Laura Damas Molla - (original) (raw)

Papers by Laura Damas Molla

Research paper thumbnail of The geological story-telling of geopark building stones

Stones used as building materials provide identity to the landscape of towns and cities, especial... more Stones used as building materials provide identity to the landscape of towns and cities, especially those of local origin. They are also a direct reference to the regional geology. In line with the main philosophy that defines the UNESCO Global Geoparks network, protection, education and sustainable development, including both their natural and cultural values (, ornamental and building stones acquire a significant importance, as they are part of the Geoheritage. The results obtained in the characterisation of these lithologies are used for educational and didactic purposes and serve to valorise Geology. This documentation is significantly important for local development activities, especially in the case of rural areas affected by depopulation.Las Loras Geopark (North Spain) is a territory with a landscape marked by a strong relief ( There are numerous small rural towns and villages that contain an important built cultural heritage, especially of the Romanesque period, such as the town of Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia, Spain). In the centre of the Geopark is located the Valdelucio Valley ( with an extension of 96.04 km², and a significant depopulation (330 people census in 2020), it is in this region where the need to implement development activities has been established. The geological discourse centred on building stones requires the development of cultural heritage rooted in society, accessible and, especially, appreciated, such as the existing churches. For this reason, the stones of three of them have been studied, the Church of San Pedro in Paúl (pre-Romanesque, the oldest), the church of Santa Leocadia in Quintanas (municipality that houses the town council of the Valley) and the Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Vega in Pedrosa (with important roots in the Valley).Stones of Jurassic to the Cretaceous ages, mainly sandstones and limestones, have been identified. As they are rocks from the immediate surroundings, the account of their origin is a synthesis of the geological history of the Valley, of its evolution from wetlands, to rivers, alluvial fans, to the establishment of deltas and carbonate marine platforms. In addition, the Quaternary tuffs used allow to explain the recent geomorphological processes. During the research phase, work was organized in cooperation with the local population in workshops, field trips and conferences. The results have been presented with i) geological mappings of the façades representing the different lithologies present in them, ii) a stratigraphic synthetic column of the geological formations, with indication of equivalent hand samples taken in the field, and iii) microscopy images of the hand samples.In addition to geological story-telling, the collaboration with the population has allowed prioritisation of content and activity concepts. This methodology has introduced the geology of the Valley to them. What is not known is not valued, and these activities help to value the territory from a wider perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of Mineralogía del "Rojo Ereño" de Vizcaya

Macla: revista de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Alteración diagenética en conchas de rudistas Monopleúridos del Complejo Urgoniano de Ereño (Aptiense – Albiense Inferior, Bizkaia)

Geogaceta, 2006

Cathodoluminescence and microprobe analysis in monopleurid shells from Aptian-Lower Albian limest... more Cathodoluminescence and microprobe analysis in monopleurid shells from Aptian-Lower Albian limestones in Ereño (Bizkaia) has allowed to us to realize that different rudist shells show different diagenetic responses in front of a similar degree of diagenetic alteration. Monopleurid shells show a relatively high diagenetic degree when compared to that of requienids. Early neomorphism processes were dissimilar for different shells. The relatively thin monopleurid prisms could allow a diagenetic alteration in a higher degree than that affected requienid shells.

Research paper thumbnail of Primeros datos de hidrotermalismo cretácico en el margen oriental de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica

Geogaceta, 2018

espanolEn el margen oriental de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantabrica afloran fisuras rellenas de sedimento ... more espanolEn el margen oriental de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantabrica afloran fisuras rellenas de sedimento encajadas en calizas rojas Albiense-Cenomaniense, en las inmediaciones del monte Txoritokieta (Errenteria, Gipuzkoa). El objetivo de este estudio ha sido estudiar las fracturas y sus rellenos desde el punto de vista sedimentologico, petrologico y tectosedimentario, para establecer la secuencia evolutiva de la formacion de las fisuras rellenas. Asi, se ha inferido el origen tectonico de las fracturas, ligado al plegamiento sinsedimentario de la propia formacion que engloba las calizas encajantes. Asimismo, los rellenos de las fracturas, que se encuentran mineralizados en su gran mayoria, sugieren que su formacion (fracturacion) se localizo cerca de la superficie de sedimentacion y la circulacion de fluidos mineralizantes ocurrio en momentos proximos al deposito de los rellenos.. EnglishIn the Eastern margin of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, fissures filled with sediments crop out in a red Albian-Cenomanian limestone, near the Txoritokieta mount (Errenteria, Gipuzkoa). In this work we study the sedimentology, petrology and tectosedimentary character of fissures and their fills, in order to establish the evolutive sequence of the formation of fractures and the infill of them. It has been inferred the tectonic origin of the fissures, linked to the synsedimentary folding of the host limestone. Moreover, most of the studied sedimentary fissure fills are mineralized, suggesting that fracturing and fluid flow occurred during the deposition of the fissure fills.

Research paper thumbnail of Resistencia a la alteración diagenética de conchas de Chondrodonta sp en las calizas rojas del Aptiense - Albiense inferior de Ereño (Bizkaia) Resistance to diagenetic alteration in Chondrodonta sp shells from the Aptian - Lower Albian red limestones of Ereño (Bizkaia)

Chondrodonta sp. shells from Aptian-Lower Albian red limestones of Ereño (Bizkaia, northern Spain... more Chondrodonta sp. shells from Aptian-Lower Albian red limestones of Ereño (Bizkaia, northern Spain) have proved to be excellent indicators of a high resistance to the entrance of diagenetic fluids and further diagenetic alteration. Chondrodonta sp. shells, when compared to their coeval rudist shells, show higher Sr +2 and Na + contents, together with very dull or even null luminescence. For this reason they could be very appropriate for further C, O an Sr isotopic studies as a tool for reconstruction of palaeotemperatures and palaeoenvironmental conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Las calizas rojas de Ereño: facies, paleoambiente, mineralización y diagénesis. Patrimonio geo-histórico de Bizkaia

Las calizas rojas de Ereno (?Rojo Ereno?) (Bizkaia) han sido explotadas desde la ocupacion romana... more Las calizas rojas de Ereno (?Rojo Ereno?) (Bizkaia) han sido explotadas desde la ocupacion romana como roca ornamental y forman parte del Patrimonio Geologico ? Historico de Bizkaia. Se disponen como una franja a favor de la estratificacion dentro de un paquete de calizas urgonianas (?Unidad de Calizas de Santimamine?) de plataforma somera con un abundante contenido fosil, en el que destacan los rudistas englobados en una matriz micritica de color rojo por los oxidos de hierro de origen hidrotermal que la impregnan. El caracter multidisciplinar de este trabajo incluye un estudio de la cartografia, la estratigrafia y la sedimentologia, junto con una detallada descripcion petrologica, un analisis mineralogico, de roca total y de minerales de la arcilla y un estudio paleoambiental. La importancia de los rudistas y de Chondrodonta sp., ha desembocado en la realizacion de un estudio preciso de las microestructuras que forman sus respectivas conchas, asi como diferentes analisis geoquimicos, tanto de elementos mayores y traza como isotopicos, con el fin de evaluar el grado de alteracion diagenetica de estas. Los oxidos de hierro de la matriz de la roca han permitido la realizacion de estudios paleomagneticos para poder establecer su origen y tiempo de emplazamiento. Con todos estos datos se ha podido realizar ademas una reconstruccion de la historia diagenetica sufrida por las calizas desde el Aptiense superior. El trabajo se complementa con un enfoque divulgativo mediante la realizacion de una propuesta de conservacion de Patrimonio Geologico destacando los rasgos mas importantes de la Cantera de Atxarraga (Patrimonio Historico y Punto de Interes Geologico de Bizkaia).

Research paper thumbnail of Why Did Red Ereño Limestone Go Red? Linking Scientific Knowledge and Geoheritage Story-Telling (Basque Country, Spain)


Red Ereño is a red-stained ornamental and construction limestone with characteristic white fossil... more Red Ereño is a red-stained ornamental and construction limestone with characteristic white fossil shells. Although exploited since Roman times, marketed worldwide and that the rock itself and its outcrop areas have been included in geological heritage inventories, the origin of its characteristic reddish colour remained unresolved. The aim of this work is to deepen the scientific knowledge of Red Ereño as a basis for understanding the characteristics of this stone and to make this information available for geoconservation actions. The mineralogical and petrological study, mainly based on optical and electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and rock magnetism and paleomagnetic techniques, concluded that the red-staining mineral is pigmentary hematite. Moreover, the analysis stated that hematite precipitated after sedimentation but prior to burial diagenesis and before alpine inversion. Based on palaeomagnetic studies, it can be stated that mineralisation occurred during the Late Creta...

Research paper thumbnail of El valor de la roca local como material de identidad urbana en monumentos

Palabras preliminares, Jan 15, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Methodology for assessing the vulnerability of built cultural heritage

Science of The Total Environment

Research paper thumbnail of Registro endokárstico de la Cueva Praileaitz I

Geotemas ( Madrid ), 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Clasificación de los rasgos de alteración presentes en los materiales de construcción de las Galerías de Punta Begoña (Getxo, Bizkaia)

espanolEl estudio de las alteraciones presentes en las Galerias de Punta Begona (Getxo) lleva imp... more espanolEl estudio de las alteraciones presentes en las Galerias de Punta Begona (Getxo) lleva implicita la problematica de la terminologia a utilizar en cada uno de los aspectos a definir y el uso de vocablos adecuados. En este trabajo, se presenta una recopilacion de terminos de alteracion a los que se les ha adjudicado una denominacion alfanumerica que permite su uso de una forma rapida, concisa y especifica. Ademas se anade mediante simbologia el grado de afeccion de cada alteracion. La utilizacion de esta tabla en las alteraciones presentes en el edificio de Punta Begona permite su clasificacion precisa sin la generacion de dudas sobre el empleo de vocablos erroneos. EnglishThe terminology to be employed for the study of the alteration of the construction materials from Punta Begona Galleries (Getxo) is relevant in order to describe the different pathologies with appropriate words. In this paper we offer a compilation of alteration terms bearing an alphanumeric designation which...

Research paper thumbnail of Red Ereño and Cantera Gorria: Natural and Cultural Geoheritage (Basque Country, Spain)

<p>Construction and ornamental stones are important elements of cultural heritage and ident... more <p>Construction and ornamental stones are important elements of cultural heritage and identity and shape the urban landscape of the territories (Pereira & C&#225;rdenes Van den Eynde, 2019). These stones and their <strong>quarries</strong> are a part of <strong>geoheritage</strong> that is gaining interest in the tourism industry (Mateos <em>et al.</em>, 2011). <strong>Red Ere&#241;o</strong> is an urgonian limestone (Lower Cretaceous) with abundant rudist fossil shells, which white colours highlight on an intense red micritic matrix. This stone is exploited since Roman times in the north of the Iberian Peninsula (Basque Country, Spain). This lithology is found in many buildings, both heritage and common. Its uniqueness has contributed to its expansion worldwide and, it can be found in such emblematic places as the Colon Theatre in Buenos Aires (Argentina) or St Peter&#180;s basilica in the Vatican (Italy) (Damas Moll&#225; <em>et al</em>., 2021).</p><p>The main quarry related to Red Ere&#241;o is called <strong><em>Cantera Gorria </em></strong>(meaning Red Quarry) and is located inside the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve (x: 529,659.29 m; y: 4,800,839.60 m; z: 15 m). It is included in the Geosites Inventory of the Basque Country (LIG n&#186; 15), and is part of the historical heritage of the Biscay province. The last concessionaire of the quarry was <em>Marmoler&#237;a Bilba&#237;na </em>and it ceased its activity in 1968. At present the quarry is abandoned.&#160; Nevertheless, on its exploitation fronts outstanding <strong>geologic features</strong> are recognised: <strong>stratigraphic</strong> (bioconstructions, facies changes), <strong>petrologic</strong> (diagenesis, mineralisations), <strong>tectonic</strong> (succession verticality, faults) or <strong>geomorphologic</strong> (karst). All of them make <em>Cantera Gorria</em> a point of reference for both <strong>research</strong> and <strong>teaching</strong> activities. Additionally, it is important to underline the richness related to the <strong>mining heritage</strong> itself. Numerous buildings from the mining activity are still preserved. Also noteworthy are the signs engraved on the rock showing the progress of exploitation in various stages, from manual to the use of helical steel wire.</p><p>In the case of Red Ere&#241;o and <em>Cantera Gorria </em>the <strong>symbiosis</strong> between <strong>geoheritage </strong>and <strong>cultural heritage</strong> is significant. This symbiosis, together with all the above mentioned characteristics of the quarry makes <em>Cantera Gorria</em> an interesting space for <strong>dissemination</strong> of geoheritage as well as for <strong>tourism</strong> (Damas Moll&#225;, 2011).</p><p><strong>References</strong></p><ul><li>Damas Moll&#225;, L. (2011): Las Calizas rojas de Ere&#241;o: facies, paleoambiente, mineralizaci&#243;n y diag&#233;nesis. Patrimonio geol&#243;gico-hist&#243;rico de Bizkaia. PhD Thesis, University of the Basque Country.</li> <li>Damas Moll&#225; L., Uriarte J.A., Zabaleta A., Aranburu A., Garc&#237;a Garmilla F., Sagarna M, Bodego A., Clemente J.A., Morales T. & Antig&#252;edad I. (2021). Red Ere&#241;o: an ornamental and construction limestone of international significance from Basque Country (northern Spain). Geoheritage 13:2.</li&gt; <li>Mateos R.M, Dur&#225;n, J.R & Robledo P.A. (2011). Mar&#232;s Quarries on the Majorcan Coast (Spain) as Geological Heritage Sites. Geoheritage 3: 41-54.</li&gt; <li>Pereira D. & C&#225;rdenes Van den Eynde V. (2019). Heritage Stones and Geoheritage. Geoheritage 11: 1-2.</li&gt; </ul>

Research paper thumbnail of Rocas ornamentales del País Vasco y Navarra (II):: el ‘Gris Deba/Rosa Duquesa’ y el ‘Gris/Rojo Baztán’

En esta segunda entrega sobre las rocas ornamentales del Pais Vasco y Navarra nos centraremos en ... more En esta segunda entrega sobre las rocas ornamentales del Pais Vasco y Navarra nos centraremos en dos litotipos cuyas respectivas variedades han tenido una amplia proyeccion en cuanto a explotacion y uso, no solamente dentro de las comunidades donde se situan sus zonas de extraccion, sino tambien en muchos otros lugares de Espana y del extranjero. Tanto en el “Gris Deba/Rosa Duquesa” explotado en la cantera de Lastur (Gipuzkoa) como en el “Gris/Rojo Baztan” que se extrae en Urdax (Navarra) existe una dualidad cromatica de gran interes geologico y comercial.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of instabilities in the Basque Coast Geopark coastal cliffs for its environmentally friendly management (Basque-Cantabrian basin, northern Spain)

Engineering Geology, 2021

Abstract Coastal cliffs provide a high landscape value to many natural sites around the world. Th... more Abstract Coastal cliffs provide a high landscape value to many natural sites around the world. This means that an ever-increasing number of people are attracted to them. At this point, there is a growing need to manage these spaces from the safety of visitors, but with a view to preserving the environment. With this aim, this paper presents an approach to analyze and manage instabilities in these environments, particularly those subjected to significant anthropic activity, which has been implemented in the cliffs of the Basque Coast Geopark. The starting point is a detailed topographic information, obtained from UAV flights, and the identification on site of unstable elements, including their typology, active source areas, dynamics and reach. From this information, the simulation of rockfall processes, which basically correspond to toppling and infinite slope instabilities favored by differential erosion along the coastline, is approached in two and three dimensions. Results allow the design of precise actions by sectors, according to the energy, height and reach of the detached blocks, including barriers, middle slope actions, ditches and information strategies, depending on the different uses of the sectors. Therefore, this approach leads to a more detailed and environmentally friendly management of these environments.

Research paper thumbnail of Red Ereño: an Ornamental and Construction Limestone of International Significance from the Basque Country (northern Spain)

Geoheritage, 2021

The studies on the effect of polymer-polymer interactions of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) [PEG] with Met... more The studies on the effect of polymer-polymer interactions of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) [PEG] with Methyl Methacrylate and 2-Ethoxy Ethylmethacrylate(MMA/2-EOEMA) copolymer blends showed miscibility, compatibility and specific interaction due to hydrogen bond formation between hydroxyl group from PEG and ether, ester carbonyl oxygen atom from 2-EOEMA and MMA. The studies were carried out at various blend compositions with chloroform as common solvent using viscometric, FT-IR and DSC thermal analysis methods. From viscosity data based on sign convention involved in the criterion, the values of μ and α for PEG with MMA/2-EOEMA copolymer blends system was computed and found to be partially positive indicating it is partially miscible and compatible for all blends composition. The compatibility and miscibility of the blends were also supported by density measurement. The properties of specific and hydrogen bonding interactions of PEG with MMA/2-EOEMA copolymer blends are studied by spectroscopic techniques such as FT-IR and the obtained results were further confirmed by DSC thermal analysis. Spectral features from above all techniques revealed that site-specific interactions are present, consistent with a significant degree of mixing of the blend components which probes mixing on a macroscopic level, which in turn imparts the miscibility to these blends.

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the pioneering techniques in reinforced concrete: the case of Punta Begoña Galleries, Getxo, Spain

Building Research & Information, 2019

This paper presents a methodological approach for the study of the early historical buildings con... more This paper presents a methodological approach for the study of the early historical buildings constructed in reinforced concrete at the beginning of the 20th century. These buildings were conceived following different patents that, already in origin, made them unique and diverse. Also, the structures had to be adapted to their constructive context. Nowadays, aiming to evaluate and recuperate these buildings is necessary to develop a sequence of systematic study, which combines a historical review of the construction, its architectural characterization, its geometrical definition and its geological context. In this transdisciplinary approach, the geophysical studies based on ground-penetrating radar, as a non-destructive technique, facilitate the recognition of building structural details. The proposed working-approach attends to understand the construction (WHAT?) from its first designs to its final execution, including the characterization of current alterations. This requires the symbiosis of different disciplines (HOW?) that will be the basis for new projects aimed at the re-functionalization of buildings (WHAT FOR?), respecting their original values. The application of the methodology in Punta Begoña Galleries (Getxo, Basque Country, Spain) allows validating this approach, which can be extrapolated to other contemporary constructions.

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of complex groundwater flows in the environment of singular buildings by combining hydrogeological and non‐destructive geophysical (ground‐penetrating radar) techniques: Punta Begoña Galleries (Getxo, Spain)

Hydrological Processes, 2019

Locating and quantifying groundwater flow in many built‐up areas are a priority with regard to it... more Locating and quantifying groundwater flow in many built‐up areas are a priority with regard to its complete restoration. In this work, a hydrogeological survey of the surroundings of the Punta Begoña Galleries (Getxo, Bizkaia), built on a coastal cliff, was completed by using ground penetrating radar (GPR) testing. Thus, the preliminary characterization of soils and rocks in accessible areas of the cliff was first improved by hydrogeological information gathered from a single survey borehole, including permeability measurements by low pressure injection tests (LPTs) and continuous water level monitoring. As a complementary method, the non‐destructive GPR technique was performed during both dry and wet hydrological periods and in tandem with the injection tests, providing more complete spatial and temporal images of water flows. Specifically, GPR allows mapping of flow paths in soils and assessing the continuity of fractures in rock masses. Altogether, this complementary approach pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Systematic alteration survey and stone provenance for restoring heritage buildings: Punta Begoña Galleries (Basque-Country, Spain)

Engineering Geology, 2018

Punta Begoña Galleries (Getxo, Spain) are a fine example of early twentieth century architectural... more Punta Begoña Galleries (Getxo, Spain) are a fine example of early twentieth century architectural heritage. Built during the early years of reinforced concrete usage, they were decorated inside with ornamental stones to project an image of exclusivity and luxury. After years of neglect, it is essential to characterise construction materials, including the determination of their origin, current state of conservation and restoration options, before undertaking a recovery project respectful with the original edifice. With this aim, a detailed study was made of the current state of conservation of the lithologies that decorate the salon of the building using an alphanumerical matrix of alterations to define the type of existing disturbances and assess their intensity. Complementarily, a petrological, isotopic and mineralogical study of these materials was made in order to determine their provenance. They include Carrara marbles and a local limestone (Red Ereño) which was internationally renowned, in particular being used in buildings such as St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. In this paper a first complete description of this stone has been made. By combining the two sources of information, guidance on the most appropriate restoration options in each case is given. The option of polishing materials includes a specific study of the degree of wear. By means of which it is verified that small wear (<350μm) is sufficient to produce high gloss values (100GU).

Research paper thumbnail of Resistencia a la alteración diagenética de conchas de Chondrodonta sp en las calizas rojas del Aptiense-Albiense inferior de Ereño (Bizkaia)

Chondrodonta sp. shells from Aptian-Lower Albian red limestones of Ereño (Bizkaia, northern Spain... more Chondrodonta sp. shells from Aptian-Lower Albian red limestones of Ereño (Bizkaia, northern Spain) have proved to be excellent indicators of a high resistance to the entrance of diagenetic fluids and further diagenetic alteration. Chondrodonta sp. shells, when compared to their coeval rudist shells, show higher Sr +2 and Na + contents, together with very dull or even null luminescence. For this reason they could be very appropriate for further C, O an Sr isotopic studies as a tool for reconstruction of palaeotemperatures and palaeoenvironmental conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Geología y Patrimonio Cultural Construido: enfoque transdisciplinar en las Galerías Punta Begoña (Getxo, Bizkaia)

espanolEn los proyectos de puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural construido la contribucion des... more espanolEn los proyectos de puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural construido la contribucion desde la Geologia ha de articularse mediante un procedimiento transdisciplinar, que integre los engranajes de las distintas disciplinas y especialidades de nuestra ciencia. Ello permitira una caracterizacion que evolucione desde el elemento construido al emplazamiento, integrando ambos en un entorno mas amplio que los contextualice y complete. El proyecto de puesta en valor de las Galerias Punta Begona (Getxo, Bizkaia) es un ejemplo de este enfoque transdisciplinar en el campo de la Geologia. La filosofia adoptada permite afrontar las tareas de conservacion/recuperacion con una vision mas global, que resulta mas rentable, optimizando los recursos y generando un mayor valor anadido cientifico, social y cultural. EnglishIn projects for valuing the built cultural heritage, the contribution from Geology must be implemented through a transdisciplinary procedure that integrates the gears of the dif...

Research paper thumbnail of The geological story-telling of geopark building stones

Stones used as building materials provide identity to the landscape of towns and cities, especial... more Stones used as building materials provide identity to the landscape of towns and cities, especially those of local origin. They are also a direct reference to the regional geology. In line with the main philosophy that defines the UNESCO Global Geoparks network, protection, education and sustainable development, including both their natural and cultural values (, ornamental and building stones acquire a significant importance, as they are part of the Geoheritage. The results obtained in the characterisation of these lithologies are used for educational and didactic purposes and serve to valorise Geology. This documentation is significantly important for local development activities, especially in the case of rural areas affected by depopulation.Las Loras Geopark (North Spain) is a territory with a landscape marked by a strong relief ( There are numerous small rural towns and villages that contain an important built cultural heritage, especially of the Romanesque period, such as the town of Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia, Spain). In the centre of the Geopark is located the Valdelucio Valley ( with an extension of 96.04 km², and a significant depopulation (330 people census in 2020), it is in this region where the need to implement development activities has been established. The geological discourse centred on building stones requires the development of cultural heritage rooted in society, accessible and, especially, appreciated, such as the existing churches. For this reason, the stones of three of them have been studied, the Church of San Pedro in Paúl (pre-Romanesque, the oldest), the church of Santa Leocadia in Quintanas (municipality that houses the town council of the Valley) and the Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Vega in Pedrosa (with important roots in the Valley).Stones of Jurassic to the Cretaceous ages, mainly sandstones and limestones, have been identified. As they are rocks from the immediate surroundings, the account of their origin is a synthesis of the geological history of the Valley, of its evolution from wetlands, to rivers, alluvial fans, to the establishment of deltas and carbonate marine platforms. In addition, the Quaternary tuffs used allow to explain the recent geomorphological processes. During the research phase, work was organized in cooperation with the local population in workshops, field trips and conferences. The results have been presented with i) geological mappings of the façades representing the different lithologies present in them, ii) a stratigraphic synthetic column of the geological formations, with indication of equivalent hand samples taken in the field, and iii) microscopy images of the hand samples.In addition to geological story-telling, the collaboration with the population has allowed prioritisation of content and activity concepts. This methodology has introduced the geology of the Valley to them. What is not known is not valued, and these activities help to value the territory from a wider perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of Mineralogía del "Rojo Ereño" de Vizcaya

Macla: revista de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Alteración diagenética en conchas de rudistas Monopleúridos del Complejo Urgoniano de Ereño (Aptiense – Albiense Inferior, Bizkaia)

Geogaceta, 2006

Cathodoluminescence and microprobe analysis in monopleurid shells from Aptian-Lower Albian limest... more Cathodoluminescence and microprobe analysis in monopleurid shells from Aptian-Lower Albian limestones in Ereño (Bizkaia) has allowed to us to realize that different rudist shells show different diagenetic responses in front of a similar degree of diagenetic alteration. Monopleurid shells show a relatively high diagenetic degree when compared to that of requienids. Early neomorphism processes were dissimilar for different shells. The relatively thin monopleurid prisms could allow a diagenetic alteration in a higher degree than that affected requienid shells.

Research paper thumbnail of Primeros datos de hidrotermalismo cretácico en el margen oriental de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica

Geogaceta, 2018

espanolEn el margen oriental de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantabrica afloran fisuras rellenas de sedimento ... more espanolEn el margen oriental de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantabrica afloran fisuras rellenas de sedimento encajadas en calizas rojas Albiense-Cenomaniense, en las inmediaciones del monte Txoritokieta (Errenteria, Gipuzkoa). El objetivo de este estudio ha sido estudiar las fracturas y sus rellenos desde el punto de vista sedimentologico, petrologico y tectosedimentario, para establecer la secuencia evolutiva de la formacion de las fisuras rellenas. Asi, se ha inferido el origen tectonico de las fracturas, ligado al plegamiento sinsedimentario de la propia formacion que engloba las calizas encajantes. Asimismo, los rellenos de las fracturas, que se encuentran mineralizados en su gran mayoria, sugieren que su formacion (fracturacion) se localizo cerca de la superficie de sedimentacion y la circulacion de fluidos mineralizantes ocurrio en momentos proximos al deposito de los rellenos.. EnglishIn the Eastern margin of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, fissures filled with sediments crop out in a red Albian-Cenomanian limestone, near the Txoritokieta mount (Errenteria, Gipuzkoa). In this work we study the sedimentology, petrology and tectosedimentary character of fissures and their fills, in order to establish the evolutive sequence of the formation of fractures and the infill of them. It has been inferred the tectonic origin of the fissures, linked to the synsedimentary folding of the host limestone. Moreover, most of the studied sedimentary fissure fills are mineralized, suggesting that fracturing and fluid flow occurred during the deposition of the fissure fills.

Research paper thumbnail of Resistencia a la alteración diagenética de conchas de Chondrodonta sp en las calizas rojas del Aptiense - Albiense inferior de Ereño (Bizkaia) Resistance to diagenetic alteration in Chondrodonta sp shells from the Aptian - Lower Albian red limestones of Ereño (Bizkaia)

Chondrodonta sp. shells from Aptian-Lower Albian red limestones of Ereño (Bizkaia, northern Spain... more Chondrodonta sp. shells from Aptian-Lower Albian red limestones of Ereño (Bizkaia, northern Spain) have proved to be excellent indicators of a high resistance to the entrance of diagenetic fluids and further diagenetic alteration. Chondrodonta sp. shells, when compared to their coeval rudist shells, show higher Sr +2 and Na + contents, together with very dull or even null luminescence. For this reason they could be very appropriate for further C, O an Sr isotopic studies as a tool for reconstruction of palaeotemperatures and palaeoenvironmental conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Las calizas rojas de Ereño: facies, paleoambiente, mineralización y diagénesis. Patrimonio geo-histórico de Bizkaia

Las calizas rojas de Ereno (?Rojo Ereno?) (Bizkaia) han sido explotadas desde la ocupacion romana... more Las calizas rojas de Ereno (?Rojo Ereno?) (Bizkaia) han sido explotadas desde la ocupacion romana como roca ornamental y forman parte del Patrimonio Geologico ? Historico de Bizkaia. Se disponen como una franja a favor de la estratificacion dentro de un paquete de calizas urgonianas (?Unidad de Calizas de Santimamine?) de plataforma somera con un abundante contenido fosil, en el que destacan los rudistas englobados en una matriz micritica de color rojo por los oxidos de hierro de origen hidrotermal que la impregnan. El caracter multidisciplinar de este trabajo incluye un estudio de la cartografia, la estratigrafia y la sedimentologia, junto con una detallada descripcion petrologica, un analisis mineralogico, de roca total y de minerales de la arcilla y un estudio paleoambiental. La importancia de los rudistas y de Chondrodonta sp., ha desembocado en la realizacion de un estudio preciso de las microestructuras que forman sus respectivas conchas, asi como diferentes analisis geoquimicos, tanto de elementos mayores y traza como isotopicos, con el fin de evaluar el grado de alteracion diagenetica de estas. Los oxidos de hierro de la matriz de la roca han permitido la realizacion de estudios paleomagneticos para poder establecer su origen y tiempo de emplazamiento. Con todos estos datos se ha podido realizar ademas una reconstruccion de la historia diagenetica sufrida por las calizas desde el Aptiense superior. El trabajo se complementa con un enfoque divulgativo mediante la realizacion de una propuesta de conservacion de Patrimonio Geologico destacando los rasgos mas importantes de la Cantera de Atxarraga (Patrimonio Historico y Punto de Interes Geologico de Bizkaia).

Research paper thumbnail of Why Did Red Ereño Limestone Go Red? Linking Scientific Knowledge and Geoheritage Story-Telling (Basque Country, Spain)


Red Ereño is a red-stained ornamental and construction limestone with characteristic white fossil... more Red Ereño is a red-stained ornamental and construction limestone with characteristic white fossil shells. Although exploited since Roman times, marketed worldwide and that the rock itself and its outcrop areas have been included in geological heritage inventories, the origin of its characteristic reddish colour remained unresolved. The aim of this work is to deepen the scientific knowledge of Red Ereño as a basis for understanding the characteristics of this stone and to make this information available for geoconservation actions. The mineralogical and petrological study, mainly based on optical and electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and rock magnetism and paleomagnetic techniques, concluded that the red-staining mineral is pigmentary hematite. Moreover, the analysis stated that hematite precipitated after sedimentation but prior to burial diagenesis and before alpine inversion. Based on palaeomagnetic studies, it can be stated that mineralisation occurred during the Late Creta...

Research paper thumbnail of El valor de la roca local como material de identidad urbana en monumentos

Palabras preliminares, Jan 15, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Methodology for assessing the vulnerability of built cultural heritage

Science of The Total Environment

Research paper thumbnail of Registro endokárstico de la Cueva Praileaitz I

Geotemas ( Madrid ), 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Clasificación de los rasgos de alteración presentes en los materiales de construcción de las Galerías de Punta Begoña (Getxo, Bizkaia)

espanolEl estudio de las alteraciones presentes en las Galerias de Punta Begona (Getxo) lleva imp... more espanolEl estudio de las alteraciones presentes en las Galerias de Punta Begona (Getxo) lleva implicita la problematica de la terminologia a utilizar en cada uno de los aspectos a definir y el uso de vocablos adecuados. En este trabajo, se presenta una recopilacion de terminos de alteracion a los que se les ha adjudicado una denominacion alfanumerica que permite su uso de una forma rapida, concisa y especifica. Ademas se anade mediante simbologia el grado de afeccion de cada alteracion. La utilizacion de esta tabla en las alteraciones presentes en el edificio de Punta Begona permite su clasificacion precisa sin la generacion de dudas sobre el empleo de vocablos erroneos. EnglishThe terminology to be employed for the study of the alteration of the construction materials from Punta Begona Galleries (Getxo) is relevant in order to describe the different pathologies with appropriate words. In this paper we offer a compilation of alteration terms bearing an alphanumeric designation which...

Research paper thumbnail of Red Ereño and Cantera Gorria: Natural and Cultural Geoheritage (Basque Country, Spain)

<p>Construction and ornamental stones are important elements of cultural heritage and ident... more <p>Construction and ornamental stones are important elements of cultural heritage and identity and shape the urban landscape of the territories (Pereira & C&#225;rdenes Van den Eynde, 2019). These stones and their <strong>quarries</strong> are a part of <strong>geoheritage</strong> that is gaining interest in the tourism industry (Mateos <em>et al.</em>, 2011). <strong>Red Ere&#241;o</strong> is an urgonian limestone (Lower Cretaceous) with abundant rudist fossil shells, which white colours highlight on an intense red micritic matrix. This stone is exploited since Roman times in the north of the Iberian Peninsula (Basque Country, Spain). This lithology is found in many buildings, both heritage and common. Its uniqueness has contributed to its expansion worldwide and, it can be found in such emblematic places as the Colon Theatre in Buenos Aires (Argentina) or St Peter&#180;s basilica in the Vatican (Italy) (Damas Moll&#225; <em>et al</em>., 2021).</p><p>The main quarry related to Red Ere&#241;o is called <strong><em>Cantera Gorria </em></strong>(meaning Red Quarry) and is located inside the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve (x: 529,659.29 m; y: 4,800,839.60 m; z: 15 m). It is included in the Geosites Inventory of the Basque Country (LIG n&#186; 15), and is part of the historical heritage of the Biscay province. The last concessionaire of the quarry was <em>Marmoler&#237;a Bilba&#237;na </em>and it ceased its activity in 1968. At present the quarry is abandoned.&#160; Nevertheless, on its exploitation fronts outstanding <strong>geologic features</strong> are recognised: <strong>stratigraphic</strong> (bioconstructions, facies changes), <strong>petrologic</strong> (diagenesis, mineralisations), <strong>tectonic</strong> (succession verticality, faults) or <strong>geomorphologic</strong> (karst). All of them make <em>Cantera Gorria</em> a point of reference for both <strong>research</strong> and <strong>teaching</strong> activities. Additionally, it is important to underline the richness related to the <strong>mining heritage</strong> itself. Numerous buildings from the mining activity are still preserved. Also noteworthy are the signs engraved on the rock showing the progress of exploitation in various stages, from manual to the use of helical steel wire.</p><p>In the case of Red Ere&#241;o and <em>Cantera Gorria </em>the <strong>symbiosis</strong> between <strong>geoheritage </strong>and <strong>cultural heritage</strong> is significant. This symbiosis, together with all the above mentioned characteristics of the quarry makes <em>Cantera Gorria</em> an interesting space for <strong>dissemination</strong> of geoheritage as well as for <strong>tourism</strong> (Damas Moll&#225;, 2011).</p><p><strong>References</strong></p><ul><li>Damas Moll&#225;, L. (2011): Las Calizas rojas de Ere&#241;o: facies, paleoambiente, mineralizaci&#243;n y diag&#233;nesis. Patrimonio geol&#243;gico-hist&#243;rico de Bizkaia. PhD Thesis, University of the Basque Country.</li> <li>Damas Moll&#225; L., Uriarte J.A., Zabaleta A., Aranburu A., Garc&#237;a Garmilla F., Sagarna M, Bodego A., Clemente J.A., Morales T. & Antig&#252;edad I. (2021). Red Ere&#241;o: an ornamental and construction limestone of international significance from Basque Country (northern Spain). Geoheritage 13:2.</li&gt; <li>Mateos R.M, Dur&#225;n, J.R & Robledo P.A. (2011). Mar&#232;s Quarries on the Majorcan Coast (Spain) as Geological Heritage Sites. Geoheritage 3: 41-54.</li&gt; <li>Pereira D. & C&#225;rdenes Van den Eynde V. (2019). Heritage Stones and Geoheritage. Geoheritage 11: 1-2.</li&gt; </ul>

Research paper thumbnail of Rocas ornamentales del País Vasco y Navarra (II):: el ‘Gris Deba/Rosa Duquesa’ y el ‘Gris/Rojo Baztán’

En esta segunda entrega sobre las rocas ornamentales del Pais Vasco y Navarra nos centraremos en ... more En esta segunda entrega sobre las rocas ornamentales del Pais Vasco y Navarra nos centraremos en dos litotipos cuyas respectivas variedades han tenido una amplia proyeccion en cuanto a explotacion y uso, no solamente dentro de las comunidades donde se situan sus zonas de extraccion, sino tambien en muchos otros lugares de Espana y del extranjero. Tanto en el “Gris Deba/Rosa Duquesa” explotado en la cantera de Lastur (Gipuzkoa) como en el “Gris/Rojo Baztan” que se extrae en Urdax (Navarra) existe una dualidad cromatica de gran interes geologico y comercial.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of instabilities in the Basque Coast Geopark coastal cliffs for its environmentally friendly management (Basque-Cantabrian basin, northern Spain)

Engineering Geology, 2021

Abstract Coastal cliffs provide a high landscape value to many natural sites around the world. Th... more Abstract Coastal cliffs provide a high landscape value to many natural sites around the world. This means that an ever-increasing number of people are attracted to them. At this point, there is a growing need to manage these spaces from the safety of visitors, but with a view to preserving the environment. With this aim, this paper presents an approach to analyze and manage instabilities in these environments, particularly those subjected to significant anthropic activity, which has been implemented in the cliffs of the Basque Coast Geopark. The starting point is a detailed topographic information, obtained from UAV flights, and the identification on site of unstable elements, including their typology, active source areas, dynamics and reach. From this information, the simulation of rockfall processes, which basically correspond to toppling and infinite slope instabilities favored by differential erosion along the coastline, is approached in two and three dimensions. Results allow the design of precise actions by sectors, according to the energy, height and reach of the detached blocks, including barriers, middle slope actions, ditches and information strategies, depending on the different uses of the sectors. Therefore, this approach leads to a more detailed and environmentally friendly management of these environments.

Research paper thumbnail of Red Ereño: an Ornamental and Construction Limestone of International Significance from the Basque Country (northern Spain)

Geoheritage, 2021

The studies on the effect of polymer-polymer interactions of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) [PEG] with Met... more The studies on the effect of polymer-polymer interactions of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) [PEG] with Methyl Methacrylate and 2-Ethoxy Ethylmethacrylate(MMA/2-EOEMA) copolymer blends showed miscibility, compatibility and specific interaction due to hydrogen bond formation between hydroxyl group from PEG and ether, ester carbonyl oxygen atom from 2-EOEMA and MMA. The studies were carried out at various blend compositions with chloroform as common solvent using viscometric, FT-IR and DSC thermal analysis methods. From viscosity data based on sign convention involved in the criterion, the values of μ and α for PEG with MMA/2-EOEMA copolymer blends system was computed and found to be partially positive indicating it is partially miscible and compatible for all blends composition. The compatibility and miscibility of the blends were also supported by density measurement. The properties of specific and hydrogen bonding interactions of PEG with MMA/2-EOEMA copolymer blends are studied by spectroscopic techniques such as FT-IR and the obtained results were further confirmed by DSC thermal analysis. Spectral features from above all techniques revealed that site-specific interactions are present, consistent with a significant degree of mixing of the blend components which probes mixing on a macroscopic level, which in turn imparts the miscibility to these blends.

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the pioneering techniques in reinforced concrete: the case of Punta Begoña Galleries, Getxo, Spain

Building Research & Information, 2019

This paper presents a methodological approach for the study of the early historical buildings con... more This paper presents a methodological approach for the study of the early historical buildings constructed in reinforced concrete at the beginning of the 20th century. These buildings were conceived following different patents that, already in origin, made them unique and diverse. Also, the structures had to be adapted to their constructive context. Nowadays, aiming to evaluate and recuperate these buildings is necessary to develop a sequence of systematic study, which combines a historical review of the construction, its architectural characterization, its geometrical definition and its geological context. In this transdisciplinary approach, the geophysical studies based on ground-penetrating radar, as a non-destructive technique, facilitate the recognition of building structural details. The proposed working-approach attends to understand the construction (WHAT?) from its first designs to its final execution, including the characterization of current alterations. This requires the symbiosis of different disciplines (HOW?) that will be the basis for new projects aimed at the re-functionalization of buildings (WHAT FOR?), respecting their original values. The application of the methodology in Punta Begoña Galleries (Getxo, Basque Country, Spain) allows validating this approach, which can be extrapolated to other contemporary constructions.

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of complex groundwater flows in the environment of singular buildings by combining hydrogeological and non‐destructive geophysical (ground‐penetrating radar) techniques: Punta Begoña Galleries (Getxo, Spain)

Hydrological Processes, 2019

Locating and quantifying groundwater flow in many built‐up areas are a priority with regard to it... more Locating and quantifying groundwater flow in many built‐up areas are a priority with regard to its complete restoration. In this work, a hydrogeological survey of the surroundings of the Punta Begoña Galleries (Getxo, Bizkaia), built on a coastal cliff, was completed by using ground penetrating radar (GPR) testing. Thus, the preliminary characterization of soils and rocks in accessible areas of the cliff was first improved by hydrogeological information gathered from a single survey borehole, including permeability measurements by low pressure injection tests (LPTs) and continuous water level monitoring. As a complementary method, the non‐destructive GPR technique was performed during both dry and wet hydrological periods and in tandem with the injection tests, providing more complete spatial and temporal images of water flows. Specifically, GPR allows mapping of flow paths in soils and assessing the continuity of fractures in rock masses. Altogether, this complementary approach pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Systematic alteration survey and stone provenance for restoring heritage buildings: Punta Begoña Galleries (Basque-Country, Spain)

Engineering Geology, 2018

Punta Begoña Galleries (Getxo, Spain) are a fine example of early twentieth century architectural... more Punta Begoña Galleries (Getxo, Spain) are a fine example of early twentieth century architectural heritage. Built during the early years of reinforced concrete usage, they were decorated inside with ornamental stones to project an image of exclusivity and luxury. After years of neglect, it is essential to characterise construction materials, including the determination of their origin, current state of conservation and restoration options, before undertaking a recovery project respectful with the original edifice. With this aim, a detailed study was made of the current state of conservation of the lithologies that decorate the salon of the building using an alphanumerical matrix of alterations to define the type of existing disturbances and assess their intensity. Complementarily, a petrological, isotopic and mineralogical study of these materials was made in order to determine their provenance. They include Carrara marbles and a local limestone (Red Ereño) which was internationally renowned, in particular being used in buildings such as St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. In this paper a first complete description of this stone has been made. By combining the two sources of information, guidance on the most appropriate restoration options in each case is given. The option of polishing materials includes a specific study of the degree of wear. By means of which it is verified that small wear (<350μm) is sufficient to produce high gloss values (100GU).

Research paper thumbnail of Resistencia a la alteración diagenética de conchas de Chondrodonta sp en las calizas rojas del Aptiense-Albiense inferior de Ereño (Bizkaia)

Chondrodonta sp. shells from Aptian-Lower Albian red limestones of Ereño (Bizkaia, northern Spain... more Chondrodonta sp. shells from Aptian-Lower Albian red limestones of Ereño (Bizkaia, northern Spain) have proved to be excellent indicators of a high resistance to the entrance of diagenetic fluids and further diagenetic alteration. Chondrodonta sp. shells, when compared to their coeval rudist shells, show higher Sr +2 and Na + contents, together with very dull or even null luminescence. For this reason they could be very appropriate for further C, O an Sr isotopic studies as a tool for reconstruction of palaeotemperatures and palaeoenvironmental conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Geología y Patrimonio Cultural Construido: enfoque transdisciplinar en las Galerías Punta Begoña (Getxo, Bizkaia)

espanolEn los proyectos de puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural construido la contribucion des... more espanolEn los proyectos de puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural construido la contribucion desde la Geologia ha de articularse mediante un procedimiento transdisciplinar, que integre los engranajes de las distintas disciplinas y especialidades de nuestra ciencia. Ello permitira una caracterizacion que evolucione desde el elemento construido al emplazamiento, integrando ambos en un entorno mas amplio que los contextualice y complete. El proyecto de puesta en valor de las Galerias Punta Begona (Getxo, Bizkaia) es un ejemplo de este enfoque transdisciplinar en el campo de la Geologia. La filosofia adoptada permite afrontar las tareas de conservacion/recuperacion con una vision mas global, que resulta mas rentable, optimizando los recursos y generando un mayor valor anadido cientifico, social y cultural. EnglishIn projects for valuing the built cultural heritage, the contribution from Geology must be implemented through a transdisciplinary procedure that integrates the gears of the dif...