Joanna Unterschütz - (original) (raw)
Papers by Joanna Unterschütz
Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne, 2010
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego eBooks, 2022
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Dec 29, 2022
Streszczenie. Obecnie nie istnieje jednoznaczna definicja obowiązująca w całej Europie, która wpr... more Streszczenie. Obecnie nie istnieje jednoznaczna definicja obowiązująca w całej Europie, która wprowadzałaby wyraźne rozróżnienie między osobami rzeczywiście samozatrudnionymi, które pracują niezależnie od kontrahenta, a osobami fałszywie samozatrudnionymi. W zaleceniu Międzynarodowej Organizacji Pracy z 2006 r. przyjęto szerokie podejście do pojęcia "stosunek pracy", aby umożliwić podjęcie działań przeciwko fałszywemu samozatrudnieniu. Przy określaniu, czy istnieje stosunek pracy, należy przede wszystkim skupić się na faktach dotyczących działalności i wynagrodzenia pracownika niezależnie od tego, jak stosunek ten jest scharakteryzowany w umowie. Unijna tzw. autonomiczna definicja pracownika, ustalona przez Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej, zawiera trzy zasadnicze kryteria mające na celu ustalenie istnienia stosunku pracy, tj.: czy osoba wykonująca pracę działa pod kierownictwem, jaki jest charakter pracy (np. czy jest ona rzeczywista, efektywna i regularna) oraz czy za pracę otrzymuje się wynagrodzenie. Wydawane w ostatnim czasie przez TSUE wyroki prowadzą do wniosku, że taka definicja powinna być stosowana we wszystkich krajach członkowskich, aby zagwarantować skuteczność działania dyrektyw z zakresu prawa pracy. Ten kierunek interpretacji wzmacnia dodatkowo odwołanie się do autonomicznej definicji pracownika w dyrektywie 2019/1152 w sprawie przejrzystych i przewidywalnych warunków pracy w Unii Europejskiej. Celem opracowania jest refleksja nad tym, czy stosowanie tej definicji oznaczałoby objęcie uprawnieniami z zakresu indywidualnego i zbiorowego prawa pracy także osób pozornie samozatrudnionych.
Defining and Protecting Autonomous Work, 2022
Hart Publishing eBooks, 2022
Hart Publishing eBooks, 2022
Dereito Revista Xuridica Da Universidade De Santiago De Compostela, 2014
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa, Sep 30, 2022
In 1339, Ambrogio Lorenzetti completed a series of frescoes depicting the Allegory of Good Govern... more In 1339, Ambrogio Lorenzetti completed a series of frescoes depicting the Allegory of Good Government, the Consequences of Good Government and the Allegory of Bad Government adorning the Sala della Pace in Sienese Palazzo Publico. The first fresco can be read as a philosophical treatise depicting the values that should guide rulers to ensure peace and harmony among their subjects. Particularly evident is the role of justice (aequitas), the source of which is wisdom, and which leads to harmony among citizens. Justice is also presented as one of the virtues of rulers. The uniqueness of this work lies not only in its universal and still relevant message, but also in its depiction of an ideal city in which citizens are primarily occupied with work.
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia, like many other Central and Eastern European states, underwent pro... more Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia, like many other Central and Eastern European states, underwent profound economic and legal reform in 1989 and early 1990s with the harmonization of their legal system with the EU acquis along with democratic reform of the political system. In this period international conventions, especially ILO standards, were the main source of inspiration. In all three countries strikes are regarded as a last resort, and certain procedures must be implemented to call a lawful strike. The first formal requirement in Polish and Slovak law concerns the reason for a collective dispute: work and employment conditions as well as trade union freedoms and rights or conclusion of a collective agreement. The next requirement concerns the parties to the dispute: workers must be represented by trade unions (except in Hungary). They cannot initiate a collective dispute individually (even if the outcome would subsequently concern all the employees) or through another representati...
Dereito: Revista xuridica da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2013
Basic principles of Polish Labour law appear both in the Constitution and in a separate chapter o... more Basic principles of Polish Labour law appear both in the Constitution and in a separate chapter of the Labour Code. As norms of more general character they may (and do) serve as an important tool in interpreting specific provisions of this branch of law. Many of them have their counterparts in the fundamental rights or standards regulated in various international and European conventions. This article is presenting these principles and also shows, on the basis of two examples referring to the right to strike and freedom of association, that given a broad international context, their interpretation may be broadened or modified. At the same time existence of various systems of protection of worker's rights present a challenge for national systems and for employers and workers themselves.
Artificial intelligence and human rights., 2021
Uczestnicy strajku lub innej akcji protestacyjnej podejmują różne działania, podczas których może... more Uczestnicy strajku lub innej akcji protestacyjnej podejmują różne działania, podczas których może mieć miejsce wypadek. Autorka analizuje warunki, jakie zdarzenie to powinno spełnić, aby mogło być zakwalifikowane jako wypadek przy pracy lub wypadek z nim zrównany. Obok przesłanek określonych w tzw. ustawie wypadkowej istotne znaczenie ma to, czy czynności wykonywane przez uczestnika strajku lub innej akcji protestacyjnej zachowują funkcjonalny związek z pracą i były podejmowane na rzecz pracodawcy lub na polecenie organizacji związkowej. Okoliczność, czy strajk był legalny czy nie, sama w sobie ma charakter drugorzędny.
Reconciling Fundamental Social Rights and Economic Freedoms after Viking, Laval and Rüffert, 2011
EU Social and Labour Rights have developed incrementally, originally through a set of legislative... more EU Social and Labour Rights have developed incrementally, originally through a set of legislative initiatives creating selective employment rights, followed by a non-binding Charter of Social Rights. Only in 2009, social and labour rights became legally binding through the Charter of Fundamental Rights for the European Union (CFREU). By contrast, the EU Internal Market-an area without frontiers where goods, persons, services and capital can circulate freely-has been enshrined in legally enforceable Treaty provisions from 1958. These comprise the economic freedoms guaranteeing said free circulation and a system ensuring that competition is not distorted within the Internal Market (Protocol 27 to the Treaty of Lisbon). Tensions between Internal Market law and social and labour rights have been observed in analyses of EU case law and legislation. This report, provided by Policy Department A to the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, explores responses by socioeconomic and political actors at national and EU levels to such tensions. On the basis of the current Treaties and the CFREU, the constitutionally conditioned Internal Market emerges as a way to overcome the perception that social and labour rights limit Internal Market law. On this basis, alternative responses to perceived tensions are proposed, focused on posting of workers, furthering fair employment conditions through public procurement and enabling effective collective bargaining and industrial action in the Internal Market.
... In this case ex-miners who had been dismissed for strike action as far back as ... at the loc... more ... In this case ex-miners who had been dismissed for strike action as far back as ... at the local Ministry of Labour offices failed since the employer would only give her a ... in legitimating an individual's expression of anger about the employment relationship, and is even rarer, since it ...
In this article the author examines the right to collective bargaining, which is regarded as a fu... more In this article the author examines the right to collective bargaining, which is regarded as a fundamental principle of collective labour law and seeks to answer the question whether the right to collective bargaining and the conclusion of collective agreements or arrangements is an emanation of the freedom of association in trade unions or rather amounts to a separated (from the freedom of association) right of employees represented by collective labour law bodies, including trade unions. To this end, the author examines regulations on collective bargaining in international and national law. The aforementioned analysis enabled to conclude that it cannot be unequivocally stated that the right to collective bargaining is granted exclusively to trade unions. At the same time the author states that this right is perceived as one aspect of the freedom of association and cannot be realized by employees directly (individually). Based on the aforesaid analysis the author also formulates pr...
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Employment Relation
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa, 2021
For many years, there has been a discussion in the study of Polish labour law on the legitimacy o... more For many years, there has been a discussion in the study of Polish labour law on the legitimacy of replacing labour law with employment law as a broader category, including also people who perform paid work on other grounds. The implementation of Directive 2019/1152 on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union should also cover a wider group of people performing paid work. The EU legislator, when defining the subjective scope, refers to the autonomous EU definition of an employee created by the CJEU, which is broader than many national definitions. Despite the objections raised against the concept of employment law, the implementation of the directive may be a step towards building a new field of law, just as the extension of the subjective scope of the Act on Trade Unions contributed to the creation of collective employment law.
The aim of this paper is to present regulations and practice concerning fixed-term contracts in P... more The aim of this paper is to present regulations and practice concerning fixed-term contracts in Poland. I am also going to consider if the Polish Labour Code (LC) 1 provides for an effective protection against the widespread practice of conluding fixed-term contracts, which are longlasting and as such incompatible with the nature of this form of employment. Next, bearing in mind the practice to substitute employment contracts with civil law ones, often in order to circumvent provisions limiting fixed-term employment, I am going to look at the function of Article 22 § 1(1) of the Labour Code to determine the nature of the legal relationship binding the parties. Finally, given the significant differences in protection between open-ended and fixed-term contracts as well as the number of irregularities related to the application of Article 25.1 LC and 22 § 1(1) LC, I am going to reflect on different solutions proposed at EU and national level. Developments in Polish labour law towards increased flexibility Challenges of the global market, such as changing economy and technical development on the one hand, and growing market competition, increasing requirements as to product quality, price of goods and services on the other hand, encourage Polish entrepreneurs to seek more flexible
Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne, 2010
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego eBooks, 2022
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Dec 29, 2022
Streszczenie. Obecnie nie istnieje jednoznaczna definicja obowiązująca w całej Europie, która wpr... more Streszczenie. Obecnie nie istnieje jednoznaczna definicja obowiązująca w całej Europie, która wprowadzałaby wyraźne rozróżnienie między osobami rzeczywiście samozatrudnionymi, które pracują niezależnie od kontrahenta, a osobami fałszywie samozatrudnionymi. W zaleceniu Międzynarodowej Organizacji Pracy z 2006 r. przyjęto szerokie podejście do pojęcia "stosunek pracy", aby umożliwić podjęcie działań przeciwko fałszywemu samozatrudnieniu. Przy określaniu, czy istnieje stosunek pracy, należy przede wszystkim skupić się na faktach dotyczących działalności i wynagrodzenia pracownika niezależnie od tego, jak stosunek ten jest scharakteryzowany w umowie. Unijna tzw. autonomiczna definicja pracownika, ustalona przez Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej, zawiera trzy zasadnicze kryteria mające na celu ustalenie istnienia stosunku pracy, tj.: czy osoba wykonująca pracę działa pod kierownictwem, jaki jest charakter pracy (np. czy jest ona rzeczywista, efektywna i regularna) oraz czy za pracę otrzymuje się wynagrodzenie. Wydawane w ostatnim czasie przez TSUE wyroki prowadzą do wniosku, że taka definicja powinna być stosowana we wszystkich krajach członkowskich, aby zagwarantować skuteczność działania dyrektyw z zakresu prawa pracy. Ten kierunek interpretacji wzmacnia dodatkowo odwołanie się do autonomicznej definicji pracownika w dyrektywie 2019/1152 w sprawie przejrzystych i przewidywalnych warunków pracy w Unii Europejskiej. Celem opracowania jest refleksja nad tym, czy stosowanie tej definicji oznaczałoby objęcie uprawnieniami z zakresu indywidualnego i zbiorowego prawa pracy także osób pozornie samozatrudnionych.
Defining and Protecting Autonomous Work, 2022
Hart Publishing eBooks, 2022
Hart Publishing eBooks, 2022
Dereito Revista Xuridica Da Universidade De Santiago De Compostela, 2014
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa, Sep 30, 2022
In 1339, Ambrogio Lorenzetti completed a series of frescoes depicting the Allegory of Good Govern... more In 1339, Ambrogio Lorenzetti completed a series of frescoes depicting the Allegory of Good Government, the Consequences of Good Government and the Allegory of Bad Government adorning the Sala della Pace in Sienese Palazzo Publico. The first fresco can be read as a philosophical treatise depicting the values that should guide rulers to ensure peace and harmony among their subjects. Particularly evident is the role of justice (aequitas), the source of which is wisdom, and which leads to harmony among citizens. Justice is also presented as one of the virtues of rulers. The uniqueness of this work lies not only in its universal and still relevant message, but also in its depiction of an ideal city in which citizens are primarily occupied with work.
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia, like many other Central and Eastern European states, underwent pro... more Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia, like many other Central and Eastern European states, underwent profound economic and legal reform in 1989 and early 1990s with the harmonization of their legal system with the EU acquis along with democratic reform of the political system. In this period international conventions, especially ILO standards, were the main source of inspiration. In all three countries strikes are regarded as a last resort, and certain procedures must be implemented to call a lawful strike. The first formal requirement in Polish and Slovak law concerns the reason for a collective dispute: work and employment conditions as well as trade union freedoms and rights or conclusion of a collective agreement. The next requirement concerns the parties to the dispute: workers must be represented by trade unions (except in Hungary). They cannot initiate a collective dispute individually (even if the outcome would subsequently concern all the employees) or through another representati...
Dereito: Revista xuridica da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2013
Basic principles of Polish Labour law appear both in the Constitution and in a separate chapter o... more Basic principles of Polish Labour law appear both in the Constitution and in a separate chapter of the Labour Code. As norms of more general character they may (and do) serve as an important tool in interpreting specific provisions of this branch of law. Many of them have their counterparts in the fundamental rights or standards regulated in various international and European conventions. This article is presenting these principles and also shows, on the basis of two examples referring to the right to strike and freedom of association, that given a broad international context, their interpretation may be broadened or modified. At the same time existence of various systems of protection of worker's rights present a challenge for national systems and for employers and workers themselves.
Artificial intelligence and human rights., 2021
Uczestnicy strajku lub innej akcji protestacyjnej podejmują różne działania, podczas których może... more Uczestnicy strajku lub innej akcji protestacyjnej podejmują różne działania, podczas których może mieć miejsce wypadek. Autorka analizuje warunki, jakie zdarzenie to powinno spełnić, aby mogło być zakwalifikowane jako wypadek przy pracy lub wypadek z nim zrównany. Obok przesłanek określonych w tzw. ustawie wypadkowej istotne znaczenie ma to, czy czynności wykonywane przez uczestnika strajku lub innej akcji protestacyjnej zachowują funkcjonalny związek z pracą i były podejmowane na rzecz pracodawcy lub na polecenie organizacji związkowej. Okoliczność, czy strajk był legalny czy nie, sama w sobie ma charakter drugorzędny.
Reconciling Fundamental Social Rights and Economic Freedoms after Viking, Laval and Rüffert, 2011
EU Social and Labour Rights have developed incrementally, originally through a set of legislative... more EU Social and Labour Rights have developed incrementally, originally through a set of legislative initiatives creating selective employment rights, followed by a non-binding Charter of Social Rights. Only in 2009, social and labour rights became legally binding through the Charter of Fundamental Rights for the European Union (CFREU). By contrast, the EU Internal Market-an area without frontiers where goods, persons, services and capital can circulate freely-has been enshrined in legally enforceable Treaty provisions from 1958. These comprise the economic freedoms guaranteeing said free circulation and a system ensuring that competition is not distorted within the Internal Market (Protocol 27 to the Treaty of Lisbon). Tensions between Internal Market law and social and labour rights have been observed in analyses of EU case law and legislation. This report, provided by Policy Department A to the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, explores responses by socioeconomic and political actors at national and EU levels to such tensions. On the basis of the current Treaties and the CFREU, the constitutionally conditioned Internal Market emerges as a way to overcome the perception that social and labour rights limit Internal Market law. On this basis, alternative responses to perceived tensions are proposed, focused on posting of workers, furthering fair employment conditions through public procurement and enabling effective collective bargaining and industrial action in the Internal Market.
... In this case ex-miners who had been dismissed for strike action as far back as ... at the loc... more ... In this case ex-miners who had been dismissed for strike action as far back as ... at the local Ministry of Labour offices failed since the employer would only give her a ... in legitimating an individual's expression of anger about the employment relationship, and is even rarer, since it ...
In this article the author examines the right to collective bargaining, which is regarded as a fu... more In this article the author examines the right to collective bargaining, which is regarded as a fundamental principle of collective labour law and seeks to answer the question whether the right to collective bargaining and the conclusion of collective agreements or arrangements is an emanation of the freedom of association in trade unions or rather amounts to a separated (from the freedom of association) right of employees represented by collective labour law bodies, including trade unions. To this end, the author examines regulations on collective bargaining in international and national law. The aforementioned analysis enabled to conclude that it cannot be unequivocally stated that the right to collective bargaining is granted exclusively to trade unions. At the same time the author states that this right is perceived as one aspect of the freedom of association and cannot be realized by employees directly (individually). Based on the aforesaid analysis the author also formulates pr...
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Employment Relation
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa, 2021
For many years, there has been a discussion in the study of Polish labour law on the legitimacy o... more For many years, there has been a discussion in the study of Polish labour law on the legitimacy of replacing labour law with employment law as a broader category, including also people who perform paid work on other grounds. The implementation of Directive 2019/1152 on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union should also cover a wider group of people performing paid work. The EU legislator, when defining the subjective scope, refers to the autonomous EU definition of an employee created by the CJEU, which is broader than many national definitions. Despite the objections raised against the concept of employment law, the implementation of the directive may be a step towards building a new field of law, just as the extension of the subjective scope of the Act on Trade Unions contributed to the creation of collective employment law.
The aim of this paper is to present regulations and practice concerning fixed-term contracts in P... more The aim of this paper is to present regulations and practice concerning fixed-term contracts in Poland. I am also going to consider if the Polish Labour Code (LC) 1 provides for an effective protection against the widespread practice of conluding fixed-term contracts, which are longlasting and as such incompatible with the nature of this form of employment. Next, bearing in mind the practice to substitute employment contracts with civil law ones, often in order to circumvent provisions limiting fixed-term employment, I am going to look at the function of Article 22 § 1(1) of the Labour Code to determine the nature of the legal relationship binding the parties. Finally, given the significant differences in protection between open-ended and fixed-term contracts as well as the number of irregularities related to the application of Article 25.1 LC and 22 § 1(1) LC, I am going to reflect on different solutions proposed at EU and national level. Developments in Polish labour law towards increased flexibility Challenges of the global market, such as changing economy and technical development on the one hand, and growing market competition, increasing requirements as to product quality, price of goods and services on the other hand, encourage Polish entrepreneurs to seek more flexible
Praca ta stanowi pierwsze kompleksowe opracowanie problematyki naczelnych zasad zbiorowego prawa ... more Praca ta stanowi pierwsze kompleksowe opracowanie problematyki naczelnych zasad zbiorowego prawa pracy. Głównym celem tego opracowania, stanowiącego głos w dyskusji nad koncepcją, katalogiem i funkcjami naczelnych zasad zbiorowego prawa pracy było więc przedstawienie zasad zbiorowego prawa pracy na tle różnych koncepcji zasad prawa oraz wielości porządków prawnych i systemów ochrony praw pracowniczych o randze praw człowieka i praw podstawowych oraz propozycji klasyfikacji zasad zbiorowego prawa pracy.
Criminalisation of labour law, 2014