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astrophysics by Jacques Fleuret



I proposed a new expansion force to explain Universe expansion without Dark Matter. In this paper... more I proposed a new expansion force to explain Universe expansion without Dark Matter. In this paper, it is shown that this force can be deduced from Bohmian Quantum Mechanics, introducing a bridge between QM and Astrophysics. This approach could clarify the present questions about the Hubble « Constant » measurements and give information about the real mass content of the Universe and its repartition.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a new generalized space expansion dynamics applied to the rotation of galaxies and Tully Fisher law

Astrophys. Space Sci., 350-2 (2014),769, 2014

Up to now, the rotational velocities of galaxies are not clearly understood and the experimental ... more Up to now, the rotational velocities of galaxies are not clearly understood and the experimental Tully Fisher rule, linking the total galactic mass to the fourth power of the velocity, through an acceleration coefficient of about 10-10 m/s 2 has not found a deep theoretical explanation. Tentative proposals (MOND theory of a modified Newton's law and extraneous dark matter) do not bring a definite clarification. We propose here a new approach to this problem, without exotic matter and using the classical Newton force. But we introduce a new additional universal acceleration, which could represent a universal expansion law valid at the scale level of a galaxy. We show that this hypothesis leads to a good description of the observed variations of the galactic transverse velocity. It can be considered as a consequence of the Scale Expansion Cosmos theory (SEC) introduced by J. Masreliez, but we postulate that the space expansion acceleration universally applies at any scale. We obtain a formal derivation of the Tully Fisher law, linking the constant galactic transverse velocity to its total mass, via the universal minimum acceleration. We derive a good estimate of the TF acceleration coefficient and show that expansion should be proportional to the square root of the local volumic mass density. Our conjecture is in fact a new dynamics principle which could be applied to many other physical problems at different scales. Applying it to the range of the solar planet system confirms the well known Kepler laws, at least as a valid approximation for the order of magnitude of the solar system.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gravity and dual gravity: proposals for an inhomogeneous expanding universe

I proposed a new expansion force to explain the flat rotation curves of plane galaxies, in a Newt... more I proposed a new expansion force to explain the flat rotation curves of plane galaxies, in a Newtonian approach in 2016. This force is validated here in General Relativity for an inhomogeneous radially symmetrical universe. It can be deduced from the solution of Einstein's equation with a cosmological constant. A pseudo-Schwarzschild "twin-potential" metric is considered, with two different potentials for the space and time dimensions. The expansion force results as a repulsive dual gravity. Negative masses are needed. The necessary mass repartitions are computed, in connection with the radial dynamics and the expansion rate's evolution. A linear model and a quadratic model are studied, connected with the observation representations of a universe in accelerated expansion. It is a first step towards a better representation of an inhomogeneous universe. The framework can be applied to deduce the universe mass repartition form the measured values of the expansion rate variation. Résumé J'ai proposé en 2016 une nouvelle force d'expansion pour expliquer les courbes de rotation plates des galaxies spirales dans une approche Newtonienne. Cette force est validée ici dans le cadre de la Relativité Générale pour un univers inhomogène à symétrie radiale. On peut la déduire comme solution de l'équation d'Einstein avec Constante Cosmologique. On considère une métrique à « potentiels jumelés », avec deux potentiels différents pour les dimensions spatiales et temporelles. Il en résulte une force d'expansion agissant comme une gravité duale répulsive. Il faut des masses négatives. On calcule les répartitions de masses nécessaires, en liaison avec la dynamique radiale et l'évolution du taux d'expansion. On étudie un modèle linéaire et un modèle quadratique, en lien avec les représentations d'un univers observé en expansion accélérée. Il s'agit là d'une première étape vers une meilleure représentation d'un univers inhomogène. Ce cadre peut être appliqué pour déduire la répartition de masses de l'univers à partir des valeurs mesurées du taux d'expansion.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cosmic expansion acceleration and negative matter

PHYSICS ESSAYS 32, 2 (2019), 2019

To explain galactic flat rotation curves, I proposed in a previous paper to introduce a new "cosm... more To explain galactic flat rotation curves, I proposed in a previous paper to introduce a new "cosmic expansion acceleration," with Newton's gravity being unchanged. In this paper, this acceleration is applied to 3D radially symmetric systems. It is found that it is equivalent to a precise negative mass repartition, acting as Newtonian (anti-) gravity. It is shown that the transverse velocity remains constant, due to the transverse part of the acceleration. The model can be applied to (expanding or imploding) radial systems made of gas, dust, stars, or galaxies. Concerning the universe, it is applied in the two cases of exponential expansion and accelerated expansion. It is shown that the model is in conformity with the present observed data, and the needed mass densities are computed. The energy balance is also examined (showing that the expansion acceleration work and mass erosion combine to contribute to the increase in the total mass), together with the proportion of radial/lateral force works. The model predicts an equal amount of positive and negative masses in the "inner" regions of the universe, but an excess of negative masses in the outskirts, which could explain the observed bubbles with "empty" spaces in the large-scale regions. It opens the way to the easiest simulation of the expansion acceleration influence. More generally, this proposal appears to be an alternative to the other models used to describe the same phenomena, such as dark matter and energy and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). V C 2019 Physics Essays Publication. R esum e: Dans un pr ec edent article, j'ai propos e une nouvelle "acc el eration d'expansion cosmique" pour expliquer les courbes de rotation plates des vitesses galactiques, tout en maintenant inchang ee la gravit e de Newton. Dans cet article, cette acc el eration est appliqu ee a des systèmes 3 D a sym etrie radiale. On trouve qu'elle est equivalente a une r epartition de masse n egative pr ecise, agissant comme une (anti-) gravit e newtonienne. On montre que la vitesse transversale reste constante, a cause de la partie transverse de l'acc el eration. Ce modèle peutêtre appliqu e a des systèmes a sym etrie radiale, constitu es de gaz, de poussières, d' etoiles ou de galaxies (en expansion ou en implosion). En ce qui concerne l'univers, il est appliqu e aux deux cas de l'expansion exponentielle et de l'expansion acc el er ee. Le modèle se r evèleêtre en conformit e avec les donn ees actuellement observ ees et les densit es massiques n ecessaires sont calcul ees. L' equilibre energ etique est aussi examin e (montrant que le travail de l'acc el eration d'expansion et l' erosion de masse se combinent pour contribuer a l'accroissement de la masse totale), ainsi que la proportion du travail des forces radiale et lat erale. Le modèle pr edit l' equilibre des masses positives et n egatives dans les r egions "internes" de l'univers, mais un excès de masses n egatives a la p eriph erie, ce qui pourrait expliquer l'observation a large echelle de bulles d'espaces "vides." Il permet d'envisager de simuler plus facilement l'influence de l'acc el eration d'expansion. Plus g en eralement, cette proposition de masse n egative se pr esente comme une alternative aux autres mod elisations actuellement utilis ees pour d ecrire les mêmes ph enomènes, telles que: la matière noire et l' energie noire, Dynamique Newtonienne Modifi ee (MOND), etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of New expansion dynamics applied to the planar structures of satellite galaxies and space structuration

New expansion dynamics applied to the planar structures of satellite galaxies and space structuration, 2016

Recent observations of Dwarf Satellite Galaxies (DSG) show that they have a clear tendency to sta... more Recent observations of Dwarf Satellite Galaxies (DSG) show that they have a clear tendency to stay in particular planes. Explanations with standard physics remain controversial. Recently, I proposed a new explanation of the galactic flat rotation curves, introducing a new cosmic acceleration due to expansion. In this paper, I apply this new acceleration to the dynamics of DSG's (without dark matter). I show that this new acceleration implies planar structures for the DSG trajectories. More generally, it is shown that this acceleration produces a space structuration around any massive center. It remains a candidate to explain several cosmic observations without dark matter.

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Research paper thumbnail of Expansion as a consequence of a rest-mass erosion theory, Astrophysics and Space Science Date: april 2015

Astrophysics & Space Science, 2015

I propose a new paradigm to understand expansion. In a non-preserving mass theory, space expansio... more I propose a new paradigm to understand expansion. In a non-preserving mass theory, space expansion is driven by a slow continuous mass (or energy) erosion process. I show that this proposal is formally equivalent to an additional cosmic “evolution” force, which was suggested previously to explain the flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies.
The energy equation shows how expansion is related to gravitation and mass erosion.
According to this theory, the fundamental rectilinear movement is exponential in time. More generally, it is also shown how space, time and mass are inter-dependent. A cosmological equation is then obtained, similar to the FRW equation. This proposal confirms Masreliez’s SEC theory and is a candidate to replace dark matter and dark energy hypotheses.

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Image Processing by Jacques Fleuret

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of a binary transcoding single filter used for character recognition, J. FLeuret, H. Maitre

Optics Communications, 1976

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Research paper thumbnail of Détection angulaire d'ondes planes de surface par analyse de Fourier, J. Fleuret, C. Haiman, l'Onde électrique, v.56, n°6-7, p. 313, 1976

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification des défauts de prise de vue entachant une image, H. Maitre, J. Fleuret

Annales Des Télécommunications, 1977

Les auteurs présentent deux méthodes permettant d’identifier les défauts dégradant une image par ... more Les auteurs présentent deux méthodes permettant d’identifier les défauts dégradant une image par suite d’erreurs de prises de vue : défocalisation, mouvement uniforme, vibrations. Ces méthodes nécessitent la numérisation de l’image. Elles utilisent une modélisation du signal et tiennent compte du bruit présent dans le cliché. La première étudie les déformations introduites sur la fonction d’autocorrélation, la seconde réalise une détection statistique de zéros dans le plan de Fourier de l’image. Des résultats sont présentés pour des images réelles. Leur précision est tout à fait compatible avec les exigences des méthodes de correction tant optiques que numériques. The authors present here two methods susceptible to identify the defects which degrade image because of mistakes introduced while the photograp is beeing taken : bad focusing, uniform speed motion, harmonic vibrations. These methods are numerical and make it necessary to numerize the image. They are based on a modelization of signal, and take into account the noise present in the snapshot. The first one concerns transformations induced on the autocorrelation function, while the second one realizes a statistical detection of zeroes in the Fourier plane of the image. Results are given for real images : their precision is quite consistent with the requirements of correction methods, wether optical or numerical.

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Research paper thumbnail of Image deblurring by convolution with an impulse response operator, J. Fleuret, H. Maitre, E. Cheval

Optics Communications, 1977

Classical holographic methods for image correction by synthesis of the filter transfer function c... more Classical holographic methods for image correction by synthesis of the filter transfer function carry well known drawbacks that can be avoided by use of the impulse response of the filter. An Impulse Response Operator can thus be generated and used in either coherent or in non-coherent processing. In both these fields we present a verification of this assumption for a

Research paper thumbnail of Détermination de l'histogramme des tailles de particules circulaires par traitement numérique du spectre de Fraunhofer, J.F. Théry, J.Fleuret, H. Maitre

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of coloured patterns by a hybrid  system, J. Fleuret, A.M. Hamed, opto, n°11, p. 27, mai-aout 1982

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Research paper thumbnail of Geometrical invariances in images: A hybrid characterization method

Optics Communications, 1983

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Image Degradations

Digital Image Processing and Analysis, 1977

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Research paper thumbnail of Pattern Recognition by Hybrid Image Processing

Digital Image Processing and Analysis, 1977

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Research paper thumbnail of Device for determining the histogram of sizes of particles

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>Characterization Of Periodicities In Images By A Video Optical Feedback Method</title>

Applications of Digital Image Processing V, 1983

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Optical processing & computing by Jacques Fleuret

Research paper thumbnail of Etude d'un filtre dérivateur à niveaux discrétisés, J. FLeuret, H. Maitre, Nouv. Rev. D'Opt. Appl. t.13,n°4, p. 175, 1972

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Research paper thumbnail of Un laser à verre dopé au néodyme fortement cohérent, C. Aplin, J.Fleuret, N.Gaggioli, Rev. Phys. Appl. p.841, 5 déc. A970

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Research paper thumbnail of Recientes Progressos en holographia dinamica a longitud de onda infrarojjo de 1,06 micron, J. Fleuret, N. Gaggioli, Acta Scientifica, v.3, n°3-4, p. 131, 1970

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I proposed a new expansion force to explain Universe expansion without Dark Matter. In this paper... more I proposed a new expansion force to explain Universe expansion without Dark Matter. In this paper, it is shown that this force can be deduced from Bohmian Quantum Mechanics, introducing a bridge between QM and Astrophysics. This approach could clarify the present questions about the Hubble « Constant » measurements and give information about the real mass content of the Universe and its repartition.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a new generalized space expansion dynamics applied to the rotation of galaxies and Tully Fisher law

Astrophys. Space Sci., 350-2 (2014),769, 2014

Up to now, the rotational velocities of galaxies are not clearly understood and the experimental ... more Up to now, the rotational velocities of galaxies are not clearly understood and the experimental Tully Fisher rule, linking the total galactic mass to the fourth power of the velocity, through an acceleration coefficient of about 10-10 m/s 2 has not found a deep theoretical explanation. Tentative proposals (MOND theory of a modified Newton's law and extraneous dark matter) do not bring a definite clarification. We propose here a new approach to this problem, without exotic matter and using the classical Newton force. But we introduce a new additional universal acceleration, which could represent a universal expansion law valid at the scale level of a galaxy. We show that this hypothesis leads to a good description of the observed variations of the galactic transverse velocity. It can be considered as a consequence of the Scale Expansion Cosmos theory (SEC) introduced by J. Masreliez, but we postulate that the space expansion acceleration universally applies at any scale. We obtain a formal derivation of the Tully Fisher law, linking the constant galactic transverse velocity to its total mass, via the universal minimum acceleration. We derive a good estimate of the TF acceleration coefficient and show that expansion should be proportional to the square root of the local volumic mass density. Our conjecture is in fact a new dynamics principle which could be applied to many other physical problems at different scales. Applying it to the range of the solar planet system confirms the well known Kepler laws, at least as a valid approximation for the order of magnitude of the solar system.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gravity and dual gravity: proposals for an inhomogeneous expanding universe

I proposed a new expansion force to explain the flat rotation curves of plane galaxies, in a Newt... more I proposed a new expansion force to explain the flat rotation curves of plane galaxies, in a Newtonian approach in 2016. This force is validated here in General Relativity for an inhomogeneous radially symmetrical universe. It can be deduced from the solution of Einstein's equation with a cosmological constant. A pseudo-Schwarzschild "twin-potential" metric is considered, with two different potentials for the space and time dimensions. The expansion force results as a repulsive dual gravity. Negative masses are needed. The necessary mass repartitions are computed, in connection with the radial dynamics and the expansion rate's evolution. A linear model and a quadratic model are studied, connected with the observation representations of a universe in accelerated expansion. It is a first step towards a better representation of an inhomogeneous universe. The framework can be applied to deduce the universe mass repartition form the measured values of the expansion rate variation. Résumé J'ai proposé en 2016 une nouvelle force d'expansion pour expliquer les courbes de rotation plates des galaxies spirales dans une approche Newtonienne. Cette force est validée ici dans le cadre de la Relativité Générale pour un univers inhomogène à symétrie radiale. On peut la déduire comme solution de l'équation d'Einstein avec Constante Cosmologique. On considère une métrique à « potentiels jumelés », avec deux potentiels différents pour les dimensions spatiales et temporelles. Il en résulte une force d'expansion agissant comme une gravité duale répulsive. Il faut des masses négatives. On calcule les répartitions de masses nécessaires, en liaison avec la dynamique radiale et l'évolution du taux d'expansion. On étudie un modèle linéaire et un modèle quadratique, en lien avec les représentations d'un univers observé en expansion accélérée. Il s'agit là d'une première étape vers une meilleure représentation d'un univers inhomogène. Ce cadre peut être appliqué pour déduire la répartition de masses de l'univers à partir des valeurs mesurées du taux d'expansion.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cosmic expansion acceleration and negative matter

PHYSICS ESSAYS 32, 2 (2019), 2019

To explain galactic flat rotation curves, I proposed in a previous paper to introduce a new "cosm... more To explain galactic flat rotation curves, I proposed in a previous paper to introduce a new "cosmic expansion acceleration," with Newton's gravity being unchanged. In this paper, this acceleration is applied to 3D radially symmetric systems. It is found that it is equivalent to a precise negative mass repartition, acting as Newtonian (anti-) gravity. It is shown that the transverse velocity remains constant, due to the transverse part of the acceleration. The model can be applied to (expanding or imploding) radial systems made of gas, dust, stars, or galaxies. Concerning the universe, it is applied in the two cases of exponential expansion and accelerated expansion. It is shown that the model is in conformity with the present observed data, and the needed mass densities are computed. The energy balance is also examined (showing that the expansion acceleration work and mass erosion combine to contribute to the increase in the total mass), together with the proportion of radial/lateral force works. The model predicts an equal amount of positive and negative masses in the "inner" regions of the universe, but an excess of negative masses in the outskirts, which could explain the observed bubbles with "empty" spaces in the large-scale regions. It opens the way to the easiest simulation of the expansion acceleration influence. More generally, this proposal appears to be an alternative to the other models used to describe the same phenomena, such as dark matter and energy and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). V C 2019 Physics Essays Publication. R esum e: Dans un pr ec edent article, j'ai propos e une nouvelle "acc el eration d'expansion cosmique" pour expliquer les courbes de rotation plates des vitesses galactiques, tout en maintenant inchang ee la gravit e de Newton. Dans cet article, cette acc el eration est appliqu ee a des systèmes 3 D a sym etrie radiale. On trouve qu'elle est equivalente a une r epartition de masse n egative pr ecise, agissant comme une (anti-) gravit e newtonienne. On montre que la vitesse transversale reste constante, a cause de la partie transverse de l'acc el eration. Ce modèle peutêtre appliqu e a des systèmes a sym etrie radiale, constitu es de gaz, de poussières, d' etoiles ou de galaxies (en expansion ou en implosion). En ce qui concerne l'univers, il est appliqu e aux deux cas de l'expansion exponentielle et de l'expansion acc el er ee. Le modèle se r evèleêtre en conformit e avec les donn ees actuellement observ ees et les densit es massiques n ecessaires sont calcul ees. L' equilibre energ etique est aussi examin e (montrant que le travail de l'acc el eration d'expansion et l' erosion de masse se combinent pour contribuer a l'accroissement de la masse totale), ainsi que la proportion du travail des forces radiale et lat erale. Le modèle pr edit l' equilibre des masses positives et n egatives dans les r egions "internes" de l'univers, mais un excès de masses n egatives a la p eriph erie, ce qui pourrait expliquer l'observation a large echelle de bulles d'espaces "vides." Il permet d'envisager de simuler plus facilement l'influence de l'acc el eration d'expansion. Plus g en eralement, cette proposition de masse n egative se pr esente comme une alternative aux autres mod elisations actuellement utilis ees pour d ecrire les mêmes ph enomènes, telles que: la matière noire et l' energie noire, Dynamique Newtonienne Modifi ee (MOND), etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of New expansion dynamics applied to the planar structures of satellite galaxies and space structuration

New expansion dynamics applied to the planar structures of satellite galaxies and space structuration, 2016

Recent observations of Dwarf Satellite Galaxies (DSG) show that they have a clear tendency to sta... more Recent observations of Dwarf Satellite Galaxies (DSG) show that they have a clear tendency to stay in particular planes. Explanations with standard physics remain controversial. Recently, I proposed a new explanation of the galactic flat rotation curves, introducing a new cosmic acceleration due to expansion. In this paper, I apply this new acceleration to the dynamics of DSG's (without dark matter). I show that this new acceleration implies planar structures for the DSG trajectories. More generally, it is shown that this acceleration produces a space structuration around any massive center. It remains a candidate to explain several cosmic observations without dark matter.

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Research paper thumbnail of Expansion as a consequence of a rest-mass erosion theory, Astrophysics and Space Science Date: april 2015

Astrophysics & Space Science, 2015

I propose a new paradigm to understand expansion. In a non-preserving mass theory, space expansio... more I propose a new paradigm to understand expansion. In a non-preserving mass theory, space expansion is driven by a slow continuous mass (or energy) erosion process. I show that this proposal is formally equivalent to an additional cosmic “evolution” force, which was suggested previously to explain the flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies.
The energy equation shows how expansion is related to gravitation and mass erosion.
According to this theory, the fundamental rectilinear movement is exponential in time. More generally, it is also shown how space, time and mass are inter-dependent. A cosmological equation is then obtained, similar to the FRW equation. This proposal confirms Masreliez’s SEC theory and is a candidate to replace dark matter and dark energy hypotheses.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of a binary transcoding single filter used for character recognition, J. FLeuret, H. Maitre

Optics Communications, 1976

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Research paper thumbnail of Détection angulaire d'ondes planes de surface par analyse de Fourier, J. Fleuret, C. Haiman, l'Onde électrique, v.56, n°6-7, p. 313, 1976

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification des défauts de prise de vue entachant une image, H. Maitre, J. Fleuret

Annales Des Télécommunications, 1977

Les auteurs présentent deux méthodes permettant d’identifier les défauts dégradant une image par ... more Les auteurs présentent deux méthodes permettant d’identifier les défauts dégradant une image par suite d’erreurs de prises de vue : défocalisation, mouvement uniforme, vibrations. Ces méthodes nécessitent la numérisation de l’image. Elles utilisent une modélisation du signal et tiennent compte du bruit présent dans le cliché. La première étudie les déformations introduites sur la fonction d’autocorrélation, la seconde réalise une détection statistique de zéros dans le plan de Fourier de l’image. Des résultats sont présentés pour des images réelles. Leur précision est tout à fait compatible avec les exigences des méthodes de correction tant optiques que numériques. The authors present here two methods susceptible to identify the defects which degrade image because of mistakes introduced while the photograp is beeing taken : bad focusing, uniform speed motion, harmonic vibrations. These methods are numerical and make it necessary to numerize the image. They are based on a modelization of signal, and take into account the noise present in the snapshot. The first one concerns transformations induced on the autocorrelation function, while the second one realizes a statistical detection of zeroes in the Fourier plane of the image. Results are given for real images : their precision is quite consistent with the requirements of correction methods, wether optical or numerical.

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Research paper thumbnail of Image deblurring by convolution with an impulse response operator, J. Fleuret, H. Maitre, E. Cheval

Optics Communications, 1977

Classical holographic methods for image correction by synthesis of the filter transfer function c... more Classical holographic methods for image correction by synthesis of the filter transfer function carry well known drawbacks that can be avoided by use of the impulse response of the filter. An Impulse Response Operator can thus be generated and used in either coherent or in non-coherent processing. In both these fields we present a verification of this assumption for a

Research paper thumbnail of Détermination de l'histogramme des tailles de particules circulaires par traitement numérique du spectre de Fraunhofer, J.F. Théry, J.Fleuret, H. Maitre

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of coloured patterns by a hybrid  system, J. Fleuret, A.M. Hamed, opto, n°11, p. 27, mai-aout 1982

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Research paper thumbnail of Geometrical invariances in images: A hybrid characterization method

Optics Communications, 1983

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Image Degradations

Digital Image Processing and Analysis, 1977

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Research paper thumbnail of Pattern Recognition by Hybrid Image Processing

Digital Image Processing and Analysis, 1977

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Research paper thumbnail of Device for determining the histogram of sizes of particles

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>Characterization Of Periodicities In Images By A Video Optical Feedback Method</title>

Applications of Digital Image Processing V, 1983

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Research paper thumbnail of Etude d'un filtre dérivateur à niveaux discrétisés, J. FLeuret, H. Maitre, Nouv. Rev. D'Opt. Appl. t.13,n°4, p. 175, 1972

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Research paper thumbnail of Un laser à verre dopé au néodyme fortement cohérent, C. Aplin, J.Fleuret, N.Gaggioli, Rev. Phys. Appl. p.841, 5 déc. A970

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Research paper thumbnail of Recientes Progressos en holographia dinamica a longitud de onda infrarojjo de 1,06 micron, J. Fleuret, N. Gaggioli, Acta Scientifica, v.3, n°3-4, p. 131, 1970

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Research paper thumbnail of Holographie ultra-rapide en lumière infrarouge à 1,06 micron, C. Aplin, J.Fleuret, N.Gaggioli, C.R. Acad. Sc. t.272B, p.261, 1971

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Research paper thumbnail of Holographie ultra-rapide en couleurs, C. Aplin, J. Fleuret, N. Gaggioli, C.R. Acad. Sc. t.273B, p. 173, 1971

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Research paper thumbnail of Calcul d'hologrammes à niveaux continus de gris. Applications à la synthèse d'une mémoire, Nouv. Rev. d'Opt. Appliquée, t.5,n°4,p. 219, 1974

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Research paper thumbnail of Etude sur le comportement de certaines émulsions photographiques de haute résolution, éclairées par un laser à rubis déclanché, N. Gaggioli, J. Fleuret, Rev. Bresileira de Fisica, v.10, n°3, 1980

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Research paper thumbnail of Proposals for logical optical operators, J.Fleuret, P. Gravey

Optics Communications, 1981

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Research paper thumbnail of An optical angular discriminator application to information processing, J. Fleuret, E. Umdenstock

Journal of Optics-nouvelle Revue D Optique, 1981

ABSTRACT The authors propose a simple system, based on geometrical optics, which allows the reali... more ABSTRACT The authors propose a simple system, based on geometrical optics, which allows the realization of a non-linear response curve. It uses a multiple beam system illuminated by a bundle of rays. Some experimental results are given, together with the possible applications for the optical logical operators. It is also shown that by adding a hybrid feedback loop to the basic system, a multistable operator can be obtained. Several extensions are finally presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optical computing units using four-wave mixing and amplitude coding

Research paper thumbnail of NOE: A Hybrid Method for Multiplexed Holography for Display Purposes, J. Fleuret, M. Pantelis, J.M. Caussignac

Journal of Modern Optics, 1985

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of the emulsion thickness on multiplexed image holography, S.Pantelis, J. Fleuret,  J.M. Caussignac

Applied Optics, 1985

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Research paper thumbnail of Un laser à verre dopé au néodyme fortement cohérent

Revue de Physique Appliquée, 1970

Research paper thumbnail of <title>Prospective Ideas Towards Optical Computing</title>

Intl Conf on Computer-Generated Holography, 1983

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Research paper thumbnail of Contribution to Numerical Holography: Three Different Applications

Applications of Holography and Optical Data Processing, 1977

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>Prospective Ideas Towards Optical Computing</title>

Proceedings of SPIE, Oct 26, 1983

Optical computing will have to meet the challenge of the tremendous progress actually made in the... more Optical computing will have to meet the challenge of the tremendous progress actually made in the numerical field. We present prospective ideas towards the implementation of purely optical fast parallel Arithmetic and Logic Units (ALU). We first describe what could be envisionned as an electro-optical ALU system which would use a large adressable holographic memory. The corresponding (hypothetical) performance is shown to be not sufficient. The main idea which is proposed consists in trying to build processing units which can be "optically" connected together, without using any special propagating medium, or any special transducing property. As in instance, we describe an Elementary Optical Processing Unit (E.O.P.U.) based on a two-step diffraction principle. Then, a system is examined, in the aim of realizing a Purely Optical Parralel Processor (P.O.P.). Its principle would be based on a filtering process - FOUT filter - which is extended to the processing of 2 D. binary patterns, with a possible feedback implementation. The configuration of the system is studied in order to conceive the arithmetical and logical operations. It is also shown that such processors can present some associative performance. For the implementation, C.G.H. methods can be used. However, the real implementation of the filter leads to a singular problem which we have not been able to solve in general. In the last two sections, we finally propose simple logical operators based on Snell's law, and optical registers based on the propagation of very short light pulses in simple optical set-ups. The main characteristics of the proposed methods are due to the fundamental advantages of optics: speed, parallelism processing capabilities, connexion possibilities. However, severe limitations have been encountered all along the study, mostly due to the lack of non-linear possibilities. In general, these ideas will have to be tested in practice, regarding the available techniques, and particularly the possible development of integrated optical technologies.

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>Characterization Of Periodicities In Images By A Video Optical Feedback Method</title>

Proceedings of SPIE, Oct 26, 1983

We propose a hybrid method to detect, in real time, simple periodical structures. The method is b... more We propose a hybrid method to detect, in real time, simple periodical structures. The method is based on a video-optical feedback system which is well adapted to the probleme since, in each feedback loop, the pattern under study is shifted in a given way. The global transfer function of such a system depends both on time and space parameters. After a theoretical study of the stability conditions of the loop, we analyse the effect of non linearities on the global contrast as a function of spatial frequency. An experimental verification of these properties is obtained with a test pattern.

Research paper thumbnail of Expansion as a consequence of a rest-mass erosion theory

Astrophysics and Space Science, Apr 18, 2015

I propose a new paradigm to understand expansion. In a non-preserving mass theory, space expansio... more I propose a new paradigm to understand expansion. In a non-preserving mass theory, space expansion is driven by a slow continuous mass (or energy) erosion process. I show that this proposal is formally equivalent to an additional cosmic “evolution” force, which was suggested previously to explain the flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies.The energy equation shows how expansion is related to gravitation and mass erosion.According to this theory, the fundamental rectilinear movement is exponential in time. More generally, it is also shown how space, time and mass are inter-dependent. A cosmological equation is then obtained, similar to the FRW equation. This proposal confirms Masreliez’s SEC theory and is a candidate to replace dark matter and dark energy hypotheses.

Research paper thumbnail of Cosmic expansion acceleration and negative matter

Physics Essays, Jun 29, 2019

To explain galactic flat rotation curves, I proposed in a previous paper to introduce a new &... more To explain galactic flat rotation curves, I proposed in a previous paper to introduce a new &quot;cosmic expansion acceleration,&quot; with Newton&#39;s gravity being unchanged. In this paper, this acceleration is applied to 3D radially symmetric systems. It is found that it is equivalent to a precise negative mass repartition, acting as Newtonian (anti-) gravity. It is shown that the transverse velocity remains constant, due to the transverse part of the acceleration. The model can be applied to (expanding or imploding) radial systems made of gas, dust, stars, or galaxies. Concerning the universe, it is applied in the two cases of exponential expansion and accelerated expansion. It is shown that the model is in conformity with the present observed data, and the needed mass densities are computed. The energy balance is also examined (showing that the expansion acceleration work and mass erosion combine to contribute to the increase in the total mass), together with the proportion of radial/lateral force works. The model predicts an equal amount of positive and negative masses in the &quot;inner&quot; regions of the universe, but an excess of negative masses in the outskirts, which could explain the observed bubbles with &quot;empty&quot; spaces in the large-scale regions. It opens the way to the easiest simulation of the expansion acceleration influence. More generally, this proposal appears to be an alternative to the other models used to describe the same phenomena, such as dark matter and energy and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). V C 2019 Physics Essays Publication. R esum e: Dans un pr ec edent article, j&#39;ai propos e une nouvelle &quot;acc el eration d&#39;expansion cosmique&quot; pour expliquer les courbes de rotation plates des vitesses galactiques, tout en maintenant inchang ee la gravit e de Newton. Dans cet article, cette acc el eration est appliqu ee a des systèmes 3 D a sym etrie radiale. On trouve qu&#39;elle est equivalente a une r epartition de masse n egative pr ecise, agissant comme une (anti-) gravit e newtonienne. On montre que la vitesse transversale reste constante, a cause de la partie transverse de l&#39;acc el eration. Ce modèle peutêtre appliqu e a des systèmes a sym etrie radiale, constitu es de gaz, de poussières, d&#39; etoiles ou de galaxies (en expansion ou en implosion). En ce qui concerne l&#39;univers, il est appliqu e aux deux cas de l&#39;expansion exponentielle et de l&#39;expansion acc el er ee. Le modèle se r evèleêtre en conformit e avec les donn ees actuellement observ ees et les densit es massiques n ecessaires sont calcul ees. L&#39; equilibre energ etique est aussi examin e (montrant que le travail de l&#39;acc el eration d&#39;expansion et l&#39; erosion de masse se combinent pour contribuer a l&#39;accroissement de la masse totale), ainsi que la proportion du travail des forces radiale et lat erale. Le modèle pr edit l&#39; equilibre des masses positives et n egatives dans les r egions &quot;internes&quot; de l&#39;univers, mais un excès de masses n egatives a la p eriph erie, ce qui pourrait expliquer l&#39;observation a large echelle de bulles d&#39;espaces &quot;vides.&quot; Il permet d&#39;envisager de simuler plus facilement l&#39;influence de l&#39;acc el eration d&#39;expansion. Plus g en eralement, cette proposition de masse n egative se pr esente comme une alternative aux autres mod elisations actuellement utilis ees pour d ecrire les mêmes ph enomènes, telles que: la matière noire et l&#39; energie noire, Dynamique Newtonienne Modifi ee (MOND), etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of New Expansion Dynamics Applied to the Planar Structures of Satellite Galaxies and Space Structuration

Journal of Modern Physics, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Expansion Force as a Bohmian Quantum Effect on Elementary Particles

Hadronic Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Filtrage optimal pour la reconnaissance de caractères

Le Filtre F.O.U.T. (Filtre Optimisé Unique de Transcodage) présente plusieurs avantages, pour la ... more Le Filtre F.O.U.T. (Filtre Optimisé Unique de Transcodage) présente plusieurs avantages, pour la reconnaissance des formes : à l'aide d'une seule expérience de filtrage, on obtient un mot de code binaire pour chaque forme. Les mots de code sont choisis a-priori. Nous présentons ici une Optimisation complémentaire du processus, conduisant à la détermination de mots de code optimaux. On considère le problème de la reconnaissance de caractères dans le cas de caractères réels bruités, et provenant de polices différentes. Nous présentons tout d'abord l'étude de l'influence d'un bruit additif et indépendent du signal. Le choix de la meilleure affectation des mots de code conduit à un problème mathématique d'optimisation (Permutation Optimal Problem - P.O.P). Pour ce problème, la solution exhaustive étant généralement impossible à atteindre, nous avons développé un algorithme sous-optimal. Et les mots de code sous-optimaux conduisent à une amélioration très significative du taux de reconnaissance. Dans le cas de caractères provenant de polices différentes, il faut optimiser le filtre et les mots de code. Le filtre du représentant moyen, calculé à partir de la police moyenne, constitue une réponse à la première question. Le choix de l'affectation des mots de code conduit à un problème matriciel d'optimisation, analogue au problème P.O.P. Les résultats expérimentaux sont donnés dans le cas d'un alphabet de plusieurs polices de caractères réels

Research paper thumbnail of Cosmic expansion acceleration and negative matter

Physics Essays, 2019

To explain galactic flat rotation curves, I proposed in a previous paper to introduce a new &... more To explain galactic flat rotation curves, I proposed in a previous paper to introduce a new &quot;cosmic expansion acceleration,&quot; with Newton&#39;s gravity being unchanged. In this paper, this acceleration is applied to 3D radially symmetric systems. It is found that it is equivalent to a precise negative mass repartition, acting as Newtonian (anti-) gravity. It is shown that the transverse velocity remains constant, due to the transverse part of the acceleration. The model can be applied to (expanding or imploding) radial systems made of gas, dust, stars, or galaxies. Concerning the universe, it is applied in the two cases of exponential expansion and accelerated expansion. It is shown that the model is in conformity with the present observed data, and the needed mass densities are computed. The energy balance is also examined (showing that the expansion acceleration work and mass erosion combine to contribute to the increase in the total mass), together with the proportion of radial/lateral force works. The model predicts an equal amount of positive and negative masses in the &quot;inner&quot; regions of the universe, but an excess of negative masses in the outskirts, which could explain the observed bubbles with &quot;empty&quot; spaces in the large-scale regions. It opens the way to the easiest simulation of the expansion acceleration influence. More generally, this proposal appears to be an alternative to the other models used to describe the same phenomena, such as dark matter and energy and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). V C 2019 Physics Essays Publication. R esum e: Dans un pr ec edent article, j&#39;ai propos e une nouvelle &quot;acc el eration d&#39;expansion cosmique&quot; pour expliquer les courbes de rotation plates des vitesses galactiques, tout en maintenant inchang ee la gravit e de Newton. Dans cet article, cette acc el eration est appliqu ee a des systèmes 3 D a sym etrie radiale. On trouve qu&#39;elle est equivalente a une r epartition de masse n egative pr ecise, agissant comme une (anti-) gravit e newtonienne. On montre que la vitesse transversale reste constante, a cause de la partie transverse de l&#39;acc el eration. Ce modèle peutêtre appliqu e a des systèmes a sym etrie radiale, constitu es de gaz, de poussières, d&#39; etoiles ou de galaxies (en expansion ou en implosion). En ce qui concerne l&#39;univers, il est appliqu e aux deux cas de l&#39;expansion exponentielle et de l&#39;expansion acc el er ee. Le modèle se r evèleêtre en conformit e avec les donn ees actuellement observ ees et les densit es massiques n ecessaires sont calcul ees. L&#39; equilibre energ etique est aussi examin e (montrant que le travail de l&#39;acc el eration d&#39;expansion et l&#39; erosion de masse se combinent pour contribuer a l&#39;accroissement de la masse totale), ainsi que la proportion du travail des forces radiale et lat erale. Le modèle pr edit l&#39; equilibre des masses positives et n egatives dans les r egions &quot;internes&quot; de l&#39;univers, mais un excès de masses n egatives a la p eriph erie, ce qui pourrait expliquer l&#39;observation a large echelle de bulles d&#39;espaces &quot;vides.&quot; Il permet d&#39;envisager de simuler plus facilement l&#39;influence de l&#39;acc el eration d&#39;expansion. Plus g en eralement, cette proposition de masse n egative se pr esente comme une alternative aux autres mod elisations actuellement utilis ees pour d ecrire les mêmes ph enomènes, telles que: la matière noire et l&#39; energie noire, Dynamique Newtonienne Modifi ee (MOND), etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of New Expansion Dynamics Applied to the Planar Structures of Satellite Galaxies and Space Structuration

Journal of Modern Physics, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Of The Diffraction Spectrum Of A Population Of Particles

SPIE Proceedings, 1978

We study the diffraction spectrum of a population of circular objects randomly distributed. We pr... more We study the diffraction spectrum of a population of circular objects randomly distributed. We present a rigorous study of the deconvolution of the intensity of a diffracted spectrum, permitting us to obtain the complete histogram of the distribution of sizes. (The method is applied notably to multi-modal histo-grams). The granularity term corresponding to the random positionings of diffracting objects was studied by means of a statistical model based on the independence of the positionings of the objects. We find that the size of the speckle wo is proportional to the inverse of the width of the object field studied. In the field of frequencies greater than wo we find the conventional properties of the speckle, which permits us to verify the approximations made in the complete expression of the spectral intensity recorded.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification des d�fauts de prise de vue entachant une image

Adt, 1977

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Research paper thumbnail of Expansion as a consequence of a rest-mass erosion theory

Astrophysics and Space Science, 2015

I propose a new paradigm to understand expansion. In a non-preserving mass theory, space expansio... more I propose a new paradigm to understand expansion. In a non-preserving mass theory, space expansion is driven by a slow continuous mass (or energy) erosion process. I show that this proposal is formally equivalent to an additional cosmic “evolution” force, which was suggested previously to explain the flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies.The energy equation shows how expansion is related to gravitation and mass erosion.According to this theory, the fundamental rectilinear movement is exponential in time. More generally, it is also shown how space, time and mass are inter-dependent. A cosmological equation is then obtained, similar to the FRW equation. This proposal confirms Masreliez’s SEC theory and is a candidate to replace dark matter and dark energy hypotheses.

Research paper thumbnail of <title>An Algorithm For The Decomposition Of Binary Pictures On An Orthogonal Basis Of Elementary Patterns</title>

Applications of Digital Image Processing V, 1983

A new algorithm is proposed to decompose a set of binary pictures into a limited number of elemen... more A new algorithm is proposed to decompose a set of binary pictures into a limited number of elementary patterns. The method consists in a development on an orthogonal basis. The output images are examined according to three following criteria : energy, entropy and visual quality. The algorithm has been applied to samples of road signs and multi-font characters.

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Research paper thumbnail of On The Optical Implementation Of Logical Inferences

SPIE Proceedings, 1987

We show that logical inferences can be conceived in optics, by the registration of coded diffract... more We show that logical inferences can be conceived in optics, by the registration of coded diffraction gratings, including a state of undecidability. This approach is a first step towards the optical representation of Artificial Intelligence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards a new generalized space expansion dynamics applied to the rotation of galaxies and Tully Fisher law

Astrophysics and Space Science, 2014