Jokhanan Kristiyono - (original) (raw)

Papers by Jokhanan Kristiyono

Research paper thumbnail of Datamining clustering in grouping adolescents and adults with information technology and computer skills by profession

AIP conference proceedings, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kompetensi Analisis Media Sosial Pada Aparatur Sipil Negara Lembaga Pemerintahan Indonesia

Abdimasku, Sep 30, 2023

Pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SDM) pada era informasi merupakan proses yang penting dalam tra... more Pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SDM) pada era informasi merupakan proses yang penting dalam transformasi digital, yang terdiri atas literasi digital sebagai dasar, technician level, dan advanced digital skill atau level digital leadership. Melalui Badan Litbang SDM Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) menyelenggarakan pelatihan untuk meng-upgrade skill dan meng-upgrade skala bisnis serta pendampingan kepada masyarakat umum yang bernama Program Digital Talent Scholarship (DTS). Salah satu program DTS adalah program Government Transformation Academy (GTA) dengan pelatihan Social Media Analyst (SMA) khusus untuk peserta berasal dari Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN)/Non-ASN yang bekerja di lingkungan instansi Pemerintah/TNI/Polri/Perangkat Desa. Pelatihan Government Transformation Academy (GTA) tahun 2022 bertujuan meningkatkan kompetensi 20.000 ASN dalam mendukung akselerasi transformasi digital di Kementerian/Lembaga/Pemerintah Daerah. Metode pengembangan SDM diberikan dalam materi pelatihan yang mencakup dalam enam unit kompetensi yaitu Dasar-dasar analisis media sosial, Dasar strategi komunikasi Public Relation, Penyusunan rencana analisis media sosial, Pelaksanaan analisis media sosial, Penyusunan laporan hasil analisis media sosial, dan Penyusunan strategi komunikasi berdasarkan hasil analisis media sosial.Materi pelatihan diberikan dalam bentuk tiga puluh persen (30%) materi ditujukan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan, dan sisanya (70%) ditujukan untuk membangun keterampilan digital. Hasilnya melalui pelatihan SMA ini peserta dapat menganalisis media sosial secara optimal, melalui kemampuan teknis dalam mengevaluasi konten informasi instansi pemerintah hingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas informasi publik oleh lembaga tersebut Kata kunci: transformasi_digital, analisis_media_sosial, pelatihan, aparatur_sipil_negara

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Literasi Media Konvergensi Melalui Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat di Yayasan Sosial Diyaul Hag Surabaya

JPPM (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat)

Artikel ini menggambarkan program pengabdian masyarakat dari kegiatan kuliah kerja lapangan berba... more Artikel ini menggambarkan program pengabdian masyarakat dari kegiatan kuliah kerja lapangan berbasis riset.. Subyek dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah Yayasan sosial diyaul haq terletak di Jalan Bulak Banteng Lor Bhineka 8 No.3, Kecamatan Kenjeran, Surabaya. Kegiatan kuliah kerja lapangan ini diawali dengan riset lapangan . Subjek dan objek penelitian adalah seluruh pembina yayasan diyaul haq dan anak binaan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan kualitatif dipilih oleh penulis karena penulis ingin memfokuskan penelitian pada prinsip-prinsip umum yang mendasari perwujudan sebuah makna dari gejala-gejala yang ada di masyarakat dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi. Salah satu Yayasan lingkup perkumpulan orang yang berguna bagi masyarakat harus bisa mengimbangi dan mengajarkan hal yang positif disekitarnya, Yayasan Diyaul Haq merupakan salah satu Program pengabdian masyarakat dengan mengangkat tema “Peningkatan Pemahaman Te...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Komunikasi Interaktif Brando Franco dengan Penontonnya dalam Live Streaming di Kanal YouTube Windah Basudara

JCommsci - Journal of Media and Communication Science

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis interaksi antara YouTuber dan penonton yang ... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis interaksi antara YouTuber dan penonton yang melakukan live-streaming di kanal YouTube Windah Basudara. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk memahami implikasi dari interaksi tersebut terhadap interaksi antara YouTuber dan penonton. Sebagai metodologi penelitian, digunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan dokumentasi. Manfaat teoritis dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan kontribusi pada bidang ilmu komunikasi dengan meningkatkan efektivitas komunikasi live-streaming YouTuber dengan penonton di kanal YouTube Windah Basudara. Sedangkan manfaat praktisnya adalah memberikan sarana agar terjalin komunikasi yang baik sehingga dapat meningkatkan interaksi antara YouTuber dan penonton. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan temuan, diketahui bahwa tiga jenis komunikasi yang digunakan pada kanal YouTube Windah Basudara adalah komunikasi satu arah, dua arah, dan banyak arah. Interaksi...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Balai Latihan Kerja Kota Probolinggo Dalam Mengurangi Pengangguran Dimasa COVID-19

JISIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik), Apr 2, 2022

In Probolinggo City because of this pandemic and also PPKM which rose to level 4 this has caused ... more In Probolinggo City because of this pandemic and also PPKM which rose to level 4 this has caused the rate of layoffs to increase this applies to job seekers due to policies from the government many companies disable companies and temporarily do not open job vacancies this causes an increase in unemployment in Probolinggo City This study aims to determine the role of the Probolinggo City Job Training Center to reduce unemployment during the pandemic. With this training, it is hoped that it will reduce unemployment due to this pandemic. The type of research used is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The focus of the research discussion is the implementation of job training during the pandemic with 2 indicators, namely training methods and training objectives. The research was conducted at the Probolinggo City Job Training Center, with the interview method to collect data. The results of this research are that in the implementation of job training carried out by the Probolinggo City Job Training Center, it succeeded in reducing unemployment by applying 60% practice training methods, 40% theoretical training participants could Practicing what the training instructor teaches, the goal of the Probolinggo City Job Training Center is achieved by collaborating with PT Eratex, the participants are competent, one of which is sewing, modes can immediately get a job, this indicator has succeeded in reducing unemployment in the pandemic

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Internal Bulletins on Information Needs in Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Brantas

LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi

Mass communication is undoubtedly constructive for humans to meet their information needs individ... more Mass communication is undoubtedly constructive for humans to meet their information needs individually and in groups. Communication is essential in human life as a process of delivering messages. It is the most basic need that is closely related to the continuity and defense of the existence of an organization or company. One of the roles in helping to establish effective communication relationships with the use of internal media has also been carried out by the Brantas. Using internal media implemented by the Brantas can establish relationships between internal and external stakeholders and assist in synchronizing information. The purpose was to determine the use of internal bulletins by employees in meeting internal information needs, to determine the fulfillment of internal information needs obtained by employees from internal bulletins as a source of information, and to determine the effect of using internal bulletins to meet the internal information needs of employees at Balai ...

Research paper thumbnail of Visual Data Mining: Digital Visual Activities In Network Society

Ettisal : journal of communication, Apr 7, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Talenta Digital Kreatif dengan Keterampilan Video Content Creator Kota Palembang

Prapanca : Jurnal Abdimas

Generasi milenial sangat identik dengan aktivitas bersosial media, bahkan tidak sedikit yang tert... more Generasi milenial sangat identik dengan aktivitas bersosial media, bahkan tidak sedikit yang tertarik menjadi seorang konten kreator. Digital tourism merupakan integrasi antara perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dengan industri pariwisata. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, salah satu tema yang diangkat dalam Program Digital Talent Scholarship (DTS) Tahun 2022 adalah pelatihan video content creator yang bertujuan membentuk keterampilan (skilling) angkatan kerja muda dalam bidang produksi video untuk berbagai tujuan komunikasi dan pemasaran melalui media digital yang salah satunya mendukung pengembangan sektor pariwisata di Indonesia. pelatihan dilaksanakan secara luring, dengan metode pembelajaran yakni metode berbasis project. Dalam metode ini, peserta memperoleh pengetahuan, berpikir kritis, menganalisis, mengevaluasi, hingga membuat keputusan. dapat disimpulkan, bahwa untuk Kegiatan DTS TA (Thematic Academy) Video Content Creator Batch 2 di Kota Palembang ini berjalan sesu...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kompetensi Digital Marketing Program Kewirausahaan Batik Poetra Dolokgede di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Melalui Kegiatan “Sinau Bareng” Ademos Indonesia

Prapanca : Jurnal Abdimas

Masalah kemiskinan dan perkembangan penduduk masih menjadi isu sosial yang krusial di Kabupaten B... more Masalah kemiskinan dan perkembangan penduduk masih menjadi isu sosial yang krusial di Kabupaten Bojonegoro pada saat isu perkembangan teknologi. Sebagai lembaga swadaya masyarakat, Ademos Indonesia berkontribusi bersama para pelaku usaha kecil menengah (UKM) lokal di Indonesia yang disebut UMKM dalam mengembangkan potensinya. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berbasis penelitian dengan tema “Optimalisasi Potensi Daerah (Local Values) melalui Kolaborasi Community Development di Era Komunikasi Digital untuk mewujudkan Ketaqwaan Mahasiswa Berkarakter, Handal, dan Berkualitas.” Kegiatan berdasarkan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu proses publikasi para pelaku UKM di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, di bawah bimbingan Ademos Indonesia. Konsep pemasaran digital ini bermanfaat bagi para pelaku UKM untuk memasarkan usahanya melalui jaringan online. Baik tentang perluasan produk, kampanye konten, digital branding, dan juga meningkatkan penjualan produk. Kegiatan ini dalam beberapa capaian b...

Research paper thumbnail of Komunikasi Grafis : Dilengkapi Panduan Teknis Desain Layout dengan Aplikasi Software Grafis InDesign

Prenada Media eBooks, Dec 1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Trends, Problems, and Policies of The Elderly Population in East Java Indonesia

Technium Social Sciences Journal

This study's purpose is to describe the increasing elderly population trend, which has result... more This study's purpose is to describe the increasing elderly population trend, which has resulted in several problems in the province of East Java, Indonesia. The problem is that the life expectancy of the Indonesian population has continued to increase over the last two decades until it reaches an average of 70.8 years. This condition has significantly affected the trend of increasing Indonesia's elderly population from 5.3 million people to the group of countries with the most significant number of elderly in the world. Through qualitative methods and a case study approach, this study has succeeded in interviewing 9 elderly informants from three different strata in the city of Surabaya, East Java, namely 3 informants from retired BKKBN officials, 3 elderly non-officials (staff), and 3 informants. Elderly without a pension (old-age social security). The content analysis method was also used to complement and refine the results of this study. This study found that increasing t...

Research paper thumbnail of Tourism Journalism as A Regional Tourism Promotion Media

Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi

of tourism journalism in Indonesia. They are described as having a role in promoting tourism in t... more of tourism journalism in Indonesia. They are described as having a role in promoting tourism in the area. In this research, we want to know the role of tourism journalism as a medium for regional tourism promotion using a qualitative descriptive method. Researchers conducted interviews with two travel bloggers as well as observations on their respective blogs and social media. The results of this study indicate that travel news information conveyed through blogs has developed tourism marketing communications among residents. Blog promotion media illustrates the convenience for ordinary people to participate in promoting regional tourism.

Research paper thumbnail of The Chronicle of Digital (Media) Arts in Contemporary Indonesia: The Shifting of Focus Toward Society 5.0

Technium Social Sciences Journal, Aug 8, 2022

This article describes the advances in the genealogy of digital media art in Indonesia. The evolu... more This article describes the advances in the genealogy of digital media art in Indonesia. The evolution of digital art or works of digital art is inseparable from the growth of the art itself. This article chronologically describes the development of art in Indonesia, from the starting point of the advancement of art in the Dutch colonial era to digital art. The method used in this study is a digital meta-analysis with an exploratory qualitative approach-data collection technology by observing digital metadata to develop media and participatory art in the Indonesian art community. The result is technology-based art (digital art). This article is the essential concept and idea of today's digital artists, with works of art not just produced in the platform or digital format. Creating a work of art using the concept of digital thinking as a form of artistic appreciation is the basis for making a digital work of art. Digital media art is the foundation of thinking, thinking, and interaction. This modern society is shifting toward society 5.0. In conclusion, the development of the Indonesian digital art community resulted in an extraordinary digital revolution in Indonesia. By placing 'digital' and 'revolution' into a critical perspective. The digital artist community continues to produce technology-based artworks to communicate their work to the public by holding art exhibitions for Indonesian artists as a collective social movement with digital platforms.

Research paper thumbnail of Digital educative public message: Health protocol awareness at pandemic COVID-19 periods (Instagram feeds @humasprovjatim)

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik

Dissemination of information related to the issues of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Instagram acco... more Dissemination of information related to the issues of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Instagram account @humasprovjatim is interesting to study because of understanding the meaning and motives behind educational messages conveyed through the Instagram account @humasprovjatim. It can form awareness regarding health protocols during the pandemic and post-COVID-19 pandemic to realize changes in attitudes, behavior, and healthy lifestyles that reduce the spread of COVID-19. This study aims to analyze educational messages aware of health protocols on the Instagram account of Public Relations (PR) of East Java Province (@humasprovjatim). This study used content analysis methods with Pentad’s Dramatic Analysis. The object studied was educational messages from the PR Instagram feed in March-December 2020. Result of this research is the dramatic rhetoric in the content of the Instagram feed by the PR of the province of East Java. The Instagram media is a rhetorical stage in conveying the messag...

Research paper thumbnail of Komunikasi Grafis: Dilengkapi Panduan Tehnis Desain Layout Dengan aplikasi Software Gratis

Desain selalu ada dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di masyarakat, apa pun yang kita lihat dan gunakan ... more Desain selalu ada dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di masyarakat, apa pun yang kita lihat dan gunakan nyaris semuanya merupakan hasil dari desain. Buku ini mengangkat topik tentang komunikasi grafis, dan merupakan buku teks untuk matakuliah komunikasi grafis atau desain grafis di program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi. Buku ini merupakan buku ajar berisi teori maupun hal praktis, mulai dari penjelasan dasar mengenai komunikasi visual, elemen grafis, teori warna, semiotika visual, nirmana, tipografi, logo, hingga tata letak atau layouting, dan dilengkapi dengan panduan teknis tata letak atau layouting grafis menggunakan aplikasi software InDesign. Kelebihan dari buku ini adalah pada tiap babnya, penulis memberikan kesimpulan penjelasan bab dan penugasan aktivitas untuk masing-masing bab tersebut. Buku ini juga dapat menjadi buku rujukan atau referensi yang bagus

Research paper thumbnail of Online News Portal Readers’ Pattern Research on Academicians (A Case Study of NEWS.UNAIR.AC.ID Users)

Proceeding International Conference on Media and Communications in Southeast Asia, Oct 12, 2018

Social changes caused by technological advancement commonly termed innovation diffusion (Rogers, ... more Social changes caused by technological advancement commonly termed innovation diffusion (Rogers, 2003) currently happens in many social groups, especially in higher education academic communities with higher level of education compared to any other social groups. The use of information media to access news has also shifted from printed media or electronic media (broadcasting) to online media, academicians today are more likely to access news or seek information online through online news portal. Universitas Airlangga has an online news portal,, which is devoted to provide information to the internal members of the academic community of the institution of Universitas Airlangga and also for the external community or general public. Changes in the use of communication media also affect the reading and news searching patterns of the users. This research focuses on understanding the academicians’ reading pattern of online news portal through a case study of readers. This study uses descriptive quantitative method with online data survey. The collected data is then analyzed statistically with Descriptive Analysis Measurement of Location method. The population for the object of research is the academicians of Universitas Airlangga, with total 47,571 people, consisting of 1,522 permanent lecturers, 38,047 students and 2,002 employees / administrative staffs (December 2015 data taken from the biography profile of Universitas Airlangga at, accessed on May 8, 2017 at 10.00 am). By using simple random sampling technique, the number of respondents from users of the news portal studied is 1104 people. The results of the analysis and conclusion in this study showed that more than 91.3% of users read the news on from their smartphones, 70.4% of users read full articles, 20.6% of users read news leads and the best time for read news portal online at 08 PM until night. Keywords: innovation diffusion, news portal, users, academicians

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Perilaku Pencarian Informasi DI Internet Melalui Fitur Visual Search

Scriptura, 2021

Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang hasil pemikiran akademik yang mengangkat fenomena media komunikas... more Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang hasil pemikiran akademik yang mengangkat fenomena media komunikasi budaya visual dalam pencarian informasi di internet. Selama ini banyak penelitian tentang budaya visual lebih memfokuskan pada seni rupa dan media massa, masih sangat jarang yang mengangkat pada permasalahan aktivitas digital masyarakat dalam pencarian informasi visual di Internet (visual search engine – VSE). Jumlah informasi digital meningkat secara eksponensial, termasuk informasi visual. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualititatif dengan studi literatur. Terbatasnya literatur yang mengulas tentang pencarian informasi melalui visual search engine memberikan kontribusi akan novelty terkait studi yang mengulas perilaku pengguna dalam melakukan proses pencarian. Data primer yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil-hasil penelitian tentang budaya visual dan mesin pencarian yang telah dipublikasikan pada jurnal-jurnal internasional berindex reputasi. Pola pencarian search eng...

Research paper thumbnail of Akulturasi Budaya Hibrid pada Pagelaran Musik Jazz Gunung sebagai Identitas Global dalam Meningkatkan Potensi Wisata


This study analyzes the process of acculturation of hybrid culture in the performing arts of Moun... more This study analyzes the process of acculturation of hybrid culture in the performing arts of Mount Bromo Jazz with the local culture of the Tengger tribe. The acculturation of hybrid culture as a global identity in increasing local tourism potential is the culture of the Tengger tribe, Bromo. By using a discourse analysis research methodology, researchers analyze and describe the dialectics to the discourse that occurs in the process of acculturation of hybrid culture at the Bromo mountain jazz performance. The development of Jazz music spread throughout the world, including in Indonesia. Jazz music is quite popular and is loved by many people, especially young people. At present, there are enough jazz shows that are often held in Indonesia. It is interesting to study and analyze that in this Bromo Jazz music performance the concept of performance and music is a combination of local culture and western culture. Performances by local Indonesian musicians together with global musicians around the world. Some new music works were created through a collaborative process between local musicians and foreign

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Digital Branding Kampung Hidropononik Medokan Ayu Surabaya

Nowdays, the flagship product of Medokan Ayu Hydroponic Village is only known locally in the are... more Nowdays, the flagship product of Medokan Ayu Hydroponic Village is only known locally in the area around Rungkut District, Surabaya. The persistence of the people of Medokan Ayu Surabaya Hydroponic Village to care for and develop these plants, it is very unfortunate if just known locally. It is necessary to introduce superior products to the wider community. With the support of the internet and the information community network, the superior products of the Hydroponic Village can be known much more widely. The method used in solving problems in the development of superior product branding in Medokan Ayu Surabaya Hydroponic Village is in the form of implementing research-based community service. There are 2 (two) stages in the implementation method, namely the first is research and the second is the implementation of research-based activities. The research carried out is product research with observations of producers and consumers as the target market for vegetable products from th...

Research paper thumbnail of Fake News (Hoax) and Paranoid Frame of Min of Social Media User

The presence of smart devices (Smartphones) is currently considered an answer to that desire. Thi... more The presence of smart devices (Smartphones) is currently considered an answer to that desire. This device is able to make social media today capable of being accessed anytime, anywhere and by anyone who seems to be difficult to be released from various activities of society today. Even medsos considered as a channel in search for information or news as desired. Not infrequently the speed and ease in accessing news through social media makes a netizen more responsive and sensitive to things around it even though it is fake news (hoax). Even the Indonesian Telematics Society (MASTEL) noted in February 2017, the most widely accepted hoax distribution through social media reached 92.4 percent. Social media here include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path, Line, WhatsApp, and Telegram. The high confidence in the truth of the contents of the hoax news raises a paranoid mentality among the masses, which makes the people in the Post Truth Era considered an era where opinions and politics are...

Research paper thumbnail of Datamining clustering in grouping adolescents and adults with information technology and computer skills by profession

AIP conference proceedings, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kompetensi Analisis Media Sosial Pada Aparatur Sipil Negara Lembaga Pemerintahan Indonesia

Abdimasku, Sep 30, 2023

Pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SDM) pada era informasi merupakan proses yang penting dalam tra... more Pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SDM) pada era informasi merupakan proses yang penting dalam transformasi digital, yang terdiri atas literasi digital sebagai dasar, technician level, dan advanced digital skill atau level digital leadership. Melalui Badan Litbang SDM Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) menyelenggarakan pelatihan untuk meng-upgrade skill dan meng-upgrade skala bisnis serta pendampingan kepada masyarakat umum yang bernama Program Digital Talent Scholarship (DTS). Salah satu program DTS adalah program Government Transformation Academy (GTA) dengan pelatihan Social Media Analyst (SMA) khusus untuk peserta berasal dari Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN)/Non-ASN yang bekerja di lingkungan instansi Pemerintah/TNI/Polri/Perangkat Desa. Pelatihan Government Transformation Academy (GTA) tahun 2022 bertujuan meningkatkan kompetensi 20.000 ASN dalam mendukung akselerasi transformasi digital di Kementerian/Lembaga/Pemerintah Daerah. Metode pengembangan SDM diberikan dalam materi pelatihan yang mencakup dalam enam unit kompetensi yaitu Dasar-dasar analisis media sosial, Dasar strategi komunikasi Public Relation, Penyusunan rencana analisis media sosial, Pelaksanaan analisis media sosial, Penyusunan laporan hasil analisis media sosial, dan Penyusunan strategi komunikasi berdasarkan hasil analisis media sosial.Materi pelatihan diberikan dalam bentuk tiga puluh persen (30%) materi ditujukan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan, dan sisanya (70%) ditujukan untuk membangun keterampilan digital. Hasilnya melalui pelatihan SMA ini peserta dapat menganalisis media sosial secara optimal, melalui kemampuan teknis dalam mengevaluasi konten informasi instansi pemerintah hingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas informasi publik oleh lembaga tersebut Kata kunci: transformasi_digital, analisis_media_sosial, pelatihan, aparatur_sipil_negara

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Literasi Media Konvergensi Melalui Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat di Yayasan Sosial Diyaul Hag Surabaya

JPPM (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat)

Artikel ini menggambarkan program pengabdian masyarakat dari kegiatan kuliah kerja lapangan berba... more Artikel ini menggambarkan program pengabdian masyarakat dari kegiatan kuliah kerja lapangan berbasis riset.. Subyek dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah Yayasan sosial diyaul haq terletak di Jalan Bulak Banteng Lor Bhineka 8 No.3, Kecamatan Kenjeran, Surabaya. Kegiatan kuliah kerja lapangan ini diawali dengan riset lapangan . Subjek dan objek penelitian adalah seluruh pembina yayasan diyaul haq dan anak binaan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan kualitatif dipilih oleh penulis karena penulis ingin memfokuskan penelitian pada prinsip-prinsip umum yang mendasari perwujudan sebuah makna dari gejala-gejala yang ada di masyarakat dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi. Salah satu Yayasan lingkup perkumpulan orang yang berguna bagi masyarakat harus bisa mengimbangi dan mengajarkan hal yang positif disekitarnya, Yayasan Diyaul Haq merupakan salah satu Program pengabdian masyarakat dengan mengangkat tema “Peningkatan Pemahaman Te...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Komunikasi Interaktif Brando Franco dengan Penontonnya dalam Live Streaming di Kanal YouTube Windah Basudara

JCommsci - Journal of Media and Communication Science

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis interaksi antara YouTuber dan penonton yang ... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis interaksi antara YouTuber dan penonton yang melakukan live-streaming di kanal YouTube Windah Basudara. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk memahami implikasi dari interaksi tersebut terhadap interaksi antara YouTuber dan penonton. Sebagai metodologi penelitian, digunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan dokumentasi. Manfaat teoritis dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan kontribusi pada bidang ilmu komunikasi dengan meningkatkan efektivitas komunikasi live-streaming YouTuber dengan penonton di kanal YouTube Windah Basudara. Sedangkan manfaat praktisnya adalah memberikan sarana agar terjalin komunikasi yang baik sehingga dapat meningkatkan interaksi antara YouTuber dan penonton. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan temuan, diketahui bahwa tiga jenis komunikasi yang digunakan pada kanal YouTube Windah Basudara adalah komunikasi satu arah, dua arah, dan banyak arah. Interaksi...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Balai Latihan Kerja Kota Probolinggo Dalam Mengurangi Pengangguran Dimasa COVID-19

JISIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik), Apr 2, 2022

In Probolinggo City because of this pandemic and also PPKM which rose to level 4 this has caused ... more In Probolinggo City because of this pandemic and also PPKM which rose to level 4 this has caused the rate of layoffs to increase this applies to job seekers due to policies from the government many companies disable companies and temporarily do not open job vacancies this causes an increase in unemployment in Probolinggo City This study aims to determine the role of the Probolinggo City Job Training Center to reduce unemployment during the pandemic. With this training, it is hoped that it will reduce unemployment due to this pandemic. The type of research used is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The focus of the research discussion is the implementation of job training during the pandemic with 2 indicators, namely training methods and training objectives. The research was conducted at the Probolinggo City Job Training Center, with the interview method to collect data. The results of this research are that in the implementation of job training carried out by the Probolinggo City Job Training Center, it succeeded in reducing unemployment by applying 60% practice training methods, 40% theoretical training participants could Practicing what the training instructor teaches, the goal of the Probolinggo City Job Training Center is achieved by collaborating with PT Eratex, the participants are competent, one of which is sewing, modes can immediately get a job, this indicator has succeeded in reducing unemployment in the pandemic

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Internal Bulletins on Information Needs in Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Brantas

LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi

Mass communication is undoubtedly constructive for humans to meet their information needs individ... more Mass communication is undoubtedly constructive for humans to meet their information needs individually and in groups. Communication is essential in human life as a process of delivering messages. It is the most basic need that is closely related to the continuity and defense of the existence of an organization or company. One of the roles in helping to establish effective communication relationships with the use of internal media has also been carried out by the Brantas. Using internal media implemented by the Brantas can establish relationships between internal and external stakeholders and assist in synchronizing information. The purpose was to determine the use of internal bulletins by employees in meeting internal information needs, to determine the fulfillment of internal information needs obtained by employees from internal bulletins as a source of information, and to determine the effect of using internal bulletins to meet the internal information needs of employees at Balai ...

Research paper thumbnail of Visual Data Mining: Digital Visual Activities In Network Society

Ettisal : journal of communication, Apr 7, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Talenta Digital Kreatif dengan Keterampilan Video Content Creator Kota Palembang

Prapanca : Jurnal Abdimas

Generasi milenial sangat identik dengan aktivitas bersosial media, bahkan tidak sedikit yang tert... more Generasi milenial sangat identik dengan aktivitas bersosial media, bahkan tidak sedikit yang tertarik menjadi seorang konten kreator. Digital tourism merupakan integrasi antara perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dengan industri pariwisata. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, salah satu tema yang diangkat dalam Program Digital Talent Scholarship (DTS) Tahun 2022 adalah pelatihan video content creator yang bertujuan membentuk keterampilan (skilling) angkatan kerja muda dalam bidang produksi video untuk berbagai tujuan komunikasi dan pemasaran melalui media digital yang salah satunya mendukung pengembangan sektor pariwisata di Indonesia. pelatihan dilaksanakan secara luring, dengan metode pembelajaran yakni metode berbasis project. Dalam metode ini, peserta memperoleh pengetahuan, berpikir kritis, menganalisis, mengevaluasi, hingga membuat keputusan. dapat disimpulkan, bahwa untuk Kegiatan DTS TA (Thematic Academy) Video Content Creator Batch 2 di Kota Palembang ini berjalan sesu...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kompetensi Digital Marketing Program Kewirausahaan Batik Poetra Dolokgede di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Melalui Kegiatan “Sinau Bareng” Ademos Indonesia

Prapanca : Jurnal Abdimas

Masalah kemiskinan dan perkembangan penduduk masih menjadi isu sosial yang krusial di Kabupaten B... more Masalah kemiskinan dan perkembangan penduduk masih menjadi isu sosial yang krusial di Kabupaten Bojonegoro pada saat isu perkembangan teknologi. Sebagai lembaga swadaya masyarakat, Ademos Indonesia berkontribusi bersama para pelaku usaha kecil menengah (UKM) lokal di Indonesia yang disebut UMKM dalam mengembangkan potensinya. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berbasis penelitian dengan tema “Optimalisasi Potensi Daerah (Local Values) melalui Kolaborasi Community Development di Era Komunikasi Digital untuk mewujudkan Ketaqwaan Mahasiswa Berkarakter, Handal, dan Berkualitas.” Kegiatan berdasarkan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu proses publikasi para pelaku UKM di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, di bawah bimbingan Ademos Indonesia. Konsep pemasaran digital ini bermanfaat bagi para pelaku UKM untuk memasarkan usahanya melalui jaringan online. Baik tentang perluasan produk, kampanye konten, digital branding, dan juga meningkatkan penjualan produk. Kegiatan ini dalam beberapa capaian b...

Research paper thumbnail of Komunikasi Grafis : Dilengkapi Panduan Teknis Desain Layout dengan Aplikasi Software Grafis InDesign

Prenada Media eBooks, Dec 1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Trends, Problems, and Policies of The Elderly Population in East Java Indonesia

Technium Social Sciences Journal

This study's purpose is to describe the increasing elderly population trend, which has result... more This study's purpose is to describe the increasing elderly population trend, which has resulted in several problems in the province of East Java, Indonesia. The problem is that the life expectancy of the Indonesian population has continued to increase over the last two decades until it reaches an average of 70.8 years. This condition has significantly affected the trend of increasing Indonesia's elderly population from 5.3 million people to the group of countries with the most significant number of elderly in the world. Through qualitative methods and a case study approach, this study has succeeded in interviewing 9 elderly informants from three different strata in the city of Surabaya, East Java, namely 3 informants from retired BKKBN officials, 3 elderly non-officials (staff), and 3 informants. Elderly without a pension (old-age social security). The content analysis method was also used to complement and refine the results of this study. This study found that increasing t...

Research paper thumbnail of Tourism Journalism as A Regional Tourism Promotion Media

Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi

of tourism journalism in Indonesia. They are described as having a role in promoting tourism in t... more of tourism journalism in Indonesia. They are described as having a role in promoting tourism in the area. In this research, we want to know the role of tourism journalism as a medium for regional tourism promotion using a qualitative descriptive method. Researchers conducted interviews with two travel bloggers as well as observations on their respective blogs and social media. The results of this study indicate that travel news information conveyed through blogs has developed tourism marketing communications among residents. Blog promotion media illustrates the convenience for ordinary people to participate in promoting regional tourism.

Research paper thumbnail of The Chronicle of Digital (Media) Arts in Contemporary Indonesia: The Shifting of Focus Toward Society 5.0

Technium Social Sciences Journal, Aug 8, 2022

This article describes the advances in the genealogy of digital media art in Indonesia. The evolu... more This article describes the advances in the genealogy of digital media art in Indonesia. The evolution of digital art or works of digital art is inseparable from the growth of the art itself. This article chronologically describes the development of art in Indonesia, from the starting point of the advancement of art in the Dutch colonial era to digital art. The method used in this study is a digital meta-analysis with an exploratory qualitative approach-data collection technology by observing digital metadata to develop media and participatory art in the Indonesian art community. The result is technology-based art (digital art). This article is the essential concept and idea of today's digital artists, with works of art not just produced in the platform or digital format. Creating a work of art using the concept of digital thinking as a form of artistic appreciation is the basis for making a digital work of art. Digital media art is the foundation of thinking, thinking, and interaction. This modern society is shifting toward society 5.0. In conclusion, the development of the Indonesian digital art community resulted in an extraordinary digital revolution in Indonesia. By placing 'digital' and 'revolution' into a critical perspective. The digital artist community continues to produce technology-based artworks to communicate their work to the public by holding art exhibitions for Indonesian artists as a collective social movement with digital platforms.

Research paper thumbnail of Digital educative public message: Health protocol awareness at pandemic COVID-19 periods (Instagram feeds @humasprovjatim)

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik

Dissemination of information related to the issues of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Instagram acco... more Dissemination of information related to the issues of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Instagram account @humasprovjatim is interesting to study because of understanding the meaning and motives behind educational messages conveyed through the Instagram account @humasprovjatim. It can form awareness regarding health protocols during the pandemic and post-COVID-19 pandemic to realize changes in attitudes, behavior, and healthy lifestyles that reduce the spread of COVID-19. This study aims to analyze educational messages aware of health protocols on the Instagram account of Public Relations (PR) of East Java Province (@humasprovjatim). This study used content analysis methods with Pentad’s Dramatic Analysis. The object studied was educational messages from the PR Instagram feed in March-December 2020. Result of this research is the dramatic rhetoric in the content of the Instagram feed by the PR of the province of East Java. The Instagram media is a rhetorical stage in conveying the messag...

Research paper thumbnail of Komunikasi Grafis: Dilengkapi Panduan Tehnis Desain Layout Dengan aplikasi Software Gratis

Desain selalu ada dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di masyarakat, apa pun yang kita lihat dan gunakan ... more Desain selalu ada dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di masyarakat, apa pun yang kita lihat dan gunakan nyaris semuanya merupakan hasil dari desain. Buku ini mengangkat topik tentang komunikasi grafis, dan merupakan buku teks untuk matakuliah komunikasi grafis atau desain grafis di program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi. Buku ini merupakan buku ajar berisi teori maupun hal praktis, mulai dari penjelasan dasar mengenai komunikasi visual, elemen grafis, teori warna, semiotika visual, nirmana, tipografi, logo, hingga tata letak atau layouting, dan dilengkapi dengan panduan teknis tata letak atau layouting grafis menggunakan aplikasi software InDesign. Kelebihan dari buku ini adalah pada tiap babnya, penulis memberikan kesimpulan penjelasan bab dan penugasan aktivitas untuk masing-masing bab tersebut. Buku ini juga dapat menjadi buku rujukan atau referensi yang bagus

Research paper thumbnail of Online News Portal Readers’ Pattern Research on Academicians (A Case Study of NEWS.UNAIR.AC.ID Users)

Proceeding International Conference on Media and Communications in Southeast Asia, Oct 12, 2018

Social changes caused by technological advancement commonly termed innovation diffusion (Rogers, ... more Social changes caused by technological advancement commonly termed innovation diffusion (Rogers, 2003) currently happens in many social groups, especially in higher education academic communities with higher level of education compared to any other social groups. The use of information media to access news has also shifted from printed media or electronic media (broadcasting) to online media, academicians today are more likely to access news or seek information online through online news portal. Universitas Airlangga has an online news portal,, which is devoted to provide information to the internal members of the academic community of the institution of Universitas Airlangga and also for the external community or general public. Changes in the use of communication media also affect the reading and news searching patterns of the users. This research focuses on understanding the academicians’ reading pattern of online news portal through a case study of readers. This study uses descriptive quantitative method with online data survey. The collected data is then analyzed statistically with Descriptive Analysis Measurement of Location method. The population for the object of research is the academicians of Universitas Airlangga, with total 47,571 people, consisting of 1,522 permanent lecturers, 38,047 students and 2,002 employees / administrative staffs (December 2015 data taken from the biography profile of Universitas Airlangga at, accessed on May 8, 2017 at 10.00 am). By using simple random sampling technique, the number of respondents from users of the news portal studied is 1104 people. The results of the analysis and conclusion in this study showed that more than 91.3% of users read the news on from their smartphones, 70.4% of users read full articles, 20.6% of users read news leads and the best time for read news portal online at 08 PM until night. Keywords: innovation diffusion, news portal, users, academicians

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Perilaku Pencarian Informasi DI Internet Melalui Fitur Visual Search

Scriptura, 2021

Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang hasil pemikiran akademik yang mengangkat fenomena media komunikas... more Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang hasil pemikiran akademik yang mengangkat fenomena media komunikasi budaya visual dalam pencarian informasi di internet. Selama ini banyak penelitian tentang budaya visual lebih memfokuskan pada seni rupa dan media massa, masih sangat jarang yang mengangkat pada permasalahan aktivitas digital masyarakat dalam pencarian informasi visual di Internet (visual search engine – VSE). Jumlah informasi digital meningkat secara eksponensial, termasuk informasi visual. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualititatif dengan studi literatur. Terbatasnya literatur yang mengulas tentang pencarian informasi melalui visual search engine memberikan kontribusi akan novelty terkait studi yang mengulas perilaku pengguna dalam melakukan proses pencarian. Data primer yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil-hasil penelitian tentang budaya visual dan mesin pencarian yang telah dipublikasikan pada jurnal-jurnal internasional berindex reputasi. Pola pencarian search eng...

Research paper thumbnail of Akulturasi Budaya Hibrid pada Pagelaran Musik Jazz Gunung sebagai Identitas Global dalam Meningkatkan Potensi Wisata


This study analyzes the process of acculturation of hybrid culture in the performing arts of Moun... more This study analyzes the process of acculturation of hybrid culture in the performing arts of Mount Bromo Jazz with the local culture of the Tengger tribe. The acculturation of hybrid culture as a global identity in increasing local tourism potential is the culture of the Tengger tribe, Bromo. By using a discourse analysis research methodology, researchers analyze and describe the dialectics to the discourse that occurs in the process of acculturation of hybrid culture at the Bromo mountain jazz performance. The development of Jazz music spread throughout the world, including in Indonesia. Jazz music is quite popular and is loved by many people, especially young people. At present, there are enough jazz shows that are often held in Indonesia. It is interesting to study and analyze that in this Bromo Jazz music performance the concept of performance and music is a combination of local culture and western culture. Performances by local Indonesian musicians together with global musicians around the world. Some new music works were created through a collaborative process between local musicians and foreign

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Digital Branding Kampung Hidropononik Medokan Ayu Surabaya

Nowdays, the flagship product of Medokan Ayu Hydroponic Village is only known locally in the are... more Nowdays, the flagship product of Medokan Ayu Hydroponic Village is only known locally in the area around Rungkut District, Surabaya. The persistence of the people of Medokan Ayu Surabaya Hydroponic Village to care for and develop these plants, it is very unfortunate if just known locally. It is necessary to introduce superior products to the wider community. With the support of the internet and the information community network, the superior products of the Hydroponic Village can be known much more widely. The method used in solving problems in the development of superior product branding in Medokan Ayu Surabaya Hydroponic Village is in the form of implementing research-based community service. There are 2 (two) stages in the implementation method, namely the first is research and the second is the implementation of research-based activities. The research carried out is product research with observations of producers and consumers as the target market for vegetable products from th...

Research paper thumbnail of Fake News (Hoax) and Paranoid Frame of Min of Social Media User

The presence of smart devices (Smartphones) is currently considered an answer to that desire. Thi... more The presence of smart devices (Smartphones) is currently considered an answer to that desire. This device is able to make social media today capable of being accessed anytime, anywhere and by anyone who seems to be difficult to be released from various activities of society today. Even medsos considered as a channel in search for information or news as desired. Not infrequently the speed and ease in accessing news through social media makes a netizen more responsive and sensitive to things around it even though it is fake news (hoax). Even the Indonesian Telematics Society (MASTEL) noted in February 2017, the most widely accepted hoax distribution through social media reached 92.4 percent. Social media here include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path, Line, WhatsApp, and Telegram. The high confidence in the truth of the contents of the hoax news raises a paranoid mentality among the masses, which makes the people in the Post Truth Era considered an era where opinions and politics are...

Research paper thumbnail of BOOK REVIEW

2 Pendahuluan Web telah bersama kita lebih dari dari dua dekade. Kita sekarang memiliki sistem ko... more 2 Pendahuluan Web telah bersama kita lebih dari dari dua dekade. Kita sekarang memiliki sistem komunikasi baru, bisnis baru, media baru dan sumber informasi yang baru, bentuk baru dari ekspresi politik dan budaya, bentuk pengajaran dan metode pembelajaran baru, dan hingga komunitas baru. Tapi seberapa banyak kita tahu tentang Internet dan sejarahnya, teknologinya, budayanya, dan penggunaannya? Pertanyaan utama buku ini adalah: apa implikasinya bagi dunia usaha dan masyarakat luas? Manuel Castells dikenal sebagai sosiolog dan analis terkemuka dari Era Informasi dan Network Society. Dalam buku ini Castells berbicara tentang bagaimana semuanya dimulai. Apa budaya yang membentuk dan memperebutkan Internet? Bagaimana cara membentuk organisasi bisnis baru dan membentuk kembali organisasi bisnis yang lebih tua atau lama? Apa realitas pembagian digital? Bagaimana Internet mempengaruhi organisasi sosial dan budaya, partisipasi politik dan komunikasi, dan terhadapa kehidupan kota? Ini hanyalah beberapa pertanyaan yang diajukan Castells dalam bukunya. Buku yang sangat menarik dan patut dijadikan referensi, tetapi hanya ada beberapa bab yang sesuai untuk rencana penelitian disertasi saya. Dalam ulasan atau review ini saya akan mencoba membahas secara kritis bab--bab ini di bawah ini.

Research paper thumbnail of REVIEW STUDI – RISET TERDAHULU

Research paper thumbnail of REVIEW JURNAL

Research paper thumbnail of REVIEW TEORI POST MODERN

Pendahuluan Menurut Kellner (2003) bahwa perkembangan sosial modern menjadi post-modernisme merup... more Pendahuluan Menurut Kellner (2003) bahwa perkembangan sosial modern menjadi post-modernisme merupakan kegiatan karnaval yang menantang dan mengajak para cendikiawan, para intelektual, seniman dan para analis kebudayaan untuk turut bergabung ke dalam karnaval tersebut atau tetap di tempatnya dan hanya sebagai penonton kegiatan tersebut. Banyak Sosiolog atau teoritis sosilogi modern mengganggap post-modernisme hanya sebuah euforia kegiatan karnaval atau mode saja daripada kegiatan ilmiah yang serius namun pada kenyataannya post-modernisme tidak bisa lagi diabaikan atau tidak dianggap serius di dalam teori sosial masa kini. Pada umumnya ada 3 (tiga) pendapat mengenai post-modernisme, yaitu: 1. Pendapat Ekstrim atau Radikal; menyatakan bahwa masyarakat modern telah mati dan digantikan post-modernisme. Teorist atau ilmuwan yang mempunyai pendapat dan berpendirian ektrim ini adalah Jean Bauddrilard, Giles Deleuze dan Felix Guattari. 2. Pendapat Kedua yaitu Pendapat Moderat menyatakan bahwa meskpun terjadi perubahan dari modern menjadi post-modernisme tetapi kemunculan post-modernisme ini terus berkembang berbarengan dengan modernism itu sendiri. Ilmuwan atau theorist yang menyatakan hal ini adalah Fredric Jameson, Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe, Nancy Frazer dan Linda Johnson. 3. Pendapat Ketiga menyatakan dan berpendapat bahwa modernism dan post-modernisme lebih dipandang sebagai rentetan waktu dan jaman. Keduanya saling terkait dan terlibat, mempunyai hubungan jangka panjang hingga post-modernisme muncul dan menunjukkan batasan-batasan dari modernism. Agar tidak rancu dan membingungkan maka dibuatlah istilah-istilah yang saling berhubungan satu sama lainnya yaitu: Post Modernitas, Post Modernisme dan Teori Sosial Post Modern. Post Modernitas lebih mengacu mengenai penjelasan periode historis, Post Modernisme menjelaskan perbedaan produk-produk atau karya kultural Post Modern dibandingkan dengan produk atau karya kultural Modern, dan yang terakhir adalah Teori Sosial Post Modern yang lebih mengacu pada cara pandang dan cara piker yang berbeda dari teori sosial modern. Maka post modern meliputi periode historis baru, produk kultural baru dan tipe baru dalam penyusunan teori tentang kehidupan sosial. (Bernard, 2007). Istilah Post-Modern tentunya sangat terkait dengan istilah Modern itu sendiri, yang dapat dianalisa secara umum perubahan tersebut berdasarkan waktu yang terbingkai (time-framing) tentang analisi teori sosiologi. Istilah Post-Modern tersebut akan menjadi misleading ketika kemajuan peradaban yang didukung

Research paper thumbnail of Review Buku Habermas Tugas #2 – Mata Kuliah Teori Sosial Kontemporer

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomenologi Politik – Membongkar Politik Menyelami Manusia (Ito Prajna Nugroho

Research paper thumbnail of filsafat ilmu sosial

Research paper thumbnail of Akar Pemikiran Filsafat Penelitian

Research paper thumbnail of theoryframework statetheart Digital Activism Biennale Jatim

Gramsci perspective (Carroll & Ratner, 2010). Using the qualitative research approach and researc... more Gramsci perspective (Carroll & Ratner, 2010). Using the qualitative research approach and research method of Digital Etnometodologi (Heather, 2012) with gramscian hegemony analysis, it is purposed the research objectives, firstly, to describe how social movement process in digital format by Biennale East Java. Second, see in detail the process of digital communication media production on digital artwork created by artists Biennale East Java. Third, describe Digital Counter hegemony form by digital artist Biennale East Java in digital art work. The benefit of this research is to obtain a preposition of hegemonic theory in the digital world in digital art created by digital artists, or can be called Digital Counter Hegemony for theoretical and practical benefits, providing detailed description of the process of digital social movement, the process of producing digital communication media to the analysis of digital works Biennale East Java as a form of Counter hegemony. The suggestion of this research is that it can be done continuous research development for a wider scope with quantitative research method to get more macro result.


Differences of Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement; 1. Why Measurement? 2. What the differen... more Differences of Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement;
1. Why Measurement?
2. What the differences
3. Reliability and Validity
4. Index and Scale

[Research paper thumbnail of [researchplan]digital activism counter hegemony - jokhanan.pdf](

This study looks in detail how the digital activities of Biennale East Java is a form of criticis... more This study looks in detail how the digital activities of Biennale East Java is a form of criticism as a silent resistance to the hegemony of ideology, norms, rules to the myths that exist in society, especially the modern society of Indonesia is always connected in the Internet society critical social theory Marxism in mind and Gramsci perspective. Using the qualitative research approach and research method of Digital Etnometodologi Online-Offline Movements with gramscian hegemony analysis. It is purposed the research objectives: to describe how social movement process in digital format by Biennale East Java. Digital activism that Biennale East Java does, will analyzing with Offline and Offline Movements. The research benefit is to obtain a preposition of hegemonic theory in the digital world in digital art created by digital artists, or can be called Digital Counter Hegemony for theoretical and practical benefits, providing detailed description of the process of digital social movement, the process of producing digital communication media to the analysis of digital works Biennale East Java as a form of Counter hegemony.
Keywords: Digital Activism,Online-Offline Movement, Digital Ethnography, Counter Hegemony