Jenny N Sitepu - (original) (raw)
Papers by Jenny N Sitepu
AcTion : Aceh nutrition journal, Sep 20, 2023
Jurnal Visi Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Aug 30, 2021
Infeksi menular seksual (IMS) sampai saat ini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat diselu... more Infeksi menular seksual (IMS) sampai saat ini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat diseluruh dunia, baik negara maju (industri) maupun negara berkembang. Pengendalian IMS merupakan prioritas utama World Health Organization (WHO) karena menjadi salah satu infeksi yang menempati peringkat 10 besar di negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Pengetahuan yang rendah tentang IMS meningkatkan risiko sebesar 1,7 kali untuk berperilaku seksual tidak aman. Hasil Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan-Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja 2017 menunjukkan sebanyak 68,8 % remaja usia 15-19 tahun tidak mengetahui tentang IMS dan 55,7% penduduk usia 20-24 tahun tidak mengetahui tentang IMS. Seminar online ini bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan kelompok pemuda-pemudi Gereja GMAHK Ramunia tentang infeksi menular seksual. Berdasarkan hasil pre test dan post test yang diberikan kepada peserta dapat dilihat bahwa pemberian materi seminar dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta mengenai IMS. Hasil feedback dari peserta menunjukkan bahwa 86,7% peserta dapat memahami materi yang disampaikan dalam seminar ini, dan 93,3% peserta menjawab seminar ini bermanfaat bagi mereka terutama berkaitan dengan kesehatan reproduksi.
NJM (Nommensen Journal of Medicine), Feb 28, 2022
Background: Obesity is a condition where fat accumulates excessively in the body which is along w... more Background: Obesity is a condition where fat accumulates excessively in the body which is along with high levels of total blood cholesterol. Avocados (Persea americana) contains omega-9 and vitamins that can reduce total blood cholesterol levels. Objective: This study aimed to see the effect of avocado extract to reduce total blood cholesterol levels on obese male Wistar rat. Methods: This study used a true experimental pretest-posttest with control group design. Subjects were 32 obese male Wistar rats according to Lee's criteria (BMI> 0,3). Subjects were divided into treatment groups and control groups. Pretest of total cholesterol levels was done before treatment while posttest was done after treatment. The treatment group was given avocado extract, while the control group was not. The data was analyzed by paired and unpaired T tests to see the differences of total cholesterol levels on both treatment and control groups. Results: The results was found that the average of treatment group BMI was 0.4763 and the control group BMI was 0.4831. The average of cholesterol total level of treatment group pretest was 104.58 mg/dL and posttest was 85 mg/dL. Then the control group pretest was 101.68 mg/dL and posttest was 98.56 mg/dL. On the treatment group found a significant differences of pretest and posttest average of total cholesterol levels with value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05). A differences of posttest average of total cholesterol level on the treatment group was lower than the control group, with a value of p < 0.001 (p <0.05). Conclusion: Gave the avocado extract reduce total blood cholesterol levels in obese male Wistar rats.
NJM (Nommensen Journal of Medicine), Nov 2, 2020
Background: Attention is one component of cognitive function that consists of three aspects, such... more Background: Attention is one component of cognitive function that consists of three aspects, such as alerting, orienting and executive attention. Attention failure is thought to be a major cause of cognitive decline in sleep deprivation. Objective: To determine the relationship between sleep quality and attention on students of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas HKBP Nommensen. Method: This study was an observational analytic study using a cross-sectional design. Study population was active students of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas HKBP Nommensen. The sample was 62 respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was collected by giving and filling out the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire to assess sleep quality. Then proceed with attention checks using Attention Network Test (ANT). The relationship between sleep quality and attention was analyzed using Spearman test. Results: Respondents who have good sleep quality was 34 respondents (54.8%), moderate sleep quality was 24 respondents (38.6%, and poor sleep quality was 4 respondents (6.4%). Median depiction of orienting based on good sleep quality was 28.00 ms and poor sleep quality was 32.00 ms. Median depiction of executive attention based on good sleep quality was 142.29 ms and poor sleep quality was 170.00 ms. There was no correlation between sleep quality with alerting (p = 0.631 and r = 0.062), orienting (p = 0.892 and r = 0.018) and executive attention (p = 0.085 and r = 0.221). Conclusion: There is no relationship between sleep quality and attention (alerting, orienting and executive attention).
NJM (Nommensen Journal of Medicine), May 5, 2020
Backgroud: Clinical skills is one of competency as a doctor. Objective Structured Clinical Examin... more Backgroud: Clinical skills is one of competency as a doctor. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is an ideal way to assess clinical skills for undergraduated, graduated, and postdraduated clinical students. The low score in some OSCE station can be an input for teaching and curriculum improvement. This study aim to analyzed student competency achievement in first term in 2017/2018 academic year in Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas HKBP Nommensen. Methods: This study was qualitative study with descriptive design. The sample was OSCE score in first term in 2017/2018 academic year. Student achievement was the mean score of every student in all station in OSCE. Competency achievement was the mean of students score for every competency in OSCE. Next, the stations was categorized in practice/ procedure skills station and clinical reasoning skills station. Skills achievement was got form the mean of score (in percent) of procedure skills and clinical reasoning station. Indept interview with students and lectures was held to knowed their perception about OSCE. Results: Students' achievement in OSCE of first term academic year 2017/2018 was 62.4% for 2015's students, and 64.6% for 2016' students. The lowest competency achievement of 2015's students was diagnosis and differential diagnosis. For the 2016's students, it was farmacology treatment. Practice/ procedure skills achievement in OSCE of first term academic year 2017/2018 was 61.34% (2015's students) and 74.4% (2016's students). The clinical reasoning skills achievement was 62.80% (2015's students), and 58.77% (2016's students). Based on indept interview, the things that make student's achievement low were the clinical reasoning ability of students was still low, the standard patient that involved in OSCE didn't acted properly, the students' knowledge about medicine and prescription was poor, and there were lot of learning schedules and learning subjects that students must did and learned.
NJM (Nommensen Journal of Medicine), Feb 28, 2022
Background: Social media is an inseparable component of human life, included medical students. So... more Background: Social media is an inseparable component of human life, included medical students. Social media usage has both positive and negative benefits. Several studies showed excessive use of social media can cause mental health problems, such us depression. This study aims to evaluate the correlation between the intensity of social media use and the degree of depressive symptoms in students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of HKBP Nommensen. Methods: This study was an analytical observational study with cross-sectional design on 101 students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of HKBP Nommensen using questionnaires such as Social Networking Time Use Scale (SONTUS) to measure the intensity of social media use, and Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) to assess the degree of depressive symptoms. Data analysis were done by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient test. Results: This study showed that 38.6% respondents had low intensity, 41.6% medium intensity, and 19.8% respondents had high intensity of social media usage. There were 81.2% of respondent had no depression, 10.9% had mild depression, 5.9% moderate depression, and 2.0% severe depression. The Spearman test results showed that there is no correlation between the intensity of social media usage and the degree of depressive symptoms (p= 0.882) with a very weak correlation value (r = 0.015). Conclusion: There is no correlation between the intensity of social media use and the degree of depressive symptoms in the Faculty of Medicine, University of HKBP Nommensen students.
Indonesian Journal of Medicine
Background: Previous studies showed that cardiovascular risk factor was increased in obese and ov... more Background: Previous studies showed that cardiovascular risk factor was increased in obese and overweight subjects. Obesity and cardiovascular risk factor are associated with hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis hyperactivity that causes hypercortisolism, cortisol level is associated ZLWK FDUGLRYDVFXODU ULVN IDFWRU RQ REHVLW\ Ã-hydroxylase is an enzyme that involved in cortisol V\QWKHVLV 7KH DLP RI WKLV VWXG\ ZDV WR LQYHVWLJDWH Ã-Hydroxylase concentration in obesity, overweight, and normal weight young men. Subjects and Method: This was analytic-observational study using cross-sectional design. The study was conducted at HKBP Nommensen University, Medan. The study subjects included by 76 young men aged 18-28 years old, consisting of 25 obese subjects, 25 overweight, and 25 normoZHLJKW 7KH FRQFHQWUDWLRQ RI Ã-Hydroxylase was evaluated in blood sample after 10 hours fasting. The data was analyzed bivariately. Results: 0HDQ RI Ã-Hydroxylase concentration was 52.76 ± 44.27 in obese subjects, 70.16 ± 46.83 in overweight subjectV DQG " LQ QRUPRZHLJKW VXEMHFWV 7KH Ã-Hydroxylase concentration in overweight subjects was statistically higher than normoweight subjects (p = EXW WKH Ã-Hydroxylase concentration on obese subjects statistically was not different from normoweight subjects (p = 0.362). Conclusion: 7KH Ã-Hydroxylase concentration on overweight subject is higher than QRUPRZHLJKW VXEMHFW 7KHUH LV QR GLIIHUHQFH RI Ã-Hydroxylase concentration on obese and normoweight subject. Mitochondrial stress and mitochondrial failure mechanism on overweight and obesity merit further investigation.
Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Sexual transmitted infectiosn (STIs) is one of public health issue worldwide, both in industrial ... more Sexual transmitted infectiosn (STIs) is one of public health issue worldwide, both in industrial and developed country. Sexual transmitted infections control is one of World Health Organization priority because it become one of infection disease top 10 in developed country included Indonesia. The bad knowledge about sexual transmitted disease raise the risk of unsafe sexual activity by 1.7 times. Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan – Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja 2017 showed that 68.8% 15-19 years old teenagers did not know about STIs, neither 55.7% 20-24 years old Indonesia citizens. This onlie seminar aimed to raise the pemuda-pemudi Gereja GMAHK Ramunia’s knowledge about sexual transmitted infections. Participants’ feedback showed that 86.7% pasticipants could understand the seminar’s content, and 93.3% participants agreed that this seminar is useful exspecially related to reproductive health.
Nommensen Journal of Medicine, 2021
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is one of ... more Background: Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is one of the diseases with high mortality rate, but we can prevent its transmission. People with good knowledge about HIV/AIDS should have the positive attitude and action on HIV/AIDS. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between knowledge level about HIV/AIDS and the attitude and action on HIV/AIDS in high school students. Methods: This cross-sectional study of 96 teenagers (aged 15-19 years old) was performed at SMA Swasta HKBP Sidorame Medan. The knowledge, attitude, and action on HIV/AIDS were evaluated with questionnaire. Knowledge level was categorized to good, fair, and bad. Attitude was categorized to positive and negative attitude. Action was categorized to risk and no risk action. Likelihood-ratio test was performed to evaluate the correlation between knowledge with attitude and action on HIV/AIDS because chi-square test criteria was not met. Results: This...
Nommensen Journal of Medicine, 2019
Learning method and learning content must be suitable with Learning objectives in the ideal curri... more Learning method and learning content must be suitable with Learning objectives in the ideal curriculum. Standar Kompetensi Dokter Indonesia (SKDI) 2012 as a minimal competency standard that any doctor in Indonesia able to do. The aim of this study was to evaluated the suitability of learning content with learning objectives and SKDI 2012 in Tropical Medicine Modules Educational Year 2016/2017 Medical Faculty of Universitas HKBP Nommensen. This study was a qualitative descriptive study with documents analysis design. The documents that have been analysed were module learning objectives which described in buku rencana pengajaran, satuan acara perkuliahan, practical guidelines, tutorial guidelines, skills lab guidelines and student examination scores. The suitability of variables were evaluated by evaluation rubric that have been arranged before. Every learning objective has been described in learning content, although a learning objective could not described in every learning method. ...
AcTion : Aceh nutrition journal, Sep 20, 2023
Jurnal Visi Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Aug 30, 2021
Infeksi menular seksual (IMS) sampai saat ini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat diselu... more Infeksi menular seksual (IMS) sampai saat ini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat diseluruh dunia, baik negara maju (industri) maupun negara berkembang. Pengendalian IMS merupakan prioritas utama World Health Organization (WHO) karena menjadi salah satu infeksi yang menempati peringkat 10 besar di negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Pengetahuan yang rendah tentang IMS meningkatkan risiko sebesar 1,7 kali untuk berperilaku seksual tidak aman. Hasil Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan-Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja 2017 menunjukkan sebanyak 68,8 % remaja usia 15-19 tahun tidak mengetahui tentang IMS dan 55,7% penduduk usia 20-24 tahun tidak mengetahui tentang IMS. Seminar online ini bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan kelompok pemuda-pemudi Gereja GMAHK Ramunia tentang infeksi menular seksual. Berdasarkan hasil pre test dan post test yang diberikan kepada peserta dapat dilihat bahwa pemberian materi seminar dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta mengenai IMS. Hasil feedback dari peserta menunjukkan bahwa 86,7% peserta dapat memahami materi yang disampaikan dalam seminar ini, dan 93,3% peserta menjawab seminar ini bermanfaat bagi mereka terutama berkaitan dengan kesehatan reproduksi.
NJM (Nommensen Journal of Medicine), Feb 28, 2022
Background: Obesity is a condition where fat accumulates excessively in the body which is along w... more Background: Obesity is a condition where fat accumulates excessively in the body which is along with high levels of total blood cholesterol. Avocados (Persea americana) contains omega-9 and vitamins that can reduce total blood cholesterol levels. Objective: This study aimed to see the effect of avocado extract to reduce total blood cholesterol levels on obese male Wistar rat. Methods: This study used a true experimental pretest-posttest with control group design. Subjects were 32 obese male Wistar rats according to Lee's criteria (BMI> 0,3). Subjects were divided into treatment groups and control groups. Pretest of total cholesterol levels was done before treatment while posttest was done after treatment. The treatment group was given avocado extract, while the control group was not. The data was analyzed by paired and unpaired T tests to see the differences of total cholesterol levels on both treatment and control groups. Results: The results was found that the average of treatment group BMI was 0.4763 and the control group BMI was 0.4831. The average of cholesterol total level of treatment group pretest was 104.58 mg/dL and posttest was 85 mg/dL. Then the control group pretest was 101.68 mg/dL and posttest was 98.56 mg/dL. On the treatment group found a significant differences of pretest and posttest average of total cholesterol levels with value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05). A differences of posttest average of total cholesterol level on the treatment group was lower than the control group, with a value of p < 0.001 (p <0.05). Conclusion: Gave the avocado extract reduce total blood cholesterol levels in obese male Wistar rats.
NJM (Nommensen Journal of Medicine), Nov 2, 2020
Background: Attention is one component of cognitive function that consists of three aspects, such... more Background: Attention is one component of cognitive function that consists of three aspects, such as alerting, orienting and executive attention. Attention failure is thought to be a major cause of cognitive decline in sleep deprivation. Objective: To determine the relationship between sleep quality and attention on students of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas HKBP Nommensen. Method: This study was an observational analytic study using a cross-sectional design. Study population was active students of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas HKBP Nommensen. The sample was 62 respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was collected by giving and filling out the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire to assess sleep quality. Then proceed with attention checks using Attention Network Test (ANT). The relationship between sleep quality and attention was analyzed using Spearman test. Results: Respondents who have good sleep quality was 34 respondents (54.8%), moderate sleep quality was 24 respondents (38.6%, and poor sleep quality was 4 respondents (6.4%). Median depiction of orienting based on good sleep quality was 28.00 ms and poor sleep quality was 32.00 ms. Median depiction of executive attention based on good sleep quality was 142.29 ms and poor sleep quality was 170.00 ms. There was no correlation between sleep quality with alerting (p = 0.631 and r = 0.062), orienting (p = 0.892 and r = 0.018) and executive attention (p = 0.085 and r = 0.221). Conclusion: There is no relationship between sleep quality and attention (alerting, orienting and executive attention).
NJM (Nommensen Journal of Medicine), May 5, 2020
Backgroud: Clinical skills is one of competency as a doctor. Objective Structured Clinical Examin... more Backgroud: Clinical skills is one of competency as a doctor. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is an ideal way to assess clinical skills for undergraduated, graduated, and postdraduated clinical students. The low score in some OSCE station can be an input for teaching and curriculum improvement. This study aim to analyzed student competency achievement in first term in 2017/2018 academic year in Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas HKBP Nommensen. Methods: This study was qualitative study with descriptive design. The sample was OSCE score in first term in 2017/2018 academic year. Student achievement was the mean score of every student in all station in OSCE. Competency achievement was the mean of students score for every competency in OSCE. Next, the stations was categorized in practice/ procedure skills station and clinical reasoning skills station. Skills achievement was got form the mean of score (in percent) of procedure skills and clinical reasoning station. Indept interview with students and lectures was held to knowed their perception about OSCE. Results: Students' achievement in OSCE of first term academic year 2017/2018 was 62.4% for 2015's students, and 64.6% for 2016' students. The lowest competency achievement of 2015's students was diagnosis and differential diagnosis. For the 2016's students, it was farmacology treatment. Practice/ procedure skills achievement in OSCE of first term academic year 2017/2018 was 61.34% (2015's students) and 74.4% (2016's students). The clinical reasoning skills achievement was 62.80% (2015's students), and 58.77% (2016's students). Based on indept interview, the things that make student's achievement low were the clinical reasoning ability of students was still low, the standard patient that involved in OSCE didn't acted properly, the students' knowledge about medicine and prescription was poor, and there were lot of learning schedules and learning subjects that students must did and learned.
NJM (Nommensen Journal of Medicine), Feb 28, 2022
Background: Social media is an inseparable component of human life, included medical students. So... more Background: Social media is an inseparable component of human life, included medical students. Social media usage has both positive and negative benefits. Several studies showed excessive use of social media can cause mental health problems, such us depression. This study aims to evaluate the correlation between the intensity of social media use and the degree of depressive symptoms in students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of HKBP Nommensen. Methods: This study was an analytical observational study with cross-sectional design on 101 students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of HKBP Nommensen using questionnaires such as Social Networking Time Use Scale (SONTUS) to measure the intensity of social media use, and Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) to assess the degree of depressive symptoms. Data analysis were done by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient test. Results: This study showed that 38.6% respondents had low intensity, 41.6% medium intensity, and 19.8% respondents had high intensity of social media usage. There were 81.2% of respondent had no depression, 10.9% had mild depression, 5.9% moderate depression, and 2.0% severe depression. The Spearman test results showed that there is no correlation between the intensity of social media usage and the degree of depressive symptoms (p= 0.882) with a very weak correlation value (r = 0.015). Conclusion: There is no correlation between the intensity of social media use and the degree of depressive symptoms in the Faculty of Medicine, University of HKBP Nommensen students.
Indonesian Journal of Medicine
Background: Previous studies showed that cardiovascular risk factor was increased in obese and ov... more Background: Previous studies showed that cardiovascular risk factor was increased in obese and overweight subjects. Obesity and cardiovascular risk factor are associated with hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis hyperactivity that causes hypercortisolism, cortisol level is associated ZLWK FDUGLRYDVFXODU ULVN IDFWRU RQ REHVLW\ Ã-hydroxylase is an enzyme that involved in cortisol V\QWKHVLV 7KH DLP RI WKLV VWXG\ ZDV WR LQYHVWLJDWH Ã-Hydroxylase concentration in obesity, overweight, and normal weight young men. Subjects and Method: This was analytic-observational study using cross-sectional design. The study was conducted at HKBP Nommensen University, Medan. The study subjects included by 76 young men aged 18-28 years old, consisting of 25 obese subjects, 25 overweight, and 25 normoZHLJKW 7KH FRQFHQWUDWLRQ RI Ã-Hydroxylase was evaluated in blood sample after 10 hours fasting. The data was analyzed bivariately. Results: 0HDQ RI Ã-Hydroxylase concentration was 52.76 ± 44.27 in obese subjects, 70.16 ± 46.83 in overweight subjectV DQG " LQ QRUPRZHLJKW VXEMHFWV 7KH Ã-Hydroxylase concentration in overweight subjects was statistically higher than normoweight subjects (p = EXW WKH Ã-Hydroxylase concentration on obese subjects statistically was not different from normoweight subjects (p = 0.362). Conclusion: 7KH Ã-Hydroxylase concentration on overweight subject is higher than QRUPRZHLJKW VXEMHFW 7KHUH LV QR GLIIHUHQFH RI Ã-Hydroxylase concentration on obese and normoweight subject. Mitochondrial stress and mitochondrial failure mechanism on overweight and obesity merit further investigation.
Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Sexual transmitted infectiosn (STIs) is one of public health issue worldwide, both in industrial ... more Sexual transmitted infectiosn (STIs) is one of public health issue worldwide, both in industrial and developed country. Sexual transmitted infections control is one of World Health Organization priority because it become one of infection disease top 10 in developed country included Indonesia. The bad knowledge about sexual transmitted disease raise the risk of unsafe sexual activity by 1.7 times. Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan – Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja 2017 showed that 68.8% 15-19 years old teenagers did not know about STIs, neither 55.7% 20-24 years old Indonesia citizens. This onlie seminar aimed to raise the pemuda-pemudi Gereja GMAHK Ramunia’s knowledge about sexual transmitted infections. Participants’ feedback showed that 86.7% pasticipants could understand the seminar’s content, and 93.3% participants agreed that this seminar is useful exspecially related to reproductive health.
Nommensen Journal of Medicine, 2021
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is one of ... more Background: Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is one of the diseases with high mortality rate, but we can prevent its transmission. People with good knowledge about HIV/AIDS should have the positive attitude and action on HIV/AIDS. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between knowledge level about HIV/AIDS and the attitude and action on HIV/AIDS in high school students. Methods: This cross-sectional study of 96 teenagers (aged 15-19 years old) was performed at SMA Swasta HKBP Sidorame Medan. The knowledge, attitude, and action on HIV/AIDS were evaluated with questionnaire. Knowledge level was categorized to good, fair, and bad. Attitude was categorized to positive and negative attitude. Action was categorized to risk and no risk action. Likelihood-ratio test was performed to evaluate the correlation between knowledge with attitude and action on HIV/AIDS because chi-square test criteria was not met. Results: This...
Nommensen Journal of Medicine, 2019
Learning method and learning content must be suitable with Learning objectives in the ideal curri... more Learning method and learning content must be suitable with Learning objectives in the ideal curriculum. Standar Kompetensi Dokter Indonesia (SKDI) 2012 as a minimal competency standard that any doctor in Indonesia able to do. The aim of this study was to evaluated the suitability of learning content with learning objectives and SKDI 2012 in Tropical Medicine Modules Educational Year 2016/2017 Medical Faculty of Universitas HKBP Nommensen. This study was a qualitative descriptive study with documents analysis design. The documents that have been analysed were module learning objectives which described in buku rencana pengajaran, satuan acara perkuliahan, practical guidelines, tutorial guidelines, skills lab guidelines and student examination scores. The suitability of variables were evaluated by evaluation rubric that have been arranged before. Every learning objective has been described in learning content, although a learning objective could not described in every learning method. ...