Jerzy Kozielski - (original) (raw)
Papers by Jerzy Kozielski
Advances in Respiratory Medicine, 2015
The proper care of cystic fibrosis patients extends over their lifetime. More than half of the ch... more The proper care of cystic fibrosis patients extends over their lifetime. More than half of the children with the disease die before adulthood. An important element in the patient’s care is a time of transition from a paediatric to the care of an internist and the patient’s acceptance of this necessity. Transition from paediatric care to an internist should be adequately prepared. It is not only a question of transfer of medical records, but also careful preparation of patients for such transition. The patients expect not only continuity of care but also the Introduction to the management with the disease. The creation of a base for specialist hospital treatment for exacerbation of the disease at the adulthood is an important element in the care of these patients. The problem has been solved in the children group, but is still waiting for solution in adults with cystic fibrosis. It has been proven that care in the centres carried out by a specialized team ensures longer life and bett...
Wêz³y ch³onne nadobojczykowe oraz wêz³y ch³onne zlokalizowane nad miêoeniami pochy³ymi znajduj¹ s... more Wêz³y ch³onne nadobojczykowe oraz wêz³y ch³onne zlokalizowane nad miêoeniami pochy³ymi znajduj¹ siê na drodze odp³ywu ch³onki z p³uc i oeródpiersia [1-3]. Wynik badania histopatologicznego tych grup wêz³ów ch³onnych mo¿e wnosiae informacje na temat etiologii zmian w obrêbie klatki piersiowej.
Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Rosnąca liczba pacjentów pozostających w stanie immunosupresji sprawia, że zwiększa się liczba pr... more Rosnąca liczba pacjentów pozostających w stanie immunosupresji sprawia, że zwiększa się liczba przypadków gruźlicy o nietypowym przebiegu oraz odsetek postaci pozapłucnych gruźlicy. Zajęcie narządu ruchu stanowi co piąty przypadek gruźlicy pozapłucnej. Postawienie właściwego rozpoznania często nastręcza dużych trudności z powodu braku charakterystycznych objawów, jak również rzadkiego współwystępowania aktywnych zmian gruźliczych w badaniach obrazowych układu oddechowego. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek pacjentki leczonej immunosupresyjnie z powodu rozpoznania zapalenia mięśni, u której rozpoznano gruźlicę układu ruchu, w postaci zajęcia pochewek ścięgnistych i wytworzenia torbieli galaretowej.
Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Zespół Barda to zespół chorobowy związany z prosowatym rozsiewem raka żołądka do płuc. Stanowi on... more Zespół Barda to zespół chorobowy związany z prosowatym rozsiewem raka żołądka do płuc. Stanowi on trudny problem diagnostyczny z uwagi na konieczność różnicowania z wieloma jednostkami chorobowymi manifestującymi się w zdjęciu radiologicznym klatki piersiowej poprzez zmiany rozsiane w miąższu płucnym. Pierwotne ognisko nowotworu w żołądku pozostaje często nieme klinicznie, mimo zaawansowania procesu rozrostowego. Zmiany przerzutowe powodują wiele objawów z zakresu układu oddechowego kierujących proces diagnostyczny w kierunku pierwotnej patologii płucnej. Zespół Barda powinien być zawsze brany pod uwagę w procesie diagnostyczno- różnicowym zmian rozsianych, zwłaszcza z powodu częstości występowania raka żołądka. W pracy przedstawiono dwa przypadki pacjentów, u których w badaniach obrazowych uwidoczniono rozsiane zmiany płucne odpowiadające przerzutom raka żołądka.
Advances in respiratory medicine, Feb 18, 2013
BMC pulmonary medicine, Jan 5, 2015
Angiogenesis is an important process involved in the pathogenesis of diffuse parenchymal lung dis... more Angiogenesis is an important process involved in the pathogenesis of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases. The aim of the study was to compare the angiogenic profile of patients with sarcoidosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) based on analysis of circulating factors. Serum concentrations of angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2), follistatin, granulocyte-macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin-8 (IL-8), platelet derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB), platelet endothelial cellular adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) and vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) were measured in the patients and the healthy subjects. Serum concentrations of G-CSF, follistatin, PECAM-1 and IL-8 were significantly higher in the IPF patients in comparison with the control group and the sarcoid patients. PDGF-BB concentrations were also significantly higher in serum of IPF patients than in sarcoid patients, but not than in the controls. In contrast, Ang-2 and VEGF concentrations did not differ significan...
The benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in individuals with chronic lung diseases such as c... more The benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in individuals with chronic lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis (CF) and interstitial lung disease (ILD) have been well docu¬mented. Yet evidence-based guidelines for PR in pre-and post-lung transplant patients have not been developed. In this study the authors present preliminary results of an observational cohort study of pulmonary rehabilitation with Nordic walking (PR-NW) in patients referred for lung transplantation in Poland. In a small group of patients (10 pts), after 12 weeks of PR-NW the authors observed significant improvement in the distance walked in the 6min walk test (6MWT) without any adverse events. It appears that exercise is safe and benefi¬cial for people with severe end-stage chronic lung disease who are awaiting lung transplantation and Nordic walking should be recommended for future research in this patient population.
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska, 2015
Occurrence of alert pathogens in patients hospitalised in the department of lung diseases Występo... more Occurrence of alert pathogens in patients hospitalised in the department of lung diseases Występowanie patogenów alarmowych u chorych hospitalizowanych na oddziale chorób płuc The authors declare no finacial disclosure
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska, 2015
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska, 2015
Introduction: There are more than 10 million prisoners in the world. Tuberculosis incidence is 10... more Introduction: There are more than 10 million prisoners in the world. Tuberculosis incidence is 10−100 times higher in prisoners than in the general population. Inmates have close contact with other prisoners and with prison workers and visitors, so tubercle bacilli may be easily spread. Most of the inmates come back to normal life and contact with the general population. The aim of the study was to assess active tuberculosis incidence among prisoners and homeless persons in the Silesia region. Material and methods: In total 897 people entered the study, of whom 720 were Silesian penitentiary system inmates, and 177 were homeless. BACTEC MGIT fast TB detection system and GenoType Mycobacteria Direct test were used. Drug susceptibility testing was done using SIRE KIT and PZA KIT. Results: Tuberculosis was diagnosed in 13 out of 897 persons (1.45%): in 11 out of 720 inmates (1.53%) and in 2 out of 177 homeless persons (1.13%). Data concerning drug susceptibility were obtained for 11 persons. M. tuberculosis strains isolated from eight persons were susceptible to four first-line antituberculosis drugs (streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol), while M. tuberculosis strains isolated from three persons were drug-resistant. One out of three isolated strains was resistant to ethambutol, but susceptible to streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampin, and pirazynamide. The second strain was resistant to streptomycin and pyrazinamide but susceptible to isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol. The third strain was susceptible to rifampin but resistant to the other four tested drugs. According to the obtained data, culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis was 100 times more frequent in the examined population than in the general population of the Silesia region in the same period of time. Conclusions: The health project enabled effective detection of tuberculosis in risk groups and should be continued in the following years. The set of the applied diagnostic methods allowed the detection of in the studied subpopulations people suffering from tuberculosis. Patients were treated with antituberculosis drugs that would stop them from spreading the disease to other people.
Polish Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 2012
Cień okrągły w obrazie radiologicznym płuc jest ważnym objawem chorób o różnej etiologii, w tym n... more Cień okrągły w obrazie radiologicznym płuc jest ważnym objawem chorób o różnej etiologii, w tym nowotworów płuc. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorego z zapaleniem płuc, z obrazem radiologicznym cienia okrągłego sugerującym nowotwór. Omówiono diagnostykę różnicową pojedynczego cienia okrągłego w tkance płucnej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zmian zapalnych.
European Respiratory Journal, 1994
A 25 year old, nonsmoking white male was admitted to the Emergency Department following suicidal ... more A 25 year old, nonsmoking white male was admitted to the Emergency Department following suicidal aspirin poisoning. After gastric lavage and X-ray examination, he was transferred to the Pulmonology Department with suspicion of right lung partial atelectasis, probably due to aspiration of a foreign body. He had a history of repeated bronchial infections with dyspnoea, since early childhood. There was no available medical documentation from a period of hospitalization at the age of 12 yrs. On admission to the Pulmonology Department, the patient was in good general condition. He complained of cough and dyspnoea on exercise. His body temperature was 37.6°C. Physical examination revealed a narrow right hemithorax, and wheezes and rhonchi, especially in the right CASE FOR DIAGNOSIS
Chirurgia Plastyczna i Oparzenia / Plastic Surgery & Burns
Pandemia COVID-19 stanowi poważne obciążenie dla sektorów ochrony zdrowia na świecie. Znaczna czę... more Pandemia COVID-19 stanowi poważne obciążenie dla sektorów ochrony zdrowia na świecie. Znaczna część objawów, potencjalnych powikłań oraz zgonów wynika z zajęcia układu oddechowego. Ograniczona liczba metod terapeutycznych o potwierdzonej naukowo skuteczności warunkuje konieczność poszukiwania nowych sposobów zwalczania zakażenia oraz podejmowania prób zastosowania klasycznych metod terapii, takich jak tlenoterapia hiperbaryczna. W niniejszym artykule omówiono patofizjologię COVID-19, ze wskazaniem potencjalnych elementów mogących świadczyć o skuteczności terapii hiperbarycznej. Opisano wpływ tlenoterapii pod zwiększonym ciśnieniem na procesy fizjologiczne, a także podsumowano zakończone i trwające prace badawcze nad wpływem tlenoterapii hiperbarycznej na przebieg choroby COVID-19.
Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy
European Respiratory Journal, 2015
Jornal de pediatria, 2005
A publicação do artigo de La Scala et al. 1 é relevante e oportuno por abordar um assunto de gran... more A publicação do artigo de La Scala et al. 1 é relevante e oportuno por abordar um assunto de grande importância em relação à asma em crianças, embora seja pouco difundido no Brasil. Hoje sabemos que é uma doença complexa, cuja abordagem, certamente, deve ir além dos parâmetros objetivos de função pulmonar 2. Nesse sentido, se a educação do paciente asmático é fundamental, o que o paciente tem a dizer sobre sua doença também deveria ser.
Oncology in Clinical Practice
Background. A high percentage of false positive results, observed in lung cancer screening studie... more Background. A high percentage of false positive results, observed in lung cancer screening studies with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT), caused the modification of radiological assessment methods. According to the International Early Lung Cancer Action Program (IELCAP) all non-calcified nodules with a dimension ≥ 4 mm were considered as positive. Implementation of classification the Lung CT screening Reporting and Data System (Lung-RADS ®) recommends additional testing only for nodules ≥ 6 mm, which reduced of false positive results. Methods. We provided a retrospective analysis of 601 LDCT scans, in asymptomatic volunteers of Pilot Silesian Study of Early Lung Cancer Detection, with at least 20 pack-years of cigarette smoking. The analysis of non-and invasive interventions was done. Assessment of nodules according to the Lung-RADS ® system was done. Then the percentage of interventions that could be avoided using the Lung-RADS ® criteria was estimated. Results. In total, 1016 nodules were identified in 265 participants. The positive result of screening was defined as a presence of solid or part-solid nodule ≥ 5 mm and ≥ 8 mm in the case of a nonsolid nodule in line with the IELCAP protocol. Screening based on the IELCAP protocol resulted in 200 positive results and based on Lung-RADS ® in the 116 positives. The frequency of lung cancers among participants with a positive result was 7 of 200 (4.0%) (95% CI: 1.0%, 6.0%) for IELCAP and 7 of 116 (6.0%) (95% CI: 2.7%, 9.3%) for Lung-RADS ®. The Lung-RADS ® criteria reduced number of non-and invasive procedures by 48.8% and 24.1%, compared to IELCAP protocol. Conclusions. Adopting the Lung-RADS ® classification system may reduce harms and improve the efficiency of lung cancer screening programs.
Advances in Respiratory Medicine, 2015
The proper care of cystic fibrosis patients extends over their lifetime. More than half of the ch... more The proper care of cystic fibrosis patients extends over their lifetime. More than half of the children with the disease die before adulthood. An important element in the patient’s care is a time of transition from a paediatric to the care of an internist and the patient’s acceptance of this necessity. Transition from paediatric care to an internist should be adequately prepared. It is not only a question of transfer of medical records, but also careful preparation of patients for such transition. The patients expect not only continuity of care but also the Introduction to the management with the disease. The creation of a base for specialist hospital treatment for exacerbation of the disease at the adulthood is an important element in the care of these patients. The problem has been solved in the children group, but is still waiting for solution in adults with cystic fibrosis. It has been proven that care in the centres carried out by a specialized team ensures longer life and bett...
Wêz³y ch³onne nadobojczykowe oraz wêz³y ch³onne zlokalizowane nad miêoeniami pochy³ymi znajduj¹ s... more Wêz³y ch³onne nadobojczykowe oraz wêz³y ch³onne zlokalizowane nad miêoeniami pochy³ymi znajduj¹ siê na drodze odp³ywu ch³onki z p³uc i oeródpiersia [1-3]. Wynik badania histopatologicznego tych grup wêz³ów ch³onnych mo¿e wnosiae informacje na temat etiologii zmian w obrêbie klatki piersiowej.
Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Rosnąca liczba pacjentów pozostających w stanie immunosupresji sprawia, że zwiększa się liczba pr... more Rosnąca liczba pacjentów pozostających w stanie immunosupresji sprawia, że zwiększa się liczba przypadków gruźlicy o nietypowym przebiegu oraz odsetek postaci pozapłucnych gruźlicy. Zajęcie narządu ruchu stanowi co piąty przypadek gruźlicy pozapłucnej. Postawienie właściwego rozpoznania często nastręcza dużych trudności z powodu braku charakterystycznych objawów, jak również rzadkiego współwystępowania aktywnych zmian gruźliczych w badaniach obrazowych układu oddechowego. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek pacjentki leczonej immunosupresyjnie z powodu rozpoznania zapalenia mięśni, u której rozpoznano gruźlicę układu ruchu, w postaci zajęcia pochewek ścięgnistych i wytworzenia torbieli galaretowej.
Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Zespół Barda to zespół chorobowy związany z prosowatym rozsiewem raka żołądka do płuc. Stanowi on... more Zespół Barda to zespół chorobowy związany z prosowatym rozsiewem raka żołądka do płuc. Stanowi on trudny problem diagnostyczny z uwagi na konieczność różnicowania z wieloma jednostkami chorobowymi manifestującymi się w zdjęciu radiologicznym klatki piersiowej poprzez zmiany rozsiane w miąższu płucnym. Pierwotne ognisko nowotworu w żołądku pozostaje często nieme klinicznie, mimo zaawansowania procesu rozrostowego. Zmiany przerzutowe powodują wiele objawów z zakresu układu oddechowego kierujących proces diagnostyczny w kierunku pierwotnej patologii płucnej. Zespół Barda powinien być zawsze brany pod uwagę w procesie diagnostyczno- różnicowym zmian rozsianych, zwłaszcza z powodu częstości występowania raka żołądka. W pracy przedstawiono dwa przypadki pacjentów, u których w badaniach obrazowych uwidoczniono rozsiane zmiany płucne odpowiadające przerzutom raka żołądka.
Advances in respiratory medicine, Feb 18, 2013
BMC pulmonary medicine, Jan 5, 2015
Angiogenesis is an important process involved in the pathogenesis of diffuse parenchymal lung dis... more Angiogenesis is an important process involved in the pathogenesis of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases. The aim of the study was to compare the angiogenic profile of patients with sarcoidosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) based on analysis of circulating factors. Serum concentrations of angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2), follistatin, granulocyte-macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin-8 (IL-8), platelet derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB), platelet endothelial cellular adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) and vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) were measured in the patients and the healthy subjects. Serum concentrations of G-CSF, follistatin, PECAM-1 and IL-8 were significantly higher in the IPF patients in comparison with the control group and the sarcoid patients. PDGF-BB concentrations were also significantly higher in serum of IPF patients than in sarcoid patients, but not than in the controls. In contrast, Ang-2 and VEGF concentrations did not differ significan...
The benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in individuals with chronic lung diseases such as c... more The benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in individuals with chronic lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis (CF) and interstitial lung disease (ILD) have been well docu¬mented. Yet evidence-based guidelines for PR in pre-and post-lung transplant patients have not been developed. In this study the authors present preliminary results of an observational cohort study of pulmonary rehabilitation with Nordic walking (PR-NW) in patients referred for lung transplantation in Poland. In a small group of patients (10 pts), after 12 weeks of PR-NW the authors observed significant improvement in the distance walked in the 6min walk test (6MWT) without any adverse events. It appears that exercise is safe and benefi¬cial for people with severe end-stage chronic lung disease who are awaiting lung transplantation and Nordic walking should be recommended for future research in this patient population.
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska, 2015
Occurrence of alert pathogens in patients hospitalised in the department of lung diseases Występo... more Occurrence of alert pathogens in patients hospitalised in the department of lung diseases Występowanie patogenów alarmowych u chorych hospitalizowanych na oddziale chorób płuc The authors declare no finacial disclosure
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska, 2015
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska, 2015
Introduction: There are more than 10 million prisoners in the world. Tuberculosis incidence is 10... more Introduction: There are more than 10 million prisoners in the world. Tuberculosis incidence is 10−100 times higher in prisoners than in the general population. Inmates have close contact with other prisoners and with prison workers and visitors, so tubercle bacilli may be easily spread. Most of the inmates come back to normal life and contact with the general population. The aim of the study was to assess active tuberculosis incidence among prisoners and homeless persons in the Silesia region. Material and methods: In total 897 people entered the study, of whom 720 were Silesian penitentiary system inmates, and 177 were homeless. BACTEC MGIT fast TB detection system and GenoType Mycobacteria Direct test were used. Drug susceptibility testing was done using SIRE KIT and PZA KIT. Results: Tuberculosis was diagnosed in 13 out of 897 persons (1.45%): in 11 out of 720 inmates (1.53%) and in 2 out of 177 homeless persons (1.13%). Data concerning drug susceptibility were obtained for 11 persons. M. tuberculosis strains isolated from eight persons were susceptible to four first-line antituberculosis drugs (streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol), while M. tuberculosis strains isolated from three persons were drug-resistant. One out of three isolated strains was resistant to ethambutol, but susceptible to streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampin, and pirazynamide. The second strain was resistant to streptomycin and pyrazinamide but susceptible to isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol. The third strain was susceptible to rifampin but resistant to the other four tested drugs. According to the obtained data, culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis was 100 times more frequent in the examined population than in the general population of the Silesia region in the same period of time. Conclusions: The health project enabled effective detection of tuberculosis in risk groups and should be continued in the following years. The set of the applied diagnostic methods allowed the detection of in the studied subpopulations people suffering from tuberculosis. Patients were treated with antituberculosis drugs that would stop them from spreading the disease to other people.
Polish Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 2012
Cień okrągły w obrazie radiologicznym płuc jest ważnym objawem chorób o różnej etiologii, w tym n... more Cień okrągły w obrazie radiologicznym płuc jest ważnym objawem chorób o różnej etiologii, w tym nowotworów płuc. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorego z zapaleniem płuc, z obrazem radiologicznym cienia okrągłego sugerującym nowotwór. Omówiono diagnostykę różnicową pojedynczego cienia okrągłego w tkance płucnej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zmian zapalnych.
European Respiratory Journal, 1994
A 25 year old, nonsmoking white male was admitted to the Emergency Department following suicidal ... more A 25 year old, nonsmoking white male was admitted to the Emergency Department following suicidal aspirin poisoning. After gastric lavage and X-ray examination, he was transferred to the Pulmonology Department with suspicion of right lung partial atelectasis, probably due to aspiration of a foreign body. He had a history of repeated bronchial infections with dyspnoea, since early childhood. There was no available medical documentation from a period of hospitalization at the age of 12 yrs. On admission to the Pulmonology Department, the patient was in good general condition. He complained of cough and dyspnoea on exercise. His body temperature was 37.6°C. Physical examination revealed a narrow right hemithorax, and wheezes and rhonchi, especially in the right CASE FOR DIAGNOSIS
Chirurgia Plastyczna i Oparzenia / Plastic Surgery & Burns
Pandemia COVID-19 stanowi poważne obciążenie dla sektorów ochrony zdrowia na świecie. Znaczna czę... more Pandemia COVID-19 stanowi poważne obciążenie dla sektorów ochrony zdrowia na świecie. Znaczna część objawów, potencjalnych powikłań oraz zgonów wynika z zajęcia układu oddechowego. Ograniczona liczba metod terapeutycznych o potwierdzonej naukowo skuteczności warunkuje konieczność poszukiwania nowych sposobów zwalczania zakażenia oraz podejmowania prób zastosowania klasycznych metod terapii, takich jak tlenoterapia hiperbaryczna. W niniejszym artykule omówiono patofizjologię COVID-19, ze wskazaniem potencjalnych elementów mogących świadczyć o skuteczności terapii hiperbarycznej. Opisano wpływ tlenoterapii pod zwiększonym ciśnieniem na procesy fizjologiczne, a także podsumowano zakończone i trwające prace badawcze nad wpływem tlenoterapii hiperbarycznej na przebieg choroby COVID-19.
Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy
European Respiratory Journal, 2015
Jornal de pediatria, 2005
A publicação do artigo de La Scala et al. 1 é relevante e oportuno por abordar um assunto de gran... more A publicação do artigo de La Scala et al. 1 é relevante e oportuno por abordar um assunto de grande importância em relação à asma em crianças, embora seja pouco difundido no Brasil. Hoje sabemos que é uma doença complexa, cuja abordagem, certamente, deve ir além dos parâmetros objetivos de função pulmonar 2. Nesse sentido, se a educação do paciente asmático é fundamental, o que o paciente tem a dizer sobre sua doença também deveria ser.
Oncology in Clinical Practice
Background. A high percentage of false positive results, observed in lung cancer screening studie... more Background. A high percentage of false positive results, observed in lung cancer screening studies with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT), caused the modification of radiological assessment methods. According to the International Early Lung Cancer Action Program (IELCAP) all non-calcified nodules with a dimension ≥ 4 mm were considered as positive. Implementation of classification the Lung CT screening Reporting and Data System (Lung-RADS ®) recommends additional testing only for nodules ≥ 6 mm, which reduced of false positive results. Methods. We provided a retrospective analysis of 601 LDCT scans, in asymptomatic volunteers of Pilot Silesian Study of Early Lung Cancer Detection, with at least 20 pack-years of cigarette smoking. The analysis of non-and invasive interventions was done. Assessment of nodules according to the Lung-RADS ® system was done. Then the percentage of interventions that could be avoided using the Lung-RADS ® criteria was estimated. Results. In total, 1016 nodules were identified in 265 participants. The positive result of screening was defined as a presence of solid or part-solid nodule ≥ 5 mm and ≥ 8 mm in the case of a nonsolid nodule in line with the IELCAP protocol. Screening based on the IELCAP protocol resulted in 200 positive results and based on Lung-RADS ® in the 116 positives. The frequency of lung cancers among participants with a positive result was 7 of 200 (4.0%) (95% CI: 1.0%, 6.0%) for IELCAP and 7 of 116 (6.0%) (95% CI: 2.7%, 9.3%) for Lung-RADS ®. The Lung-RADS ® criteria reduced number of non-and invasive procedures by 48.8% and 24.1%, compared to IELCAP protocol. Conclusions. Adopting the Lung-RADS ® classification system may reduce harms and improve the efficiency of lung cancer screening programs.