Haeril Amir - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Haeril Amir
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
Objective: This study aims to know the effect of aromatherapy on reducing nausea in post spinal a... more Objective: This study aims to know the effect of aromatherapy on reducing nausea in post spinal anesthesia patients. Method: This research is a literature study. In the strategy to find the journal framework used is PICOT. The keywords used are "Aromatherapy and nausea and vomiting and postoperative and spinal anesthesia". The data sources used are e-resources from PubMed and Google Scholar in the form of articles or journals. The inclusion criteria in this study were national and international journals from different databases and related to research variables, namely nausea, with aromatherapy inhalation intervention, as well as articles discussing the effects of inhaled aromatherapy on nausea in postoperative patients with spinal anesthesia. Deadline for publication of articles within the last 5 years (2016-2021). The exclusion criteria for this study were national and international databases and had nothing to do with the study variables, no intervention was given, ther...
International journal of health sciences, 2022
The use of tradisional medicine in indonesia is part of the culture of the nation and much utiliz... more The use of tradisional medicine in indonesia is part of the culture of the nation and much utilized by society. This study aimed to determine the effect of of the Treatment With Salve Of Topikal Tintir Castor Bark Extract (Jatropha Multifida L) on the Number of Fibroblast, Fibrin, Formation, And Density of Collagen In The Wound Healing Process of The Rat With The Acute Injury Model through excision diameter of 0.8 cm x 0.8 on the rat back. The research was conducted in the Animal laboratory of Hasanuddin University and the Education Animal Clinic(KHP), UNHAS. The method used in this research is the post-test control group design only. The sample consisted of 45 Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: negative control (Vaseline), positive control (Oxcytetracilin 3%) and extract stem tintir distance. Data analysis using one way test anova. The study results indicated that on day 3(tree) the fibroblast showed an significant differences between groups of negative group and the tint...
Coronavirus disease-19 atau Covid-19 disebabkan oleh sindrom pernapasan akut. Seluruh dunia fokus... more Coronavirus disease-19 atau Covid-19 disebabkan oleh sindrom pernapasan akut. Seluruh dunia fokus pada penanganan dan pencegahan Covid-19 dengan penerapan berbagai kebijakan-kebijakan. Kebijakan di Indonesia yaitu dengan menjaga kebersihan diri melalui mencuci tangan, menggunakan masker kain 3 lapis dan dilakukan pembatasan jarak dan sosial (physical and social distancing) untuk meminimalisir kontak dan kemungkinan penularan. Maka penelitian bertujuan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan tentang protokol kesehatan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan perubahan sikap dosen dan karyawan dalam mematuhi protokol kesehatan untuk pencegahan penularan Covid-19 di Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia (FKM UMI) Makassar. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain quasi eksperimen. Penelitian ini di lakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian one grup pre test-post test. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 79 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Accidental...
Ilmu Komputer untuk Masyarakat (ILKOMAS), Jul 31, 2021
The review was carried out using the PRISMA and PICO methods based on the search results of the B... more The review was carried out using the PRISMA and PICO methods based on the search results of the BMC, IJCS, IJRPH, Science Direct and Wiley Online databases, with the keyword "Caring and Nursing Service" and the results obtained were 1216 articles. After screening the articles based in inclusion and exclusion criteria, for total 7 articles included in this review study. The patients were generally satisfied with the caring behavior of the nurses in the hospital, but the level of satisfaction of patients in private hospitals was higher than patients in public hospitals. Nurse caring behavior is the most important services for hospital, especially in government hospitals. Good nurse behavior has a positive effect on patient satisfaction and care in each hospital. Based on the research results, nurses have to apply caring behavior sufficiently to patients related to basic human needs
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022
AIM: This research was carried out to investigate the effect of Benson relaxation techniques on t... more AIM: This research was carried out to investigate the effect of Benson relaxation techniques on the quality of sleep in cancer patients. METHODS: This research was a quantitative research with quasi-experimental pre- and post-test design with control group. Research conducted in the room Class 3 Bougainvillea and Teratai RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto. The sample in this study was 20 respondents of the intervention group and 20 respondents of the control group. The intervention group received 6 times Benson relaxation intervention with frequency 3 times a day for 2 days and the control group was given standard care. The data were collected from January to February 2021. Quality of sleep was measured before and after the intervention using the Pittsburgh quality of sleep index (PSQI) questionnaire. The hypothesis test was performed using Mann–Whitney U-test aiming to measure the effect size using d Cohen. RESULTS: The results obtained mean values for PSQI score with media...
International journal of health sciences
Unhygienic food management or with poor food sanitation can cause the food to be contaminated by ... more Unhygienic food management or with poor food sanitation can cause the food to be contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms, such as Escherichia coli. These bacteria can cause various very detrimental diseases, such as digestive disorders. This study is a quantitative analytic study using a cross-sectional design. The population in this study were all tenants in the Tpandang village as many as 64 tenants. The research sample consisted of 9 food/beverage samples. Inclusion criteria in determining the sample are hawker traders who are in the research location, are hawker traders who are in the Food Court area and are willing to be respondents (samples are taken). The results showed that food handler hygiene was not related to the presence of E. Coli in Food Court snacks in Pandang Village, Makassar City (p = 0.284> 0.005) as well as Tenant Sanitation was not related to the presence of E. Coli in Food Court snacks in Pandang Village, Makassar City. (p=0.074>0.05).
International journal of health sciences
Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of lung disorders that affect air... more Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of lung disorders that affect air movement from and out of the lung, this can lead to hypoxemia and hypercapnia due to the occurrence of respiratory muscle weakness and obstruction. As the result, it will increase airflow resistance, pulmonary hyperinflation also ventilation and perfusion imbalances . One of the pulmonary non-pharmacological treatments that can be given to COPD patients includes the pursed lip breathing exercise (PLB) technique and blowing balloons. This rehabilitation exercise aims to improve lung function, prevent damage, and improve quality of life.Objective: To know the differences in pursed lip breathing exercises and balloon blowing in increasing the respiratory muscle strength, respiratory rate and increaseing the oxygen saturation in COPD patients.Method: This study was a Quasi-Experimental study, with pre-posttest design in two different comparison groups.Results: Increased breath muscle streng...
International journal of health sciences
Background: Tuberculosis remains today one of the deadliest infectious diseases and has claimed m... more Background: Tuberculosis remains today one of the deadliest infectious diseases and has claimed millions of lives over the years. One of the TB control measures is integrating patient-centered TB services to maximize care by maximizing patient self-care. Purpose: To identify factors that affect the self-care of Tuberculosis patients. Design/methodology/approach: A systematic literature search was carried out on four databases: PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Sage Journal articles for the last ten years in English and related to self-care in pulmonary TB patients. Findings: This literature review provides an overview of determinants of self-care, including family support, barriers, average monthly income, smoking status, the value of benefits, knowledge, social support, proactive coping, counseling (health education), coping strategies, family welfare (children) and support from a health professional team. Originality/value: The determinants described are crucial and useful; in p...
Jurnal Abdimas Berdaya : Jurnal Pembelajaran, Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
Diare masih menjadi masalah Kesehatan masyarakat di Negara Indonesia, penyakit ini ditandai denga... more Diare masih menjadi masalah Kesehatan masyarakat di Negara Indonesia, penyakit ini ditandai dengan bertambahnya frekuensi buang air besar (BAB) lebih dari tiga kali dalam sehari disertai perubahan bentuk dan konsistensi tinja, diare ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor misalnya sanitasi yang buruk, kebersihan serta tidak mencuci tangan saat makan/minum, menurut survey awal tim pengabdian, kami melihat bahwa Pengetahuan pasien dan keluarga masih sangat kurang mengenai cara pencegahan Diare dan pengobatanya, ini menjadi permasalahan mitra di Rumah sakit Ibnu Sina YW-UMI sehingga pentingnya diadakan penyuluhan. Pengabdian ini dilakukan di Rs Sakit Ibnu Sina YW-UMI. Metode pengabdian yakni dengan Ceramah/ penyuluhan, Diskusi dan tanya jawab. Hasil pengabdian, kami mendapatkan antusias pasien dan keluarga pasien aktif dalam bertanya sehingga mereka komitmen untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan, mencuci tangan sebelum Makan dan minum serta menjaga kebersihan sanitasi, mereka mengatakan pengetahu...
An Idea Health Journal, 2021
Benson Relaxation is a technique for reducing pain, overcoming sleep disorders and dealing with a... more Benson Relaxation is a technique for reducing pain, overcoming sleep disorders and dealing with anxiety. The developmental stage of the elderly is characterized by the loss of a lot of body cells and a decrease in the metabolism of body cells which causes a decrease in body function and changes in body composition as well as a decrease in strength and health. One of the complaints that are felt related to sleep is difficulty sleeping, often waking up during the night and feeling unrefreshed wh en awakened from sleep.
Myopia as refractive error will be the most common cause of visual impairment over the world unti... more Myopia as refractive error will be the most common cause of visual impairment over the world until half of the world's populations are suffer from myopia in 2020. All of age groups can get it, from adolescents and even adults. This study aimed to determine the risk factors that increase the incidence of myopia. Extensive review of the recent literature was conducted in electronic databases Pubmed, Science Direct, Wiley Online using the appropriate key words “Myopia”, “Increase Factors” dan “Effecting Factors”. The results of the search for articles after being screened through inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria were found as many as 7 research articles. Myopia can be caused by several factors such as heredity, environmental factors, and habitual factors such as work and outdoor activities, intensity of gadget use and sleep time
Background: Islamic Value is an important component in the concept of Islamic nursing, Islamic va... more Background: Islamic Value is an important component in the concept of Islamic nursing, Islamic values can be classified into spiritual values, altruistic values and the value of respecting and understanding others. Aim: The aim of the study is to present and highlight the importance of Islamic values in nursing practice. Method: Extensive review of the recent literature was conducted in electronic databases Pubmed, Science Direct, Wiley Online using the appropriate key words Nursing, Islamic Value. Result: Islamic values in nursing practice are found and very useful, Spiritual care can facilitate healing, life satisfaction, recovery, and quality in patients in the terminal or chronic phase. Islamic values are the foundation of every religion, spiritual provide comfort in everyday life. Conclusion: Islamic values are useful in nursing practice because Islamic value talk a lot about the lives of fellow humans, healing disease and respect and understand others. Keywords: Islamic value;...
Diabetes mellitus has a risk of causing complications, one of which is diabetic foot injury. The ... more Diabetes mellitus has a risk of causing complications, one of which is diabetic foot injury. The nurse who plays the role of nursing care is very important in the process of healing diabetic wounds. Wound care with modern wound dressing methods can prevent infection in diabetic foot sores and is effective against the process of healing diabetic wounds. This study aims to determine the effect of modern dressing dressing treatment methods on diabetic wound healing in the Independent Nursing Practice of Isam Cahaya Holistic Care Makassar City. The research design used was observational analytic with a pre-experimental design approach without pretest-posttest design. Sampling was done by accidental sampling with a sample of 15 people. The results of the Wilcoxon test with significance level ρ <α = 0.05. The results showed that there was an average difference between the results of the condition status / wound healing before and after the wound treatment of the modern dressing method ...
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021
Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan sebagai wujud Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, pengabdian masy... more Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan sebagai wujud Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, pengabdian masyarakat dengan mengangkat tema penyuluhan pencegahan stunting pada anak bukanlah tanpa alasan tetapi melihat sebagian besar masyarakat belum paham dengan benar mengenai stunting, dan beranggapan bahwa stunting atau kerdil sebutan yang biasa digunakan di masyarakat adalah faktor keturunan. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman serta peran serta masyarakat dalam program pencegahan dan deteksi dini stunting pada balita yang diharapkan secara langsung dapat memotivasi masyarakat untuk ikut serta memperhatikan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada anaknya sehingga pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya dapat optimal
International journal of health sciences, 2022
Background: COVID-19 means Crown in Latin, COVID-19 is a type of virus that first spread in the c... more Background: COVID-19 means Crown in Latin, COVID-19 is a type of virus that first spread in the city of Wuhan, China and has spread throughout the world, based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) at the end of May 2021 this virus was confirmed in humans as many as 167,492,769 cases with a total of 3,482,907 deaths, the number of victims due to this virus has become a fear for people around the world. The WHO as the United Nations Health agency responded quickly, classifying it as a pandemic in early May 2020. This virus can cause mild flu to severe respiratory syndrome. This virus has an impact on all sectors namely the Economy, Health and including Education. Objectives: this study aims to conduct a survey on online learning barriers to nursing students.Methods: This research is a quantitative research with a survey design involving 92 research samplesResults: The results of this study are online learning barriers in the form of internet network restrictions, network a...
Review Article DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION REFLECTIVE CASE DISCUSSION (DRK) IN SUPPORTING... more Review Article DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION REFLECTIVE CASE DISCUSSION (DRK) IN SUPPORTING KNOWLEDGE AND NURSE PROFESSIONALITY Abstract Background: Reflective case discussion (DRK) is part of performance management development (PMK). The PMK component consists of standart, job description, performance indicator, monitoring system and DRK. DRK management is carried out in Hospital and health center. The development of this method must be continuously carried out as an effort to increased knowledge and professional nurses. The purpose of literature is to identify the description implementation of DRK in supporting improvement of the knowledge and professional nurse. Method: the database used in the literature making is Pubmed, Science Direct, Proquest and Wiley Online. Result: there were 12 articles, but that met the inclusion criteria were 5 articles, result article show the benefit of DRK supporting increase knowledge and professional nurse. Discussion: the implementation ...
Kegawatdaruratan Obstetri adalah perdarahan yang mengancam nyawa selama kehamilan dan dekat cukup... more Kegawatdaruratan Obstetri adalah perdarahan yang mengancam nyawa selama kehamilan dan dekat cukup bulan meliputi perdarahan yang terjadi pada minggu awal kehamilan (abortus, mola hidatidosa, kista vasikuler, kehamilan ekstrauteri/ ektopik). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pengetahuan terhadap Kesiapsiagaan Petugas Kesehatan dalam menghadapi Kegawatdaruratan Obstetri. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kuantitatif dengan Pendekatan Quasi Eksperimen. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 27 Mei 2019 lokasi penelitian di Rs. Lanto Daeng Pasewang. Teknik Pengambilan sampel dengan metode Total Sampling, sampel Petugas Kesehatan sebanyak 35 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 35 responden diperoleh 23 Petugas Kesehatan (65.7%) mempunyai pengetahuan baik dan mempunyai kesiapsiagaan baik terdapat 25 petugas (71,4%). Hasil uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test diberikan untuk menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan, nilai P Value yang didapatkan pada penelitian...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
Objective: This study aims to know the effect of aromatherapy on reducing nausea in post spinal a... more Objective: This study aims to know the effect of aromatherapy on reducing nausea in post spinal anesthesia patients. Method: This research is a literature study. In the strategy to find the journal framework used is PICOT. The keywords used are "Aromatherapy and nausea and vomiting and postoperative and spinal anesthesia". The data sources used are e-resources from PubMed and Google Scholar in the form of articles or journals. The inclusion criteria in this study were national and international journals from different databases and related to research variables, namely nausea, with aromatherapy inhalation intervention, as well as articles discussing the effects of inhaled aromatherapy on nausea in postoperative patients with spinal anesthesia. Deadline for publication of articles within the last 5 years (2016-2021). The exclusion criteria for this study were national and international databases and had nothing to do with the study variables, no intervention was given, ther...
International journal of health sciences, 2022
The use of tradisional medicine in indonesia is part of the culture of the nation and much utiliz... more The use of tradisional medicine in indonesia is part of the culture of the nation and much utilized by society. This study aimed to determine the effect of of the Treatment With Salve Of Topikal Tintir Castor Bark Extract (Jatropha Multifida L) on the Number of Fibroblast, Fibrin, Formation, And Density of Collagen In The Wound Healing Process of The Rat With The Acute Injury Model through excision diameter of 0.8 cm x 0.8 on the rat back. The research was conducted in the Animal laboratory of Hasanuddin University and the Education Animal Clinic(KHP), UNHAS. The method used in this research is the post-test control group design only. The sample consisted of 45 Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: negative control (Vaseline), positive control (Oxcytetracilin 3%) and extract stem tintir distance. Data analysis using one way test anova. The study results indicated that on day 3(tree) the fibroblast showed an significant differences between groups of negative group and the tint...
Coronavirus disease-19 atau Covid-19 disebabkan oleh sindrom pernapasan akut. Seluruh dunia fokus... more Coronavirus disease-19 atau Covid-19 disebabkan oleh sindrom pernapasan akut. Seluruh dunia fokus pada penanganan dan pencegahan Covid-19 dengan penerapan berbagai kebijakan-kebijakan. Kebijakan di Indonesia yaitu dengan menjaga kebersihan diri melalui mencuci tangan, menggunakan masker kain 3 lapis dan dilakukan pembatasan jarak dan sosial (physical and social distancing) untuk meminimalisir kontak dan kemungkinan penularan. Maka penelitian bertujuan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan tentang protokol kesehatan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan perubahan sikap dosen dan karyawan dalam mematuhi protokol kesehatan untuk pencegahan penularan Covid-19 di Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia (FKM UMI) Makassar. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain quasi eksperimen. Penelitian ini di lakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian one grup pre test-post test. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 79 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Accidental...
Ilmu Komputer untuk Masyarakat (ILKOMAS), Jul 31, 2021
The review was carried out using the PRISMA and PICO methods based on the search results of the B... more The review was carried out using the PRISMA and PICO methods based on the search results of the BMC, IJCS, IJRPH, Science Direct and Wiley Online databases, with the keyword "Caring and Nursing Service" and the results obtained were 1216 articles. After screening the articles based in inclusion and exclusion criteria, for total 7 articles included in this review study. The patients were generally satisfied with the caring behavior of the nurses in the hospital, but the level of satisfaction of patients in private hospitals was higher than patients in public hospitals. Nurse caring behavior is the most important services for hospital, especially in government hospitals. Good nurse behavior has a positive effect on patient satisfaction and care in each hospital. Based on the research results, nurses have to apply caring behavior sufficiently to patients related to basic human needs
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022
AIM: This research was carried out to investigate the effect of Benson relaxation techniques on t... more AIM: This research was carried out to investigate the effect of Benson relaxation techniques on the quality of sleep in cancer patients. METHODS: This research was a quantitative research with quasi-experimental pre- and post-test design with control group. Research conducted in the room Class 3 Bougainvillea and Teratai RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto. The sample in this study was 20 respondents of the intervention group and 20 respondents of the control group. The intervention group received 6 times Benson relaxation intervention with frequency 3 times a day for 2 days and the control group was given standard care. The data were collected from January to February 2021. Quality of sleep was measured before and after the intervention using the Pittsburgh quality of sleep index (PSQI) questionnaire. The hypothesis test was performed using Mann–Whitney U-test aiming to measure the effect size using d Cohen. RESULTS: The results obtained mean values for PSQI score with media...
International journal of health sciences
Unhygienic food management or with poor food sanitation can cause the food to be contaminated by ... more Unhygienic food management or with poor food sanitation can cause the food to be contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms, such as Escherichia coli. These bacteria can cause various very detrimental diseases, such as digestive disorders. This study is a quantitative analytic study using a cross-sectional design. The population in this study were all tenants in the Tpandang village as many as 64 tenants. The research sample consisted of 9 food/beverage samples. Inclusion criteria in determining the sample are hawker traders who are in the research location, are hawker traders who are in the Food Court area and are willing to be respondents (samples are taken). The results showed that food handler hygiene was not related to the presence of E. Coli in Food Court snacks in Pandang Village, Makassar City (p = 0.284> 0.005) as well as Tenant Sanitation was not related to the presence of E. Coli in Food Court snacks in Pandang Village, Makassar City. (p=0.074>0.05).
International journal of health sciences
Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of lung disorders that affect air... more Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of lung disorders that affect air movement from and out of the lung, this can lead to hypoxemia and hypercapnia due to the occurrence of respiratory muscle weakness and obstruction. As the result, it will increase airflow resistance, pulmonary hyperinflation also ventilation and perfusion imbalances . One of the pulmonary non-pharmacological treatments that can be given to COPD patients includes the pursed lip breathing exercise (PLB) technique and blowing balloons. This rehabilitation exercise aims to improve lung function, prevent damage, and improve quality of life.Objective: To know the differences in pursed lip breathing exercises and balloon blowing in increasing the respiratory muscle strength, respiratory rate and increaseing the oxygen saturation in COPD patients.Method: This study was a Quasi-Experimental study, with pre-posttest design in two different comparison groups.Results: Increased breath muscle streng...
International journal of health sciences
Background: Tuberculosis remains today one of the deadliest infectious diseases and has claimed m... more Background: Tuberculosis remains today one of the deadliest infectious diseases and has claimed millions of lives over the years. One of the TB control measures is integrating patient-centered TB services to maximize care by maximizing patient self-care. Purpose: To identify factors that affect the self-care of Tuberculosis patients. Design/methodology/approach: A systematic literature search was carried out on four databases: PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Sage Journal articles for the last ten years in English and related to self-care in pulmonary TB patients. Findings: This literature review provides an overview of determinants of self-care, including family support, barriers, average monthly income, smoking status, the value of benefits, knowledge, social support, proactive coping, counseling (health education), coping strategies, family welfare (children) and support from a health professional team. Originality/value: The determinants described are crucial and useful; in p...
Jurnal Abdimas Berdaya : Jurnal Pembelajaran, Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
Diare masih menjadi masalah Kesehatan masyarakat di Negara Indonesia, penyakit ini ditandai denga... more Diare masih menjadi masalah Kesehatan masyarakat di Negara Indonesia, penyakit ini ditandai dengan bertambahnya frekuensi buang air besar (BAB) lebih dari tiga kali dalam sehari disertai perubahan bentuk dan konsistensi tinja, diare ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor misalnya sanitasi yang buruk, kebersihan serta tidak mencuci tangan saat makan/minum, menurut survey awal tim pengabdian, kami melihat bahwa Pengetahuan pasien dan keluarga masih sangat kurang mengenai cara pencegahan Diare dan pengobatanya, ini menjadi permasalahan mitra di Rumah sakit Ibnu Sina YW-UMI sehingga pentingnya diadakan penyuluhan. Pengabdian ini dilakukan di Rs Sakit Ibnu Sina YW-UMI. Metode pengabdian yakni dengan Ceramah/ penyuluhan, Diskusi dan tanya jawab. Hasil pengabdian, kami mendapatkan antusias pasien dan keluarga pasien aktif dalam bertanya sehingga mereka komitmen untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan, mencuci tangan sebelum Makan dan minum serta menjaga kebersihan sanitasi, mereka mengatakan pengetahu...
An Idea Health Journal, 2021
Benson Relaxation is a technique for reducing pain, overcoming sleep disorders and dealing with a... more Benson Relaxation is a technique for reducing pain, overcoming sleep disorders and dealing with anxiety. The developmental stage of the elderly is characterized by the loss of a lot of body cells and a decrease in the metabolism of body cells which causes a decrease in body function and changes in body composition as well as a decrease in strength and health. One of the complaints that are felt related to sleep is difficulty sleeping, often waking up during the night and feeling unrefreshed wh en awakened from sleep.
Myopia as refractive error will be the most common cause of visual impairment over the world unti... more Myopia as refractive error will be the most common cause of visual impairment over the world until half of the world's populations are suffer from myopia in 2020. All of age groups can get it, from adolescents and even adults. This study aimed to determine the risk factors that increase the incidence of myopia. Extensive review of the recent literature was conducted in electronic databases Pubmed, Science Direct, Wiley Online using the appropriate key words “Myopia”, “Increase Factors” dan “Effecting Factors”. The results of the search for articles after being screened through inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria were found as many as 7 research articles. Myopia can be caused by several factors such as heredity, environmental factors, and habitual factors such as work and outdoor activities, intensity of gadget use and sleep time
Background: Islamic Value is an important component in the concept of Islamic nursing, Islamic va... more Background: Islamic Value is an important component in the concept of Islamic nursing, Islamic values can be classified into spiritual values, altruistic values and the value of respecting and understanding others. Aim: The aim of the study is to present and highlight the importance of Islamic values in nursing practice. Method: Extensive review of the recent literature was conducted in electronic databases Pubmed, Science Direct, Wiley Online using the appropriate key words Nursing, Islamic Value. Result: Islamic values in nursing practice are found and very useful, Spiritual care can facilitate healing, life satisfaction, recovery, and quality in patients in the terminal or chronic phase. Islamic values are the foundation of every religion, spiritual provide comfort in everyday life. Conclusion: Islamic values are useful in nursing practice because Islamic value talk a lot about the lives of fellow humans, healing disease and respect and understand others. Keywords: Islamic value;...
Diabetes mellitus has a risk of causing complications, one of which is diabetic foot injury. The ... more Diabetes mellitus has a risk of causing complications, one of which is diabetic foot injury. The nurse who plays the role of nursing care is very important in the process of healing diabetic wounds. Wound care with modern wound dressing methods can prevent infection in diabetic foot sores and is effective against the process of healing diabetic wounds. This study aims to determine the effect of modern dressing dressing treatment methods on diabetic wound healing in the Independent Nursing Practice of Isam Cahaya Holistic Care Makassar City. The research design used was observational analytic with a pre-experimental design approach without pretest-posttest design. Sampling was done by accidental sampling with a sample of 15 people. The results of the Wilcoxon test with significance level ρ <α = 0.05. The results showed that there was an average difference between the results of the condition status / wound healing before and after the wound treatment of the modern dressing method ...
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021
Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan sebagai wujud Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, pengabdian masy... more Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan sebagai wujud Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, pengabdian masyarakat dengan mengangkat tema penyuluhan pencegahan stunting pada anak bukanlah tanpa alasan tetapi melihat sebagian besar masyarakat belum paham dengan benar mengenai stunting, dan beranggapan bahwa stunting atau kerdil sebutan yang biasa digunakan di masyarakat adalah faktor keturunan. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman serta peran serta masyarakat dalam program pencegahan dan deteksi dini stunting pada balita yang diharapkan secara langsung dapat memotivasi masyarakat untuk ikut serta memperhatikan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada anaknya sehingga pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya dapat optimal
International journal of health sciences, 2022
Background: COVID-19 means Crown in Latin, COVID-19 is a type of virus that first spread in the c... more Background: COVID-19 means Crown in Latin, COVID-19 is a type of virus that first spread in the city of Wuhan, China and has spread throughout the world, based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) at the end of May 2021 this virus was confirmed in humans as many as 167,492,769 cases with a total of 3,482,907 deaths, the number of victims due to this virus has become a fear for people around the world. The WHO as the United Nations Health agency responded quickly, classifying it as a pandemic in early May 2020. This virus can cause mild flu to severe respiratory syndrome. This virus has an impact on all sectors namely the Economy, Health and including Education. Objectives: this study aims to conduct a survey on online learning barriers to nursing students.Methods: This research is a quantitative research with a survey design involving 92 research samplesResults: The results of this study are online learning barriers in the form of internet network restrictions, network a...
Review Article DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION REFLECTIVE CASE DISCUSSION (DRK) IN SUPPORTING... more Review Article DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION REFLECTIVE CASE DISCUSSION (DRK) IN SUPPORTING KNOWLEDGE AND NURSE PROFESSIONALITY Abstract Background: Reflective case discussion (DRK) is part of performance management development (PMK). The PMK component consists of standart, job description, performance indicator, monitoring system and DRK. DRK management is carried out in Hospital and health center. The development of this method must be continuously carried out as an effort to increased knowledge and professional nurses. The purpose of literature is to identify the description implementation of DRK in supporting improvement of the knowledge and professional nurse. Method: the database used in the literature making is Pubmed, Science Direct, Proquest and Wiley Online. Result: there were 12 articles, but that met the inclusion criteria were 5 articles, result article show the benefit of DRK supporting increase knowledge and professional nurse. Discussion: the implementation ...
Kegawatdaruratan Obstetri adalah perdarahan yang mengancam nyawa selama kehamilan dan dekat cukup... more Kegawatdaruratan Obstetri adalah perdarahan yang mengancam nyawa selama kehamilan dan dekat cukup bulan meliputi perdarahan yang terjadi pada minggu awal kehamilan (abortus, mola hidatidosa, kista vasikuler, kehamilan ekstrauteri/ ektopik). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pengetahuan terhadap Kesiapsiagaan Petugas Kesehatan dalam menghadapi Kegawatdaruratan Obstetri. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kuantitatif dengan Pendekatan Quasi Eksperimen. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 27 Mei 2019 lokasi penelitian di Rs. Lanto Daeng Pasewang. Teknik Pengambilan sampel dengan metode Total Sampling, sampel Petugas Kesehatan sebanyak 35 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 35 responden diperoleh 23 Petugas Kesehatan (65.7%) mempunyai pengetahuan baik dan mempunyai kesiapsiagaan baik terdapat 25 petugas (71,4%). Hasil uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test diberikan untuk menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan, nilai P Value yang didapatkan pada penelitian...