INDRI FERDIANI - (original) (raw)
Ekono Insentif, Apr 29, 2023
Pembatasan mobilitas dalam penanganan Covid-19 berdampak pada penurunan kinerja sektor bisnis di ... more Pembatasan mobilitas dalam penanganan Covid-19 berdampak pada penurunan kinerja sektor bisnis di Indonesia. Namun berdasarkan kontribusinya terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto, perbedaan yang kontradiktif antara subsektor Hotel, Restoran dan Pariwisata dengan Food and Beverage yang belum diteliti secara pasti apakah perbedaan tersebut tercermin dalam kinerja keuangannya. Fokus penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis perbedaan kinerja keuangan antara kedua subsektor tersebut selama periode waktu yang terpengaruh oleh pandemi. Dalam penelitian ini, kinerja diukur melalui variabel kinerja keuangan yang terdiri dari ROE (Return On Equity), EPS (Earning per Share) , CR (Current Ratio), DER (Debt to Equity Ratio), dan PBV (Price Book Value). Dengan metode yaitu deskriptif metode studi komparatif, menggunakan data sampel dari periode 2019 hingga 2021. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan dalam kinerja keuangan antara sektor Hotel, Restoran, dan Pariwisata dengan sektor food and beverage.
Advances in economics, business and management research, 2022
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the effect of information technology and co... more The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the effect of information technology and communication on marketing performance through e-marketing strategies. The focus of this research is on the culinary SMEs sector after the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used a quantitative approach by obtaining data through surveys by distributing questionnaires to 183 respondents of culinary SMEs business actors. In this study, the validity and reliability tests were conducted as well. Technical analysis of data employed Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) using Warp PLS 3.0 P software. Based on the Path Coefficient Value, the influence of information technology and communication on e-marketing strategy had a value > t table that was 5.117. The effect of information technology and communication on marketing performance had a value > t table that was 23,402. The effect of emarketing strategy on marketing performance had a value > t table that was 4,067. With t table at a significant level of 5%, it can be concluded that H1 was accepted, in which information communication and technology had a positive and significant effect on the e-marketing strategy. H2 was accepted which means that information communication and technology had a positive and significant effect on marketing performance. H3 was accepted which means the emarketing strategy had a positive and significant effect on marketing performance.
The fast internet indirectly brings a new lifestyle among the people who like to use internet opp... more The fast internet indirectly brings a new lifestyle among the people who like to use internet opportunities. One of the companies or businesses that are using Internet facilities as a medium is the advent of e-commerce. The population in this study are consumers who visited the website and application on in Bandung City. The number of samples is 140 people. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression. The results showed that: (1) the quality of the electronic services had a positive influence on the repurchase interest of the consumers (2) the completeness of the product had a positive influence on the repurchase interest of the consumers (3) the advertising had a positive influence on the repurchase interest consumer interest (4) There was an influence of e-service quality, product completeness and advertising on consumer repurchase interest. The results show that e-service quality, product completeness, advertising and consumer repurchase interest at have a value that ranks in the "high" category. .
As Southeast Asia's largest economy, with a a population of 250 million and rising incomes, analy... more As Southeast Asia's largest economy, with a a population of 250 million and rising incomes, analysts predict that Indonesia will emerge to become one of the top five markets for cosmetics in the next 10 to 15 years. Since the cosmetics market in Indonesia is highly competitive, the creation of a strong brand through brand awereness is an important strategy to maintain a competitive advantage. This study presents a global picture of the brand awareness dimensions and how they interact within the context of Herborist brands in Bandung City. A total of 458 respondents were selected by a systematic random sampling method. The findings conclude that, as new comer, the Herbosrist brand awareness is categorized as relatively high. However, the Herborist should concentrate their efforts primarily on perceived quality and brand loyalty, which have high importance and directly in the construct of brand equity.
Pendahuluan P ada era new normal upaya isolasi dan self-distancing masih tetap dilakukan oleh mas... more Pendahuluan P ada era new normal upaya isolasi dan self-distancing masih tetap dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Perusahaan-perusahaan mendorong karyawan untuk bekerja dari rumah (work from home), sekolah dan perkuliahan dipindah ke online, dan masyarakat semakin menolak untuk pergi ke tempat umum secara berkerumunan. E-Commerce sebagai salah satu pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di Jawa Barat. E-commerce merupakan proses transaksi jual beli atau pertukaran produk, jasa
Ekono Insentif, Dec 31, 2022
Jurnal Manajemen & Keuangan, Nov 30, 2022
Di era new normal koperasi diharapkan dapat terus kreatif dan responsif dalam menjalankan bisnis ... more Di era new normal koperasi diharapkan dapat terus kreatif dan responsif dalam menjalankan bisnis usahanya. Melalui modernisasi koperasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital menjadi strategi inovasi untuk mencapai efisiensi dan aktivitas layanan koperasi. Koperasi modern juga harus memiliki skala usaha dan kapasitas produksi besar, melakukan sinergi antar pihak berbasis ekosistem, serta dikelola oleh manajemen profesional. Koperasi pasar bisa jadi role model koperasi modern. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi kinerja Koperasi Himpunan Pedagang Pasar Cikapundung (KOHIPPCI) mengidentifikasi posisi koperasi dengan analisis matriks internal eksternal, grand strategy matrix, GE matriks, BCG matriks, dan TOWS matriks, serta menemukan alternatif strategi yang bisa dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja koperasi tersebut. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis SWOT yang dikembangkan untuk mengidentifikasi Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada banyak kekuatan dan kelemahan dari lingkungan internal serta peluang dan ancaman dari faktor eksternal terhadap KOHIPPCI. Meski demikian, KOHIPPCI masih mampu mengelola faktor-faktor tersebut yang ditunjukkan dengan posisinya pada kelompok tumbuh dan bangun pada matriks internal eksternal serta kuadran I grand strategy matrix, GE matriks di kuadran V dan BCG matriks di posisi cash flow.
The baked goods industry in Indonesia has become increasingly competitive, so in this environment... more The baked goods industry in Indonesia has become increasingly competitive, so in this environment, creating and maintaining brand equity is an important strategy to maintain a competitive advantage. This study aims to empirically test and operationalize brand equity dimensions and how they interact within the context of Sari Roti brand in Bandung. A total of 480 respondents were selected by a systematic random sampling method. The questionnaire includes a set of questions intended to measure the different variables of the model. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses on the brand equity model. The findings conclude that brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty are influential dimensions of brand equity. The intercorrelations between perceived quality and brand association and brand loyalty, and the intercorrelations between brand awareness and brand association and brand loyalty were positive and all significant. The Sari Roti should concentrate their efforts primarily on perceived quality and brand loyalty, which have high importance and directly in the construct of brand equity. However, it should not undervalue the effects of perceived quality and brand awareness.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Keuangan
Di era new normal koperasi diharapkan dapat terus kreatif dan responsif dalam menjalankan bisnis ... more Di era new normal koperasi diharapkan dapat terus kreatif dan responsif dalam menjalankan bisnis usahanya. Melalui modernisasi koperasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital menjadi strategi inovasi untuk mencapai efisiensi dan aktivitas layanan koperasi. Koperasi modern juga harus memiliki skala usaha dan kapasitas produksi besar, melakukan sinergi antar pihak berbasis ekosistem, serta dikelola oleh manajemen profesional. Koperasi pasar bisa jadi role model koperasi modern. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi kinerja Koperasi Himpunan Pedagang Pasar Cikapundung (KOHIPPCI) mengidentifikasi posisi koperasi dengan analisis matriks internal eksternal, grand strategy matrix, GE matriks, BCG matriks, dan TOWS matriks, serta menemukan alternatif strategi yang bisa dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja koperasi tersebut. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis SWOT yang dikembangkan untuk mengidentif...
Ekono Insentif
Abstrak Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi di Indonesia, pelanggan semakin gemar berbelanja o... more Abstrak Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi di Indonesia, pelanggan semakin gemar berbelanja online untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Ketika mereka ingin mencari suatu produk, dengan memanfaatkan media sosial dalam mencari data barang yang di cari. Perubahan perilaku konsumen saat ini membuat para pelaku usaha semakin kompetitif. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa minat belanja online telah mendorong peluang bisnis para pebisnis Indonesia untuk memulai secara online. Oleh karena itu, bermunculan berbagai platform bisnis online yang memungkinkan. Media sosial telah mengubah pendekatan pembentukan hubungan dalam masyarakat saat ini termasuk hubungan antara perusahaan dan pelanggan mereka. Namun, dibalik banyaknya keuntungan belanja online melalui media sosial juga memiliki banyak resiko yang harus dihadapi. Promosi produk yang kreatif dan inovativ dengan menyatukan antara konten hiburan interaktif dan promosi produk melalui penjualan secara langsung mela...
Proceedings of the 6th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2021)
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the effect of information technology and co... more The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the effect of information technology and communication on marketing performance through e-marketing strategies. The focus of this research is on the culinary SMEs sector after the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used a quantitative approach by obtaining data through surveys by distributing questionnaires to 183 respondents of culinary SMEs business actors. In this study, the validity and reliability tests were conducted as well. Technical analysis of data employed Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) using Warp PLS 3.0 P software. Based on the Path Coefficient Value, the influence of information technology and communication on e-marketing strategy had a value > t table that was 5.117. The effect of information technology and communication on marketing performance had a value > t table that was 23,402. The effect of emarketing strategy on marketing performance had a value > t table that was 4,067. With t table at a significant level of 5%, it can be concluded that H1 was accepted, in which information communication and technology had a positive and significant effect on the e-marketing strategy. H2 was accepted which means that information communication and technology had a positive and significant effect on marketing performance. H3 was accepted which means the emarketing strategy had a positive and significant effect on marketing performance.
Media Nusantara, Jun 19, 2021
Pendahuluan P ada era new normal upaya isolasi dan self-distancing masih tetap dilakukan oleh mas... more Pendahuluan P ada era new normal upaya isolasi dan self-distancing masih tetap dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Perusahaan-perusahaan mendorong karyawan untuk bekerja dari rumah (work from home), sekolah dan perkuliahan dipindah ke online, dan masyarakat semakin menolak untuk pergi ke tempat umum secara berkerumunan. E-Commerce sebagai salah satu pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di Jawa Barat. E-commerce merupakan proses transaksi jual beli atau pertukaran produk, jasa
EKUBIS, Jun 8, 2021
Kesadaran merek merupakan salah satu indicator kinerja pemasaran selain penjualan dan pangsa pasa... more Kesadaran merek merupakan salah satu indicator kinerja pemasaran selain penjualan dan pangsa pasar. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memetakan kesadaran merek terhadap jenis minuman isotonik di kota Bandung dan hubungannya dengan beberapa dimensi perilaku konsumen. Sampel penelitian adalah 720 orang warga Kota Bandung yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik accident sampling. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan dengan menggunakan uji asosiatif non-paramaterik. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa merek Pocari Sweat menempati posisi pertama dalam urutan top of mind dan diikuti kemudian oleh Mizone dan You-C1000. Keunggulan lain Pocari Sweat adalah yang paling banyak direkomendasikan. Temuan lainnya adalah bahwa merek yang paling dikenal cenderung disikapi positif oleh konsumennya. Terdapat indikasi kuat bahwa kesadaran merek minuman isotonic berasosiasi signifikan dengan frekuensi iklan yang dilihat/didengar oleh konsumen. Segmen pasar potensial minuman isotonic di Kota Bandung adalah konsumen laki-laki, berusia antara 19-24 tahun, dan yang gemar berolahraga. Segmen pasar minuman isotonic juga dibayang-bayangi oleh perilaku konsumen yang sering ganti-ganti merek dan impulsive buyer. Kata kunci: Kesadaran merek, belanja impulsif, brand switching, sikap
EKUBIS, Jun 11, 2021
The fast internet indirectly brings a new lifestyle among the people who like to use internet opp... more The fast internet indirectly brings a new lifestyle among the people who like to use internet opportunities. One of the companies or businesses that are using Internet facilities as a medium is the advent of e-commerce. The population in this study are consumers who visited the website and application on in Bandung City. The number of samples is 140 people. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression. The results showed that: (1) the quality of the electronic services had a positive influence on the repurchase interest of the consumers (2) the completeness of the product had a positive influence on the repurchase interest of the consumers (3) the advertising had a positive influence on the repurchase interest consumer interest (4) There was an influence of e-service quality, product completeness and advertising on consumer repurchase interest. The results show that e-service quality, product completeness, advertising and consumer repurchase interest at have a value that ranks in the "high" category. .
The baked goods industry in Indonesia has become increasingly competitive, so in this environment... more The baked goods industry in Indonesia has become increasingly competitive, so in this environment, creating and maintaining brand equity is an important strategy to maintain a competitive advantage. This study aims to empirically test and operationalize brand equity dimensions and how they interact within the context of Sari Roti brand in Bandung. A total of 480 respondents were selected by a systematic random sampling method. The questionnaire includes a set of questions intended to measure the different variables of the model. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses on the brand equity model. The findings conclude that brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty are influential dimensions of brand equity. The intercorrelations between perceived quality and brand association and brand loyalty, and the intercorrelations between brand awareness and brand association and brand loyalty were positive and all significant. The Sari R...
As Southeast Asia’s largest economy, with a a population of 250 million and rising incomes, analy... more As Southeast Asia’s largest economy, with a a population of 250 million and rising incomes, analysts predict that Indonesia will emerge to become one of the top five markets for cosmetics in the next 10 to 15 years. Since the cosmetics market in Indonesia is highly competitive, the creation of a strong brand through brand awereness is an important strategy to maintain a competitive advantage. This study presents a global picture of the brand awareness dimensions and how they interact within the context of Herborist brands in Bandung City. A total of 458 respondents were selected by a systematic random sampling method. The findings conclude that, as new comer, the Herbosrist brand awareness is categorized as relatively high. However, the Herborist should concentrate their efforts primarily on perceived quality and brand loyalty, which have high importance and directly in the construct of brand equity.
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Ubhara, 2021
ABSTRAK Era digitalisasi dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang cepat saat ini, berdamp... more ABSTRAK Era digitalisasi dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang cepat saat ini, berdampak pada bidang perekonomian salah satunya dilihat dari sistem transaksi yang mengalami pergeseran alat transaksi tunai menjadi non-tunai atau transaksi uang elektronik. Perilaku pengelolaan keuangan mengacu pada tingkat kemampuan keuangan pengelolaan harian pribadi seseorang mulai dari perencanaan, penganggaran, pemeriksaan, pengeloaan, penyimpanan, pencarian, serta pengendalian. Rendahnya tingkat pengetahuan keuangan di Indonesia masih menjadi salah satu penghambat dalam perkembangan E-wallet diantaranya aplikasi OVO. Pengalaman dalam mengelola keuangan dengan menggunakan OVO pun masih perlu dipertimbangkan . Penelitian ini secara khusus memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan keuangan,pengalaman keuangan terhadap perilaku keuangan ibu rumah tangga pengguna OVO di kecamatan Kedawung Cirebon. Metode penelitian dengan kuantitatif dan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini dil...
The study investigates the relationships among hedonics shopping motivation, customer satisfactio... more The study investigates the relationships among hedonics shopping motivation, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Surveys were constructed to 480 students of Islamic Nusantara University and selected by a stratified random sampling method and characteristics by gender, ages, and the frequency of trip to Mall. Respondents were asked to rate items using a five-point Likert type scales (strongly disagree to strongly agree). The data were gathered using a questionnaire that has been tested for its validity and reliability. Results show that motivation has positive impact on both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. However, role shopping motivation does not have any impact on them. In addition, socialization and role motivation does not influence customer satisfaction, and role shopping motivations do not have any impact on customer loyalty. Findings of this study will help both researchers and practitioners in the field understand the roles of shopping motivations in cust...
Ekono Insentif, Apr 29, 2023
Pembatasan mobilitas dalam penanganan Covid-19 berdampak pada penurunan kinerja sektor bisnis di ... more Pembatasan mobilitas dalam penanganan Covid-19 berdampak pada penurunan kinerja sektor bisnis di Indonesia. Namun berdasarkan kontribusinya terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto, perbedaan yang kontradiktif antara subsektor Hotel, Restoran dan Pariwisata dengan Food and Beverage yang belum diteliti secara pasti apakah perbedaan tersebut tercermin dalam kinerja keuangannya. Fokus penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis perbedaan kinerja keuangan antara kedua subsektor tersebut selama periode waktu yang terpengaruh oleh pandemi. Dalam penelitian ini, kinerja diukur melalui variabel kinerja keuangan yang terdiri dari ROE (Return On Equity), EPS (Earning per Share) , CR (Current Ratio), DER (Debt to Equity Ratio), dan PBV (Price Book Value). Dengan metode yaitu deskriptif metode studi komparatif, menggunakan data sampel dari periode 2019 hingga 2021. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan dalam kinerja keuangan antara sektor Hotel, Restoran, dan Pariwisata dengan sektor food and beverage.
Advances in economics, business and management research, 2022
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the effect of information technology and co... more The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the effect of information technology and communication on marketing performance through e-marketing strategies. The focus of this research is on the culinary SMEs sector after the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used a quantitative approach by obtaining data through surveys by distributing questionnaires to 183 respondents of culinary SMEs business actors. In this study, the validity and reliability tests were conducted as well. Technical analysis of data employed Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) using Warp PLS 3.0 P software. Based on the Path Coefficient Value, the influence of information technology and communication on e-marketing strategy had a value > t table that was 5.117. The effect of information technology and communication on marketing performance had a value > t table that was 23,402. The effect of emarketing strategy on marketing performance had a value > t table that was 4,067. With t table at a significant level of 5%, it can be concluded that H1 was accepted, in which information communication and technology had a positive and significant effect on the e-marketing strategy. H2 was accepted which means that information communication and technology had a positive and significant effect on marketing performance. H3 was accepted which means the emarketing strategy had a positive and significant effect on marketing performance.
The fast internet indirectly brings a new lifestyle among the people who like to use internet opp... more The fast internet indirectly brings a new lifestyle among the people who like to use internet opportunities. One of the companies or businesses that are using Internet facilities as a medium is the advent of e-commerce. The population in this study are consumers who visited the website and application on in Bandung City. The number of samples is 140 people. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression. The results showed that: (1) the quality of the electronic services had a positive influence on the repurchase interest of the consumers (2) the completeness of the product had a positive influence on the repurchase interest of the consumers (3) the advertising had a positive influence on the repurchase interest consumer interest (4) There was an influence of e-service quality, product completeness and advertising on consumer repurchase interest. The results show that e-service quality, product completeness, advertising and consumer repurchase interest at have a value that ranks in the "high" category. .
As Southeast Asia's largest economy, with a a population of 250 million and rising incomes, analy... more As Southeast Asia's largest economy, with a a population of 250 million and rising incomes, analysts predict that Indonesia will emerge to become one of the top five markets for cosmetics in the next 10 to 15 years. Since the cosmetics market in Indonesia is highly competitive, the creation of a strong brand through brand awereness is an important strategy to maintain a competitive advantage. This study presents a global picture of the brand awareness dimensions and how they interact within the context of Herborist brands in Bandung City. A total of 458 respondents were selected by a systematic random sampling method. The findings conclude that, as new comer, the Herbosrist brand awareness is categorized as relatively high. However, the Herborist should concentrate their efforts primarily on perceived quality and brand loyalty, which have high importance and directly in the construct of brand equity.
Pendahuluan P ada era new normal upaya isolasi dan self-distancing masih tetap dilakukan oleh mas... more Pendahuluan P ada era new normal upaya isolasi dan self-distancing masih tetap dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Perusahaan-perusahaan mendorong karyawan untuk bekerja dari rumah (work from home), sekolah dan perkuliahan dipindah ke online, dan masyarakat semakin menolak untuk pergi ke tempat umum secara berkerumunan. E-Commerce sebagai salah satu pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di Jawa Barat. E-commerce merupakan proses transaksi jual beli atau pertukaran produk, jasa
Ekono Insentif, Dec 31, 2022
Jurnal Manajemen & Keuangan, Nov 30, 2022
Di era new normal koperasi diharapkan dapat terus kreatif dan responsif dalam menjalankan bisnis ... more Di era new normal koperasi diharapkan dapat terus kreatif dan responsif dalam menjalankan bisnis usahanya. Melalui modernisasi koperasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital menjadi strategi inovasi untuk mencapai efisiensi dan aktivitas layanan koperasi. Koperasi modern juga harus memiliki skala usaha dan kapasitas produksi besar, melakukan sinergi antar pihak berbasis ekosistem, serta dikelola oleh manajemen profesional. Koperasi pasar bisa jadi role model koperasi modern. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi kinerja Koperasi Himpunan Pedagang Pasar Cikapundung (KOHIPPCI) mengidentifikasi posisi koperasi dengan analisis matriks internal eksternal, grand strategy matrix, GE matriks, BCG matriks, dan TOWS matriks, serta menemukan alternatif strategi yang bisa dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja koperasi tersebut. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis SWOT yang dikembangkan untuk mengidentifikasi Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada banyak kekuatan dan kelemahan dari lingkungan internal serta peluang dan ancaman dari faktor eksternal terhadap KOHIPPCI. Meski demikian, KOHIPPCI masih mampu mengelola faktor-faktor tersebut yang ditunjukkan dengan posisinya pada kelompok tumbuh dan bangun pada matriks internal eksternal serta kuadran I grand strategy matrix, GE matriks di kuadran V dan BCG matriks di posisi cash flow.
The baked goods industry in Indonesia has become increasingly competitive, so in this environment... more The baked goods industry in Indonesia has become increasingly competitive, so in this environment, creating and maintaining brand equity is an important strategy to maintain a competitive advantage. This study aims to empirically test and operationalize brand equity dimensions and how they interact within the context of Sari Roti brand in Bandung. A total of 480 respondents were selected by a systematic random sampling method. The questionnaire includes a set of questions intended to measure the different variables of the model. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses on the brand equity model. The findings conclude that brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty are influential dimensions of brand equity. The intercorrelations between perceived quality and brand association and brand loyalty, and the intercorrelations between brand awareness and brand association and brand loyalty were positive and all significant. The Sari Roti should concentrate their efforts primarily on perceived quality and brand loyalty, which have high importance and directly in the construct of brand equity. However, it should not undervalue the effects of perceived quality and brand awareness.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Keuangan
Di era new normal koperasi diharapkan dapat terus kreatif dan responsif dalam menjalankan bisnis ... more Di era new normal koperasi diharapkan dapat terus kreatif dan responsif dalam menjalankan bisnis usahanya. Melalui modernisasi koperasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital menjadi strategi inovasi untuk mencapai efisiensi dan aktivitas layanan koperasi. Koperasi modern juga harus memiliki skala usaha dan kapasitas produksi besar, melakukan sinergi antar pihak berbasis ekosistem, serta dikelola oleh manajemen profesional. Koperasi pasar bisa jadi role model koperasi modern. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi kinerja Koperasi Himpunan Pedagang Pasar Cikapundung (KOHIPPCI) mengidentifikasi posisi koperasi dengan analisis matriks internal eksternal, grand strategy matrix, GE matriks, BCG matriks, dan TOWS matriks, serta menemukan alternatif strategi yang bisa dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja koperasi tersebut. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis SWOT yang dikembangkan untuk mengidentif...
Ekono Insentif
Abstrak Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi di Indonesia, pelanggan semakin gemar berbelanja o... more Abstrak Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi di Indonesia, pelanggan semakin gemar berbelanja online untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Ketika mereka ingin mencari suatu produk, dengan memanfaatkan media sosial dalam mencari data barang yang di cari. Perubahan perilaku konsumen saat ini membuat para pelaku usaha semakin kompetitif. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa minat belanja online telah mendorong peluang bisnis para pebisnis Indonesia untuk memulai secara online. Oleh karena itu, bermunculan berbagai platform bisnis online yang memungkinkan. Media sosial telah mengubah pendekatan pembentukan hubungan dalam masyarakat saat ini termasuk hubungan antara perusahaan dan pelanggan mereka. Namun, dibalik banyaknya keuntungan belanja online melalui media sosial juga memiliki banyak resiko yang harus dihadapi. Promosi produk yang kreatif dan inovativ dengan menyatukan antara konten hiburan interaktif dan promosi produk melalui penjualan secara langsung mela...
Proceedings of the 6th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2021)
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the effect of information technology and co... more The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the effect of information technology and communication on marketing performance through e-marketing strategies. The focus of this research is on the culinary SMEs sector after the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used a quantitative approach by obtaining data through surveys by distributing questionnaires to 183 respondents of culinary SMEs business actors. In this study, the validity and reliability tests were conducted as well. Technical analysis of data employed Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) using Warp PLS 3.0 P software. Based on the Path Coefficient Value, the influence of information technology and communication on e-marketing strategy had a value > t table that was 5.117. The effect of information technology and communication on marketing performance had a value > t table that was 23,402. The effect of emarketing strategy on marketing performance had a value > t table that was 4,067. With t table at a significant level of 5%, it can be concluded that H1 was accepted, in which information communication and technology had a positive and significant effect on the e-marketing strategy. H2 was accepted which means that information communication and technology had a positive and significant effect on marketing performance. H3 was accepted which means the emarketing strategy had a positive and significant effect on marketing performance.
Media Nusantara, Jun 19, 2021
Pendahuluan P ada era new normal upaya isolasi dan self-distancing masih tetap dilakukan oleh mas... more Pendahuluan P ada era new normal upaya isolasi dan self-distancing masih tetap dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Perusahaan-perusahaan mendorong karyawan untuk bekerja dari rumah (work from home), sekolah dan perkuliahan dipindah ke online, dan masyarakat semakin menolak untuk pergi ke tempat umum secara berkerumunan. E-Commerce sebagai salah satu pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di Jawa Barat. E-commerce merupakan proses transaksi jual beli atau pertukaran produk, jasa
EKUBIS, Jun 8, 2021
Kesadaran merek merupakan salah satu indicator kinerja pemasaran selain penjualan dan pangsa pasa... more Kesadaran merek merupakan salah satu indicator kinerja pemasaran selain penjualan dan pangsa pasar. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memetakan kesadaran merek terhadap jenis minuman isotonik di kota Bandung dan hubungannya dengan beberapa dimensi perilaku konsumen. Sampel penelitian adalah 720 orang warga Kota Bandung yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik accident sampling. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan dengan menggunakan uji asosiatif non-paramaterik. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa merek Pocari Sweat menempati posisi pertama dalam urutan top of mind dan diikuti kemudian oleh Mizone dan You-C1000. Keunggulan lain Pocari Sweat adalah yang paling banyak direkomendasikan. Temuan lainnya adalah bahwa merek yang paling dikenal cenderung disikapi positif oleh konsumennya. Terdapat indikasi kuat bahwa kesadaran merek minuman isotonic berasosiasi signifikan dengan frekuensi iklan yang dilihat/didengar oleh konsumen. Segmen pasar potensial minuman isotonic di Kota Bandung adalah konsumen laki-laki, berusia antara 19-24 tahun, dan yang gemar berolahraga. Segmen pasar minuman isotonic juga dibayang-bayangi oleh perilaku konsumen yang sering ganti-ganti merek dan impulsive buyer. Kata kunci: Kesadaran merek, belanja impulsif, brand switching, sikap
EKUBIS, Jun 11, 2021
The fast internet indirectly brings a new lifestyle among the people who like to use internet opp... more The fast internet indirectly brings a new lifestyle among the people who like to use internet opportunities. One of the companies or businesses that are using Internet facilities as a medium is the advent of e-commerce. The population in this study are consumers who visited the website and application on in Bandung City. The number of samples is 140 people. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression. The results showed that: (1) the quality of the electronic services had a positive influence on the repurchase interest of the consumers (2) the completeness of the product had a positive influence on the repurchase interest of the consumers (3) the advertising had a positive influence on the repurchase interest consumer interest (4) There was an influence of e-service quality, product completeness and advertising on consumer repurchase interest. The results show that e-service quality, product completeness, advertising and consumer repurchase interest at have a value that ranks in the "high" category. .
The baked goods industry in Indonesia has become increasingly competitive, so in this environment... more The baked goods industry in Indonesia has become increasingly competitive, so in this environment, creating and maintaining brand equity is an important strategy to maintain a competitive advantage. This study aims to empirically test and operationalize brand equity dimensions and how they interact within the context of Sari Roti brand in Bandung. A total of 480 respondents were selected by a systematic random sampling method. The questionnaire includes a set of questions intended to measure the different variables of the model. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses on the brand equity model. The findings conclude that brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty are influential dimensions of brand equity. The intercorrelations between perceived quality and brand association and brand loyalty, and the intercorrelations between brand awareness and brand association and brand loyalty were positive and all significant. The Sari R...
As Southeast Asia’s largest economy, with a a population of 250 million and rising incomes, analy... more As Southeast Asia’s largest economy, with a a population of 250 million and rising incomes, analysts predict that Indonesia will emerge to become one of the top five markets for cosmetics in the next 10 to 15 years. Since the cosmetics market in Indonesia is highly competitive, the creation of a strong brand through brand awereness is an important strategy to maintain a competitive advantage. This study presents a global picture of the brand awareness dimensions and how they interact within the context of Herborist brands in Bandung City. A total of 458 respondents were selected by a systematic random sampling method. The findings conclude that, as new comer, the Herbosrist brand awareness is categorized as relatively high. However, the Herborist should concentrate their efforts primarily on perceived quality and brand loyalty, which have high importance and directly in the construct of brand equity.
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Ubhara, 2021
ABSTRAK Era digitalisasi dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang cepat saat ini, berdamp... more ABSTRAK Era digitalisasi dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang cepat saat ini, berdampak pada bidang perekonomian salah satunya dilihat dari sistem transaksi yang mengalami pergeseran alat transaksi tunai menjadi non-tunai atau transaksi uang elektronik. Perilaku pengelolaan keuangan mengacu pada tingkat kemampuan keuangan pengelolaan harian pribadi seseorang mulai dari perencanaan, penganggaran, pemeriksaan, pengeloaan, penyimpanan, pencarian, serta pengendalian. Rendahnya tingkat pengetahuan keuangan di Indonesia masih menjadi salah satu penghambat dalam perkembangan E-wallet diantaranya aplikasi OVO. Pengalaman dalam mengelola keuangan dengan menggunakan OVO pun masih perlu dipertimbangkan . Penelitian ini secara khusus memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan keuangan,pengalaman keuangan terhadap perilaku keuangan ibu rumah tangga pengguna OVO di kecamatan Kedawung Cirebon. Metode penelitian dengan kuantitatif dan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini dil...
The study investigates the relationships among hedonics shopping motivation, customer satisfactio... more The study investigates the relationships among hedonics shopping motivation, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Surveys were constructed to 480 students of Islamic Nusantara University and selected by a stratified random sampling method and characteristics by gender, ages, and the frequency of trip to Mall. Respondents were asked to rate items using a five-point Likert type scales (strongly disagree to strongly agree). The data were gathered using a questionnaire that has been tested for its validity and reliability. Results show that motivation has positive impact on both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. However, role shopping motivation does not have any impact on them. In addition, socialization and role motivation does not influence customer satisfaction, and role shopping motivations do not have any impact on customer loyalty. Findings of this study will help both researchers and practitioners in the field understand the roles of shopping motivations in cust...