Heni Adhianata - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Heni Adhianata

Research paper thumbnail of Efikasi Edukasi Gizi Melalui Cooking Demo Dan Poster Gizi Seimbang Pada Ibu Balita Stunting

Deleted Journal, Dec 31, 2023

Prevalensi stunting merupakan masalah gizi kronis yang ada di Indonesia. Anak yang menderita stun... more Prevalensi stunting merupakan masalah gizi kronis yang ada di Indonesia. Anak yang menderita stunting lebih rentan terkena penyakit dan gangguan kesehatan lainnya. Dampak stunting terhadap anak tidak hanya masalah kesehatan saja, namun juga berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kecerdasan. Salah satu upaya penanggulangan dan pencegahan stunting dapat dilakukan melalui edukasi gizi terhadap ibu dan anak. Jenis dan metode edukasi gizi akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas program edukasi gizi yang diberikan terhadap masyarakat. Pemilihan metode harus sesuai dengan sasaran audien agar materi dapat dengan baik tersampaikan kepada masyarakat target. Poster merupakan media edukasi gizi yang mudah diaplikasikan serta dapat menarik minat masyarakat untuk memperhatikan kegitan penyampaian materi. Cooking demo merupakan metode edukasi yang komunikatif dan menarik yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam pemberian edukasi gizi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efikasi dari edukasi gizi menggunakan poster gizi dan cooking demo dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi ibu balita stunting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan gizi ibu yang signifikan pada perlakuan intervensi gizi dengan menggunakan poster dan cooking demo pada kelompok intervensi. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa edukasi gizi dengan menggunakan poster gizi dan cooking demo merupakan metode yang efektif dalam peningkatan pengetahuan gizi ibu balita.

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of Balanced Nutrition Comic as a Learning Medium in Nutrition Education Intervention for Primary School-Age Children in Sampang District

Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan, Sep 4, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Traditional Culinary Potentials as an Attractiveness and Gastro-Diplomacy for Madura Culinary Tourism

Bio web of conferences/BIO web of conferences, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of The Factors of Surabaya City Region Encourage in Reservation Through Offline Travel Agent (Travel Agent Bureau): Case Study at PT Aneka Kartika Tours and Travel Services Surabaya

Journal of International Conference Proceedings

This study want to know clearly about making a reservation through offline travel agent (Travel A... more This study want to know clearly about making a reservation through offline travel agent (Travel Agency)” and the study was conducted at PT. Aneka Kartika Tours and Travel Services Surabaya. Which is the mainstay of this research is the rise of online business travel agent in Indonesia that make entrepreneurs of offline travel agents or travel agency must be competed. This competition aims to make travel agency can remain superior to online travel agents. However, although online travel agent has been growing rapidly but still found the customers who come and requires the existence of a travel agency. Therefore the aim of this study was to determine: what are the factors that drive and influence the people of Surabaya to continue to use the service of offline travel agents. There are four main variables used in this study that are marketing mix, psychological factors, situational factors and social factors. The method used in researching is confirmatory factor analysis which it is a part of the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The population in this study are customers of PT. Aneka Kartika Tours and Travel Services Surabaya by distributing questionnaires to 120 customers, while the technique used is judgmental sampling. After distributing the questionnaire, the questionnaire results are calculated and processed using SPSS ver 21 and AMOS ver 21 thus it is produced a result that variable marketing mix, psychological factors, and situational factors are affected positively towards purchasing decisions through an offline reservation except on fourth variable that is social factors that should be eliminated because it has negative influence or do not contribute significantly. Keywords: offline travel agent, online travel agent, marketing mix, psychological factors, situational factors, social factors.


International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific

Research paper thumbnail of Produksi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Antimikroba dari Mikroalga Tetraselmis chuii dengan Metode Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (Kajian Jenis Pelarut dan Jumlah Siklus Ekstraksi)

Pada lingkungan perairan, mikroalga sebagai produsen alami ekosistem perairan yang dapat menghasi... more Pada lingkungan perairan, mikroalga sebagai produsen alami ekosistem perairan yang dapat menghasilkan energi dan metabolit yang bermanfaat. Produk ekstraseluler mikroalga dapat berupa senyawa penghambat dan pemacu pertumbuhan. Salah satu mikroalga yang memiliki potensi adalah Tetraselmis chuii. Pemanfaatan mikroalga ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber dalam proses ekstraksi senyawa bioaktif alami. Sejauh ini pemanfaatan T. chuii sebatas sebagai pakan ikan, namun sebenarnya komponen yang terkandung dari hasil metabolitnya dapat dieksplorasi lebih jauh lagi. Spesies ini tinggi akan kandungan protein, lemak, asam lemak esensial, dan karbohidrat. T. chuii memiliki komponen bioaktif berupa asam lemak dan ester yang dapat digunakan sebagai senyawa antibakteri pada pertumbuhan bakteri E.coli dan S.aureus dengan mengekstraknya menggunakan berbagai pelarut dengan kepolaran yang berbeda. Proses ekstraksi dipengaruhi oleh metode ekstraksi, jenis pelarut, dan kondisi ekstraksi. Manfaat dari meto...

Research paper thumbnail of Childhood adversities and mental health problems: A systematic review

Journal of Public Health Research

The number of mental health problems in children and adolescents has been increasing. One of the ... more The number of mental health problems in children and adolescents has been increasing. One of the causes of mental health problems is trauma in the family, such as childhood adversities. The aim of this study was to review the relationship between childhood adversities and mental health problems. The method in this study was a systematic review using three databases: CINAHL, PubMed, and SCOPUS. The results of the review were reported according to the PRISMA guidelines. The keywords used in this study were mental health or mental illness or mental disorder or psychiatric illness AND adolescents or teenagers or teenagers or youth AND parental divorce or parental separation OR parental death or parental loss or parentally bereaved. The inclusion criteria for the articles were English language and published from 2017 to 2021. This study recorded 477 articles, screened according to the topic, and then the final articles were 35. The results of the systematic review showed evidence that ch...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Non-Soybean Tempeh from Cowpea Bean and Koro Bean

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Tempeh is a fermented food product that is very widely consumed in Indonesia because of it has a ... more Tempeh is a fermented food product that is very widely consumed in Indonesia because of it has a low price but high in nutritional value and health benefits. Tempeh made from non-soybean ingredients, can be used as an alternative of local abundant beans in Indonesia and also to reduce the dependence on imported soybeans. So the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using non-soybeans ingredients, cowpea beans; koro beans; and mix of both beans on the manufacture of tempeh and to evaluate the microbiological characteristic and chemical composition of tempeh products. Non-soybean tempeh was made with the proportion of cowpea bean and koro beans 0:100; 50;50; 100;0 (g/g) then inoculated and incubated at 30 ±2 °C for 36 hours. The microbiological characteristic of non-soybean tempeh was evaluated from the viability of the mold in tempeh. The highest viability comes from koro bean tempeh, which was 7.3 log cfu/gram. The chemical composition of non-soybean tempeh was evalua...

Research paper thumbnail of Acceleration of Sago Food Diversification in Improving the Welfare of Sago Farmers in Riau Province

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

There have been many efforts to increase agricultural productivity as a step to improve farmers’ ... more There have been many efforts to increase agricultural productivity as a step to improve farmers’ welfare, one of which is through food diversification. Processing sago into various kinds of processed food products is a strategic to accelerate sago diversification. The market potential for sago starch in Riau Province is quite growing along with the local food products development. The purpose of this study was to analyze practical steps as an acceleration of sago food diversification so that opportunities could be identified in improving the welfare of sago farmers in Riau Province. This study used a survey method through interviews and direct observation regarding raw materials and processing methods for sago-based food products and the development of sago diversification products. As a support, secondary data is used through documents and reports related to local processed food in Riau Province, nutritional aspects, community and farmer empowerment, as well as increasing added val...

Research paper thumbnail of Mikoflora Biji Kakao Fermentasi dan Tanpa Fermentasi serta Perbedaan Kerentanannya terhadap Produksi Okratoksin A dan Aflatoksin pada Sistem Inkubasi Kondisi Ekstrim

Most of Indonesiaâ��s cocoa beans has been produced through fermentation. Various metabolite end ... more Most of Indonesiaâ��s cocoa beans has been produced through fermentation. Various metabolite end products such as alcohol, lactic acid, and acetic acid are produced during cocoa beans fermentation. These metabolites would induce different chemical characteristic of fermented cocoa beans. Lactic and acetic acid are fermentation products with antimicrobial activity and capable to suppress fungal growth. In the other hand, ochratoxin A (OTA) and aflatoxins (AFs), mycotoxins produced by mycoflora Aspergillus and Penicillium species, usually found as cocoa beans contaminants. The maximum levels of aflatoxins set by European Commision (EC) in food for direct consumption are 2 I¼g/kg for AFB1 and 4 I¼g/kg for the sum of AFs and 2I¼g/kg for OTA in cocoa beans. This study was the first research on fermented and unfermented cocoa beans mycoflora diversity and their susceptibility difference of OTA and AFs production. In this research, parameters evaluated were mycoflora, OTA, and AFs contamin...

Research paper thumbnail of Phytochemical Screenings and Antioxidant Activity Assay of Sedap Malam Flower Syrup (Polianthes tuberosa Linn.)

Bunga sedap malam ( Polianthes tuberosa Linn ) merupakan bunga yang banyak dikembangkan di Indone... more Bunga sedap malam ( Polianthes tuberosa Linn ) merupakan bunga yang banyak dikembangkan di Indonesia yang ditengarai mengandung beberapa komponen antioksidan serta memiliki aroma yang kuat, sehingga bunga sedap malam dapat diaplikasikan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan sirup tinggi antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio fruktosa yang ditambahkan pada bunga sedap malam dan lama waktu pembekuan terhadap aktivitas antioksidan melalui metode DPPH, serta mengetahui golongan senyawa fitokimia yang terkandung pada sirup bunga sedap malam melalui metode skrining. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prosentase aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi pada perlakuan rasio fruktosa : bunga sedap malam sebesar 1:2 dengan lama waktu pembekuan 24 jam yakni 8,88%. Sedangkan aktivitas antioksidan terendah sebesar 4,40% didapatkan pada rasio fruktosa : bunga sedap malam sebesar 1:1 dengan lama waktu pembekuan 6 jam. Melalui skrining senyawa fitokimia didapatkan hasil bahwa sirup bunga sed...

Research paper thumbnail of Microbiologycal Aspect And Sensory Quality Of Soymilk And Cowpeamilk Kefir

Kefir susu kedelai dan susu kacang tunggak merupakan produk fermentasi yang dibuat dari inokulasi... more Kefir susu kedelai dan susu kacang tunggak merupakan produk fermentasi yang dibuat dari inokulasi biji kefir kedalam susu kedelai, susu kacang tunggak, dan campuran keduanya. Dalam penelitian ini diamati efek dari penambahan biji kefir (konsentrasi 2%, 4%, dan 6% w/v) dan jenis susu nabati sebagai susbstrat fermentasi (susu kedelai, susu kacang tunggak, dan campuran keduanya) terhadap karakteristik mikrobiologi dan evaluasi sensori minuman kefir sehingga didapatkan kombinasi perlakuan yang tepat dan sesuai dengan standar mutu produk kefir. Karakteristik mikrobiologi yang diamati meliputi populasi bakteri asam laktat (BAL) dan populasi khamir (yeast). Sedangkan evaluasi sensori yang diamati antara lain kenampakan, gas yang terbentuk, aroma, tingkat keasaman, kemanisan, viskositas, dan beany flavour yang terbentuk. Perbedaan konsentrasi biji kefir berpengaruh nyata terhadap rerata total BAL dengan rerata tertinggi 7,23 log cfu/mL, sedangkan perbedaan substrat fermentasi berpengaruh ny...

Research paper thumbnail of Karakteristik Fisik Lignin pada Serat Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit PT. Tunggal Perkasa Plantataions Provinsi Riau Menggunakan Metode Organosolv

Jurnal Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan (JPPL), 2020

Tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) merupakan limbah padat dari industri sawit yang mengandung lino... more Tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) merupakan limbah padat dari industri sawit yang mengandung linoselulosa berupa lignin, selulosa dan hemiselulosa. Pemanfaatan lignin sebagai bahan pengikat, perekat, pengisi, surfaktan, produk polimer, dispersan dan sumber bahan. Metode pengisolasian lignin dapat dilakukan dengan metode organosolv. Dalam proses organosolv, suhu merupakan faktor yang akan mempengaruhi kecepatan reaksi pelarutan lignin. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik fisik lignin tandan kosong kelapa sawit PT. Tunggal Perkasa Plantations, Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Provinsi Riau. Pada penelitian melakukan kajian pengaruh suhu pemasakan pada proses isolasi TKKS dengan metode organosolv menggunakan pelarut asam asetat dengan katalis HCl 0,1 %. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (Completely Randomized Design) yang terdiri 4 perlakuan suhu pemasakan (60°C, 85°C, 100°C dan 121°C). Nilai L menunjukan kecerahan lignin, semakin tinggi nilai L berarti warna lignin semakin cerah. Nilai L lignin pada suhu 100 C sebesar 35.14 sedangkan nilai L lignin pada suhu 121C yaitu sebesar 32.245. Nilai 'a' menunjukan kemerahan lignin dan nilai 'b' menunjukan kekuningan. Rendemen lignin TKKS terbesar didapat dengan menggunakan suhu 85°C yaitu sebesar 15,87 %.

Research paper thumbnail of The Susceptibility Simulation of Ochratoxin A and Aflatoxins Contamination on Fermented and Unfermented Cocoa Beans in High Storage Humidity

Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress, 2017

Most of Indonesia’s cocoa beans has been produced through fermentation. Various metabolite end pr... more Most of Indonesia’s cocoa beans has been produced through fermentation. Various metabolite end products such as alcohol, lactic acid, and acetic acid are produced during cocoa beans fermentation. These metabolites would induce different chemical characteristic of fermented cocoa beans. In this research, parameters evaluated were OTA and AFs contamination to determine the susceptibility of fermented and unfermented cocoa beans on OTA and AFs production during storage simulation. To investigate the susceptibility, this research was conducted on storage simulation condition which was 91% of relative humidity. It is hypothesized that metabolic end-products from the breakdown substrate during fermentation process have an effect on mycotoxin production by fungi.This is the first report of ochratoxin A and aflatoxins contamination susceptibility in fermented and unfermented cocoa beans. Fermented cocoa beans were more susceptible to AFs contamination. The highest AFs contamination was foun...


Jurnal Mebis (Manajemen dan Bisnis), 2018

The purpose of this research is to describe and design marketing strategy of business canvas mode... more The purpose of this research is to describe and design marketing strategy of business canvas model. The results show that business canvas and SWOT analysis are very helpful in developing marketing strategy. The customer segment element develops into B2R; element value propositions give customers easy access to information and get KSS products; channel elements focus on the liveliness of the admin in choosing the right social media; the customer relationships element develops a strategy for customers to purchase more KSS products and be loyal to KSS products; revenue streams elements are increased through visits and workshops; elements of key resources are land in the city and hydroponic facilities; key activities elements lie in the process of growing vegetables and taking care of hydroponics equipment; key key partnerships come from raw material suppliers, farmers' partners, and processed products partners; last element cost structure over fixed costs and variable costs. The SW...

Research paper thumbnail of Production and Identification of Antimicrobial Compounds from Microalgae Tetraselmis chuii with Ultrasound Assisted Extraction Method (Study Type of Solvent and Total Cycle Extraction)

Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian, 2016

Pada ekosistem air, mikroalga merupakan penghasil alami energi dan senyawa metabolit potensial. M... more Pada ekosistem air, mikroalga merupakan penghasil alami energi dan senyawa metabolit potensial. Mikroalga ekstraseluler memiliki fungsi sebagai penghambat dan memicu pertumbuhan senyawa. Tetraselmis chuii memiliki komponen bioaktif seperti asam lemak dan ester yang digunakan sebagai agen antibakteri. Antimikroba adalah senyawa yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba. Proses ekstraksi dipengaruhi oleh metode ekstraksi, berbagai pelarut, dan kondisi ekstraksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang penggunaan berbagai pelarut dan ekstraksi siklus total terhadap hasil ekstrak Tetraselmis chuii, mengetahui aktivitas antimikroba ekstrak Tetraselmis chuii terhadap S. aureus, E. coli, A. flavus dan C. Albicans, dan mengidentifikasi senyawa bioaktif ekstrak Tetraselmis chuii yang bertindak sebagai agen antimikroba dengan menggunakan metode GC-MS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen tertinggi dihasilkan dari pelarut aseton pada 3 siklus ekstraksi, yaitu sebesar 35.19%. Uji aktivitas antimikroba terbaik menghasilkan ekstrak dari pelarut kloroform dengan ekstraksi 3 siklus dengan diameter zona hambatan 16.43 mm pada S.aureus, 16.07 mm pada E. coli, 15.46 mm di C. albicans, dan 15.8 mm di A.flavus. Senyawa bioaktif dari ekstrak Tetraselmis chuii berpotensi sebagai senyawa antimikroba, termasuk asam lemak, ester, alkohol, keton, benzene, dan alkana

Research paper thumbnail of A preliminary study of chefs’ knowledge and attitude towards nutrition during restaurant’s food handling

Journal of Public Health in Africa

Background. Increasing the frequency of eating out in restaurants contributes to an increase in t... more Background. Increasing the frequency of eating out in restaurants contributes to an increase in the prevalence of non-communicable diseases. The quality of restaurant dishes depends on the chef’s ability to process delicious food and the chef’s understanding of nutrition in healthy food processing. Nutritional knowledge and attitudes towards nutrition from chefs are very important if nutrition and health aspects are the basis for consideration of food selection. Objective. The objective of this study is to assess the chef’s nutrition knowledge and attitudes toward nutrition during the restaurant’s food handling. Methods. A cross-sectional approach and descriptive design were used in this research. Chef nutritional knowledge and attitudes were measured using a structured questionnaire through three question topics including food preparation, food processing, and food presentation. Results. Chefs have good nutritional knowledge about food presentation and plating (66.7%) and good atti...

Research paper thumbnail of Efikasi Edukasi Gizi Melalui Cooking Demo Dan Poster Gizi Seimbang Pada Ibu Balita Stunting

Deleted Journal, Dec 31, 2023

Prevalensi stunting merupakan masalah gizi kronis yang ada di Indonesia. Anak yang menderita stun... more Prevalensi stunting merupakan masalah gizi kronis yang ada di Indonesia. Anak yang menderita stunting lebih rentan terkena penyakit dan gangguan kesehatan lainnya. Dampak stunting terhadap anak tidak hanya masalah kesehatan saja, namun juga berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kecerdasan. Salah satu upaya penanggulangan dan pencegahan stunting dapat dilakukan melalui edukasi gizi terhadap ibu dan anak. Jenis dan metode edukasi gizi akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas program edukasi gizi yang diberikan terhadap masyarakat. Pemilihan metode harus sesuai dengan sasaran audien agar materi dapat dengan baik tersampaikan kepada masyarakat target. Poster merupakan media edukasi gizi yang mudah diaplikasikan serta dapat menarik minat masyarakat untuk memperhatikan kegitan penyampaian materi. Cooking demo merupakan metode edukasi yang komunikatif dan menarik yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam pemberian edukasi gizi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efikasi dari edukasi gizi menggunakan poster gizi dan cooking demo dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi ibu balita stunting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan gizi ibu yang signifikan pada perlakuan intervensi gizi dengan menggunakan poster dan cooking demo pada kelompok intervensi. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa edukasi gizi dengan menggunakan poster gizi dan cooking demo merupakan metode yang efektif dalam peningkatan pengetahuan gizi ibu balita.

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of Balanced Nutrition Comic as a Learning Medium in Nutrition Education Intervention for Primary School-Age Children in Sampang District

Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan, Sep 4, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Traditional Culinary Potentials as an Attractiveness and Gastro-Diplomacy for Madura Culinary Tourism

Bio web of conferences/BIO web of conferences, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of The Factors of Surabaya City Region Encourage in Reservation Through Offline Travel Agent (Travel Agent Bureau): Case Study at PT Aneka Kartika Tours and Travel Services Surabaya

Journal of International Conference Proceedings

This study want to know clearly about making a reservation through offline travel agent (Travel A... more This study want to know clearly about making a reservation through offline travel agent (Travel Agency)” and the study was conducted at PT. Aneka Kartika Tours and Travel Services Surabaya. Which is the mainstay of this research is the rise of online business travel agent in Indonesia that make entrepreneurs of offline travel agents or travel agency must be competed. This competition aims to make travel agency can remain superior to online travel agents. However, although online travel agent has been growing rapidly but still found the customers who come and requires the existence of a travel agency. Therefore the aim of this study was to determine: what are the factors that drive and influence the people of Surabaya to continue to use the service of offline travel agents. There are four main variables used in this study that are marketing mix, psychological factors, situational factors and social factors. The method used in researching is confirmatory factor analysis which it is a part of the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The population in this study are customers of PT. Aneka Kartika Tours and Travel Services Surabaya by distributing questionnaires to 120 customers, while the technique used is judgmental sampling. After distributing the questionnaire, the questionnaire results are calculated and processed using SPSS ver 21 and AMOS ver 21 thus it is produced a result that variable marketing mix, psychological factors, and situational factors are affected positively towards purchasing decisions through an offline reservation except on fourth variable that is social factors that should be eliminated because it has negative influence or do not contribute significantly. Keywords: offline travel agent, online travel agent, marketing mix, psychological factors, situational factors, social factors.


International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific

Research paper thumbnail of Produksi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Antimikroba dari Mikroalga Tetraselmis chuii dengan Metode Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (Kajian Jenis Pelarut dan Jumlah Siklus Ekstraksi)

Pada lingkungan perairan, mikroalga sebagai produsen alami ekosistem perairan yang dapat menghasi... more Pada lingkungan perairan, mikroalga sebagai produsen alami ekosistem perairan yang dapat menghasilkan energi dan metabolit yang bermanfaat. Produk ekstraseluler mikroalga dapat berupa senyawa penghambat dan pemacu pertumbuhan. Salah satu mikroalga yang memiliki potensi adalah Tetraselmis chuii. Pemanfaatan mikroalga ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber dalam proses ekstraksi senyawa bioaktif alami. Sejauh ini pemanfaatan T. chuii sebatas sebagai pakan ikan, namun sebenarnya komponen yang terkandung dari hasil metabolitnya dapat dieksplorasi lebih jauh lagi. Spesies ini tinggi akan kandungan protein, lemak, asam lemak esensial, dan karbohidrat. T. chuii memiliki komponen bioaktif berupa asam lemak dan ester yang dapat digunakan sebagai senyawa antibakteri pada pertumbuhan bakteri E.coli dan S.aureus dengan mengekstraknya menggunakan berbagai pelarut dengan kepolaran yang berbeda. Proses ekstraksi dipengaruhi oleh metode ekstraksi, jenis pelarut, dan kondisi ekstraksi. Manfaat dari meto...

Research paper thumbnail of Childhood adversities and mental health problems: A systematic review

Journal of Public Health Research

The number of mental health problems in children and adolescents has been increasing. One of the ... more The number of mental health problems in children and adolescents has been increasing. One of the causes of mental health problems is trauma in the family, such as childhood adversities. The aim of this study was to review the relationship between childhood adversities and mental health problems. The method in this study was a systematic review using three databases: CINAHL, PubMed, and SCOPUS. The results of the review were reported according to the PRISMA guidelines. The keywords used in this study were mental health or mental illness or mental disorder or psychiatric illness AND adolescents or teenagers or teenagers or youth AND parental divorce or parental separation OR parental death or parental loss or parentally bereaved. The inclusion criteria for the articles were English language and published from 2017 to 2021. This study recorded 477 articles, screened according to the topic, and then the final articles were 35. The results of the systematic review showed evidence that ch...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Non-Soybean Tempeh from Cowpea Bean and Koro Bean

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Tempeh is a fermented food product that is very widely consumed in Indonesia because of it has a ... more Tempeh is a fermented food product that is very widely consumed in Indonesia because of it has a low price but high in nutritional value and health benefits. Tempeh made from non-soybean ingredients, can be used as an alternative of local abundant beans in Indonesia and also to reduce the dependence on imported soybeans. So the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using non-soybeans ingredients, cowpea beans; koro beans; and mix of both beans on the manufacture of tempeh and to evaluate the microbiological characteristic and chemical composition of tempeh products. Non-soybean tempeh was made with the proportion of cowpea bean and koro beans 0:100; 50;50; 100;0 (g/g) then inoculated and incubated at 30 ±2 °C for 36 hours. The microbiological characteristic of non-soybean tempeh was evaluated from the viability of the mold in tempeh. The highest viability comes from koro bean tempeh, which was 7.3 log cfu/gram. The chemical composition of non-soybean tempeh was evalua...

Research paper thumbnail of Acceleration of Sago Food Diversification in Improving the Welfare of Sago Farmers in Riau Province

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

There have been many efforts to increase agricultural productivity as a step to improve farmers’ ... more There have been many efforts to increase agricultural productivity as a step to improve farmers’ welfare, one of which is through food diversification. Processing sago into various kinds of processed food products is a strategic to accelerate sago diversification. The market potential for sago starch in Riau Province is quite growing along with the local food products development. The purpose of this study was to analyze practical steps as an acceleration of sago food diversification so that opportunities could be identified in improving the welfare of sago farmers in Riau Province. This study used a survey method through interviews and direct observation regarding raw materials and processing methods for sago-based food products and the development of sago diversification products. As a support, secondary data is used through documents and reports related to local processed food in Riau Province, nutritional aspects, community and farmer empowerment, as well as increasing added val...

Research paper thumbnail of Mikoflora Biji Kakao Fermentasi dan Tanpa Fermentasi serta Perbedaan Kerentanannya terhadap Produksi Okratoksin A dan Aflatoksin pada Sistem Inkubasi Kondisi Ekstrim

Most of Indonesiaâ��s cocoa beans has been produced through fermentation. Various metabolite end ... more Most of Indonesiaâ��s cocoa beans has been produced through fermentation. Various metabolite end products such as alcohol, lactic acid, and acetic acid are produced during cocoa beans fermentation. These metabolites would induce different chemical characteristic of fermented cocoa beans. Lactic and acetic acid are fermentation products with antimicrobial activity and capable to suppress fungal growth. In the other hand, ochratoxin A (OTA) and aflatoxins (AFs), mycotoxins produced by mycoflora Aspergillus and Penicillium species, usually found as cocoa beans contaminants. The maximum levels of aflatoxins set by European Commision (EC) in food for direct consumption are 2 I¼g/kg for AFB1 and 4 I¼g/kg for the sum of AFs and 2I¼g/kg for OTA in cocoa beans. This study was the first research on fermented and unfermented cocoa beans mycoflora diversity and their susceptibility difference of OTA and AFs production. In this research, parameters evaluated were mycoflora, OTA, and AFs contamin...

Research paper thumbnail of Phytochemical Screenings and Antioxidant Activity Assay of Sedap Malam Flower Syrup (Polianthes tuberosa Linn.)

Bunga sedap malam ( Polianthes tuberosa Linn ) merupakan bunga yang banyak dikembangkan di Indone... more Bunga sedap malam ( Polianthes tuberosa Linn ) merupakan bunga yang banyak dikembangkan di Indonesia yang ditengarai mengandung beberapa komponen antioksidan serta memiliki aroma yang kuat, sehingga bunga sedap malam dapat diaplikasikan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan sirup tinggi antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio fruktosa yang ditambahkan pada bunga sedap malam dan lama waktu pembekuan terhadap aktivitas antioksidan melalui metode DPPH, serta mengetahui golongan senyawa fitokimia yang terkandung pada sirup bunga sedap malam melalui metode skrining. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prosentase aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi pada perlakuan rasio fruktosa : bunga sedap malam sebesar 1:2 dengan lama waktu pembekuan 24 jam yakni 8,88%. Sedangkan aktivitas antioksidan terendah sebesar 4,40% didapatkan pada rasio fruktosa : bunga sedap malam sebesar 1:1 dengan lama waktu pembekuan 6 jam. Melalui skrining senyawa fitokimia didapatkan hasil bahwa sirup bunga sed...

Research paper thumbnail of Microbiologycal Aspect And Sensory Quality Of Soymilk And Cowpeamilk Kefir

Kefir susu kedelai dan susu kacang tunggak merupakan produk fermentasi yang dibuat dari inokulasi... more Kefir susu kedelai dan susu kacang tunggak merupakan produk fermentasi yang dibuat dari inokulasi biji kefir kedalam susu kedelai, susu kacang tunggak, dan campuran keduanya. Dalam penelitian ini diamati efek dari penambahan biji kefir (konsentrasi 2%, 4%, dan 6% w/v) dan jenis susu nabati sebagai susbstrat fermentasi (susu kedelai, susu kacang tunggak, dan campuran keduanya) terhadap karakteristik mikrobiologi dan evaluasi sensori minuman kefir sehingga didapatkan kombinasi perlakuan yang tepat dan sesuai dengan standar mutu produk kefir. Karakteristik mikrobiologi yang diamati meliputi populasi bakteri asam laktat (BAL) dan populasi khamir (yeast). Sedangkan evaluasi sensori yang diamati antara lain kenampakan, gas yang terbentuk, aroma, tingkat keasaman, kemanisan, viskositas, dan beany flavour yang terbentuk. Perbedaan konsentrasi biji kefir berpengaruh nyata terhadap rerata total BAL dengan rerata tertinggi 7,23 log cfu/mL, sedangkan perbedaan substrat fermentasi berpengaruh ny...

Research paper thumbnail of Karakteristik Fisik Lignin pada Serat Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit PT. Tunggal Perkasa Plantataions Provinsi Riau Menggunakan Metode Organosolv

Jurnal Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan (JPPL), 2020

Tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) merupakan limbah padat dari industri sawit yang mengandung lino... more Tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) merupakan limbah padat dari industri sawit yang mengandung linoselulosa berupa lignin, selulosa dan hemiselulosa. Pemanfaatan lignin sebagai bahan pengikat, perekat, pengisi, surfaktan, produk polimer, dispersan dan sumber bahan. Metode pengisolasian lignin dapat dilakukan dengan metode organosolv. Dalam proses organosolv, suhu merupakan faktor yang akan mempengaruhi kecepatan reaksi pelarutan lignin. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik fisik lignin tandan kosong kelapa sawit PT. Tunggal Perkasa Plantations, Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Provinsi Riau. Pada penelitian melakukan kajian pengaruh suhu pemasakan pada proses isolasi TKKS dengan metode organosolv menggunakan pelarut asam asetat dengan katalis HCl 0,1 %. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (Completely Randomized Design) yang terdiri 4 perlakuan suhu pemasakan (60°C, 85°C, 100°C dan 121°C). Nilai L menunjukan kecerahan lignin, semakin tinggi nilai L berarti warna lignin semakin cerah. Nilai L lignin pada suhu 100 C sebesar 35.14 sedangkan nilai L lignin pada suhu 121C yaitu sebesar 32.245. Nilai 'a' menunjukan kemerahan lignin dan nilai 'b' menunjukan kekuningan. Rendemen lignin TKKS terbesar didapat dengan menggunakan suhu 85°C yaitu sebesar 15,87 %.

Research paper thumbnail of The Susceptibility Simulation of Ochratoxin A and Aflatoxins Contamination on Fermented and Unfermented Cocoa Beans in High Storage Humidity

Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress, 2017

Most of Indonesia’s cocoa beans has been produced through fermentation. Various metabolite end pr... more Most of Indonesia’s cocoa beans has been produced through fermentation. Various metabolite end products such as alcohol, lactic acid, and acetic acid are produced during cocoa beans fermentation. These metabolites would induce different chemical characteristic of fermented cocoa beans. In this research, parameters evaluated were OTA and AFs contamination to determine the susceptibility of fermented and unfermented cocoa beans on OTA and AFs production during storage simulation. To investigate the susceptibility, this research was conducted on storage simulation condition which was 91% of relative humidity. It is hypothesized that metabolic end-products from the breakdown substrate during fermentation process have an effect on mycotoxin production by fungi.This is the first report of ochratoxin A and aflatoxins contamination susceptibility in fermented and unfermented cocoa beans. Fermented cocoa beans were more susceptible to AFs contamination. The highest AFs contamination was foun...


Jurnal Mebis (Manajemen dan Bisnis), 2018

The purpose of this research is to describe and design marketing strategy of business canvas mode... more The purpose of this research is to describe and design marketing strategy of business canvas model. The results show that business canvas and SWOT analysis are very helpful in developing marketing strategy. The customer segment element develops into B2R; element value propositions give customers easy access to information and get KSS products; channel elements focus on the liveliness of the admin in choosing the right social media; the customer relationships element develops a strategy for customers to purchase more KSS products and be loyal to KSS products; revenue streams elements are increased through visits and workshops; elements of key resources are land in the city and hydroponic facilities; key activities elements lie in the process of growing vegetables and taking care of hydroponics equipment; key key partnerships come from raw material suppliers, farmers' partners, and processed products partners; last element cost structure over fixed costs and variable costs. The SW...

Research paper thumbnail of Production and Identification of Antimicrobial Compounds from Microalgae Tetraselmis chuii with Ultrasound Assisted Extraction Method (Study Type of Solvent and Total Cycle Extraction)

Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian, 2016

Pada ekosistem air, mikroalga merupakan penghasil alami energi dan senyawa metabolit potensial. M... more Pada ekosistem air, mikroalga merupakan penghasil alami energi dan senyawa metabolit potensial. Mikroalga ekstraseluler memiliki fungsi sebagai penghambat dan memicu pertumbuhan senyawa. Tetraselmis chuii memiliki komponen bioaktif seperti asam lemak dan ester yang digunakan sebagai agen antibakteri. Antimikroba adalah senyawa yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba. Proses ekstraksi dipengaruhi oleh metode ekstraksi, berbagai pelarut, dan kondisi ekstraksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang penggunaan berbagai pelarut dan ekstraksi siklus total terhadap hasil ekstrak Tetraselmis chuii, mengetahui aktivitas antimikroba ekstrak Tetraselmis chuii terhadap S. aureus, E. coli, A. flavus dan C. Albicans, dan mengidentifikasi senyawa bioaktif ekstrak Tetraselmis chuii yang bertindak sebagai agen antimikroba dengan menggunakan metode GC-MS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen tertinggi dihasilkan dari pelarut aseton pada 3 siklus ekstraksi, yaitu sebesar 35.19%. Uji aktivitas antimikroba terbaik menghasilkan ekstrak dari pelarut kloroform dengan ekstraksi 3 siklus dengan diameter zona hambatan 16.43 mm pada S.aureus, 16.07 mm pada E. coli, 15.46 mm di C. albicans, dan 15.8 mm di A.flavus. Senyawa bioaktif dari ekstrak Tetraselmis chuii berpotensi sebagai senyawa antimikroba, termasuk asam lemak, ester, alkohol, keton, benzene, dan alkana

Research paper thumbnail of A preliminary study of chefs’ knowledge and attitude towards nutrition during restaurant’s food handling

Journal of Public Health in Africa

Background. Increasing the frequency of eating out in restaurants contributes to an increase in t... more Background. Increasing the frequency of eating out in restaurants contributes to an increase in the prevalence of non-communicable diseases. The quality of restaurant dishes depends on the chef’s ability to process delicious food and the chef’s understanding of nutrition in healthy food processing. Nutritional knowledge and attitudes towards nutrition from chefs are very important if nutrition and health aspects are the basis for consideration of food selection. Objective. The objective of this study is to assess the chef’s nutrition knowledge and attitudes toward nutrition during the restaurant’s food handling. Methods. A cross-sectional approach and descriptive design were used in this research. Chef nutritional knowledge and attitudes were measured using a structured questionnaire through three question topics including food preparation, food processing, and food presentation. Results. Chefs have good nutritional knowledge about food presentation and plating (66.7%) and good atti...