Henri Sterdyniak - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Henri Sterdyniak
Sciences Po publications, 2010
Les decideurs europeens ont-ils appris quelque chose de la crise provoquee par les derives de l&#... more Les decideurs europeens ont-ils appris quelque chose de la crise provoquee par les derives de l'industrie financiere ? On peut en douter. Pour resorber les deficits provoques par le sauvetage des banques et la recession, la Commission europeenne et les gouvernements appliquent avec une vigueur renouvelee des programmes d'ajustement qui ont dans le passe demontre leur capacite a accroitre l'instabilite economique et les inegalites sociales. Ces politiques de soumission au pouvoir de la finance mettent en danger l'avenir du projet europeen. Atterres par ce constat, nous avons pris l'initiative d'ecrire ce manifeste. Il denonce dix fausses evidences, mal fondees scientifiquement, qui servent a justifier les politiques actuellement menees en Europe. Il soumet au debat vingt-deux propositions pour une autre strategie. Initialement adresse a la communaute des economistes, et plus de sept cents d'entre eux, issus comme nous d'horizons theoriques tres divers,...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 24, 2013
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Oct 1, 2001
Sciences Po publications, 2015
Cette introduction au numero 139 de la Revue de l'OFCE presente les problematiques et enjeux ... more Cette introduction au numero 139 de la Revue de l'OFCE presente les problematiques et enjeux de la fiscalite des menages et des entreprises francaises et propose les principaux axes d'analyses qui y sont developpes.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 1, 2015
Revue de l'OFCE, 1993
After Maastricht: Which economic policies in Europe? The Maastricht Treaty presents Europe with t... more After Maastricht: Which economic policies in Europe? The Maastricht Treaty presents Europe with the difficult problem of economic policy organization in Europe in a transitory stage as well as in the working of a single currency zone. Two points of view conflict: some argue that the construction of Europe should help foster an active economic policy towards growth. By contrast, the Maastricht agreement opts for a « virtuous » economic policy in Europe by adopting rigorous criteria for public debt and deficits and also by setting up an independent central bank. Agreements plan a transitory stage that will dictate economic policy for the European countries. This stage appears in a context of weak growth. By now, 1 0 of the 1 2 EC countries do not fulfill the Maastricht criteria and must apply restrictive economic policy. This is difficult to justify for some countries, that despite a large public debt, have a balance with the rest of the World. The fiscal adjustment required is extrem...
… from Sciences Po, 2007
If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view i... more If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view it first. Information about this may be contained in the File-Format links below. In case of further problems read the IDEAS help page. Note that these files are not on the IDEAS site. ...
Intereconomics, 2022
Faced with the impossibility of reaching a political agreement to review the fiscal treaties, the... more Faced with the impossibility of reaching a political agreement to review the fiscal treaties, the Commission could limit itself to applying the current rules with flexibility, which would maintain an ambiguous situation: much ado about nothing.
ISBN 0 7070 0229 X ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The papers included here have benefited substantially from co... more ISBN 0 7070 0229 X ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The papers included here have benefited substantially from comments and suggestions offered by ESRI staff, FFS members and by the Director, Brendan Whelan. We are very grateful to our colleagues for their valuable input in this regard. We thank Eleanor Bannerton and Daphne McNamara Lancha for organising the administration of the Conference. Thanks are also due to Mary Cleary, Regina Moore and Deirdre Whitaker for their invaluable help in bringing this paper to publication.
Sciences Po publications, 2010
Les decideurs europeens ont-ils appris quelque chose de la crise provoquee par les derives de l&#... more Les decideurs europeens ont-ils appris quelque chose de la crise provoquee par les derives de l'industrie financiere ? On peut en douter. Pour resorber les deficits provoques par le sauvetage des banques et la recession, la Commission europeenne et les gouvernements appliquent avec une vigueur renouvelee des programmes d'ajustement qui ont dans le passe demontre leur capacite a accroitre l'instabilite economique et les inegalites sociales. Ces politiques de soumission au pouvoir de la finance mettent en danger l'avenir du projet europeen. Atterres par ce constat, nous avons pris l'initiative d'ecrire ce manifeste. Il denonce dix fausses evidences, mal fondees scientifiquement, qui servent a justifier les politiques actuellement menees en Europe. Il soumet au debat vingt-deux propositions pour une autre strategie. Initialement adresse a la communaute des economistes, et plus de sept cents d'entre eux, issus comme nous d'horizons theoriques tres divers,...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 24, 2013
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Oct 1, 2001
Sciences Po publications, 2015
Cette introduction au numero 139 de la Revue de l'OFCE presente les problematiques et enjeux ... more Cette introduction au numero 139 de la Revue de l'OFCE presente les problematiques et enjeux de la fiscalite des menages et des entreprises francaises et propose les principaux axes d'analyses qui y sont developpes.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 1, 2015
Revue de l'OFCE, 1993
After Maastricht: Which economic policies in Europe? The Maastricht Treaty presents Europe with t... more After Maastricht: Which economic policies in Europe? The Maastricht Treaty presents Europe with the difficult problem of economic policy organization in Europe in a transitory stage as well as in the working of a single currency zone. Two points of view conflict: some argue that the construction of Europe should help foster an active economic policy towards growth. By contrast, the Maastricht agreement opts for a « virtuous » economic policy in Europe by adopting rigorous criteria for public debt and deficits and also by setting up an independent central bank. Agreements plan a transitory stage that will dictate economic policy for the European countries. This stage appears in a context of weak growth. By now, 1 0 of the 1 2 EC countries do not fulfill the Maastricht criteria and must apply restrictive economic policy. This is difficult to justify for some countries, that despite a large public debt, have a balance with the rest of the World. The fiscal adjustment required is extrem...
… from Sciences Po, 2007
If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view i... more If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view it first. Information about this may be contained in the File-Format links below. In case of further problems read the IDEAS help page. Note that these files are not on the IDEAS site. ...
Intereconomics, 2022
Faced with the impossibility of reaching a political agreement to review the fiscal treaties, the... more Faced with the impossibility of reaching a political agreement to review the fiscal treaties, the Commission could limit itself to applying the current rules with flexibility, which would maintain an ambiguous situation: much ado about nothing.
ISBN 0 7070 0229 X ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The papers included here have benefited substantially from co... more ISBN 0 7070 0229 X ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The papers included here have benefited substantially from comments and suggestions offered by ESRI staff, FFS members and by the Director, Brendan Whelan. We are very grateful to our colleagues for their valuable input in this regard. We thank Eleanor Bannerton and Daphne McNamara Lancha for organising the administration of the Conference. Thanks are also due to Mary Cleary, Regina Moore and Deirdre Whitaker for their invaluable help in bringing this paper to publication.