[researchplan]digital activism counter hegemony - jokhanan.pdf (original) (raw)

Digital Activism: Counter Hegemony dalam Karya Seni

This study looks in detail how the digital activities of Biennale East Java is a form of criticism as a silent resistance to the hegemony of ideology, norms, rules to the myths that exist in society, especially the modern society of Indonesia is always connected in the Internet society critical social theory Marxism in mind and Gramsci perspective (Carroll & Ratner, 2010). Using the qualitative research approach and research method of Digital Etnometodologi (Heather, 2012) with gramscian hegemony analysis, it is purposed the research objectives, firstly, to describe how social movement process in digital format by Biennale East Java. Second, see in detail the process of digital communication media production on digital artwork created by artists Biennale East Java. Third, describe Digital Counter hegemony form by digital artist Biennale East Java in digital art work. The benefit of this research is to obtain a preposition of hegemonic theory in the digital world in digital art created by digital artists, or can be called Digital Counter Hegemony for theoretical and practical benefits, providing detailed description of the process of digital social movement, the process of producing digital communication media to the analysis of digital works Biennale East Java as a form of Counter hegemony. Keywords: Social Change, Global Identity, Digital Activism, Counter Hegemony

Digital Counter Hegemony Komunitas Seni Digital

This study looks in detail how the digital activities of Biennale East Java is a form of criticism as a silent resistance to the hegemony of ideology, norms, rules to the myths that exist in society. Especially the modern society of Indonesia is always connected in the Internet society critical social theory Marxism in mind and Gramsci perspective. Using the qualitative research approach and research method of Digital Ethnography methodology Online-Offline Movements with Gramsci's hegemony analysis. Purpose of the research is to describe how social movement process in digital format by Biennale East Java. Digital activism that Biennale East Java does, will analyzing with Offline and Offline Movements. The research benefit is to obtain a preposition of hegemonic theory in the digital world in digital art created by digital artists, or can be called Digital Counter Hegemony for theoretical and practical benefits, providing detailed description of the process of digital social movement, the process of producing digital communication media to the analysis of digital works Biennale East Java as a form of Counter hegemony. Keywords: Digital Activism,Online-Offline Movement, Digital Ethnography, Counter Hegemony

Memahami Aktivisme Digital

Perkembangan dan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi digital memberi respon pada perubahan terkait praktik advokasi dan aktivisme pengorganisiran masyarakat. Keindahan jaringan menghadirkan konektivitas untuk proses distribusi politik. Jaringan tidak menghubungkan pengguna hanya dengan pusat produksi informasi atau isu, mereka menghubungkan masyarakat satu sama lain juga.


Program Studi Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam STID Mohammad Natsir, 2024

Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengetahui kreativitas dakwah Komunitas Akhwat Creative Project (ACP) melalui desain grafis. Metode Penelitian: Kualitatif. Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kreativitas dakwah komunitas Akhwat Creative Project melalui desain grafis dalam empat dimensi. Dimensi person (kepribadian) menunjukkan bahwa komunitas ACP berusaha untuk membentuk kepribadian member yang sadar akan pentingnya dakwah, melalui program story of the day, kajian dan open donasi. Dimensi process (proses/kebebasan berekspresi) menunjukkan bahwa komunitas ACP memberikan peluang kepada member untuk melakukan berbagai latihan agar dapat mengekspresikan dan menuangkan ide-ide agar kreativitasnya terasah, melalui program tugas wajib, story of the day dan challenge time. Dimensi press (dorongan/dukungan dari lingkungan) menunjukkan bahwa komunitas ACP memberikan dukungan bagi para muslimah yang ingin belajar desain dengan diberikan support melalui materi desain yang diberikan setiap bulan. Dimensi product (produk) menunjukkan bahwa komunitas ACP memiliki peran bagi karya-karya yang dihasilkan member melalui program story of the day dan challenge time.

Ihsan collaboration.pdf

Abstrak Artikel ini membahas tentang strategi pendekatan agama pada lembaga pendidikan dalam rangka pencegahan gerakan radikalisme yang sedang terjadi pada akhir-akhir ini di Negara kita. Munculnya gerakan radikalisme yang sudah merambah pada ranah pendidikan menjadi fenomena sekaligus tantangan tersendiri bagi dunia pendidikan di tanah air, terkhusus bagi lembaga-lembaga pendidikan Islam. Hal ini dikarenakan, sejauh ini Islam di Negara kita terkenal dengan ke-tassamuh-annya, tawasuth dan toleransi. Mengantisipasi dan menangkal gerakan radikalisme, posisi pendidikan dan lembaganya dapat dijadikan pintu masuk untuk mengawali proses deradikalisasi agama yang sedang “mewabah” di Negara kita. Ranah pendidikan dapat dijadikan wasilah untuk dijadikan “benteng” dan “palang pintu” dari program program deradikalisasi. Untuk itu, perlu strategi pendekatan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan penyusunan kembali kurikulum dan materi pembelajaran berbasiskan deradikalisasi agama pada setiap level dan jenjang. Selain itu, peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) tenaga pengajar (guru ataupun dosen) pada lembaga pendidikan. Kata kunci: Radikalisme, Deradikalisme, Lembaga pendidikan dan pendidikan Islam Abstract This article discusses the strategy of religious approaches to educational institutions in order to prevent the ongoing movement of radicalism lately in our country. The emergence of the radicalism movement that has penetrated into the realm of education becomes a phenomenon as well as a challenge for the world of education in the homeland, especially for Islamic educational institutions. This is because, so far, Islam in our country is famous for its tassamuh-an, tawasuth and tolerance. Anticipating and counteracting radicalism movements, educational positions and institutions can be an entrance to initiate the process of religious deradicalization that is "plague" in our country. Educational domain can be used as a refill to be a "fortress" and "doorstop" of the program deradicalisasi program. For that, it needs a strategy approach that is done by the reconstruction of curriculum and learning materials based on religious deradicalization at every level and level. In addition, improving the quality of human resources (HR) teaching staff (teachers or lecturers) at educational institutions. Key word: Radicalism, Deradicalism, Institute of Islamic education and education

Aktivisme Dakwah Siber Di Tengah Konvergensi Media Digital

Dakwatuna: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam

This article discusses da'wah activism which is expressed in the midst of the convergence of digital media as a religious phenomenon. Da'wah activism is part of a religious activity that is an obligation for a Muslim, however, the display of da'wah messages expressed in the midst of the convergence of digital media does not only show it as a religious activity, but in appearance it also has the opportunity as a tool for political and ideological interests. In fact, Islam wants the da'wah to be carried out in the context of calling for goodness and preventing evil as the teachings of Islam. The method used in this study is to use a virtual ethnographic approach that focuses on artifacts, and digital traces related to da'wah messages displayed through cyber media. Furthermore, in order to understand religious phenomena that are expressed in the digital space, this study uses the concept of da'wah and cyber media as a choice of perspective, the aim is to be able...

Peta Gerakan Literasi Digital DI Indonesia: Studi Tentang Pelaku, Ragam Kegiatan, Kelompok Sasaran Dan Mitra Yang Dilakukan Oleh Japelidi


Digital society nowadays faces various problems such as hoax or fake news, privacy violation, cyberbullying, violence and pornography content, digital media addiction. The question is whether such problems are emerging because of there is no adequate digital literacy in Indonesia? To answer this question, Jaringan Pegiat Literasi Digital (Japelidi, Network of Digital Literacy Activists) conducts a mapping research on digital literacy movement in Indonesia. This study involves 56 researchers from 26 universities in Indonesia. It maps out 342 digital literacy activities conducted in 9 cities in Indonesia. Some research findings are: universities are the main actor in literacy digital movement in Indonesia, public speaking forums are the most frequent digital literacy activities, main target group for digital literacy is the youth and schools are the best partners for digital literacy activities. Based on these findings, the study recommends some suggestions: to increase the digital literacy activities conducted by various actors in Indonesia, to develop various methods of digital literacy programs, to widen the target groups, and to establish relationship with various partners not only schools, but also government, media and corporation. In addition, the study recommend that digital literacy should be implemented in various levels: family, schools, and the state. Abstrak Beragam persoalan seperti informasi hoaks, pelanggaran privacy, cyberbullying, konten kekerasan dan pornografi, dan adiksi media digital dianggap sebagai persoalan masyarakat digital terkini. Pertanyaannya, apakah problem tersebut muncul karena rendahnya literasi digital di Indonesia? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, Jaringan Pegiat Literasi Digital (Japelidi) melakukan pemetaan gerakan literasi digital di Indonesia. Dengan metode desk study dan case study, penelitian melibatkan 56 peneliti dari 28 prodi yang berasal dari 26 perguruan tinggi. Kajian mencakup 342 kegiatan literasi digital di 9 kota di Indonesia memetakan setidaknya 342 kegiatan. Temuan utama penelitian ini antara lain: perguruan tinggi adalah pelaku utama atau motor dalam gerakan literasi digital, sosialisasi adalah kegiatan yang paling sering dilakukan, kaum muda merupakan kelompok sasaran yang paling dominan, dan mitra yang paling adalah sekolah. Penelitian merekomendasikan perlunya lebih banyak pelaku kegiatan yang bukan berasal dari perguruan tinggi, pentingnya mengeksplorasi ragam literasi digital yang bersifat kreatif dan 'empowerment', perlunya memperluas target sasaran literasi digital supaya tidak hanya tertuju pada kaum muda saja, dan pentingnya kemitraan

Kedaulatan Digital Indonesia.docx

The Internet is the largest experiment involving anarchy in history" (Schmidt, Cohen:2013) Masyarakat digital, demikian penduduk dunia mengistilahkan community yang terbangun dengan pesatnya perkembangan digital dan internet saat ini.