Idham Khalid - (original) (raw)
Papers by Idham Khalid
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi (MEA)
UMKM di Kabupaten Gowa memegang peranan yang sangat penting dan menjadi basis pembangunan ekonom... more UMKM di Kabupaten Gowa memegang peranan yang sangat penting dan menjadi basis pembangunan ekonomi kerakyatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan mengkaji pengembangan UMKM dalam rangka meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat di Kabupaten Gowa. Penelitan ini di pusatkan di Kabupaten Gowa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data dapat di peroleh melalui, observasi, wawancara, rekaman, dan lain sebagainya. Metode Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis matriks SWOT. Metode analisis SWOT terdiri dari pengambungan unsure kekuatan (Strengths), kelemahan (Weaknesses), peluang (Opportunities), dan ancaman (Threats). Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa UMKM dapat menerapkan strategi pemasaran S-O dengan melakukan inovasi pada produk, membuat ciri khas produk berdasarkan klaster wilayah dan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk melakukan promosi juga penjualan produk agar lebih dikenal oleh konsumen diluar klaster wilayah. Strategi W-O meliputi pela...
Sepanjang sejarah peradaban manusia, filsafat telah menjadi ilmu sebagai landasan berpikir yang m... more Sepanjang sejarah peradaban manusia, filsafat telah menjadi ilmu sebagai landasan berpikir yang mendapat perhatian sangat mendalam, karena filsafat merupakan landasan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan. Selama berabadabad ilmu pengetahuan telah dipelajari dan dikembangkan sesuai dengan filsafat ilmu itu sendiri, dan perhatian telah diberikan kepada kehidupan manusia. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan ilmu filsafat tentunya mempunyai pengaruh atau sumbangan penting bagi beberapa jurusan lain, termasuk filsafat bahasa. Filsafat bahasa selalu dipahami dari dua sudut pandang yang berbeda, yaitu pertama sebagai alat untuk menganalisis konsep dan kedua sebagai kajian terhadap materi kebahasaan yang dianalisis. Dalam kaitannya dengan konsep dan analisis, bahasa lahir dari filsafat dalam bentuk ekspresi dan makna. Bentuk bahasa biasanya diwakili oleh tata bahasa, maknanya dibahas secara mendalam dalam kajian semantik. Beberapa filsuf zaman Yunani seperti Plato dengan jelas menggambarkan bentuk-bentuk bahasa yaitu onoma dan rhema. Onoma berfungsi sebagai kata benda atau subjek dan rematik sebagai kata keterangan atau predikat. Dalam dunia pengajaran bahasa, filsafat menawarkan jalan yang sangat luas, dimulai dari teori-teori keterampilan berbahasa yang berbasis pada behaviorisme dan kognitivisme (perangkat pemerolehan bahasa). Dalam praktiknya, penyajian gagasan logis (logos) berpedoman pada teori induktif dan deduktif. Deduktif berpedoman pada aliran rasionalisme yang titik tolaknya dari sesuatu yang umum ke sesuatu yang khusus. Dengan demikian, kita melihat bahwa filsafat dapat memberikan kontribusi atau nuansa positif terhadap perkembangan bahasa, baik secara teoritis maupun praktis.
Sepanjang sejarah peradaban manusia, filsafat telah menjadi ilmu sebagai landasan berpikir yang m... more Sepanjang sejarah peradaban manusia, filsafat telah menjadi ilmu sebagai landasan berpikir yang mendapat perhatian sangat mendalam, karena filsafat merupakan landasan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan. Selama berabadabad ilmu pengetahuan telah dipelajari dan dikembangkan sesuai dengan filsafat ilmu itu sendiri, dan perhatian telah diberikan kepada kehidupan manusia. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan ilmu filsafat tentunya mempunyai pengaruh atau sumbangan penting bagi beberapa jurusan lain, termasuk filsafat bahasa. Filsafat bahasa selalu dipahami dari dua sudut pandang yang berbeda, yaitu pertama sebagai alat untuk menganalisis konsep dan kedua sebagai kajian terhadap materi kebahasaan yang dianalisis. Dalam kaitannya dengan konsep dan analisis, bahasa lahir dari filsafat dalam bentuk ekspresi dan makna. Bentuk bahasa biasanya diwakili oleh tata bahasa, maknanya dibahas secara mendalam dalam kajian semantik. Beberapa filsuf zaman Yunani seperti Plato dengan jelas menggambarkan bentuk-bentuk bahasa yaitu onoma dan rhema. Onoma berfungsi sebagai kata benda atau subjek dan rematik sebagai kata keterangan atau predikat. Dalam dunia pengajaran bahasa, filsafat menawarkan jalan yang sangat luas, dimulai dari teori-teori keterampilan berbahasa yang berbasis pada behaviorisme dan kognitivisme (perangkat pemerolehan bahasa). Dalam praktiknya, penyajian gagasan logis (logos) berpedoman pada teori induktif dan deduktif. Deduktif berpedoman pada aliran rasionalisme yang titik tolaknya dari sesuatu yang umum ke sesuatu yang khusus. Dengan demikian, kita melihat bahwa filsafat dapat memberikan kontribusi atau nuansa positif terhadap perkembangan bahasa, baik secara teoritis maupun praktis.
CANANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Some people in Pandau Jaya village have banana trees in their yards, but most people throw away t... more Some people in Pandau Jaya village have banana trees in their yards, but most people throw away the tree trunks after the fruit is harvested, sometimes the banana stems that have been cut down are only used for fertilizer, animal food or left without further exploiting their potential. For this reason, the Service Team conveyed directly to the community that the waste of the banana stems, if collected, could be used as a useful additive for drilling oil wells, although this is the key to the results of tests conducted at the Petroleum Engineering Laboratory, where the additives are obtained from banana trees. has good quality in covering rock cavities, so as to prevent mud loss during the drilling process. The method used in this community service activity is interactive socialization, discussion and question and answer using supporting facilities and directly to the people of Pandau Jaya Village by providing examples of experimental results that have been carried out at the Petrole...
Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab
This article described the curriculum development of the Arabic Education (AE) Master’s program i... more This article described the curriculum development of the Arabic Education (AE) Master’s program in accordance with the university's vision through research and development of the Borg and Gall’s model with a qualitative approach, data collection through documentation, literature review, and questionnaires for expert validation. The performance of education personnel’s who are less adaptive to the advancement of science and technology is one of the problems faced by the world of education. The cause of this problem is that the education curriculum for education personnel’s is not relevant to the users’ changing needs. Hence, the higher education curriculum needs to be developed according to the demands of social change and the progress of today's science to realize a relevant curriculum. Data analysis was done through the stages of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of the study resulted in a curriculum model which refers to the Indonesian National Qual...
Materials Today: Proceedings
Abstract The Drilling process has the most important main objective is to reach the reservoir zon... more Abstract The Drilling process has the most important main objective is to reach the reservoir zone safely, quickly, and economically. The important component in the drilling process is drilling fluid commonly called by drilling mud. The drilling mud design needs to be properly planned to avoid problems during drilling. The research was conducted for testing the drilling mud rheology by using CMC from carton waste with the addition of Na2CO3, this research was conducted with several scenarios, which in each scenario have different levels of CMC and Na2CO3, from each result can be seen the value of density, viscosity, mud cake, pH, and filtrate volume of each sample. Thus it can be seen the best mud performance from the addition of CMC waste carton waste and Na2CO3 to the drilling mud. The results of this research is the addition of CMC waste carton and Na2CO3 in the dominant drilling mud to rheology and aditive function of CMC in increasing the viscosity were in 5 gr sample with 4.5 gr of Na2CO3 addition, with density value: 8.75 ppg, viscosity: 26 cp, mud cake: 0.54 cm, pH: 12, and filtrate volume: 4.42 ml.
Olahraga merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang sangat digemari oleh banyak masyarakat luas yang tela... more Olahraga merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang sangat digemari oleh banyak masyarakat luas yang telah mendunia dan menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat. Aktivitas olahraga dapat menjadi cara untuk melepaskan diri dari kejenuhan dan tekanan mental akan rutinitas sehari-hari. Olahaga juga berguna memulihkan dan menyegarkan kembali jiwa dan raga sekaligus memberikan kesenangan. Gedung Olahraga Kabupaten Kubu Raya merupakan suatu tempat olahraga yang menyediakan berbagai jenis olahraga yang bersifat indoor yang berada di Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Para pengunjung selain berolahraga juga dapat berekreasi, berkumpul dan menikmati suasana dalam satu kawasan. Keberadaan Gedung Olahraga Kabupaten Kubu Raya dapat menjadi alternatif sarana olahraga dan rekreasi perkotaan yang saat ini masih kurang. Gedung Olahraga juga dapat berpotensi menjadi ikon baru bagi masyarakat yang senang berolahraga di Kalimantan Barat, Khususnya di Kabupaten Kubu Raya dan sekitarnya. Per...
Ar-Ribh : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
This study aims to determine whether the performance of auditors in the Makassar Branch. The meth... more This study aims to determine whether the performance of auditors in the Makassar Branch. The method of sampling technique used was purposive sampling, namely the technique of deliberate sampling. This study uses a simple linear regression analysis method and primary data manager using the SPSS program (Statistical Product and Service Solutions). Based on the results of the testing of the Partial Test (t-Test) the hypothesis is obtained that the Internal Auditor's Performance has a positive and significant influence on the Prevention of Fictional Credit Fraud. Testing the effect of Internal Auditor Performance variables on Fictional Prevention of Fraud can be seen by looking at the value of t count of 3.737 and t table of 2.045 with a significance value of 0.001. The value of t count is greater than t table and the significance value is below 0.05 which indicates a significant effect of the Internal Auditor Performance variable on the Prevention of Fictional Fraud. So that the au...
Ar-Ribh : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
The pawn contract practice conducted by the community in Salohe Village, East Sinjai District, Si... more The pawn contract practice conducted by the community in Salohe Village, East Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency is a rice field pawning. This research is focused to further study whether the practice of paddy pawning which has been carried out by the people of Salohe Village is in accordance with the Shariah economic principles. The problems studied are focused on the understanding of the people of Salohe Village regarding the implementation of paddy pawning and the application of Sharia principles in the implementation of paddy pawning in Salohe Village, East Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency. The method in this research is a qualitative approach. With the data source used is prime data, secondary data and informant data. Data collection uses observation, interviews and documentation. To analyze data, researchers used Data Reduction, Data Presentation and Conclusion Drawing / verification. The results obtained from this study of the implementation of paddy pawning in Salohe Village, Si...
Ar-Ribh : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
The results of the study show that the noble purpose of shari'a creates benefit is the main r... more The results of the study show that the noble purpose of shari'a creates benefit is the main reference in the formulation of the principles of shari'ah accounting, and the fruits of syari'ah accounting are its financial statements. If then this report is used as the basis for business transactions, accountability will be very well maintained. If the principles of shari'ah accounting can be adopted in presenting financial statements, of course the hope is to maintain the existence of financial statements so that they can still be used as the main reference in making business decisions. Descriptions of the performance of a bank both general and shari'ah are usually reflected in reports in the report the finance. The financial statements aim to provide useful information for interested parties in economic capture. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that at PT. Bank Sulselbar Syariah Makassar Branch in the recording process uses the cash basis method, ...
Ar-Ribh : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
This study aims to determine the effect of Dividend Per Share payments on Stock Prices Closing Pr... more This study aims to determine the effect of Dividend Per Share payments on Stock Prices Closing Price of Manufacturing Companies in the Jakarta Islamic Index. The population in this study were all manufacturing companies included in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) of the Indonesia Stock Exchange for 5 years from 2011-2015 which actively published financial reports during the year of observation. The method used in this study is the documentation method, then in analyzing the data used to test the matched hypothesis, namely by quantitative descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen that there is no relationship between the Dividend Per Share on changes in stock prices, this can be seen in PT.ASII during 2012 to 2014, it appears that the Dividend Per Share at PT.ASII has not changed for three years, while the share price always changes for three years. It is also seen in PT. AVR, it is seen that the Dividend Per Share for the past five years has always c...
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, 2019
Activated Carbon (AC) is a material that has porous structure and high surface area. If Activated... more Activated Carbon (AC) is a material that has porous structure and high surface area. If Activated Carbon has long been opened to the air and interacts to the air, The surface of activated carbon can bind molecules from the liquid or gas phases by van der waals force. It can affect decreasing the ability of activated carbon to reduce filtration loss in water-based drilling fluid. The research has been carried out to increase the effectiveness of AC as an additive in drilling process by thermal regeneration of activated carbon using low temperature. This research using several samples that have various regeneration time by heated at 200 • C. The regeneration times are for 0 minute (AC non-regeneration process), 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, and 120 minutes. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) shows the surface morphology and porous size of the sample. The results show that filtration loss decrease with addition time respectively 15 ml, 13.7 ml, 13.1 ml, 12.6 ml, and 12.1 ml. Regeneration process of activated carbon is one of the ways to reuse damaged activated carbon that can control filtration loss until 12.1 ml.
Proceedings of the International Conference of CELSciTech 2019 - Science and Technology track (ICCELST-ST 2019), 2019
One of the problems that is very avoided when oil and gas drilling operations is the filtration l... more One of the problems that is very avoided when oil and gas drilling operations is the filtration loss. The usual and often used additive to overcome this problem is the Carboxymethil Cellulose (CMC) where the CMC is relatively expensive, so research needs to be done using alternative materials or natural ingredients to make it more economical. The alternative material used in this study was corn starch because of its polymer composition and its function fluid loss control and viscosifier. This study was conducted to determine the effect of starch on filtration loss and rheological drilling mud by determining the filtrate volume, mud cake thickness, viscosity, plastic viscosity, gel strength. Corn starch is made by smoothing and filtering corn with gauze, after that it is dried in the sun to dry and do sieve analysis with a size of 200 mesh. Then corn starch with a composition of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 grams mixed with standard mud. Filtration loss testing is done using an Low Pressure Low Temperature (LPLT). Rheological tests such as viscosity use marsh funnel devices while plastic viscosity and gel strength use the Fann VG Meter tool. The results showed that the filtration loss obtained was 14,7-12,7 ml, mud cake thickness of 1,5-1,1 mm, viscosity of 42,38-60,02 cp, plastic viscosity of 4-11 cp, gel strength of 0,2-0,54 (lb / 100 ft2). Mass addition which will reduce filtration loss and mud cake and vice versa with the addition of mass causes increased values of viscosity, plastic viscosity and gel strength.
The low interest of the students in learning PKN is one of this background of making this experim... more The low interest of the students in learning PKN is one of this background of making this experiment. The low interest can effect the bad result, this can be caused by many probabilities such as the way of teaching is not variative. Moreover to overcome the problem, the teacher must apply the competency in making teaching variation. Based on this reality, the writer is interested to make an experiment under the tittle “The Competency in Applying Teaching Variations Can Increase the Students Interest in Learning PKN for Students Grade IX in SMPN 1 Siabu”. While the purpose of this experiment is to know weather there is a significant effect between teaching variation toward the students interest in learning PKN for student grade IX in SMPN 1 Siabu. The type of this experiment is quantitatif by using descriftive method. To collect the data, the writer use questionaire method. The data is processsed quantitativcly. Morder to know weather there is an effect of the teachers competency in ...
Ternak kerbau merupakan salah satu andalan produksi daging Indonesia dalam menghadapi Swasembada ... more Ternak kerbau merupakan salah satu andalan produksi daging Indonesia dalam menghadapi Swasembada Daging Nasional. Peternakan rakyat, belum mampu meningkatkan populasi dan produktivitas ternak karena terkendala oleh berbagai permasalahan salah satunya penyakit. Diantara penyakit ternak yang masih tinggi tingkat prevalensinya di Indonesia adalah infeksi Helminthiasis atau dikenal juga sebagai kecacingan pada ternak kerbau. Dampak infeksi Helminthiasis pada ternak menyebabkan kehilangan nilai ekonomi yang cukup tinggi bagi para peternak. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah menurunnya nilai jual akibat kurang maksimalnya pertambahan berat badan dan peningkatan biaya pengobatan. Laporan kerugian ekonomi akibat ternak terinfeksi Helminthiasis sudah banyak dilaporkan dibeberapa negara, akan tetapi di Indonesia, data yang berisi informasi tersebut dan prevalensi kejadian penyakit ini sangat kurang. Kabupaten Aceh Tengah merupakan daerah peternakan kerbau yang paling utama di Provinsi Aceh, tetapi...
Sumur X pada lapangan Y merupakan sumur dengan permasalahan rangkaian BHA terlepas setelah proses... more Sumur X pada lapangan Y merupakan sumur dengan permasalahan rangkaian BHA terlepas setelah proses pembebasan rangkaian pipa pemboran karena adanya Pack off pada kedalaman 3.360 ft MD. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan tidak adanya return pada saat dilakukan circulation serta tekanan pompa naik secara tiba-tiba. Pack off menyebabkan formasi gugur dan cutting terakumulasi di lubang sumur. Terakumulasinya cutting menjadi penyebab rangkaian terjepit akibat. Perhitungan reactive torque dengan persamaan Frank J Schuh dilakukan untuk mengetahui besarnya nilai torsi yang menyebabkan BHA terlepas dari rangkaian tersebut. Menurut perhitungan yang telah dilakukan, rangkaian BHA lepas terjadi karena torsi reaksi (reactive torque) sebesar 60.240 yang sekitar dua kali lebih daripada nilai make up torque untuk HWDP 5” yaitu sebesar 22.800 Masalah rangkaian BHA lepas dapat ditangani dengan menggunakan metode operasi fishing. Waktu ekonomis fishing yang didapat untuk melakukan kegiatan fish...
Enhanced oil recovery (eor) has been applied in oil field in Indonesiasince 1985. The steamfloodi... more Enhanced oil recovery (eor) has been applied in oil field in Indonesiasince 1985. The steamflooding methodhas successfullyprolong an oil field life up to now. Steamflooding is the establish method to improve recovery of heavy oil in Duri Field. However, other method still under several stage such as field trials, pilot project, and works laboratory. This research present the method to improve oil recovery from mature fields. The method known as enhanced oil recovery. There are three stage to produce oil involving primary recovery, secondary recovery, and tertiary recovery or eor. Currently, majority an oil production under primary recovery (25.34 %) and secondary recovery (19.19 %) stage. Due to the low oil recovery from these methods, remaining oil in place in the reservoirs are huge (more than 50 billion barrel). Enhanced oil recovery is the best way to produce more oil from the mature fields. However, eor method consumesmuchtime and needsbig effort from initiation to implementati...
Solid State Technology, 2020
This paper experimentally analyzes the effect of organic-additive on slurry thickening-time.Moreo... more This paper experimentally analyzes the effect of organic-additive on slurry thickening-time.Moreover, this study introduces a new organic-additive from Durian's Skin -waste (DSW) material, as areplacement additive for common Carboxymethyl-Cellulose (CMC) compound. The various processcontains de-lignification, chemical bleaching, grinding, and sieving is performed to obtain pure DSWadditive. DSW additive is then mixed with the cement and water to form a slurry sample and tested undersetting test procedures to obtain thickening time for each sample. The experiment result shows that higherthickening time is observed for a slurry sample with a high DSW concentration. The temperature effectindicates a short thickening time of the slurry sample. The utilization of organic additive from DSW iseffective for increasing slurry thickening time, means that the possibility to produce local additive is stillopen.
Pedoman penyusunan modul diklat guru pembelajar bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan merupakan petun... more Pedoman penyusunan modul diklat guru pembelajar bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan merupakan petunjuk bagi penyelenggara pelatihan di dalam melaksakan pengembangan modul. Pedoman ini disajikan untuk memberikan informasi tentang penyusunan modul sebagai salah satu bentuk bahan dalam kegiatan Guru Pembelajar bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi (MEA)
UMKM di Kabupaten Gowa memegang peranan yang sangat penting dan menjadi basis pembangunan ekonom... more UMKM di Kabupaten Gowa memegang peranan yang sangat penting dan menjadi basis pembangunan ekonomi kerakyatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan mengkaji pengembangan UMKM dalam rangka meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat di Kabupaten Gowa. Penelitan ini di pusatkan di Kabupaten Gowa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data dapat di peroleh melalui, observasi, wawancara, rekaman, dan lain sebagainya. Metode Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis matriks SWOT. Metode analisis SWOT terdiri dari pengambungan unsure kekuatan (Strengths), kelemahan (Weaknesses), peluang (Opportunities), dan ancaman (Threats). Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa UMKM dapat menerapkan strategi pemasaran S-O dengan melakukan inovasi pada produk, membuat ciri khas produk berdasarkan klaster wilayah dan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk melakukan promosi juga penjualan produk agar lebih dikenal oleh konsumen diluar klaster wilayah. Strategi W-O meliputi pela...
Sepanjang sejarah peradaban manusia, filsafat telah menjadi ilmu sebagai landasan berpikir yang m... more Sepanjang sejarah peradaban manusia, filsafat telah menjadi ilmu sebagai landasan berpikir yang mendapat perhatian sangat mendalam, karena filsafat merupakan landasan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan. Selama berabadabad ilmu pengetahuan telah dipelajari dan dikembangkan sesuai dengan filsafat ilmu itu sendiri, dan perhatian telah diberikan kepada kehidupan manusia. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan ilmu filsafat tentunya mempunyai pengaruh atau sumbangan penting bagi beberapa jurusan lain, termasuk filsafat bahasa. Filsafat bahasa selalu dipahami dari dua sudut pandang yang berbeda, yaitu pertama sebagai alat untuk menganalisis konsep dan kedua sebagai kajian terhadap materi kebahasaan yang dianalisis. Dalam kaitannya dengan konsep dan analisis, bahasa lahir dari filsafat dalam bentuk ekspresi dan makna. Bentuk bahasa biasanya diwakili oleh tata bahasa, maknanya dibahas secara mendalam dalam kajian semantik. Beberapa filsuf zaman Yunani seperti Plato dengan jelas menggambarkan bentuk-bentuk bahasa yaitu onoma dan rhema. Onoma berfungsi sebagai kata benda atau subjek dan rematik sebagai kata keterangan atau predikat. Dalam dunia pengajaran bahasa, filsafat menawarkan jalan yang sangat luas, dimulai dari teori-teori keterampilan berbahasa yang berbasis pada behaviorisme dan kognitivisme (perangkat pemerolehan bahasa). Dalam praktiknya, penyajian gagasan logis (logos) berpedoman pada teori induktif dan deduktif. Deduktif berpedoman pada aliran rasionalisme yang titik tolaknya dari sesuatu yang umum ke sesuatu yang khusus. Dengan demikian, kita melihat bahwa filsafat dapat memberikan kontribusi atau nuansa positif terhadap perkembangan bahasa, baik secara teoritis maupun praktis.
Sepanjang sejarah peradaban manusia, filsafat telah menjadi ilmu sebagai landasan berpikir yang m... more Sepanjang sejarah peradaban manusia, filsafat telah menjadi ilmu sebagai landasan berpikir yang mendapat perhatian sangat mendalam, karena filsafat merupakan landasan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan. Selama berabadabad ilmu pengetahuan telah dipelajari dan dikembangkan sesuai dengan filsafat ilmu itu sendiri, dan perhatian telah diberikan kepada kehidupan manusia. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan ilmu filsafat tentunya mempunyai pengaruh atau sumbangan penting bagi beberapa jurusan lain, termasuk filsafat bahasa. Filsafat bahasa selalu dipahami dari dua sudut pandang yang berbeda, yaitu pertama sebagai alat untuk menganalisis konsep dan kedua sebagai kajian terhadap materi kebahasaan yang dianalisis. Dalam kaitannya dengan konsep dan analisis, bahasa lahir dari filsafat dalam bentuk ekspresi dan makna. Bentuk bahasa biasanya diwakili oleh tata bahasa, maknanya dibahas secara mendalam dalam kajian semantik. Beberapa filsuf zaman Yunani seperti Plato dengan jelas menggambarkan bentuk-bentuk bahasa yaitu onoma dan rhema. Onoma berfungsi sebagai kata benda atau subjek dan rematik sebagai kata keterangan atau predikat. Dalam dunia pengajaran bahasa, filsafat menawarkan jalan yang sangat luas, dimulai dari teori-teori keterampilan berbahasa yang berbasis pada behaviorisme dan kognitivisme (perangkat pemerolehan bahasa). Dalam praktiknya, penyajian gagasan logis (logos) berpedoman pada teori induktif dan deduktif. Deduktif berpedoman pada aliran rasionalisme yang titik tolaknya dari sesuatu yang umum ke sesuatu yang khusus. Dengan demikian, kita melihat bahwa filsafat dapat memberikan kontribusi atau nuansa positif terhadap perkembangan bahasa, baik secara teoritis maupun praktis.
CANANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Some people in Pandau Jaya village have banana trees in their yards, but most people throw away t... more Some people in Pandau Jaya village have banana trees in their yards, but most people throw away the tree trunks after the fruit is harvested, sometimes the banana stems that have been cut down are only used for fertilizer, animal food or left without further exploiting their potential. For this reason, the Service Team conveyed directly to the community that the waste of the banana stems, if collected, could be used as a useful additive for drilling oil wells, although this is the key to the results of tests conducted at the Petroleum Engineering Laboratory, where the additives are obtained from banana trees. has good quality in covering rock cavities, so as to prevent mud loss during the drilling process. The method used in this community service activity is interactive socialization, discussion and question and answer using supporting facilities and directly to the people of Pandau Jaya Village by providing examples of experimental results that have been carried out at the Petrole...
Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab
This article described the curriculum development of the Arabic Education (AE) Master’s program i... more This article described the curriculum development of the Arabic Education (AE) Master’s program in accordance with the university's vision through research and development of the Borg and Gall’s model with a qualitative approach, data collection through documentation, literature review, and questionnaires for expert validation. The performance of education personnel’s who are less adaptive to the advancement of science and technology is one of the problems faced by the world of education. The cause of this problem is that the education curriculum for education personnel’s is not relevant to the users’ changing needs. Hence, the higher education curriculum needs to be developed according to the demands of social change and the progress of today's science to realize a relevant curriculum. Data analysis was done through the stages of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of the study resulted in a curriculum model which refers to the Indonesian National Qual...
Materials Today: Proceedings
Abstract The Drilling process has the most important main objective is to reach the reservoir zon... more Abstract The Drilling process has the most important main objective is to reach the reservoir zone safely, quickly, and economically. The important component in the drilling process is drilling fluid commonly called by drilling mud. The drilling mud design needs to be properly planned to avoid problems during drilling. The research was conducted for testing the drilling mud rheology by using CMC from carton waste with the addition of Na2CO3, this research was conducted with several scenarios, which in each scenario have different levels of CMC and Na2CO3, from each result can be seen the value of density, viscosity, mud cake, pH, and filtrate volume of each sample. Thus it can be seen the best mud performance from the addition of CMC waste carton waste and Na2CO3 to the drilling mud. The results of this research is the addition of CMC waste carton and Na2CO3 in the dominant drilling mud to rheology and aditive function of CMC in increasing the viscosity were in 5 gr sample with 4.5 gr of Na2CO3 addition, with density value: 8.75 ppg, viscosity: 26 cp, mud cake: 0.54 cm, pH: 12, and filtrate volume: 4.42 ml.
Olahraga merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang sangat digemari oleh banyak masyarakat luas yang tela... more Olahraga merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang sangat digemari oleh banyak masyarakat luas yang telah mendunia dan menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat. Aktivitas olahraga dapat menjadi cara untuk melepaskan diri dari kejenuhan dan tekanan mental akan rutinitas sehari-hari. Olahaga juga berguna memulihkan dan menyegarkan kembali jiwa dan raga sekaligus memberikan kesenangan. Gedung Olahraga Kabupaten Kubu Raya merupakan suatu tempat olahraga yang menyediakan berbagai jenis olahraga yang bersifat indoor yang berada di Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Para pengunjung selain berolahraga juga dapat berekreasi, berkumpul dan menikmati suasana dalam satu kawasan. Keberadaan Gedung Olahraga Kabupaten Kubu Raya dapat menjadi alternatif sarana olahraga dan rekreasi perkotaan yang saat ini masih kurang. Gedung Olahraga juga dapat berpotensi menjadi ikon baru bagi masyarakat yang senang berolahraga di Kalimantan Barat, Khususnya di Kabupaten Kubu Raya dan sekitarnya. Per...
Ar-Ribh : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
This study aims to determine whether the performance of auditors in the Makassar Branch. The meth... more This study aims to determine whether the performance of auditors in the Makassar Branch. The method of sampling technique used was purposive sampling, namely the technique of deliberate sampling. This study uses a simple linear regression analysis method and primary data manager using the SPSS program (Statistical Product and Service Solutions). Based on the results of the testing of the Partial Test (t-Test) the hypothesis is obtained that the Internal Auditor's Performance has a positive and significant influence on the Prevention of Fictional Credit Fraud. Testing the effect of Internal Auditor Performance variables on Fictional Prevention of Fraud can be seen by looking at the value of t count of 3.737 and t table of 2.045 with a significance value of 0.001. The value of t count is greater than t table and the significance value is below 0.05 which indicates a significant effect of the Internal Auditor Performance variable on the Prevention of Fictional Fraud. So that the au...
Ar-Ribh : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
The pawn contract practice conducted by the community in Salohe Village, East Sinjai District, Si... more The pawn contract practice conducted by the community in Salohe Village, East Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency is a rice field pawning. This research is focused to further study whether the practice of paddy pawning which has been carried out by the people of Salohe Village is in accordance with the Shariah economic principles. The problems studied are focused on the understanding of the people of Salohe Village regarding the implementation of paddy pawning and the application of Sharia principles in the implementation of paddy pawning in Salohe Village, East Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency. The method in this research is a qualitative approach. With the data source used is prime data, secondary data and informant data. Data collection uses observation, interviews and documentation. To analyze data, researchers used Data Reduction, Data Presentation and Conclusion Drawing / verification. The results obtained from this study of the implementation of paddy pawning in Salohe Village, Si...
Ar-Ribh : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
The results of the study show that the noble purpose of shari'a creates benefit is the main r... more The results of the study show that the noble purpose of shari'a creates benefit is the main reference in the formulation of the principles of shari'ah accounting, and the fruits of syari'ah accounting are its financial statements. If then this report is used as the basis for business transactions, accountability will be very well maintained. If the principles of shari'ah accounting can be adopted in presenting financial statements, of course the hope is to maintain the existence of financial statements so that they can still be used as the main reference in making business decisions. Descriptions of the performance of a bank both general and shari'ah are usually reflected in reports in the report the finance. The financial statements aim to provide useful information for interested parties in economic capture. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that at PT. Bank Sulselbar Syariah Makassar Branch in the recording process uses the cash basis method, ...
Ar-Ribh : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
This study aims to determine the effect of Dividend Per Share payments on Stock Prices Closing Pr... more This study aims to determine the effect of Dividend Per Share payments on Stock Prices Closing Price of Manufacturing Companies in the Jakarta Islamic Index. The population in this study were all manufacturing companies included in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) of the Indonesia Stock Exchange for 5 years from 2011-2015 which actively published financial reports during the year of observation. The method used in this study is the documentation method, then in analyzing the data used to test the matched hypothesis, namely by quantitative descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen that there is no relationship between the Dividend Per Share on changes in stock prices, this can be seen in PT.ASII during 2012 to 2014, it appears that the Dividend Per Share at PT.ASII has not changed for three years, while the share price always changes for three years. It is also seen in PT. AVR, it is seen that the Dividend Per Share for the past five years has always c...
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, 2019
Activated Carbon (AC) is a material that has porous structure and high surface area. If Activated... more Activated Carbon (AC) is a material that has porous structure and high surface area. If Activated Carbon has long been opened to the air and interacts to the air, The surface of activated carbon can bind molecules from the liquid or gas phases by van der waals force. It can affect decreasing the ability of activated carbon to reduce filtration loss in water-based drilling fluid. The research has been carried out to increase the effectiveness of AC as an additive in drilling process by thermal regeneration of activated carbon using low temperature. This research using several samples that have various regeneration time by heated at 200 • C. The regeneration times are for 0 minute (AC non-regeneration process), 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, and 120 minutes. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) shows the surface morphology and porous size of the sample. The results show that filtration loss decrease with addition time respectively 15 ml, 13.7 ml, 13.1 ml, 12.6 ml, and 12.1 ml. Regeneration process of activated carbon is one of the ways to reuse damaged activated carbon that can control filtration loss until 12.1 ml.
Proceedings of the International Conference of CELSciTech 2019 - Science and Technology track (ICCELST-ST 2019), 2019
One of the problems that is very avoided when oil and gas drilling operations is the filtration l... more One of the problems that is very avoided when oil and gas drilling operations is the filtration loss. The usual and often used additive to overcome this problem is the Carboxymethil Cellulose (CMC) where the CMC is relatively expensive, so research needs to be done using alternative materials or natural ingredients to make it more economical. The alternative material used in this study was corn starch because of its polymer composition and its function fluid loss control and viscosifier. This study was conducted to determine the effect of starch on filtration loss and rheological drilling mud by determining the filtrate volume, mud cake thickness, viscosity, plastic viscosity, gel strength. Corn starch is made by smoothing and filtering corn with gauze, after that it is dried in the sun to dry and do sieve analysis with a size of 200 mesh. Then corn starch with a composition of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 grams mixed with standard mud. Filtration loss testing is done using an Low Pressure Low Temperature (LPLT). Rheological tests such as viscosity use marsh funnel devices while plastic viscosity and gel strength use the Fann VG Meter tool. The results showed that the filtration loss obtained was 14,7-12,7 ml, mud cake thickness of 1,5-1,1 mm, viscosity of 42,38-60,02 cp, plastic viscosity of 4-11 cp, gel strength of 0,2-0,54 (lb / 100 ft2). Mass addition which will reduce filtration loss and mud cake and vice versa with the addition of mass causes increased values of viscosity, plastic viscosity and gel strength.
The low interest of the students in learning PKN is one of this background of making this experim... more The low interest of the students in learning PKN is one of this background of making this experiment. The low interest can effect the bad result, this can be caused by many probabilities such as the way of teaching is not variative. Moreover to overcome the problem, the teacher must apply the competency in making teaching variation. Based on this reality, the writer is interested to make an experiment under the tittle “The Competency in Applying Teaching Variations Can Increase the Students Interest in Learning PKN for Students Grade IX in SMPN 1 Siabu”. While the purpose of this experiment is to know weather there is a significant effect between teaching variation toward the students interest in learning PKN for student grade IX in SMPN 1 Siabu. The type of this experiment is quantitatif by using descriftive method. To collect the data, the writer use questionaire method. The data is processsed quantitativcly. Morder to know weather there is an effect of the teachers competency in ...
Ternak kerbau merupakan salah satu andalan produksi daging Indonesia dalam menghadapi Swasembada ... more Ternak kerbau merupakan salah satu andalan produksi daging Indonesia dalam menghadapi Swasembada Daging Nasional. Peternakan rakyat, belum mampu meningkatkan populasi dan produktivitas ternak karena terkendala oleh berbagai permasalahan salah satunya penyakit. Diantara penyakit ternak yang masih tinggi tingkat prevalensinya di Indonesia adalah infeksi Helminthiasis atau dikenal juga sebagai kecacingan pada ternak kerbau. Dampak infeksi Helminthiasis pada ternak menyebabkan kehilangan nilai ekonomi yang cukup tinggi bagi para peternak. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah menurunnya nilai jual akibat kurang maksimalnya pertambahan berat badan dan peningkatan biaya pengobatan. Laporan kerugian ekonomi akibat ternak terinfeksi Helminthiasis sudah banyak dilaporkan dibeberapa negara, akan tetapi di Indonesia, data yang berisi informasi tersebut dan prevalensi kejadian penyakit ini sangat kurang. Kabupaten Aceh Tengah merupakan daerah peternakan kerbau yang paling utama di Provinsi Aceh, tetapi...
Sumur X pada lapangan Y merupakan sumur dengan permasalahan rangkaian BHA terlepas setelah proses... more Sumur X pada lapangan Y merupakan sumur dengan permasalahan rangkaian BHA terlepas setelah proses pembebasan rangkaian pipa pemboran karena adanya Pack off pada kedalaman 3.360 ft MD. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan tidak adanya return pada saat dilakukan circulation serta tekanan pompa naik secara tiba-tiba. Pack off menyebabkan formasi gugur dan cutting terakumulasi di lubang sumur. Terakumulasinya cutting menjadi penyebab rangkaian terjepit akibat. Perhitungan reactive torque dengan persamaan Frank J Schuh dilakukan untuk mengetahui besarnya nilai torsi yang menyebabkan BHA terlepas dari rangkaian tersebut. Menurut perhitungan yang telah dilakukan, rangkaian BHA lepas terjadi karena torsi reaksi (reactive torque) sebesar 60.240 yang sekitar dua kali lebih daripada nilai make up torque untuk HWDP 5” yaitu sebesar 22.800 Masalah rangkaian BHA lepas dapat ditangani dengan menggunakan metode operasi fishing. Waktu ekonomis fishing yang didapat untuk melakukan kegiatan fish...
Enhanced oil recovery (eor) has been applied in oil field in Indonesiasince 1985. The steamfloodi... more Enhanced oil recovery (eor) has been applied in oil field in Indonesiasince 1985. The steamflooding methodhas successfullyprolong an oil field life up to now. Steamflooding is the establish method to improve recovery of heavy oil in Duri Field. However, other method still under several stage such as field trials, pilot project, and works laboratory. This research present the method to improve oil recovery from mature fields. The method known as enhanced oil recovery. There are three stage to produce oil involving primary recovery, secondary recovery, and tertiary recovery or eor. Currently, majority an oil production under primary recovery (25.34 %) and secondary recovery (19.19 %) stage. Due to the low oil recovery from these methods, remaining oil in place in the reservoirs are huge (more than 50 billion barrel). Enhanced oil recovery is the best way to produce more oil from the mature fields. However, eor method consumesmuchtime and needsbig effort from initiation to implementati...
Solid State Technology, 2020
This paper experimentally analyzes the effect of organic-additive on slurry thickening-time.Moreo... more This paper experimentally analyzes the effect of organic-additive on slurry thickening-time.Moreover, this study introduces a new organic-additive from Durian's Skin -waste (DSW) material, as areplacement additive for common Carboxymethyl-Cellulose (CMC) compound. The various processcontains de-lignification, chemical bleaching, grinding, and sieving is performed to obtain pure DSWadditive. DSW additive is then mixed with the cement and water to form a slurry sample and tested undersetting test procedures to obtain thickening time for each sample. The experiment result shows that higherthickening time is observed for a slurry sample with a high DSW concentration. The temperature effectindicates a short thickening time of the slurry sample. The utilization of organic additive from DSW iseffective for increasing slurry thickening time, means that the possibility to produce local additive is stillopen.
Pedoman penyusunan modul diklat guru pembelajar bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan merupakan petun... more Pedoman penyusunan modul diklat guru pembelajar bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan merupakan petunjuk bagi penyelenggara pelatihan di dalam melaksakan pengembangan modul. Pedoman ini disajikan untuk memberikan informasi tentang penyusunan modul sebagai salah satu bentuk bahan dalam kegiatan Guru Pembelajar bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan.