Juan Eliecer Cortes Araya - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Juan Eliecer Cortes Araya

Research paper thumbnail of Epidemiologia del traumatismo facial pediátrico en Chile: un estudio retrospectivo de 7617 casos en 3 años

Medicina Oral Patologia Oral Y Cirugia Bucal, 2014

Objetivo: Describir la epidemiologia de las lesiones traumaticas faciales en un grupo de ninos ch... more Objetivo: Describir la epidemiologia de las lesiones traumaticas faciales en un grupo de ninos chilenos menores de 15 anos. Diseno del estudio: Estudio retrospectivo de una serie de casos. Entre 2006 y 2009, se revisaron las historias clinicas de 293.090 pacientes. Los datos de los pacientes con lesiones de traumatismo en la cara que fueron recogidos y evaluados fueron: la edad, el sexo, el dia y el mes del ingreso hospitalario, la causa de la lesion, la localizacion anatomica, el tipo de lesion y la presencia de lesiones asociadas. Resultados: Se recogieron un total de 7.617 pacientes con 8.944 heridas. La relacion hombre:mujer fue 1,7:1. Se observo la afectacion con mayor frecuencia de los ninos en edad preescolar. La causa principal de la lesion fueron las caidas, siendo las lesiones de los tejidos blandos el tipo mas comun de lesion. Las lesiones asociadas ocurrieron en el 11% de los casos. Conclusiones: El traumatismo facial presenta una frecuencia significativa en el grupo de ninos chilenos estudiados. Los ninos en edad preescolar eran propensos a presentar un traumatismo facial de severidad leve asociada a las caidas.

Research paper thumbnail of Relación entre posición mandibular y postura cervical en pacientes con retrognatismo

Rev Fac Odontol Univ Chile, Dec 1, 1997

Se estudio un grupo de 18 pacientes portadores de una dismorfosis dentoesqueletal clase II, con e... more Se estudio un grupo de 18 pacientes portadores de una dismorfosis dentoesqueletal clase II, con el objeto de determinar un tipo de relacion entre retrognatismo y postura cervical. Usamos telerradiografias de perfil tomadas en posicion habitual de cabeza, utilizando los analisis cefalometricos de Delaire y Solow. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron concluir que existe una relacion directa entre la posicion retruida mandibular que presentan los pacientes con dismorfosis dentoesqueletal clase II y la postura cervical, determinando que entre mas posterior es la posicion mandibular, mayor es la extension anterior de la columna cervical (AU)

Research paper thumbnail of Ubicación de las bases esqueletales en la arquitectura cráneo facial I parte: Algunas consideraciones sobre el análisis arquitectural y estructural de J. Delaire

Frente a un paciente portador de una dismorfosis dento esqueletal y por lo tanto facial, las inte... more Frente a un paciente portador de una dismorfosis dento esqueletal y por lo tanto facial, las interrogantes que surgen en el Cirujano Máxilo-Facial y en el Ortodoncista son fundamentalmente dos: 1. Cómo determinar la posición correcta de los maxilares, y 2. Etipoatogenia. Se revisan los criterios que aplica el análisis del Prof. J. delaire, para determinar la correcta ubicación de las bases esqueletales en el tratamiento ortopédico y/o quirúrgico, basado en la evolución filogenética y ontogenética del macizo cráneo-facial

Research paper thumbnail of Extraño accidente de extracción dentaria: caso clínico

Research paper thumbnail of Estancia hospitalaria en cirugía de fisura labio maxilo palantina

Revista Espanola De Cirugia Oral Y Maxilofacial Publicacion Oficial De La Sociedad Espanola De Cirugia Oral Y Maxilofacial, 2003

espanolLa Unidad de Fisurados del Servicio de Cirugia Infantil del Hospital Dr. Felix Bulnes Cerd... more espanolLa Unidad de Fisurados del Servicio de Cirugia Infantil del Hospital Dr. Felix Bulnes Cerda de Santiago de Chile ha adoptado en los casos de reconstruccion primaria de fisuras labio maxilo palatinas (FL/M/P), el sistema de ingreso el mismo dia operatorio con 24 horas de observacion post-quirurgica. Se reviso las historias clinicas de 146 pacientes operados de fisura labio/maxilo/palatina entre los anos 1997 y 2002. Despues de excluir los pacientes sindromicos y de reconstruccion secundaria quedaron 50 casos de reconstruccion primaria que fueron analizados para este estudio. Se estudio la edad del paciente en el momento de la operacion, tipo de cirugia realizada, duracion de la intervencion, tiempo de estancia postoperatoria y morbilidad a corto plazo. La estancia hospitalaria promedio fue de 26,4 horas (1,10 dias), con un rango de 24-72 horas. El 90,47% (76 intervenciones) tuvieron un periodo postoperatorio hospitalario de 24 horas, el 8,33% (7 intervenciones) de 48 horas y el 1,19% (1 intervencion) de 72 horas. La tasa de complicaciones fue de 10,18%, la cual incluyo 4 dehiscencias totales y 3 dehiscencias parciales velopalatinas y 4 dehiscencias parciales en paladar duro. No se requirieron transfusiones sanguineas ni se produjeron infecciones en el postoperatorio. Los pacientes no debieron ser reingresados por sangrado, compromiso respiratorio o inadecuada alimentacion por via bucal. Los autores sostienen que un postoperatorio de 24 horas permite optimizar los recursos existentes en las instituciones de salud sin olvidar el bienestar y seguridad del paciente. La decision del alta hospitalaria debe permanecer a criterio del cirujano tratante. EnglishThe pediatric surgery service at Dr. Felix Bulnes Cerda Hospital from Santiago, Chile uses same-day admission with 24 hours observation postoperatively. The records of 146 patient with cleft lip/palate repair from 1997 through 2002 were studied. After excluding syndromic patients and secondary surgical cases 50 patients remained in this study. Age at the time of operation, operation performed, length of stay, length of operations and short-time morbidity were studied. Mean hospital stay was 26.4 hours, with a range of 24-72 hours. The 90.74% (76 operations) of patients stayed 24 hours postoperatively, 8.33% (7 operations) stayed 48 hours and 1.19% (1 operation) stayed 72 hours. The overall complication rate was 10.18%, which included 4 total and 3 partial velar dehiscences and 4 partial palate dehiscences. No blood transfussions were needed, and no infections were noted postoperatively. No patients required readmission postoperatively for bleeding, respiratory compromise or inadequate oral intake. The authors advocate a 24 hours observation postoperatively for improving the resources but taking account patients wealthy. The decision to discharge a patient must always be left to the treating surgeon.

Research paper thumbnail of Hipertemia Maligna: Revisión a Propósito de un Caso

Research paper thumbnail of Articulación temporomanibular. Consideraciones morfofuncionales y terapéuticas

Research paper thumbnail of Función articular en pacientes portadores de malformaciones que determinan incompetencia labial

Research paper thumbnail of Guía para padres: La salud bucal de los niños

Research paper thumbnail of Sonrisa gingival e incompetencia labial: estudio de la estructura, la forma y la función en el territorio máxilofacial

Research paper thumbnail of Morphologic variability of nonsyndromic operated patients affected by cleft lip and palate: A geometric morphometric study

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2014

Introduction: In this study, we compared patterns of morphologic variations of the craniofacial s... more Introduction: In this study, we compared patterns of morphologic variations of the craniofacial skeleton between patients affected by clefts who were operated on and unaffected subjects, aiming to discuss possible morphofunctional consequences of treatment in craniofacial development. Methods: The lateral cephalograms of 76 subjects, comprising patients with operated unilateral cleft lip and palate (OpC) and a group matched for sex and age without cleft, were used. Thirteen landmarks were used as variables in geometric morphometric tests quantifying and describing overall shape variation, differences between group means, allometry, and upperlower face covariation. Results: The OpC group showed broader shape variations including noncleft group characteristics, but mainly a retrognathic maxilla, a vertically elongated face, a more open mandibular angle, and a more closed basicranial angle. Group means differed mainly in the maxillomandibular relationships. Allometry differed between groups, with the smallest OpC patients showing the most altered morphology. Upper and lower face covariation was stronger in the OpC group, showing mainly vertical changes in the anterior face. Conclusions: Operated patients affected by clefts achieve a broad range of morphologies; the most altered were found in those with skeletal Class III and small size. Furthermore, their strongest upper and lower face shape covariation suggests that a harmonic dental occlusion could be a key factor in achieving "normal" craniofacial morphology. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014;146:346-54) C lefts of the lip and palate (CLP) are common congenital anomalies. The incidence is highly variable among populations. The highest incidence is found in Asians and Native Americans, with 1 in 500 live births, and the lowest in Africans, with 1 in 2500 births; white, Hispanic, and Latin populations (among these, Chileans) have intermediate incidence of 1 in 1000 live births. 1-4 Cleft etiology is multifactorial, comprising both genetic and environmental factors acting during intrauterine development. 5-7 Unilateral CLP (UCLP) is the most common cleft type. 5,8 Morphologic alterations of operated patients with UCLP have been widely reported in the literature, of which changes in maxillomandibular relationship are the most prevalent, as described below. Since unoperated subjects have the potential to develop a "normal" (ie, skeletal Class I) maxillomandibular relationship, 9,10 it has been proposed that altered maxillomandibular relationships are caused by the effect of surgery, particularly lip closure, on the developing bone and sutures. 11-13 This has led to the proposal of different protocols for the surgical management of CLP that concur in the importance of reconstructing the muscular anatomy of the lip and the soft palate after the third month of age. 12,14-16 Despite the differences in surgical approaches and treatment protocols, the morphologic features in operated patients with UCLP tend to be uniform. In general,

Research paper thumbnail of Complicaciones sinusales de origen dentoalveolar: estudio de 32 casos

Revista Dental de Chile, 1992

... 'i' Page 5. l ¿ 4. Blaschk D., Brady F.: The maxillary antrolith. Oral Surg. ... Or... more ... 'i' Page 5. l ¿ 4. Blaschk D., Brady F.: The maxillary antrolith. Oral Surg. ... Oral Surg. vol 39 N° 5: 718-23 Ziemba, R.: Combined buccal and reverse palatal flap for closure of oro-antral fístula. Oral Surg 1972; vol 30: 727-29 l l r t IJ t | l i; Él E

Research paper thumbnail of Epidemiology of pediatric facial trauma in Chile: A retrospective study of 7,617 cases in 3 years

Medicina Oral Patología Oral y Cirugia Bucal, 2014

Objectives: To describe the epidemiology of facial trauma injuries in a group of Chilean children... more Objectives: To describe the epidemiology of facial trauma injuries in a group of Chilean children aged 15 years or less. Study Design: Retrospective study of case series. Between 2006 and 2009, clinical records of 293,090 patients were reviewed. Data of patients with trauma injuries to the face were collected and evaluated for: age, sex, day and month of hospital admission, cause of injury, anatomical location, type of injury and presence of associated injuries. Results: A total of 7,617 patients with 8,944 injuries were found. Boy to girl ratio was 1,7:1. Preschool age children were most frequently affected. Main cause of injury were falls, soft tissue injuries the most common type of injury. Associated injuries occurred in 11% of cases. Conclusions: Facial trauma presents a significant frequency in the group of Chilean children studied. Preeschool age boys were prone to present facial trauma of mild severity associated to falls.

Research paper thumbnail of Características esqueletales faciales en pacientes portadores de disfunción temporomandibular: Consideraciones morfofuncionales y terapéuticas

Revista Dental de Chile, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Inyección accidental de hipoclorito de sodio en el espacio ptérigomandibular: consideraciones a propósito de un caso

Revista Dental de Chile, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Rol de la lengua en la dismorfosis dento esqueletales (parte II)

Revista Dental de …, 1998

Resumen: Se analiza el rol de la lengua en las alteraciones del crecimiento y desarrollo que pued... more Resumen: Se analiza el rol de la lengua en las alteraciones del crecimiento y desarrollo que pueden experimentar tanto las bases esqueléticas maxilares como los procesos dento-alveolares. En esta segunda parte se analizarán las alteraciones estáticas y dinámicas de ...

Research paper thumbnail of Estrategia terapéutica en las fisuras labio-maxilo-palatinas: la aproximación funcional de Delaire

Rev Esp Cir Oral y …, 2002

... A continuación, se practica el despegamiento del mucoperióstio que lo recubre, tanto por su c... more ... A continuación, se practica el despegamiento del mucoperióstio que lo recubre, tanto por su cara nasal como por la bucal, debiéndose lograr la identificación de la hemiespina nasal posterior (Fig. 4B). ... Barsoumian R, Kuehn D, Moon], Canady]. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Tratamiento funcional en las fracturas condilares mandibulares

Revista Dental de …, 1996

... Kahl-Nieke B e! al: CT analysis of temporomandibular joint state in children S years after fu... more ... Kahl-Nieke B e! al: CT analysis of temporomandibular joint state in children S years after functional treatment of condylar fractures. ... et I I / \ HOMENAJE A EX-DIRECTORES DE REVISTA DENTAL DE CHILE DOCTORES: Luis de 1a Barra (1909-1911) Fernando Lara (1942-1943 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of Anesthetic Blockage of Superficial Branches

International …, 2008

Regional anesthesia is of utility in facial and cervical territories, and is the basis that allow... more Regional anesthesia is of utility in facial and cervical territories, and is the basis that allows the performance of diverse surgical procedures and diagnostic tests. An important part of the cranial and cervical tegument is innerved by superficial branches of the cervical plexus, which can be blocked by infiltration of anesthetic in a unique point locatable in the lateral region of the neck. An anesthetic technique was executed for blockage of tegumentary branches of the cervical plexus in a test series conformed by 15 healthy adults. The anesthesia was verified by means of tactile, pain and temperature tests, in five points over the dermatomes of the cervical plexus. Complete anesthesia was verified in 14 of the 15 patients. In all cases the anesthesia lasted at least 90 minutes, and there were no accidents or major complications associated to the execution of the technique. The notable anesthetic effect and adequate working time, summed with the low risk of accidents and complications, make this technique a good alternative for sensitive blockage of part of thecranial and cervical regions. Regional blockage of superficial branches of the cervical plexus is an effective and safe procedure, and can be used in some procedures in the estomatological ambit.

Research paper thumbnail of Recomendaciones para el manejo de niños con fisuras labiales, maxilares y/o palatinas

Pediatría al …, 1999

... Dres, Luis Córdova*, Juan Cortés* **,Rodrigo Bravo* y Pía Zamorano*** ... algunas consideraci... more ... Dres, Luis Córdova*, Juan Cortés* **,Rodrigo Bravo* y Pía Zamorano*** ... algunas consideracirme§respe(;to ala pato!og(o,sU etioptltogenid yltú'CÓ;¡t!uCfÜS aj)rojJia-dás ,¿¡urantelos prf¡neFoslne,<;c,yde liidá.Se indica la ('I'Óllologfa delttat(ulIleillo qtÚrÚrgico ...

Research paper thumbnail of Epidemiologia del traumatismo facial pediátrico en Chile: un estudio retrospectivo de 7617 casos en 3 años

Medicina Oral Patologia Oral Y Cirugia Bucal, 2014

Objetivo: Describir la epidemiologia de las lesiones traumaticas faciales en un grupo de ninos ch... more Objetivo: Describir la epidemiologia de las lesiones traumaticas faciales en un grupo de ninos chilenos menores de 15 anos. Diseno del estudio: Estudio retrospectivo de una serie de casos. Entre 2006 y 2009, se revisaron las historias clinicas de 293.090 pacientes. Los datos de los pacientes con lesiones de traumatismo en la cara que fueron recogidos y evaluados fueron: la edad, el sexo, el dia y el mes del ingreso hospitalario, la causa de la lesion, la localizacion anatomica, el tipo de lesion y la presencia de lesiones asociadas. Resultados: Se recogieron un total de 7.617 pacientes con 8.944 heridas. La relacion hombre:mujer fue 1,7:1. Se observo la afectacion con mayor frecuencia de los ninos en edad preescolar. La causa principal de la lesion fueron las caidas, siendo las lesiones de los tejidos blandos el tipo mas comun de lesion. Las lesiones asociadas ocurrieron en el 11% de los casos. Conclusiones: El traumatismo facial presenta una frecuencia significativa en el grupo de ninos chilenos estudiados. Los ninos en edad preescolar eran propensos a presentar un traumatismo facial de severidad leve asociada a las caidas.

Research paper thumbnail of Relación entre posición mandibular y postura cervical en pacientes con retrognatismo

Rev Fac Odontol Univ Chile, Dec 1, 1997

Se estudio un grupo de 18 pacientes portadores de una dismorfosis dentoesqueletal clase II, con e... more Se estudio un grupo de 18 pacientes portadores de una dismorfosis dentoesqueletal clase II, con el objeto de determinar un tipo de relacion entre retrognatismo y postura cervical. Usamos telerradiografias de perfil tomadas en posicion habitual de cabeza, utilizando los analisis cefalometricos de Delaire y Solow. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron concluir que existe una relacion directa entre la posicion retruida mandibular que presentan los pacientes con dismorfosis dentoesqueletal clase II y la postura cervical, determinando que entre mas posterior es la posicion mandibular, mayor es la extension anterior de la columna cervical (AU)

Research paper thumbnail of Ubicación de las bases esqueletales en la arquitectura cráneo facial I parte: Algunas consideraciones sobre el análisis arquitectural y estructural de J. Delaire

Frente a un paciente portador de una dismorfosis dento esqueletal y por lo tanto facial, las inte... more Frente a un paciente portador de una dismorfosis dento esqueletal y por lo tanto facial, las interrogantes que surgen en el Cirujano Máxilo-Facial y en el Ortodoncista son fundamentalmente dos: 1. Cómo determinar la posición correcta de los maxilares, y 2. Etipoatogenia. Se revisan los criterios que aplica el análisis del Prof. J. delaire, para determinar la correcta ubicación de las bases esqueletales en el tratamiento ortopédico y/o quirúrgico, basado en la evolución filogenética y ontogenética del macizo cráneo-facial

Research paper thumbnail of Extraño accidente de extracción dentaria: caso clínico

Research paper thumbnail of Estancia hospitalaria en cirugía de fisura labio maxilo palantina

Revista Espanola De Cirugia Oral Y Maxilofacial Publicacion Oficial De La Sociedad Espanola De Cirugia Oral Y Maxilofacial, 2003

espanolLa Unidad de Fisurados del Servicio de Cirugia Infantil del Hospital Dr. Felix Bulnes Cerd... more espanolLa Unidad de Fisurados del Servicio de Cirugia Infantil del Hospital Dr. Felix Bulnes Cerda de Santiago de Chile ha adoptado en los casos de reconstruccion primaria de fisuras labio maxilo palatinas (FL/M/P), el sistema de ingreso el mismo dia operatorio con 24 horas de observacion post-quirurgica. Se reviso las historias clinicas de 146 pacientes operados de fisura labio/maxilo/palatina entre los anos 1997 y 2002. Despues de excluir los pacientes sindromicos y de reconstruccion secundaria quedaron 50 casos de reconstruccion primaria que fueron analizados para este estudio. Se estudio la edad del paciente en el momento de la operacion, tipo de cirugia realizada, duracion de la intervencion, tiempo de estancia postoperatoria y morbilidad a corto plazo. La estancia hospitalaria promedio fue de 26,4 horas (1,10 dias), con un rango de 24-72 horas. El 90,47% (76 intervenciones) tuvieron un periodo postoperatorio hospitalario de 24 horas, el 8,33% (7 intervenciones) de 48 horas y el 1,19% (1 intervencion) de 72 horas. La tasa de complicaciones fue de 10,18%, la cual incluyo 4 dehiscencias totales y 3 dehiscencias parciales velopalatinas y 4 dehiscencias parciales en paladar duro. No se requirieron transfusiones sanguineas ni se produjeron infecciones en el postoperatorio. Los pacientes no debieron ser reingresados por sangrado, compromiso respiratorio o inadecuada alimentacion por via bucal. Los autores sostienen que un postoperatorio de 24 horas permite optimizar los recursos existentes en las instituciones de salud sin olvidar el bienestar y seguridad del paciente. La decision del alta hospitalaria debe permanecer a criterio del cirujano tratante. EnglishThe pediatric surgery service at Dr. Felix Bulnes Cerda Hospital from Santiago, Chile uses same-day admission with 24 hours observation postoperatively. The records of 146 patient with cleft lip/palate repair from 1997 through 2002 were studied. After excluding syndromic patients and secondary surgical cases 50 patients remained in this study. Age at the time of operation, operation performed, length of stay, length of operations and short-time morbidity were studied. Mean hospital stay was 26.4 hours, with a range of 24-72 hours. The 90.74% (76 operations) of patients stayed 24 hours postoperatively, 8.33% (7 operations) stayed 48 hours and 1.19% (1 operation) stayed 72 hours. The overall complication rate was 10.18%, which included 4 total and 3 partial velar dehiscences and 4 partial palate dehiscences. No blood transfussions were needed, and no infections were noted postoperatively. No patients required readmission postoperatively for bleeding, respiratory compromise or inadequate oral intake. The authors advocate a 24 hours observation postoperatively for improving the resources but taking account patients wealthy. The decision to discharge a patient must always be left to the treating surgeon.

Research paper thumbnail of Hipertemia Maligna: Revisión a Propósito de un Caso

Research paper thumbnail of Articulación temporomanibular. Consideraciones morfofuncionales y terapéuticas

Research paper thumbnail of Función articular en pacientes portadores de malformaciones que determinan incompetencia labial

Research paper thumbnail of Guía para padres: La salud bucal de los niños

Research paper thumbnail of Sonrisa gingival e incompetencia labial: estudio de la estructura, la forma y la función en el territorio máxilofacial

Research paper thumbnail of Morphologic variability of nonsyndromic operated patients affected by cleft lip and palate: A geometric morphometric study

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2014

Introduction: In this study, we compared patterns of morphologic variations of the craniofacial s... more Introduction: In this study, we compared patterns of morphologic variations of the craniofacial skeleton between patients affected by clefts who were operated on and unaffected subjects, aiming to discuss possible morphofunctional consequences of treatment in craniofacial development. Methods: The lateral cephalograms of 76 subjects, comprising patients with operated unilateral cleft lip and palate (OpC) and a group matched for sex and age without cleft, were used. Thirteen landmarks were used as variables in geometric morphometric tests quantifying and describing overall shape variation, differences between group means, allometry, and upperlower face covariation. Results: The OpC group showed broader shape variations including noncleft group characteristics, but mainly a retrognathic maxilla, a vertically elongated face, a more open mandibular angle, and a more closed basicranial angle. Group means differed mainly in the maxillomandibular relationships. Allometry differed between groups, with the smallest OpC patients showing the most altered morphology. Upper and lower face covariation was stronger in the OpC group, showing mainly vertical changes in the anterior face. Conclusions: Operated patients affected by clefts achieve a broad range of morphologies; the most altered were found in those with skeletal Class III and small size. Furthermore, their strongest upper and lower face shape covariation suggests that a harmonic dental occlusion could be a key factor in achieving "normal" craniofacial morphology. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014;146:346-54) C lefts of the lip and palate (CLP) are common congenital anomalies. The incidence is highly variable among populations. The highest incidence is found in Asians and Native Americans, with 1 in 500 live births, and the lowest in Africans, with 1 in 2500 births; white, Hispanic, and Latin populations (among these, Chileans) have intermediate incidence of 1 in 1000 live births. 1-4 Cleft etiology is multifactorial, comprising both genetic and environmental factors acting during intrauterine development. 5-7 Unilateral CLP (UCLP) is the most common cleft type. 5,8 Morphologic alterations of operated patients with UCLP have been widely reported in the literature, of which changes in maxillomandibular relationship are the most prevalent, as described below. Since unoperated subjects have the potential to develop a "normal" (ie, skeletal Class I) maxillomandibular relationship, 9,10 it has been proposed that altered maxillomandibular relationships are caused by the effect of surgery, particularly lip closure, on the developing bone and sutures. 11-13 This has led to the proposal of different protocols for the surgical management of CLP that concur in the importance of reconstructing the muscular anatomy of the lip and the soft palate after the third month of age. 12,14-16 Despite the differences in surgical approaches and treatment protocols, the morphologic features in operated patients with UCLP tend to be uniform. In general,

Research paper thumbnail of Complicaciones sinusales de origen dentoalveolar: estudio de 32 casos

Revista Dental de Chile, 1992

... 'i' Page 5. l ¿ 4. Blaschk D., Brady F.: The maxillary antrolith. Oral Surg. ... Or... more ... 'i' Page 5. l ¿ 4. Blaschk D., Brady F.: The maxillary antrolith. Oral Surg. ... Oral Surg. vol 39 N° 5: 718-23 Ziemba, R.: Combined buccal and reverse palatal flap for closure of oro-antral fístula. Oral Surg 1972; vol 30: 727-29 l l r t IJ t | l i; Él E

Research paper thumbnail of Epidemiology of pediatric facial trauma in Chile: A retrospective study of 7,617 cases in 3 years

Medicina Oral Patología Oral y Cirugia Bucal, 2014

Objectives: To describe the epidemiology of facial trauma injuries in a group of Chilean children... more Objectives: To describe the epidemiology of facial trauma injuries in a group of Chilean children aged 15 years or less. Study Design: Retrospective study of case series. Between 2006 and 2009, clinical records of 293,090 patients were reviewed. Data of patients with trauma injuries to the face were collected and evaluated for: age, sex, day and month of hospital admission, cause of injury, anatomical location, type of injury and presence of associated injuries. Results: A total of 7,617 patients with 8,944 injuries were found. Boy to girl ratio was 1,7:1. Preschool age children were most frequently affected. Main cause of injury were falls, soft tissue injuries the most common type of injury. Associated injuries occurred in 11% of cases. Conclusions: Facial trauma presents a significant frequency in the group of Chilean children studied. Preeschool age boys were prone to present facial trauma of mild severity associated to falls.

Research paper thumbnail of Características esqueletales faciales en pacientes portadores de disfunción temporomandibular: Consideraciones morfofuncionales y terapéuticas

Revista Dental de Chile, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Inyección accidental de hipoclorito de sodio en el espacio ptérigomandibular: consideraciones a propósito de un caso

Revista Dental de Chile, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Rol de la lengua en la dismorfosis dento esqueletales (parte II)

Revista Dental de …, 1998

Resumen: Se analiza el rol de la lengua en las alteraciones del crecimiento y desarrollo que pued... more Resumen: Se analiza el rol de la lengua en las alteraciones del crecimiento y desarrollo que pueden experimentar tanto las bases esqueléticas maxilares como los procesos dento-alveolares. En esta segunda parte se analizarán las alteraciones estáticas y dinámicas de ...

Research paper thumbnail of Estrategia terapéutica en las fisuras labio-maxilo-palatinas: la aproximación funcional de Delaire

Rev Esp Cir Oral y …, 2002

... A continuación, se practica el despegamiento del mucoperióstio que lo recubre, tanto por su c... more ... A continuación, se practica el despegamiento del mucoperióstio que lo recubre, tanto por su cara nasal como por la bucal, debiéndose lograr la identificación de la hemiespina nasal posterior (Fig. 4B). ... Barsoumian R, Kuehn D, Moon], Canady]. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Tratamiento funcional en las fracturas condilares mandibulares

Revista Dental de …, 1996

... Kahl-Nieke B e! al: CT analysis of temporomandibular joint state in children S years after fu... more ... Kahl-Nieke B e! al: CT analysis of temporomandibular joint state in children S years after functional treatment of condylar fractures. ... et I I / \ HOMENAJE A EX-DIRECTORES DE REVISTA DENTAL DE CHILE DOCTORES: Luis de 1a Barra (1909-1911) Fernando Lara (1942-1943 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of Anesthetic Blockage of Superficial Branches

International …, 2008

Regional anesthesia is of utility in facial and cervical territories, and is the basis that allow... more Regional anesthesia is of utility in facial and cervical territories, and is the basis that allows the performance of diverse surgical procedures and diagnostic tests. An important part of the cranial and cervical tegument is innerved by superficial branches of the cervical plexus, which can be blocked by infiltration of anesthetic in a unique point locatable in the lateral region of the neck. An anesthetic technique was executed for blockage of tegumentary branches of the cervical plexus in a test series conformed by 15 healthy adults. The anesthesia was verified by means of tactile, pain and temperature tests, in five points over the dermatomes of the cervical plexus. Complete anesthesia was verified in 14 of the 15 patients. In all cases the anesthesia lasted at least 90 minutes, and there were no accidents or major complications associated to the execution of the technique. The notable anesthetic effect and adequate working time, summed with the low risk of accidents and complications, make this technique a good alternative for sensitive blockage of part of thecranial and cervical regions. Regional blockage of superficial branches of the cervical plexus is an effective and safe procedure, and can be used in some procedures in the estomatological ambit.

Research paper thumbnail of Recomendaciones para el manejo de niños con fisuras labiales, maxilares y/o palatinas

Pediatría al …, 1999

... Dres, Luis Córdova*, Juan Cortés* **,Rodrigo Bravo* y Pía Zamorano*** ... algunas consideraci... more ... Dres, Luis Córdova*, Juan Cortés* **,Rodrigo Bravo* y Pía Zamorano*** ... algunas consideracirme§respe(;to ala pato!og(o,sU etioptltogenid yltú'CÓ;¡t!uCfÜS aj)rojJia-dás ,¿¡urantelos prf¡neFoslne,<;c,yde liidá.Se indica la ('I'Óllologfa delttat(ulIleillo qtÚrÚrgico ...