psikodramayı oluşturan ögelerdir. Ayna, eşleme, rol değiştirme, kendi kendine konuşma ise temel tekniklerdir. Dede Korkut Hikâyelerinin psikodramada...

Research paper thumbnail of İlkokulda Rehberlik Ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık

Hayat boyu kapsamlı rehberlik ve psikolojik danışma, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Self-Help Books to the Life Skills of Undergraduate and Graduate Students

The International Journal of Educational Researchers, 2010

In the current study, the effect of self-help books on the life skills of undergraduate and gradu... more In the current study, the effect of self-help books on the life skills of undergraduate and graduate university students were investigated. To collect data, Emphatic Tendency Scale, open-ended interview forms and personal information forms were used. The data were analyzed through one-way variance analysis. Open-ended interview forms were categorized, and thus their percentages were given. Data analysis showed that self-help books which appealed to a large reader group in Turkey and other countries did not have any contributions to the university students’ life skills. Some books such as “Educational Psychology, Development and Learning and Guidance” aimed at psycho-education” can be advised in the courses at the faculties of education. But, on the other hand, in the lessons such as “Human Relations” and “Communication”, which are at the universities’ category of elective courses, great attention should be given to the choosing course books and source books. There is no limitation on the on self-help books. The latest tendency of self-help books are on the best direct leading with direct alternative.

Research paper thumbnail of Selected, Adopted and Implemented Social-Emotional Learning Program: the Kindness Curriculum for Kids

The aim of this manuscript is to introduce the program of social-emotional learning. Developed by... more The aim of this manuscript is to introduce the program of social-emotional learning. Developed by the Centre for Healthy Minds (CHM) this program is called the Kindness Curriculum (CHM, 2017). Founded by the world renowned neuroscientist Dr. Richard J. Davidson, the Centre for Healthy Minds offers a kinder, wiser, more compassionate world. Methodology. Qualitative research method was used in this study. The methods of documentary research, observation and interview were also applied. The Kindness Curriculum was employed as a documentary study. The target audience and the object of observation were primary school children aged 6 to 7, the teachers were interviewed. Results. The mission of the centre is to cultivate kindness and relieve suffering through the scientific study of the mind. There are some social-emotional training programs, but the program developed by the centre is free. This program has been used by preschools and some researchers. The study involves the adaptation of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fen Laboratuvari Kaygi Ölçeği̇ni̇n(Flkö) Geli̇şti̇ri̇lmesi̇

K. Ü. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 2015

Kayginin, bir organizmanin istenmeyen bir durum karsisinda gosterdigi tepkiler butunu oldugu bili... more Kayginin, bir organizmanin istenmeyen bir durum karsisinda gosterdigi tepkiler butunu oldugu bilinmektedir. Genel olarak sinavlara donuk kaygilarin yaninda matematik ve fen bilimleri gibi derslere yonelik kaygilar arastirmacilar tarafindan calisilmaktadir. Ayrica sosyal kaygi da bu calismalar arasinda yer alir. Bu calismada, biyoloji, fizik, kimya ve fen bilgisi laboratuvari dersini alan fen bilgisi ve matematik ogretmenligi ogrencilerinin fen laboratuvarina yonelik kaygilarini belirlemede kullanilacak “fen laboratuvarina yonelik kaygi olcegi” gelistirilmistir. Fen laboratuvarina yonelik kaygi olcegi 24 maddeden olusmakta ve 5 faktorludur. Faktorlerde bulunan maddeler incelendiginde birinci faktor “duyusal boyut”, ikinci faktor “basari”, ucuncu faktor “arac-gerec kullanimi”, dorduncu faktor “degerlendirme” ve besinci faktor “ kimyasal madde kullanimi” olarak adlandirilmistir. Faktorlerle ilgili olarak guvenirlik katsayilarinin. 76 ile .92 arasinda degistigi gorulmektedir. Ayrica olc...

Research paper thumbnail of Kendi Kendine Yardım Kitaplarının Lisans ve Lisansüstü Öğrencilerinin Hayat Becerilerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

The Effect of Self-Help Books to the Life Skills of Undergraduate and Graduate Students (Kendi Kendine Yardım Kitaplarının Lisans ve Lisansüstü Öğrencilerinin Hayat Becerilerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi), 2010

Bucalismada kendi kendine yardim (self-help books) kitaplarinin lisans ve lisansustu ogrencilerin... more Bucalismada kendi kendine yardim (self-help books) kitaplarinin lisans ve lisansustu ogrencilerinin hayat becerilerine olan etkisi incelenmistir. Arastirmada, empati kurma, ofke yonetimi, benlik saygisini artirma ve aktif dinleme becerisini yerinde kullanma kisiler arasi iletisimde hayat becerisi olarak ele alinmistir. Arastirmada olcme araci olarak Empatik Egilim Olcegi, acik uclu gorusme formu ve kisisel bilgi formu kullanilmistir. Veri analizinde tek yonlu varyans analizi ve acik uclu gorusme formuna verilen yanitlar kategorilere ayrilarak yuzdelikleri verilmistir. Veri analizleri sonunda, ulkemizde de yaygin okuyucu kitlesi olan kendi kendine yardim kitaplarinin universite ogrencilerinin hayat becerilerine katkida bulunmadigi bulunmustur. Psiko-egitim amacli bir kisim kitaplarin Egitim Psikolojisi, Gelisim ve Ogrenme, Rehberlik gibi egitim fakultelerince okutulan derslerde tavsiye edilebilir. Ancak Insan Iliskileri, Iletisim gibi universitelerde secmeli ders kapsaminda okutulaca...

Research paper thumbnail of The Base for School Folks Fall in Interaction

International Journal of Education and Science, 2019

Background and Aim of Study: As an applied discipline term, educational psychology, related to de... more Background and Aim of Study: As an applied discipline term, educational psychology, related to development, learning, motivation and group process of school in general. Although both ideologist Baruch Spinoza and Jacob Levy Moreno hadn't directly give work on schools and education their works have been supplying profound benefits to educational psychology. This study is about how perspectives gaining and differentiating by individuals. The aim of the study: to stimulate various phases of school experience in terms of two influential philosophers, modern society engineers Spinoza and Moreno, like Azevedo did before in different perspective. Materials and Methods: The study was designed as qualitative. Apart from two chief books on by Spinoza and Moreno, thirty lately published scientific journals investigated in this study. Also, a frame of reference droved on what educational psychology is according to written books and scientific articles about it at the end of this study. Results: In school time, students, teachers and many related people devoting a good deal of their daily life with seeing each other and taking role-plays. Perspective is the main theme for Spinoza and psychodrama for Moreno alike. Educational psychology is what all school soul structure is. Three distinct themes, perspective, psychodrama, and interaction got crossed with each other. This study shows that perspective is seeing, psychodrama is being and interaction is living. Conclusions: From the educational perspective, fruitful and meaningful interaction should be held in between people. It is perspective and psychodrama that could open for desired understanding between students, teachers, parents, and others related to school and the educational psychology base. It can recommend that school people should be experienced psychodrama to see other perspectives, to understand each other to share the goodness.

Research paper thumbnail of Özel Eğitim Kurumlarının İhtiyaç Analizi: Sinop Örneklemi

Özel Eğitim Kurumlarının İhtiyaç Analizi: Sinop Örneklemi, Sep 1, 2009

Hiçbir ayrım yapmaksızın tüm öğrencilerimizi öncelikle kendilerine güvenen, ailelerine bağımlı ol... more Hiçbir ayrım yapmaksızın tüm öğrencilerimizi öncelikle kendilerine güvenen, ailelerine bağımlı olmadan bağlılık duyguları
yaşatan ve her şeyden önemlisi tüm zorluklarla mücadelede kendisine destek olan güçlere boyun eğmeden minnet duyan bireyleri
yetiştirmek özel eğitimin en önemli amaçlarındandır. Bu çalışmada Sinop İl Merkezinde bulunan özel öğretim kurumları
tanıtılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu kurumlara ilişkin olarak ihtiyaç analizi çıkarılmıştır. Özel eğitime muhtaç çocukların topluma
kazandırılması yönünde Sinop’ta yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Sinop merkez ve ilçelerinde sadece özel şahıslara ait toplam
dokuz eğitim kurumu bulunmaktadır. Merkezde ise ayrıca devlete ait iki okul daha bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Sinop
Merkezinde bulunan dört özel eğitim kurumu incelenmiştir. Gerekli izinlerin alınarak yürütüldüğü çalışmada özel eğitim
kurumlarının fiziksel özellikleri ve eğitim alan öğrencilerin özür gruplarına göre dağılım sayıları çıkarılmıştır. Yapılan gözlem ve
görüşmelerde Sinop’ta bulunan özel eğitim kurumlarının standartlara uygun bir şekilde beklenen ihtiyacı karşılamadığı sonucuna
ulaşılmıştır. Özellikle özel eğitim kurumlarının fiziksel donanımları ve çalışan personelin hem nitelik hem de nicelik açısından
yetersizlikleri araştırma sonunda ortaya konmuştur.

Research paper thumbnail of Çocuk Ve Spor

Research paper thumbnail of Çocuklarda Davranış Eğilimi Ölçeğinin Arapça Adaptasyonu

Journal of Communication, Sociology and History Studies, 2022

Davranış, psikolojik anlamda canlıların dış dünyaya karşı gösterdikleri her türlü bilişsel, duyu... more Davranış, psikolojik anlamda canlıların dış dünyaya karşı
gösterdikleri her türlü bilişsel, duyuşsal ve psikomotor
(bedensel-fiziksel) tepkilerin genel adıdır. Çekingen ve
saldırgan davranış kalıpları genel olarak insan ilişkilerinde
kişiye ve karşısındakine zarar verebilir. Ancak atılgan
davranışlar insan ilişkilerinde arzu edilir. Atılgan davranış
biçimi kişinin başkalarına zarar vermeden kendi haklarını
korumasıdır. 2011 yılından beri binlerce Suriyeli Türkiye’ye
göç etmektedir. Kültürel farklılıklara duyarlı olarak Arap
çocuklarının yeni yerleşim yerlerinde atılgan davranış
biçimlerini öğrenmeleri önemlidir. Çocuklarda Davranış
Eğilimi ölçeği ilk olarak Deluty (1979) tarafından Amerika
Birleşik Devletleri’nde hazırlanmıştır. Bu ölçme aracı Uşaklı
(2006) tarafından Türkçe adaptasyonu yapılmıştır. Bu
çalışmada Çocuklarda Davranış Ölçeğinin Türkçe
adaptasyonundan Arapça adaptasyon çalışmaları
amaçlanmıştır. Çocuklarda Davranış Eğilimi Ölçeği Türkçe
uyarlaması üç farklı Arapça anadiline sahip uzman tarafından
çevrilmiştir. Uzmanların ortak olarak birleşerek uluşturulan
Arapça ölçek tercümesi yaşları 9 ile 13 arasında değişen 202
Suriyeli çocuğa uygulanmıştır. Aynı ölçek üç hafta arayla
tekrar aynı gruba uygulanmıştır. Uzmanlar arası uyum
yüzdesi ve kapsam geçerlilik indeksi %82’dir. Testi ölçüm
güvenirliği kestiriminde test-tekrar test yöntemi
kullanılmıştır. Testin ölçümleri için test-tekrar test
güvenirliği .84’tür. Bu test için bezer ölçekler testi çalışmaları
tavsiye olunmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Liselerde rehberlik ve psikolojik danışmanlık

Research paper thumbnail of Okul temelli aile danışmanlığı

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation of Social Emotional Learning Skills in Primary Schools in Terms of Some Variables

Global Research in Higher Education

In this study, the social-emotional learning skills of the students attending the fourth and fift... more In this study, the social-emotional learning skills of the students attending the fourth and fifth grades of primary school were examined in terms of gender, class, parental association, assertiveness, aggression, and submissiveness variables. As a measurement tool in the study, it consists of four dimensions and twenty-one items developed by Baydan (2010). Behavioral Tendency Scale for Children, which was developed by Deluty (1979) and adapted to Turkish by Usakli (2006), was used. The findings of the study revealed that there were significant differences in the social-emotional learning skills of the students attending the fourth and fifth grades in terms of gender, class, parental association, assertiveness, aggression, and submissive variables. In future studies, it may be about giving social emotional learning skills training in different grade levels by associating it with assertiveness training.

Research paper thumbnail of Title: Reflective Teaching in Teaching Social Skills: Utopia or Necessity?

Social skills can be defined as the skills to be gained to the students at the beginning of the a... more Social skills can be defined as the skills to be gained to the students at the beginning of the academic year, like engaging in, self introducing, and asking questions. Those skills can be gained by the teachers. Reflective teaching is very significant for teachers. Teachers pay attention to everything in the classroom during their instruction. They think of the objectives and the targets to be advanced, do objective observations, and then diversify the methods with respect to the classroom atmosphere. Reflective teaching is among the most popular practices studied recently. In this study, the value of reflective teaching for both the guidance practitioner (psychological counselor) and the teachers (secondary education teachers) is reported. Reflective teaching requires a lasting self-observation and self-evaluation in order to figure out both own and students ’ behaviors and responses. In this study, the effect of an application of reflective teaching in group counseling on teachin...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of forum theater (Drama technique) on adolescence' Johari awareness window

Journal of Education Research and Behavioral Sciences, 2012

Effectiveness of Forum Theater model which is one of the drama techniques on Johari Awareness win... more Effectiveness of Forum Theater model which is one of the drama techniques on Johari Awareness window of adolescence examined in the following study. Designed as an experimental study was done with elementary education students in Sinop. Experimental group which is consisting of 34 students and control group which is consist of 32 students attending Sail Club in Sinop. The experimental group attended six weeks one and half hours each session. The group process was examined and forum theatre forming on approach to inner group relations as an alternative was introduced. Volunteer, educated and experienced five fourth class university students had drama courses played scenario being created by them and depending on real life stories with drama technique the Forum Theater model to the students in the participated as group leader in six sessions. At the end of the collecting data, the students pointed out that personal problem solving model in which they can discuss the problems about sel...

Research paper thumbnail of Discourse Analyses in Psychotherapy, Counseling and Guidance

Discourse analysis is a general term that is related for a number of approaches to analyzing writ... more Discourse analysis is a general term that is related for a number of approaches to analyzing written, vocal, or sign language use or any significant semiotic event. The general objective of discourse analysis discourse, writing, conversation, and communicative event are variously defined in terms of coherent sequences of sentences, propositions, speech acts, or turns at talk. As general terminology psychotherapy is refers to therapeutic processes of communication, treatment, responses, interference and involvement of two parties such as between professional and client. Counseling and guidance is related with help relation for self actualization of client mainly occurs in school settings. How discourse analyses conduct in interviews’ transcripts gathered form psychotherapy, counseling and guidance is main concern of this book. As a terminology discourse analysis in literature has closely scrutinized. About thousands of sources such as books, booklets, articles not only scientific but...

Research paper thumbnail of Uşak İl Merkezinde Görevli Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin İlkyardım Bilgi Seviyelerinin Araştırılması

AKÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2001

İlkyardım, herhangi bir hastalık veya kaza sonucu saglıgı tehlikeye girmis olan kisiye, durumunu... more İlkyardım, herhangi bir hastalık veya kaza sonucu saglıgı tehlikeye
girmis olan kisiye, durumunun kötülesmesi amacıyla ilaçsız olarak yapılan
ilk müdahaledir. lkögretim okullarında ögrencilerin saglıgından birinci
derecede sorumlu olan ögretmenlerin ilkyardım bilgi seviyeleri çok
önemlidir. Usak l merkezinde görevli sınıf ögretmenlerinin yüzde 92’sinin
ilkyardım konusunda yeterli bilgiye sahip oldukları bu çalısmada ortaya

Research paper thumbnail of Improving Science Laboratory Anxiety Scale (Slas)

It is known that anxiety is the collection of the responses to undesired situation for an organis... more It is known that anxiety is the collection of the responses to undesired situation for an organism. In general, it can be seen that not only test anxiety but also mathematics and science anxieties have been studying by researchers. In addition social anxiety has been studying. In this study, laboratory anxiety scale has been developed for students who are taking physics, chemistry and science laboratory in department of science and mathematics students. The scale consists of 24 items and there are 5 factors. When the factors have been examined, first factor is named as emotional, second factor is named as success, third factor is named as the usage of materials, fourth factor is named as evaluation and fifth factor is named as usage of chemical substance. The reliability coefficients for factors are changing between .76 and .92. In addition for these, the general reliability coefficient is .89.

Research paper thumbnail of Competences for All: Recognizing and Developing Competences of Young People with Fewer Opportunities

European Journal of Education Studies, 2016

This qualitative study clarifies opinion of 32 European volunteer youth leaders on concepts of co... more This qualitative study clarifies opinion of 32 European volunteer youth leaders on concepts of competence, fewer opportunities and enlargement strategies on competence of fewer opportunities. Leaders underline main competencies as follows: tongue, languages, mathematical, digital, learning, social, entrepreneurship, cultural. Key competences are those which all individuals need for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment (Figel, 2007). The key competences are all considered equally important, because each of them can contribute to a successful life in a knowledge society. According to leader, fewer opportunities mean; obstacles can prevent such young people from having access to education, to mobility, to participation. All leaders agree with the non-formal education which is base for development of competence of fewer opportunities. Non-formal education may be one of them, especially – but not solely – for young people with fewer op...

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities of Messengers for Conducting Training Sessions and Student Consultations

International Journal of Education and Science, 2020

This letter is about “A Need for New Competence to Human Engineering”. What is the deference betw... more This letter is about “A Need for New Competence to Human Engineering”. What is the deference between social science and natural science? When we say there is no difference between both sciences what should be our investigating point? The world is more crowded more mobile and in pressure of depression. Because of Corona virus alienation is in high pick. So what should we do not only social scientist, but also natural one or in short what should we do as a layman. This short chat is arguing a need for new competence apart from European Union eight competencies. This is spontaneity that make new generation more competent, satisfied and fruitful.