Krystal Chase - (original) (raw)
Papers by Krystal Chase
Corresponding author: Eduardo Azoubel, Jan 7, 2016
Implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation of atrophic posterior mandibular alveolar ridge is a ... more Implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation of atrophic posterior mandibular alveolar ridge is a real challenge for Implant Dentistry. The physiological inferior alveolar bone resorption after tooth loss associated with the presence of the inferior alveolar nerve limiting the available remaining bone for implant placement has led to the development of several techniques and materials to assist in the success of mandibular dental rehabilitation. The objective of this paper is to present through a case report a variation of skeletization/repositioning of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve (IAN) which promotes bone regeneration and early neurossensory function. Also, it will discuss aspects of diagnosis, planning and technical execution to allow this technique to be recognized as an accessible resource for the treatment of posterior region of atrophic mandible.
Attachments Used With Implant Supported Over Denture, Jan 6, 2016
A wide variety of commercially available attachment systems are used to connect implants to overd... more A wide variety of commercially available attachment systems are used to connect implants to overdentures. Most commonly used attachments include stud, bar, magmatic, and telescopic attachments. In this review article, author reviewed the literature concerning the types, designs, and requirements of attachments systems.
Dental Clenching: A Way to Improve Body Stability In Subjects Suffering From Whiplash Injury. Part 1: Patients With Physiological Occlusion, Dec 29, 2015
Aim: Aim of this study is analyze the effects of dental occlusion on postural stability in patien... more Aim: Aim of this study is analyze the effects of dental occlusion on postural stability in patients with previous whiplash and normal occlusion.. Materials and Methods: 36 adult patients with previous whiplash and normal occlusion (good alignment, 1st class or mild 2 nd class deep bite for mandibular retrusion) were selected. The patients were suffering from masticatory muscles pain caused by clenching during sleep. Exclusion criteria: Use of Psych drugs: To simulate the conditions of sleep (with a reduction of proprio-and esteroceptive inputs for postural management performed by CNS), we used postural Romberg analysis (feet together, closed eyes) on stabilometric platform changing occlusal parameters only, under the following conditions: 1) in occlusal rest position, 2) in centric occlusion, 3) in clenching, 4) with occlusal disengage with cotton rolls and 5) in clenching on cotton rolls. Time of each test: 15 seconds. It was performed a statistical analysis with T-test comparing between them the mean of all tests. Results: Stabilometry data (postural ball and ellipse) show better postural performances in centric occlusion and clenching in centric occlusion, and a worsening in all tests with occlusal disengage (with statistically significant difference-p<0.05). Conclusion: Postural instability caused by whiplash increases muscles tone and dental clenching as compensatory effects, with onset of facial pain. An occlusal disengage (like an occlusal splint to reduce clenching) induces a postural worsening in patients with normal occlusion, while centric occlusion increases the stability. These results suggest that stomatognathic organ has a new physiological function: the posture stabilization.
An Unusual Case of Feline Bite Induced Odontome in a Four Year Child, Dec 10, 2015
A four year old male child presented with a history of cat bite induced dental trauma. This resul... more A four year old male child presented with a history of cat bite induced dental trauma. This resulted in loss of primary maxillary left central incisor, intrusion of primary maxillary right central incisor and hard swelling in the labial gingiva in the region of primary maxillary right lateral incisor and canine. Routine radiographs revealed the presence of multiple calcified masses in relation to the primary maxillary right lateral incisor and canine. The treatment included surgical removal of the tooth like structures under local anaesthesia to prevent any further harm to the growing tooth bud. Histopathology confirmed the presence of compound odontome. There has been no episode of recurrence at one year follow up period. The most damaging sequel of injuries to primary teeth is their effects on the developing permanent teeth. Therefore the management of injuries to primary teeth should aim for minimizing harm to the permanent tooth buds.
PGE2 and 6-Keto-PGF1α Generation and Cyclic AMP in the Atria of Rats during Normoxia and Hypoxia, Nov 24, 2015
Circulating antibodies can be detected in chronic periodontitis patients given the presence of se... more Circulating antibodies can be detected in chronic periodontitis patients given the presence of serum auto antibodies against β 1-adrenoceptor (β 1-AR) in periodontitis patients by using cardiac membranes or a synthetic β 1-AR peptide corresponding to the second extracellular loop of human β 1-AR as antigens. Periodontitis patients also exhibit enhanced atria contractility in normoxia and tonic contraction in hypoxia. Atenolol, synthetic β 1 peptide and nifedipine abrogate the action of both Isoproterenol and β 1 IgG on atria contractility in both experimental conditions. In turn, β 1 IgG display a partial agonist-like activity and modifies the contractility of isolated atria, accompanied by an accumulation of cyclic AMP nucleotide in normoxia and hypoxia. The autoantibody is able to provoke an increment in the concentrations of PGE 2 and 6-keto-PGF 1α , which is abrogated by preincubating atria with adrenergic antagonist, synthetic β 1 peptide and prostanoid receptor antagonists. On this basis this study seeks to correlate the periodontitis infection to an increased risk of cardiac disease high lightening the role of β 1 IgG in the alteration of myocardial contractility and the subsequent increment of prostaglandins (PGE 2 and 6-keto-PGF 1α ,) accompanied by an increment in the production of cyclic AMP, resulting in an effective adaptation of myocardium function in acute ischemia.
Use of Facial Indicator for Choosing Anterior Teeth, Nov 13, 2015
Background : One of the major hurdles in clinical prosthodontics has been the selection and repla... more Background : One of the major hurdles in clinical prosthodontics has been the selection and replacement of maxillary anterior teeth in the absence of pre-extraction records. The size of the maxillary central incisor is important since they are the most prominent teeth in the arch. Various methods are used to measure their size, including the size of the face, zygoma and chin to estimate the width and height by using " the facial indicator " .
Bichectomy or Bichatectomy - A Small and Simple Intraoral Surgical Procedure with Great Facial Results, Nov 14, 2015
Bichectomy is a simple and very safe surgical procedure indicated for patient with a rounded and ... more Bichectomy is a simple and very safe surgical procedure indicated for patient with a rounded and wide face which can be performed as an outpatient surgery under intravenous or oral sedation. The result is a thinner lower third of the face.
The Dentist’s Preferences on the Treatment of Missing Mandibular Incisors in Patients of Varying Ages, Sep 9, 2015
Introduction: When mandibular incisor teeth are absent or lost through disease, multiple options ... more Introduction: When mandibular incisor teeth are absent or lost through disease, multiple options for replacement of these teeth are available. It is possible that a patient may receive varying treatment depending on the dentist's preference for replacing missing mandibular incisors.
Corresponding author: Eduardo Azoubel, Jan 7, 2016
Implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation of atrophic posterior mandibular alveolar ridge is a ... more Implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation of atrophic posterior mandibular alveolar ridge is a real challenge for Implant Dentistry. The physiological inferior alveolar bone resorption after tooth loss associated with the presence of the inferior alveolar nerve limiting the available remaining bone for implant placement has led to the development of several techniques and materials to assist in the success of mandibular dental rehabilitation. The objective of this paper is to present through a case report a variation of skeletization/repositioning of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve (IAN) which promotes bone regeneration and early neurossensory function. Also, it will discuss aspects of diagnosis, planning and technical execution to allow this technique to be recognized as an accessible resource for the treatment of posterior region of atrophic mandible.
Attachments Used With Implant Supported Over Denture, Jan 6, 2016
A wide variety of commercially available attachment systems are used to connect implants to overd... more A wide variety of commercially available attachment systems are used to connect implants to overdentures. Most commonly used attachments include stud, bar, magmatic, and telescopic attachments. In this review article, author reviewed the literature concerning the types, designs, and requirements of attachments systems.
Dental Clenching: A Way to Improve Body Stability In Subjects Suffering From Whiplash Injury. Part 1: Patients With Physiological Occlusion, Dec 29, 2015
Aim: Aim of this study is analyze the effects of dental occlusion on postural stability in patien... more Aim: Aim of this study is analyze the effects of dental occlusion on postural stability in patients with previous whiplash and normal occlusion.. Materials and Methods: 36 adult patients with previous whiplash and normal occlusion (good alignment, 1st class or mild 2 nd class deep bite for mandibular retrusion) were selected. The patients were suffering from masticatory muscles pain caused by clenching during sleep. Exclusion criteria: Use of Psych drugs: To simulate the conditions of sleep (with a reduction of proprio-and esteroceptive inputs for postural management performed by CNS), we used postural Romberg analysis (feet together, closed eyes) on stabilometric platform changing occlusal parameters only, under the following conditions: 1) in occlusal rest position, 2) in centric occlusion, 3) in clenching, 4) with occlusal disengage with cotton rolls and 5) in clenching on cotton rolls. Time of each test: 15 seconds. It was performed a statistical analysis with T-test comparing between them the mean of all tests. Results: Stabilometry data (postural ball and ellipse) show better postural performances in centric occlusion and clenching in centric occlusion, and a worsening in all tests with occlusal disengage (with statistically significant difference-p<0.05). Conclusion: Postural instability caused by whiplash increases muscles tone and dental clenching as compensatory effects, with onset of facial pain. An occlusal disengage (like an occlusal splint to reduce clenching) induces a postural worsening in patients with normal occlusion, while centric occlusion increases the stability. These results suggest that stomatognathic organ has a new physiological function: the posture stabilization.
An Unusual Case of Feline Bite Induced Odontome in a Four Year Child, Dec 10, 2015
A four year old male child presented with a history of cat bite induced dental trauma. This resul... more A four year old male child presented with a history of cat bite induced dental trauma. This resulted in loss of primary maxillary left central incisor, intrusion of primary maxillary right central incisor and hard swelling in the labial gingiva in the region of primary maxillary right lateral incisor and canine. Routine radiographs revealed the presence of multiple calcified masses in relation to the primary maxillary right lateral incisor and canine. The treatment included surgical removal of the tooth like structures under local anaesthesia to prevent any further harm to the growing tooth bud. Histopathology confirmed the presence of compound odontome. There has been no episode of recurrence at one year follow up period. The most damaging sequel of injuries to primary teeth is their effects on the developing permanent teeth. Therefore the management of injuries to primary teeth should aim for minimizing harm to the permanent tooth buds.
PGE2 and 6-Keto-PGF1α Generation and Cyclic AMP in the Atria of Rats during Normoxia and Hypoxia, Nov 24, 2015
Circulating antibodies can be detected in chronic periodontitis patients given the presence of se... more Circulating antibodies can be detected in chronic periodontitis patients given the presence of serum auto antibodies against β 1-adrenoceptor (β 1-AR) in periodontitis patients by using cardiac membranes or a synthetic β 1-AR peptide corresponding to the second extracellular loop of human β 1-AR as antigens. Periodontitis patients also exhibit enhanced atria contractility in normoxia and tonic contraction in hypoxia. Atenolol, synthetic β 1 peptide and nifedipine abrogate the action of both Isoproterenol and β 1 IgG on atria contractility in both experimental conditions. In turn, β 1 IgG display a partial agonist-like activity and modifies the contractility of isolated atria, accompanied by an accumulation of cyclic AMP nucleotide in normoxia and hypoxia. The autoantibody is able to provoke an increment in the concentrations of PGE 2 and 6-keto-PGF 1α , which is abrogated by preincubating atria with adrenergic antagonist, synthetic β 1 peptide and prostanoid receptor antagonists. On this basis this study seeks to correlate the periodontitis infection to an increased risk of cardiac disease high lightening the role of β 1 IgG in the alteration of myocardial contractility and the subsequent increment of prostaglandins (PGE 2 and 6-keto-PGF 1α ,) accompanied by an increment in the production of cyclic AMP, resulting in an effective adaptation of myocardium function in acute ischemia.
Use of Facial Indicator for Choosing Anterior Teeth, Nov 13, 2015
Background : One of the major hurdles in clinical prosthodontics has been the selection and repla... more Background : One of the major hurdles in clinical prosthodontics has been the selection and replacement of maxillary anterior teeth in the absence of pre-extraction records. The size of the maxillary central incisor is important since they are the most prominent teeth in the arch. Various methods are used to measure their size, including the size of the face, zygoma and chin to estimate the width and height by using " the facial indicator " .
Bichectomy or Bichatectomy - A Small and Simple Intraoral Surgical Procedure with Great Facial Results, Nov 14, 2015
Bichectomy is a simple and very safe surgical procedure indicated for patient with a rounded and ... more Bichectomy is a simple and very safe surgical procedure indicated for patient with a rounded and wide face which can be performed as an outpatient surgery under intravenous or oral sedation. The result is a thinner lower third of the face.
The Dentist’s Preferences on the Treatment of Missing Mandibular Incisors in Patients of Varying Ages, Sep 9, 2015
Introduction: When mandibular incisor teeth are absent or lost through disease, multiple options ... more Introduction: When mandibular incisor teeth are absent or lost through disease, multiple options for replacement of these teeth are available. It is possible that a patient may receive varying treatment depending on the dentist's preference for replacing missing mandibular incisors.