Ilona Plevová - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ilona Plevová
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Background: Adverse events are indicators of patient safety and quality of care. Adverse events c... more Background: Adverse events are indicators of patient safety and quality of care. Adverse events clearly have negative impacts on healthcare system costs. Organizational and unit characteristics are not very often studied in relation to adverse events. The aim of the study was to find the differences in the incidence of adverse events and healthcare-associated infections in hospitalized patients in Czech acute care hospitals according to type of hospital and type of unit. Methods: This cross-sectional multicentre study was conducted in 105 acute care medical and surgical units located in 14 acute care hospitals throughout the Czech Republic. The data on adverse events and healthcare-associated infections were reported monthly by nurse researchers. The data were collected from June 2020 to October 2020. Results: The incidence of healthcare-associated infections, pressure ulcers, and medication errors was significantly lower in large hospitals. Statistically significant differences hav...
Abstrakt Cíl: Cílem výzkumu bylo zjistit, do jaké míry laparoskopická a laparotomická cholecystek... more Abstrakt Cíl: Cílem výzkumu bylo zjistit, do jaké míry laparoskopická a laparotomická cholecystektomie ovlivňuje pooperační průběh u seniorů. Metodika: Cílovou skupinu tvořilo 59 seniorů nad 65 let věku, u kterých byla od 1. 1. 2010 do 31. 12. 2010 provedena ve Vítkovické nemocnici a. s. cholecystektomie. Šetření bylo realizováno pomocí námi modifikovaného měřícího nástroje Fast-track. Výsledky: Šetřením jsme zjistili, že laparotomická cholecystektomie je pro seniory méně výhodná. U seniorů po otevřené cholecystektomii dochází k pozvolné mobilizaci a soběstačnosti, zvýšenému výskytu pooperační nauzey, zvracení, vyššímu výskytu pooperačních komplikací, pomalé obnově střevní motility a vyprazdňování, k pozvolné realimentaci, delší době hospitalizace a větší intenzitě pooperační bolesti. U seniorů po provedené laparotomické cholecystektomii jsme zjistili vyšší míru zavedení drénů a permanentních močových katétrů. Závěr: Pooperační ošetřovatelská péče by se měla zaměřit na důslednou inf...
Kontakt, 2021
The aim was to identify and characterize instruments for assessing the work environment of nurses... more The aim was to identify and characterize instruments for assessing the work environment of nurses. The sources of information were articles in six electronic databases. Prior to the search, a clinical question was constructed: "Which instruments are suitable for assessing the work environment of hospital nurses?" The query words were practice/work environment, nursing, scale. The search, using Boolean operators and limited to the period of 2010-2020, was performed from May to June 2020. The inclusion criteria were: empirical study, description of methods used, and an available English full text. From a total of 1,212 identified articles, 57 were selected for the final analysis. The studies used as many as 23 instruments. The most common ones were the Practice Environment Scale-Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI) or the variants Practice Environment Scale and Nursing Work Index, followed by Brisbane Practice Environment Measure and Revised Professional Practice Environment. The work environment was assessed along with other variables such as burnout syndrome or workload. Among the numerous instruments for monitoring the work environment, the PES-NWI was most commonly used. The instrument has also been translated into the Czech language. The study results suggest that the quality of the work environment is associated, for example, with nurses' job satisfaction or burnout syndrome, illustrating the importance of this issue in the Czech setting.
Uvod: Uzavěry a stenozy tepen periferniho systemu na dolnich koncetinach jsou řeseny endovaskular... more Uvod: Uzavěry a stenozy tepen periferniho systemu na dolnich koncetinach jsou řeseny endovaskularni intervenci, kdy je nejcastěji využivano perkutanni transluminalni angioplastiky (PTA). Jedna se o terapeutickou metodu, ktera ma sva specifika v osetřovatelske peci po cevni intervenci. Cil: Cilem výzkumneho setřeni bylo zhodnotit osetřovatelskou peci u pacientů po PTA na standardnim odděleni. Metodika: Výzkum probihal ve Vaskularnim centru Vitkovicke nemocnice a.s. v obdobi listopad 2011 až unor 2012, výzkumný soubor tvořilo 191 respondentů. Měřicim nastrojem byl nestandardizovaný dotaznik, analýza zdravotnicke dokumentace, pozorovani. Výsledky: Fisherovým exaktnim testem nebyla prokazana statisticka významnost mezi poctem komplikaci po výkonu u pacientů, kteři byli pouceni o režimových opatřenich sestrou na angiosale a u pacientů, kteři pouceni nebyli anebo byli pouceni nedostatecně. Dale na zakladě testovani pomoci totožneho testu nebyla prokazana statisticka významnost v poctu kom...
Kazuistika ženy s psoriazou, ktera podstoupila biologickou lecbu, přinasi ukazku toho, jaký význa... more Kazuistika ženy s psoriazou, ktera podstoupila biologickou lecbu, přinasi ukazku toho, jaký význam může mit tato moderni lecba pro pacienty s timto celoživotnim onemocněnim. Psoriaza je velmi zatěžujici choroba, při ktere pacienti stradaji nejen po strance fyzicke, ale i psychicke a socialni. Biologicka lecba umožňuje těmto lidem navrat do aktivniho života a výrazně zvysuje jejich kvalitu života.
Missed nursing care, or errors of omission, is an extensive phenomenon of global concern which ha... more Missed nursing care, or errors of omission, is an extensive phenomenon of global concern which has only recently been identified in nurses’ work reality. It refers to any aspect of required care that is omitted either in part or in whole, or delayed. A well-known model of the phenomenon is the Missed Nursing Care Model demonstrating the concept’s antecedents and consequences. The antecedents to missed nursing care are labor resources, material resources and communication/teamwork; these interact with the nursing process and are filtered by the nurse’s internal processes. The consequences of missed nursing care pose threats to patient safety and should be given consideration in policy development. A conceptual framework has been presented that examines the following three concepts: structure (e.g. hospital, patient care unit, individual nursing staff characteristics), process (missed nursing care) and outcomes (staff outcomes including satisfaction with one’s current position and job...
Vnitřní lékařství, 2017
Souhrn Hypertrofická kardiomyopatie je v současnosti chápána jako skupina onemocnění s hypertrofi... more Souhrn Hypertrofická kardiomyopatie je v současnosti chápána jako skupina onemocnění s hypertrofií levé komory, která nevznikla na podkladě adaptačních mechanizmů. V 1. části přehledového článku byly podrobně rozebrány možnosti zobrazení srdce pomocí magnetické rezonance v rámci diagnostiky sarkomerické formy hypertrofické kardiomyopatie, 2. část bude věnována možnostem rozlišení sarkomerické formy od jejích fenokopií. Klíčová slova: fenokopie-hypertrofická kardiomyopatie-magnetická rezonance srdce The role of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Part II Summary Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is currently understood as a group of diseases with left ventricular hypertrophy, which are not based on adaptive mechanisms. The first part of the review details the possibility of cardiac magnetic resonance in the diagnosis of sarcomeric forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the second part will focus on the possibilities of distinguishing the sarcomeric forms from their phenocopies.
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2021
BACKGROUND There is a considerable variability in patterns of missed nursing care (MNC) across di... more BACKGROUND There is a considerable variability in patterns of missed nursing care (MNC) across different hospital, unit, and staff characteristics. AIM The aim of the study was to investigate hospital, unit, and staff variables as the correlates of MNC in Czech hospitals. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted. The STROBE guidelines for reporting observational studies was followed for reporting of the research study. A sample of 513 nurses working in nine acute care hospitals was recruited. MNC activities were measured with the MISSCARE Survey. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and univariate logistic regression. RESULTS Type of unit was confirmed as a significant predictor of MNC. Staff characteristics (nurses' work position, level of education, and perceived adequacy of unit staff) and hospital variables did not contribute significantly to MNC. CONCLUSION The study replicated the patterns of MNC across different conceptual approaches. MNC was influenced by work environment characteristics rather than individual staff variables.
Vnitřní lékařství, 2020
Cíl: Cílem příspěvku je analyzovat vybrané studie zabývající se přidělovanou ošetřovatelskou péčí... more Cíl: Cílem příspěvku je analyzovat vybrané studie zabývající se přidělovanou ošetřovatelskou péčí jako jednoho z indikátoru, který má vliv na výskyt medikačního pochybení. Metody: Popisná přehledová studie. Jednotlivé články a studie byly vyhledány ve vybraných elektronických databázích EBSCO (Academic Search Ultimate, Academic Search Complete), CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE complete, Science-Direct, Central & Eastern European Academic Source. Vyhledávání relevantních prací bylo založeno na základě anglických klíčových slov: unfinished care, omitted care, rationing care, missed care, nursing care, medication errors. Výsledky: Celkem bylo vyhledáno 86 příspěvků. Po vyřazení duplicitních a nerelevantních publikací bylo do hodnocení zařazeno 8 primárních studií a 2 systematické přehledy. Studie byly zaměřeny na přidělovanou či jinak definovanou nestandardně poskytovanou ošetřovatelskou péči nejen ve vztahu k medikačnímu pochybení. Každá studie popisovala vybrané činnosti, které sestry nejvíce opomíjejí v rámci medikace: zhodnocení účinnosti podaných léčiv, chyby při medikaci, podání nesprávných léků nebo dávek, nedodržení času podání, ověření vysoce rizikových léčiv podle protokolu a dodržování pravidel při každém podání. Mezi nejčastějšími faktory, které ovlivňují výskyt vynechané péče, byl nejčastěji zmiňovaným nedostatek personálu, s tím související počet pacientů na sestru, a z toho vyplývající nedostatek času na vybrané činnosti u pacientů. Závěr: I přes rozdílnou metodiku všechny studie vykazovaly shodný fakt, že dopad přidělované, nedokončené, opomíjené či chybějící ošetřovatelské péče může mít či má negativní vliv jak na pacienty, tak na sestry. Jedním z doporučení bylo navýšení počtu sester, zlepšení týmové spolupráce a organizace práce včetně nastavení systémových a preventivních opatření. Klíčová slova: chybějící péče, medikační pochybení, nedokončená péče, opomíjená péče, ošetřovatelská péče, přidělovaná péče. Rationed nursing care as one of the indicators of the occurrence of medication errors Aim: The aim was to analyze selected studies on rationed nursing care as one of the indicators that influence the occurrence of medication errors. Methods: A descriptive review study. Articles and studies were searched in the following selected electronic databases: EBSCO (Academic Search Ultimate, Academic Search Complete), CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE Complete, ScienceDirect and Central & Eastern European Academic Source. The search for relevant sources was based on the following English keywords: unfinished care, omitted care, rationing care, missed care, nursing care, medication errors. Results: Total of 86 contributions found. After duplicit and irrelevant publications were the analysis comprised 8 primary studies and 2 systematic reviews. The studies were concerned with rationed or otherwise defined non-standard nursing care not merely related to medication errors. Each study described selected activities most frequently omitted by nurses with respect to medication: assessment of drug efficacy, medication errors, administration of incorrect drugs or doses, wrong time of administration, high-risk drug protocols and adhering to rules with each administration. The most frequently reported factor influencing the occurrence of missed care was understaffing and the related number of patients per nurse, resulting in a lack of time for selected patient activities.
Hygiena, 2013
Zdravotnictví je vysoce riziková oblast, protože nežádoucí účinky vyplývající z léčby mohou vést ... more Zdravotnictví je vysoce riziková oblast, protože nežádoucí účinky vyplývající z léčby mohou vést k úmrtí, vážným komplikacím a poškození pacienta. Jednou z možností, jak snížit rizika, je zvyšovat bezpečnost a kvalitu poskytované péče jejím vyhodnocováním a to pomocí indikátorů kvality. Cílem příspěvku je seznámení se zajištěním kvality ošetřovatelské péče pomocí vybraných ukazatelů-indikátorů kvality a zdůvodnění jejich významu pro bezpečí pacientů. Klíčová slova: indikátory kvality ošetřovatelské péče, péče ošetřovatelská-kvalita SUMMARY Health care is a high-risk area because undesirable effects resulting from treatment may harm the patient, cause serious complications, or even lead to fatality. One of the options for risk reduction is to improve the safety and quality of provided care through evaluation based on quality indicators. The aim of the paper is to inform about the quality of provided nursing using selected markers-indicators of quality and justification of their significance for patient safety.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
The professional practice environment is a factor that can have a significant impact on missed nu... more The professional practice environment is a factor that can have a significant impact on missed nursing care. The study aimed to find a relationship between nurses’ perceptions of their professional practice environment and missed nursing care and job satisfaction. An additional aim was to find differences in nurses’ perceived rating of the professional practice environment according to hospital location and job position. A descriptive correlational study was performed. The sample included 513 general and practical nurses providing direct care in nine Czech hospitals. The Revised Professional Practice Environment scale and the Missed Nursing Care (MISSCARE) survey were used to collect data. The professional practice environment was most correlated with satisfaction with the current position (0.4879). The overall score of missed care correlated most strongly with the subscale “staff relationships” (−0.2774). Statistically significant differences in the rating of two subscales, “contro...
Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2018
Aim: The objective was to determine whether hazardous substances are safely stored in households.... more Aim: The objective was to determine whether hazardous substances are safely stored in households. Design: A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed. Methods: The sample comprised 300 parents of children attending 20 selected kindergartens. A non-standardized questionnaire developed by the study authors was used. Statistical analyses were carried out using the general linear model, chi-square test, Wilcoxon test, binomial distribution, Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Parents act to prevent unwanted cases of child poisoning in the home setting. There was a statistically significant difference in how household substances were stored (p < 0.001). The largest group of hazardous household substances were cleaners (2,644), of which 676 (26%) in the reach of children. A total of 5,550 hazardous substances were found in households, including 1,215 (22%) items that could be accessed by children. There was a statistically significant differences (p = 0.0484) in the number of substances in the reach of children between parents with the lowest level of education and those with tertiary education. The field of education, type of housing and place of residence had no effect on the proportion of substances unsafely stored in the home setting. Conclusion: Parents keep household substances out of the reach of children to prevent unwanted cases of poisoning. There are substances, however, that are not considered as toxic by parents.
Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2020
Aim: To find an association between missed nursing care and hospital-acquired infections or other... more Aim: To find an association between missed nursing care and hospital-acquired infections or other adverse events. Design: A literature review. Methods: The literature review included full texts of articles published in English in 2009-2018 and obtained by searching the following bibliographic databases: PubMed, Bibliographia Medica Čechoslovaca and ProQuest Central. Twenty-six articles were assessed for eligibility, of which nine articles meeting all the criteria were analyzed in detail. Results: The analyzed studies have confirmed that missed nursing care is associated with hospital-acquired infections, with bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections and pneumonia being most frequent. Apart from hospital-acquired infections and missed nursing care, other adverse events were reported such as pressure ulcers, patient falls and medication error; moreover, patient dissatisfaction rose. Lower levels of missed nursing care were associated with a lower incidence of hospital-acquired infections and other adverse events. Conclusion: Tackling the issue of missed nursing care would contribute to a lower incidence of hospital-acquired infections that harm patient health, prolong hospital stays and considerably increase healthcare costs.
Pielegniarstwo XXI wieku / Nursing in the 21st Century, 2019
Aim. The focus groups aimed to outline the main areas of missed care and identify how the causes,... more Aim. The focus groups aimed to outline the main areas of missed care and identify how the causes, effects and potential solution proposals are perceived. Methods. For the initial part of the research, the focus group method was selected. Three focus groups were organized which comprised 25 nurses working in inpatient wards of healthcare facilities in the Moravian-Silesian Region. Results. Based on the content analysis, four main categories were established: causes and consequences of missed care, missed interventions and suggestions for potential solutions. These were further divided into subcategories. The causes of missed care were related to the nurse’s personality, patient’s personality, healthcare system and management system. Missed interventions were classified into basic nursing care interventions, specialized interventions to be performed by nurses and common activities. The consequences of missed care affect both patients and the staff. The suggestions for potential soluti...
Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2019
Aim: The aims were to summarize studies on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce adverse e... more Aim: The aims were to summarize studies on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce adverse events of the medication error type and, based on the studies, to identify recommendations for preventing medication errors in intensive care units (ICUs). Design: A descriptive review. Methods: To find relevant resources, the SCOPUS and EBSCO electronic databases were searched using the following search words: prevention, medication errors, intensive care unit. Both primary and secondary studies on prevention of medication errors in ICUs were selected. Results: A total of eight primary studies and three systematic reviews were included. The studies showed considerable variability and differed in methods, numbers of monitored events or ways of data collection. The assessed interventions were pharmacist involvement, automated infusion devices, reporting medication errors, strategies to limit interruptions during drug administration, electronic health records together with support systems f...
Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2016
Aim: To determine the level of alcohol consumption in a selected group of adolescents. Design: A ... more Aim: To determine the level of alcohol consumption in a selected group of adolescents. Design: A descriptive cross-sectional study. Methods: The data were obtained using a part of the standardized ESPAD questionnaire for assessing consumption of alcoholic beverages. The sample comprised 422 students from seven secondary schools of different types in the city of Ostrava. For statistical analysis, the chi-squared test and Fisher's exact test (for n ≤ 5) were used. The data were processed using Stata v. 10. Results: More than half of respondents first tried alcohol before the age of 15. The most frequent alcoholrelated problems were unprotected sex, decreased school performance and problems with parents or friends. Incomplete families were found to be an important factor in adolescents preferring and more frequently drinking beer. Conclusion: The study confirmed results reported by the Europe-wide survey ESPAD, namely that adolescents start to drink alcohol as early as before they turn fifteen.
Předchazeni nežadoucim udalostem ve zdravotnickem zařizeni spociva nejen ve vypracovani systemu k... more Předchazeni nežadoucim udalostem ve zdravotnickem zařizeni spociva nejen ve vypracovani systemu kvalitně poskytovane pece, ale hlavně analýze možných přicin a odhaleni krizových oblasti vedouci k nežadoucim udalostem. Klicovým prvkem v předchazeni medikacnich pochybeni je take dobře sestavený tým a efektivni spoluprace vsech jeho clenů. Medikacni pochybeni se řadi mezi nejrizikovějsi indikatory, a proto je nutna důkladna analýza systemu a procesu medikace. Přispěvek přinasi přehled klasifikaci chyb v medikaci a možne analýzy, ktere lze využit nejen v ramci řeseni nežadoucich udalosti, ale take jako preventivni opatřeni v teto problematice. V přehledu uvadime napřiklad Root Cause Analysis (RCA) – Kořenova analýza a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) – Analýza způsobů a dů- sledků poruch.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Background: Adverse events are indicators of patient safety and quality of care. Adverse events c... more Background: Adverse events are indicators of patient safety and quality of care. Adverse events clearly have negative impacts on healthcare system costs. Organizational and unit characteristics are not very often studied in relation to adverse events. The aim of the study was to find the differences in the incidence of adverse events and healthcare-associated infections in hospitalized patients in Czech acute care hospitals according to type of hospital and type of unit. Methods: This cross-sectional multicentre study was conducted in 105 acute care medical and surgical units located in 14 acute care hospitals throughout the Czech Republic. The data on adverse events and healthcare-associated infections were reported monthly by nurse researchers. The data were collected from June 2020 to October 2020. Results: The incidence of healthcare-associated infections, pressure ulcers, and medication errors was significantly lower in large hospitals. Statistically significant differences hav...
Abstrakt Cíl: Cílem výzkumu bylo zjistit, do jaké míry laparoskopická a laparotomická cholecystek... more Abstrakt Cíl: Cílem výzkumu bylo zjistit, do jaké míry laparoskopická a laparotomická cholecystektomie ovlivňuje pooperační průběh u seniorů. Metodika: Cílovou skupinu tvořilo 59 seniorů nad 65 let věku, u kterých byla od 1. 1. 2010 do 31. 12. 2010 provedena ve Vítkovické nemocnici a. s. cholecystektomie. Šetření bylo realizováno pomocí námi modifikovaného měřícího nástroje Fast-track. Výsledky: Šetřením jsme zjistili, že laparotomická cholecystektomie je pro seniory méně výhodná. U seniorů po otevřené cholecystektomii dochází k pozvolné mobilizaci a soběstačnosti, zvýšenému výskytu pooperační nauzey, zvracení, vyššímu výskytu pooperačních komplikací, pomalé obnově střevní motility a vyprazdňování, k pozvolné realimentaci, delší době hospitalizace a větší intenzitě pooperační bolesti. U seniorů po provedené laparotomické cholecystektomii jsme zjistili vyšší míru zavedení drénů a permanentních močových katétrů. Závěr: Pooperační ošetřovatelská péče by se měla zaměřit na důslednou inf...
Kontakt, 2021
The aim was to identify and characterize instruments for assessing the work environment of nurses... more The aim was to identify and characterize instruments for assessing the work environment of nurses. The sources of information were articles in six electronic databases. Prior to the search, a clinical question was constructed: "Which instruments are suitable for assessing the work environment of hospital nurses?" The query words were practice/work environment, nursing, scale. The search, using Boolean operators and limited to the period of 2010-2020, was performed from May to June 2020. The inclusion criteria were: empirical study, description of methods used, and an available English full text. From a total of 1,212 identified articles, 57 were selected for the final analysis. The studies used as many as 23 instruments. The most common ones were the Practice Environment Scale-Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI) or the variants Practice Environment Scale and Nursing Work Index, followed by Brisbane Practice Environment Measure and Revised Professional Practice Environment. The work environment was assessed along with other variables such as burnout syndrome or workload. Among the numerous instruments for monitoring the work environment, the PES-NWI was most commonly used. The instrument has also been translated into the Czech language. The study results suggest that the quality of the work environment is associated, for example, with nurses' job satisfaction or burnout syndrome, illustrating the importance of this issue in the Czech setting.
Uvod: Uzavěry a stenozy tepen periferniho systemu na dolnich koncetinach jsou řeseny endovaskular... more Uvod: Uzavěry a stenozy tepen periferniho systemu na dolnich koncetinach jsou řeseny endovaskularni intervenci, kdy je nejcastěji využivano perkutanni transluminalni angioplastiky (PTA). Jedna se o terapeutickou metodu, ktera ma sva specifika v osetřovatelske peci po cevni intervenci. Cil: Cilem výzkumneho setřeni bylo zhodnotit osetřovatelskou peci u pacientů po PTA na standardnim odděleni. Metodika: Výzkum probihal ve Vaskularnim centru Vitkovicke nemocnice a.s. v obdobi listopad 2011 až unor 2012, výzkumný soubor tvořilo 191 respondentů. Měřicim nastrojem byl nestandardizovaný dotaznik, analýza zdravotnicke dokumentace, pozorovani. Výsledky: Fisherovým exaktnim testem nebyla prokazana statisticka významnost mezi poctem komplikaci po výkonu u pacientů, kteři byli pouceni o režimových opatřenich sestrou na angiosale a u pacientů, kteři pouceni nebyli anebo byli pouceni nedostatecně. Dale na zakladě testovani pomoci totožneho testu nebyla prokazana statisticka významnost v poctu kom...
Kazuistika ženy s psoriazou, ktera podstoupila biologickou lecbu, přinasi ukazku toho, jaký význa... more Kazuistika ženy s psoriazou, ktera podstoupila biologickou lecbu, přinasi ukazku toho, jaký význam může mit tato moderni lecba pro pacienty s timto celoživotnim onemocněnim. Psoriaza je velmi zatěžujici choroba, při ktere pacienti stradaji nejen po strance fyzicke, ale i psychicke a socialni. Biologicka lecba umožňuje těmto lidem navrat do aktivniho života a výrazně zvysuje jejich kvalitu života.
Missed nursing care, or errors of omission, is an extensive phenomenon of global concern which ha... more Missed nursing care, or errors of omission, is an extensive phenomenon of global concern which has only recently been identified in nurses’ work reality. It refers to any aspect of required care that is omitted either in part or in whole, or delayed. A well-known model of the phenomenon is the Missed Nursing Care Model demonstrating the concept’s antecedents and consequences. The antecedents to missed nursing care are labor resources, material resources and communication/teamwork; these interact with the nursing process and are filtered by the nurse’s internal processes. The consequences of missed nursing care pose threats to patient safety and should be given consideration in policy development. A conceptual framework has been presented that examines the following three concepts: structure (e.g. hospital, patient care unit, individual nursing staff characteristics), process (missed nursing care) and outcomes (staff outcomes including satisfaction with one’s current position and job...
Vnitřní lékařství, 2017
Souhrn Hypertrofická kardiomyopatie je v současnosti chápána jako skupina onemocnění s hypertrofi... more Souhrn Hypertrofická kardiomyopatie je v současnosti chápána jako skupina onemocnění s hypertrofií levé komory, která nevznikla na podkladě adaptačních mechanizmů. V 1. části přehledového článku byly podrobně rozebrány možnosti zobrazení srdce pomocí magnetické rezonance v rámci diagnostiky sarkomerické formy hypertrofické kardiomyopatie, 2. část bude věnována možnostem rozlišení sarkomerické formy od jejích fenokopií. Klíčová slova: fenokopie-hypertrofická kardiomyopatie-magnetická rezonance srdce The role of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Part II Summary Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is currently understood as a group of diseases with left ventricular hypertrophy, which are not based on adaptive mechanisms. The first part of the review details the possibility of cardiac magnetic resonance in the diagnosis of sarcomeric forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the second part will focus on the possibilities of distinguishing the sarcomeric forms from their phenocopies.
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2021
BACKGROUND There is a considerable variability in patterns of missed nursing care (MNC) across di... more BACKGROUND There is a considerable variability in patterns of missed nursing care (MNC) across different hospital, unit, and staff characteristics. AIM The aim of the study was to investigate hospital, unit, and staff variables as the correlates of MNC in Czech hospitals. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted. The STROBE guidelines for reporting observational studies was followed for reporting of the research study. A sample of 513 nurses working in nine acute care hospitals was recruited. MNC activities were measured with the MISSCARE Survey. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and univariate logistic regression. RESULTS Type of unit was confirmed as a significant predictor of MNC. Staff characteristics (nurses' work position, level of education, and perceived adequacy of unit staff) and hospital variables did not contribute significantly to MNC. CONCLUSION The study replicated the patterns of MNC across different conceptual approaches. MNC was influenced by work environment characteristics rather than individual staff variables.
Vnitřní lékařství, 2020
Cíl: Cílem příspěvku je analyzovat vybrané studie zabývající se přidělovanou ošetřovatelskou péčí... more Cíl: Cílem příspěvku je analyzovat vybrané studie zabývající se přidělovanou ošetřovatelskou péčí jako jednoho z indikátoru, který má vliv na výskyt medikačního pochybení. Metody: Popisná přehledová studie. Jednotlivé články a studie byly vyhledány ve vybraných elektronických databázích EBSCO (Academic Search Ultimate, Academic Search Complete), CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE complete, Science-Direct, Central & Eastern European Academic Source. Vyhledávání relevantních prací bylo založeno na základě anglických klíčových slov: unfinished care, omitted care, rationing care, missed care, nursing care, medication errors. Výsledky: Celkem bylo vyhledáno 86 příspěvků. Po vyřazení duplicitních a nerelevantních publikací bylo do hodnocení zařazeno 8 primárních studií a 2 systematické přehledy. Studie byly zaměřeny na přidělovanou či jinak definovanou nestandardně poskytovanou ošetřovatelskou péči nejen ve vztahu k medikačnímu pochybení. Každá studie popisovala vybrané činnosti, které sestry nejvíce opomíjejí v rámci medikace: zhodnocení účinnosti podaných léčiv, chyby při medikaci, podání nesprávných léků nebo dávek, nedodržení času podání, ověření vysoce rizikových léčiv podle protokolu a dodržování pravidel při každém podání. Mezi nejčastějšími faktory, které ovlivňují výskyt vynechané péče, byl nejčastěji zmiňovaným nedostatek personálu, s tím související počet pacientů na sestru, a z toho vyplývající nedostatek času na vybrané činnosti u pacientů. Závěr: I přes rozdílnou metodiku všechny studie vykazovaly shodný fakt, že dopad přidělované, nedokončené, opomíjené či chybějící ošetřovatelské péče může mít či má negativní vliv jak na pacienty, tak na sestry. Jedním z doporučení bylo navýšení počtu sester, zlepšení týmové spolupráce a organizace práce včetně nastavení systémových a preventivních opatření. Klíčová slova: chybějící péče, medikační pochybení, nedokončená péče, opomíjená péče, ošetřovatelská péče, přidělovaná péče. Rationed nursing care as one of the indicators of the occurrence of medication errors Aim: The aim was to analyze selected studies on rationed nursing care as one of the indicators that influence the occurrence of medication errors. Methods: A descriptive review study. Articles and studies were searched in the following selected electronic databases: EBSCO (Academic Search Ultimate, Academic Search Complete), CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE Complete, ScienceDirect and Central & Eastern European Academic Source. The search for relevant sources was based on the following English keywords: unfinished care, omitted care, rationing care, missed care, nursing care, medication errors. Results: Total of 86 contributions found. After duplicit and irrelevant publications were the analysis comprised 8 primary studies and 2 systematic reviews. The studies were concerned with rationed or otherwise defined non-standard nursing care not merely related to medication errors. Each study described selected activities most frequently omitted by nurses with respect to medication: assessment of drug efficacy, medication errors, administration of incorrect drugs or doses, wrong time of administration, high-risk drug protocols and adhering to rules with each administration. The most frequently reported factor influencing the occurrence of missed care was understaffing and the related number of patients per nurse, resulting in a lack of time for selected patient activities.
Hygiena, 2013
Zdravotnictví je vysoce riziková oblast, protože nežádoucí účinky vyplývající z léčby mohou vést ... more Zdravotnictví je vysoce riziková oblast, protože nežádoucí účinky vyplývající z léčby mohou vést k úmrtí, vážným komplikacím a poškození pacienta. Jednou z možností, jak snížit rizika, je zvyšovat bezpečnost a kvalitu poskytované péče jejím vyhodnocováním a to pomocí indikátorů kvality. Cílem příspěvku je seznámení se zajištěním kvality ošetřovatelské péče pomocí vybraných ukazatelů-indikátorů kvality a zdůvodnění jejich významu pro bezpečí pacientů. Klíčová slova: indikátory kvality ošetřovatelské péče, péče ošetřovatelská-kvalita SUMMARY Health care is a high-risk area because undesirable effects resulting from treatment may harm the patient, cause serious complications, or even lead to fatality. One of the options for risk reduction is to improve the safety and quality of provided care through evaluation based on quality indicators. The aim of the paper is to inform about the quality of provided nursing using selected markers-indicators of quality and justification of their significance for patient safety.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
The professional practice environment is a factor that can have a significant impact on missed nu... more The professional practice environment is a factor that can have a significant impact on missed nursing care. The study aimed to find a relationship between nurses’ perceptions of their professional practice environment and missed nursing care and job satisfaction. An additional aim was to find differences in nurses’ perceived rating of the professional practice environment according to hospital location and job position. A descriptive correlational study was performed. The sample included 513 general and practical nurses providing direct care in nine Czech hospitals. The Revised Professional Practice Environment scale and the Missed Nursing Care (MISSCARE) survey were used to collect data. The professional practice environment was most correlated with satisfaction with the current position (0.4879). The overall score of missed care correlated most strongly with the subscale “staff relationships” (−0.2774). Statistically significant differences in the rating of two subscales, “contro...
Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2018
Aim: The objective was to determine whether hazardous substances are safely stored in households.... more Aim: The objective was to determine whether hazardous substances are safely stored in households. Design: A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed. Methods: The sample comprised 300 parents of children attending 20 selected kindergartens. A non-standardized questionnaire developed by the study authors was used. Statistical analyses were carried out using the general linear model, chi-square test, Wilcoxon test, binomial distribution, Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Parents act to prevent unwanted cases of child poisoning in the home setting. There was a statistically significant difference in how household substances were stored (p < 0.001). The largest group of hazardous household substances were cleaners (2,644), of which 676 (26%) in the reach of children. A total of 5,550 hazardous substances were found in households, including 1,215 (22%) items that could be accessed by children. There was a statistically significant differences (p = 0.0484) in the number of substances in the reach of children between parents with the lowest level of education and those with tertiary education. The field of education, type of housing and place of residence had no effect on the proportion of substances unsafely stored in the home setting. Conclusion: Parents keep household substances out of the reach of children to prevent unwanted cases of poisoning. There are substances, however, that are not considered as toxic by parents.
Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2020
Aim: To find an association between missed nursing care and hospital-acquired infections or other... more Aim: To find an association between missed nursing care and hospital-acquired infections or other adverse events. Design: A literature review. Methods: The literature review included full texts of articles published in English in 2009-2018 and obtained by searching the following bibliographic databases: PubMed, Bibliographia Medica Čechoslovaca and ProQuest Central. Twenty-six articles were assessed for eligibility, of which nine articles meeting all the criteria were analyzed in detail. Results: The analyzed studies have confirmed that missed nursing care is associated with hospital-acquired infections, with bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections and pneumonia being most frequent. Apart from hospital-acquired infections and missed nursing care, other adverse events were reported such as pressure ulcers, patient falls and medication error; moreover, patient dissatisfaction rose. Lower levels of missed nursing care were associated with a lower incidence of hospital-acquired infections and other adverse events. Conclusion: Tackling the issue of missed nursing care would contribute to a lower incidence of hospital-acquired infections that harm patient health, prolong hospital stays and considerably increase healthcare costs.
Pielegniarstwo XXI wieku / Nursing in the 21st Century, 2019
Aim. The focus groups aimed to outline the main areas of missed care and identify how the causes,... more Aim. The focus groups aimed to outline the main areas of missed care and identify how the causes, effects and potential solution proposals are perceived. Methods. For the initial part of the research, the focus group method was selected. Three focus groups were organized which comprised 25 nurses working in inpatient wards of healthcare facilities in the Moravian-Silesian Region. Results. Based on the content analysis, four main categories were established: causes and consequences of missed care, missed interventions and suggestions for potential solutions. These were further divided into subcategories. The causes of missed care were related to the nurse’s personality, patient’s personality, healthcare system and management system. Missed interventions were classified into basic nursing care interventions, specialized interventions to be performed by nurses and common activities. The consequences of missed care affect both patients and the staff. The suggestions for potential soluti...
Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2019
Aim: The aims were to summarize studies on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce adverse e... more Aim: The aims were to summarize studies on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce adverse events of the medication error type and, based on the studies, to identify recommendations for preventing medication errors in intensive care units (ICUs). Design: A descriptive review. Methods: To find relevant resources, the SCOPUS and EBSCO electronic databases were searched using the following search words: prevention, medication errors, intensive care unit. Both primary and secondary studies on prevention of medication errors in ICUs were selected. Results: A total of eight primary studies and three systematic reviews were included. The studies showed considerable variability and differed in methods, numbers of monitored events or ways of data collection. The assessed interventions were pharmacist involvement, automated infusion devices, reporting medication errors, strategies to limit interruptions during drug administration, electronic health records together with support systems f...
Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2016
Aim: To determine the level of alcohol consumption in a selected group of adolescents. Design: A ... more Aim: To determine the level of alcohol consumption in a selected group of adolescents. Design: A descriptive cross-sectional study. Methods: The data were obtained using a part of the standardized ESPAD questionnaire for assessing consumption of alcoholic beverages. The sample comprised 422 students from seven secondary schools of different types in the city of Ostrava. For statistical analysis, the chi-squared test and Fisher's exact test (for n ≤ 5) were used. The data were processed using Stata v. 10. Results: More than half of respondents first tried alcohol before the age of 15. The most frequent alcoholrelated problems were unprotected sex, decreased school performance and problems with parents or friends. Incomplete families were found to be an important factor in adolescents preferring and more frequently drinking beer. Conclusion: The study confirmed results reported by the Europe-wide survey ESPAD, namely that adolescents start to drink alcohol as early as before they turn fifteen.
Předchazeni nežadoucim udalostem ve zdravotnickem zařizeni spociva nejen ve vypracovani systemu k... more Předchazeni nežadoucim udalostem ve zdravotnickem zařizeni spociva nejen ve vypracovani systemu kvalitně poskytovane pece, ale hlavně analýze možných přicin a odhaleni krizových oblasti vedouci k nežadoucim udalostem. Klicovým prvkem v předchazeni medikacnich pochybeni je take dobře sestavený tým a efektivni spoluprace vsech jeho clenů. Medikacni pochybeni se řadi mezi nejrizikovějsi indikatory, a proto je nutna důkladna analýza systemu a procesu medikace. Přispěvek přinasi přehled klasifikaci chyb v medikaci a možne analýzy, ktere lze využit nejen v ramci řeseni nežadoucich udalosti, ale take jako preventivni opatřeni v teto problematice. V přehledu uvadime napřiklad Root Cause Analysis (RCA) – Kořenova analýza a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) – Analýza způsobů a dů- sledků poruch.