Jesus Arzamendi - (original) (raw)

Papers by Jesus Arzamendi

Research paper thumbnail of Anuario Del Seminario De Filologia Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia-Diputacion Foral De Guipuzcoa

The object ofthis essay is to give an account 'of the linguistic polemic that arose towards. the ... more The object ofthis essay is to give an account 'of the linguistic polemic that arose towards. the end of the last century between Prince L.-L. Bonaparte and other Basque scholars, like WJ. van Eys,]. Vinson and A. Luchaire. This aspect has received little attention from students ofBonaparte's work. The author ofthis essay attempts to develop certain topics ofdiscussion wich at the time meant an advance in research on the Basque language, as well as to explain the relationship of these Basque scholars with the linguistics theOries and methods of their time, and especially with the influence ofSchleicher and comparative grammar in general. (28) Ghar bedi berriz ere naturelle hitza agertzen deJa, pots, legeen bitartez erdiets daitekeena. (29) Vinsonen Urspracblrri buruzko eritzirako, ik. Vinson (1876a: 38). Pourquoi le pays basque at -il garde cette physionomie spedale? La principale cause est cer-taineme~t la conselVation de sa langue. (Vinson, 1868: 6) (90) Oroit hedi Unamunok ere jaso zuela ideia hau:- .-..el euskera es pobrisimo en voces significativas de objetos espirituales 0 suprasensibles y hasta carece de terminos que expresan ideas abstraetas en general..

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections on immersion education in the Basque Country

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Jul 13, 1997

Research paper thumbnail of Calidad de educación y bilingüismo

Ikastaria: cuadernos de educación, 1995

La ponencia sobre bilinguismo y calidad de educación fue elaborada conjuntamente por dos profesor... more La ponencia sobre bilinguismo y calidad de educación fue elaborada conjuntamente por dos profesores de la UPK Tras definir una serie de conceptos a menudo interrelacionados como bilingüismo individual y social, políticas lingüísticas asimilacionistas o pluralistas y multilingüismo/plurilingüismo, en la primera parte Jesús Arzamendi analiza los objetivos y los resultados de las experiencias más prometedoras sobre educación bilingüe realizadas en Norteamérica. En concreto se centra en la denominada two ways, ensayada en zonas de USA como Miami y California donde el español está pujante, y los programas intensivos ESL en Quebec. Elebitasunarí eta hezkuntza-kalitateari buruzko txostena EHUko bi irakaslek elkarrekin egina da. Maiz asko elkarrekin zerikusia duen kontzeptu sail bat, hala nola elebitasun indibiduala, elebitasun soziala, hizkuntza politika asimilazionistak edo anitzak eta eleaniztasuna, definitu ondoren, lehen zatian Jesus Arzamendik Ipar Amerikan hezkuntza elebidunaren inguruan egindako esperientzia interesgarrienen helburuak eta emaitzak aztertzen ditu. Hain juxtu, two ways izena duena, espainiera indartsu dagoen EEBBetako zenbait aldetan, Californian eta Miamin esaterako, saiatu dena eta Quebec-eko ESL programa intentsiboak aipatzen ditu bereziki. This paper on bilingualism and the quality of education was jointly drawn up by two professors from the University of the Basque Country. After having defined a series of often interrelated concepts such as individual and social bilingualism, assimiiationist or pluralist linguistic policies and multilinguism/p/urilinguism, Jesus Arzamendi, in the first part, analyses the objectives and results of the most promising experiences on bilingual education carried out in North America. It specifically concentrares on the so-called two-way system, tried out in areas of the USA such as Miami and California where Spanish is booming, and the ESL intensive programmes in Quebec.

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary findings of a format-based foreign language teaching method for school children in the Basque Country

Applied Psycholinguistics, Mar 1, 2001

This article describes the preliminary findings in the Basque Country of a project shared by four... more This article describes the preliminary findings in the Basque Country of a project shared by four European countries to teach a second language or a foreign language to preschool and school-age children. The method used to teach the foreign language-in this case, the third language (English)-is based on the use of dramatized formats (Taeschner, 1992). Here, we examine (1) the level of proficiency attained by the experimental groups (50 pupils) at the end of the first year and at the end of the second year of working with the method and (2) the level of proficiency attained by the experimental groups by the end of the second year compared to that attained by the control groups (20 pupils) working with a different method. Other variables are also considered: specific behavior types (disruptive, withdrawn), intelligence, sex, language achievement, and sociocultural background. The pupils were tested at the beginning of the project, at the end of the first year, and at the end of the second year. The linguistic data were transcribed and analyzed with the CLAN programs of CHILDES (MacWhinney, 1995), and various statistical analyses were carried out. The results indicate significant differences in language proficiency in favor of the experimental group as well as some interesting information about children with specific behaviors learning with this method. In recent years there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the teaching and learning of languages, as a result of the European Union's desire to foster a community that is united but at the same time respectful of each other's cultural and linguistic differences. The challenge for modern-day Europe is to create plurilingual citizens (Arzamendi, 1994, p. 1). The Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (ACBC) (pop. 2,052,300 in 1991) is one of the seventeen regional communities of Spain under the 1978 Spanish Constitution. Its constituent provinces are Araba, Bizkaia, and Gipuzkoa. It enjoys a broad range of powers in most spheres of public administration, including education. Both Basque, spoken by about a quarter of the

Research paper thumbnail of Bilingüismo y calidad de la educación

Research paper thumbnail of Terminos vascos en documentos medievales de los ss. XI-XVI

Servicio Editorial, Universidad del País Vasco eBooks, 1985

Research paper thumbnail of • GIPUZKOAKO FORU ALDUNDIA DIPUTACI6NFORAL DE GIPUZKOA , Idazkaritza / Redacci6n / Boar.d

En el transcurso de los ultimos afios hemos asistidoal desarrollo de una concep-ci6n del estudio ... more En el transcurso de los ultimos afios hemos asistidoal desarrollo de una concep-ci6n del estudio del lenguaje que constituye un alejamiento 'bastante radical de la tradici6n hist6rica, mayor incluso que el supuesto por' la gramatica generativa contemponinea en sus orfgenes. Me re"fiero con ello al modelo de Principios y Parametros,l que pone en entredicho la asunci6n de que una lengua particular es, en esencia, un sistema especffico de reglas. Si esta concepci6n es correcta, entonces' no existiran reglas sintacticas (dejando a un lado la fonologfa 2) definidas para una lengua en particular, ni 'habra principios especificos para una construcci6n. Una lengua 3 no es, por

Research paper thumbnail of "JULIO DE lTRQUIJO" International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology ASJU

The term ttlocation noun" is a convenient designation for the type of nouns represented by aurre ... more The term ttlocation noun" is a convenient designation for the type of nouns represented by aurre and atze. These two items, together with their synonyms aitzin, gibel and oste, can be viewed as prototypes: their behavior es typical of location nouns, but need not be shared by the whole class. In part one, this behavior is analyzed in some detail from the point ofview ofa learner of Basque. In part two, roughly two dozen other location nouns are studied and occurring deviations from prototypical behavior pointed out. As a whole, the article is meant to portray the author's views as to what should be taught in this domain as part ofa course in Euskara Batua, and how to teach it to a certain type ofaudience. It also demonstrates that location nouns can be taught early in the course, since nothing more than a knowledge ofthe nominal declension needs to be presupposed. 'again') and a few more in addition: 'besides' (when constructed with a preceding instrumental noun phrase), 'on the other hand', however'. All forms mentioned above are employed and accepted in Euskara Batua. Part Two: Other Location Nouns We will now survey the remaining location nouns. Unless otherwise indicated, the general system studied in Part One applies to these also. An important spatial opposition is expressed by the word pair gain 'upper part', 'top' and azpi 'lower part', 'bottom'. The latter term~ill be discussed first, as its use is by far the simpler of the two. Some typical uses of azpi are: lurraren azpian: under the earth, below (the) ground eguzkiaren azpian.• under the sun komunismoaren azpian: under communism ohe azpitik: from under the bed belaun azpiraino: down to below the knee With inanimate noun phrases, there is an alternative phrasing which makes use of a suffix _pe: 9 lurpean 'under the earth', eguzkipean 'under the sun', oinpean 'under the foot', 'underfoot', zeru zurbilpean 'under the pale sky', etc. About azpi nothing more needs to be said here except that it shows the same type of metaphorical use found for English under: legeen azpian 'under the, laws', zigorraren azpian 'under the punishment', aitzaki ederren azpian 'under fine pretexts'. Constructions based on gain serve for 'on' as well as for 'over': asto baten gainean: on top of a donkey, on a donkey liburuen gainean: on top of the books, on the books, over the books hiriaren gainean: over the city, above the city belar gainean: on the grass, over the grass mahai gainetik: from (on) the table ]onen buruaren gainetik: over ]onh's head Like azpi, gain is often employed in a non-spatial, metaphoric sense, corresponding to English metaphorical uses of upon, over above. In such metaphoric uses, the (9) Rather than a suffix, pe appears to be a location noun itself, judging from such examples asJainkoaren justiziaren eta ko/era zuzenaren pean~under God's justice and rightful wrath' (Lap. p. 275), Mitxe/enaren promesaren pean 'under Mitxelena's promise'. Its etymological connection with behe seems evident from Capanaga's phrase Poncio Pilatosen podereen bean 'under the powers of Pontius Pilate' (Cap. 6). gerlaren ondoan: after the war a/al ondoan: after supper bazkalondoan: after lunch hil ondoan: after dying Aldamenean too can occur in a temporal context, but, lacking the fundamental meaning characteristic of ondo, it always retains its usual sense 'near': mende-mugaren aldamenean (MEIG VI, 48) 'near the turn of the century'. The location noun inguru (borrowed from the late Latin phrase in gyrum 'in a circle') means 'circumference', 'periphery', but also 'vicinity',• and, in the plural, 'surroundings': hiriaren inguruak 'the outskirts of the city'. Constructions with inguru seem to correspond to all uses of the English preposition around: gazteluaren inguruan: around the castle, in the vicinity of the castle ibaiaren inguruan: to the vicinity of the river euskararen inguruan: around Basque, about Basque sorginen inguruan: around the witches, about the witches Just like English around, inguruan (and also uninflected inguru) can mean 'approximately'. In that meaning, there is never a genitive on the preceding noun phrase: bostehun sorgin inguru(an) 'around five hundred witches'. The location noun arte meaning 'gap', 'crevice', 'interval', 'opportunity' helps to express the concept 'between' or 'among'. Arte follows the system explained in Part One in that it optionally governs the genitive. Some typical examples are 31 : tenplearen eta aldarearen artean (Mt. 23, 35; Lz): between the temple and the altar Gasteiz eta Bilho artean: between Vitoria and Bilbao hiru ibairen aytera: (to) between three rivers itsuen artetik: from among the blind zakurren aytean: among the dogs, aIDong dogs zakur artean: among dogs jende artean: among the people esku artean: between the hands, in hand malko artean: between tears, in tears, tearfully RUDOLF P. G. DE RI]K munduaren azkena arte: until the end of the world goizetik arrats artean: from the morning until the evening 1893garren urtea arte: until the year 1893 1893garren urte arte: until the year 1893 goiz artean: until the morning, during the morning bazka/artean: until lunch, during lunch Note also the common phrases: noiz arte 'until when', atzo arte 'until yesterday', gaur arte 'until today', orain arte 'until now', ordu arte 'until then'. The following phrases are used as greet~ngs: aurki arte 'see you shortly' ('until shortly'), bihar arte 'see you tomorrow' ('until tomorrow'), gero arte 'see you later' ('until later'), laster arte 'see you soon' ('until soon'), sarri arte 'see you soon' ('until soon'), urren arte 'see you next time' (until next time'). The inessive artean can be used alone as an adverb of time meaning 'still (at the time)'. The noun erdi with meaning 'middle' or 'center' as well as 'half' regularly functions as a location noun, witness the following examples: egunaren erdian: in the middle of the day hiriaren erdian: in the middle of the city, in the center of the city itsasoaren erdian: in the middle of the sea itsas erdian: in the middle of the sea otsoen erdira: into the midst of (the) wolves /agunen erditik: from out of the midst of his fellows The noun pare, meaning 'pair' and also 'counterpart' or 'likeness', can serve as a location noun referring to the 'opposite side': e/iza ederraren pare: across from the beautiful church etxe parean: across from the house ijitoen parean: across from the gypsies, in comparison to the gypsies As we observe in the preceding example, parean,~hen constructed with the genitive, can also mean 'in comparison to ... '. Furthermore, the uninflected form pare functions as a postposition meaning 'like', as in: zilar finaren pare da pilotaria (beginning of a song written by Etxahun lruri) 'a ballplayer is like pure silver'. Some other examples: asto baten pare: like a donkey ur garbiaren pare: like clean water.(MEIG VII, 153) deabruaren pare: like the devil The location noun bazter means 'corner', 'fringe', 'margin', 'edge'. Hence: bidearen bazterrean: on the shoulder of the road, at the edge of the road itsas bazterrera: to the shore of the sea munduaren bazterreraino: to as far as the edge of the world Almost synonymous to bazter is ertz 'edge', 'hem', 'margin', 'shore', 'bank'. It too functions as a location noun: gona gorriaren er1zean: on the hem of the red skirt ibai ham/iaren erlZera: to the bank of the big river. ,. . ..

Research paper thumbnail of Elebitasuna eta hizkuntz jabekuntza : AESLA-ren IX. Kongresu Nazionalaren aktak = Bilingüismo y adquisición de lenguas : actas del IX Congreso Nacional de AESLA

Research paper thumbnail of Bilingüismo y calidad de la educación

Research paper thumbnail of Calidad de educación y bilingüismo

La ponencia sobre bilinguismo y calidad de educación fue elaborada conjuntamente por dos profesor... more La ponencia sobre bilinguismo y calidad de educación fue elaborada conjuntamente por dos profesores de la UPK Tras definir una serie de conceptos a menudo interrelacionados como bilingüismo individual y social, políticas lingüísticas asimilacionistas o pluralistas y multilingüismo/plurilingüismo, en la primera parte Jesús Arzamendi analiza los objetivos y los resultados de las experiencias más prometedoras sobre educación bilingüe realizadas en Norteamérica. En concreto se centra en la denominada two ways, ensayada en zonas de USA como Miami y California donde el español está pujante, y los programas intensivos ESL en Quebec. Elebitasunarí eta hezkuntza-kalitateari buruzko txostena EHUko bi irakaslek elkarrekin egina da. Maiz asko elkarrekin zerikusia duen kontzeptu sail bat, hala nola elebitasun indibiduala, elebitasun soziala, hizkuntza politika asimilazionistak edo anitzak eta eleaniztasuna, definitu ondoren, lehen zatian Jesus Arzamendik Ipar Amerikan hezkuntza elebidunaren inguruan egindako esperientzia interesgarrienen helburuak eta emaitzak aztertzen ditu. Hain juxtu, two ways izena duena, espainiera indartsu dagoen EEBBetako zenbait aldetan, Californian eta Miamin esaterako, saiatu dena eta Quebec-eko ESL programa intentsiboak aipatzen ditu bereziki. This paper on bilingualism and the quality of education was jointly drawn up by two professors from the University of the Basque Country. After having defined a series of often interrelated concepts such as individual and social bilingualism, assimiiationist or pluralist linguistic policies and multilinguism/p/urilinguism, Jesus Arzamendi, in the first part, analyses the objectives and results of the most promising experiences on bilingual education carried out in North America. It specifically concentrares on the so-called two-way system, tried out in areas of the USA such as Miami and California where Spanish is booming, and the ESL intensive programmes in Quebec.

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections on immersion education in the Basque Country

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary findings of a format-based foreign language teaching method for school children in the Basque Country

Applied Psycholinguistics, 2001

This article describes the preliminary findings in the Basque Country of a project shared by four... more This article describes the preliminary findings in the Basque Country of a project shared by four European countries to teach a second language or a foreign language to preschool and school-age children. The method used to teach the foreign language – in this case, the third language (English) – is based on the use of dramatized formats (Taeschner, 1992). Here, we examine (1) the level of proficiency attained by the experimental groups (50 pupils) at the end of the first year and at the end of the second year of working with the method and (2) the level of proficiency attained by the experimental groups by the end of the second year compared to that attained by the control groups (20 pupils) working with a different method. Other variables are also considered: specific behavior types (disruptive, withdrawn), intelligence, sex, language achievement, and sociocultural background. The pupils were tested at the beginning of the project, at the end of the first year, and at the end of th...

Research paper thumbnail of Formas «vascas» en documentos de Sancho el Sabio

Lo que en estos momentos pretendo presentarles a Vds. es el resultado de un rastreo efectuado en ... more Lo que en estos momentos pretendo presentarles a Vds. es el resultado de un rastreo efectuado en documentos de Sancho El Sabio con el fin de descubrir los elementos lingüísticos plausiblemente vascos contenidos en ellos. Como no h an llegado hasta nosotros documentos de esta cancillería escritos en euskara, si es que alguna vez se escribieron-lo cual, por otra parte, es más que improbable-, hemos tenido que contentarnos con espigar aquí y allá las pocas formas que, en mayor o menor grado, presentan el aspecto de haber pertenecido a la lengua de la que deriva, sin solución de continuidad, el actual euskara. Resulta pretencioso, a primera vista, pensar que podemos detectar sin error formas vascas en documentos que fueron escritos en latín o en romance. Sin embargo, es un procedimiento que, aplicado con las debidas garantías, nos permite retrotraer la historia de una parte del léxico vasco en varios siglos. Esta es la opinión de autores como Achilles Luchaire, Arturo Campión, Julio Caro Baroja y Luis Michelena (1) quienes con técnicas algo distintas han utilizado en sus obras (2) dicho procedimiento llamado «Nebenüberlieferung» (tradición secundaria). (1) LUCHAIRE, Achilles: «nous croyons qu'on ne saurait mettre trop de soin à rechercher dans les plus anciens documents du moyen âge tout ce qu'ils peuvent nous fournir de mots basques, surtout de ceux qui sont encore usités dans l'idiome actuel et dont le sens ne saurait être douteux. S'il est impossible de retrouver une littérature basque antérieure au XVI` siècle, au moins pourrait-on, dans une certaine mesure et partiellemente, pour un certain nombre des vocables, reconstituer le passé du lexique euskarien» Sur les noms propres basques contenus dans quelques documents... «Revue de Ling. et de Phil. Comparée», 14, 1881. pp. 168. CAMPIÓN, Arturo: «El estudio histórico del idioma basko puede, hoy por hoy, emprenderse: 1.° 2.° en los vocablos sueltos que suelen encontrarse en documentos medievales de todo género: cronicones, crónicas, instrumentos públicos y privados, donaciones, cuentas, etc., etc. es fuente copiosísima que se engrosa diariamente.» Euskariana (serie 10.0), p. 143. Pamplona 1931. J. CARO BAROJA: «Topónimos que pueden traducirse a la luz del vasco actual, de carácter claramente descriptivo o de otra índole.» Proyecto para la elaboración del fichero de Toponimia y antroponimia vasca medieval. BAP, 1949, V, pp. 381-385. Luis MIGH ELENA: «En este campo (vasco) se trata de conocer la lengua a través de la parquedad de los datos onomásticos, afectados siempre del elevado coeficiente de inseguridad que es compañero inseparable de la interpretación de los nombres propios. Pero solamente así podemos retrotraer varios siglos los primeros testimonios de bastantes palabras, probar documentalmente la antigüedad de algunos procedimientos de formación de palabras y sintagmas, e incluso, en los casos más favorables, de aspectos más centrales en el sistema gramatical de la lengua. No hablemos ya de la evolución de los sonidos: durante medio milenio aproximadamente la Fonología diacrónica vasca casi no puede apoyarse directamente más que en el material onomástico», pp. 2-3. Notas lingüísticas a la colecc. dipl. de Irache, FLV, 1969, pp. 1-32. (2) Luc H AIRE, Achilles: Etudes sur les idiomes pyrénéennes de la region française, Paris 1879. Sur les noms propres basques contenus dans quelques documents...

Research paper thumbnail of Léxico de los refranes de B. de Zalgiz

Anuario Del Seminario De Filologia Vasca Julio De Urquijo, Mar 2, 2013

Nota de la red. El texto de los Refranes de Sauguis aparece repetido en este numero (cf., supra, ... more Nota de la red. El texto de los Refranes de Sauguis aparece repetido en este numero (cf., supra, page 173 ss.), y no por inadvertencia. Las dificultades en la constituci6n del texto (yen su tra-ducci6n) son tantas que se, ha considerado que dos intentos pueden muy bien aparecer uno junto-a otro. ,Desgraciadamente, no fal.. taran dudas mientras el ros. usado por Urquijo no vuelva a aparecer. (1) Los datos estan recogidos del Pr610go que hace Urquijo a la eclicion de los refranes en RIEV 11, 676-706. ' 269 ZALGIZEN ERREFRAUEN HIZTEGI£!\, AURKEZPENA. Donostia.ko E.U.T.G.eko FilolQgia E.rromanikoko hirugarren kurt soko ikasle (aIde batek 1974~5 •ikasturtean egindako mintegiaren ondorioa da lantxo hau.

Research paper thumbnail of ANUARIO DEL SEMINARIO DE FILOLOGIA VASCA "JULIO DE URQUIJO" International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology XXII-l 1988 GIPUZKOAKO FORti ALDUNDIA-DIPUTACION FORAL DE GUIPUZCOA DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIAN © ASJU Anuario del Seminario de Filologia Vasca LlIIS MICHELENA

Aldizkariaz eta jakintza arloko gora-beherez (kongresu, ikastaro, deialdi, egitasmo ...) irakurle... more Aldizkariaz eta jakintza arloko gora-beherez (kongresu, ikastaro, deialdi, egitasmo ...) irakurlea gaztigatzeko asmotan sortutako «Argitaratzailearen txoko» honetatik bertatik hasita, berrikuntza batzu ediren ahal dira ASJUren egituran; beste hainbat aldizkaritan bezala, lehenagotik zetozen artikulu hasierako ingelesezko laburpenei orain hurrengo •zenbakietan aterako diren lanen zerrenda ere gehitu diegu) aldizkariari egin diezaioken propagandaz gainera, irakurle eta ikertzaileentzako interesgarti gerta daitekeelakoan. Nazioarteko aldizkarietan ohi legez, erantsi ditugu irakurle eta egileentzat interesgarri izan daitezkeen ohar eta azalpenak aldizkariaz betaz. Azalean ere ukituren bat elnan diogu zabalkundearen-katiaz. Orain artikulugileentzako «estilo-liburua» eta laburdura erabilgarrienen zerrenda eman goga ditugu, aldizkariak honela kalitatean eta batasunean irabaz bait dezake. Halaber, heldu diren zenbakietan liburu-berriak apurka-apurka gehitzeko asmoa dugu, egiteko errazegia ez izan arren gure jakintza-arloko aldizkarietan den ohitura falta-aipatuko ez ditudan beste zenbait arrazoi alba bat utzirik-dela kausa; sailaren standarrek, ordea, ezinbesteko dute informazioa eta kritika. Amaitzeko, argitaratzaileak asko eskertuko lituzke eta ahal den neurrian gauzatzen saiatuko da zeinnahi irakurlek aldizkariaren edukinaren eta itxuraren onetan idatziz zein ahoz egin liezaizkiokeen kritika, ohar, kOl1tseilu eta proposamen. JOSEBA ANDONI LAKARRA Aftibarroren idazlanak 11: LORA SORTA ESPIRITUALA (1803) BLANKA URGELL o. B. H.

Research paper thumbnail of El léxico vasco de los refranes de Garibay

Anuario Del Seminario De Filologia Vasca Julio De Urquijo, Mar 2, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Anuario Del Seminario De Filologia Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia-Diputacion Foral De Guipuzcoa

The object ofthis essay is to give an account 'of the linguistic polemic that arose towards. the ... more The object ofthis essay is to give an account 'of the linguistic polemic that arose towards. the end of the last century between Prince L.-L. Bonaparte and other Basque scholars, like WJ. van Eys,]. Vinson and A. Luchaire. This aspect has received little attention from students ofBonaparte's work. The author ofthis essay attempts to develop certain topics ofdiscussion wich at the time meant an advance in research on the Basque language, as well as to explain the relationship of these Basque scholars with the linguistics theOries and methods of their time, and especially with the influence ofSchleicher and comparative grammar in general. (28) Ghar bedi berriz ere naturelle hitza agertzen deJa, pots, legeen bitartez erdiets daitekeena. (29) Vinsonen Urspracblrri buruzko eritzirako, ik. Vinson (1876a: 38). Pourquoi le pays basque at -il garde cette physionomie spedale? La principale cause est cer-taineme~t la conselVation de sa langue. (Vinson, 1868: 6) (90) Oroit hedi Unamunok ere jaso zuela ideia hau:- .-..el euskera es pobrisimo en voces significativas de objetos espirituales 0 suprasensibles y hasta carece de terminos que expresan ideas abstraetas en general..

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections on immersion education in the Basque Country

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Jul 13, 1997

Research paper thumbnail of Calidad de educación y bilingüismo

Ikastaria: cuadernos de educación, 1995

La ponencia sobre bilinguismo y calidad de educación fue elaborada conjuntamente por dos profesor... more La ponencia sobre bilinguismo y calidad de educación fue elaborada conjuntamente por dos profesores de la UPK Tras definir una serie de conceptos a menudo interrelacionados como bilingüismo individual y social, políticas lingüísticas asimilacionistas o pluralistas y multilingüismo/plurilingüismo, en la primera parte Jesús Arzamendi analiza los objetivos y los resultados de las experiencias más prometedoras sobre educación bilingüe realizadas en Norteamérica. En concreto se centra en la denominada two ways, ensayada en zonas de USA como Miami y California donde el español está pujante, y los programas intensivos ESL en Quebec. Elebitasunarí eta hezkuntza-kalitateari buruzko txostena EHUko bi irakaslek elkarrekin egina da. Maiz asko elkarrekin zerikusia duen kontzeptu sail bat, hala nola elebitasun indibiduala, elebitasun soziala, hizkuntza politika asimilazionistak edo anitzak eta eleaniztasuna, definitu ondoren, lehen zatian Jesus Arzamendik Ipar Amerikan hezkuntza elebidunaren inguruan egindako esperientzia interesgarrienen helburuak eta emaitzak aztertzen ditu. Hain juxtu, two ways izena duena, espainiera indartsu dagoen EEBBetako zenbait aldetan, Californian eta Miamin esaterako, saiatu dena eta Quebec-eko ESL programa intentsiboak aipatzen ditu bereziki. This paper on bilingualism and the quality of education was jointly drawn up by two professors from the University of the Basque Country. After having defined a series of often interrelated concepts such as individual and social bilingualism, assimiiationist or pluralist linguistic policies and multilinguism/p/urilinguism, Jesus Arzamendi, in the first part, analyses the objectives and results of the most promising experiences on bilingual education carried out in North America. It specifically concentrares on the so-called two-way system, tried out in areas of the USA such as Miami and California where Spanish is booming, and the ESL intensive programmes in Quebec.

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary findings of a format-based foreign language teaching method for school children in the Basque Country

Applied Psycholinguistics, Mar 1, 2001

This article describes the preliminary findings in the Basque Country of a project shared by four... more This article describes the preliminary findings in the Basque Country of a project shared by four European countries to teach a second language or a foreign language to preschool and school-age children. The method used to teach the foreign language-in this case, the third language (English)-is based on the use of dramatized formats (Taeschner, 1992). Here, we examine (1) the level of proficiency attained by the experimental groups (50 pupils) at the end of the first year and at the end of the second year of working with the method and (2) the level of proficiency attained by the experimental groups by the end of the second year compared to that attained by the control groups (20 pupils) working with a different method. Other variables are also considered: specific behavior types (disruptive, withdrawn), intelligence, sex, language achievement, and sociocultural background. The pupils were tested at the beginning of the project, at the end of the first year, and at the end of the second year. The linguistic data were transcribed and analyzed with the CLAN programs of CHILDES (MacWhinney, 1995), and various statistical analyses were carried out. The results indicate significant differences in language proficiency in favor of the experimental group as well as some interesting information about children with specific behaviors learning with this method. In recent years there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the teaching and learning of languages, as a result of the European Union's desire to foster a community that is united but at the same time respectful of each other's cultural and linguistic differences. The challenge for modern-day Europe is to create plurilingual citizens (Arzamendi, 1994, p. 1). The Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (ACBC) (pop. 2,052,300 in 1991) is one of the seventeen regional communities of Spain under the 1978 Spanish Constitution. Its constituent provinces are Araba, Bizkaia, and Gipuzkoa. It enjoys a broad range of powers in most spheres of public administration, including education. Both Basque, spoken by about a quarter of the

Research paper thumbnail of Bilingüismo y calidad de la educación

Research paper thumbnail of Terminos vascos en documentos medievales de los ss. XI-XVI

Servicio Editorial, Universidad del País Vasco eBooks, 1985

Research paper thumbnail of • GIPUZKOAKO FORU ALDUNDIA DIPUTACI6NFORAL DE GIPUZKOA , Idazkaritza / Redacci6n / Boar.d

En el transcurso de los ultimos afios hemos asistidoal desarrollo de una concep-ci6n del estudio ... more En el transcurso de los ultimos afios hemos asistidoal desarrollo de una concep-ci6n del estudio del lenguaje que constituye un alejamiento 'bastante radical de la tradici6n hist6rica, mayor incluso que el supuesto por' la gramatica generativa contemponinea en sus orfgenes. Me re"fiero con ello al modelo de Principios y Parametros,l que pone en entredicho la asunci6n de que una lengua particular es, en esencia, un sistema especffico de reglas. Si esta concepci6n es correcta, entonces' no existiran reglas sintacticas (dejando a un lado la fonologfa 2) definidas para una lengua en particular, ni 'habra principios especificos para una construcci6n. Una lengua 3 no es, por

Research paper thumbnail of "JULIO DE lTRQUIJO" International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology ASJU

The term ttlocation noun" is a convenient designation for the type of nouns represented by aurre ... more The term ttlocation noun" is a convenient designation for the type of nouns represented by aurre and atze. These two items, together with their synonyms aitzin, gibel and oste, can be viewed as prototypes: their behavior es typical of location nouns, but need not be shared by the whole class. In part one, this behavior is analyzed in some detail from the point ofview ofa learner of Basque. In part two, roughly two dozen other location nouns are studied and occurring deviations from prototypical behavior pointed out. As a whole, the article is meant to portray the author's views as to what should be taught in this domain as part ofa course in Euskara Batua, and how to teach it to a certain type ofaudience. It also demonstrates that location nouns can be taught early in the course, since nothing more than a knowledge ofthe nominal declension needs to be presupposed. 'again') and a few more in addition: 'besides' (when constructed with a preceding instrumental noun phrase), 'on the other hand', however'. All forms mentioned above are employed and accepted in Euskara Batua. Part Two: Other Location Nouns We will now survey the remaining location nouns. Unless otherwise indicated, the general system studied in Part One applies to these also. An important spatial opposition is expressed by the word pair gain 'upper part', 'top' and azpi 'lower part', 'bottom'. The latter term~ill be discussed first, as its use is by far the simpler of the two. Some typical uses of azpi are: lurraren azpian: under the earth, below (the) ground eguzkiaren azpian.• under the sun komunismoaren azpian: under communism ohe azpitik: from under the bed belaun azpiraino: down to below the knee With inanimate noun phrases, there is an alternative phrasing which makes use of a suffix _pe: 9 lurpean 'under the earth', eguzkipean 'under the sun', oinpean 'under the foot', 'underfoot', zeru zurbilpean 'under the pale sky', etc. About azpi nothing more needs to be said here except that it shows the same type of metaphorical use found for English under: legeen azpian 'under the, laws', zigorraren azpian 'under the punishment', aitzaki ederren azpian 'under fine pretexts'. Constructions based on gain serve for 'on' as well as for 'over': asto baten gainean: on top of a donkey, on a donkey liburuen gainean: on top of the books, on the books, over the books hiriaren gainean: over the city, above the city belar gainean: on the grass, over the grass mahai gainetik: from (on) the table ]onen buruaren gainetik: over ]onh's head Like azpi, gain is often employed in a non-spatial, metaphoric sense, corresponding to English metaphorical uses of upon, over above. In such metaphoric uses, the (9) Rather than a suffix, pe appears to be a location noun itself, judging from such examples asJainkoaren justiziaren eta ko/era zuzenaren pean~under God's justice and rightful wrath' (Lap. p. 275), Mitxe/enaren promesaren pean 'under Mitxelena's promise'. Its etymological connection with behe seems evident from Capanaga's phrase Poncio Pilatosen podereen bean 'under the powers of Pontius Pilate' (Cap. 6). gerlaren ondoan: after the war a/al ondoan: after supper bazkalondoan: after lunch hil ondoan: after dying Aldamenean too can occur in a temporal context, but, lacking the fundamental meaning characteristic of ondo, it always retains its usual sense 'near': mende-mugaren aldamenean (MEIG VI, 48) 'near the turn of the century'. The location noun inguru (borrowed from the late Latin phrase in gyrum 'in a circle') means 'circumference', 'periphery', but also 'vicinity',• and, in the plural, 'surroundings': hiriaren inguruak 'the outskirts of the city'. Constructions with inguru seem to correspond to all uses of the English preposition around: gazteluaren inguruan: around the castle, in the vicinity of the castle ibaiaren inguruan: to the vicinity of the river euskararen inguruan: around Basque, about Basque sorginen inguruan: around the witches, about the witches Just like English around, inguruan (and also uninflected inguru) can mean 'approximately'. In that meaning, there is never a genitive on the preceding noun phrase: bostehun sorgin inguru(an) 'around five hundred witches'. The location noun arte meaning 'gap', 'crevice', 'interval', 'opportunity' helps to express the concept 'between' or 'among'. Arte follows the system explained in Part One in that it optionally governs the genitive. Some typical examples are 31 : tenplearen eta aldarearen artean (Mt. 23, 35; Lz): between the temple and the altar Gasteiz eta Bilho artean: between Vitoria and Bilbao hiru ibairen aytera: (to) between three rivers itsuen artetik: from among the blind zakurren aytean: among the dogs, aIDong dogs zakur artean: among dogs jende artean: among the people esku artean: between the hands, in hand malko artean: between tears, in tears, tearfully RUDOLF P. G. DE RI]K munduaren azkena arte: until the end of the world goizetik arrats artean: from the morning until the evening 1893garren urtea arte: until the year 1893 1893garren urte arte: until the year 1893 goiz artean: until the morning, during the morning bazka/artean: until lunch, during lunch Note also the common phrases: noiz arte 'until when', atzo arte 'until yesterday', gaur arte 'until today', orain arte 'until now', ordu arte 'until then'. The following phrases are used as greet~ngs: aurki arte 'see you shortly' ('until shortly'), bihar arte 'see you tomorrow' ('until tomorrow'), gero arte 'see you later' ('until later'), laster arte 'see you soon' ('until soon'), sarri arte 'see you soon' ('until soon'), urren arte 'see you next time' (until next time'). The inessive artean can be used alone as an adverb of time meaning 'still (at the time)'. The noun erdi with meaning 'middle' or 'center' as well as 'half' regularly functions as a location noun, witness the following examples: egunaren erdian: in the middle of the day hiriaren erdian: in the middle of the city, in the center of the city itsasoaren erdian: in the middle of the sea itsas erdian: in the middle of the sea otsoen erdira: into the midst of (the) wolves /agunen erditik: from out of the midst of his fellows The noun pare, meaning 'pair' and also 'counterpart' or 'likeness', can serve as a location noun referring to the 'opposite side': e/iza ederraren pare: across from the beautiful church etxe parean: across from the house ijitoen parean: across from the gypsies, in comparison to the gypsies As we observe in the preceding example, parean,~hen constructed with the genitive, can also mean 'in comparison to ... '. Furthermore, the uninflected form pare functions as a postposition meaning 'like', as in: zilar finaren pare da pilotaria (beginning of a song written by Etxahun lruri) 'a ballplayer is like pure silver'. Some other examples: asto baten pare: like a donkey ur garbiaren pare: like clean water.(MEIG VII, 153) deabruaren pare: like the devil The location noun bazter means 'corner', 'fringe', 'margin', 'edge'. Hence: bidearen bazterrean: on the shoulder of the road, at the edge of the road itsas bazterrera: to the shore of the sea munduaren bazterreraino: to as far as the edge of the world Almost synonymous to bazter is ertz 'edge', 'hem', 'margin', 'shore', 'bank'. It too functions as a location noun: gona gorriaren er1zean: on the hem of the red skirt ibai ham/iaren erlZera: to the bank of the big river. ,. . ..

Research paper thumbnail of Elebitasuna eta hizkuntz jabekuntza : AESLA-ren IX. Kongresu Nazionalaren aktak = Bilingüismo y adquisición de lenguas : actas del IX Congreso Nacional de AESLA

Research paper thumbnail of Bilingüismo y calidad de la educación

Research paper thumbnail of Calidad de educación y bilingüismo

La ponencia sobre bilinguismo y calidad de educación fue elaborada conjuntamente por dos profesor... more La ponencia sobre bilinguismo y calidad de educación fue elaborada conjuntamente por dos profesores de la UPK Tras definir una serie de conceptos a menudo interrelacionados como bilingüismo individual y social, políticas lingüísticas asimilacionistas o pluralistas y multilingüismo/plurilingüismo, en la primera parte Jesús Arzamendi analiza los objetivos y los resultados de las experiencias más prometedoras sobre educación bilingüe realizadas en Norteamérica. En concreto se centra en la denominada two ways, ensayada en zonas de USA como Miami y California donde el español está pujante, y los programas intensivos ESL en Quebec. Elebitasunarí eta hezkuntza-kalitateari buruzko txostena EHUko bi irakaslek elkarrekin egina da. Maiz asko elkarrekin zerikusia duen kontzeptu sail bat, hala nola elebitasun indibiduala, elebitasun soziala, hizkuntza politika asimilazionistak edo anitzak eta eleaniztasuna, definitu ondoren, lehen zatian Jesus Arzamendik Ipar Amerikan hezkuntza elebidunaren inguruan egindako esperientzia interesgarrienen helburuak eta emaitzak aztertzen ditu. Hain juxtu, two ways izena duena, espainiera indartsu dagoen EEBBetako zenbait aldetan, Californian eta Miamin esaterako, saiatu dena eta Quebec-eko ESL programa intentsiboak aipatzen ditu bereziki. This paper on bilingualism and the quality of education was jointly drawn up by two professors from the University of the Basque Country. After having defined a series of often interrelated concepts such as individual and social bilingualism, assimiiationist or pluralist linguistic policies and multilinguism/p/urilinguism, Jesus Arzamendi, in the first part, analyses the objectives and results of the most promising experiences on bilingual education carried out in North America. It specifically concentrares on the so-called two-way system, tried out in areas of the USA such as Miami and California where Spanish is booming, and the ESL intensive programmes in Quebec.

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections on immersion education in the Basque Country

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary findings of a format-based foreign language teaching method for school children in the Basque Country

Applied Psycholinguistics, 2001

This article describes the preliminary findings in the Basque Country of a project shared by four... more This article describes the preliminary findings in the Basque Country of a project shared by four European countries to teach a second language or a foreign language to preschool and school-age children. The method used to teach the foreign language – in this case, the third language (English) – is based on the use of dramatized formats (Taeschner, 1992). Here, we examine (1) the level of proficiency attained by the experimental groups (50 pupils) at the end of the first year and at the end of the second year of working with the method and (2) the level of proficiency attained by the experimental groups by the end of the second year compared to that attained by the control groups (20 pupils) working with a different method. Other variables are also considered: specific behavior types (disruptive, withdrawn), intelligence, sex, language achievement, and sociocultural background. The pupils were tested at the beginning of the project, at the end of the first year, and at the end of th...

Research paper thumbnail of Formas «vascas» en documentos de Sancho el Sabio

Lo que en estos momentos pretendo presentarles a Vds. es el resultado de un rastreo efectuado en ... more Lo que en estos momentos pretendo presentarles a Vds. es el resultado de un rastreo efectuado en documentos de Sancho El Sabio con el fin de descubrir los elementos lingüísticos plausiblemente vascos contenidos en ellos. Como no h an llegado hasta nosotros documentos de esta cancillería escritos en euskara, si es que alguna vez se escribieron-lo cual, por otra parte, es más que improbable-, hemos tenido que contentarnos con espigar aquí y allá las pocas formas que, en mayor o menor grado, presentan el aspecto de haber pertenecido a la lengua de la que deriva, sin solución de continuidad, el actual euskara. Resulta pretencioso, a primera vista, pensar que podemos detectar sin error formas vascas en documentos que fueron escritos en latín o en romance. Sin embargo, es un procedimiento que, aplicado con las debidas garantías, nos permite retrotraer la historia de una parte del léxico vasco en varios siglos. Esta es la opinión de autores como Achilles Luchaire, Arturo Campión, Julio Caro Baroja y Luis Michelena (1) quienes con técnicas algo distintas han utilizado en sus obras (2) dicho procedimiento llamado «Nebenüberlieferung» (tradición secundaria). (1) LUCHAIRE, Achilles: «nous croyons qu'on ne saurait mettre trop de soin à rechercher dans les plus anciens documents du moyen âge tout ce qu'ils peuvent nous fournir de mots basques, surtout de ceux qui sont encore usités dans l'idiome actuel et dont le sens ne saurait être douteux. S'il est impossible de retrouver une littérature basque antérieure au XVI` siècle, au moins pourrait-on, dans une certaine mesure et partiellemente, pour un certain nombre des vocables, reconstituer le passé du lexique euskarien» Sur les noms propres basques contenus dans quelques documents... «Revue de Ling. et de Phil. Comparée», 14, 1881. pp. 168. CAMPIÓN, Arturo: «El estudio histórico del idioma basko puede, hoy por hoy, emprenderse: 1.° 2.° en los vocablos sueltos que suelen encontrarse en documentos medievales de todo género: cronicones, crónicas, instrumentos públicos y privados, donaciones, cuentas, etc., etc. es fuente copiosísima que se engrosa diariamente.» Euskariana (serie 10.0), p. 143. Pamplona 1931. J. CARO BAROJA: «Topónimos que pueden traducirse a la luz del vasco actual, de carácter claramente descriptivo o de otra índole.» Proyecto para la elaboración del fichero de Toponimia y antroponimia vasca medieval. BAP, 1949, V, pp. 381-385. Luis MIGH ELENA: «En este campo (vasco) se trata de conocer la lengua a través de la parquedad de los datos onomásticos, afectados siempre del elevado coeficiente de inseguridad que es compañero inseparable de la interpretación de los nombres propios. Pero solamente así podemos retrotraer varios siglos los primeros testimonios de bastantes palabras, probar documentalmente la antigüedad de algunos procedimientos de formación de palabras y sintagmas, e incluso, en los casos más favorables, de aspectos más centrales en el sistema gramatical de la lengua. No hablemos ya de la evolución de los sonidos: durante medio milenio aproximadamente la Fonología diacrónica vasca casi no puede apoyarse directamente más que en el material onomástico», pp. 2-3. Notas lingüísticas a la colecc. dipl. de Irache, FLV, 1969, pp. 1-32. (2) Luc H AIRE, Achilles: Etudes sur les idiomes pyrénéennes de la region française, Paris 1879. Sur les noms propres basques contenus dans quelques documents...

Research paper thumbnail of Léxico de los refranes de B. de Zalgiz

Anuario Del Seminario De Filologia Vasca Julio De Urquijo, Mar 2, 2013

Nota de la red. El texto de los Refranes de Sauguis aparece repetido en este numero (cf., supra, ... more Nota de la red. El texto de los Refranes de Sauguis aparece repetido en este numero (cf., supra, page 173 ss.), y no por inadvertencia. Las dificultades en la constituci6n del texto (yen su tra-ducci6n) son tantas que se, ha considerado que dos intentos pueden muy bien aparecer uno junto-a otro. ,Desgraciadamente, no fal.. taran dudas mientras el ros. usado por Urquijo no vuelva a aparecer. (1) Los datos estan recogidos del Pr610go que hace Urquijo a la eclicion de los refranes en RIEV 11, 676-706. ' 269 ZALGIZEN ERREFRAUEN HIZTEGI£!\, AURKEZPENA. Donostia.ko E.U.T.G.eko FilolQgia E.rromanikoko hirugarren kurt soko ikasle (aIde batek 1974~5 •ikasturtean egindako mintegiaren ondorioa da lantxo hau.

Research paper thumbnail of ANUARIO DEL SEMINARIO DE FILOLOGIA VASCA "JULIO DE URQUIJO" International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology XXII-l 1988 GIPUZKOAKO FORti ALDUNDIA-DIPUTACION FORAL DE GUIPUZCOA DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIAN © ASJU Anuario del Seminario de Filologia Vasca LlIIS MICHELENA

Aldizkariaz eta jakintza arloko gora-beherez (kongresu, ikastaro, deialdi, egitasmo ...) irakurle... more Aldizkariaz eta jakintza arloko gora-beherez (kongresu, ikastaro, deialdi, egitasmo ...) irakurlea gaztigatzeko asmotan sortutako «Argitaratzailearen txoko» honetatik bertatik hasita, berrikuntza batzu ediren ahal dira ASJUren egituran; beste hainbat aldizkaritan bezala, lehenagotik zetozen artikulu hasierako ingelesezko laburpenei orain hurrengo •zenbakietan aterako diren lanen zerrenda ere gehitu diegu) aldizkariari egin diezaioken propagandaz gainera, irakurle eta ikertzaileentzako interesgarti gerta daitekeelakoan. Nazioarteko aldizkarietan ohi legez, erantsi ditugu irakurle eta egileentzat interesgarri izan daitezkeen ohar eta azalpenak aldizkariaz betaz. Azalean ere ukituren bat elnan diogu zabalkundearen-katiaz. Orain artikulugileentzako «estilo-liburua» eta laburdura erabilgarrienen zerrenda eman goga ditugu, aldizkariak honela kalitatean eta batasunean irabaz bait dezake. Halaber, heldu diren zenbakietan liburu-berriak apurka-apurka gehitzeko asmoa dugu, egiteko errazegia ez izan arren gure jakintza-arloko aldizkarietan den ohitura falta-aipatuko ez ditudan beste zenbait arrazoi alba bat utzirik-dela kausa; sailaren standarrek, ordea, ezinbesteko dute informazioa eta kritika. Amaitzeko, argitaratzaileak asko eskertuko lituzke eta ahal den neurrian gauzatzen saiatuko da zeinnahi irakurlek aldizkariaren edukinaren eta itxuraren onetan idatziz zein ahoz egin liezaizkiokeen kritika, ohar, kOl1tseilu eta proposamen. JOSEBA ANDONI LAKARRA Aftibarroren idazlanak 11: LORA SORTA ESPIRITUALA (1803) BLANKA URGELL o. B. H.

Research paper thumbnail of El léxico vasco de los refranes de Garibay

Anuario Del Seminario De Filologia Vasca Julio De Urquijo, Mar 2, 2013