Helin Yaban - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Helin Yaban
Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 2015
Bu araştırmada okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının mizaç özellikleri ve öz-düzenleme becerilerinin oyu... more Bu araştırmada okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının mizaç özellikleri ve öz-düzenleme becerilerinin oyun davranışlarını yordama gücünün incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. İlişkisel tarama metoduna uygun olarak tasarlanan araştırma, 2017-2018 eğitim öğretim yılında Denizli il merkezinde okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarına devam eden 212 çocuk ve anneleri ile yürütülmüştür.
Turkiye Klinikleri Psychology - Special Topics, 2020
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-hacettepe University Journal of Education, 2013
Bu calisma, kaynastirma programlarina devam eden zihin engelli cocuklarin anne-baba ve ogretmen d... more Bu calisma, kaynastirma programlarina devam eden zihin engelli cocuklarin anne-baba ve ogretmen degerlendirmelerinden elde edilen sosyal davranis olcumlerinin karsilastirmali olarak incelenmesi amaciyla yurutulmustur. Ayrica, sosyal davranislarin yasla iliskisi, egitim suresi ve alinan egitim tipine gore farklilik gosterip gostermedigi degerlendirilmistir. Arastirmaya Ankara ili merkez ilcelerindeki okullara kaynastirma programi kapsaminda devam eden 4-18 yas grubundaki toplam 106 cocugun anne-baba ve ogretmenleri katilmistir. Anne-baba ve ogretmen uyarlamalari arasindaki korelasyon katsayilari dusuk ya da ilimli duzeyde iliskiye isaret etmistir. Yasla birlikte anne-baba ve ogretmen bildirimine gore olumlu sosyal davranislarin arttigi ve problem davranislarin bazi alt boyutlarinin azaldigi belirlenmistir. Bununla birlikte, sosyal davranislarin yasla iliskisi anne-baba ve ogretmen bildirimleri arasinda farklilik gostermistir. Anne-baba uyarlamasinda hiperaktif/asiri duyarli alt olcek...
Bu calismada, ilkogretime devam eden, psikososyal acidan dezavantajli 8-12 yasindaki cocuklarin s... more Bu calismada, ilkogretime devam eden, psikososyal acidan dezavantajli 8-12 yasindaki cocuklarin sosyal problem cozme becerileri ve bu becerilerin desteklenmesine yonelik hazirlanan ogretim programlarinin sozu edilen beceriler uzerindeki rolu ele alinmaktadir. Arastirmanin orneklemini, Ankara ili Altindag Ilcesindeki iki ilkogretim okuluna devam eden ve psikososyal acidan dezavantajli 8-12 yasindaki cocuklar arasindan secilen 15 cocuk (Yas, Ort.= 11.1, S = 1.2) olusturmustur. Uygulama oncesi ve sonrasinda cocuklarin sosyal problem cozme becerileri, sosyal problem cozmenin iki boyutta (nesne edinme ve arkadas edinme) ele alindigi ‘Sosyal Problem Cozme Testi (SPCT)’ (Rubin, 1988) kullanilarak degerlendirilmistir. Alti hafta suresince haftada bir kez gerceklestirilen uygulamalarda kisiler arasi catismalar hakkinda fikir yurutmeyi iceren, bilissel ve sozel odakli olarak planlanmis uygulamalara ve kendinin ve digerlerinin duygularinin farkina varmayi, isbirligi ve paylasmayi desteklemeye ...
The purpose of this research was to test the reliability and validity of Social Problem Solving S... more The purpose of this research was to test the reliability and validity of Social Problem Solving Skills Test Turkish Form within 9 to 11 years old children, and also to investigate social problem solving skills of children (144 children; 72 boys and 72 girls) with regard to age and sex. The Turkish form was evaluated with the analyses of test-retest, inter-rater consistency, and internal consistency coefficients. For content validity, three experts’ opinions were consulted. Results showed that Social Problem Solving Skills Test Turkish Form is a reliable test, evaluating social problem solving skills of children aged 9 to 11 years. Assessments in relation to sex and age showed that, girls produce more solutions than boys for object acquisition and friendship initiation issues. Additionally, 10-11 aged children produce more solutions in object acquisition issues and 11 aged children use more varied strategies about object acquisition, and if the strategy for solving the problem fails,...
Arastirmanin temel amaci, sosyal deger yoneliminin, orta ergenlik ve beliren yetiskinlik donemler... more Arastirmanin temel amaci, sosyal deger yoneliminin, orta ergenlik ve beliren yetiskinlik donemlerinde farkli turden sosyal davranislar uzerindeki etkilerini ve gelisiminde rol oynayan etmenleri saptamaktir. Sosyal deger yoneliminin yasam akisi boyunca icinde yasanilan kulturun, sosyallestirme girisimlerinin ve sosyal-bilissel becerilerin gelisimine paralel olarak degisim gosterecegi varsayimindan yola cikilarak, (1) benlik kurgulari ve SED, (2) kusaklar arasi aktarim ve ana-baba uygulamalari ve (3) kendini duzenlemenin rolleri degerlendirilmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini, ortaokul ve liselerde (8. ve 9. Siniflar) okuyan ergenler (n = 218; 14-15 yas) ve universitede okuyan beliren yetiskinler (n = 219; 19-25 yas) olmak uzere 437 genc ve bu genclerin anne-babalari olusturmustur. Sosyal deger yonelimi ve sosyal davranislarla ilgili sonuclar, olumlu sosyalligin yasla arttigini gostermistir. Olumlu sosyal deger yonelimine sahip ergen ve beliren yetiskinlerin daha az kamusal olumlu sosya...
Bu arastirma, cocuk yuvalarinda yasayan korunmaya muhtac cocuklarin sosyal problem cozme becerile... more Bu arastirma, cocuk yuvalarinda yasayan korunmaya muhtac cocuklarin sosyal problem cozme becerilerini ortaya cikarmak amaci ile pilot bir calisma olarak planlanmis ve yurutulmustur. Arastirmanin orneklemini Ankara il merkezinde bulunan Gazi, Kecioren ve Sincan Cocuk Yuvalari’nda yasayan yedi– on bir yas grubundaki normal gelisim gosteren, ilkogretime devam eden cocuklar (40 erkek, 40 kiz) olusturmustur. Ornekleme secilen cocuklarin her birine sosyal problem cozme becerilerinin iki boyutunu (arkadas edinme ve nesne edinme) degerlendirmek amaci ile ‘Sosyal Problem Cozme Testi’ uygulanmistir. Sosyal problem cozme becerileri test skorlarinin yas ve cinsiyet degiskenleri ile iliskisi incelenmistir. Elde edilen verilerin, her bir yas grubunda cinsiyete gore farlilik gosterip gostermediginin belirlenmesi amaciyla Mann-Whitney U Testi kullanilmistir. Sosyal problem cozme becerilerinin cinsiyetlerde yas gruplarina gore farklilik gosterip gostermediginin belirlenmesi icin KruskalWallis Varyan...
Turk Psikoloji Dergisi, 2013
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
The current study examined the intergenerational similarity of middle adolescents’ and emerging a... more The current study examined the intergenerational similarity of middle adolescents’ and emerging adults’ social value orientations (SVO) using different variable-centered and person-centered approaches and whether perceived parental autonomy support and conditional regard would play a role in similarity. The sample consisted of 218 middle adolescents (ages 14–15, eighth and ninth grades) and 219 emerging adults (ages 19–25, attending university) and their mothers and fathers in a metropolitan area of Ankara, Turkey ( N = 437 triads). Our findings revealed that mother-father similarity was higher than parent-child similarity. Results indicated more similarities between emerging adults-parents than adolescents-parents, and autonomy support contributed to the similarity. Higher levels of maternal and paternal SVO has linked with prosociality of offsprings. Besides, when mothers and fathers were incongruent in reporting SVO, the emerging adults’ probability of having prosocial SVO was lo...
The Journal of General Psychology
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2014
The current study examined whether adolescent–parent discrepancies in the perception of psycholog... more The current study examined whether adolescent–parent discrepancies in the perception of psychological control are associated with adolescent maladjustment. The sample consisted of 552 Turkish adolescents attending high school and their parents. Half of the adolescents had similar scores to their parents, while the remaining half thought differently. The results of the polynomial regression with response surface analysis showed that the incongruence between reports was positively associated with having deviant friends for males, and feelings of loneliness for females. Results suggested that reports of low levels of psychological control for father–adolescent pairs were associated with fewer deviant friends for males and lower levels of loneliness for females. Moreover, the possibility of having deviant friends was higher when males and their mothers were congruent in reporting high levels of psychological control. These findings highlight the importance of consideration of perceptual...
International Journal of Behavioral Development, Jun 17, 2014
The current study examined whether adolescent–parent discrepancies in the perception of psycholog... more The current study examined whether adolescent–parent discrepancies in the perception of psychological control are associated with adolescent maladjustment. The sample consisted of 552 Turkish adolescents attending high school and their parents. Half of the adolescents had similar scores to their parents, while the remaining half thought differently. The results of the polynomial regression with response surface analysis showed that the incongruence between reports was positively associated with having deviant friends for males, and feelings of loneliness for females. Results suggested that reports of low levels of psychological control for father–adolescent pairs were associated with fewer deviant friends for males and lower levels of loneliness for females. Moreover, the possibility of having deviant friends was higher when males and their mothers were congruent in reporting high levels of psychological control. These findings highlight the importance of consideration of perceptual differences in parental practices in relation to adolescent maladjustment.
Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 2015
Bu araştırmada okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının mizaç özellikleri ve öz-düzenleme becerilerinin oyu... more Bu araştırmada okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının mizaç özellikleri ve öz-düzenleme becerilerinin oyun davranışlarını yordama gücünün incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. İlişkisel tarama metoduna uygun olarak tasarlanan araştırma, 2017-2018 eğitim öğretim yılında Denizli il merkezinde okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarına devam eden 212 çocuk ve anneleri ile yürütülmüştür.
Turkiye Klinikleri Psychology - Special Topics, 2020
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-hacettepe University Journal of Education, 2013
Bu calisma, kaynastirma programlarina devam eden zihin engelli cocuklarin anne-baba ve ogretmen d... more Bu calisma, kaynastirma programlarina devam eden zihin engelli cocuklarin anne-baba ve ogretmen degerlendirmelerinden elde edilen sosyal davranis olcumlerinin karsilastirmali olarak incelenmesi amaciyla yurutulmustur. Ayrica, sosyal davranislarin yasla iliskisi, egitim suresi ve alinan egitim tipine gore farklilik gosterip gostermedigi degerlendirilmistir. Arastirmaya Ankara ili merkez ilcelerindeki okullara kaynastirma programi kapsaminda devam eden 4-18 yas grubundaki toplam 106 cocugun anne-baba ve ogretmenleri katilmistir. Anne-baba ve ogretmen uyarlamalari arasindaki korelasyon katsayilari dusuk ya da ilimli duzeyde iliskiye isaret etmistir. Yasla birlikte anne-baba ve ogretmen bildirimine gore olumlu sosyal davranislarin arttigi ve problem davranislarin bazi alt boyutlarinin azaldigi belirlenmistir. Bununla birlikte, sosyal davranislarin yasla iliskisi anne-baba ve ogretmen bildirimleri arasinda farklilik gostermistir. Anne-baba uyarlamasinda hiperaktif/asiri duyarli alt olcek...
Bu calismada, ilkogretime devam eden, psikososyal acidan dezavantajli 8-12 yasindaki cocuklarin s... more Bu calismada, ilkogretime devam eden, psikososyal acidan dezavantajli 8-12 yasindaki cocuklarin sosyal problem cozme becerileri ve bu becerilerin desteklenmesine yonelik hazirlanan ogretim programlarinin sozu edilen beceriler uzerindeki rolu ele alinmaktadir. Arastirmanin orneklemini, Ankara ili Altindag Ilcesindeki iki ilkogretim okuluna devam eden ve psikososyal acidan dezavantajli 8-12 yasindaki cocuklar arasindan secilen 15 cocuk (Yas, Ort.= 11.1, S = 1.2) olusturmustur. Uygulama oncesi ve sonrasinda cocuklarin sosyal problem cozme becerileri, sosyal problem cozmenin iki boyutta (nesne edinme ve arkadas edinme) ele alindigi ‘Sosyal Problem Cozme Testi (SPCT)’ (Rubin, 1988) kullanilarak degerlendirilmistir. Alti hafta suresince haftada bir kez gerceklestirilen uygulamalarda kisiler arasi catismalar hakkinda fikir yurutmeyi iceren, bilissel ve sozel odakli olarak planlanmis uygulamalara ve kendinin ve digerlerinin duygularinin farkina varmayi, isbirligi ve paylasmayi desteklemeye ...
The purpose of this research was to test the reliability and validity of Social Problem Solving S... more The purpose of this research was to test the reliability and validity of Social Problem Solving Skills Test Turkish Form within 9 to 11 years old children, and also to investigate social problem solving skills of children (144 children; 72 boys and 72 girls) with regard to age and sex. The Turkish form was evaluated with the analyses of test-retest, inter-rater consistency, and internal consistency coefficients. For content validity, three experts’ opinions were consulted. Results showed that Social Problem Solving Skills Test Turkish Form is a reliable test, evaluating social problem solving skills of children aged 9 to 11 years. Assessments in relation to sex and age showed that, girls produce more solutions than boys for object acquisition and friendship initiation issues. Additionally, 10-11 aged children produce more solutions in object acquisition issues and 11 aged children use more varied strategies about object acquisition, and if the strategy for solving the problem fails,...
Arastirmanin temel amaci, sosyal deger yoneliminin, orta ergenlik ve beliren yetiskinlik donemler... more Arastirmanin temel amaci, sosyal deger yoneliminin, orta ergenlik ve beliren yetiskinlik donemlerinde farkli turden sosyal davranislar uzerindeki etkilerini ve gelisiminde rol oynayan etmenleri saptamaktir. Sosyal deger yoneliminin yasam akisi boyunca icinde yasanilan kulturun, sosyallestirme girisimlerinin ve sosyal-bilissel becerilerin gelisimine paralel olarak degisim gosterecegi varsayimindan yola cikilarak, (1) benlik kurgulari ve SED, (2) kusaklar arasi aktarim ve ana-baba uygulamalari ve (3) kendini duzenlemenin rolleri degerlendirilmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini, ortaokul ve liselerde (8. ve 9. Siniflar) okuyan ergenler (n = 218; 14-15 yas) ve universitede okuyan beliren yetiskinler (n = 219; 19-25 yas) olmak uzere 437 genc ve bu genclerin anne-babalari olusturmustur. Sosyal deger yonelimi ve sosyal davranislarla ilgili sonuclar, olumlu sosyalligin yasla arttigini gostermistir. Olumlu sosyal deger yonelimine sahip ergen ve beliren yetiskinlerin daha az kamusal olumlu sosya...
Bu arastirma, cocuk yuvalarinda yasayan korunmaya muhtac cocuklarin sosyal problem cozme becerile... more Bu arastirma, cocuk yuvalarinda yasayan korunmaya muhtac cocuklarin sosyal problem cozme becerilerini ortaya cikarmak amaci ile pilot bir calisma olarak planlanmis ve yurutulmustur. Arastirmanin orneklemini Ankara il merkezinde bulunan Gazi, Kecioren ve Sincan Cocuk Yuvalari’nda yasayan yedi– on bir yas grubundaki normal gelisim gosteren, ilkogretime devam eden cocuklar (40 erkek, 40 kiz) olusturmustur. Ornekleme secilen cocuklarin her birine sosyal problem cozme becerilerinin iki boyutunu (arkadas edinme ve nesne edinme) degerlendirmek amaci ile ‘Sosyal Problem Cozme Testi’ uygulanmistir. Sosyal problem cozme becerileri test skorlarinin yas ve cinsiyet degiskenleri ile iliskisi incelenmistir. Elde edilen verilerin, her bir yas grubunda cinsiyete gore farlilik gosterip gostermediginin belirlenmesi amaciyla Mann-Whitney U Testi kullanilmistir. Sosyal problem cozme becerilerinin cinsiyetlerde yas gruplarina gore farklilik gosterip gostermediginin belirlenmesi icin KruskalWallis Varyan...
Turk Psikoloji Dergisi, 2013
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
The current study examined the intergenerational similarity of middle adolescents’ and emerging a... more The current study examined the intergenerational similarity of middle adolescents’ and emerging adults’ social value orientations (SVO) using different variable-centered and person-centered approaches and whether perceived parental autonomy support and conditional regard would play a role in similarity. The sample consisted of 218 middle adolescents (ages 14–15, eighth and ninth grades) and 219 emerging adults (ages 19–25, attending university) and their mothers and fathers in a metropolitan area of Ankara, Turkey ( N = 437 triads). Our findings revealed that mother-father similarity was higher than parent-child similarity. Results indicated more similarities between emerging adults-parents than adolescents-parents, and autonomy support contributed to the similarity. Higher levels of maternal and paternal SVO has linked with prosociality of offsprings. Besides, when mothers and fathers were incongruent in reporting SVO, the emerging adults’ probability of having prosocial SVO was lo...
The Journal of General Psychology
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2014
The current study examined whether adolescent–parent discrepancies in the perception of psycholog... more The current study examined whether adolescent–parent discrepancies in the perception of psychological control are associated with adolescent maladjustment. The sample consisted of 552 Turkish adolescents attending high school and their parents. Half of the adolescents had similar scores to their parents, while the remaining half thought differently. The results of the polynomial regression with response surface analysis showed that the incongruence between reports was positively associated with having deviant friends for males, and feelings of loneliness for females. Results suggested that reports of low levels of psychological control for father–adolescent pairs were associated with fewer deviant friends for males and lower levels of loneliness for females. Moreover, the possibility of having deviant friends was higher when males and their mothers were congruent in reporting high levels of psychological control. These findings highlight the importance of consideration of perceptual...
International Journal of Behavioral Development, Jun 17, 2014
The current study examined whether adolescent–parent discrepancies in the perception of psycholog... more The current study examined whether adolescent–parent discrepancies in the perception of psychological control are associated with adolescent maladjustment. The sample consisted of 552 Turkish adolescents attending high school and their parents. Half of the adolescents had similar scores to their parents, while the remaining half thought differently. The results of the polynomial regression with response surface analysis showed that the incongruence between reports was positively associated with having deviant friends for males, and feelings of loneliness for females. Results suggested that reports of low levels of psychological control for father–adolescent pairs were associated with fewer deviant friends for males and lower levels of loneliness for females. Moreover, the possibility of having deviant friends was higher when males and their mothers were congruent in reporting high levels of psychological control. These findings highlight the importance of consideration of perceptual differences in parental practices in relation to adolescent maladjustment.