Ivo Pierozzi Junior - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ivo Pierozzi Junior
Proceedings of the 16th CONTECSI International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management, Aug 16, 2019
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 1994
Les stades larvaires de Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn, 1906), important criquet ravageur d... more Les stades larvaires de Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn, 1906), important criquet ravageur de l'état du Mato Grosso au Brésil, sont décrits pour la première fois. Le nombre réel de stades apparaît très supérieur à ce qui était supposé jusqu'à présent. Les principaux critères d'identification de ces stades sont proposés en préalable à de futures études de dynamique des populations.
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 1995
Des attaques de Prionyx thomae (Fabricius) (Hym., Sphecidae) sur Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (... more Des attaques de Prionyx thomae (Fabricius) (Hym., Sphecidae) sur Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn) (Orth., Acrididae) ont été observées dans des zones de savanes de l'état du Mato Grosso au Brésil. Ces régions sont des aires traditionnelles de pullulations pour ce criquet qui est devenu, aprês 1984 et le développement de l'agriculture, une sérieuse source de préoccupations pour les fermiers locaux et les entomologistes. Le comportement d'attaque est décrit et comparé aux données de Ia littérature. Le rôle de cette guêpe comme éventuel agent de contrôle des populations de criquets est discuté.
Journal of technology management & innovation, 2010
Research, development and technological innovation (RD&I) companies promote inter-and intra-organ... more Research, development and technological innovation (RD&I) companies promote inter-and intra-organizational interactions based on the formation of research nets. This arrangement prioritizes the use of competencies of both people and institutions, stimulating the generation of new knowledge and competencies, and consequently technological innovation. The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation-Embrapa, responsible for knowledge generation and technological innovation in the Brazilian agricultural sector, has put a lot of effort into the establishment of a collaborative environment which allows the exchange of information, knowledge and experience among researchers and promote new knowledge, competencies and technological innovation. The present paper discusses conceptual bases and presents a model of collaborative environment established by the above-mentioned corporation in order to favor the learning and the production of innovative solutions in agricultural research nets.
Ontology in Information Science, 2018
In organizational management, it is highly recommended that data and information be adequately pr... more In organizational management, it is highly recommended that data and information be adequately prepared to match the knowledge needed to be used in decision-making processes. However, faced with the paradigm of complexity that currently dictates the dynamics of modern organizations, there is still a search for operational solutions that allow agility and flexibility to corporate information flows to meet that desired condition. In this context, the concept of data and information governance presents itself as a fundamental premise because it systematizes, reorganizes and reorients each element of the organizational system (people, processes, structures, etc.) without losing the notion of its contexts and causalities. For this, in the conceptual modelling of governance, the concept of systemism arises to support the balance between holistic and reductionist approaches, inherent in management processes, but often considered antagonistic or contradictory. The present chapter presents and discusses a data and information governance model for research and development (R&D) organizations. The model is based upon the concepts of data, information and knowledge life cycles and knowledge mapping, recovering and valuing the ontological nature of the elements of the system under analysis and constructing a pragmatic proposal for corporate application and operation.
Ontology in Information Science, 2018
In organizational management, it is highly recommended that data and information be adequately pr... more In organizational management, it is highly recommended that data and information be adequately prepared to match the knowledge needed to be used in decision-making processes. However, faced with the paradigm of complexity that currently dictates the dynamics of modern organizations, there is still a search for operational solutions that allow agility and flexibility to corporate information flows to meet that desired condition. In this context, the concept of data and information governance presents itself as a fundamental premise because it systematizes, reorganizes and reorients each element of the organizational system (people, processes, structures, etc.) without losing the notion of its contexts and causalities. For this, in the conceptual modelling of governance, the concept of systemism arises to support the balance between holistic and reductionist approaches, inherent in management processes, but often considered antagonistic or contradictory. The present chapter presents and discusses a data and information governance model for research and development (R&D) organizations. The model is based upon the concepts of data, information and knowledge life cycles and knowledge mapping, recovering and valuing the ontological nature of the elements of the system under analysis and constructing a pragmatic proposal for corporate application and operation.
Knowledge Organization for a Sustainable World: Challenges and Perspectives for Cultural, Scientific, and Technological Sharing in a Connected Society, 2016
Although ontologies have potential in knowledge representation, they must be tested for the guara... more Although ontologies have potential in knowledge representation, they must be tested for the guaranty of quality. The ontology evaluation is one way to ensure the quality of ontology. Therefore the guiding objective of this research is to evaluate a domain ontology using a data-driven ontology evaluation proposal. The research methodology is based on a proposal for a data-driven ontology evaluation developed by Brewster et al (2004). The results obtained in this research, so far, have been helpful because it was possible to achieve the proposed objective. We could implement a proposal for ontology evaluation based on a text corpus by adaptations to the context of research and to the ontology evaluated in this study.
portuguesEste estudo investigou e aplicou um modelo de reengenharia de tesauros tradicionais para... more portuguesEste estudo investigou e aplicou um modelo de reengenharia de tesauros tradicionais para tornar o sistema de relacoes entre os conceitos em uma estrutura semântica rica. O modelo selecionado para a aplicacao foi desenvolvido por Soergel et al. (2004) e Lau-ser et al. (2006). Esse modelo e composto por tres etapas e envolve a melhoria e explicitacao formal das relacoes semânticas em um tesauro. A reengenharia foi aplicada no tesauro brasileiro THESAGRO, do dominio da Agricultura, no recorte tematico da Inten-sificacao Agropecuaria. A metodologia incluiu o uso das ferramentas: (a) Sistema e-Termos, para o gerenciamento da terminologia; e (b) Extrator de Ter-mos, software que permite a comparacao automatica da terminologia de diferentes tesauros. Os resultados demonstraram a viabilidade da utilizacao do modelo aplicado na reengenharia de tesauros tradicionais, uma vez que permitiu modelar e obter uma estrutura mais semanticamente enriquecida. Concluiu-se que o refinamento das ...
Geoinformation is essential to plan and monitor agricultural activities, justifying efforts to ga... more Geoinformation is essential to plan and monitor agricultural activities, justifying efforts to gather and standardize it according to governmental guidelines and to make it available to decision makers and general public. This work aims on presenting the experience of Embrapa on building its Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). This SDI, called GeoInfo, is an initiative to organize, preserve, document and offer geodata produced by the company, in order to increase the application of this information in the production and diffusion of knowledge and innovation. GeoInfo implements the guidelines of the Brazilian National Spatial Data Infrastructure and enables scientific geodata interoperability, encompassing semantics. GeoInfo SDI promotes redundancy of efforts avoidance in obtaining and producing geodata. This initiative enables the integration of geospatial information produced at Embrapa with many other public information sources available worldwide.
Trata-se de uma pesquisa em andamento, que se apoia em revisao bibliografica nas areas da Ciencia... more Trata-se de uma pesquisa em andamento, que se apoia em revisao bibliografica nas areas da Ciencia da Informacao, Ciencia da Computacao e Linguistica. Tem por objetivo criar um instrumento de representacao da informacao no formato de um hipertexto navegacional sobre o dominio da agropecuaria brasileira. Propoe-se sistematizar uma metodologia para conversao de texto linear em hipertexto que possa auxiliar o processo de construcao de hipertextos semanticamente enriquecidos. Aborda conceitos relacionados a producao hipertextual, verificando a existencia de metodologias de conversao de hipertexto, seja de forma automatica ou intelectual. Parte-se do pressuposto de que os estudos que abarcam metodologias sobre esse processo de conversao nao deixam explicitos todos os procedimentos que sao necessarios para organizacao conceitual de hipertextos de forma consistente.
Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, 1993
Identification of Natural Mortality Factors ofAnthonomusgrandis Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) ... more Identification of Natural Mortality Factors ofAnthonomusgrandis Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Immature Stages, in the Region of Campinas, SP. Natural mortality factors ofAnthonomusgrandis Boh. were identified utilizing signs and symptoms encountered in the boli weevil sites of reproduction and development. External and internal exarninations of these attacked sites reveal the cause of death and the boil weevil developmental phase in which death occurred. An identification key of natural mortality factors of this insect pest is also presented. Boil weevil mortality in bolls in the plant was identified, by internal examination of these sites, with parasioids, mainly Bracon spp., being the most important mortality factor of A. grandis.
Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, 1993
Biological and Behavioral Aspects of Anthonomus grandis Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Main Par... more Biological and Behavioral Aspects of Anthonomus grandis Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Main Parasitoids, in Campinas, SP. Biological and behavioral aspects of four main species of boil weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boh. hymenopteran ectoparasitoids, occurring in the Campinas region, state of São Paulo, Brazil, were studied under laboratory conditions. Bracon vulgaris Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) showed to be easily adapted to artificial rearing conditions, Females oviposited an average of 2.08 egg/host; egg incubation period varied from 24 to 36 hours; larvae passed through four instars and completed their development in 4.0 days; the sarne duration time was observed for pupal stage. The longevity of mated adults was in average 41.11 days for females and 31.72 days for males. Last instar larvae of Plodia interpunctella (Hueb.) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) were used with success as alternative host, in the absence of A. grandis, during the winter. Informations about three other parasitoids species, Bracon sp., Cataloccus grandis (Burks) (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) e Eupelmus cushmani (Hymenoptera, Eupelmidae) are also presented.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2016
h i g h l i g h t s • Describes interoperability issues in an ontology engineering process. • Pre... more h i g h l i g h t s • Describes interoperability issues in an ontology engineering process. • Presents the design of a cross domain large ontology. • Presents experiences of using the ontology in an information recovery scenario.
2014 IEEE 23rd International WETICE Conference, 2014
The advance of web collaborative systems brought new possibilities for the research of complex in... more The advance of web collaborative systems brought new possibilities for the research of complex interdisciplinary topics by means of scientific multidisciplinary networks. Potentially, computational systems can support the management of multifaceted and large scale data sources, providing valuable and indispensable information for the researches. However, these solutions rely on semantic interoperability problems as well as the construction of complex knowledge representation models. This paper describes interoperability issues on the engineering process of the OntoAgroHidro, an ontology to represent knowledge about impacts of agricultural activities on water resources, as well as the impacts from possible climatic changes. The paper also presents representative scenarios and questions, and discusses the reuse and integration of concepts using knowledge visualization techniques.
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1995
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 1995
Animals greater than 1 mm, found among tangled tubes of Phyllochaetopterus socialis (Chaetopterid... more Animals greater than 1 mm, found among tangled tubes of Phyllochaetopterus socialis (Chaetopteridae) from Araçá Beach, São Sebastião district, Brazil, were studied for 1 year, with four samples in each of four seasons. They comprised 10 338 individuals in 1722•7 g dry weight of polychaete tubes, with Echinodermata, Polychaeta (not identified to species) and Crustacea as the dominant taxa. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index did not vary seasonally, only two species (a holothurian and a pycnogonid) showing seasonal variation. Ophiactis savignyi was the dominant species, providing 45•5% of individuals. Three other ophiuroids, the holothurian Synaptula hidriformis, the crustaceans Leptochelia savignyi, Megalobrachium soriatum and Synalpheus fritzmuelleri, the sipunculan Themiste alutacea and the bivalve Hiatella arctica were all abundant, but most of the 68 species recorded occurred sparsely. The assemblage associated with P. socialis was similar to the endofauna of the sponge Zygomycale parishii and the bryozoan Schizoporella unicornis, and to the epifauna of seaweed Sargassum cymosum, all of which occurred nearby. 1995 Academic Press Limited
Simpôsio brasileiro …, 1996
Abstract. Since the 1980's, populations of the grasshopper Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (R... more Abstract. Since the 1980's, populations of the grasshopper Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn, 1906)(Acrididae, Gomphocerinae) have caused damage to the agriculture in savanna areas of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The pullulations occur ...
Proceedings of the 16th CONTECSI International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management, Aug 16, 2019
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 1994
Les stades larvaires de Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn, 1906), important criquet ravageur d... more Les stades larvaires de Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn, 1906), important criquet ravageur de l'état du Mato Grosso au Brésil, sont décrits pour la première fois. Le nombre réel de stades apparaît très supérieur à ce qui était supposé jusqu'à présent. Les principaux critères d'identification de ces stades sont proposés en préalable à de futures études de dynamique des populations.
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 1995
Des attaques de Prionyx thomae (Fabricius) (Hym., Sphecidae) sur Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (... more Des attaques de Prionyx thomae (Fabricius) (Hym., Sphecidae) sur Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn) (Orth., Acrididae) ont été observées dans des zones de savanes de l'état du Mato Grosso au Brésil. Ces régions sont des aires traditionnelles de pullulations pour ce criquet qui est devenu, aprês 1984 et le développement de l'agriculture, une sérieuse source de préoccupations pour les fermiers locaux et les entomologistes. Le comportement d'attaque est décrit et comparé aux données de Ia littérature. Le rôle de cette guêpe comme éventuel agent de contrôle des populations de criquets est discuté.
Journal of technology management & innovation, 2010
Research, development and technological innovation (RD&I) companies promote inter-and intra-organ... more Research, development and technological innovation (RD&I) companies promote inter-and intra-organizational interactions based on the formation of research nets. This arrangement prioritizes the use of competencies of both people and institutions, stimulating the generation of new knowledge and competencies, and consequently technological innovation. The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation-Embrapa, responsible for knowledge generation and technological innovation in the Brazilian agricultural sector, has put a lot of effort into the establishment of a collaborative environment which allows the exchange of information, knowledge and experience among researchers and promote new knowledge, competencies and technological innovation. The present paper discusses conceptual bases and presents a model of collaborative environment established by the above-mentioned corporation in order to favor the learning and the production of innovative solutions in agricultural research nets.
Ontology in Information Science, 2018
In organizational management, it is highly recommended that data and information be adequately pr... more In organizational management, it is highly recommended that data and information be adequately prepared to match the knowledge needed to be used in decision-making processes. However, faced with the paradigm of complexity that currently dictates the dynamics of modern organizations, there is still a search for operational solutions that allow agility and flexibility to corporate information flows to meet that desired condition. In this context, the concept of data and information governance presents itself as a fundamental premise because it systematizes, reorganizes and reorients each element of the organizational system (people, processes, structures, etc.) without losing the notion of its contexts and causalities. For this, in the conceptual modelling of governance, the concept of systemism arises to support the balance between holistic and reductionist approaches, inherent in management processes, but often considered antagonistic or contradictory. The present chapter presents and discusses a data and information governance model for research and development (R&D) organizations. The model is based upon the concepts of data, information and knowledge life cycles and knowledge mapping, recovering and valuing the ontological nature of the elements of the system under analysis and constructing a pragmatic proposal for corporate application and operation.
Ontology in Information Science, 2018
In organizational management, it is highly recommended that data and information be adequately pr... more In organizational management, it is highly recommended that data and information be adequately prepared to match the knowledge needed to be used in decision-making processes. However, faced with the paradigm of complexity that currently dictates the dynamics of modern organizations, there is still a search for operational solutions that allow agility and flexibility to corporate information flows to meet that desired condition. In this context, the concept of data and information governance presents itself as a fundamental premise because it systematizes, reorganizes and reorients each element of the organizational system (people, processes, structures, etc.) without losing the notion of its contexts and causalities. For this, in the conceptual modelling of governance, the concept of systemism arises to support the balance between holistic and reductionist approaches, inherent in management processes, but often considered antagonistic or contradictory. The present chapter presents and discusses a data and information governance model for research and development (R&D) organizations. The model is based upon the concepts of data, information and knowledge life cycles and knowledge mapping, recovering and valuing the ontological nature of the elements of the system under analysis and constructing a pragmatic proposal for corporate application and operation.
Knowledge Organization for a Sustainable World: Challenges and Perspectives for Cultural, Scientific, and Technological Sharing in a Connected Society, 2016
Although ontologies have potential in knowledge representation, they must be tested for the guara... more Although ontologies have potential in knowledge representation, they must be tested for the guaranty of quality. The ontology evaluation is one way to ensure the quality of ontology. Therefore the guiding objective of this research is to evaluate a domain ontology using a data-driven ontology evaluation proposal. The research methodology is based on a proposal for a data-driven ontology evaluation developed by Brewster et al (2004). The results obtained in this research, so far, have been helpful because it was possible to achieve the proposed objective. We could implement a proposal for ontology evaluation based on a text corpus by adaptations to the context of research and to the ontology evaluated in this study.
portuguesEste estudo investigou e aplicou um modelo de reengenharia de tesauros tradicionais para... more portuguesEste estudo investigou e aplicou um modelo de reengenharia de tesauros tradicionais para tornar o sistema de relacoes entre os conceitos em uma estrutura semântica rica. O modelo selecionado para a aplicacao foi desenvolvido por Soergel et al. (2004) e Lau-ser et al. (2006). Esse modelo e composto por tres etapas e envolve a melhoria e explicitacao formal das relacoes semânticas em um tesauro. A reengenharia foi aplicada no tesauro brasileiro THESAGRO, do dominio da Agricultura, no recorte tematico da Inten-sificacao Agropecuaria. A metodologia incluiu o uso das ferramentas: (a) Sistema e-Termos, para o gerenciamento da terminologia; e (b) Extrator de Ter-mos, software que permite a comparacao automatica da terminologia de diferentes tesauros. Os resultados demonstraram a viabilidade da utilizacao do modelo aplicado na reengenharia de tesauros tradicionais, uma vez que permitiu modelar e obter uma estrutura mais semanticamente enriquecida. Concluiu-se que o refinamento das ...
Geoinformation is essential to plan and monitor agricultural activities, justifying efforts to ga... more Geoinformation is essential to plan and monitor agricultural activities, justifying efforts to gather and standardize it according to governmental guidelines and to make it available to decision makers and general public. This work aims on presenting the experience of Embrapa on building its Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). This SDI, called GeoInfo, is an initiative to organize, preserve, document and offer geodata produced by the company, in order to increase the application of this information in the production and diffusion of knowledge and innovation. GeoInfo implements the guidelines of the Brazilian National Spatial Data Infrastructure and enables scientific geodata interoperability, encompassing semantics. GeoInfo SDI promotes redundancy of efforts avoidance in obtaining and producing geodata. This initiative enables the integration of geospatial information produced at Embrapa with many other public information sources available worldwide.
Trata-se de uma pesquisa em andamento, que se apoia em revisao bibliografica nas areas da Ciencia... more Trata-se de uma pesquisa em andamento, que se apoia em revisao bibliografica nas areas da Ciencia da Informacao, Ciencia da Computacao e Linguistica. Tem por objetivo criar um instrumento de representacao da informacao no formato de um hipertexto navegacional sobre o dominio da agropecuaria brasileira. Propoe-se sistematizar uma metodologia para conversao de texto linear em hipertexto que possa auxiliar o processo de construcao de hipertextos semanticamente enriquecidos. Aborda conceitos relacionados a producao hipertextual, verificando a existencia de metodologias de conversao de hipertexto, seja de forma automatica ou intelectual. Parte-se do pressuposto de que os estudos que abarcam metodologias sobre esse processo de conversao nao deixam explicitos todos os procedimentos que sao necessarios para organizacao conceitual de hipertextos de forma consistente.
Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, 1993
Identification of Natural Mortality Factors ofAnthonomusgrandis Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) ... more Identification of Natural Mortality Factors ofAnthonomusgrandis Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Immature Stages, in the Region of Campinas, SP. Natural mortality factors ofAnthonomusgrandis Boh. were identified utilizing signs and symptoms encountered in the boli weevil sites of reproduction and development. External and internal exarninations of these attacked sites reveal the cause of death and the boil weevil developmental phase in which death occurred. An identification key of natural mortality factors of this insect pest is also presented. Boil weevil mortality in bolls in the plant was identified, by internal examination of these sites, with parasioids, mainly Bracon spp., being the most important mortality factor of A. grandis.
Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, 1993
Biological and Behavioral Aspects of Anthonomus grandis Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Main Par... more Biological and Behavioral Aspects of Anthonomus grandis Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Main Parasitoids, in Campinas, SP. Biological and behavioral aspects of four main species of boil weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boh. hymenopteran ectoparasitoids, occurring in the Campinas region, state of São Paulo, Brazil, were studied under laboratory conditions. Bracon vulgaris Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) showed to be easily adapted to artificial rearing conditions, Females oviposited an average of 2.08 egg/host; egg incubation period varied from 24 to 36 hours; larvae passed through four instars and completed their development in 4.0 days; the sarne duration time was observed for pupal stage. The longevity of mated adults was in average 41.11 days for females and 31.72 days for males. Last instar larvae of Plodia interpunctella (Hueb.) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) were used with success as alternative host, in the absence of A. grandis, during the winter. Informations about three other parasitoids species, Bracon sp., Cataloccus grandis (Burks) (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) e Eupelmus cushmani (Hymenoptera, Eupelmidae) are also presented.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2016
h i g h l i g h t s • Describes interoperability issues in an ontology engineering process. • Pre... more h i g h l i g h t s • Describes interoperability issues in an ontology engineering process. • Presents the design of a cross domain large ontology. • Presents experiences of using the ontology in an information recovery scenario.
2014 IEEE 23rd International WETICE Conference, 2014
The advance of web collaborative systems brought new possibilities for the research of complex in... more The advance of web collaborative systems brought new possibilities for the research of complex interdisciplinary topics by means of scientific multidisciplinary networks. Potentially, computational systems can support the management of multifaceted and large scale data sources, providing valuable and indispensable information for the researches. However, these solutions rely on semantic interoperability problems as well as the construction of complex knowledge representation models. This paper describes interoperability issues on the engineering process of the OntoAgroHidro, an ontology to represent knowledge about impacts of agricultural activities on water resources, as well as the impacts from possible climatic changes. The paper also presents representative scenarios and questions, and discusses the reuse and integration of concepts using knowledge visualization techniques.
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1995
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 1995
Animals greater than 1 mm, found among tangled tubes of Phyllochaetopterus socialis (Chaetopterid... more Animals greater than 1 mm, found among tangled tubes of Phyllochaetopterus socialis (Chaetopteridae) from Araçá Beach, São Sebastião district, Brazil, were studied for 1 year, with four samples in each of four seasons. They comprised 10 338 individuals in 1722•7 g dry weight of polychaete tubes, with Echinodermata, Polychaeta (not identified to species) and Crustacea as the dominant taxa. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index did not vary seasonally, only two species (a holothurian and a pycnogonid) showing seasonal variation. Ophiactis savignyi was the dominant species, providing 45•5% of individuals. Three other ophiuroids, the holothurian Synaptula hidriformis, the crustaceans Leptochelia savignyi, Megalobrachium soriatum and Synalpheus fritzmuelleri, the sipunculan Themiste alutacea and the bivalve Hiatella arctica were all abundant, but most of the 68 species recorded occurred sparsely. The assemblage associated with P. socialis was similar to the endofauna of the sponge Zygomycale parishii and the bryozoan Schizoporella unicornis, and to the epifauna of seaweed Sargassum cymosum, all of which occurred nearby. 1995 Academic Press Limited
Simpôsio brasileiro …, 1996
Abstract. Since the 1980's, populations of the grasshopper Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (R... more Abstract. Since the 1980's, populations of the grasshopper Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn, 1906)(Acrididae, Gomphocerinae) have caused damage to the agriculture in savanna areas of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The pullulations occur ...