International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology Journal (original) (raw)

Papers by International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology Journal

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of an Antibacterial Potential Marine Streptomyces sps from Sargassum fluitans

Vandana Publications, 2020

The discovery of new broad antibiotics is an urgent need to combatfrequently prompting diseases f... more The discovery of new broad antibiotics is an urgent need to combatfrequently prompting diseases for social welfare. The marine environment posses most diverse environment from which novel secondary metabolites can be derived. The various number of bioactive compound has been identified from marine samples. To address this issue, there is chance for identifying bioactive compounds from marine actinomycetes. The aim of study was to isolate and identify secondary metabolites producing actinomycetes from marine algae (Sargassumfluitans.). The isolate SW A4 were partially characterised by morphological and biochemical methods. Their antibacterial activity werefurther analysed by preliminary and Disc diffusion assays. Interestingly, the SW A4 isolate showed excellent inhibition activity aganist certain disease causing human pathogenic bacteria. Here the methanolic extract showed efficient activity of 12,17,13,12 mm zoneaganist S.typhi, K.pneumonia, E.coli, B.cereus respectively.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fatty Acid Derivative of Methanol Extract of Oldenlandia corymbosa: A Potential Compound against K. pneuminiae and MCF-cell Lines

Vandana Publications, 2020

The acceptance of medicinal plants is increasing progressively for treating human diseases. The p... more The acceptance of medicinal plants is increasing progressively for treating human diseases. The phytochemical components; bioactive chemicals present in the plants have a property to protect human body from disease causing agents. The aim of the present study is to screen the methanol extracted fatty acid derivative of Oldenlandia corymbosa by GC-MS and to evaluate its anti oxidant, anti bacterial and anti cancer potential. Plants were collected and extracted with Soxhlet apparatus and the extract was subjected for compound separation by column chromatography. Separated compound from plant was subjected to antioxidant, anti bacterial and anticancer study. GC-MS analysis of the compound was done using standard protocol. Methanol fraction of the O.corymbosa showed antibacterial property on K.pneumoniaea only and it has no effect on E. coli, S. typhi and S. aureus. Disc diffusion results revealed that the methanol fraction has effect only on K.pneumoniae with zone of inhibition 16mm. In our study the methanol fraction showed maximum antioxidant property. IC 50 value was found to be 0.38±0.004 mg/ml. The result shows that there is a concentration and time dependent increase in the percentage of cytotoxicity induced by the compound. The highest anticancer activity on MCF-7 cell line observed with IC50 value of 0.27±0.18 mg/ml. GC-MS study of the Methanol fraction has showed number of phytoconstituents which contribute to the medicinal property of compound. The major constituents present in the compound is methyl stearate (16.62%), Methyl plamitate (14.53%), 1,2-Bezenedicarboxilicacid (6.61%), Trans2-Nonadecene (5.44%) etc. It is only a preliminary study of the anti bacterial and anticancer property of Methanol fraction, an in depth study will provide a good concrete base for pharmacological activity of compound.

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Research paper thumbnail of To Study the Ripening Process of Tomato Using Ethanol

Vandana Publications, 2020

After the harvesting of tomato from the field the samples are stored in the room temperature (26.... more After the harvesting of tomato from the field the samples are stored in the room temperature (26.84ºC±3.0ºC) some sample kept as untreated samples around 4 to 5 and some samples are to be treated and are kept to the other side and treatment is done by ethanol around 2 to 5 ml per kg and after treatment in sample slightly less weight decrease in treated sample as compare to untreated samples and titrable acidity also decrease very slowly in treated sample as compare to the untreated samples. Some of the test is performed like chlorophyll test, carotenoids, titrable acidity, and weight of samples and shelf life of untreated is 6-8 days and treated fruit shelf life is around 12 days after that decaying of the samples.

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Research paper thumbnail of Screening Antibacterial Properties of Plant Extracts against Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri: An In Vitro Studies

Vandana Publications, 2020

Citrus canker is one of the most devastating disease caused by bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis p... more Citrus canker is one of the most devastating disease caused by bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. This work was formulated to control this disease by plant extracts. It is reported that may plants posses antimicrobial properties by nature. Hence two weed pants i.e Parthenium hysterophorous and Euphorbia hirta was selected for the work. The aqueous leaf extracts of both the weeds were prepared in six different concentrations and tested for production of zone of inhibition against Xac by disc diffusion method on nutrient agar. The results showed that the zone of inhibition increases with increase in concentration of both the leaf extracts. Among the two weed leaf extracts the maximum mean inhibition (15.13) was shown by P. hysterophorus at 64µl/ml and there was no inhibition produced by low concentration of Euphorbia hirta. Hence from this work it showed that leaf extracts of parthenium showed more inhibition to citrus canker pathogen. It may be concluded that this weed can be used to control the disease and thereby control the weed population.

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Research paper thumbnail of Yield Variation during the Period (April to July) 2017 in RRIC 121 & BPM 24 Rubber Clones (Hevea brasiliensis) Grown in WL 3 Agro Ecological Zone of Sri Lanka

Vandana Publications, 2020

Monthly yield variation in rubber cultivations is common and it affects the livelihood of rubber ... more Monthly yield variation in rubber cultivations is common and it affects the livelihood of rubber smallholders and also the cash flows of plantation companies. The effect is more pronounced in rubber harvesters, workers, and other stakeholders as their income levels are partly governed by the monthly financial performance of the cultivation. This uncertain income levels results in the out migration of work force, causing the declining of rubber harvesters and other workers in WL3, Agro Ecological zone. This has become a major problem faced by the entire plantation industry in Sri Lanka. Thus a thorough knowledge on the variability of yield is essential for accurate estimation of monthly yields and income levels and thereby planning marketing and related activities. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to establish variation pattern in the yield components of two Hevea Brasiliensis clones grown in WL3 agro ecological zone in the country and to find possible reasons for such variation. Further, ways of enhancing yield and income levels were also looked at using the Ellakanda and Katuhenadivisons of Sorana Estate managed by Kotagala Plantation PLC as the study site. Based on the previous literature, relevant theories were formulated; independent and dependent factors that would result in the monthly yield variation and the required information to be collected were identified. Primary data were collected using tapping blocks of the selected divisions along with relevant meteorological data.

The raw data were classified to purposeful and usable categories and were tabulated for statistical inferences. Results revealed that the physiological ability of the tree to produce latex, number of tapping days and the rainfall pattern as the main factors which affect the monthly yield variation of RRIC 121 & BPM 24 rubber clones cultivated in WL3 Agro Ecological zone of the country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities of Utilizing Oil Palm (Elaeis guieneensis) Trunk as a Solution for Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management

Vandana Publications, 2020

Oil Palm covers nearly 9600 hectares of Sri Lanka. The replacement process occurs once for 25-30 ... more Oil Palm covers nearly 9600 hectares of Sri Lanka. The replacement process occurs once for 25-30 years creates nearly 200 tons of agricultural waste per hectare. The normal procedure of uprooting uneconomical plantations is by using bachore machine. Conventional methods of clearing oil palm trunks after remaining materials in the field cause problems such as increasing breeding places for pests like rhinoceros beetles and ratsincrease the disease incidents in immature plants, hindering field operations and taking long time to decompose remains. Therefore, sustainable utilization of oil palm trunk bio mass is important. Oil palm trunks from Elpitiyaplantation were used for the experiment. A trunk has an average biomass of 1550kg with an 8m mean length. The average number of trees per hectare is 125 per one replacement cycle. Bark is removed from trunks and cut into pieces and chopped by using an electrical chopper. The chopped pulp (initial pulp) was grinded by mortar and pestle and blender separately to produce pulp 1 and pulp 2 respectively. Molasse produced using pulp 1 and pulp 2, give final brix values of 58 and 54.4 respectively. Vinegar was produced using pulp1 and pulp 2 shows an undesirable light brown suspension with an alcohol percentage of 2%.Pots and planting containers for nurseries prepared from initial pulp can be used for nurseries and effective in direct field planting. The study revealed there is a possibility of preparing molasse and planting containers from oil palm trunks. Vinegar production process needed to be further studied.

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Research paper thumbnail of On Rise of Cancer in Kashmir

Vandana Publications, 2020

Every year there's a marked increase in the number of cancer patients registered in the valley's ... more Every year there's a marked increase in the number of cancer patients registered in the valley's premiere tertiary care institute, SKIMS, where increasing number of cancer patients, especially from the poor backgrounds, continue to pour in for treatment. Sounding alarm bells, leading oncologists caution that cancer has become the number one killer disease in Kashmir and that there's a need for more, and better, cancer awareness, and latest treatment facilities to ease the suffering of rising cancer patients in the valley. In this brief comment, going beyond the statistics, I put the spotlight on various aspects and reasons of cancer rise in the valley.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of the Spreča River Flooding on Individual Physicochemical Parameters of Soil

Vandana Publications, 2020

During the last few years, we have witnessed more frequent floods affecting the northeastern part... more During the last few years, we have witnessed more frequent floods affecting the northeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the valley of the Spreča River. Flooded soil has undergone various changes, in terms of numerous deficiencies and heavy metal contamination, where such soil represents a great danger both for people and animals. Therefore, in this paper the physicochemical analysis of soil and degree of pollution is determined. The aim of soil sampling and analysis is to determine its status after water withdrawal, in terms of nutrient supply, and to determine possible chemical pollution. Based on the results obtained, agricultural producers will receive recommendations regarding restoration of production on these areas, the choice of cultivated culture, corrective measures or remediation of these areas. As part of the analysis, hygroscopic moisture, acid-base soil status, oxidoreduction potential, organic matter content, carbonate content and heavy metals content were determined. Based on the performed analyzes, the soil was shown to be of neutral character (determined in 1M KCl), and weakly alkaline (determined in distilled H 2 O) with predominantly reducing condition prevailing in the soil. The conducted analyzes have shown that the soil is very poor in humus, and that the heavy metals content is within the limit values determined by the Rulebook on Determination of Allowed Quantities of Harmful and Dangerous Substances in Soil and Method of Testing there of ("Official Gazette of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina", number 52/09). Therefore, from the aspect of the pollution degree, the soil from this plot belongs to the first class when it comes to iron, manganese, cadmium and lead, to the second class when it comes to zinc, and the third class when it comes to copper.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fabrication of Electricity from Wastewater by Utilizing Microbial Fuel Cells: A Review

Vandana Publications, 2020

Bioelectricity is the electric current produced by anaerobic ingestion of organic substrate by mi... more Bioelectricity is the electric current produced by anaerobic ingestion of organic substrate by microorganism. A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a appliance that transforms energy discharged outcome of oxidation of complicated natural carbon sources that area unit used as substrates by microorganisms to provide voltage thus demonstrating to be associate proficient ways that of viable energy production. The electrons released because of the microbial breakdown is seized to keep up ruthless potential density while not an efficient carbon discharge within system. Usage of microorganisms toward bioremediation is similar to the consequence as of the generation of electricity creates the MFC technology a very beneficial plan which could be smeared in varied segment of industries and agricultural wastes. Although the influences of MFCs in generation of electricity was initially low, modern development within the style elements and dealing has increased ability yield to a major step thus permit application of MFCs in varied sectors as well as waste material ministrations and biodepollution. The accompanying review gives a top-level view concerning the parts, operating, alteration and purpose of MFC technology for numerous analysis and industrial application.

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Research paper thumbnail of Epidemiology Survey of Antibiotics Use in Hospitals and Veterinarian Practices in Northern Regions of Cameroon

Vandana Publications, 2020

Antibiotics are used in veterinary practice as growth promoter to improve animal production and t... more Antibiotics are used in veterinary practice as growth promoter to improve animal production and to control animal diseases. Routine antimicrobials consumption led to resistant-strains selection an spread within animals, their environment, farmers and animal products consumer. As for animals, antibiotics are widely recommended for bacterial infections in human medicine. By the same process, antibiotic-resistance emergence in human is current event. This is why in our study the aim was to assess antibiotic use frequencies in human and veterinary practices without previous antibiogram or species identification. We focused on cocci gram prositif infections in Cameroon northern regions. Our results revealed high rate of ceftriaxone (24%), amoxicillin (29%) and cloxacillin (14%) prescription by health practitionner for cocci gram positif and Staphylococci infections. In livestock Penicillin-streptomycin (42%) and oxytetracyclin (38%) are the most use for mastitis, penicillin-diclofenac mix and penicillin-streptomycin were frequently indicated for dermatosis. Antibiotics are widely prescribed in northern regions either in human or in veterinary medicine and may lead to antibiotic-resistance.

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Research paper thumbnail of COVID-19 (An International Trauma): A Brief Analysis on Research Trends, Impacts and Solutions

Vandana Publications, 2020

Corona virus disease (COVID-19); have been established as an epidemic of the century. COVID-19, ... more Corona virus disease (COVID-19); have been established as an epidemic of the century. COVID-19, a pandemic is spreading its web throughout the world affecting everyone resulting into mass destruction of populations causing human suffering, creating panic, disturbing everyone economically and stressing all kind of development of entire mankind. COVID-19 is a deadly disease that is supposed to be fatal in 4% of cases. In Severe cases this disease produces enormous respiratory harm like pneumonia, gastrointestinal disorders, weakened immune systems, kidney failure or even death. The pathology of COVID-19 is just similar to SARS and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) corona virus infection. There are no drugs or vaccines for corona viruses yet, including COVID-19. According to WHO Corona virus disease (COVID-19) outbreak situation is persisting with 421,792 confirmed cases ‎and 18,883 confirmed deaths till 23‎ ‎March‎ ‎2020‎. Till now, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. Though, there are multiple of clinical trials, evaluations that may result into potential treatments are ongoing.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimate of the Patients Commitment Concerning Medical Follow-Up with Angina Pectoris in Al -Najaf Al -Ashraf City

Vandana Publications, 2020

Angina pectoris above referred to as coronary course malady, is caused by the buildup of whittle ... more Angina pectoris above referred to as coronary course malady, is caused by the buildup of whittle core the arteries saunter source oxygen-rich blood for the heart. Break in, a mid of broad, cholesterol, and calcium deposits, rear entertain in the arteries over a long time.

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Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence of Different Types of Intimate Partner Violence among Ever-Married Women: A Sri Lankan Study

Vandana Publications, 2020

This study examined the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) among a sample of 600 ever-... more This study examined the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) among a sample of 600 ever-married women from a representative health administrative area located in the Kandy district of Sri Lanka. IPV was assessed using the world health organization (WHO) instrument developed for use in the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence against women. Among all participants 59.5% (n=357) have experienced any type of abuse (any form of physical, psychological, sexual abuse and controlling behaviour) at least once during their lifetime. Out of the total 41.3% (n=248) have experienced abuse (any form of physical, psychological and sexual abuse) during the last 12 months. Considering the lifetime IPV experiences, 39.5% (n=237) reported physical abuse, 39% (n=234) reported psychological abuse, 12.3% (n=74) reported sexual abuse and31.3% (n=188) reported generally controlling behaviour by the partner. During the last year 14.8% (n=89) have been physically, 26.3% (n=158) have been psychologically and 7.17% (n=43) have been sexually abused. The present study reveals high lifetime and past year prevalence of IPV compared to other recent studies conducted in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, different types of IPV acts were present with chronic and severe experiences. Hence, interventions should focus on different types of IPV and various abusive behaviours. Further studies are needed to assess the association of different types of IPV and the contributory factors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the Existing School Health Promotion Program in a Selected Educational Zone, Sri Lanka -Cross -Sectional Study

Vandana Publications, 2020

The health promotion school program was designed to promote the wellbeing of school students. Thi... more The health promotion school program was designed to promote the wellbeing of school students. This concept was introduced during the 1980s by the World Health Organization (WHO). In Sri Lanka; it was initiated and implemented in 2008 targeting all government schools. The aim of the study was to assess the existing school health promotion program. The cross-sectional study was implemented in May 2018 with all secondary schools in a selected education zone in Sri Lanka which represent three types of schools, 1AB, 1C and type 2. The study participants were students and teachers. The newly developed tool (Health Promoting School Assessment Tool) was used to assess the existing school health promotion program under six main criteria. The nominal group technique was followed to fill the assessment tool designed in the study where a team of teachers and a team of students separately took part in the assessment. The findings of the study show that the existing health promotion school program is partially unsuccessful in the selected educational zone. The existing situation of the school health promotion program, according to the main six criteria of the Health Promotion School Assessment Tool, was not at a satisfactory level of the implementation (38.2%). Only three schools (N=23) scored more than 50% while other schools (n=20, N=23) were scored less than 50%. According to the assessment, for each group of an individual school, there was a difference between teachers' assessment and students' assessment of the overall health promotion program. It is important to conduct continuous monitoring and have an evaluation plan for the school health promotion program to acquire effective changes in school settings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis, Characterization and Phase Transition of Highly Porous γ - Alumina Nanoparticles

Vandana Publications, 2020

Alumina is an important metal oxide used in a wide range of applications. It is a challenge to sy... more Alumina is an important metal oxide used in a wide range of applications. It is a challenge to synthesize stable γ-alumina nanoparticles because; γ-phase of alumina is not as stable as α phase of alumina. But γ-alumina owns a higher surface area making it a good candidate for many industrial applications such as catalyst, catalytic support for petroleum refining, absorbent, alcohol dehydration, catalytic reduction of automotive pollutants like NOx, CO and hydrocarbons. This research focuses on synthesis, characterization and study of phase identification of pure γ-alumina nanoparticles. Modified "Pechini method" (Danks, Hall, and Schnepp (2016); Huízar-Félix, Hernández, de la Parra, Ibarra, & Kharisov, 2012; Naskar, 2010; Zaki, Kabel, & Hassan, 2012) was used for the synthesis. Transesterification of citrate and ethylene glycol makes a covalent polymer network with trapped Al atoms. Continuous stirring of the reaction mixture while maintaining an optimum temperature is an important factor affecting this reaction. Calcination was carried out at different temperatures to identify phase transitions of alumina nanoparticles. In order to further reduce the particle size and increase the surface area, reactant ratio of citric acid: aluminum acetate was modified to 1:1, volume of ethylene glycol was increased up to 90% of volume of the solution and Triton X was used as a surfactant. PXRD confirmed the pure γ-alumina phase (JCPDS No. 00-010-0425) in samples calcined at 900 °C. At 1000 °C γ-alumina is conve+rted to α-alumina (JCPDS No. 00-083-2080). After the modifications, γ-alumina was identified at 700 °C. FTIR-ATR analysis shows peaks around 1127 cm-1 indicating the presence of Al-O-Al asymmetric bending modes and the peaks around 500 cm-1-750 cm-1 correspond to γ-AlO 6 octahedral sites and 800 cm-1 correspond to AlO 4 tetrahedral sites in γ alumina spinel structure. Resulted product of low temperature, pure γ-alumina nanoparticles will facilitate the industrial development in various applications.

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Research paper thumbnail of Examination of Adsorption Abilities of Natural and Acid Activated Bentonite for Heavy Metals Removal from Aqueous Solutions

Vandana Publications, 2020

The effect of the initial concentration of Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, and Pb metal ions from multicomponent ... more The effect of the initial concentration of Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, and Pb metal ions from multicomponent solutions on the sorption capacity of natural and acid activated bentonite was examined in this paper. The acid activation was performed by using hydrochloric and sulfuric acid at different concentrations. The results of adsorption research have shown that bentonite can be effectively used as an adsorbent for the removal of metal ions from multicomponent solutions. Acid activation of bentonite changes the structure and content of individual oxides, increases the porosity and the number of available spots for the adsorption process. For this reason, the bentonite removal efficiency increased after acid activation for all heavy metals tested. With increased acid concentration, the degree of bentonite adsorption increased, and sulfuric acid rather than chloric acid showed better results in removal efficiency.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Smart Devices among Adolescents Life Style in Al Najaf Al Ashraf City

Vandana Publications, 2019

To identify the adolescents life style, to assess adolescents life style with smart devices and s... more To identify the adolescents life style, to assess adolescents life style with smart devices and socio demographic characteristics. A descriptive study designed to found relationship between smart devices and adolescents life style in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf from 5 September to 10 November 2019. The findings of present study indicate that more than 64% of the study sample between age group (12-15) years old, (72.2%) are males, (76.3%) from them are graduated from primary school, regarding to overall assessment of psychological and physical domain with smart devices are acceptable. Finally, there is a significant relationship between social lifestyle with smart devices in items as numbered (4, 8, 13 and 14) with gender of participants. The study confirms that there is a significant negative impact on psychological aspect. so that these devices affect the psychological state of the teenager negatively .The study indicate that there was a very significant impact on the social aspect of adolescents so that these devices cause social isolation.. Preferably rationalize the acquisition and use of adolescent smart devices under the direct and continuous supervision of the guardian. Enhancing the role of the parents in educating the adolescent about the harm caused by smart device. Parents should allocate specific time to treat the teenager with smart devices, and be after Ending his or her educational and social requirements.Provide sports activities, social and scientific by the family of the teenager, through which invest his time and reduce his recourse to these devices to fill his spare time.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Review on Possibilities of Intercropping with Immature Oil Palm

Vandana Publications, 2019

Oil palm (Elaeisguineensis) is identified as the world's leading edible oil producing plant and w... more Oil palm (Elaeisguineensis) is identified as the world's leading edible oil producing plant and well established as a perennial plantation crop in tropical countries. Economic life span of the plant is around 30-35 years and stand per hectare is around 120-135 plants. At the initial stage of the plantations (age up to 3-5 years) there are ample amount of free space available inside young plantations. During this period growers were not getting any income from oil palm and have to spend several other agricultural practices such as weeding. Intercropping with young oil palm is possible and practiced specially by small and medium scale farmers with suitable combinations of crop species. Early identification, proper management of short and medium term intercrops gives better returns for the farmers. Furthermore, in addition to the advantages there were some limitations for intercropping with young oil palm.

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Research paper thumbnail of Study of Trace Elements Selenium, Copper, Zinc and Manganese Level in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS

Vandana Publications, 2019

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in premenopausal women, trace ele... more Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in premenopausal women, trace elements play an important role in PCOS, selenium performs various biological functions such as defense against oxidative stress, immune function and thyroid function, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in premenopausal women, trace Elements have important role in PCOS, selenium is involved in many biological functions, such as, protection against oxidative stress, immune function and thyroid function, Copper, zinc and manganese are essential micronutrients that have been integrated into various proteins and metalloenzymes and are active in the metabolic process of cells and in oxidative stress pathways that can lead to oxidative stress. One hundred and twenty-four of patients' women with poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients and 56 normal ovulatory women participated in the study. Seleniumand serum Copper, zinc and manganese were measured by using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS).

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficiency of Carbonate Precipitation and Removal of Copper and Nickel Ions from their Monocomponent and Two-component Aqueous Solutions

Vandana Publications, 2019

The effect of pH and initial concentration on the removal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) ions from their mo... more The effect of pH and initial concentration on the removal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) ions from their monocomponent and two-component aqueous solutions using Na 2 CO 3 as a chemical precipitation agent was investigated in this paper. Monocomponent aqueous solutions of Cu(II) and Ni(II) ions with their initial concentrations of 50 and 500 mg/L and two-component aqueous solution with initial concentration of 500 mg/L were prepared. The precipitation was carried out by batch method at room temperature by stirring the solution at 300 rpm for 5 minutes, resulting in the formation of precipitates. The resulting precipitate was separated by filtration from the solution. The experiment proved that Na 2 CO 3 is a good agent for removing Cu(II) and Ni(II) ions from their monocomponent water solutions of 50 and 500 mg/L concentration and two-component water solution with initial concentration of each metal 500 mg/L. The percentage of Cu(II) removal was higher at lower pH values compared to Ni(II) removal.

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification of an Antibacterial Potential Marine Streptomyces sps from Sargassum fluitans

Vandana Publications, 2020

The discovery of new broad antibiotics is an urgent need to combatfrequently prompting diseases f... more The discovery of new broad antibiotics is an urgent need to combatfrequently prompting diseases for social welfare. The marine environment posses most diverse environment from which novel secondary metabolites can be derived. The various number of bioactive compound has been identified from marine samples. To address this issue, there is chance for identifying bioactive compounds from marine actinomycetes. The aim of study was to isolate and identify secondary metabolites producing actinomycetes from marine algae (Sargassumfluitans.). The isolate SW A4 were partially characterised by morphological and biochemical methods. Their antibacterial activity werefurther analysed by preliminary and Disc diffusion assays. Interestingly, the SW A4 isolate showed excellent inhibition activity aganist certain disease causing human pathogenic bacteria. Here the methanolic extract showed efficient activity of 12,17,13,12 mm zoneaganist S.typhi, K.pneumonia, E.coli, B.cereus respectively.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fatty Acid Derivative of Methanol Extract of Oldenlandia corymbosa: A Potential Compound against K. pneuminiae and MCF-cell Lines

Vandana Publications, 2020

The acceptance of medicinal plants is increasing progressively for treating human diseases. The p... more The acceptance of medicinal plants is increasing progressively for treating human diseases. The phytochemical components; bioactive chemicals present in the plants have a property to protect human body from disease causing agents. The aim of the present study is to screen the methanol extracted fatty acid derivative of Oldenlandia corymbosa by GC-MS and to evaluate its anti oxidant, anti bacterial and anti cancer potential. Plants were collected and extracted with Soxhlet apparatus and the extract was subjected for compound separation by column chromatography. Separated compound from plant was subjected to antioxidant, anti bacterial and anticancer study. GC-MS analysis of the compound was done using standard protocol. Methanol fraction of the O.corymbosa showed antibacterial property on K.pneumoniaea only and it has no effect on E. coli, S. typhi and S. aureus. Disc diffusion results revealed that the methanol fraction has effect only on K.pneumoniae with zone of inhibition 16mm. In our study the methanol fraction showed maximum antioxidant property. IC 50 value was found to be 0.38±0.004 mg/ml. The result shows that there is a concentration and time dependent increase in the percentage of cytotoxicity induced by the compound. The highest anticancer activity on MCF-7 cell line observed with IC50 value of 0.27±0.18 mg/ml. GC-MS study of the Methanol fraction has showed number of phytoconstituents which contribute to the medicinal property of compound. The major constituents present in the compound is methyl stearate (16.62%), Methyl plamitate (14.53%), 1,2-Bezenedicarboxilicacid (6.61%), Trans2-Nonadecene (5.44%) etc. It is only a preliminary study of the anti bacterial and anticancer property of Methanol fraction, an in depth study will provide a good concrete base for pharmacological activity of compound.

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Research paper thumbnail of To Study the Ripening Process of Tomato Using Ethanol

Vandana Publications, 2020

After the harvesting of tomato from the field the samples are stored in the room temperature (26.... more After the harvesting of tomato from the field the samples are stored in the room temperature (26.84ºC±3.0ºC) some sample kept as untreated samples around 4 to 5 and some samples are to be treated and are kept to the other side and treatment is done by ethanol around 2 to 5 ml per kg and after treatment in sample slightly less weight decrease in treated sample as compare to untreated samples and titrable acidity also decrease very slowly in treated sample as compare to the untreated samples. Some of the test is performed like chlorophyll test, carotenoids, titrable acidity, and weight of samples and shelf life of untreated is 6-8 days and treated fruit shelf life is around 12 days after that decaying of the samples.

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Research paper thumbnail of Screening Antibacterial Properties of Plant Extracts against Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri: An In Vitro Studies

Vandana Publications, 2020

Citrus canker is one of the most devastating disease caused by bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis p... more Citrus canker is one of the most devastating disease caused by bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. This work was formulated to control this disease by plant extracts. It is reported that may plants posses antimicrobial properties by nature. Hence two weed pants i.e Parthenium hysterophorous and Euphorbia hirta was selected for the work. The aqueous leaf extracts of both the weeds were prepared in six different concentrations and tested for production of zone of inhibition against Xac by disc diffusion method on nutrient agar. The results showed that the zone of inhibition increases with increase in concentration of both the leaf extracts. Among the two weed leaf extracts the maximum mean inhibition (15.13) was shown by P. hysterophorus at 64µl/ml and there was no inhibition produced by low concentration of Euphorbia hirta. Hence from this work it showed that leaf extracts of parthenium showed more inhibition to citrus canker pathogen. It may be concluded that this weed can be used to control the disease and thereby control the weed population.

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Research paper thumbnail of Yield Variation during the Period (April to July) 2017 in RRIC 121 & BPM 24 Rubber Clones (Hevea brasiliensis) Grown in WL 3 Agro Ecological Zone of Sri Lanka

Vandana Publications, 2020

Monthly yield variation in rubber cultivations is common and it affects the livelihood of rubber ... more Monthly yield variation in rubber cultivations is common and it affects the livelihood of rubber smallholders and also the cash flows of plantation companies. The effect is more pronounced in rubber harvesters, workers, and other stakeholders as their income levels are partly governed by the monthly financial performance of the cultivation. This uncertain income levels results in the out migration of work force, causing the declining of rubber harvesters and other workers in WL3, Agro Ecological zone. This has become a major problem faced by the entire plantation industry in Sri Lanka. Thus a thorough knowledge on the variability of yield is essential for accurate estimation of monthly yields and income levels and thereby planning marketing and related activities. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to establish variation pattern in the yield components of two Hevea Brasiliensis clones grown in WL3 agro ecological zone in the country and to find possible reasons for such variation. Further, ways of enhancing yield and income levels were also looked at using the Ellakanda and Katuhenadivisons of Sorana Estate managed by Kotagala Plantation PLC as the study site. Based on the previous literature, relevant theories were formulated; independent and dependent factors that would result in the monthly yield variation and the required information to be collected were identified. Primary data were collected using tapping blocks of the selected divisions along with relevant meteorological data.

The raw data were classified to purposeful and usable categories and were tabulated for statistical inferences. Results revealed that the physiological ability of the tree to produce latex, number of tapping days and the rainfall pattern as the main factors which affect the monthly yield variation of RRIC 121 & BPM 24 rubber clones cultivated in WL3 Agro Ecological zone of the country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities of Utilizing Oil Palm (Elaeis guieneensis) Trunk as a Solution for Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management

Vandana Publications, 2020

Oil Palm covers nearly 9600 hectares of Sri Lanka. The replacement process occurs once for 25-30 ... more Oil Palm covers nearly 9600 hectares of Sri Lanka. The replacement process occurs once for 25-30 years creates nearly 200 tons of agricultural waste per hectare. The normal procedure of uprooting uneconomical plantations is by using bachore machine. Conventional methods of clearing oil palm trunks after remaining materials in the field cause problems such as increasing breeding places for pests like rhinoceros beetles and ratsincrease the disease incidents in immature plants, hindering field operations and taking long time to decompose remains. Therefore, sustainable utilization of oil palm trunk bio mass is important. Oil palm trunks from Elpitiyaplantation were used for the experiment. A trunk has an average biomass of 1550kg with an 8m mean length. The average number of trees per hectare is 125 per one replacement cycle. Bark is removed from trunks and cut into pieces and chopped by using an electrical chopper. The chopped pulp (initial pulp) was grinded by mortar and pestle and blender separately to produce pulp 1 and pulp 2 respectively. Molasse produced using pulp 1 and pulp 2, give final brix values of 58 and 54.4 respectively. Vinegar was produced using pulp1 and pulp 2 shows an undesirable light brown suspension with an alcohol percentage of 2%.Pots and planting containers for nurseries prepared from initial pulp can be used for nurseries and effective in direct field planting. The study revealed there is a possibility of preparing molasse and planting containers from oil palm trunks. Vinegar production process needed to be further studied.

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Research paper thumbnail of On Rise of Cancer in Kashmir

Vandana Publications, 2020

Every year there's a marked increase in the number of cancer patients registered in the valley's ... more Every year there's a marked increase in the number of cancer patients registered in the valley's premiere tertiary care institute, SKIMS, where increasing number of cancer patients, especially from the poor backgrounds, continue to pour in for treatment. Sounding alarm bells, leading oncologists caution that cancer has become the number one killer disease in Kashmir and that there's a need for more, and better, cancer awareness, and latest treatment facilities to ease the suffering of rising cancer patients in the valley. In this brief comment, going beyond the statistics, I put the spotlight on various aspects and reasons of cancer rise in the valley.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of the Spreča River Flooding on Individual Physicochemical Parameters of Soil

Vandana Publications, 2020

During the last few years, we have witnessed more frequent floods affecting the northeastern part... more During the last few years, we have witnessed more frequent floods affecting the northeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the valley of the Spreča River. Flooded soil has undergone various changes, in terms of numerous deficiencies and heavy metal contamination, where such soil represents a great danger both for people and animals. Therefore, in this paper the physicochemical analysis of soil and degree of pollution is determined. The aim of soil sampling and analysis is to determine its status after water withdrawal, in terms of nutrient supply, and to determine possible chemical pollution. Based on the results obtained, agricultural producers will receive recommendations regarding restoration of production on these areas, the choice of cultivated culture, corrective measures or remediation of these areas. As part of the analysis, hygroscopic moisture, acid-base soil status, oxidoreduction potential, organic matter content, carbonate content and heavy metals content were determined. Based on the performed analyzes, the soil was shown to be of neutral character (determined in 1M KCl), and weakly alkaline (determined in distilled H 2 O) with predominantly reducing condition prevailing in the soil. The conducted analyzes have shown that the soil is very poor in humus, and that the heavy metals content is within the limit values determined by the Rulebook on Determination of Allowed Quantities of Harmful and Dangerous Substances in Soil and Method of Testing there of ("Official Gazette of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina", number 52/09). Therefore, from the aspect of the pollution degree, the soil from this plot belongs to the first class when it comes to iron, manganese, cadmium and lead, to the second class when it comes to zinc, and the third class when it comes to copper.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fabrication of Electricity from Wastewater by Utilizing Microbial Fuel Cells: A Review

Vandana Publications, 2020

Bioelectricity is the electric current produced by anaerobic ingestion of organic substrate by mi... more Bioelectricity is the electric current produced by anaerobic ingestion of organic substrate by microorganism. A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a appliance that transforms energy discharged outcome of oxidation of complicated natural carbon sources that area unit used as substrates by microorganisms to provide voltage thus demonstrating to be associate proficient ways that of viable energy production. The electrons released because of the microbial breakdown is seized to keep up ruthless potential density while not an efficient carbon discharge within system. Usage of microorganisms toward bioremediation is similar to the consequence as of the generation of electricity creates the MFC technology a very beneficial plan which could be smeared in varied segment of industries and agricultural wastes. Although the influences of MFCs in generation of electricity was initially low, modern development within the style elements and dealing has increased ability yield to a major step thus permit application of MFCs in varied sectors as well as waste material ministrations and biodepollution. The accompanying review gives a top-level view concerning the parts, operating, alteration and purpose of MFC technology for numerous analysis and industrial application.

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Research paper thumbnail of Epidemiology Survey of Antibiotics Use in Hospitals and Veterinarian Practices in Northern Regions of Cameroon

Vandana Publications, 2020

Antibiotics are used in veterinary practice as growth promoter to improve animal production and t... more Antibiotics are used in veterinary practice as growth promoter to improve animal production and to control animal diseases. Routine antimicrobials consumption led to resistant-strains selection an spread within animals, their environment, farmers and animal products consumer. As for animals, antibiotics are widely recommended for bacterial infections in human medicine. By the same process, antibiotic-resistance emergence in human is current event. This is why in our study the aim was to assess antibiotic use frequencies in human and veterinary practices without previous antibiogram or species identification. We focused on cocci gram prositif infections in Cameroon northern regions. Our results revealed high rate of ceftriaxone (24%), amoxicillin (29%) and cloxacillin (14%) prescription by health practitionner for cocci gram positif and Staphylococci infections. In livestock Penicillin-streptomycin (42%) and oxytetracyclin (38%) are the most use for mastitis, penicillin-diclofenac mix and penicillin-streptomycin were frequently indicated for dermatosis. Antibiotics are widely prescribed in northern regions either in human or in veterinary medicine and may lead to antibiotic-resistance.

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Research paper thumbnail of COVID-19 (An International Trauma): A Brief Analysis on Research Trends, Impacts and Solutions

Vandana Publications, 2020

Corona virus disease (COVID-19); have been established as an epidemic of the century. COVID-19, ... more Corona virus disease (COVID-19); have been established as an epidemic of the century. COVID-19, a pandemic is spreading its web throughout the world affecting everyone resulting into mass destruction of populations causing human suffering, creating panic, disturbing everyone economically and stressing all kind of development of entire mankind. COVID-19 is a deadly disease that is supposed to be fatal in 4% of cases. In Severe cases this disease produces enormous respiratory harm like pneumonia, gastrointestinal disorders, weakened immune systems, kidney failure or even death. The pathology of COVID-19 is just similar to SARS and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) corona virus infection. There are no drugs or vaccines for corona viruses yet, including COVID-19. According to WHO Corona virus disease (COVID-19) outbreak situation is persisting with 421,792 confirmed cases ‎and 18,883 confirmed deaths till 23‎ ‎March‎ ‎2020‎. Till now, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. Though, there are multiple of clinical trials, evaluations that may result into potential treatments are ongoing.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimate of the Patients Commitment Concerning Medical Follow-Up with Angina Pectoris in Al -Najaf Al -Ashraf City

Vandana Publications, 2020

Angina pectoris above referred to as coronary course malady, is caused by the buildup of whittle ... more Angina pectoris above referred to as coronary course malady, is caused by the buildup of whittle core the arteries saunter source oxygen-rich blood for the heart. Break in, a mid of broad, cholesterol, and calcium deposits, rear entertain in the arteries over a long time.

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Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence of Different Types of Intimate Partner Violence among Ever-Married Women: A Sri Lankan Study

Vandana Publications, 2020

This study examined the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) among a sample of 600 ever-... more This study examined the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) among a sample of 600 ever-married women from a representative health administrative area located in the Kandy district of Sri Lanka. IPV was assessed using the world health organization (WHO) instrument developed for use in the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence against women. Among all participants 59.5% (n=357) have experienced any type of abuse (any form of physical, psychological, sexual abuse and controlling behaviour) at least once during their lifetime. Out of the total 41.3% (n=248) have experienced abuse (any form of physical, psychological and sexual abuse) during the last 12 months. Considering the lifetime IPV experiences, 39.5% (n=237) reported physical abuse, 39% (n=234) reported psychological abuse, 12.3% (n=74) reported sexual abuse and31.3% (n=188) reported generally controlling behaviour by the partner. During the last year 14.8% (n=89) have been physically, 26.3% (n=158) have been psychologically and 7.17% (n=43) have been sexually abused. The present study reveals high lifetime and past year prevalence of IPV compared to other recent studies conducted in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, different types of IPV acts were present with chronic and severe experiences. Hence, interventions should focus on different types of IPV and various abusive behaviours. Further studies are needed to assess the association of different types of IPV and the contributory factors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the Existing School Health Promotion Program in a Selected Educational Zone, Sri Lanka -Cross -Sectional Study

Vandana Publications, 2020

The health promotion school program was designed to promote the wellbeing of school students. Thi... more The health promotion school program was designed to promote the wellbeing of school students. This concept was introduced during the 1980s by the World Health Organization (WHO). In Sri Lanka; it was initiated and implemented in 2008 targeting all government schools. The aim of the study was to assess the existing school health promotion program. The cross-sectional study was implemented in May 2018 with all secondary schools in a selected education zone in Sri Lanka which represent three types of schools, 1AB, 1C and type 2. The study participants were students and teachers. The newly developed tool (Health Promoting School Assessment Tool) was used to assess the existing school health promotion program under six main criteria. The nominal group technique was followed to fill the assessment tool designed in the study where a team of teachers and a team of students separately took part in the assessment. The findings of the study show that the existing health promotion school program is partially unsuccessful in the selected educational zone. The existing situation of the school health promotion program, according to the main six criteria of the Health Promotion School Assessment Tool, was not at a satisfactory level of the implementation (38.2%). Only three schools (N=23) scored more than 50% while other schools (n=20, N=23) were scored less than 50%. According to the assessment, for each group of an individual school, there was a difference between teachers' assessment and students' assessment of the overall health promotion program. It is important to conduct continuous monitoring and have an evaluation plan for the school health promotion program to acquire effective changes in school settings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis, Characterization and Phase Transition of Highly Porous γ - Alumina Nanoparticles

Vandana Publications, 2020

Alumina is an important metal oxide used in a wide range of applications. It is a challenge to sy... more Alumina is an important metal oxide used in a wide range of applications. It is a challenge to synthesize stable γ-alumina nanoparticles because; γ-phase of alumina is not as stable as α phase of alumina. But γ-alumina owns a higher surface area making it a good candidate for many industrial applications such as catalyst, catalytic support for petroleum refining, absorbent, alcohol dehydration, catalytic reduction of automotive pollutants like NOx, CO and hydrocarbons. This research focuses on synthesis, characterization and study of phase identification of pure γ-alumina nanoparticles. Modified "Pechini method" (Danks, Hall, and Schnepp (2016); Huízar-Félix, Hernández, de la Parra, Ibarra, & Kharisov, 2012; Naskar, 2010; Zaki, Kabel, & Hassan, 2012) was used for the synthesis. Transesterification of citrate and ethylene glycol makes a covalent polymer network with trapped Al atoms. Continuous stirring of the reaction mixture while maintaining an optimum temperature is an important factor affecting this reaction. Calcination was carried out at different temperatures to identify phase transitions of alumina nanoparticles. In order to further reduce the particle size and increase the surface area, reactant ratio of citric acid: aluminum acetate was modified to 1:1, volume of ethylene glycol was increased up to 90% of volume of the solution and Triton X was used as a surfactant. PXRD confirmed the pure γ-alumina phase (JCPDS No. 00-010-0425) in samples calcined at 900 °C. At 1000 °C γ-alumina is conve+rted to α-alumina (JCPDS No. 00-083-2080). After the modifications, γ-alumina was identified at 700 °C. FTIR-ATR analysis shows peaks around 1127 cm-1 indicating the presence of Al-O-Al asymmetric bending modes and the peaks around 500 cm-1-750 cm-1 correspond to γ-AlO 6 octahedral sites and 800 cm-1 correspond to AlO 4 tetrahedral sites in γ alumina spinel structure. Resulted product of low temperature, pure γ-alumina nanoparticles will facilitate the industrial development in various applications.

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Research paper thumbnail of Examination of Adsorption Abilities of Natural and Acid Activated Bentonite for Heavy Metals Removal from Aqueous Solutions

Vandana Publications, 2020

The effect of the initial concentration of Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, and Pb metal ions from multicomponent ... more The effect of the initial concentration of Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, and Pb metal ions from multicomponent solutions on the sorption capacity of natural and acid activated bentonite was examined in this paper. The acid activation was performed by using hydrochloric and sulfuric acid at different concentrations. The results of adsorption research have shown that bentonite can be effectively used as an adsorbent for the removal of metal ions from multicomponent solutions. Acid activation of bentonite changes the structure and content of individual oxides, increases the porosity and the number of available spots for the adsorption process. For this reason, the bentonite removal efficiency increased after acid activation for all heavy metals tested. With increased acid concentration, the degree of bentonite adsorption increased, and sulfuric acid rather than chloric acid showed better results in removal efficiency.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Smart Devices among Adolescents Life Style in Al Najaf Al Ashraf City

Vandana Publications, 2019

To identify the adolescents life style, to assess adolescents life style with smart devices and s... more To identify the adolescents life style, to assess adolescents life style with smart devices and socio demographic characteristics. A descriptive study designed to found relationship between smart devices and adolescents life style in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf from 5 September to 10 November 2019. The findings of present study indicate that more than 64% of the study sample between age group (12-15) years old, (72.2%) are males, (76.3%) from them are graduated from primary school, regarding to overall assessment of psychological and physical domain with smart devices are acceptable. Finally, there is a significant relationship between social lifestyle with smart devices in items as numbered (4, 8, 13 and 14) with gender of participants. The study confirms that there is a significant negative impact on psychological aspect. so that these devices affect the psychological state of the teenager negatively .The study indicate that there was a very significant impact on the social aspect of adolescents so that these devices cause social isolation.. Preferably rationalize the acquisition and use of adolescent smart devices under the direct and continuous supervision of the guardian. Enhancing the role of the parents in educating the adolescent about the harm caused by smart device. Parents should allocate specific time to treat the teenager with smart devices, and be after Ending his or her educational and social requirements.Provide sports activities, social and scientific by the family of the teenager, through which invest his time and reduce his recourse to these devices to fill his spare time.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Review on Possibilities of Intercropping with Immature Oil Palm

Vandana Publications, 2019

Oil palm (Elaeisguineensis) is identified as the world's leading edible oil producing plant and w... more Oil palm (Elaeisguineensis) is identified as the world's leading edible oil producing plant and well established as a perennial plantation crop in tropical countries. Economic life span of the plant is around 30-35 years and stand per hectare is around 120-135 plants. At the initial stage of the plantations (age up to 3-5 years) there are ample amount of free space available inside young plantations. During this period growers were not getting any income from oil palm and have to spend several other agricultural practices such as weeding. Intercropping with young oil palm is possible and practiced specially by small and medium scale farmers with suitable combinations of crop species. Early identification, proper management of short and medium term intercrops gives better returns for the farmers. Furthermore, in addition to the advantages there were some limitations for intercropping with young oil palm.

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Research paper thumbnail of Study of Trace Elements Selenium, Copper, Zinc and Manganese Level in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS

Vandana Publications, 2019

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in premenopausal women, trace ele... more Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in premenopausal women, trace elements play an important role in PCOS, selenium performs various biological functions such as defense against oxidative stress, immune function and thyroid function, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in premenopausal women, trace Elements have important role in PCOS, selenium is involved in many biological functions, such as, protection against oxidative stress, immune function and thyroid function, Copper, zinc and manganese are essential micronutrients that have been integrated into various proteins and metalloenzymes and are active in the metabolic process of cells and in oxidative stress pathways that can lead to oxidative stress. One hundred and twenty-four of patients' women with poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients and 56 normal ovulatory women participated in the study. Seleniumand serum Copper, zinc and manganese were measured by using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS).

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficiency of Carbonate Precipitation and Removal of Copper and Nickel Ions from their Monocomponent and Two-component Aqueous Solutions

Vandana Publications, 2019

The effect of pH and initial concentration on the removal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) ions from their mo... more The effect of pH and initial concentration on the removal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) ions from their monocomponent and two-component aqueous solutions using Na 2 CO 3 as a chemical precipitation agent was investigated in this paper. Monocomponent aqueous solutions of Cu(II) and Ni(II) ions with their initial concentrations of 50 and 500 mg/L and two-component aqueous solution with initial concentration of 500 mg/L were prepared. The precipitation was carried out by batch method at room temperature by stirring the solution at 300 rpm for 5 minutes, resulting in the formation of precipitates. The resulting precipitate was separated by filtration from the solution. The experiment proved that Na 2 CO 3 is a good agent for removing Cu(II) and Ni(II) ions from their monocomponent water solutions of 50 and 500 mg/L concentration and two-component water solution with initial concentration of each metal 500 mg/L. The percentage of Cu(II) removal was higher at lower pH values compared to Ni(II) removal.

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