Hazel Kul - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Hazel Kul
Karen: Karadeniz Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018
The Allies which commented arbitrary to Armistice of Mudros was signed on October 30, 1918 had be... more The Allies which commented arbitrary to Armistice of Mudros was signed on October 30, 1918 had begun the invasion of Turkey from November 1, 1918. While the Istanbul government and the press that support this government were silent in the face of these events, the Anatolian press gave all the support to the National Struggle Movement. One of these newspapers was the İstikbâl that was published in Trabzon. Greeks organized by the aid of England and Greece was intensively prepared to establish an independent Greek-Pontus State which included Trabzon and it's around. The press was the most important step in this preparation. İstikbâl was a newspaper that established with the purpose of raising awareness of the people against these propagandas of the Greeks and fighting them in the field of press. The leading articles of the newspaper that between 10 December 1918-17 March 1925 continued to publication was written by Mr. Faik Ahmet (Barutçu) who was same time the owner of the newspa...
Itilaf Devletleri arasinda I. Dunya Savasi surecinde kapali kapilar arkasinda yapilan paylasimlar... more Itilaf Devletleri arasinda I. Dunya Savasi surecinde kapali kapilar arkasinda yapilan paylasimlar, ittifaklar, antlasmalar, savas sonrasinda baslayan Paris Baris Konferansi’nda bu kez daha acik olarak ve yeni bir boyut kazanarak devam etmis, alinan bazi kararlar daha buyuk catismalara, insanlik tarihine gececek katliamlara, istiraplara yol acmistir. Gunumuzden tam yuz yil once Paris’te Ingiltere, Fransa ve ABD’den olusan Ucler Konseyi’nin aldigi Izmir’in Yunanlarca isgal karari da bu tur gelismelerden biri olup binlerce masum Izmirli Turk’un katledilmesine yol acmistir. Mondros Mutarekesi’nin 7. Maddesi gerekce gosterilerek yapilan bu isgal kurtulus umidini baris konferansinin verecegi kararda goren Osmanli hukumetinde dahi sok etkisi yapmisti. Isgal, gunlerdir endise icerisinde olmasina ragmen hukumetin teskin edici haberlerinin etkisinde olan Turk kamuoyunda buyuk bir uzuntu ve ofke yaratmistir. Gazeteler isgali siki sansure ragmen sert bir dille elestiren baslik ve yorumlarla but...
Karadeniz Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi
Karadeniz Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi
A historic national resistance movement was born in Anatolia among the ashes of the Ottoman Empir... more A historic national resistance movement was born in Anatolia among the ashes of the Ottoman Empire right after the World War I. The principle of national sovereignty became the motto and spread to the public via circulars and congressional meetings in this period. The principle that guarantees that the public has sovereignty in the constitution was put into force in January 20, 1921. Yet the existence of the sultanate was still a tremendous obstacle for the public sovereignty. The invitation of the government of Istanbul, which cooperated with western powers and acted against the National Struggle following the Great War, by the Allied Powers to the Lausanne Conference along with the government of Ankara gave an opportunity to oust the government of Istanbul, thus the sultanate. Accordingly, the Turkish National Assembly in Ankara abolished the sultanate on November 1, 1922 and eliminated the
obstacle against the absolute national sovereignty. This event as a crucial step in historic journey of the Turkish modernization was covered by the local and national newspapers. Istikbal, one of the leading newspapers in Trabzon and The Black Sea Region, was also excitedly interested in the event. The study aims to survey and analyze the discourse of Istikbal to capture clues on the local reactions towards the abolishment of the Sultanate.
KAREN, 2018
The Allies which commented arbitrary to Armistice of Mudros was signed on October 30, 1918 had be... more The Allies which commented arbitrary to Armistice of Mudros was signed on October 30, 1918 had begun
** Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Atatürk
İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü,
Doktora Öğrencisi
E-Posta: hazel__cool@hotmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-5161-9888
Anahtar Kelimeler: Basın, Faik Ahmet (Barutçu) Bey, İstikbâl, Yunan,
II. İnönü
* Gönderim Tarihi: 16.04.2018
Kabul Tarihi: 29.05.2018
Hazel KUL KAREN 2018 / 4 / 5 104
the invasion of Turkey from November 1, 1918. While the
Istanbul government and the press that support this government were silent in the face of these events, the Anatolian press gave all the support to the National Struggle
Movement. One of these newspapers was the İstikbâl that
was published in Trabzon. Greeks organized by the aid of
England and Greece was intensively prepared to establish
an independent Greek-Pontus State which included Trabzon and it’s around. The press was the most important
step in this preparation. İstikbâl was a newspaper that established with the purpose of raising awareness of the
people against these propagandas of the Greeks and
fighting them in the field of press. The leading articles of
the newspaper that between 10 December 1918-17 March
1925 continued to publication was written by Mr. Faik Ahmet (Barutçu) who was same time the owner of the newspaper. The issue of our work is articles that were written
by Mr. Faik Ahmet between on March 10, 1921 and April
19 related the Second Battle of İnönü. These articles which
related to the reasons for the war, progress of battle and
its result, as well as the attitude of the European states in
this process and afterwards are important in terms of reflection on the press of Second Battle of İnönü.
Öz İtilaf Devletleri arasında I. Dünya Savaşı sürecinde kapalı kapılar arkasında yapılan paylaşım... more Öz İtilaf Devletleri arasında I. Dünya Savaşı sürecinde kapalı kapılar arkasında yapılan paylaşımlar, ittifaklar, antlaşmalar, savaş sonrasında başlayan Paris Barış Konferansı'nda bu kez daha açık olarak ve yeni bir boyut kazanarak devam etmiş, alınan bazı kararlar daha büyük çatışmalara, insanlık tarihine geçecek katliamlara, ıstıraplara yol açmıştır. Günümüzden tam yüz yıl önce Paris'te İngiltere, Fransa ve ABD'den oluşan Üçler Konseyi'nin aldığı İzmir'in Yunanlarca işgal kararı da bu tür gelişmelerden biri olup binlerce masum İzmirli Türk'ün katledilmesine yol açmıştır. Mondros Mütarekesi'nin 7. Maddesi gerekçe gösterilerek yapılan bu işgal kurtuluş ümidini barış konferansının vereceği kararda gören Osmanlı hükümetinde dahi şok etkisi yapmıştı. İşgal, günlerdir endişe içerisinde olmasına rağmen hükümetin teskin edici haberlerinin etkisinde olan Türk kamuoyunda büyük bir üzüntü ve öfke yaratmıştır. Gazeteler işgali sıkı sansüre rağmen sert bir dille eleştiren başlık ve yorumlarla bütün halka duyurmuşlardır. Bu makalede ise İstanbul basınının önde gelen gazetelerinde yer alan İzmir'in işgali ile ilgili çarpıcı başlıklarla verilen ilk haberler, kamuoyundaki etkileri, hükümetin tepkisi, İstanbul başta olmak üzere ülkenin dört bir yanında düzenlenen protesto mitinglerinden yansımalar, yerel yönetime, hükümete, İtilaf devletlerine yönelik eleştiriler, bölgedeki Türk nüfusu hakkında bilgiler, Wilson Prensiplerine göndermeler ve yorumlar yer almaktadır.
Mersin Deniz Ticareti, 2016
Sahibi ve Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü (MDTO adına): M. Cihat LOKMANOĞLU Genel Koordinatör: Ali ADA... more Sahibi ve Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü (MDTO adına): M. Cihat LOKMANOĞLU Genel Koordinatör: Ali ADALIOĞLU Yayın Kurulu: M. Cihat LOKMANOĞLU, Jozef ATAT, Atahan ÇUKUROVA, Mişel ŞAŞATİ, İskender BOTROS, Bedii CANATAN, Özcan BARUT, Korer ÖZBENLİ Yayın Planlama Yönetimi: Tetis Medya Ajansı Grafik Tasarım: Gülten Acar Basım Yeri: MATTEK Matbaacılık Tel: 0 312 433 23 10 13 Fax: 0 312 434 03 56 Adres: Ağaç İşleri San. Sitesi 1354. Cad. 1362. Sokak No: 35 Yenimalle -İvedik -ANKARA Basım Tarihi: Haziran 2016 Yönetim Yeri: Pirireis Mah. İsmet İnönü Bulvarı No: 45 33110 Pk: 45 Mersin/Türkiye Tel: 0 324 327 70 00 (pbx) Faks: 0 324 329 52 30 E-posta: mersindto@mdto.org mdtodergi@mdto.org www.mdto.org.tr
Karen: Karadeniz Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018
The Allies which commented arbitrary to Armistice of Mudros was signed on October 30, 1918 had be... more The Allies which commented arbitrary to Armistice of Mudros was signed on October 30, 1918 had begun the invasion of Turkey from November 1, 1918. While the Istanbul government and the press that support this government were silent in the face of these events, the Anatolian press gave all the support to the National Struggle Movement. One of these newspapers was the İstikbâl that was published in Trabzon. Greeks organized by the aid of England and Greece was intensively prepared to establish an independent Greek-Pontus State which included Trabzon and it's around. The press was the most important step in this preparation. İstikbâl was a newspaper that established with the purpose of raising awareness of the people against these propagandas of the Greeks and fighting them in the field of press. The leading articles of the newspaper that between 10 December 1918-17 March 1925 continued to publication was written by Mr. Faik Ahmet (Barutçu) who was same time the owner of the newspa...
Itilaf Devletleri arasinda I. Dunya Savasi surecinde kapali kapilar arkasinda yapilan paylasimlar... more Itilaf Devletleri arasinda I. Dunya Savasi surecinde kapali kapilar arkasinda yapilan paylasimlar, ittifaklar, antlasmalar, savas sonrasinda baslayan Paris Baris Konferansi’nda bu kez daha acik olarak ve yeni bir boyut kazanarak devam etmis, alinan bazi kararlar daha buyuk catismalara, insanlik tarihine gececek katliamlara, istiraplara yol acmistir. Gunumuzden tam yuz yil once Paris’te Ingiltere, Fransa ve ABD’den olusan Ucler Konseyi’nin aldigi Izmir’in Yunanlarca isgal karari da bu tur gelismelerden biri olup binlerce masum Izmirli Turk’un katledilmesine yol acmistir. Mondros Mutarekesi’nin 7. Maddesi gerekce gosterilerek yapilan bu isgal kurtulus umidini baris konferansinin verecegi kararda goren Osmanli hukumetinde dahi sok etkisi yapmisti. Isgal, gunlerdir endise icerisinde olmasina ragmen hukumetin teskin edici haberlerinin etkisinde olan Turk kamuoyunda buyuk bir uzuntu ve ofke yaratmistir. Gazeteler isgali siki sansure ragmen sert bir dille elestiren baslik ve yorumlarla but...
Karadeniz Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi
Karadeniz Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi
A historic national resistance movement was born in Anatolia among the ashes of the Ottoman Empir... more A historic national resistance movement was born in Anatolia among the ashes of the Ottoman Empire right after the World War I. The principle of national sovereignty became the motto and spread to the public via circulars and congressional meetings in this period. The principle that guarantees that the public has sovereignty in the constitution was put into force in January 20, 1921. Yet the existence of the sultanate was still a tremendous obstacle for the public sovereignty. The invitation of the government of Istanbul, which cooperated with western powers and acted against the National Struggle following the Great War, by the Allied Powers to the Lausanne Conference along with the government of Ankara gave an opportunity to oust the government of Istanbul, thus the sultanate. Accordingly, the Turkish National Assembly in Ankara abolished the sultanate on November 1, 1922 and eliminated the
obstacle against the absolute national sovereignty. This event as a crucial step in historic journey of the Turkish modernization was covered by the local and national newspapers. Istikbal, one of the leading newspapers in Trabzon and The Black Sea Region, was also excitedly interested in the event. The study aims to survey and analyze the discourse of Istikbal to capture clues on the local reactions towards the abolishment of the Sultanate.
KAREN, 2018
The Allies which commented arbitrary to Armistice of Mudros was signed on October 30, 1918 had be... more The Allies which commented arbitrary to Armistice of Mudros was signed on October 30, 1918 had begun
** Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Atatürk
İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü,
Doktora Öğrencisi
E-Posta: hazel__cool@hotmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-5161-9888
Anahtar Kelimeler: Basın, Faik Ahmet (Barutçu) Bey, İstikbâl, Yunan,
II. İnönü
* Gönderim Tarihi: 16.04.2018
Kabul Tarihi: 29.05.2018
Hazel KUL KAREN 2018 / 4 / 5 104
the invasion of Turkey from November 1, 1918. While the
Istanbul government and the press that support this government were silent in the face of these events, the Anatolian press gave all the support to the National Struggle
Movement. One of these newspapers was the İstikbâl that
was published in Trabzon. Greeks organized by the aid of
England and Greece was intensively prepared to establish
an independent Greek-Pontus State which included Trabzon and it’s around. The press was the most important
step in this preparation. İstikbâl was a newspaper that established with the purpose of raising awareness of the
people against these propagandas of the Greeks and
fighting them in the field of press. The leading articles of
the newspaper that between 10 December 1918-17 March
1925 continued to publication was written by Mr. Faik Ahmet (Barutçu) who was same time the owner of the newspaper. The issue of our work is articles that were written
by Mr. Faik Ahmet between on March 10, 1921 and April
19 related the Second Battle of İnönü. These articles which
related to the reasons for the war, progress of battle and
its result, as well as the attitude of the European states in
this process and afterwards are important in terms of reflection on the press of Second Battle of İnönü.
Öz İtilaf Devletleri arasında I. Dünya Savaşı sürecinde kapalı kapılar arkasında yapılan paylaşım... more Öz İtilaf Devletleri arasında I. Dünya Savaşı sürecinde kapalı kapılar arkasında yapılan paylaşımlar, ittifaklar, antlaşmalar, savaş sonrasında başlayan Paris Barış Konferansı'nda bu kez daha açık olarak ve yeni bir boyut kazanarak devam etmiş, alınan bazı kararlar daha büyük çatışmalara, insanlık tarihine geçecek katliamlara, ıstıraplara yol açmıştır. Günümüzden tam yüz yıl önce Paris'te İngiltere, Fransa ve ABD'den oluşan Üçler Konseyi'nin aldığı İzmir'in Yunanlarca işgal kararı da bu tür gelişmelerden biri olup binlerce masum İzmirli Türk'ün katledilmesine yol açmıştır. Mondros Mütarekesi'nin 7. Maddesi gerekçe gösterilerek yapılan bu işgal kurtuluş ümidini barış konferansının vereceği kararda gören Osmanlı hükümetinde dahi şok etkisi yapmıştı. İşgal, günlerdir endişe içerisinde olmasına rağmen hükümetin teskin edici haberlerinin etkisinde olan Türk kamuoyunda büyük bir üzüntü ve öfke yaratmıştır. Gazeteler işgali sıkı sansüre rağmen sert bir dille eleştiren başlık ve yorumlarla bütün halka duyurmuşlardır. Bu makalede ise İstanbul basınının önde gelen gazetelerinde yer alan İzmir'in işgali ile ilgili çarpıcı başlıklarla verilen ilk haberler, kamuoyundaki etkileri, hükümetin tepkisi, İstanbul başta olmak üzere ülkenin dört bir yanında düzenlenen protesto mitinglerinden yansımalar, yerel yönetime, hükümete, İtilaf devletlerine yönelik eleştiriler, bölgedeki Türk nüfusu hakkında bilgiler, Wilson Prensiplerine göndermeler ve yorumlar yer almaktadır.
Mersin Deniz Ticareti, 2016
Sahibi ve Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü (MDTO adına): M. Cihat LOKMANOĞLU Genel Koordinatör: Ali ADA... more Sahibi ve Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü (MDTO adına): M. Cihat LOKMANOĞLU Genel Koordinatör: Ali ADALIOĞLU Yayın Kurulu: M. Cihat LOKMANOĞLU, Jozef ATAT, Atahan ÇUKUROVA, Mişel ŞAŞATİ, İskender BOTROS, Bedii CANATAN, Özcan BARUT, Korer ÖZBENLİ Yayın Planlama Yönetimi: Tetis Medya Ajansı Grafik Tasarım: Gülten Acar Basım Yeri: MATTEK Matbaacılık Tel: 0 312 433 23 10 13 Fax: 0 312 434 03 56 Adres: Ağaç İşleri San. Sitesi 1354. Cad. 1362. Sokak No: 35 Yenimalle -İvedik -ANKARA Basım Tarihi: Haziran 2016 Yönetim Yeri: Pirireis Mah. İsmet İnönü Bulvarı No: 45 33110 Pk: 45 Mersin/Türkiye Tel: 0 324 327 70 00 (pbx) Faks: 0 324 329 52 30 E-posta: mersindto@mdto.org mdtodergi@mdto.org www.mdto.org.tr