I Ketut Suastika - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by I Ketut Suastika
JURNAL PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)
ABSTRAKProgram kampus mengajar merupakan salah satu bentuk kegiatan kurikulum MBKM yang disediaka... more ABSTRAKProgram kampus mengajar merupakan salah satu bentuk kegiatan kurikulum MBKM yang disediakan oleh Kemenristek Dikti dengan mitra sekolah dasar terdampak Covid-19. Penelitian pada artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dampak implementasi program kurikulum MBKM yang diselenggarakan oleh Kemenristek Dikti Kampus Mengajar terhadap persepsi mahasiswa Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang. Penelitian tersebut menggunakan metode campuran. Data kuantitatif pada penelitian teesebut meliputi angket mitra sekolah kampus mengajar dan mahasiswa peserta kampus mengajar. Data kualitatif pada penelitian tersebut berupa wawancara persepsi dari mahasiswa peserta kampus mengajar dan dosen pembimbing. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa persepsi mahasiswa setelah mengikuti kampus mengajar sangat baik yaitu pada rata-rata 93%. Hal ini sejalan dengan tingginya persepsi mitra pada kualitas dan kemampuan yang dimiliki mahasiswa yaitu 97%. Berdasarkan persepsi mahas...
MENDIDIK: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Pengajaran
his study aims to describe the impact of the implementation of the MBKM curriculum based on an an... more his study aims to describe the impact of the implementation of the MBKM curriculum based on an analysis of the satisfaction and perceptions of lecturers and students. This study uses a mixed method where data is collected with instruments in the form of questionnaires and interviews. Based on the research results, the impact of implementing the MBKM curriculum has a good level of satisfaction for students and lecturers, especially satisfaction with the service system and support from the Faculty. Lecturers' perceptions of the impact of the MBKM curriculum implementation are very beneficial for students. Lecturers prepare students by providing lecture methods that are as close as possible to the case in the world of work.
Pancaran Pendidikan, 2018
The purpose of this study was to develop a learning module of fractional numbers using Contextual... more The purpose of this study was to develop a learning module of fractional numbers using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach. The stages of development adhered to the stages of development proposed by Plomp (2007). To assess the quality of the module, Neeven’s assessment of product quality (2007) was used. This assessment focused on three things: the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the developed module. The validity of the module was determined by validators. Once the module was confirmed valid by the validators, the try-outs were administered to see the practicality and effectiveness. The practicality of the module was assessed from students’ activity and students’ responses on learning using the module. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of the module was assessed from the results of daily tests and final tests. The try-outs were conducted in class four times, and the percentage of students’ scores in each meeting was above 90%, which means that students did not e...
Rainstek Jurnal Terapan Sains dan Teknologi, 2021
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita si... more Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita sistem persamaan linear dua variabel berdasarkan gaya kognitif siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Welak Kabupaten Manggrai Barat. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil observasi yang dilakukan pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Welak Kabupaten Manggarai Barat yang menunjukan bahwa masih terdapat kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita sistem persamaan linear dua variabel. Berdasarkan hasil observasi tersebut peneliti melakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita sistem persamaan linear dua variabel berdasarkan gaya kognitif. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan instrumen tes, pedomaan wawancara, catatan lapangan dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII-C SMP Negeri 1 Welak Kabupaten Manggarai Barat yang dikategorikan siswa dengan gaya kognitif file indepndent dan file depedent. Peneliti menggu...
Pi: Mathematics Education Journal, 2019
Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kemampuan pemecahan masalah berdasarkan langkah Po... more Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kemampuan pemecahan masalah berdasarkan langkah Polya dan penyebab kesalahan siswa dalam melakukan pemecahan masalah matematika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan jenis penelitiannya adalah studi kasus. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP PGRI 4 Kalipare Malang. Prosedur pengumpulan data menggunakan tes untuk mengetahui kemampuan pemecahan masalah, wawancara untuk mengetahui penyebab kesalahan siswa, dan validasi untuk memvalidasi tes. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) hasil validasi soal dari validator yaitu soal valid dan dapat digunakan dengan sedikit revisi, (2) hasil tes menunjukkan tingkat 1 terdapat 13 siswa, tingkat 2 terdapat 3 siswa, tingkat 3 terdapat 5 siswa dan tingkat 4 terdapat 1 siswa. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu siswa dibagi menjadi 4 tingkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah menurut langkah Polya yaitu tingkat 1 tidak mampu menyelesaikan langkah pemecahan masalah Polya sama sekali, tingkat ...
Pancaran Pendidikan, 2017
The focus of this research was to develop a syntax model for Mathematics learning using open-ende... more The focus of this research was to develop a syntax model for Mathematics learning using open-ended problem solving that can develop students’ creativity. The emphasis on creativity development was done since the curriculum and the experts also emphasize it. This can be understood since someone with high creativity can quickly make innovations or new breakthroughs. The design research used in this study followed Plomp’s design research (2007), which consisted of: (1) preliminary research phase; (2) prototyping phase; and (3) assessment phase. The syntax model produced in this research has five phases, namely: (1) introduction; (2) concept tracking; (3) open-ended problem presentation; (4) presentation of work; and (5) closing.
The results of the analysis of the learning process show that the teacher does not use attractive... more The results of the analysis of the learning process show that the teacher does not use attractive learning media and students do not pay attention to the teacher during the lesson. This result in students often experiencing misconceptions about the material of adding fractions, so there is a need for the development of learning media in the form of unloading shading boards that can support the learning process. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness. This research method was a development research by adapting the ADDIE model with 5 stages, namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The test subjects in this study were media expert lecturers, material expert lecturers, teachers and fourth grade students of SDN Ngembul 03, Blitar Regency. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The data collection instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The loading and unloading ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar, 2020
Hasil rata-rata Ujian Sekolah Berbasis Komputer (USBK) siswa-siswi kelas VI tahun 2018/2019 pada ... more Hasil rata-rata Ujian Sekolah Berbasis Komputer (USBK) siswa-siswi kelas VI tahun 2018/2019 pada mata pelajaran matematika mengalami penurunan yang cukup signifikan, dikarenakan siswa belum terbiasa mengerjakan evaluasi pembelajaran berbasis komputer. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan e-evaluation berbasis aplikasi Hot Potatoes yang layak, praktis, dan efektif untuk materi pecahan, FPB, KPK, dan aproksimasi. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model ADDIE dengan 4 tahapan yang terdiri dari: (1) Tahap analyze, (2) Tahap design, (3) Tahap development, (4) Tahap implementation. Tahap evaluate tidak dilakukan oleh peneliti karena keterbatasan waktu. Validasi produk oleh ahli materi, bahasa, ahli media. Uji coba produk mengukur respon guru kelas V dan 12 siswa kelas V SDN Kesatrian 2 Kota Malang. Instrumen observasi, lembar angket, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil validasi pada ahli materi memperoleh nilai rata-rata 84,6%, ahli media memperoleh nilai rata rata 89,5%, ahli ...
RAINSTEK : Jurnal Terapan Sains & Teknologi, 2019
ABSTRAK. The aim of this paper is to describe students' creative thinking abilities in solvin... more ABSTRAK. The aim of this paper is to describe students' creative thinking abilities in solving problems in terms of Adversity Quotient (AQ). This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with questionnaire and test method. The subjects of this study were SMP Turen Muhammadiyah 10 class VIII, who were selected based on their Adversity Quotient (AQ). The results of this paper are (1) the questionnaire score of the Adversity Response Profile (ARP) shows 6 students with the type of quitters, 7 transitional type students between quitters to campers, 9 students with type campers, 6 students with transition types of campers to climbers , 4 students with type climbers. (2) The written test results showed students with AQ type climbers included in the "high" category, AQ type campers included as "low" category, AQ type quitters including "very low" level categories in creative thinking. Suggestions from this study are teachers are expected to provide ex...
RAINSTEK : Jurnal Terapan Sains & Teknologi, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh model problem posing learning terhadap ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh model problem posing learning terhadap kreativitas peserta didik SMP Negeri 12 Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi experimental design atau eksperimen semu yang menggunakan desain penelitian nonequivalent control grup design. Model pembelajaran problem posing sebagai variabel bebas dan kreativitas peserta didik sebagai variabel terikat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas VIII SMP Negeri 12 Malang Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu kelas VIII B sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIII C sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik sampling purposive. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes yang terdiri dari pretest dan posttest serta dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dengan menggunakan uji-t (T-test) untuk menguji hipotesis. Hasil uji hipotesis pengaruh model problem posing learning terhadap kreativitas pesert...
RAINSTEK : Jurnal Terapan Sains & Teknologi, 2019
This study aims to describe students' mistakes in completing algebraic form operation questions b... more This study aims to describe students' mistakes in completing algebraic form operation questions based on Newman's stages. This research approach is a qualitative approach using descriptive research types. Data collection techniques were carried out by test and interview methods. The validity test of the data is done by source triangulation. The results showed that the mistakes made by students were a reading error of 44.4%, understanding the problem of 72.2%, transformation of 44.4%, process skills of 44.4%, and answer writing of 77.8%. The cause of students' mistakes is because they cannot mention the keywords or symbols on the questions, students do not understand the problems that exist in the questions, students do not write down the procedures used, make mistakes in calculations so that the final answers are wrong, and errors in writing units.
Pi: Mathematics Education Journal, 1970
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesalahan konsep matematika yang dilakukan siswa kelas ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesalahan konsep matematika yang dilakukan siswa kelas X TKJ di SMK Negeri 1 Gempol dalam menyelesaikan soal trigonometri, dan sekaligus juga untuk mengetahui penyebabnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian meliputi siswa kelas X TKJ 3 di SMK Negeri 1 Gempol. Teknik pengumpulan menggunakan tes dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data hasil tes dengan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan konsep matematika yang sering dilakukan oleh siswa yaitu siswa tidak mampu menyajikan konsep dalam berbagai representasi matematis. Diketahui penyebabnya adalah dikarenakan faktor internal dari siswa seperti pemahaman siswa yang masih kurang, lupa konsep yang sudah diajarkan dan lain-lain.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
The development of technology and the digital era began with the move from printed books to elect... more The development of technology and the digital era began with the move from printed books to electronic books, so the purpose of this study was to develop an inquiry-based e-module for Geometry Learning subject in Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program. The study employed and developed Plomp research method consisting of initial investigation, prototype, and assessment. Additionally, the study focused on presenting the prototype of the inquiry-based e-module along with its validation results. In terms of data analysis techniques, this study administered that of quantitative and qualitative description. It was shown that the results of the prototype development of the inquiry-based e-module included user guidance, learning outcomes, introduction, two-dimensional figures, geometry, and evaluation. The learning materials on either two-dimensional figures or geometry were presented in the form of independent learning. The evaluation of the e-module validation showed that its average score was 3.15 indicating that it was feasible to implement within the study program.
JPDI (Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Indonesia), 2017
This study purposedto develop module of numbers learning by CTL approach. Through CTL strategies,... more This study purposedto develop module of numbers learning by CTL approach. Through CTL strategies, students were expected to learn through 'experience', but not 'memorize'. This module included activities to create a meaningful relationship, presenting a problem in the form of open-ended, problem possing assembling, collaborating, presenting individually services through checking the understanding, and self-assessment. The development model used in this research were divided into three phases: (1) the initial investigation phase (2) the prototype phase, and (3) the assessment phase. The research instrument composed in this study consisted of; (1) questionnaire responses of experts and practitioners, (2) student questionnaire, (3) sheets and questionnaires observation, (4) the test sheet. This development product had fulfilled valid criteria by the achievement of the module validation was 3.31 (high criteria), Observation Students’Activities validation was 3.52 (high c...
Pi: Mathematics Education Journal, 2019
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan e-modul berbasis inkuiri untuk matakuliah Pembel... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan e-modul berbasis inkuiri untuk matakuliah Pembelajaran Geometri pada Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD). Tahapan pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tahapan pengembangan Plomp meliputi: investigasi awal, prototipe, dan asesmen. Pada tulisan ini, peneliti hanya fokus pada pemaparan hasil dari investigasi awal. Investigasi awal dilakukan pada prodi PGSD di kampus yang berafiliasi PGRI di Jawa Timur. Hasil yang diperoleh pada investigasi awal: (1) materi yang disajikan pada pembelajaran geometri meliputi materi bangun datar dan materi bangun ruang, (2) pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan didominasi oleh dosen, (3) ada bahan ajar yang digunakan sebagai pegangan, namun masih belum menggunakan e-modul, (4) bahan ajar yang digunakan masih belum memberikan porsi yang cukup untuk mahasiswa menemukan konsep.
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education
The purpose of this research is to produce an open problem solving mathematics learning model to ... more The purpose of this research is to produce an open problem solving mathematics learning model to help students develop their creativity which meets the criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The components of instruction model used adopt Joyce and Weil. The quality of the developed products was evaluated based on the product development evaluation developed by Neeven, which includes validity by validators, practicality, and the effectiveness of field experiment by observers. The syntax realization of model consisted of five phases, namely: (1) Introduction, (2) Concept tracking, (3) Open problem presentation, (4) Work presentation, and (5) Closing. The model that had been declared valid by the validator was then tested to see the practicality and effectiveness. The practicality and effectiveness of the model were obtained after three trials. In the third experiment, the criteria of practicality were achieved. The process of model development is based on the theory of development of Plomp, which consists of three phases, namely: (1) preliminary research, (2) prototyping phase, and (3) assessment phase. The development result of this study is an open problem solving math learning model that can develop students' creativity (PMT Model), which meets valid, practical, and effective criteria.
JPMI (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Indonesia), 2019
This study is investigates the college student’s errors on their graph representations making bas... more This study is investigates the college student’s errors on their graph representations making based on the mathematical connections indicators. Pilot studies were conducted with 4 college students of middle to high ability in Graph Theory class. Data analyze revealed that top 3 subject’s errors are 1) Finding the relations of a representations to it’s concepts and procedures, 2) Applying mathematics in other sciences or real life problems, and 3) Finding relations among procedures of the equivalent representations. Their lack of graph concepts understanding and it’s connections plays the major role in their errors. They failed at recognizing and choosing the suitable properties of graph which able to detect the error of their graph representation. So, in order to decrease college student errors in graph representations, we need to strengthen their basic concepts and its connections.
JURNAL PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)
ABSTRAKProgram kampus mengajar merupakan salah satu bentuk kegiatan kurikulum MBKM yang disediaka... more ABSTRAKProgram kampus mengajar merupakan salah satu bentuk kegiatan kurikulum MBKM yang disediakan oleh Kemenristek Dikti dengan mitra sekolah dasar terdampak Covid-19. Penelitian pada artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dampak implementasi program kurikulum MBKM yang diselenggarakan oleh Kemenristek Dikti Kampus Mengajar terhadap persepsi mahasiswa Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang. Penelitian tersebut menggunakan metode campuran. Data kuantitatif pada penelitian teesebut meliputi angket mitra sekolah kampus mengajar dan mahasiswa peserta kampus mengajar. Data kualitatif pada penelitian tersebut berupa wawancara persepsi dari mahasiswa peserta kampus mengajar dan dosen pembimbing. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa persepsi mahasiswa setelah mengikuti kampus mengajar sangat baik yaitu pada rata-rata 93%. Hal ini sejalan dengan tingginya persepsi mitra pada kualitas dan kemampuan yang dimiliki mahasiswa yaitu 97%. Berdasarkan persepsi mahas...
MENDIDIK: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Pengajaran
his study aims to describe the impact of the implementation of the MBKM curriculum based on an an... more his study aims to describe the impact of the implementation of the MBKM curriculum based on an analysis of the satisfaction and perceptions of lecturers and students. This study uses a mixed method where data is collected with instruments in the form of questionnaires and interviews. Based on the research results, the impact of implementing the MBKM curriculum has a good level of satisfaction for students and lecturers, especially satisfaction with the service system and support from the Faculty. Lecturers' perceptions of the impact of the MBKM curriculum implementation are very beneficial for students. Lecturers prepare students by providing lecture methods that are as close as possible to the case in the world of work.
Pancaran Pendidikan, 2018
The purpose of this study was to develop a learning module of fractional numbers using Contextual... more The purpose of this study was to develop a learning module of fractional numbers using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach. The stages of development adhered to the stages of development proposed by Plomp (2007). To assess the quality of the module, Neeven’s assessment of product quality (2007) was used. This assessment focused on three things: the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the developed module. The validity of the module was determined by validators. Once the module was confirmed valid by the validators, the try-outs were administered to see the practicality and effectiveness. The practicality of the module was assessed from students’ activity and students’ responses on learning using the module. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of the module was assessed from the results of daily tests and final tests. The try-outs were conducted in class four times, and the percentage of students’ scores in each meeting was above 90%, which means that students did not e...
Rainstek Jurnal Terapan Sains dan Teknologi, 2021
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita si... more Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita sistem persamaan linear dua variabel berdasarkan gaya kognitif siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Welak Kabupaten Manggrai Barat. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil observasi yang dilakukan pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Welak Kabupaten Manggarai Barat yang menunjukan bahwa masih terdapat kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita sistem persamaan linear dua variabel. Berdasarkan hasil observasi tersebut peneliti melakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita sistem persamaan linear dua variabel berdasarkan gaya kognitif. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan instrumen tes, pedomaan wawancara, catatan lapangan dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII-C SMP Negeri 1 Welak Kabupaten Manggarai Barat yang dikategorikan siswa dengan gaya kognitif file indepndent dan file depedent. Peneliti menggu...
Pi: Mathematics Education Journal, 2019
Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kemampuan pemecahan masalah berdasarkan langkah Po... more Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kemampuan pemecahan masalah berdasarkan langkah Polya dan penyebab kesalahan siswa dalam melakukan pemecahan masalah matematika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan jenis penelitiannya adalah studi kasus. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP PGRI 4 Kalipare Malang. Prosedur pengumpulan data menggunakan tes untuk mengetahui kemampuan pemecahan masalah, wawancara untuk mengetahui penyebab kesalahan siswa, dan validasi untuk memvalidasi tes. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) hasil validasi soal dari validator yaitu soal valid dan dapat digunakan dengan sedikit revisi, (2) hasil tes menunjukkan tingkat 1 terdapat 13 siswa, tingkat 2 terdapat 3 siswa, tingkat 3 terdapat 5 siswa dan tingkat 4 terdapat 1 siswa. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu siswa dibagi menjadi 4 tingkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah menurut langkah Polya yaitu tingkat 1 tidak mampu menyelesaikan langkah pemecahan masalah Polya sama sekali, tingkat ...
Pancaran Pendidikan, 2017
The focus of this research was to develop a syntax model for Mathematics learning using open-ende... more The focus of this research was to develop a syntax model for Mathematics learning using open-ended problem solving that can develop students’ creativity. The emphasis on creativity development was done since the curriculum and the experts also emphasize it. This can be understood since someone with high creativity can quickly make innovations or new breakthroughs. The design research used in this study followed Plomp’s design research (2007), which consisted of: (1) preliminary research phase; (2) prototyping phase; and (3) assessment phase. The syntax model produced in this research has five phases, namely: (1) introduction; (2) concept tracking; (3) open-ended problem presentation; (4) presentation of work; and (5) closing.
The results of the analysis of the learning process show that the teacher does not use attractive... more The results of the analysis of the learning process show that the teacher does not use attractive learning media and students do not pay attention to the teacher during the lesson. This result in students often experiencing misconceptions about the material of adding fractions, so there is a need for the development of learning media in the form of unloading shading boards that can support the learning process. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness. This research method was a development research by adapting the ADDIE model with 5 stages, namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The test subjects in this study were media expert lecturers, material expert lecturers, teachers and fourth grade students of SDN Ngembul 03, Blitar Regency. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The data collection instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The loading and unloading ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar, 2020
Hasil rata-rata Ujian Sekolah Berbasis Komputer (USBK) siswa-siswi kelas VI tahun 2018/2019 pada ... more Hasil rata-rata Ujian Sekolah Berbasis Komputer (USBK) siswa-siswi kelas VI tahun 2018/2019 pada mata pelajaran matematika mengalami penurunan yang cukup signifikan, dikarenakan siswa belum terbiasa mengerjakan evaluasi pembelajaran berbasis komputer. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan e-evaluation berbasis aplikasi Hot Potatoes yang layak, praktis, dan efektif untuk materi pecahan, FPB, KPK, dan aproksimasi. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model ADDIE dengan 4 tahapan yang terdiri dari: (1) Tahap analyze, (2) Tahap design, (3) Tahap development, (4) Tahap implementation. Tahap evaluate tidak dilakukan oleh peneliti karena keterbatasan waktu. Validasi produk oleh ahli materi, bahasa, ahli media. Uji coba produk mengukur respon guru kelas V dan 12 siswa kelas V SDN Kesatrian 2 Kota Malang. Instrumen observasi, lembar angket, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil validasi pada ahli materi memperoleh nilai rata-rata 84,6%, ahli media memperoleh nilai rata rata 89,5%, ahli ...
RAINSTEK : Jurnal Terapan Sains & Teknologi, 2019
ABSTRAK. The aim of this paper is to describe students' creative thinking abilities in solvin... more ABSTRAK. The aim of this paper is to describe students' creative thinking abilities in solving problems in terms of Adversity Quotient (AQ). This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with questionnaire and test method. The subjects of this study were SMP Turen Muhammadiyah 10 class VIII, who were selected based on their Adversity Quotient (AQ). The results of this paper are (1) the questionnaire score of the Adversity Response Profile (ARP) shows 6 students with the type of quitters, 7 transitional type students between quitters to campers, 9 students with type campers, 6 students with transition types of campers to climbers , 4 students with type climbers. (2) The written test results showed students with AQ type climbers included in the "high" category, AQ type campers included as "low" category, AQ type quitters including "very low" level categories in creative thinking. Suggestions from this study are teachers are expected to provide ex...
RAINSTEK : Jurnal Terapan Sains & Teknologi, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh model problem posing learning terhadap ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh model problem posing learning terhadap kreativitas peserta didik SMP Negeri 12 Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi experimental design atau eksperimen semu yang menggunakan desain penelitian nonequivalent control grup design. Model pembelajaran problem posing sebagai variabel bebas dan kreativitas peserta didik sebagai variabel terikat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas VIII SMP Negeri 12 Malang Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu kelas VIII B sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIII C sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik sampling purposive. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes yang terdiri dari pretest dan posttest serta dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dengan menggunakan uji-t (T-test) untuk menguji hipotesis. Hasil uji hipotesis pengaruh model problem posing learning terhadap kreativitas pesert...
RAINSTEK : Jurnal Terapan Sains & Teknologi, 2019
This study aims to describe students' mistakes in completing algebraic form operation questions b... more This study aims to describe students' mistakes in completing algebraic form operation questions based on Newman's stages. This research approach is a qualitative approach using descriptive research types. Data collection techniques were carried out by test and interview methods. The validity test of the data is done by source triangulation. The results showed that the mistakes made by students were a reading error of 44.4%, understanding the problem of 72.2%, transformation of 44.4%, process skills of 44.4%, and answer writing of 77.8%. The cause of students' mistakes is because they cannot mention the keywords or symbols on the questions, students do not understand the problems that exist in the questions, students do not write down the procedures used, make mistakes in calculations so that the final answers are wrong, and errors in writing units.
Pi: Mathematics Education Journal, 1970
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesalahan konsep matematika yang dilakukan siswa kelas ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesalahan konsep matematika yang dilakukan siswa kelas X TKJ di SMK Negeri 1 Gempol dalam menyelesaikan soal trigonometri, dan sekaligus juga untuk mengetahui penyebabnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian meliputi siswa kelas X TKJ 3 di SMK Negeri 1 Gempol. Teknik pengumpulan menggunakan tes dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data hasil tes dengan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan konsep matematika yang sering dilakukan oleh siswa yaitu siswa tidak mampu menyajikan konsep dalam berbagai representasi matematis. Diketahui penyebabnya adalah dikarenakan faktor internal dari siswa seperti pemahaman siswa yang masih kurang, lupa konsep yang sudah diajarkan dan lain-lain.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
The development of technology and the digital era began with the move from printed books to elect... more The development of technology and the digital era began with the move from printed books to electronic books, so the purpose of this study was to develop an inquiry-based e-module for Geometry Learning subject in Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program. The study employed and developed Plomp research method consisting of initial investigation, prototype, and assessment. Additionally, the study focused on presenting the prototype of the inquiry-based e-module along with its validation results. In terms of data analysis techniques, this study administered that of quantitative and qualitative description. It was shown that the results of the prototype development of the inquiry-based e-module included user guidance, learning outcomes, introduction, two-dimensional figures, geometry, and evaluation. The learning materials on either two-dimensional figures or geometry were presented in the form of independent learning. The evaluation of the e-module validation showed that its average score was 3.15 indicating that it was feasible to implement within the study program.
JPDI (Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Indonesia), 2017
This study purposedto develop module of numbers learning by CTL approach. Through CTL strategies,... more This study purposedto develop module of numbers learning by CTL approach. Through CTL strategies, students were expected to learn through 'experience', but not 'memorize'. This module included activities to create a meaningful relationship, presenting a problem in the form of open-ended, problem possing assembling, collaborating, presenting individually services through checking the understanding, and self-assessment. The development model used in this research were divided into three phases: (1) the initial investigation phase (2) the prototype phase, and (3) the assessment phase. The research instrument composed in this study consisted of; (1) questionnaire responses of experts and practitioners, (2) student questionnaire, (3) sheets and questionnaires observation, (4) the test sheet. This development product had fulfilled valid criteria by the achievement of the module validation was 3.31 (high criteria), Observation Students’Activities validation was 3.52 (high c...
Pi: Mathematics Education Journal, 2019
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan e-modul berbasis inkuiri untuk matakuliah Pembel... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan e-modul berbasis inkuiri untuk matakuliah Pembelajaran Geometri pada Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD). Tahapan pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tahapan pengembangan Plomp meliputi: investigasi awal, prototipe, dan asesmen. Pada tulisan ini, peneliti hanya fokus pada pemaparan hasil dari investigasi awal. Investigasi awal dilakukan pada prodi PGSD di kampus yang berafiliasi PGRI di Jawa Timur. Hasil yang diperoleh pada investigasi awal: (1) materi yang disajikan pada pembelajaran geometri meliputi materi bangun datar dan materi bangun ruang, (2) pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan didominasi oleh dosen, (3) ada bahan ajar yang digunakan sebagai pegangan, namun masih belum menggunakan e-modul, (4) bahan ajar yang digunakan masih belum memberikan porsi yang cukup untuk mahasiswa menemukan konsep.
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education
The purpose of this research is to produce an open problem solving mathematics learning model to ... more The purpose of this research is to produce an open problem solving mathematics learning model to help students develop their creativity which meets the criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The components of instruction model used adopt Joyce and Weil. The quality of the developed products was evaluated based on the product development evaluation developed by Neeven, which includes validity by validators, practicality, and the effectiveness of field experiment by observers. The syntax realization of model consisted of five phases, namely: (1) Introduction, (2) Concept tracking, (3) Open problem presentation, (4) Work presentation, and (5) Closing. The model that had been declared valid by the validator was then tested to see the practicality and effectiveness. The practicality and effectiveness of the model were obtained after three trials. In the third experiment, the criteria of practicality were achieved. The process of model development is based on the theory of development of Plomp, which consists of three phases, namely: (1) preliminary research, (2) prototyping phase, and (3) assessment phase. The development result of this study is an open problem solving math learning model that can develop students' creativity (PMT Model), which meets valid, practical, and effective criteria.
JPMI (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Indonesia), 2019
This study is investigates the college student’s errors on their graph representations making bas... more This study is investigates the college student’s errors on their graph representations making based on the mathematical connections indicators. Pilot studies were conducted with 4 college students of middle to high ability in Graph Theory class. Data analyze revealed that top 3 subject’s errors are 1) Finding the relations of a representations to it’s concepts and procedures, 2) Applying mathematics in other sciences or real life problems, and 3) Finding relations among procedures of the equivalent representations. Their lack of graph concepts understanding and it’s connections plays the major role in their errors. They failed at recognizing and choosing the suitable properties of graph which able to detect the error of their graph representation. So, in order to decrease college student errors in graph representations, we need to strengthen their basic concepts and its connections.