Halina Chodkiewicz - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Halina Chodkiewicz
The paper reports the results of a study which aimed to investigate selected aspects of the acade... more The paper reports the results of a study which aimed to investigate selected aspects of the academic reading experience of English philology students concerning the use of reading and note-taking strategies. Having accomplished a variety of academic reading assignments in linguistics, psycholinguistics, literature , history, culture, and EFL didactics, the participants of the study developed as disciplinary readers and acquired an array of metacognitive strategies which made it possible for them to consciously reflect on the process of learning Eng-lish and gaining subject-specific knowledge. The students filled in a questionnaire with two closed-item questions regarding the helpfulness of reading and note-taking strategies and two open-ended questions probing their preferences for combining the two types of strategies and switching to the native language while using them. The analysis of the participants' assessment of the helpful-ness of reading and note-taking strategies and ...
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 1997
The paper reports the results of a study which aimed to investigate selected aspects of the acade... more The paper reports the results of a study which aimed to investigate selected aspects of the academic reading experience of English philology students concerning the use of reading and note-taking strategies. Having accomplished a variety of academic reading assignments in linguistics, psycholinguistics, literature , history, culture, and EFL didactics, the participants of the study developed as disciplinary readers and acquired an array of metacognitive strategies which made it possible for them to consciously reflect on the process of learning Eng-lish and gaining subject-specific knowledge. The students filled in a questionnaire with two closed-item questions regarding the helpfulness of reading and note-taking strategies and two open-ended questions probing their preferences for combining the two types of strategies and switching to the native language while using them. The analysis of the participants' assessment of the helpful-ness of reading and note-taking strategies and ...
Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2016
This chapter sets out to argue for the significance of ‘interest’ as a critical factor in reading... more This chapter sets out to argue for the significance of ‘interest’ as a critical factor in reading and learning in L2/FL contexts. It is claimed that despite the fact that EFL specialists so frequently articulate the need for providing ‘interesting texts’ to work on and recommend that learners’ interests should be taken into consideration, too often is the concept of interest used indiscriminately with reference to texts or readers, and no adequate theoretical rationale for understanding its role in reading has been offered. Bernhardt’s (2005, 2010) recent compensatory model of L2 reading posits that whereas 50 % variance in readers’ performance is explained by L1 literacy and L2 language knowledge, the remaining, unexplained variance comprises other factors, including interest. Such factors as genre/text features, background/domain knowledge, strategies, engagement, motivation, etc., which are closely related to interest, need to be covered in a comprehensive interpretation of L2/FL text processing. This chapter will provide an overview of significant insights into the nature of interest as a factor in text-processing obtained in theory and research concerning different educational areas mainly in L1 contexts which seem to be relevant for exploring the complexity of the construct of interest and its impact on L2/FL reading comprehension and learning processes. Among others, the chapter will focus on the theoretical grounds for conceptualizing the contribution of situational interest in reading L2 texts developed by Brantmeier (2006). Finally, the major implications of the theoretical and empirical findings for a better handling of interest-related issues in EFL reading instruction will be discussed.
In 1967 both L1 and L2 reading specialists were provided with a particularly influential model of... more In 1967 both L1 and L2 reading specialists were provided with a particularly influential model of reading, that of reading as ‘a psycholinguistic guessing game’ by Kenneth Goodman. The model not only revolutionized the conceptualization of the reading process by referring to its psycholinguistic background, but also offered a metaphor of reading as a game-like process based on extensive guessing, still found appealing by some practicing L2/FL teachers. The present paper will argue why the definition of reading as a hypothesis-testing process based on prediction, sampling, confirming and verification worked out by Goodman gave such an important impetus for change in understanding the reading process and the development of reading competence. On a more practical side, it will be explained why the view that L2 readers can build the meaning of a text on the basis of contextual redundancy, as well as infer the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary by sampling selected features of the visual ...
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 1997
This report describes the integration of flight path display formats into head-down and head-up e... more This report describes the integration of flight path display formats into head-down and head-up electronic displays, and a comparison of pilot performance using them to fly precision instrument approaches in an advanced concepts research simulator. The work reported was performed by the Georgia Division of the Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company (formerly Lockheed-Georgia Company) for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center at Hampton, Virginia. The project was funded by NASA under Contract Number NAS1-18029, Task 02. This report is also identified as LG87ER0154 for Lockheed internal control purposes. Guidance for the program was provided by George G. Steinmetz, NASA-Langley Technical Monitor and Cary R. Spitzer, NASA-Langley Technical Representative of the Contracting Officer. George A. Sexton directed the Lockheed effort, which was performed as part of a continuing preliminary design investigation of new aircraft concepts by the Georgia Division Aeronautical Systems Development Department, Charles F. Klusmann, Manager. Other Lockheed contributors were H.
In 1967 both L1 and L2 reading specialists were provided with a particularly influential model of... more In 1967 both L1 and L2 reading specialists were provided with a particularly influential model of reading, that of reading as ‘a psycholinguistic guessing game’ by Kenneth Goodman. The model not only revolutionized the conceptualization of the reading process by referring to its psycholinguistic background, but also offered a metaphor of reading as a game-like process based on extensive guessing, still found appealing by some practicing L2/FL teachers. The present paper will argue why the definition of reading as a hypothesis-testing process based on prediction, sampling, confirming and verification worked out by Goodman gave such an important impetus for change in understanding the reading process and the development of reading competence. On a more practical side, it will be explained why the view that L2 readers can build the meaning of a text on the basis of contextual redundancy, as well as infer the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary by sampling selected features of the visual ...
Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2016
This chapter sets out to argue for the significance of ‘interest’ as a critical factor in reading... more This chapter sets out to argue for the significance of ‘interest’ as a critical factor in reading and learning in L2/FL contexts. It is claimed that despite the fact that EFL specialists so frequently articulate the need for providing ‘interesting texts’ to work on and recommend that learners’ interests should be taken into consideration, too often is the concept of interest used indiscriminately with reference to texts or readers, and no adequate theoretical rationale for understanding its role in reading has been offered. Bernhardt’s (2005, 2010) recent compensatory model of L2 reading posits that whereas 50 % variance in readers’ performance is explained by L1 literacy and L2 language knowledge, the remaining, unexplained variance comprises other factors, including interest. Such factors as genre/text features, background/domain knowledge, strategies, engagement, motivation, etc., which are closely related to interest, need to be covered in a comprehensive interpretation of L2/FL text processing. This chapter will provide an overview of significant insights into the nature of interest as a factor in text-processing obtained in theory and research concerning different educational areas mainly in L1 contexts which seem to be relevant for exploring the complexity of the construct of interest and its impact on L2/FL reading comprehension and learning processes. Among others, the chapter will focus on the theoretical grounds for conceptualizing the contribution of situational interest in reading L2 texts developed by Brantmeier (2006). Finally, the major implications of the theoretical and empirical findings for a better handling of interest-related issues in EFL reading instruction will be discussed.
She teaches second language acquisition and EFL didactics courses, and supervises MA and PhD diss... more She teaches second language acquisition and EFL didactics courses, and supervises MA and PhD disser-tations. Her research interests focus on developing L2 reading competence, vocabulary learning and teaching, individual learner differences and the CBI-CLIL approach. Her recent papers published nationally and internationally concern reading and learning from text. She is the author of three books on reading and vocabulary acquisition, and co-editor of three volumes including Language skills: Traditions, transitions and ways forward (with Magdalena Trepczyńska, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014). Istanbul. She has also presented at numerous conferences and published widely, including her books Lessons from good language learners and The strategy factor in successful language learning. Learner issues (e.g., individual differences, such as strategies, style, gender, age, culture, motivation, identity), teacher education and support (e.g., methodology, error correction), language issue...
Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2016
1. Wstep Zagadnienie wspolzalezności pomiedzy przyswajaniem jezyka i treści niejezykowych, tak cz... more 1. Wstep Zagadnienie wspolzalezności pomiedzy przyswajaniem jezyka i treści niejezykowych, tak czesto podejmowane w aktualnych rozwazaniach w glottodydaktyce, nie stanowi w zasadzie nowego problemu. Za geneze koncepcji nauczania jezyka przez treśc uznaje sie bowiem wprowadzenie w roku 1963 modelu, ktory znakomicie wpisal sie w kontekst bilingwalnej Kanady, opartego na nauce jezyka angielskiego lub francuskiego przez immersje, tj. „zanurzenie” w jezyku docelowym uzywanym w nauczaniu przedmiotow szkolnych (R. Lyster 2007). Korzyści są tu podwojne: opanowanie nowego jezyka – bardziej efektywne niz przy zastosowaniu tradycyjnych metod nauczania – oraz treści przedstawionych za jego pomocą. Koncepcja lączenia nauki jezyka i wybranych treści innych przedmiotow znalazla wkrotce zastosowanie w wielu krajach (w tym w Stanach Zjednoczonych, Europie i Australii); zaoferowano wiele nowych rozwiązan w odniesieniu do roznych poziomow systemu edukacyjnego, roznych grup wiekowych, w sytuacjach nauc...
The present paper aims to provide a selective overview of major issues pertaining to L2/FL readin... more The present paper aims to provide a selective overview of major issues pertaining to L2/FL reading instruction with special attention to new research findings in the field. The problems chosen to focus on are: fluency and speed of reading, reading/vocabulary connections, the impact of discourse organization on the effectiveness of reading and strategy instruction. It is shown that empirical investigations carried out in recent years have shed more light on the many variables contributing to the ultimate success in L2 reading development and complex interrelationships between them. The discussion throughout the paper is illustrated with brief reports on selected studies and the problem of research methodology in the area is also emphasized. Implications for classroom instruction requiring L2 learners’ participation in a variety of reading tasks are suggested.
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
It is common knowledge for contemporary teachers at all educational levels that reading literacy ... more It is common knowledge for contemporary teachers at all educational levels that reading literacy and learning attainment require adopting a strategic approach. This article reports the results of the classroom-based study in which a group of English Studies students were guided over a span of time in implementing text-based questions as a component of reciprocal reading tasks. The primary goal of the study was to trace changes appearing in the quality in the use of student-generated questioning in one-term reciprocal reading training and in delayed sessions, nine months later. Some changes were identified in the students’ actual performance by assessing the quality of the questions the students asked throughout the training and delayed sessions. Also, the students’ perceptions regarding the instruction routines they participated in, were elicited by means of two interviews. The article puts forward some important insights from the study for organizing efficient classroom instruction...
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature
Evolving approaches to the conceptualization of reading have created conducive grounds for rethin... more Evolving approaches to the conceptualization of reading have created conducive grounds for rethinking the role of strategic reading in second/foreign language contexts. However, despite a wide recognition of the effectiveness of strategic reading, such critical issues as strategy identification, modelling reading strategy taxonomies, and their implicationsfor establishing principles for actual classroom practice are still being debated on. This article intends to look more closely at current insights into the strategy dimension of the reading process, which, according to the current author, play an enlightening role in defining the utility of reading strategies in helping second/foreign language learners reach their goals in reading and through reading. Hence, the article mainly focuses on promoting text comprehension, language and reading skills improvement, and content learning from text. The author articulates the need for a better understanding of how the potential effects of s...
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Wykład akademicki w języku nierodzimym jako forma współpracy między wykładowcą i studentem Wykład... more Wykład akademicki w języku nierodzimym jako forma współpracy między wykładowcą i studentem Wykład akademicki odgrywa nadal kluczową rolę w przyswajaniu wiedzy dziedzinowej w środowisku akademickim, zarówno w bardziej tradycyjnej formie monologowej, jak też w formie interaktywnej, wprowadzającej użycie nowych technologii. Umiędzynarodowienie szkolnictwa wyższego sprawia, że w kontekście wielojęzyczności adresatami działań akademickich stają się osoby, które nie zawsze osiągnęły dostatecznie wysoki poziom kompetencji w języku docelowym, niebędącym ich językiem rodzimym. Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje dyskusję na temat najbardziej istotnych kwestii wynikających z potrzeby opracowywania i prezentacji wykładów w taki sposób, aby tacy słuchacze byli w stanie nie tylko skutecznie opanować wiedzę przedmiotową, ale także potrafili wykorzystywać swój potencjał intelektualny, jednocześnie doskonaląc niezbędne umiejętności w zakresie języka docelowego. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono potrzebie współpr...
SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference
The paper sets out to explore the issue of students’ strategic ability of learning from disciplin... more The paper sets out to explore the issue of students’ strategic ability of learning from disciplinary texts in tertiary education settings. While performing reading tasks, students acquire or restructure subject-area knowledge as well as improving conceptual resources and literacy skills indispensable for their academic attainment. The so-called reciprocal reading instruction promotes the adoption of a procedure in which students are required to generate their own text-based questions, then ask and answer them in pairs. The exploratory case study reported in this paper aimed to examine the performance of advanced Polish students of English during ten reciprocal reading sessions, part of a subject-specific course. The analysis of the collected data focused on selected aspects of the students’ question-generating behaviour. Additionally, the data obtained from a semi-structured interview were scrutinized in order to find out how the students evaluated their task performance. The paper ...
Second Language Learning and Teaching
Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2013
The paper reports the results of a study which aimed to investigate selected aspects of the acade... more The paper reports the results of a study which aimed to investigate selected aspects of the academic reading experience of English philology students concerning the use of reading and note-taking strategies. Having accomplished a variety of academic reading assignments in linguistics, psycholinguistics, literature , history, culture, and EFL didactics, the participants of the study developed as disciplinary readers and acquired an array of metacognitive strategies which made it possible for them to consciously reflect on the process of learning Eng-lish and gaining subject-specific knowledge. The students filled in a questionnaire with two closed-item questions regarding the helpfulness of reading and note-taking strategies and two open-ended questions probing their preferences for combining the two types of strategies and switching to the native language while using them. The analysis of the participants' assessment of the helpful-ness of reading and note-taking strategies and ...
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 1997
The paper reports the results of a study which aimed to investigate selected aspects of the acade... more The paper reports the results of a study which aimed to investigate selected aspects of the academic reading experience of English philology students concerning the use of reading and note-taking strategies. Having accomplished a variety of academic reading assignments in linguistics, psycholinguistics, literature , history, culture, and EFL didactics, the participants of the study developed as disciplinary readers and acquired an array of metacognitive strategies which made it possible for them to consciously reflect on the process of learning Eng-lish and gaining subject-specific knowledge. The students filled in a questionnaire with two closed-item questions regarding the helpfulness of reading and note-taking strategies and two open-ended questions probing their preferences for combining the two types of strategies and switching to the native language while using them. The analysis of the participants' assessment of the helpful-ness of reading and note-taking strategies and ...
Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2016
This chapter sets out to argue for the significance of ‘interest’ as a critical factor in reading... more This chapter sets out to argue for the significance of ‘interest’ as a critical factor in reading and learning in L2/FL contexts. It is claimed that despite the fact that EFL specialists so frequently articulate the need for providing ‘interesting texts’ to work on and recommend that learners’ interests should be taken into consideration, too often is the concept of interest used indiscriminately with reference to texts or readers, and no adequate theoretical rationale for understanding its role in reading has been offered. Bernhardt’s (2005, 2010) recent compensatory model of L2 reading posits that whereas 50 % variance in readers’ performance is explained by L1 literacy and L2 language knowledge, the remaining, unexplained variance comprises other factors, including interest. Such factors as genre/text features, background/domain knowledge, strategies, engagement, motivation, etc., which are closely related to interest, need to be covered in a comprehensive interpretation of L2/FL text processing. This chapter will provide an overview of significant insights into the nature of interest as a factor in text-processing obtained in theory and research concerning different educational areas mainly in L1 contexts which seem to be relevant for exploring the complexity of the construct of interest and its impact on L2/FL reading comprehension and learning processes. Among others, the chapter will focus on the theoretical grounds for conceptualizing the contribution of situational interest in reading L2 texts developed by Brantmeier (2006). Finally, the major implications of the theoretical and empirical findings for a better handling of interest-related issues in EFL reading instruction will be discussed.
In 1967 both L1 and L2 reading specialists were provided with a particularly influential model of... more In 1967 both L1 and L2 reading specialists were provided with a particularly influential model of reading, that of reading as ‘a psycholinguistic guessing game’ by Kenneth Goodman. The model not only revolutionized the conceptualization of the reading process by referring to its psycholinguistic background, but also offered a metaphor of reading as a game-like process based on extensive guessing, still found appealing by some practicing L2/FL teachers. The present paper will argue why the definition of reading as a hypothesis-testing process based on prediction, sampling, confirming and verification worked out by Goodman gave such an important impetus for change in understanding the reading process and the development of reading competence. On a more practical side, it will be explained why the view that L2 readers can build the meaning of a text on the basis of contextual redundancy, as well as infer the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary by sampling selected features of the visual ...
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 1997
This report describes the integration of flight path display formats into head-down and head-up e... more This report describes the integration of flight path display formats into head-down and head-up electronic displays, and a comparison of pilot performance using them to fly precision instrument approaches in an advanced concepts research simulator. The work reported was performed by the Georgia Division of the Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company (formerly Lockheed-Georgia Company) for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center at Hampton, Virginia. The project was funded by NASA under Contract Number NAS1-18029, Task 02. This report is also identified as LG87ER0154 for Lockheed internal control purposes. Guidance for the program was provided by George G. Steinmetz, NASA-Langley Technical Monitor and Cary R. Spitzer, NASA-Langley Technical Representative of the Contracting Officer. George A. Sexton directed the Lockheed effort, which was performed as part of a continuing preliminary design investigation of new aircraft concepts by the Georgia Division Aeronautical Systems Development Department, Charles F. Klusmann, Manager. Other Lockheed contributors were H.
In 1967 both L1 and L2 reading specialists were provided with a particularly influential model of... more In 1967 both L1 and L2 reading specialists were provided with a particularly influential model of reading, that of reading as ‘a psycholinguistic guessing game’ by Kenneth Goodman. The model not only revolutionized the conceptualization of the reading process by referring to its psycholinguistic background, but also offered a metaphor of reading as a game-like process based on extensive guessing, still found appealing by some practicing L2/FL teachers. The present paper will argue why the definition of reading as a hypothesis-testing process based on prediction, sampling, confirming and verification worked out by Goodman gave such an important impetus for change in understanding the reading process and the development of reading competence. On a more practical side, it will be explained why the view that L2 readers can build the meaning of a text on the basis of contextual redundancy, as well as infer the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary by sampling selected features of the visual ...
Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2016
This chapter sets out to argue for the significance of ‘interest’ as a critical factor in reading... more This chapter sets out to argue for the significance of ‘interest’ as a critical factor in reading and learning in L2/FL contexts. It is claimed that despite the fact that EFL specialists so frequently articulate the need for providing ‘interesting texts’ to work on and recommend that learners’ interests should be taken into consideration, too often is the concept of interest used indiscriminately with reference to texts or readers, and no adequate theoretical rationale for understanding its role in reading has been offered. Bernhardt’s (2005, 2010) recent compensatory model of L2 reading posits that whereas 50 % variance in readers’ performance is explained by L1 literacy and L2 language knowledge, the remaining, unexplained variance comprises other factors, including interest. Such factors as genre/text features, background/domain knowledge, strategies, engagement, motivation, etc., which are closely related to interest, need to be covered in a comprehensive interpretation of L2/FL text processing. This chapter will provide an overview of significant insights into the nature of interest as a factor in text-processing obtained in theory and research concerning different educational areas mainly in L1 contexts which seem to be relevant for exploring the complexity of the construct of interest and its impact on L2/FL reading comprehension and learning processes. Among others, the chapter will focus on the theoretical grounds for conceptualizing the contribution of situational interest in reading L2 texts developed by Brantmeier (2006). Finally, the major implications of the theoretical and empirical findings for a better handling of interest-related issues in EFL reading instruction will be discussed.
She teaches second language acquisition and EFL didactics courses, and supervises MA and PhD diss... more She teaches second language acquisition and EFL didactics courses, and supervises MA and PhD disser-tations. Her research interests focus on developing L2 reading competence, vocabulary learning and teaching, individual learner differences and the CBI-CLIL approach. Her recent papers published nationally and internationally concern reading and learning from text. She is the author of three books on reading and vocabulary acquisition, and co-editor of three volumes including Language skills: Traditions, transitions and ways forward (with Magdalena Trepczyńska, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014). Istanbul. She has also presented at numerous conferences and published widely, including her books Lessons from good language learners and The strategy factor in successful language learning. Learner issues (e.g., individual differences, such as strategies, style, gender, age, culture, motivation, identity), teacher education and support (e.g., methodology, error correction), language issue...
Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2016
1. Wstep Zagadnienie wspolzalezności pomiedzy przyswajaniem jezyka i treści niejezykowych, tak cz... more 1. Wstep Zagadnienie wspolzalezności pomiedzy przyswajaniem jezyka i treści niejezykowych, tak czesto podejmowane w aktualnych rozwazaniach w glottodydaktyce, nie stanowi w zasadzie nowego problemu. Za geneze koncepcji nauczania jezyka przez treśc uznaje sie bowiem wprowadzenie w roku 1963 modelu, ktory znakomicie wpisal sie w kontekst bilingwalnej Kanady, opartego na nauce jezyka angielskiego lub francuskiego przez immersje, tj. „zanurzenie” w jezyku docelowym uzywanym w nauczaniu przedmiotow szkolnych (R. Lyster 2007). Korzyści są tu podwojne: opanowanie nowego jezyka – bardziej efektywne niz przy zastosowaniu tradycyjnych metod nauczania – oraz treści przedstawionych za jego pomocą. Koncepcja lączenia nauki jezyka i wybranych treści innych przedmiotow znalazla wkrotce zastosowanie w wielu krajach (w tym w Stanach Zjednoczonych, Europie i Australii); zaoferowano wiele nowych rozwiązan w odniesieniu do roznych poziomow systemu edukacyjnego, roznych grup wiekowych, w sytuacjach nauc...
The present paper aims to provide a selective overview of major issues pertaining to L2/FL readin... more The present paper aims to provide a selective overview of major issues pertaining to L2/FL reading instruction with special attention to new research findings in the field. The problems chosen to focus on are: fluency and speed of reading, reading/vocabulary connections, the impact of discourse organization on the effectiveness of reading and strategy instruction. It is shown that empirical investigations carried out in recent years have shed more light on the many variables contributing to the ultimate success in L2 reading development and complex interrelationships between them. The discussion throughout the paper is illustrated with brief reports on selected studies and the problem of research methodology in the area is also emphasized. Implications for classroom instruction requiring L2 learners’ participation in a variety of reading tasks are suggested.
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
It is common knowledge for contemporary teachers at all educational levels that reading literacy ... more It is common knowledge for contemporary teachers at all educational levels that reading literacy and learning attainment require adopting a strategic approach. This article reports the results of the classroom-based study in which a group of English Studies students were guided over a span of time in implementing text-based questions as a component of reciprocal reading tasks. The primary goal of the study was to trace changes appearing in the quality in the use of student-generated questioning in one-term reciprocal reading training and in delayed sessions, nine months later. Some changes were identified in the students’ actual performance by assessing the quality of the questions the students asked throughout the training and delayed sessions. Also, the students’ perceptions regarding the instruction routines they participated in, were elicited by means of two interviews. The article puts forward some important insights from the study for organizing efficient classroom instruction...
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature
Evolving approaches to the conceptualization of reading have created conducive grounds for rethin... more Evolving approaches to the conceptualization of reading have created conducive grounds for rethinking the role of strategic reading in second/foreign language contexts. However, despite a wide recognition of the effectiveness of strategic reading, such critical issues as strategy identification, modelling reading strategy taxonomies, and their implicationsfor establishing principles for actual classroom practice are still being debated on. This article intends to look more closely at current insights into the strategy dimension of the reading process, which, according to the current author, play an enlightening role in defining the utility of reading strategies in helping second/foreign language learners reach their goals in reading and through reading. Hence, the article mainly focuses on promoting text comprehension, language and reading skills improvement, and content learning from text. The author articulates the need for a better understanding of how the potential effects of s...
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Wykład akademicki w języku nierodzimym jako forma współpracy między wykładowcą i studentem Wykład... more Wykład akademicki w języku nierodzimym jako forma współpracy między wykładowcą i studentem Wykład akademicki odgrywa nadal kluczową rolę w przyswajaniu wiedzy dziedzinowej w środowisku akademickim, zarówno w bardziej tradycyjnej formie monologowej, jak też w formie interaktywnej, wprowadzającej użycie nowych technologii. Umiędzynarodowienie szkolnictwa wyższego sprawia, że w kontekście wielojęzyczności adresatami działań akademickich stają się osoby, które nie zawsze osiągnęły dostatecznie wysoki poziom kompetencji w języku docelowym, niebędącym ich językiem rodzimym. Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje dyskusję na temat najbardziej istotnych kwestii wynikających z potrzeby opracowywania i prezentacji wykładów w taki sposób, aby tacy słuchacze byli w stanie nie tylko skutecznie opanować wiedzę przedmiotową, ale także potrafili wykorzystywać swój potencjał intelektualny, jednocześnie doskonaląc niezbędne umiejętności w zakresie języka docelowego. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono potrzebie współpr...
SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference
The paper sets out to explore the issue of students’ strategic ability of learning from disciplin... more The paper sets out to explore the issue of students’ strategic ability of learning from disciplinary texts in tertiary education settings. While performing reading tasks, students acquire or restructure subject-area knowledge as well as improving conceptual resources and literacy skills indispensable for their academic attainment. The so-called reciprocal reading instruction promotes the adoption of a procedure in which students are required to generate their own text-based questions, then ask and answer them in pairs. The exploratory case study reported in this paper aimed to examine the performance of advanced Polish students of English during ten reciprocal reading sessions, part of a subject-specific course. The analysis of the collected data focused on selected aspects of the students’ question-generating behaviour. Additionally, the data obtained from a semi-structured interview were scrutinized in order to find out how the students evaluated their task performance. The paper ...
Second Language Learning and Teaching
Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2013