Jean Ecalle - (original) (raw)
Papers by Jean Ecalle
We return to the subject of local, identity-tangent diffeomorphisms ƒ of ℂ and their analytic inv... more We return to the subject of local, identity-tangent diffeomorphisms ƒ of ℂ and their analytic invariants A ω (ƒ), under the complementary viewpoints of effective computation and explicit expansions. The latter rely on two basic ingredients: the so-called multizetas (transcendental numbers) and multitangents (transcendental functions), with resurgence monomials and their monics providing the link between the two. We also stress the difference between the collectors (preinvariant but of one piece) and the connectors (invariant but mutually unrelated).
Differential Equations and the Stokes Phenomenon, 2002
Two new, fast-developing, but at first sight completely diconnected subjects have turned out to b... more Two new, fast-developing, but at first sight completely diconnected subjects have turned out to be governed by a common underlying structure. These two subjects are : the specific singularities, Stokes phenomena and resurgence patterns exhibited by singularly perturbed systems ; and the phenomenon of dimorphy (existence of a double product) displayed not only by the so-called multizeta values but by a host of other basic transcendental constants. As for the unifying structure, it is the novel Lie algebra ARI which, together with its group GARI and a number of related constructions, is a fascinating object in its own right. 3 Singularly perturbed systems and co-equational resurgence. 3.1 Some heuristics: similarities/differences between SS and SPS. .
Cornell University - arXiv, Apr 3, 2014
In this short Survey we revisit the subject of local, identity-tangent diffeomorphisms of C and t... more In this short Survey we revisit the subject of local, identity-tangent diffeomorphisms of C and their analytic invariants, under two viewpoints: that of explicit expansions, which necessarily involve multitangents and multizetas; and that of effective computation. Along the way, we stress the difference between the collectors (pre-invariant but of one piece) and the connectors (invariant but mutually unrelated). We also attempt to streamline the nomenclature and notations. We shall be concerned here with local 1 identity-tangent diffeomorphisms of C, or diffeos for short, with the fixed-point located at ∞ for technical convenience: f : z → z + 1≤s f s z 1−s a s ∈ C (1) Unless f be the identity map, we can always subject it to an analytic (resp. formal) conjugation f → f 1 = h • f • h −1 , followed if necessary by an elementary ramification f 1 (z 1/p) p , so as to give it the following prepared resp.
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, 2015
This monograph is almost entirely devoted to the flexion structure generated by a flexion unit E ... more This monograph is almost entirely devoted to the flexion structure generated by a flexion unit E or the conjugate unit O, with special emphasis on the polar specialization of the units ("eupolar structure"). (i) We first state and prove the main facts (some of them new) about the central pairs of bisymmetrals pal • /pil • and par • /pir • and their even/odd factors, by relating these to four remarkable series of alternals {re • r }, {le • r }, {he • r }, {ke • 2r }, and that too in a way that treats the swappees pal • and pil • (resp. par • and pir •) as they should be treated, i.e., on a strictly equal footing. (ii) Next, we derive from the central bisymmetrals two series of bialternals, distinct yet partially (and rather mysteriously) related. (iii) Then, as a first step towards a complete description of the eupolar structure, we introduce the notion of bialternality grid and present some facts and conjectures suggested by our (still ongoing) computations. (iv) Lastly, two complementary sections have been added, to show which features of the eupolar structure survive, change form, or altogether disappear when one moves on to the next two cases in order of importance: eutrigonometric and polynomial.
Asymptotics in Dynamics, Geometry and PDEs; Generalized Borel Summation vol. I, 2011
The present paper is devoted to power series of SP type, i.e. with coefficients that are syntacti... more The present paper is devoted to power series of SP type, i.e. with coefficients that are syntactically sum-product combinations. Apart from their applications to analytic knot theory and the so-called "Volume Conjecture", SP-series are interesting in their own right, on at least four counts : (i) they generate quite distinctive resurgence algebras (ii) they are one of those relatively rare instances when the resurgence properties have to be derived directly from the Taylor coefficients (iii) some of them produce singularities that unexpectedly verify finite-order differential equations (iv) all of them are best handled with the help of two remarkable, infinite-order integral-differential transforms, mir and nir.
Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques, 2004
L'accès aux articles de la revue « Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse, Mathématiques ... more L'accès aux articles de la revue « Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse, Mathématiques » (, implique l'accord avec les conditions générales d'utilisation (http://afst.cedram. org/legal/). Toute reproduction en tout ou partie cet article sous quelque forme que ce soit pour tout usage autre que l'utilisation à fin strictement personnelle du copiste est constitutive d'une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. cedram Article mis en ligne dans le cadre du Centre de diffusion des revues académiques de mathématiques
Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques, 2004
L'accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse » (http://picar...[ more ](;)L'accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse » ( implique l'accord avec les conditions générales d'utilisation ( Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d'une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques 683 Multizetas, perinomal numbers, arithmetical dimorphy, and ARI/GARI(*) JEAN ECALLE(~) Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de ToulousE Vol. XIII, n° 4, 2004 ABSTRACT.-In a sprawling field like multizeta arithmetic, connected with intricate new structures and teeming with 'special objects' (functions, moulds etc), there is room for expositions of all formats: short, medium-sized, huge. Here is a survey on the tiniest scale possible, based on a talk given at the 2002 Luminy conference on Resurgent Analysis. RÉSUMÉ.-Le texte qui suit, aussi ramassé que possible, reprend un exposé fait à Luminy en novembre 2002. Il présente un panorama des récents progrès en arithmétique 'dimorphique' des multizêtas et esquisse les théories (ARI/GARI, objets périnomaux, moules spéciaux) qui ont permis ces progrès.
Geometric and Functional Analysis, 2013
We investigate the closure in moduli space of the set of quadratic rational maps which possess a ... more We investigate the closure in moduli space of the set of quadratic rational maps which possess a degenerate parabolic fixed point.
Annales de l’institut Fourier, 1993
L'accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de l'institut Fourier » (http://annalif.ujf-grenoble.f...[ more ](;)L'accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de l'institut Fourier » ( implique l'accord avec les conditions générales d'utilisation ( Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d'une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques
Asymptotics in Dynamics, Geometry and PDEs; Generalized Borel Summation vol. II, 2011
We present a self-contained survey of the flexion structure and its core ARI//GARI. We explain wh... more We present a self-contained survey of the flexion structure and its core ARI//GARI. We explain why this pair algebra//group is uniquely suited to the generation, manipulation, description and illumination of double symmetries, and therefore conducive to an in-depth understanding of arithmetical dimorphy. Special emphasis is laid on the monogenous algebras generated by flexion units, their special bimoulds, and the corresponding singulators. We then attempt a broadbrush overview of the whole question of canonical irreducibles and introduce the promising subject of perinomal algebra. As a recreational aside, we also state, justify, and computationally check a refinement of the standard conjectures about the enumeration of multizeta irreducibles.
Normal Forms, Bifurcations and Finiteness Problems in Differential Equations, 2004
We survey a number of related advances that have taken place over the last decade in the field of... more We survey a number of related advances that have taken place over the last decade in the field of singularities, normal forms, ODEs, etc, as well as the analytic tools for tackling these problems, namely : resummation, resurgence, transseries, analysable functions. One such advance-the notion of well-behaved convolution average-has led to a simplification of the celebrated finiteness theorem for limit-cycles. Another one has clarified the (continuous) prenormalisation and (discontinuous) normalisation of local objects. Yet another-the notion of twisted resurgence monomials-has yielded a truly general method for canonical-explicit object synthesis (ie constructing local objects with prescribed analytic invariants). A fourth advance has shed new light on the classical KAM theorem about the survival of invariant tori. Lastly, a fifth development, which is arguably the most promising of all-the introduction of the new Lie algebra ARI-has led to a far-going elucidation of the arithmetics of MZV or "multiple zeta values".-Part of the results surveyed in this paper are joint work with F. Menous or B. Vallet, and mention is made of independent contributions by J. van der Hoeven. Contents 1 Lesson One: The finiteness theorem for limit-cycles and its resummation-theoretic proof twelve years on : review; simplification; aftermath. 6 1 exp n (t) are in ω DEN but in no finite n DEN. (3) from its stability : whereas the union of all quasianalytic Carleman classes is not quasianalytic, COHES is closed under +, ×, ∂ etc 10 observe that we are dealing here with two slightly different interpretations of the convolution product : in m.(φ 1 φ 2) we convolute two function germs near the origin, then use analytic (or cohesive) forward continuation to get a global ramified function, and lastly we uniformise it by means of m , whereas in (m.φ 1) (m.φ 2) we directly convolute two global, uniform functions. 11 and that too even if we take care of choosing in the critical time class {z i } a suitably slow time z i , which precaution has the effect of smoothing the singularities ofφ i (ζ i).
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1998
We extend the classical Siegel-Brjuno-Rüssmann linearization theorem to the resonant case by show... more We extend the classical Siegel-Brjuno-Rüssmann linearization theorem to the resonant case by showing that under A. D. Brjuno's diophantine condition, any resonant local analytic vector field (resp. diffeomorphism) possesses a well-defined correction which (1) depends on the chart but, in any given chart, is unique (2) consists solely of resonant terms and (3) has the property that, when substracted from the vector field (resp. when factored out of the diffeomorphism), the vector field or diffeomorphism thus "corrected" becomes analytically linearizable (with a privileged or "canonical" linearizing map). Moreover, in spite of the small denominators and contrary to a hitherto prevalent opinion, the correction's analyticity can be established by pure combinatorics, without any analysis.
Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques, 2004
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 2003
L'accès aux archives de la revue « Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux » (http://jtnb.cedr...[ more ](;)L'accès aux archives de la revue « Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux » ( implique l'accord avec les conditions générales d'utilisation ( Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d'une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques
Annales de l’institut Fourier, 1992
suscite une infinité d'invariants analytiques et holomorphes (*) qui tous se lisent et se calcule... more suscite une infinité d'invariants analytiques et holomorphes (*) qui tous se lisent et se calculent sur l'équation du pont. En présence de quasirésonance pure, on se heurte aux "petits diviseurs liouvilliens". Le nombre d'invariants formels n'augmente pas et l'objet reste formellement linéarisable, mais pas analytiquement en général. Il existe donc des classes analytiques et des invariants analytiques non triviaux, mais pas d'invariants holomorphes. En présence de nihilence, on peut se heurter à des "petits diviseurs" du type de ceux qu'on rencontre en mécanique (sans qu'intervienne aucune condition arithmétique). De nombreux invariants formels surgissent. Il apparaît des classes analytiques non triviales; des invariants analytiques aussi; mais pas d'invariants holomorphes. Les trois phénomènes peuvent se superposer et on peut aussi (en grande dimension) rencontrer de la résonance, quasirésonance ou nihilence de "deuxième génération", "troisième génération" etc... Voir [E3]. L'objet de cet article est l'étude de la résonance, de ses effets et de son interaction avec les petits diviseurs (§ §7,8,9,11), spécialement dans les cas qui sont inaccessibles à la méthode "géométrique". Mais il nous faut commencer par étudier les petits diviseurs à l'état pur. Ce sera l'objet du §3, où nous introduisons la notion de moule et la technique d'arborification, puis du §4, où nous retrouvons les classiques théorèmes de linéarisation, mais d'une manière succincte, conceptuelle et d'avance adaptée aux généralisations ultérieures. 3. Rappels sur les moules et comoules. Arboriflcation et coarborification. Exemples. Séquences et séquences arborescentes. Fixons un semi-groupe additif fî. Une séquence sur îi est une suite totalement ordonnée a; = (0:1,... ,a/y.) d'éléments a/^ e îi, avec répétitions possibles. On note : (3.1) r(w) =r= longueur de w, |[a;[[ =0:1 4-• • • + o;y. = somme de a;. (*) invariant analytique signifie invariant relativement aux changements de carte analytiques; et holomorphe signifie fonction holomorphe de Fobjet, cf. §8. 80 JEAN ECALLE On note aussi w = CtAo/' la séquence formée des éléments de c»/ puis des éléments de a/'. Une séquence arborescente sur f2 est une suite 0;= (ù;!,...,^d 'éléments de fi avec sur les indices {!,..., r} un ordre arborescent : autrement dit, chaque i € {1,... ,r} possède au plus un antécédent, noté z_. On définit encore r(uf) et || w || comme en (3.1). On note c^= a?' (B a/' l'union disjointe de a/ et a;" avec conservation des ordres partiels de a/ et c»/' et incomparâbilité des éléments de a?' avec ceux de a?". 0 désigne la séquence vide. Un w est dit irréductible s'il ne possède pas de décomposition a/ Q a;" non triviale; autrement dit, s'il possède un plus petit élément. Algèbre des moules (ordinaires; symétrals; symétrels). < comme arbre, on a A^ = A^ évidemment mais en général B-^ B<. w w Exemples de moules. Dès la section suivante, nous aurons besoin de quatre moules élémentaires 5 e , $•, 5 e , S 9 définis par : (3.35) Â 0^0^0^^! (3.36) S^^'"^ =? (-in^i^ • • • ^r)~1 avec ^ == ^ + • • • + (3.37) S^-^ = (ûiÛ2 • • • ^r)~1 avec û, = ^ 4-• • • + ^r (3.
We return to the subject of local, identity-tangent diffeomorphisms ƒ of ℂ and their analytic inv... more We return to the subject of local, identity-tangent diffeomorphisms ƒ of ℂ and their analytic invariants A ω (ƒ), under the complementary viewpoints of effective computation and explicit expansions. The latter rely on two basic ingredients: the so-called multizetas (transcendental numbers) and multitangents (transcendental functions), with resurgence monomials and their monics providing the link between the two. We also stress the difference between the collectors (preinvariant but of one piece) and the connectors (invariant but mutually unrelated).
Differential Equations and the Stokes Phenomenon, 2002
Two new, fast-developing, but at first sight completely diconnected subjects have turned out to b... more Two new, fast-developing, but at first sight completely diconnected subjects have turned out to be governed by a common underlying structure. These two subjects are : the specific singularities, Stokes phenomena and resurgence patterns exhibited by singularly perturbed systems ; and the phenomenon of dimorphy (existence of a double product) displayed not only by the so-called multizeta values but by a host of other basic transcendental constants. As for the unifying structure, it is the novel Lie algebra ARI which, together with its group GARI and a number of related constructions, is a fascinating object in its own right. 3 Singularly perturbed systems and co-equational resurgence. 3.1 Some heuristics: similarities/differences between SS and SPS. .
Cornell University - arXiv, Apr 3, 2014
In this short Survey we revisit the subject of local, identity-tangent diffeomorphisms of C and t... more In this short Survey we revisit the subject of local, identity-tangent diffeomorphisms of C and their analytic invariants, under two viewpoints: that of explicit expansions, which necessarily involve multitangents and multizetas; and that of effective computation. Along the way, we stress the difference between the collectors (pre-invariant but of one piece) and the connectors (invariant but mutually unrelated). We also attempt to streamline the nomenclature and notations. We shall be concerned here with local 1 identity-tangent diffeomorphisms of C, or diffeos for short, with the fixed-point located at ∞ for technical convenience: f : z → z + 1≤s f s z 1−s a s ∈ C (1) Unless f be the identity map, we can always subject it to an analytic (resp. formal) conjugation f → f 1 = h • f • h −1 , followed if necessary by an elementary ramification f 1 (z 1/p) p , so as to give it the following prepared resp.
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, 2015
This monograph is almost entirely devoted to the flexion structure generated by a flexion unit E ... more This monograph is almost entirely devoted to the flexion structure generated by a flexion unit E or the conjugate unit O, with special emphasis on the polar specialization of the units ("eupolar structure"). (i) We first state and prove the main facts (some of them new) about the central pairs of bisymmetrals pal • /pil • and par • /pir • and their even/odd factors, by relating these to four remarkable series of alternals {re • r }, {le • r }, {he • r }, {ke • 2r }, and that too in a way that treats the swappees pal • and pil • (resp. par • and pir •) as they should be treated, i.e., on a strictly equal footing. (ii) Next, we derive from the central bisymmetrals two series of bialternals, distinct yet partially (and rather mysteriously) related. (iii) Then, as a first step towards a complete description of the eupolar structure, we introduce the notion of bialternality grid and present some facts and conjectures suggested by our (still ongoing) computations. (iv) Lastly, two complementary sections have been added, to show which features of the eupolar structure survive, change form, or altogether disappear when one moves on to the next two cases in order of importance: eutrigonometric and polynomial.
Asymptotics in Dynamics, Geometry and PDEs; Generalized Borel Summation vol. I, 2011
The present paper is devoted to power series of SP type, i.e. with coefficients that are syntacti... more The present paper is devoted to power series of SP type, i.e. with coefficients that are syntactically sum-product combinations. Apart from their applications to analytic knot theory and the so-called "Volume Conjecture", SP-series are interesting in their own right, on at least four counts : (i) they generate quite distinctive resurgence algebras (ii) they are one of those relatively rare instances when the resurgence properties have to be derived directly from the Taylor coefficients (iii) some of them produce singularities that unexpectedly verify finite-order differential equations (iv) all of them are best handled with the help of two remarkable, infinite-order integral-differential transforms, mir and nir.
Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques, 2004
L'accès aux articles de la revue « Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse, Mathématiques ... more L'accès aux articles de la revue « Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse, Mathématiques » (, implique l'accord avec les conditions générales d'utilisation (http://afst.cedram. org/legal/). Toute reproduction en tout ou partie cet article sous quelque forme que ce soit pour tout usage autre que l'utilisation à fin strictement personnelle du copiste est constitutive d'une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. cedram Article mis en ligne dans le cadre du Centre de diffusion des revues académiques de mathématiques
Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques, 2004
L'accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse » (http://picar...[ more ](;)L'accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse » ( implique l'accord avec les conditions générales d'utilisation ( Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d'une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques 683 Multizetas, perinomal numbers, arithmetical dimorphy, and ARI/GARI(*) JEAN ECALLE(~) Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de ToulousE Vol. XIII, n° 4, 2004 ABSTRACT.-In a sprawling field like multizeta arithmetic, connected with intricate new structures and teeming with 'special objects' (functions, moulds etc), there is room for expositions of all formats: short, medium-sized, huge. Here is a survey on the tiniest scale possible, based on a talk given at the 2002 Luminy conference on Resurgent Analysis. RÉSUMÉ.-Le texte qui suit, aussi ramassé que possible, reprend un exposé fait à Luminy en novembre 2002. Il présente un panorama des récents progrès en arithmétique 'dimorphique' des multizêtas et esquisse les théories (ARI/GARI, objets périnomaux, moules spéciaux) qui ont permis ces progrès.
Geometric and Functional Analysis, 2013
We investigate the closure in moduli space of the set of quadratic rational maps which possess a ... more We investigate the closure in moduli space of the set of quadratic rational maps which possess a degenerate parabolic fixed point.
Annales de l’institut Fourier, 1993
L'accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de l'institut Fourier » (http://annalif.ujf-grenoble.f...[ more ](;)L'accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de l'institut Fourier » ( implique l'accord avec les conditions générales d'utilisation ( Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d'une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques
Asymptotics in Dynamics, Geometry and PDEs; Generalized Borel Summation vol. II, 2011
We present a self-contained survey of the flexion structure and its core ARI//GARI. We explain wh... more We present a self-contained survey of the flexion structure and its core ARI//GARI. We explain why this pair algebra//group is uniquely suited to the generation, manipulation, description and illumination of double symmetries, and therefore conducive to an in-depth understanding of arithmetical dimorphy. Special emphasis is laid on the monogenous algebras generated by flexion units, their special bimoulds, and the corresponding singulators. We then attempt a broadbrush overview of the whole question of canonical irreducibles and introduce the promising subject of perinomal algebra. As a recreational aside, we also state, justify, and computationally check a refinement of the standard conjectures about the enumeration of multizeta irreducibles.
Normal Forms, Bifurcations and Finiteness Problems in Differential Equations, 2004
We survey a number of related advances that have taken place over the last decade in the field of... more We survey a number of related advances that have taken place over the last decade in the field of singularities, normal forms, ODEs, etc, as well as the analytic tools for tackling these problems, namely : resummation, resurgence, transseries, analysable functions. One such advance-the notion of well-behaved convolution average-has led to a simplification of the celebrated finiteness theorem for limit-cycles. Another one has clarified the (continuous) prenormalisation and (discontinuous) normalisation of local objects. Yet another-the notion of twisted resurgence monomials-has yielded a truly general method for canonical-explicit object synthesis (ie constructing local objects with prescribed analytic invariants). A fourth advance has shed new light on the classical KAM theorem about the survival of invariant tori. Lastly, a fifth development, which is arguably the most promising of all-the introduction of the new Lie algebra ARI-has led to a far-going elucidation of the arithmetics of MZV or "multiple zeta values".-Part of the results surveyed in this paper are joint work with F. Menous or B. Vallet, and mention is made of independent contributions by J. van der Hoeven. Contents 1 Lesson One: The finiteness theorem for limit-cycles and its resummation-theoretic proof twelve years on : review; simplification; aftermath. 6 1 exp n (t) are in ω DEN but in no finite n DEN. (3) from its stability : whereas the union of all quasianalytic Carleman classes is not quasianalytic, COHES is closed under +, ×, ∂ etc 10 observe that we are dealing here with two slightly different interpretations of the convolution product : in m.(φ 1 φ 2) we convolute two function germs near the origin, then use analytic (or cohesive) forward continuation to get a global ramified function, and lastly we uniformise it by means of m , whereas in (m.φ 1) (m.φ 2) we directly convolute two global, uniform functions. 11 and that too even if we take care of choosing in the critical time class {z i } a suitably slow time z i , which precaution has the effect of smoothing the singularities ofφ i (ζ i).
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1998
We extend the classical Siegel-Brjuno-Rüssmann linearization theorem to the resonant case by show... more We extend the classical Siegel-Brjuno-Rüssmann linearization theorem to the resonant case by showing that under A. D. Brjuno's diophantine condition, any resonant local analytic vector field (resp. diffeomorphism) possesses a well-defined correction which (1) depends on the chart but, in any given chart, is unique (2) consists solely of resonant terms and (3) has the property that, when substracted from the vector field (resp. when factored out of the diffeomorphism), the vector field or diffeomorphism thus "corrected" becomes analytically linearizable (with a privileged or "canonical" linearizing map). Moreover, in spite of the small denominators and contrary to a hitherto prevalent opinion, the correction's analyticity can be established by pure combinatorics, without any analysis.
Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques, 2004
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 2003
L'accès aux archives de la revue « Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux » (http://jtnb.cedr...[ more ](;)L'accès aux archives de la revue « Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux » ( implique l'accord avec les conditions générales d'utilisation ( Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d'une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques
Annales de l’institut Fourier, 1992
suscite une infinité d'invariants analytiques et holomorphes (*) qui tous se lisent et se calcule... more suscite une infinité d'invariants analytiques et holomorphes (*) qui tous se lisent et se calculent sur l'équation du pont. En présence de quasirésonance pure, on se heurte aux "petits diviseurs liouvilliens". Le nombre d'invariants formels n'augmente pas et l'objet reste formellement linéarisable, mais pas analytiquement en général. Il existe donc des classes analytiques et des invariants analytiques non triviaux, mais pas d'invariants holomorphes. En présence de nihilence, on peut se heurter à des "petits diviseurs" du type de ceux qu'on rencontre en mécanique (sans qu'intervienne aucune condition arithmétique). De nombreux invariants formels surgissent. Il apparaît des classes analytiques non triviales; des invariants analytiques aussi; mais pas d'invariants holomorphes. Les trois phénomènes peuvent se superposer et on peut aussi (en grande dimension) rencontrer de la résonance, quasirésonance ou nihilence de "deuxième génération", "troisième génération" etc... Voir [E3]. L'objet de cet article est l'étude de la résonance, de ses effets et de son interaction avec les petits diviseurs (§ §7,8,9,11), spécialement dans les cas qui sont inaccessibles à la méthode "géométrique". Mais il nous faut commencer par étudier les petits diviseurs à l'état pur. Ce sera l'objet du §3, où nous introduisons la notion de moule et la technique d'arborification, puis du §4, où nous retrouvons les classiques théorèmes de linéarisation, mais d'une manière succincte, conceptuelle et d'avance adaptée aux généralisations ultérieures. 3. Rappels sur les moules et comoules. Arboriflcation et coarborification. Exemples. Séquences et séquences arborescentes. Fixons un semi-groupe additif fî. Une séquence sur îi est une suite totalement ordonnée a; = (0:1,... ,a/y.) d'éléments a/^ e îi, avec répétitions possibles. On note : (3.1) r(w) =r= longueur de w, |[a;[[ =0:1 4-• • • + o;y. = somme de a;. (*) invariant analytique signifie invariant relativement aux changements de carte analytiques; et holomorphe signifie fonction holomorphe de Fobjet, cf. §8. 80 JEAN ECALLE On note aussi w = CtAo/' la séquence formée des éléments de c»/ puis des éléments de a/'. Une séquence arborescente sur f2 est une suite 0;= (ù;!,...,^d 'éléments de fi avec sur les indices {!,..., r} un ordre arborescent : autrement dit, chaque i € {1,... ,r} possède au plus un antécédent, noté z_. On définit encore r(uf) et || w || comme en (3.1). On note c^= a?' (B a/' l'union disjointe de a/ et a;" avec conservation des ordres partiels de a/ et c»/' et incomparâbilité des éléments de a?' avec ceux de a?". 0 désigne la séquence vide. Un w est dit irréductible s'il ne possède pas de décomposition a/ Q a;" non triviale; autrement dit, s'il possède un plus petit élément. Algèbre des moules (ordinaires; symétrals; symétrels). < comme arbre, on a A^ = A^ évidemment mais en général B-^ B<. w w Exemples de moules. Dès la section suivante, nous aurons besoin de quatre moules élémentaires 5 e , $•, 5 e , S 9 définis par : (3.35) Â 0^0^0^^! (3.36) S^^'"^ =? (-in^i^ • • • ^r)~1 avec ^ == ^ + • • • + (3.37) S^-^ = (ûiÛ2 • • • ^r)~1 avec û, = ^ 4-• • • + ^r (3.