Julie Moschion - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Julie Moschion

Research paper thumbnail of Journeys Home: A Longitudinal Study of Factors Affecting Housing Stability

Research paper thumbnail of Skilled Labor Supply, It-Based Technical Change and Job Instability

Social Science Research Network, 2012

Skilled Labor Supply, IT-Based Technical Change and Job Instability * We provide empirical eviden... more Skilled Labor Supply, IT-Based Technical Change and Job Instability * We provide empirical evidence on the impact of IT diffusion on the stability of employment relationships. We document the evolution of different components of job instability over a panel of 348 local labor markets in France, from the mid-1970s to the early 2000s. Although workers in more educated local labor markets adopt IT faster, they do not experience any increase in job instability. More specifically, we find no evidence that the diffusion of IT increases job-to-job transitions, and we find that it tends to reduce transitions to nonemployment among high-school dropouts. Overall, the evidence goes against the view that the diffusion of IT has spurred job instability. Combining local labor market variations with firm data, we argue that these findings can be explained by French firms' strong reliance on training and internal promotion strategies in order to meet the new skills requirement associated with IT diffusion.

Research paper thumbnail of IT-Based Technical Change and Job Instability

The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Sep 21, 2015

We investigate the impact of IT diffusion on the stability of employment. We document the evoluti... more We investigate the impact of IT diffusion on the stability of employment. We document the evolution of different components of job instability over a panel of 348 cities in France, from the mid-1970s to the early 2000s. The evidence goes against the view that the diffusion of IT has spurred job instability. Yet, analysing long-term differences in the occupational structure, we find that IT diffusion has increased the share of high-skill occupations at the expense of low-skill occupations. This is consistent with French firms' reliance on their internal labour market to meet the new skill requirements associated with IT diffusion.

Research paper thumbnail of Right Peer, Right Now? Endogenous Peer Effects and Achievement in Victorian Primary Schools

Social Science Research Network, 2013

This paper presents estimates of endogenous peer effects in pupils' school achievement using data... more This paper presents estimates of endogenous peer effects in pupils' school achievement using data on national test scores, across multiple subjects and cohorts, for the population of primary school pupils in Years 3 and 5 (aged 7/8 and 9/10 years) in the Australian state of Victoria. Identification is achieved via school-grade fixed effects and instrumental variables (IV), exploiting plausibly random differences in the age distribution of peers and their gender mix across cohorts. The results provide strong evidence for the existence of endogenous peer effects across all subjects, with the IV estimates close in magnitude to the corresponding fixed-effects estimates, although less precisely estimated. In reading, for example, a one point increase in peers' average test scores leads to between a .14 and .39 point increase in own test score, with similar ranges across other subjects.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Fertility on Mothers' Labour Supply in Australia: Evidence from Exogenous Variation in Family Size

Economic Record, Jul 16, 2013

participants at the Melbourne Institute seminar and at the Econometric Society Australasian Meeti... more participants at the Melbourne Institute seminar and at the Econometric Society Australasian Meeting in Adelaide for helpful comments and suggestions. I am grateful to the Australian Bureau of Statistics for giving me access to the data and the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Melbourne for financial support.

Research paper thumbnail of Reconciling Work and Family Life: The Effect of the French Paid Parental Leave

Annals of economics and statistics, 2010

In France, having more than two children has a causal negative impact on mothers' labour supply. ... more In France, having more than two children has a causal negative impact on mothers' labour supply. The question addressed in this paper is whether the paid parental leave alters this effect. To address this issue, we focus on a reform that modified the conditions in which labour decisions are taken. In July 1994, the Allocation parentale d'éducation was extended to parents of two children (among which one is less than three years old). We show that after the reform, that is, when families of two and more than two children have the same incentive to take a paid parental leave, having more than two children no longer has a negative effect on the participation probability of mothers. In addition, this is particularly true for mothers graduating from secondary school at most, who happen to be the main recipients of the benefit. 3. The benefit can either be full-rate if the parent completely stops working or cut-rate if he works part time. In 1997, the full rate benefit was about 460 euros per month, 300 euros if he worked half time (at most) and 230 euros if he worked between 50% and 80% of the time (Afsa [1998]). As a benchmark, the average wage of employed mothers eligible for the benefit was 1087 euros per month (French Labour Force Survey 1997). 4. Whereas the impact of having more than two children on labour supply is significantly negative in the United States (Angrist and Evans [1998]) and in France (Moschion [2008]), it is insignificant in Great Britain (Iacovou [2001]) and in Canada (Ezzaouali [2003]). Comparing French and American results, it appears that the effect of fertility on mothers' participation probability is higher in France.

Research paper thumbnail of Homelessness and Incarceration: A Reciprocal Relationship?

Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Feb 18, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Offre de travail des mères en France : l’effet causal du passage de deux à trois enfants

Economie Et Statistique, 2009

Entre 1962 et 2005, alors que le taux d'activité des hommes français diminuait, le taux d'activit... more Entre 1962 et 2005, alors que le taux d'activité des hommes français diminuait, le taux d'activité des femmes françaises augmentait de 45,8% à 63,8%. Néanmoins, le taux d'activité des femmes reste corrélé avec le nombre d'enfants : plus elles ont un grand nombre d'enfants, plus leur taux d'activité est faible. Dans quelle mesure l'arrivée d'un enfant supplémentaire réduit-elle la participation des mères au marché du travail ? La relation entre fécondité et activité est complexe car les décisions de fécondité et d'activité ont des déterminants communs, et ces décisions s'influencent mutuellement. Difficile donc de dire a priori si le choix de travailler ou non est la cause ou la conséquence de la décision d'avoir un certain nombre d'enfants. En utilisant le sexe des deux aînés et les naissances gémellaires de rang deux comme source de variation exogène et aléatoire de la fécondité, nous estimons par variable instrumentale l'influence causale d'avoir plus de deux enfants sur l'activité des mères. Nous trouvons qu'avoir plus de deux enfants diminue significativement la probabilité d'activité des mères et le nombre d'heures travaillées par semaine lorsque les mères sont en emploi, en particulier lorsqu'elles sont peu diplômées. Mots clés : fécondité, offre de travail des mères. JEL : J13, J22.

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Multiplier and Labour Market Participation of Mothers

Social Science Research Network, 2006

Maurin is also affiliated to the CEE (London), CEPR (London), CREST (Paris) and IZA (Bonn).

Research paper thumbnail of Children and youth in the age of<scp>COVID</scp>‐19

Australian Journal of Social Issues, Mar 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Concilier vie familiale et vie professionnelle. L'effet de la préscolarisation

Revue économique, Mar 5, 2012

Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Presses de Sciences Po. Distribution électronique Cairn... more Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Presses de Sciences Po. Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Presses de Sciences Po. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse https://www.cairn.info/revue-economique-2012-2-page-187.htm Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code pour accéder à la page de ce numéro sur Cairn.info. 1. Le sexe des deux aînés a aussi été considéré comme instrument, mais, comme expliqué dans la section suivante, il ne peut pas être utilisé. 1. La différence entre les deux coefficients est 0.269-0.252 = 0.017 avec un écart type de (0.083² + 0.128²) 0.5 = 0.153.

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Multiplier and Labor Market Participation of Mothers

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Fécondité, offre de travail féminin et politiques familiales

Bien plus qu'un travail personnel, cette thèse est le résultat d'interactions sociales profession... more Bien plus qu'un travail personnel, cette thèse est le résultat d'interactions sociales professionnelles et personnelles qui m'ont permis d'apprendre, de progresser, mais aussi de prendre du recul lorsque cela était nécessaire. Je tiens à remercier toutes les personnes qui ont participé à ma thèse, de près ou de loin. Toute ma gratitude va à Hubert Kempf qui a dirigé cette thèse de façon exemplaire. Je lui suis reconnaissante de m'avoir laissé une très grande autonomie. Son soutien et ses encouragements ont été continus, y compris dans les moments difficiles. Ses conseils toujours opportuns m'ont guidée dans la rédaction et la valorisation des travaux de cette thèse. Je remercie les membres du jury d'avoir accepté ce rôle et d'avoir activement participé à ma pré-soutenance par leurs commentaires et suggestions pertinents qui ont permis d'améliorer la version préliminaire de ma thèse. Les relectures attentives et les conseils de Pierre Cahuc, rapporteur de cette thèse, tout au long de mon travail de thèse m'ont été d'une aide précieuse. Je remercie également Marc Gurgand d'avoir accepté d'être rapporteur. J'adresse mes remerciements à Francis Kramarz avec qui j'ai fait une journée de train dans des conditions improbables et qui a su me conseiller avec bienveillance. Je remercie enfin Catherine Sofer pour ses conseils théoriques. Cette thèse doit également beaucoup à Eric Maurin qui m'a aidée à faire mes premiers pas dans le monde de la recherche. Il m'a fait partager son expérience et m'a conseillée sur les orientations de ma thèse. Le chapitre 9 de cette thèse est le résultat de notre collaboration. Je remercie également les membres du Laboratoire Eurequa qui m'ont accueillie à mon arrivée en thèse et m'ont aidée à comprendre ce qu'est un travail de thèse. En particulier, les professeurs du « groupe microéconomie », ainsi que les filles du bureau 316 pour nos discussions animées et les anciens du DEA de macroéconomie. Et surtout, Audrey, Morgane et Seb, qui m'ont accompagnée et soutenue tout au long de ma thèse, et qui au fil des discussions et des soirées passées ensemble sont devenus des amis. Je tiens à remercier Sanjeev Goyal, Andrea Ichino et Olivier Thévenon rencontrés lors de colloques pour l'ensemble des commentaires qu'ils m'ont faits et leurs encouragements. Je suis particulièrement reconnaissante à Eve Caroli pour sa disponibilité, son soutien, ses encouragements et ses conseils. Je remercie Dominique Goux de m'avoir accueillie à la Dares où j'ai profité d'un cadre de travail agréable. Mais aussi Amandine Schreiber et Laurent Lequien pour leurs relectures, Augustin Vicard, Roland Rathelot, Céline Gratadour et Véronique Rémy qui m'ont fait partager leur expérience de thèse et Thierry Duret pour son aide technique. Bien sûr pour leur bonne humeur, Claude Minni, Juliette Ponceau, Ranzika Faïd, Hélène Garner et Liliane Zand. Je remercie en particulier Nadia Alibay et Nina Guyon avec lesquelles j'ai partagé les bons comme les mauvais moments de la thèse mais qui m'ont toujours soutenue. vi

Research paper thumbnail of Trust: The Role of Cultural Background, Social and Economic Conditions

The objective of this paper is to disentangle the role of cultural background, social and economi... more The objective of this paper is to disentangle the role of cultural background, social and economic conditions in explaining individual levels of trust. Focusing on second generation immigrants in Australia and the United States, we use the variations in cultural backgrounds, as well as variations in social and economic conditions of the two host countries to identify how these components contribute to individual trust. The empirical analysis is based on data from the World Value Survey, the General Social Survey and the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. Our results indicate that trust in the country of origin is important in explaining trust of second generation immigrants in both host countries, but particularly so in the United States. Social and economic conditions in the host country also contribute to trust, especially reduced criminality in Australia and race inequality in the United States. Evidence for first generation immigrants confirms that the transmission of trust across generations is primarily important in the United States, while differences in trust levels between the two host countries increase with time through acculturation.

Research paper thumbnail of Offre de travail des mères françaises : l'effet d'une variation exogène du nombre d'enfants

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Dec 1, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Journeys Home Research Report No. 1 - July 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Wave 1 findings from Journeys Home: A longitudinal study of factors affecting housing stability

As part of the Australian government's commitment to halving the rate of homelessness by 2020, a ... more As part of the Australian government's commitment to halving the rate of homelessness by 2020, a research agenda was developed to expand the evidence base for understanding homelessness. A major component of this agenda was the commissioning of a new longitudinal study intended to track the experiences of a sample of persons currently facing housing difficulties, including persons with a recent history of homelessness, into the future (albeit, only over a relatively short period-two years). Work on the design of that study, now known as Journeys Home, commenced in late 2010, with the first wave of fieldwork conducted over the period, September to November 2011. This paper summarises the design of the study and reports on fieldwork outcomes from the first wave of data collection. It describes: the target population and approach to sampling from that population; survey content; and fieldwork parameters (e.g., survey mode, frequency, contact protocols, use of incentives). It also presents information on wave 1 response, including the characteristics of respondents and how they differ from non-respondents.

Research paper thumbnail of Reconciling work and family life: the effect of French family policies

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Dec 1, 2007

In France, having more than two children has a causal negative impact on mothers' labour supply. ... more In France, having more than two children has a causal negative impact on mothers' labour supply. The question addressed in this paper is whether the paid parental leave alter this effect. To address this issue, we focus on a reform that modified the conditions in which labour decisions are taken. In July 1994, the Allocation parentale d'éducation was extended to parents of two children (among which one is less than three years old). We show that after the reform, that is when families of two and more than two children have the same incentive to take a paid parental leave, having more than two children has no longer a negative effect on the participation probability of mothers. In addition, this is particularly true for women having no more than the school-leaving certificate, which happen to be the main recipients of the benefit. __________________________________ Concilier vie professionnelle et vie familiale : l'effet de l'Allocation parentale d'éducation Résumé : En France, avoir plus de deux enfants a un effet causal négatif sur l'offre de travail des mères. Cet article pose la question de savoir si le congé parental d'éducation rémunéré altère cet effet. Pour répondre à cette question, nous nous concentrons sur la réforme de 1994 qui a modifié les conditions dans lesquelles les décisions d'offre de travail sont prises. En juillet 1994, l'Allocation parentale d'éducation a été étendue aux parents de deux enfants (dont un de moins de trois ans). Nous trouvons qu'après la réforme, c'est-à-dire au moment où les familles de deux et plus de deux enfants ont la même possibilité de prendre un congé parental d'éducation rémunéré, avoir plus de deux enfants n'a plus d'effet négatif sur la probabilité d'activité des mères. Et cela concerne en particulier les femmes ayant un diplôme inférieur ou égal au baccalauréat, qui se trouvent être les principales bénéficiaires de la mesure.

Research paper thumbnail of Do early episodes of depression and anxiety make homelessness more likely?

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Oct 1, 2022

This paper studies the relationship between early mental health episodes and early homelessness, ... more This paper studies the relationship between early mental health episodes and early homelessness, focusing on depression and anxiety amongst disadvantaged Australians. Using data from the Australian Journeys Home survey, we investigate whether the early onset of mental health conditions make a first transition into homelessness more likely. Similarly, we analyse whether early experiences of homelessness increase the likelihood of early onset of depression or anxiety. We perform our analysis separately for men and women since there are gender differences in rates of both mental health diagnosis and homelessness. After accounting for the effects of joint observed and unobserved determinants, we find that a person's first episode of depression makes a transition to homelessness more likely for both men and women. In contrast, anxiety disorders have no effect on the likelihood of experiencing homelessness. In addition, people's first experience of homelessness has no effect on the likelihood of developing depression, but does increase the likelihood of anxiety disorders for men only.

Research paper thumbnail of Replication data for: The Social Multiplier and Labor Market Participation of Mothers

In France, as in the US, a mother's labor market participation is influenced by the sex compo... more In France, as in the US, a mother's labor market participation is influenced by the sex composition of her two eldest siblings. This paper shows that it is also affected by the sex composition of the eldest siblings of the other mothers living in the same close neighborhood. Using the sex composition of neighbors' eldest siblings as an instrumental variable, we identify a significant elasticity of own labor market participation to neighbors' participation. We present supportive evidence by comparing the estimates under two regimes for family benefits (pre- and post-1994 reform) and using quarter of birth as an alternative instrument. (JEL J16, J22)

Research paper thumbnail of Journeys Home: A Longitudinal Study of Factors Affecting Housing Stability

Research paper thumbnail of Skilled Labor Supply, It-Based Technical Change and Job Instability

Social Science Research Network, 2012

Skilled Labor Supply, IT-Based Technical Change and Job Instability * We provide empirical eviden... more Skilled Labor Supply, IT-Based Technical Change and Job Instability * We provide empirical evidence on the impact of IT diffusion on the stability of employment relationships. We document the evolution of different components of job instability over a panel of 348 local labor markets in France, from the mid-1970s to the early 2000s. Although workers in more educated local labor markets adopt IT faster, they do not experience any increase in job instability. More specifically, we find no evidence that the diffusion of IT increases job-to-job transitions, and we find that it tends to reduce transitions to nonemployment among high-school dropouts. Overall, the evidence goes against the view that the diffusion of IT has spurred job instability. Combining local labor market variations with firm data, we argue that these findings can be explained by French firms' strong reliance on training and internal promotion strategies in order to meet the new skills requirement associated with IT diffusion.

Research paper thumbnail of IT-Based Technical Change and Job Instability

The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Sep 21, 2015

We investigate the impact of IT diffusion on the stability of employment. We document the evoluti... more We investigate the impact of IT diffusion on the stability of employment. We document the evolution of different components of job instability over a panel of 348 cities in France, from the mid-1970s to the early 2000s. The evidence goes against the view that the diffusion of IT has spurred job instability. Yet, analysing long-term differences in the occupational structure, we find that IT diffusion has increased the share of high-skill occupations at the expense of low-skill occupations. This is consistent with French firms' reliance on their internal labour market to meet the new skill requirements associated with IT diffusion.

Research paper thumbnail of Right Peer, Right Now? Endogenous Peer Effects and Achievement in Victorian Primary Schools

Social Science Research Network, 2013

This paper presents estimates of endogenous peer effects in pupils' school achievement using data... more This paper presents estimates of endogenous peer effects in pupils' school achievement using data on national test scores, across multiple subjects and cohorts, for the population of primary school pupils in Years 3 and 5 (aged 7/8 and 9/10 years) in the Australian state of Victoria. Identification is achieved via school-grade fixed effects and instrumental variables (IV), exploiting plausibly random differences in the age distribution of peers and their gender mix across cohorts. The results provide strong evidence for the existence of endogenous peer effects across all subjects, with the IV estimates close in magnitude to the corresponding fixed-effects estimates, although less precisely estimated. In reading, for example, a one point increase in peers' average test scores leads to between a .14 and .39 point increase in own test score, with similar ranges across other subjects.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Fertility on Mothers' Labour Supply in Australia: Evidence from Exogenous Variation in Family Size

Economic Record, Jul 16, 2013

participants at the Melbourne Institute seminar and at the Econometric Society Australasian Meeti... more participants at the Melbourne Institute seminar and at the Econometric Society Australasian Meeting in Adelaide for helpful comments and suggestions. I am grateful to the Australian Bureau of Statistics for giving me access to the data and the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Melbourne for financial support.

Research paper thumbnail of Reconciling Work and Family Life: The Effect of the French Paid Parental Leave

Annals of economics and statistics, 2010

In France, having more than two children has a causal negative impact on mothers' labour supply. ... more In France, having more than two children has a causal negative impact on mothers' labour supply. The question addressed in this paper is whether the paid parental leave alters this effect. To address this issue, we focus on a reform that modified the conditions in which labour decisions are taken. In July 1994, the Allocation parentale d'éducation was extended to parents of two children (among which one is less than three years old). We show that after the reform, that is, when families of two and more than two children have the same incentive to take a paid parental leave, having more than two children no longer has a negative effect on the participation probability of mothers. In addition, this is particularly true for mothers graduating from secondary school at most, who happen to be the main recipients of the benefit. 3. The benefit can either be full-rate if the parent completely stops working or cut-rate if he works part time. In 1997, the full rate benefit was about 460 euros per month, 300 euros if he worked half time (at most) and 230 euros if he worked between 50% and 80% of the time (Afsa [1998]). As a benchmark, the average wage of employed mothers eligible for the benefit was 1087 euros per month (French Labour Force Survey 1997). 4. Whereas the impact of having more than two children on labour supply is significantly negative in the United States (Angrist and Evans [1998]) and in France (Moschion [2008]), it is insignificant in Great Britain (Iacovou [2001]) and in Canada (Ezzaouali [2003]). Comparing French and American results, it appears that the effect of fertility on mothers' participation probability is higher in France.

Research paper thumbnail of Homelessness and Incarceration: A Reciprocal Relationship?

Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Feb 18, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Offre de travail des mères en France : l’effet causal du passage de deux à trois enfants

Economie Et Statistique, 2009

Entre 1962 et 2005, alors que le taux d'activité des hommes français diminuait, le taux d'activit... more Entre 1962 et 2005, alors que le taux d'activité des hommes français diminuait, le taux d'activité des femmes françaises augmentait de 45,8% à 63,8%. Néanmoins, le taux d'activité des femmes reste corrélé avec le nombre d'enfants : plus elles ont un grand nombre d'enfants, plus leur taux d'activité est faible. Dans quelle mesure l'arrivée d'un enfant supplémentaire réduit-elle la participation des mères au marché du travail ? La relation entre fécondité et activité est complexe car les décisions de fécondité et d'activité ont des déterminants communs, et ces décisions s'influencent mutuellement. Difficile donc de dire a priori si le choix de travailler ou non est la cause ou la conséquence de la décision d'avoir un certain nombre d'enfants. En utilisant le sexe des deux aînés et les naissances gémellaires de rang deux comme source de variation exogène et aléatoire de la fécondité, nous estimons par variable instrumentale l'influence causale d'avoir plus de deux enfants sur l'activité des mères. Nous trouvons qu'avoir plus de deux enfants diminue significativement la probabilité d'activité des mères et le nombre d'heures travaillées par semaine lorsque les mères sont en emploi, en particulier lorsqu'elles sont peu diplômées. Mots clés : fécondité, offre de travail des mères. JEL : J13, J22.

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Multiplier and Labour Market Participation of Mothers

Social Science Research Network, 2006

Maurin is also affiliated to the CEE (London), CEPR (London), CREST (Paris) and IZA (Bonn).

Research paper thumbnail of Children and youth in the age of<scp>COVID</scp>‐19

Australian Journal of Social Issues, Mar 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Concilier vie familiale et vie professionnelle. L'effet de la préscolarisation

Revue économique, Mar 5, 2012

Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Presses de Sciences Po. Distribution électronique Cairn... more Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Presses de Sciences Po. Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Presses de Sciences Po. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse https://www.cairn.info/revue-economique-2012-2-page-187.htm Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code pour accéder à la page de ce numéro sur Cairn.info. 1. Le sexe des deux aînés a aussi été considéré comme instrument, mais, comme expliqué dans la section suivante, il ne peut pas être utilisé. 1. La différence entre les deux coefficients est 0.269-0.252 = 0.017 avec un écart type de (0.083² + 0.128²) 0.5 = 0.153.

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Multiplier and Labor Market Participation of Mothers

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Fécondité, offre de travail féminin et politiques familiales

Bien plus qu'un travail personnel, cette thèse est le résultat d'interactions sociales profession... more Bien plus qu'un travail personnel, cette thèse est le résultat d'interactions sociales professionnelles et personnelles qui m'ont permis d'apprendre, de progresser, mais aussi de prendre du recul lorsque cela était nécessaire. Je tiens à remercier toutes les personnes qui ont participé à ma thèse, de près ou de loin. Toute ma gratitude va à Hubert Kempf qui a dirigé cette thèse de façon exemplaire. Je lui suis reconnaissante de m'avoir laissé une très grande autonomie. Son soutien et ses encouragements ont été continus, y compris dans les moments difficiles. Ses conseils toujours opportuns m'ont guidée dans la rédaction et la valorisation des travaux de cette thèse. Je remercie les membres du jury d'avoir accepté ce rôle et d'avoir activement participé à ma pré-soutenance par leurs commentaires et suggestions pertinents qui ont permis d'améliorer la version préliminaire de ma thèse. Les relectures attentives et les conseils de Pierre Cahuc, rapporteur de cette thèse, tout au long de mon travail de thèse m'ont été d'une aide précieuse. Je remercie également Marc Gurgand d'avoir accepté d'être rapporteur. J'adresse mes remerciements à Francis Kramarz avec qui j'ai fait une journée de train dans des conditions improbables et qui a su me conseiller avec bienveillance. Je remercie enfin Catherine Sofer pour ses conseils théoriques. Cette thèse doit également beaucoup à Eric Maurin qui m'a aidée à faire mes premiers pas dans le monde de la recherche. Il m'a fait partager son expérience et m'a conseillée sur les orientations de ma thèse. Le chapitre 9 de cette thèse est le résultat de notre collaboration. Je remercie également les membres du Laboratoire Eurequa qui m'ont accueillie à mon arrivée en thèse et m'ont aidée à comprendre ce qu'est un travail de thèse. En particulier, les professeurs du « groupe microéconomie », ainsi que les filles du bureau 316 pour nos discussions animées et les anciens du DEA de macroéconomie. Et surtout, Audrey, Morgane et Seb, qui m'ont accompagnée et soutenue tout au long de ma thèse, et qui au fil des discussions et des soirées passées ensemble sont devenus des amis. Je tiens à remercier Sanjeev Goyal, Andrea Ichino et Olivier Thévenon rencontrés lors de colloques pour l'ensemble des commentaires qu'ils m'ont faits et leurs encouragements. Je suis particulièrement reconnaissante à Eve Caroli pour sa disponibilité, son soutien, ses encouragements et ses conseils. Je remercie Dominique Goux de m'avoir accueillie à la Dares où j'ai profité d'un cadre de travail agréable. Mais aussi Amandine Schreiber et Laurent Lequien pour leurs relectures, Augustin Vicard, Roland Rathelot, Céline Gratadour et Véronique Rémy qui m'ont fait partager leur expérience de thèse et Thierry Duret pour son aide technique. Bien sûr pour leur bonne humeur, Claude Minni, Juliette Ponceau, Ranzika Faïd, Hélène Garner et Liliane Zand. Je remercie en particulier Nadia Alibay et Nina Guyon avec lesquelles j'ai partagé les bons comme les mauvais moments de la thèse mais qui m'ont toujours soutenue. vi

Research paper thumbnail of Trust: The Role of Cultural Background, Social and Economic Conditions

The objective of this paper is to disentangle the role of cultural background, social and economi... more The objective of this paper is to disentangle the role of cultural background, social and economic conditions in explaining individual levels of trust. Focusing on second generation immigrants in Australia and the United States, we use the variations in cultural backgrounds, as well as variations in social and economic conditions of the two host countries to identify how these components contribute to individual trust. The empirical analysis is based on data from the World Value Survey, the General Social Survey and the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. Our results indicate that trust in the country of origin is important in explaining trust of second generation immigrants in both host countries, but particularly so in the United States. Social and economic conditions in the host country also contribute to trust, especially reduced criminality in Australia and race inequality in the United States. Evidence for first generation immigrants confirms that the transmission of trust across generations is primarily important in the United States, while differences in trust levels between the two host countries increase with time through acculturation.

Research paper thumbnail of Offre de travail des mères françaises : l'effet d'une variation exogène du nombre d'enfants

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Dec 1, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Journeys Home Research Report No. 1 - July 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Wave 1 findings from Journeys Home: A longitudinal study of factors affecting housing stability

As part of the Australian government's commitment to halving the rate of homelessness by 2020, a ... more As part of the Australian government's commitment to halving the rate of homelessness by 2020, a research agenda was developed to expand the evidence base for understanding homelessness. A major component of this agenda was the commissioning of a new longitudinal study intended to track the experiences of a sample of persons currently facing housing difficulties, including persons with a recent history of homelessness, into the future (albeit, only over a relatively short period-two years). Work on the design of that study, now known as Journeys Home, commenced in late 2010, with the first wave of fieldwork conducted over the period, September to November 2011. This paper summarises the design of the study and reports on fieldwork outcomes from the first wave of data collection. It describes: the target population and approach to sampling from that population; survey content; and fieldwork parameters (e.g., survey mode, frequency, contact protocols, use of incentives). It also presents information on wave 1 response, including the characteristics of respondents and how they differ from non-respondents.

Research paper thumbnail of Reconciling work and family life: the effect of French family policies

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Dec 1, 2007

In France, having more than two children has a causal negative impact on mothers' labour supply. ... more In France, having more than two children has a causal negative impact on mothers' labour supply. The question addressed in this paper is whether the paid parental leave alter this effect. To address this issue, we focus on a reform that modified the conditions in which labour decisions are taken. In July 1994, the Allocation parentale d'éducation was extended to parents of two children (among which one is less than three years old). We show that after the reform, that is when families of two and more than two children have the same incentive to take a paid parental leave, having more than two children has no longer a negative effect on the participation probability of mothers. In addition, this is particularly true for women having no more than the school-leaving certificate, which happen to be the main recipients of the benefit. __________________________________ Concilier vie professionnelle et vie familiale : l'effet de l'Allocation parentale d'éducation Résumé : En France, avoir plus de deux enfants a un effet causal négatif sur l'offre de travail des mères. Cet article pose la question de savoir si le congé parental d'éducation rémunéré altère cet effet. Pour répondre à cette question, nous nous concentrons sur la réforme de 1994 qui a modifié les conditions dans lesquelles les décisions d'offre de travail sont prises. En juillet 1994, l'Allocation parentale d'éducation a été étendue aux parents de deux enfants (dont un de moins de trois ans). Nous trouvons qu'après la réforme, c'est-à-dire au moment où les familles de deux et plus de deux enfants ont la même possibilité de prendre un congé parental d'éducation rémunéré, avoir plus de deux enfants n'a plus d'effet négatif sur la probabilité d'activité des mères. Et cela concerne en particulier les femmes ayant un diplôme inférieur ou égal au baccalauréat, qui se trouvent être les principales bénéficiaires de la mesure.

Research paper thumbnail of Do early episodes of depression and anxiety make homelessness more likely?

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Oct 1, 2022

This paper studies the relationship between early mental health episodes and early homelessness, ... more This paper studies the relationship between early mental health episodes and early homelessness, focusing on depression and anxiety amongst disadvantaged Australians. Using data from the Australian Journeys Home survey, we investigate whether the early onset of mental health conditions make a first transition into homelessness more likely. Similarly, we analyse whether early experiences of homelessness increase the likelihood of early onset of depression or anxiety. We perform our analysis separately for men and women since there are gender differences in rates of both mental health diagnosis and homelessness. After accounting for the effects of joint observed and unobserved determinants, we find that a person's first episode of depression makes a transition to homelessness more likely for both men and women. In contrast, anxiety disorders have no effect on the likelihood of experiencing homelessness. In addition, people's first experience of homelessness has no effect on the likelihood of developing depression, but does increase the likelihood of anxiety disorders for men only.

Research paper thumbnail of Replication data for: The Social Multiplier and Labor Market Participation of Mothers

In France, as in the US, a mother's labor market participation is influenced by the sex compo... more In France, as in the US, a mother's labor market participation is influenced by the sex composition of her two eldest siblings. This paper shows that it is also affected by the sex composition of the eldest siblings of the other mothers living in the same close neighborhood. Using the sex composition of neighbors' eldest siblings as an instrumental variable, we identify a significant elasticity of own labor market participation to neighbors' participation. We present supportive evidence by comparing the estimates under two regimes for family benefits (pre- and post-1994 reform) and using quarter of birth as an alternative instrument. (JEL J16, J22)