Ichsan Ridwan - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Ichsan Ridwan

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Data Hotspot di Kawasan Strategis Provinsi (KSP) Rawa Batang Banyu Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Tahun 2009–2018

Jurnal Fisika Flux: Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, 2022

ABSTRACT− Forest and land fires are a very serious issue in Indonesia, especially in KSP Rawa Bat... more ABSTRACT− Forest and land fires are a very serious issue in Indonesia, especially in KSP Rawa Batang Banyu which has the potential to experience sustainable development. Hotspots created by NASA-FIRMS (National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Fire Information for Resource Management System) can indicate forest and land fires. The purpose of this study is to analyze the number and density of hotspots with the correlation between hotspots and rainfall with ONI and rainfall in the last 10 years (2009-2018). This study uses Spatial analysis, Time Series Analysis, Pearson Correlation analysis, with hotspot, rainfall, and ONI data that have been released. As a result, the hotspot density conditions in each region were concentrated in Cintapuri Darussalam, Banjar Regency and Binuang, Tapin Regency. Real-Time Analysis shows the highest number of hotspots in the 2009-2018 period reached its highest point in September. Pearson correlation analysis between hotspot and rainfall data show...

Research paper thumbnail of Model SWAT (Soil And Water Assessment Tool) Untuk Analisis Erosi dan Sedimentasi di Catchment Area Sungai Besar Kabupaten Banjar

Erosion is a natural process that occurs naturally causing sedimentation in a stream. The transpo... more Erosion is a natural process that occurs naturally causing sedimentation in a stream. The transported sediment material can reduce channel capacity and increase the risk of flooding, as happened in the Big River Fishing Area, Karang Intan Subdistrict, Banjar District. Therefore it is necessary to determine the value of erosion and the latest sediment in order to be the basis of consideration of management actions. Watershed management analysis using hydrological model. Soil And Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is one of the hydrological models that can be used to analyze erosion and sedimentation with parameters such as rainfall data, temperature, land cover, soil and slope. SWAT model simulation using land use data, soil, rainfall and climate data of 2016, the amount of sedimentation and erosion in Catchment Area of large river is 58.48 ton/ha/year and 4.82 ton/ha/year. The level of sedimency in the Catchment Area of the Great River which belongs to very low class is 1,635.38 ha, low g...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Dinamika Kerentanan Lingkungan Berdasarkan Kerapatan Vegetasi DI Daerah Aliran Sungai Tabunio

Jurnal Hutan Tropis, 2021

A Watershed is an ecosystem whose first component consists of natural resources vegetation, land,... more A Watershed is an ecosystem whose first component consists of natural resources vegetation, land, water, and human resources. Tabunio watershed covering an area of 62,558.56 hectares consists of 10 sub-watersheds. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is used in vegetation density analysis. Vulnerability of environmental damage is the condition of a region that has the potential for environmental damage due to human activities and or activities that have the potential to cause environmental impacts.The purpose of vegetation density analysis is carried out for the evaluation of environmental vulnerability dynamics in Tabunio watershed, i.e: 1). Knowing changes in land cover; 2. Knowing the classification of vegetation density; 3. Determine efforts to increase vegetation density. The benefits of this analysis are to obtain directives that can have a positive impact on the control of flood suppliers' vulnerability and environmental vulnerability by determining forest an...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Model Agnps Untuk Limpasan Permukaan Dengan Basis Vektor Di Dta Mangkauk Sub-Sub Das Riam Kiwa Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

Model AGNPS merupakan sebuah program komputer analisis limpasan, erosi, perpindahan unsur hara, s... more Model AGNPS merupakan sebuah program komputer analisis limpasan, erosi, perpindahan unsur hara, sedimen, serta kandungan kimia dalam suatu areal. Model AGNPS menggambarkan karakteristik DAS dalam tingkatan sel. Ukuran sel lebih kecil dari 10 acre direkomendasikan untuk DAS dengan luas kurang dari 2000 acre (810 ha), sedangkan untuk DAS yang luasnya lebih dari 2000 acre maka ukuran sel dapat berukuran 40 acre. Semakin besar ukuran sel yang digunakan, maka semakin rendah ketelitian hasil estimasinya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh semakin luasnya area yang digabung menjadi satu karakter yang mewakili, serta batas area kajian semakin bias akibat unit kajiannya dalam bentuk persegi. Sub-sub DAS Riam Kiwa merupakan bagian dari sub DAS Martapura dan DAS Barito. Beberapa masalah lingkungan terkait dengan fungsinya sebagai pengatur tata air, seperti fluktuasi debit air yang tidak normal, banjir, sedimentasi, dan lahan kritis, sehingga termasuk salah satu dari 108 DAS di Indonesia yang diprioritask...

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Characteristics of Land Cover in Mangkauk Catchment Area Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) And Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2017

Land cover is anything that includes any types of appearance on the surface of the earth on a par... more Land cover is anything that includes any types of appearance on the surface of the earth on a particular land. Information related to land cover can be used as at the parameter to determine the amount of runoff in a catchment area. This study was conducted in the Catchment Area (CA) of Mangkauk using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS 2014 scene path/row 117/62 with the methods of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The classification of land cover in Mangkauk catchment area included forests, plantations, shrubs, reeds/grasses, rice fields, open lands, settlements and water body. Based on the accuracy test of land cover classification using SVM, the value of the overall accuracy was 97.22% with Kappa Coefficient 0.96, while using ANN 86.33% with Kappa Coefficient 0.79.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Limpasan Permukaan Dan Pemaksimalan Resapan Air Hujan DI Daerah Tangkapan Air (Dta) Sungai Besar Kota Banjarbaru Untuk Pencegahan Banjir

ABSTRAK . Perkembangan pembangunan yang begitu pesat cenderungmenyebabkan semakin banyaknya alih ... more ABSTRAK . Perkembangan pembangunan yang begitu pesat cenderungmenyebabkan semakin banyaknya alih fungsi lahan yang berganti menjadi bangunan gedung-gedung dan permukiman baru yang berakibat pada semakin berkurangnya area resapan air. Air hujan yang tidak dapat meresap secara langsung ke dalam tanah akan menjadi limpasan. Limpasan yang tidak tertangani dengan baik akan menimbulkan berbagai masalah bagi masyarakat, terutama adalah banjir.Solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan banjir terutama untuk daerah pemukiman padat atau yang mempunyai lahan resapan air hujan yang minim dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknologi biopori.Penelitian ini menganalisis limpasan dan pemaksimalan resapan air hujan di daerah tangkapan air sungai besar Kota Banjarbaru yang bertujuan menganalisa jumlah limpasan permukaan dan menetukan jumlah lubang resapan biopori yang diperlukan untuk mencegah banjir. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisis yang meliputi pegolahan data sekunder dar...

Research paper thumbnail of Verifikasi Data Curah Hujan dari Satelit TRMM dengan Pengamatan Curah Hujan BMKG Di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui keakuratan data curah hujan TRMM dan data curah hujan... more Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui keakuratan data curah hujan TRMM dan data curah hujan dari pos pengamatanhujan BMKG untuk wilayah Kalimantan Selatan. Data yang diolah merupakan data bulanan dari tahun 2005-2014. Metode verifikasi yang digunakan adalah Uji T dan RMSE untuk mengetahui kesamaan pola dan tingkat kesalahan data estimasi curah hujan TRMM. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa data curah hujan bulanan TRMM secara umum dapat digunakan pada wilayah Kalimantan Selatan khususnya pada daerah yang belum terdapat penakar hujan. Data curah hujan pada pengamatan curah hujan BMKG dan TRMM adalah data yang akurat yaitu sebanyak 76,66 % pos pengamatan hujan. Adapun kualitas data pengamatan curah hujan BMKG dan TRMM, terdapat 23,33 %pos hujan dengan data yang tidak valid. RMSE pos hujan tertinggi 265,63 (Stamet Syamsudinoor) dan terendah 71,44 (Kintap).

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tingkat Kerawanan Dan Mitigasi Bencana Banjir DI Kecamatan Astambul Kabupaten Banjar

Ditinjau dari aspek geologis, geografis, dan morfologis, Kalimantan Selatan merupakan salah satu ... more Ditinjau dari aspek geologis, geografis, dan morfologis, Kalimantan Selatan merupakan salah satu provinsi yang rawan terhadap bencana banjir. Hampir setiap tahun bencana banjir terjadi, khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten Banjar. Banjir yang terjadi akibat luapan Sungai Riam Kiwa, Sungai Riam Kanan dan Sungai Martapura. Sedikitnya 64 desa pada bulan Januari 2012 di enam wilayah kecamatan yang berada di sepanjang Sungai Riam Kiwa dan Martapura terendam banjir. Data Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Banjar menyebutkan, banjir yang melanda di Kecamatan Astambul merendam 17 desa dari 22 desa yang ada, dihuni oleh 1.985 Kepala Keluarga atau 6.000 jiwa. Salah satu penyebab timbulnya korban jiwa dan kerusakan/kerugian yang sering terjadi akibat bencana alam adalah karena masyarakat lalai dan tidak mengetahui bahwa daerah tempat tinggal mereka termasuk daerah yang rawan bencana banjir, serta kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang mitigasi dan kesiapsiagaan termasuk aparat/pi...

Research paper thumbnail of The recovery of Tabunio Watershed through enrichment planting using ecologically and economically valuable species in South Kalimantan, Indonesia

The recovery of Tabunio Watershed through enrichment planting using ecologically and economically... more The recovery of Tabunio Watershed through enrichment planting using ecologically and economically valuable species in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 17: 140-147. Watershed is a medium system where hydrological-biophysical processes as part of hydrological cycle and social, economic, and cultural events as the results of human intervention on natural resource occur. The increasing human population results in the increasing need of water, which may reduce the availability of water, causing environmental degradation. The objectives of this study were to study the characteristics of Tabunio watershed and to give recommendation on the enrichment planting for the watershed recovery. This study used watershed ecological area approach and the data were analyzed spatially using GIS. The results showed that based on the characteristics of its components, Tabunio Watershed was categorized as moderately to very highly qualified for recovery. The recovery should be done through: (i) ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tingkat Kekeringan Lahan Gambut di Kalimantan Selatan Berdasarkan Data Citra Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS

Jurnal Fisika Flux: Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, 2021

ABSTRAK-Kekeringan merupakan kondisi lahan di suatu daerah yang mengalami kekurangan pasokan air ... more ABSTRAK-Kekeringan merupakan kondisi lahan di suatu daerah yang mengalami kekurangan pasokan air dalam jangka panjang, mulai dari beberapa bulan hingga tahun. Kesatuan Hidrologis Gambut merupakan kesatuan ekosistem gambut yang sangat penting dalam pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Kalimantan Selatan memiliki ekosistem gambut yang harus dilindungi, sehingga kerusakan lahan gambut akibat kekeringan dapat diminimalisir. Penelitian untuk menganalisis tingkat kekeringan lahan gambut berdasarkan data citra Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS dan data KHG. Penginderaan jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan kondisi lahan dalam bentuk pemetaan. Citra Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS yang digunakan adalah citra perekaman tahun 2015 dan 2018 dengan 3 parameter yaitu: curah hujan TRMM, indeks vegetasi (NDVI) dan suhu permukaan tanah (LST) yang menghasilkan tingkat kekeringan TVDI. TVDI dibagi menjadi 5 kelas: basah, agak basah, normal, agak kering, dan kering. Hasil pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini adalah peta tingkat kekeringan lahan gambut di

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Environmental Vulnerability Using Satellite Imagery and Geographic Information System in Coal Mining Area Planning at Banjar Regency

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

It has been done research of environmental vulnerability degradation in coal mining area planning... more It has been done research of environmental vulnerability degradation in coal mining area planning using satellite imagery and Geographic Information System. Vulnerability of environmental degradation is the condition of areas that has potential to damage the environment because of human activities or activity that has potential to cause environmental impacts. Monitoring of environmental degradation can be done to determine the ecological vulnerabilities so as to predict and overcome the future events. The development of remote sensing technology and geographic information systems can facilitate the spatial analysis especially environmental degradation. This research was done to map the vulnerability of environmental degradation in coal mining area planning in Banjar regency and classify environmental damage in the area. The analysis based on scoring and weighting of each index resulting ecological vulnerability index (EVI). The results of the overlay and weighting using weighted sum...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Fuzzy Sugeno Untuk Menentukan Kesesuaian Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Pada Lahan Gambut


Determination of land suitability for a plant is needed to provide faster decision results , espe... more Determination of land suitability for a plant is needed to provide faster decision results , especially in determining the suitability of oil palm plants on peatlands , this determination is very important because most of the land in Kalimantan is an area with peat soil . Palm oil suitability variables were determined by 8 variables , namely soil depth , soil CEC , wet saturation , Ph H2O , C-Organic , N-Total , P2O5 and K2O , which were made in a fuzzy set system , field data onto the form of data taken in regional areas peat soil , then calculated using the fuzzy inference Sugeno method . The output of the calculation using fuzzy Sugeno gives exactly the same results as the decision given by the expert on the field data .Keywords: fuzzy, Sugeno, land suitability. Penentuan kesesuaian lahan terhadap suatu tanaman sangat dibutuhkan untuk memberikan hasil keputusan yang lebih cepat khususnya pada penentuan kesesuaian tanaman kelapa sawit pada lahan gambut, penentuan ini menjadi sanga...

Research paper thumbnail of Model SWAT (Soil and Water Assesment Tool) untuk Analisis Erosi dan Sedimentasi di Catchment Area Sungai Besar Kabupaten Banjar

Jurnal Fisika FLUX, 2018

Erosion is a natural process that occurs naturally causing sedimentation in a stream. The transpo... more Erosion is a natural process that occurs naturally causing sedimentation in a stream. The transported sediment material can reduce channel capacity and increase the risk of flooding, as happened in the Big River Fishing Area, Karang Intan Subdistrict, Banjar District. Therefore it is necessary to determine the value of erosion and the latest sediment in order to be the basis of consideration of management actions. Watershed management analysis using hydrological model. Soil And Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is one of the hydrological models that can be used to analyze erosion and sedimentation with parameters such as rainfall data, temperature, land cover, soil and slope. SWAT model simulation using land use data, soil, rainfall and climate data of 2016, the amount of sedimentation and erosion in Catchment Area of large river is 58,48 ton/ha/year and 4,82 ton/ha/year. The level of sedimency in the Catchment Area of the Great River which belongs to very low class is 1635,38 ha, low gr...

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Dan Pengembangan Prototype Sistem Parkir


Manual parking systems in mall parking lot services requires a more complex management and devel... more Manual parking systems in mall parking lot services requires a more complex management and development system, not to mention its inefficiency. The information acquired from the parking manager about the the parking space conditions in the field is lacking every day. The purpose of this research is to design and develop a parking system prototype. The development method and system design for this research is the Waterfall method. The results obtained is that this system is able to detect the presence of a vehicle on a designated parking space, with the help of an Intel Galileo Board Gen 2 as the controller, an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) sensor, and an ultransonic sensor (PING) as an auxiliary. The system is able to display parking activity on a web application, such as empty parking space conditions, occupied parking spaces, time of arrival, parking period, parking space capacity, and also able to display a graphic image of the parking space utilization. It can be concluded tha...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Geomorfometri Dengan Bentuk Lahan Dan Penggunaan Lahan Sub-Sub Das Riam Kanan Kabupaten Banjar Kalimantan Selatan

Jurnal Fisika Flux: Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, 2019

Geomorphometry identification of the Topographic Wetness Index and Terrain Ruggedness Index has b... more Geomorphometry identification of the Topographic Wetness Index and Terrain Ruggedness Index has been carried out in the Riam Kanan watershed to determine the type and distribution and its relationship with landforms and land use. The material used in this study is imagery SRTM (30 m) and Google Earth imagery. The research process begins with secondary data collection, the next process is the interpretation of image SRTM imagery in order to obtain landform maps, interpretations of Google Earth imagery in order to obtain land use maps, correlate 30 m SRTM images through digital processes to classify the Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) and Topographic Wetness Index (TWI). The final process is data analysis by overlaying landform maps, land use with TRI and TWI. The results of the research data have obtained an area of 116,650.03 ha out of 13 types of distribution of landforms dominated by structural mountains which are quite extensive with 38,200.08 ha while land use consists of 8 types of distribution dominated by forest areas with an area of 88,070.15 ha. The results of the TWI analysis were dominated by class 1 (dry) with an area of 80,193.87 ha while TRI was dominated by class 3 (medium) with an area of 66,400.64 ha. Both TWI and TRI contained in landforms and land use are dominated by structural mountainous landforms which are quite insignificant and use of forest land.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tingkat Resapan Air Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis di Das Tabunio

Jurnal Fisika FLUX, 2019

The development of development that is so rapid causes more and more land to change into new buil... more The development of development that is so rapid causes more and more land to change into new buildings and settlements that have an impact on the reduction in the area of water catchment areas. Reduced water catchment areas will result in reduced groundwater reserves and will cause natural disasters such as floods. Based on this, efforts need to be made to determine the condition and distribution of water absorption in the Tabunio watershed area. In determining water absorption conditions there are four parameters, namely soil type, rainfall, land cover and slope. The data analysis method used is the overlay method with Geographic Information System (GIS) software. The results of data analysis showed that the study area with an area of 62,558.56 ha was divided into five conditions for water catchment areas. The water recharge conditions were very critical with an area of 32.38 ha, critical conditions covering 13,391.14, rather critical conditions covering an area of 35,769.47 ha, cr...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tingkat Kekritisan Lahan di DAS Tabunio Kabupaten Tanah Laut


Lahan termasuk sumber daya yang penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehingga dalam pengelolaan... more Lahan termasuk sumber daya yang penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehingga dalam pengelolaannya harus digunakan secara baik sesuai kemampuannya agar tidak menurunkan produktivitas lahan. Penggunaan lahan sering tidak memperhatikan kelestariannya terutama pada lahan-lahan yang mempunyai keterbatasan, baik keterbatasan fisika, maupun kimia dengan adanya kondisi ini apabila berlangsung terus menerus dikhawatirkan akan terjadi lahan kritis yang mengakibatkan penurunan kesuburan tanah dan produktivitas tanah. Lahan kritis didefinisikan sebagai lahan yang mengalami proses kerusakan fisik, kimia, dan biologi karena tidak sesuai pengguna dan kemampuannya, yang akhirnya membahayakan fungsi hidrologis, orologis, produksi pertanian, permukiman dan kehidupan sosial ekonomi dan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis tingkat kekritisan lahan di DAS Tabunio dan menentukan daerah lahan kritis di DAS Tabunio. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis spasial lahan kritis adalah metode...

Research paper thumbnail of Banjarbaru green open space distribution and its ecological value

Urban problems at the moment have become a fairly complicated problem to overcome. Urban developm... more Urban problems at the moment have become a fairly complicated problem to overcome. Urban development leds to negative consequences on several aspects, including environmental aspects. In the early stages of urban development, most of the land is green open space (green space). However, there is space to accommodate the needs of the population and activities; green space tends to conversion of land into the region in order to construct the buildings. Most of its surface, especially in the city center, covered by roads, buildings and others with characters that are complex and vary with the character of open spaces. Therefore, the study of urban planning should be analyzed from the point of view, one of them in terms of the environment. In this study reviewed the distribution of Banjarbaru green space green space in terms of the ideal ratio of Instruction of Minister of the Interior No. 14 of 1988 to the total area and population.

Research paper thumbnail of Green configuration and its ecological value of green open space Lambung Mangkurat's campus Banjarbaru

Green cover configuration plays important role in urban development. A research has been carried ... more Green cover configuration plays important role in urban development. A research has been carried out from an investigation at Lambung Mangkurat University campus which is adjacent to the busy road rounded landmark of Banjarbaru city since the last two semesters in 2010.Green open space typology consist of 3640 trees on wooden park, grass field, floral garden, bushes and residential garden in about 35ha, or more than 70% of campus area. Green open space maintains the local temperature by reduction THI of 3 – 8 %, noise disturbance 21-33% and carbon storage. The users spend their time average 25 days per month for studying, recreation, sport, socialization and other outdoor activities. All benefit figures increase in comparing to the previous evaluation. Green configuration contributes an atmosphere as a liveable campus in Banjarbaru.

Research paper thumbnail of Green open space users’s preference and appreciation in Banjarbaru City

About 200 users of green open space in Banjarbaru City have been interviewed during the research ... more About 200 users of green open space in Banjarbaru City have been interviewed during the research in the second semester 2010. Enumerators guided them to answer 26 questions on provided questioners. Adult young people keen to use green space for meeting with their friends, participating on music (29%) and sports (21%) performance are their favorite activities as like as play with internet (24%). Their appreciation to green space facilities is by giving mark “good” (24%) and “comfort” (24%). Banjarbaru City’s green open space is now only about 25.4% from 37,138ha of the City’s and in 2028 must be effort by adding about 5,483ha following urban population increase and ecological benefits. Carbon storage, carbon sink and oxygen production are the ecological values elucidating the balance environmental quality. Two districts, Banjarbaru Utara and Banjarbaru Selatan must be effort to increase their vegetation. Therefore, more studies are required to support a decision system to manage gree...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Data Hotspot di Kawasan Strategis Provinsi (KSP) Rawa Batang Banyu Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Tahun 2009–2018

Jurnal Fisika Flux: Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, 2022

ABSTRACT− Forest and land fires are a very serious issue in Indonesia, especially in KSP Rawa Bat... more ABSTRACT− Forest and land fires are a very serious issue in Indonesia, especially in KSP Rawa Batang Banyu which has the potential to experience sustainable development. Hotspots created by NASA-FIRMS (National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Fire Information for Resource Management System) can indicate forest and land fires. The purpose of this study is to analyze the number and density of hotspots with the correlation between hotspots and rainfall with ONI and rainfall in the last 10 years (2009-2018). This study uses Spatial analysis, Time Series Analysis, Pearson Correlation analysis, with hotspot, rainfall, and ONI data that have been released. As a result, the hotspot density conditions in each region were concentrated in Cintapuri Darussalam, Banjar Regency and Binuang, Tapin Regency. Real-Time Analysis shows the highest number of hotspots in the 2009-2018 period reached its highest point in September. Pearson correlation analysis between hotspot and rainfall data show...

Research paper thumbnail of Model SWAT (Soil And Water Assessment Tool) Untuk Analisis Erosi dan Sedimentasi di Catchment Area Sungai Besar Kabupaten Banjar

Erosion is a natural process that occurs naturally causing sedimentation in a stream. The transpo... more Erosion is a natural process that occurs naturally causing sedimentation in a stream. The transported sediment material can reduce channel capacity and increase the risk of flooding, as happened in the Big River Fishing Area, Karang Intan Subdistrict, Banjar District. Therefore it is necessary to determine the value of erosion and the latest sediment in order to be the basis of consideration of management actions. Watershed management analysis using hydrological model. Soil And Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is one of the hydrological models that can be used to analyze erosion and sedimentation with parameters such as rainfall data, temperature, land cover, soil and slope. SWAT model simulation using land use data, soil, rainfall and climate data of 2016, the amount of sedimentation and erosion in Catchment Area of large river is 58.48 ton/ha/year and 4.82 ton/ha/year. The level of sedimency in the Catchment Area of the Great River which belongs to very low class is 1,635.38 ha, low g...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Dinamika Kerentanan Lingkungan Berdasarkan Kerapatan Vegetasi DI Daerah Aliran Sungai Tabunio

Jurnal Hutan Tropis, 2021

A Watershed is an ecosystem whose first component consists of natural resources vegetation, land,... more A Watershed is an ecosystem whose first component consists of natural resources vegetation, land, water, and human resources. Tabunio watershed covering an area of 62,558.56 hectares consists of 10 sub-watersheds. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is used in vegetation density analysis. Vulnerability of environmental damage is the condition of a region that has the potential for environmental damage due to human activities and or activities that have the potential to cause environmental impacts.The purpose of vegetation density analysis is carried out for the evaluation of environmental vulnerability dynamics in Tabunio watershed, i.e: 1). Knowing changes in land cover; 2. Knowing the classification of vegetation density; 3. Determine efforts to increase vegetation density. The benefits of this analysis are to obtain directives that can have a positive impact on the control of flood suppliers' vulnerability and environmental vulnerability by determining forest an...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Model Agnps Untuk Limpasan Permukaan Dengan Basis Vektor Di Dta Mangkauk Sub-Sub Das Riam Kiwa Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

Model AGNPS merupakan sebuah program komputer analisis limpasan, erosi, perpindahan unsur hara, s... more Model AGNPS merupakan sebuah program komputer analisis limpasan, erosi, perpindahan unsur hara, sedimen, serta kandungan kimia dalam suatu areal. Model AGNPS menggambarkan karakteristik DAS dalam tingkatan sel. Ukuran sel lebih kecil dari 10 acre direkomendasikan untuk DAS dengan luas kurang dari 2000 acre (810 ha), sedangkan untuk DAS yang luasnya lebih dari 2000 acre maka ukuran sel dapat berukuran 40 acre. Semakin besar ukuran sel yang digunakan, maka semakin rendah ketelitian hasil estimasinya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh semakin luasnya area yang digabung menjadi satu karakter yang mewakili, serta batas area kajian semakin bias akibat unit kajiannya dalam bentuk persegi. Sub-sub DAS Riam Kiwa merupakan bagian dari sub DAS Martapura dan DAS Barito. Beberapa masalah lingkungan terkait dengan fungsinya sebagai pengatur tata air, seperti fluktuasi debit air yang tidak normal, banjir, sedimentasi, dan lahan kritis, sehingga termasuk salah satu dari 108 DAS di Indonesia yang diprioritask...

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Characteristics of Land Cover in Mangkauk Catchment Area Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) And Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2017

Land cover is anything that includes any types of appearance on the surface of the earth on a par... more Land cover is anything that includes any types of appearance on the surface of the earth on a particular land. Information related to land cover can be used as at the parameter to determine the amount of runoff in a catchment area. This study was conducted in the Catchment Area (CA) of Mangkauk using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS 2014 scene path/row 117/62 with the methods of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The classification of land cover in Mangkauk catchment area included forests, plantations, shrubs, reeds/grasses, rice fields, open lands, settlements and water body. Based on the accuracy test of land cover classification using SVM, the value of the overall accuracy was 97.22% with Kappa Coefficient 0.96, while using ANN 86.33% with Kappa Coefficient 0.79.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Limpasan Permukaan Dan Pemaksimalan Resapan Air Hujan DI Daerah Tangkapan Air (Dta) Sungai Besar Kota Banjarbaru Untuk Pencegahan Banjir

ABSTRAK . Perkembangan pembangunan yang begitu pesat cenderungmenyebabkan semakin banyaknya alih ... more ABSTRAK . Perkembangan pembangunan yang begitu pesat cenderungmenyebabkan semakin banyaknya alih fungsi lahan yang berganti menjadi bangunan gedung-gedung dan permukiman baru yang berakibat pada semakin berkurangnya area resapan air. Air hujan yang tidak dapat meresap secara langsung ke dalam tanah akan menjadi limpasan. Limpasan yang tidak tertangani dengan baik akan menimbulkan berbagai masalah bagi masyarakat, terutama adalah banjir.Solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan banjir terutama untuk daerah pemukiman padat atau yang mempunyai lahan resapan air hujan yang minim dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknologi biopori.Penelitian ini menganalisis limpasan dan pemaksimalan resapan air hujan di daerah tangkapan air sungai besar Kota Banjarbaru yang bertujuan menganalisa jumlah limpasan permukaan dan menetukan jumlah lubang resapan biopori yang diperlukan untuk mencegah banjir. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisis yang meliputi pegolahan data sekunder dar...

Research paper thumbnail of Verifikasi Data Curah Hujan dari Satelit TRMM dengan Pengamatan Curah Hujan BMKG Di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui keakuratan data curah hujan TRMM dan data curah hujan... more Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui keakuratan data curah hujan TRMM dan data curah hujan dari pos pengamatanhujan BMKG untuk wilayah Kalimantan Selatan. Data yang diolah merupakan data bulanan dari tahun 2005-2014. Metode verifikasi yang digunakan adalah Uji T dan RMSE untuk mengetahui kesamaan pola dan tingkat kesalahan data estimasi curah hujan TRMM. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa data curah hujan bulanan TRMM secara umum dapat digunakan pada wilayah Kalimantan Selatan khususnya pada daerah yang belum terdapat penakar hujan. Data curah hujan pada pengamatan curah hujan BMKG dan TRMM adalah data yang akurat yaitu sebanyak 76,66 % pos pengamatan hujan. Adapun kualitas data pengamatan curah hujan BMKG dan TRMM, terdapat 23,33 %pos hujan dengan data yang tidak valid. RMSE pos hujan tertinggi 265,63 (Stamet Syamsudinoor) dan terendah 71,44 (Kintap).

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tingkat Kerawanan Dan Mitigasi Bencana Banjir DI Kecamatan Astambul Kabupaten Banjar

Ditinjau dari aspek geologis, geografis, dan morfologis, Kalimantan Selatan merupakan salah satu ... more Ditinjau dari aspek geologis, geografis, dan morfologis, Kalimantan Selatan merupakan salah satu provinsi yang rawan terhadap bencana banjir. Hampir setiap tahun bencana banjir terjadi, khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten Banjar. Banjir yang terjadi akibat luapan Sungai Riam Kiwa, Sungai Riam Kanan dan Sungai Martapura. Sedikitnya 64 desa pada bulan Januari 2012 di enam wilayah kecamatan yang berada di sepanjang Sungai Riam Kiwa dan Martapura terendam banjir. Data Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Banjar menyebutkan, banjir yang melanda di Kecamatan Astambul merendam 17 desa dari 22 desa yang ada, dihuni oleh 1.985 Kepala Keluarga atau 6.000 jiwa. Salah satu penyebab timbulnya korban jiwa dan kerusakan/kerugian yang sering terjadi akibat bencana alam adalah karena masyarakat lalai dan tidak mengetahui bahwa daerah tempat tinggal mereka termasuk daerah yang rawan bencana banjir, serta kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang mitigasi dan kesiapsiagaan termasuk aparat/pi...

Research paper thumbnail of The recovery of Tabunio Watershed through enrichment planting using ecologically and economically valuable species in South Kalimantan, Indonesia

The recovery of Tabunio Watershed through enrichment planting using ecologically and economically... more The recovery of Tabunio Watershed through enrichment planting using ecologically and economically valuable species in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 17: 140-147. Watershed is a medium system where hydrological-biophysical processes as part of hydrological cycle and social, economic, and cultural events as the results of human intervention on natural resource occur. The increasing human population results in the increasing need of water, which may reduce the availability of water, causing environmental degradation. The objectives of this study were to study the characteristics of Tabunio watershed and to give recommendation on the enrichment planting for the watershed recovery. This study used watershed ecological area approach and the data were analyzed spatially using GIS. The results showed that based on the characteristics of its components, Tabunio Watershed was categorized as moderately to very highly qualified for recovery. The recovery should be done through: (i) ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tingkat Kekeringan Lahan Gambut di Kalimantan Selatan Berdasarkan Data Citra Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS

Jurnal Fisika Flux: Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, 2021

ABSTRAK-Kekeringan merupakan kondisi lahan di suatu daerah yang mengalami kekurangan pasokan air ... more ABSTRAK-Kekeringan merupakan kondisi lahan di suatu daerah yang mengalami kekurangan pasokan air dalam jangka panjang, mulai dari beberapa bulan hingga tahun. Kesatuan Hidrologis Gambut merupakan kesatuan ekosistem gambut yang sangat penting dalam pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Kalimantan Selatan memiliki ekosistem gambut yang harus dilindungi, sehingga kerusakan lahan gambut akibat kekeringan dapat diminimalisir. Penelitian untuk menganalisis tingkat kekeringan lahan gambut berdasarkan data citra Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS dan data KHG. Penginderaan jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan kondisi lahan dalam bentuk pemetaan. Citra Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS yang digunakan adalah citra perekaman tahun 2015 dan 2018 dengan 3 parameter yaitu: curah hujan TRMM, indeks vegetasi (NDVI) dan suhu permukaan tanah (LST) yang menghasilkan tingkat kekeringan TVDI. TVDI dibagi menjadi 5 kelas: basah, agak basah, normal, agak kering, dan kering. Hasil pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini adalah peta tingkat kekeringan lahan gambut di

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Environmental Vulnerability Using Satellite Imagery and Geographic Information System in Coal Mining Area Planning at Banjar Regency

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

It has been done research of environmental vulnerability degradation in coal mining area planning... more It has been done research of environmental vulnerability degradation in coal mining area planning using satellite imagery and Geographic Information System. Vulnerability of environmental degradation is the condition of areas that has potential to damage the environment because of human activities or activity that has potential to cause environmental impacts. Monitoring of environmental degradation can be done to determine the ecological vulnerabilities so as to predict and overcome the future events. The development of remote sensing technology and geographic information systems can facilitate the spatial analysis especially environmental degradation. This research was done to map the vulnerability of environmental degradation in coal mining area planning in Banjar regency and classify environmental damage in the area. The analysis based on scoring and weighting of each index resulting ecological vulnerability index (EVI). The results of the overlay and weighting using weighted sum...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Fuzzy Sugeno Untuk Menentukan Kesesuaian Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Pada Lahan Gambut


Determination of land suitability for a plant is needed to provide faster decision results , espe... more Determination of land suitability for a plant is needed to provide faster decision results , especially in determining the suitability of oil palm plants on peatlands , this determination is very important because most of the land in Kalimantan is an area with peat soil . Palm oil suitability variables were determined by 8 variables , namely soil depth , soil CEC , wet saturation , Ph H2O , C-Organic , N-Total , P2O5 and K2O , which were made in a fuzzy set system , field data onto the form of data taken in regional areas peat soil , then calculated using the fuzzy inference Sugeno method . The output of the calculation using fuzzy Sugeno gives exactly the same results as the decision given by the expert on the field data .Keywords: fuzzy, Sugeno, land suitability. Penentuan kesesuaian lahan terhadap suatu tanaman sangat dibutuhkan untuk memberikan hasil keputusan yang lebih cepat khususnya pada penentuan kesesuaian tanaman kelapa sawit pada lahan gambut, penentuan ini menjadi sanga...

Research paper thumbnail of Model SWAT (Soil and Water Assesment Tool) untuk Analisis Erosi dan Sedimentasi di Catchment Area Sungai Besar Kabupaten Banjar

Jurnal Fisika FLUX, 2018

Erosion is a natural process that occurs naturally causing sedimentation in a stream. The transpo... more Erosion is a natural process that occurs naturally causing sedimentation in a stream. The transported sediment material can reduce channel capacity and increase the risk of flooding, as happened in the Big River Fishing Area, Karang Intan Subdistrict, Banjar District. Therefore it is necessary to determine the value of erosion and the latest sediment in order to be the basis of consideration of management actions. Watershed management analysis using hydrological model. Soil And Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is one of the hydrological models that can be used to analyze erosion and sedimentation with parameters such as rainfall data, temperature, land cover, soil and slope. SWAT model simulation using land use data, soil, rainfall and climate data of 2016, the amount of sedimentation and erosion in Catchment Area of large river is 58,48 ton/ha/year and 4,82 ton/ha/year. The level of sedimency in the Catchment Area of the Great River which belongs to very low class is 1635,38 ha, low gr...

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Dan Pengembangan Prototype Sistem Parkir


Manual parking systems in mall parking lot services requires a more complex management and devel... more Manual parking systems in mall parking lot services requires a more complex management and development system, not to mention its inefficiency. The information acquired from the parking manager about the the parking space conditions in the field is lacking every day. The purpose of this research is to design and develop a parking system prototype. The development method and system design for this research is the Waterfall method. The results obtained is that this system is able to detect the presence of a vehicle on a designated parking space, with the help of an Intel Galileo Board Gen 2 as the controller, an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) sensor, and an ultransonic sensor (PING) as an auxiliary. The system is able to display parking activity on a web application, such as empty parking space conditions, occupied parking spaces, time of arrival, parking period, parking space capacity, and also able to display a graphic image of the parking space utilization. It can be concluded tha...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Geomorfometri Dengan Bentuk Lahan Dan Penggunaan Lahan Sub-Sub Das Riam Kanan Kabupaten Banjar Kalimantan Selatan

Jurnal Fisika Flux: Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, 2019

Geomorphometry identification of the Topographic Wetness Index and Terrain Ruggedness Index has b... more Geomorphometry identification of the Topographic Wetness Index and Terrain Ruggedness Index has been carried out in the Riam Kanan watershed to determine the type and distribution and its relationship with landforms and land use. The material used in this study is imagery SRTM (30 m) and Google Earth imagery. The research process begins with secondary data collection, the next process is the interpretation of image SRTM imagery in order to obtain landform maps, interpretations of Google Earth imagery in order to obtain land use maps, correlate 30 m SRTM images through digital processes to classify the Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) and Topographic Wetness Index (TWI). The final process is data analysis by overlaying landform maps, land use with TRI and TWI. The results of the research data have obtained an area of 116,650.03 ha out of 13 types of distribution of landforms dominated by structural mountains which are quite extensive with 38,200.08 ha while land use consists of 8 types of distribution dominated by forest areas with an area of 88,070.15 ha. The results of the TWI analysis were dominated by class 1 (dry) with an area of 80,193.87 ha while TRI was dominated by class 3 (medium) with an area of 66,400.64 ha. Both TWI and TRI contained in landforms and land use are dominated by structural mountainous landforms which are quite insignificant and use of forest land.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tingkat Resapan Air Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis di Das Tabunio

Jurnal Fisika FLUX, 2019

The development of development that is so rapid causes more and more land to change into new buil... more The development of development that is so rapid causes more and more land to change into new buildings and settlements that have an impact on the reduction in the area of water catchment areas. Reduced water catchment areas will result in reduced groundwater reserves and will cause natural disasters such as floods. Based on this, efforts need to be made to determine the condition and distribution of water absorption in the Tabunio watershed area. In determining water absorption conditions there are four parameters, namely soil type, rainfall, land cover and slope. The data analysis method used is the overlay method with Geographic Information System (GIS) software. The results of data analysis showed that the study area with an area of 62,558.56 ha was divided into five conditions for water catchment areas. The water recharge conditions were very critical with an area of 32.38 ha, critical conditions covering 13,391.14, rather critical conditions covering an area of 35,769.47 ha, cr...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tingkat Kekritisan Lahan di DAS Tabunio Kabupaten Tanah Laut


Lahan termasuk sumber daya yang penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehingga dalam pengelolaan... more Lahan termasuk sumber daya yang penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehingga dalam pengelolaannya harus digunakan secara baik sesuai kemampuannya agar tidak menurunkan produktivitas lahan. Penggunaan lahan sering tidak memperhatikan kelestariannya terutama pada lahan-lahan yang mempunyai keterbatasan, baik keterbatasan fisika, maupun kimia dengan adanya kondisi ini apabila berlangsung terus menerus dikhawatirkan akan terjadi lahan kritis yang mengakibatkan penurunan kesuburan tanah dan produktivitas tanah. Lahan kritis didefinisikan sebagai lahan yang mengalami proses kerusakan fisik, kimia, dan biologi karena tidak sesuai pengguna dan kemampuannya, yang akhirnya membahayakan fungsi hidrologis, orologis, produksi pertanian, permukiman dan kehidupan sosial ekonomi dan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis tingkat kekritisan lahan di DAS Tabunio dan menentukan daerah lahan kritis di DAS Tabunio. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis spasial lahan kritis adalah metode...

Research paper thumbnail of Banjarbaru green open space distribution and its ecological value

Urban problems at the moment have become a fairly complicated problem to overcome. Urban developm... more Urban problems at the moment have become a fairly complicated problem to overcome. Urban development leds to negative consequences on several aspects, including environmental aspects. In the early stages of urban development, most of the land is green open space (green space). However, there is space to accommodate the needs of the population and activities; green space tends to conversion of land into the region in order to construct the buildings. Most of its surface, especially in the city center, covered by roads, buildings and others with characters that are complex and vary with the character of open spaces. Therefore, the study of urban planning should be analyzed from the point of view, one of them in terms of the environment. In this study reviewed the distribution of Banjarbaru green space green space in terms of the ideal ratio of Instruction of Minister of the Interior No. 14 of 1988 to the total area and population.

Research paper thumbnail of Green configuration and its ecological value of green open space Lambung Mangkurat's campus Banjarbaru

Green cover configuration plays important role in urban development. A research has been carried ... more Green cover configuration plays important role in urban development. A research has been carried out from an investigation at Lambung Mangkurat University campus which is adjacent to the busy road rounded landmark of Banjarbaru city since the last two semesters in 2010.Green open space typology consist of 3640 trees on wooden park, grass field, floral garden, bushes and residential garden in about 35ha, or more than 70% of campus area. Green open space maintains the local temperature by reduction THI of 3 – 8 %, noise disturbance 21-33% and carbon storage. The users spend their time average 25 days per month for studying, recreation, sport, socialization and other outdoor activities. All benefit figures increase in comparing to the previous evaluation. Green configuration contributes an atmosphere as a liveable campus in Banjarbaru.

Research paper thumbnail of Green open space users’s preference and appreciation in Banjarbaru City

About 200 users of green open space in Banjarbaru City have been interviewed during the research ... more About 200 users of green open space in Banjarbaru City have been interviewed during the research in the second semester 2010. Enumerators guided them to answer 26 questions on provided questioners. Adult young people keen to use green space for meeting with their friends, participating on music (29%) and sports (21%) performance are their favorite activities as like as play with internet (24%). Their appreciation to green space facilities is by giving mark “good” (24%) and “comfort” (24%). Banjarbaru City’s green open space is now only about 25.4% from 37,138ha of the City’s and in 2028 must be effort by adding about 5,483ha following urban population increase and ecological benefits. Carbon storage, carbon sink and oxygen production are the ecological values elucidating the balance environmental quality. Two districts, Banjarbaru Utara and Banjarbaru Selatan must be effort to increase their vegetation. Therefore, more studies are required to support a decision system to manage gree...