Barbara Lausche - (original) (raw)
Papers by Barbara Lausche
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are widely used as place-based protective measures for restoring an... more Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are widely used as place-based protective measures for restoring and safeguarding marine biodiversity. When ecological connectivity is taken into account during design and management, the results can lead to more effective and resilient MPAs and MPA networks. This publication provides 13 ‘Rules of Thumb’ to support more consistent efforts by MPA managers and marine conservation professionals to implement connectivity conservation and better measure progress towards global conservation targets. These purpose-built tools are intended to inform more effective management and protection of oceans and coasts by covering a diversity of science and policy issues. They can also be used to progress system-based marine conservation as an essential component of national, transboundary, and global policies that establish greater connectivity across borders and at larger scales.
This chapter provides guidance on key elements in protected areas legislation important to suppor... more This chapter provides guidance on key elements in protected areas legislation important to support the special features and needs of marine protected areas (MPAs). It builds on Chapter 1 of this Part and should be read together with those sections. This chapter should also be read with
The assessment is authored by Barbara J. Lausche, Deputy Director of MPI. Elisabeth Salinas and G... more The assessment is authored by Barbara J. Lausche, Deputy Director of MPI. Elisabeth Salinas and Genevieve Joy, MPI policy interns and seniors at New College and Columbia University, respectively, provided research assistance during the summer of 2008 on the Florida"s regulatory framework and sea level rise adaptation policy initiatives in other states and localities across the nation. The author especially would like to thank Elisabeth and Genevieve for their contributions which provided important background documentation and analyses. Dr. Ernest Estevez, Director of Mote"s Center for Coastal Ecology, provided constructive reviews, references for additional information sources, and editorial suggestions particularly on the science portion of the assessment. The author also would like to thank staff of Sarasota County who graciously took time to speak about the research, provide information on their programs, and fact-check descriptive information on various county initiatives. Separate synopsis report This MPI assessment looks specifically at the question: what policy tools and opportunities currently exist for local governments of Florida to begin to act now to build adaptation strategies for climate-associated sea level rise. It is accompanied by a much-shorter, separate synopsis report which condenses main issues and observations from the full report and is published in hard copy. That synopsis follows the general organization of this full assessment report. It abstracts the assessment in four sections: 1) some basics about climate change science and sea level rise, 2) highlights from assessment of the five policy tools noted above, 3) key principles of adaptation from emerging experience, and 4) leadership opportunities going forward. The synopsis is available in electronic form at ____, or in hard copy by contacting _______.
to prepare new guidelines for protected areas legislation updating and expanding the original gui... more to prepare new guidelines for protected areas legislation updating and expanding the original guidelines of 1980
Ces lignes directrices ont pour but de mettre a jour et detendre les lignes directrices publiees... more Ces lignes directrices ont pour but de mettre a jour et detendre les lignes directrices publiees en 1980 et de refleter les evolutions et les nouveaux enjeux intervenus depuis. Ces evolutions comprennent notamment des avancees importantes du droit international de lenvironnement, ainsi quune meilleure connaissance scientifique du role des aires protegees en matiere de conservation de la nature, ce qui comprend la conservation de la biodiversite, le maintien des fonctions des ecosystemes et la contribution au developpement durable. A linstar de la premiere version de 1980, ces nouvelles lignes directrices pour la legislation relative aux aires protegees sadressent en tout premier lieu aux redacteurs des lois travaillant en etroite collaboration avec les autorites des aires protegees, ainsi qua dautres acteurs du processus legislatif. Elles representeront aussi une ressource importante pour les organismes charges de surveiller et de mettre en oeuvre les politiques et les progra...
The transdisciplinary (TD) approach is a key tool for knowledge translation and circulation among... more The transdisciplinary (TD) approach is a key tool for knowledge translation and circulation among various communities of knowledge, including scientists from different disciplines and non-academic stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, participating collaboratively to address local social-ecological challenges. This chapter analyzes the transdisciplinary approach used by Mote Marine Laboratory, a Florida residential research institute, to achieve collaboration among scientists and local stakeholders for restoring fisheries’ resources and a local environmental icon, the bay scallop. These activities generated knowledge production and integration among stakeholders with different values, interests, and knowledge contributions. The mechanisms of knowledge-based collaboration among diverse stakeholders are discussed along with key strategies used to promote effective interactions and mutual learning among all knowledge holders, from traditional to formal science practitioners.
The purpose of these guidelines is to update and expand the original guidelines on protected area... more The purpose of these guidelines is to update and expand the original guidelines on protected areas legislation published in 1980 and to reflect new developments and emerging issues. These developments include significant advances in international environmental law, and an improved scientific understanding of the role of protected areas in nature conservation, including conserving biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem functions and supporting sustainable development. The CD-ROM includes the full English text of these guidelines as well as case studies and matrices, material not included in the print version of the publication.
IAN PULSFORD est consultant indépendant et membre du thème sur la connectivité, la conservation e... more IAN PULSFORD est consultant indépendant et membre du thème sur la connectivité, la conservation et les montagnes de la Commission mondiale des aires protégées (CMAP) de l'Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature (UICN), Australie. DAVID LINDENMAYER est professeur d'écologie et lauréat du Conseil de recherche australien à la Fenner School of Environment and Society de l'Université nationale australienne, membre de l'Académie australienne des sciences et de l'Académie des sciences de New York, Australie.
The purpose of these guidelines is to update and expand the original guidelines on protected area... more The purpose of these guidelines is to update and expand the original guidelines on protected areas legislation published in 1980 and to reflect new developments and emerging issues. These developments include significant advances in international environmental law, and an improved scientific understanding of the role of protected areas in nature conservation, including conserving biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem functions and supporting sustainable development. The CD-ROM includes the full English text of these guidelines as well as case studies and matrices, material not included in the print version of the publication.
This book is the very first attempt to describe the development of environmental law. In particul... more This book is the very first attempt to describe the development of environmental law. In particular, those developments under the auspices of the Environmental Law Programme of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, and within the network of the International Council of Environmental Law and all concerned national and international agencies and organizations.
Энэхүү "Тусгай хамгаалалттай газар нутгийн (ТХГН) шилдэг туршлагын удирдамж" нь IUCN-ийн ТХГН-ууд... more Энэхүү "Тусгай хамгаалалттай газар нутгийн (ТХГН) шилдэг туршлагын удирдамж" нь IUCN-ийн ТХГН-уудын Олон улсын комисс (WCPA)-оос ТХГН-уудын байгаль хамгаалагчдад зориулан гаргасан олон улсын эх сурвалж бүхий чухал баримт бичиг юм. Практик үйл ажиллагааг сайжруулахын төлөө мэргэшсэн мэргэжилтнүүдийн хамтран боловсруулсан энэхүү удирдамжид IUCN-ийн бүхий л оролцогч талуудаас ирүүлсэн санал, зөвлөмжүүдийг тусгасан болно. Тус гарын авлагыг ТХГН-ийн үйл ажиллагааг сайжруулах, бодит байдал дээр тулгарч байгаа тулгамдаж буй маш олон асуудлуудыг шийдвэрлэх, үр дүнтэй шийдлийг бий болгоход дэмжлэг үзүүлэх зорилгоор бүтээв. Мөн түүнчлэн төрийн болон төрийн бус байгууллагууд (ТББ), ТХГН-ийн хамгаалалтын захиргаад, нөхөрлөлүүд, нутгийн иргэд, хувийн хэвшлийнхэн болон түншүүдэд зорилго, зорилтуудаа үр дүнтэй биелүүлэх, нэн чухал нь Биологийн олон янз байдлын конвенцид тусгагдсан ТХГН-ийн талаарх заалтуудыг хэрэгжүүлэхэд туслах болно. Бүрэн хэмжээний гарын авлагыг дараах хаягаас авна уу: Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг дараах хаягаас авна уу: Эх дэлхийгээ хамгаалах чадавхийг хөгжүүлэхэд хувь нэмрээ оруулахыг хүсвэл дараах хаягаар хандана уу: IUCN-ийн тодорхойлолтууд болон ангиллын тухай дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг дараах (2008) ТХГН-ийн менежментийн ангилал тогтоох удирдамж-с болон хаягаас татаж авах боломжтой. Засаглалын хэлбэрүүдийн талаарх илүү дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг Боррини-Фэерабэнд., (2013). ТХГН-ийн Засаглал: түүний үйл ажиллагааны тухай ойлголт, хэрэгжилт гэсэн бүтээл болон дараах хаягаар татаж авах боломжтой: Энэхүү номонд тодорхой газарзүйн байршил бүхий байгууллага, мэдээллүүдийг оноож, танилцуулсан нь IUCN болон бусад байгууллагууд, холбогдох улс орнуудын хууль эрх зүй, газар, нутаг, засаг захиргаа тэдгээрийн хил хязгаартай холбоотой байр суурийг ямар нэг байдлаар илэрхийлээгүй болно. Энэхүү бүтээлд илэрхийлсэн үзэл санаа нь IUCN болон бусад хамтрагч байгууллагуудын үзэл бодлыг тусгаагүй болно. IUCN нь голлох санхүүжилтийг хамтрагч байгууллагуудаасаа хүлээн авахдаа таатай байна. Үүнд: Финлянд улсын Гадаад хэргийн яам, Франц улсын Засгийн газар болон Хөгжлийн агентлаг (AFD), БНСУ-ын Байгаль орчны яам, Норвеги улсын Хөгжлийн хамтын ажиллагааны агентлаг (Норад), Шведь улсын Олон улсын хөгжлийн хамтын ажиллагааны агентлаг (Сида), Швейцар улсын Хөгжлийн Агентлаг (SDC) болон АНУ-ын Төрийн Департамент. Тус бүтээлд IUCN-ийн тусгай хамгаалалттай газар нутгийн тодорхойлолт, менежментийн ангилал, засаглалын хэлбэрүүд зэрэг дурдагдсан болно. Энэхүү бүтээлийг Томоохон Ландшафтыг Хамгаалах Төвийн Олон улсын холболтын хөтөлбөрийг дэмжиж Леонардо Ди Каприо сан (одоо Даян Дэлхийн Зэрлэг Амьтдыг Хамгаалах чиглэлээр ажилладаг), Нью-Йоркийн олон нийтийн итгэлцэл, Олон Улсын Амьтдыг Хамгаалах Сангийн санхүүжилтээр хэвлүүлсэн болно. Түүнчлэн Гордон, Бетти Мур сангаас Айчи дахь зорилтот ажлын хэсгийн ард Тусгай Хамгаалалттай Газар Нутгийн IUCN Дэлхийн Комиссыг ивээн тэтгэж, Йеллоустоун Байгалийн Цогцолборт Юконд Байгаль Хамгаалах Санаачилгад олгох буцалтгүй тусламжаас тус тус энэхүү ажилд дэмжлэг үзүүлж ажилласан. Мөн Томоохон ландшафтыг Хамгаалах төв болон Йеллоустоун Байгалийн Цогцолборт газрын хамт олон Юконыг Хамгаалах Санаачилгад нэмэлтээр дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн байна. IUCN болон бусад оролцогч байгууллагууд энэхүү баримт бичгийн анхны хувилбар болох англи хэлнээс монгол хэл рүү хөрвүүлэхэд гарсан алдаа, дутагдлын төлөө хариуцлага хүлээхгүй. Хэрэв зөрүү гарсан тохиолдолд анхны хувилбарыг үзнэ үү. Анхны хэвлэлийн нэр: Guidelines for conserving connectivity through ecological networks and corridors (2020). Нийтэлсэн: IUCN.
El proposito de las presentes directrices es actualizar las directrices originales publicadas en ... more El proposito de las presentes directrices es actualizar las directrices originales publicadas en 1980, teniendo en cuenta la evolucion que ha tenido lugar desde entonces y las problematicas emergentes. La evolucion incluye avances importantes en materia de derecho ambiental internacional y un mejor conocimiento cientifico del papel que desempenan las areas protegidas en la conservacion medioambiental, (incluyendo acciones encaminadas a conservar la biodiversidad, mantener las funciones de los ecosistemas y apoyar el desarrollo sostenible). Al igual que las directrices originales (1980), las presentes se destinan principalmente a los redactors juridicos, que trabajaran en estrecha colaboracion con autoridades de areas protegidas, y a otras personas involucradas en el proceso juridico. Estas directrices tambien proveeran un valioso recurso para aquellos que trabajan en los organismos que supervisan e implementan otras politicas y programas que afectan o son a su vez afectados por la l...
En ecosistemas terrestres, dulceacuicolas y marinos, los corredores ecologicos son una designacio... more En ecosistemas terrestres, dulceacuicolas y marinos, los corredores ecologicos son una designacion de conservacion necesaria para asegurar la salud de los ecosistemas. Los corredores son elementos fundamentales de las redes ecologicas para la conservacion y complementan los objetivos de las areas protegidas y OMEC al conectar estos habitats con otras areas naturales intactas. Estos lineamientos responden a la creciente demanda por la conectividad que han manifestado academicos, tomadores de decisiones y profesionales de la conservacion. Los ecosistemas bien conectados apoyan una serie de funciones ecologicas, incluyendo la migracion, ciclos de agua y de nutrientes, polinizacion, dispersion de semillas, seguridad alimentaria, resiliencia frente al clima y resistencia a enfermedades. Estos lineamientos ofrecen orientacion sobre como conservar los valores de la conectividad en diferentes contextos de la conservacion de forma consistente y medible. Los 25 estudios de caso de estos linea...
Gobernanza y gestión de áreas protegidas, 2019
Queremos agradecer las enormes contribuciones durante las últimas décadas que han hecho un gran n... more Queremos agradecer las enormes contribuciones durante las últimas décadas que han hecho un gran número de propietarios de tierras, grupos comunitarios (incluidos grupos indígenas), agencias gubernamentales, gobiernos locales, empresas e investigadores en la restauración de conexiones del paisaje y en el trabajo para lograr una mejor conservación de la biodiversidad y una gestión más sostenible de la tierra. También agradecemos la asesoría de los editores y pares revisores independientes.
Parks Stewardship Forum, 2021
The incorporation of ecological connectivity, the unimpeded movement of species and the flow of n... more The incorporation of ecological connectivity, the unimpeded movement of species and the flow of natural processes that sustain life on Earth, into protected area design and management is critical to achieving conservation outcomes. However, the understanding and implementation of ecological connectivity in marine protected areas (MPAs) lags behind that of their terrestrial counterparts. Here, we highlight the important role of ecological connectivity in the design and management of MPA networks through an introduction to marine connectivity and the challenges and benefits of incorporating it into management. The paper also provides guidance for policy and practice, including "rules of thumb" Through NAMPAN (the North American Marine Protected Areas Network), Canada, Mexico, and the United States work together to protect shared resources such as highly-migratory whales. ED LYMAN / NOAA PERMIT #14682
La connectivité écologique est le mouvement sans entrave des espèces et le flux des processus nat... more La connectivité écologique est le mouvement sans entrave des espèces et le flux des processus naturels qui soutiennent la vie sur Terre. Il est impérieux que les pays du monde entier s’orientent vers une approche globale et cohérente de la conservation de la connectivité écologique, et qu’ils entreprennent de mesurer et de contrôler l’efficacité des efforts déployés en ce sens pour ainsi établir des réseaux écologiques fonctionnels. Pour favoriser l’atteinte de ces objectifs, les présentes lignes directrices présentent les corridors écologiques comme des moyens de recenser, de préserver, d’améliorer et de restaurer la connectivité; synthétisant un volume important de données scientifiques connexes; et formulent des recommandations concernant les moyens d’officialiser les corridors et les réseaux écologiques.
IUCN is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. ... more IUCN is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. It provides public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development and nature conservation to take place together. Created in 1948, IUCN is now the world's largest and most diverse environmental network, harnessing the knowledge, resources and reach of more than 1,400 Member organisations and some 15,000 experts. It is a leading provider of conservation data, assessments and analysis. Its broad membership enables IUCN to fill the role of incubator and trusted repository of best practices, tools and international standards. IUCN provides a neutral space in which diverse stakeholders including governments, NGOs, scientists, businesses, local communities, indigenous peoples organisations and others can work together to forge and implement solutions to environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development. Working with many partners and supporters, IUCN implements a large and diverse portfolio of conservation projects worldwide. Combining the latest science with the traditional knowledge of local communities, these projects work to reverse habitat loss, restore ecosystems and improve people's well-being. IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) is the world's premier network of protected area expertise. It is administered by IUCN Programme on Protected Areas and has more than 2,500 members, spanning 140 countries. WCPA is one of IUCN's six voluntary Commissions and its mission is to promote the establishment and effective management of a worldwide representative network of terrestrial and marine protected areas, as an integral contribution to the IUCN mission. WCPA works by helping governments and others plan protected areas and integrate them into all sectors, providing strategic advice to policy makers and practitioners to help strengthen capacity and investment in protected areas, and convening the diverse constituency of protected area stakeholders to address challenging issues. For more than 60 years, IUCN and WCPA have been at the forefront of global action on protected areas. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Opened for signature at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and entered into force in December 1993, the Convention on Biological Diversity is an international treaty for the conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of the components of biodiversity and the equitable sharing of the benefits derived from the use of genetic resources. With 196 Parties so far, the Convention has near universal participation among countries. WCPA Connectivity Conservation Specialist Group (CCSG) CCSG was established in 2016 under the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) to support information sharing, active participation, global awareness, and action to maintain, enhance, and restore ecological connectivity conservation around the world. Its objective is to advance the science, policy, and practice at international, national, and subnational levels to meet the growing demand for solutions that advance the identification, recognition, and implementation of consistent connectivity conservation measures. Center for Large Landscape Conservation (CLLC) CLLC develops solutions, implements projects and contributes to global efforts that connect and protect crucial habitat across terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems. It provides expertise through four key focus areas: science and research, mentorship and networking, community resilience and policy. By bringing knowledge and experience to bear on connectivity conservation issues worldwide, the Center works with communities, governments and other stakeholders to stop fragmentation and safeguard the legacy of protected and conserved areas by making them part of larger ecological networks for conservation. Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) Y2Y connects and protects habitat in North America spanning the Yellowstone to Yukon ecosystems so people and nature can thrive. It highlights and focuses on local issues that have implications for the region as a whole, and works to set the context for regional conservation work by providing the vision for a healthy Yellowstone to Yukon. Working across an area covering over 3,200 square kilometres, Y2Y engages partners across jurisdictions to knit together an interconnected system of wild lands and waters that harmonizes the needs of people and nature.
Environmental Modelling & Software, 2018
This paper provides empirical and experimental assessments of thematic knowledge discourses based... more This paper provides empirical and experimental assessments of thematic knowledge discourses based on two case studies in the US Virgin Islands and Florida. We utilize a latent semantic indexing analysis over natural language corpus to classify and categorize knowledge categories. We computed TF*IDF scores and associated cooccurrence Jaccard similarity scores to construct semantic knowledge networks. Using network analysis, we computed structural metrics over four composite groups: neighbor-based, centrality, equivalence and position. The analysis show that structural network characteristics of environmental knowledge can exponentially predict associations between knowledge categories. We show that connectivity play a critical role on acquisition, representation, and diffusion patterns of knowledge within local communities. We provide evidence of a global prevalence of a shared knowledge core. We show that core social-ecological attributes of knowledge follow scalefree, power law distributions and stable, equilibrium network structures. We identify two distinct models of bidirectional translation: a bottom-up and a top-down.
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are widely used as place-based protective measures for restoring an... more Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are widely used as place-based protective measures for restoring and safeguarding marine biodiversity. When ecological connectivity is taken into account during design and management, the results can lead to more effective and resilient MPAs and MPA networks. This publication provides 13 ‘Rules of Thumb’ to support more consistent efforts by MPA managers and marine conservation professionals to implement connectivity conservation and better measure progress towards global conservation targets. These purpose-built tools are intended to inform more effective management and protection of oceans and coasts by covering a diversity of science and policy issues. They can also be used to progress system-based marine conservation as an essential component of national, transboundary, and global policies that establish greater connectivity across borders and at larger scales.
This chapter provides guidance on key elements in protected areas legislation important to suppor... more This chapter provides guidance on key elements in protected areas legislation important to support the special features and needs of marine protected areas (MPAs). It builds on Chapter 1 of this Part and should be read together with those sections. This chapter should also be read with
The assessment is authored by Barbara J. Lausche, Deputy Director of MPI. Elisabeth Salinas and G... more The assessment is authored by Barbara J. Lausche, Deputy Director of MPI. Elisabeth Salinas and Genevieve Joy, MPI policy interns and seniors at New College and Columbia University, respectively, provided research assistance during the summer of 2008 on the Florida"s regulatory framework and sea level rise adaptation policy initiatives in other states and localities across the nation. The author especially would like to thank Elisabeth and Genevieve for their contributions which provided important background documentation and analyses. Dr. Ernest Estevez, Director of Mote"s Center for Coastal Ecology, provided constructive reviews, references for additional information sources, and editorial suggestions particularly on the science portion of the assessment. The author also would like to thank staff of Sarasota County who graciously took time to speak about the research, provide information on their programs, and fact-check descriptive information on various county initiatives. Separate synopsis report This MPI assessment looks specifically at the question: what policy tools and opportunities currently exist for local governments of Florida to begin to act now to build adaptation strategies for climate-associated sea level rise. It is accompanied by a much-shorter, separate synopsis report which condenses main issues and observations from the full report and is published in hard copy. That synopsis follows the general organization of this full assessment report. It abstracts the assessment in four sections: 1) some basics about climate change science and sea level rise, 2) highlights from assessment of the five policy tools noted above, 3) key principles of adaptation from emerging experience, and 4) leadership opportunities going forward. The synopsis is available in electronic form at ____, or in hard copy by contacting _______.
to prepare new guidelines for protected areas legislation updating and expanding the original gui... more to prepare new guidelines for protected areas legislation updating and expanding the original guidelines of 1980
Ces lignes directrices ont pour but de mettre a jour et detendre les lignes directrices publiees... more Ces lignes directrices ont pour but de mettre a jour et detendre les lignes directrices publiees en 1980 et de refleter les evolutions et les nouveaux enjeux intervenus depuis. Ces evolutions comprennent notamment des avancees importantes du droit international de lenvironnement, ainsi quune meilleure connaissance scientifique du role des aires protegees en matiere de conservation de la nature, ce qui comprend la conservation de la biodiversite, le maintien des fonctions des ecosystemes et la contribution au developpement durable. A linstar de la premiere version de 1980, ces nouvelles lignes directrices pour la legislation relative aux aires protegees sadressent en tout premier lieu aux redacteurs des lois travaillant en etroite collaboration avec les autorites des aires protegees, ainsi qua dautres acteurs du processus legislatif. Elles representeront aussi une ressource importante pour les organismes charges de surveiller et de mettre en oeuvre les politiques et les progra...
The transdisciplinary (TD) approach is a key tool for knowledge translation and circulation among... more The transdisciplinary (TD) approach is a key tool for knowledge translation and circulation among various communities of knowledge, including scientists from different disciplines and non-academic stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, participating collaboratively to address local social-ecological challenges. This chapter analyzes the transdisciplinary approach used by Mote Marine Laboratory, a Florida residential research institute, to achieve collaboration among scientists and local stakeholders for restoring fisheries’ resources and a local environmental icon, the bay scallop. These activities generated knowledge production and integration among stakeholders with different values, interests, and knowledge contributions. The mechanisms of knowledge-based collaboration among diverse stakeholders are discussed along with key strategies used to promote effective interactions and mutual learning among all knowledge holders, from traditional to formal science practitioners.
The purpose of these guidelines is to update and expand the original guidelines on protected area... more The purpose of these guidelines is to update and expand the original guidelines on protected areas legislation published in 1980 and to reflect new developments and emerging issues. These developments include significant advances in international environmental law, and an improved scientific understanding of the role of protected areas in nature conservation, including conserving biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem functions and supporting sustainable development. The CD-ROM includes the full English text of these guidelines as well as case studies and matrices, material not included in the print version of the publication.
IAN PULSFORD est consultant indépendant et membre du thème sur la connectivité, la conservation e... more IAN PULSFORD est consultant indépendant et membre du thème sur la connectivité, la conservation et les montagnes de la Commission mondiale des aires protégées (CMAP) de l'Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature (UICN), Australie. DAVID LINDENMAYER est professeur d'écologie et lauréat du Conseil de recherche australien à la Fenner School of Environment and Society de l'Université nationale australienne, membre de l'Académie australienne des sciences et de l'Académie des sciences de New York, Australie.
The purpose of these guidelines is to update and expand the original guidelines on protected area... more The purpose of these guidelines is to update and expand the original guidelines on protected areas legislation published in 1980 and to reflect new developments and emerging issues. These developments include significant advances in international environmental law, and an improved scientific understanding of the role of protected areas in nature conservation, including conserving biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem functions and supporting sustainable development. The CD-ROM includes the full English text of these guidelines as well as case studies and matrices, material not included in the print version of the publication.
This book is the very first attempt to describe the development of environmental law. In particul... more This book is the very first attempt to describe the development of environmental law. In particular, those developments under the auspices of the Environmental Law Programme of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, and within the network of the International Council of Environmental Law and all concerned national and international agencies and organizations.
Энэхүү "Тусгай хамгаалалттай газар нутгийн (ТХГН) шилдэг туршлагын удирдамж" нь IUCN-ийн ТХГН-ууд... more Энэхүү "Тусгай хамгаалалттай газар нутгийн (ТХГН) шилдэг туршлагын удирдамж" нь IUCN-ийн ТХГН-уудын Олон улсын комисс (WCPA)-оос ТХГН-уудын байгаль хамгаалагчдад зориулан гаргасан олон улсын эх сурвалж бүхий чухал баримт бичиг юм. Практик үйл ажиллагааг сайжруулахын төлөө мэргэшсэн мэргэжилтнүүдийн хамтран боловсруулсан энэхүү удирдамжид IUCN-ийн бүхий л оролцогч талуудаас ирүүлсэн санал, зөвлөмжүүдийг тусгасан болно. Тус гарын авлагыг ТХГН-ийн үйл ажиллагааг сайжруулах, бодит байдал дээр тулгарч байгаа тулгамдаж буй маш олон асуудлуудыг шийдвэрлэх, үр дүнтэй шийдлийг бий болгоход дэмжлэг үзүүлэх зорилгоор бүтээв. Мөн түүнчлэн төрийн болон төрийн бус байгууллагууд (ТББ), ТХГН-ийн хамгаалалтын захиргаад, нөхөрлөлүүд, нутгийн иргэд, хувийн хэвшлийнхэн болон түншүүдэд зорилго, зорилтуудаа үр дүнтэй биелүүлэх, нэн чухал нь Биологийн олон янз байдлын конвенцид тусгагдсан ТХГН-ийн талаарх заалтуудыг хэрэгжүүлэхэд туслах болно. Бүрэн хэмжээний гарын авлагыг дараах хаягаас авна уу: Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг дараах хаягаас авна уу: Эх дэлхийгээ хамгаалах чадавхийг хөгжүүлэхэд хувь нэмрээ оруулахыг хүсвэл дараах хаягаар хандана уу: IUCN-ийн тодорхойлолтууд болон ангиллын тухай дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг дараах (2008) ТХГН-ийн менежментийн ангилал тогтоох удирдамж-с болон хаягаас татаж авах боломжтой. Засаглалын хэлбэрүүдийн талаарх илүү дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг Боррини-Фэерабэнд., (2013). ТХГН-ийн Засаглал: түүний үйл ажиллагааны тухай ойлголт, хэрэгжилт гэсэн бүтээл болон дараах хаягаар татаж авах боломжтой: Энэхүү номонд тодорхой газарзүйн байршил бүхий байгууллага, мэдээллүүдийг оноож, танилцуулсан нь IUCN болон бусад байгууллагууд, холбогдох улс орнуудын хууль эрх зүй, газар, нутаг, засаг захиргаа тэдгээрийн хил хязгаартай холбоотой байр суурийг ямар нэг байдлаар илэрхийлээгүй болно. Энэхүү бүтээлд илэрхийлсэн үзэл санаа нь IUCN болон бусад хамтрагч байгууллагуудын үзэл бодлыг тусгаагүй болно. IUCN нь голлох санхүүжилтийг хамтрагч байгууллагуудаасаа хүлээн авахдаа таатай байна. Үүнд: Финлянд улсын Гадаад хэргийн яам, Франц улсын Засгийн газар болон Хөгжлийн агентлаг (AFD), БНСУ-ын Байгаль орчны яам, Норвеги улсын Хөгжлийн хамтын ажиллагааны агентлаг (Норад), Шведь улсын Олон улсын хөгжлийн хамтын ажиллагааны агентлаг (Сида), Швейцар улсын Хөгжлийн Агентлаг (SDC) болон АНУ-ын Төрийн Департамент. Тус бүтээлд IUCN-ийн тусгай хамгаалалттай газар нутгийн тодорхойлолт, менежментийн ангилал, засаглалын хэлбэрүүд зэрэг дурдагдсан болно. Энэхүү бүтээлийг Томоохон Ландшафтыг Хамгаалах Төвийн Олон улсын холболтын хөтөлбөрийг дэмжиж Леонардо Ди Каприо сан (одоо Даян Дэлхийн Зэрлэг Амьтдыг Хамгаалах чиглэлээр ажилладаг), Нью-Йоркийн олон нийтийн итгэлцэл, Олон Улсын Амьтдыг Хамгаалах Сангийн санхүүжилтээр хэвлүүлсэн болно. Түүнчлэн Гордон, Бетти Мур сангаас Айчи дахь зорилтот ажлын хэсгийн ард Тусгай Хамгаалалттай Газар Нутгийн IUCN Дэлхийн Комиссыг ивээн тэтгэж, Йеллоустоун Байгалийн Цогцолборт Юконд Байгаль Хамгаалах Санаачилгад олгох буцалтгүй тусламжаас тус тус энэхүү ажилд дэмжлэг үзүүлж ажилласан. Мөн Томоохон ландшафтыг Хамгаалах төв болон Йеллоустоун Байгалийн Цогцолборт газрын хамт олон Юконыг Хамгаалах Санаачилгад нэмэлтээр дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн байна. IUCN болон бусад оролцогч байгууллагууд энэхүү баримт бичгийн анхны хувилбар болох англи хэлнээс монгол хэл рүү хөрвүүлэхэд гарсан алдаа, дутагдлын төлөө хариуцлага хүлээхгүй. Хэрэв зөрүү гарсан тохиолдолд анхны хувилбарыг үзнэ үү. Анхны хэвлэлийн нэр: Guidelines for conserving connectivity through ecological networks and corridors (2020). Нийтэлсэн: IUCN.
El proposito de las presentes directrices es actualizar las directrices originales publicadas en ... more El proposito de las presentes directrices es actualizar las directrices originales publicadas en 1980, teniendo en cuenta la evolucion que ha tenido lugar desde entonces y las problematicas emergentes. La evolucion incluye avances importantes en materia de derecho ambiental internacional y un mejor conocimiento cientifico del papel que desempenan las areas protegidas en la conservacion medioambiental, (incluyendo acciones encaminadas a conservar la biodiversidad, mantener las funciones de los ecosistemas y apoyar el desarrollo sostenible). Al igual que las directrices originales (1980), las presentes se destinan principalmente a los redactors juridicos, que trabajaran en estrecha colaboracion con autoridades de areas protegidas, y a otras personas involucradas en el proceso juridico. Estas directrices tambien proveeran un valioso recurso para aquellos que trabajan en los organismos que supervisan e implementan otras politicas y programas que afectan o son a su vez afectados por la l...
En ecosistemas terrestres, dulceacuicolas y marinos, los corredores ecologicos son una designacio... more En ecosistemas terrestres, dulceacuicolas y marinos, los corredores ecologicos son una designacion de conservacion necesaria para asegurar la salud de los ecosistemas. Los corredores son elementos fundamentales de las redes ecologicas para la conservacion y complementan los objetivos de las areas protegidas y OMEC al conectar estos habitats con otras areas naturales intactas. Estos lineamientos responden a la creciente demanda por la conectividad que han manifestado academicos, tomadores de decisiones y profesionales de la conservacion. Los ecosistemas bien conectados apoyan una serie de funciones ecologicas, incluyendo la migracion, ciclos de agua y de nutrientes, polinizacion, dispersion de semillas, seguridad alimentaria, resiliencia frente al clima y resistencia a enfermedades. Estos lineamientos ofrecen orientacion sobre como conservar los valores de la conectividad en diferentes contextos de la conservacion de forma consistente y medible. Los 25 estudios de caso de estos linea...
Gobernanza y gestión de áreas protegidas, 2019
Queremos agradecer las enormes contribuciones durante las últimas décadas que han hecho un gran n... more Queremos agradecer las enormes contribuciones durante las últimas décadas que han hecho un gran número de propietarios de tierras, grupos comunitarios (incluidos grupos indígenas), agencias gubernamentales, gobiernos locales, empresas e investigadores en la restauración de conexiones del paisaje y en el trabajo para lograr una mejor conservación de la biodiversidad y una gestión más sostenible de la tierra. También agradecemos la asesoría de los editores y pares revisores independientes.
Parks Stewardship Forum, 2021
The incorporation of ecological connectivity, the unimpeded movement of species and the flow of n... more The incorporation of ecological connectivity, the unimpeded movement of species and the flow of natural processes that sustain life on Earth, into protected area design and management is critical to achieving conservation outcomes. However, the understanding and implementation of ecological connectivity in marine protected areas (MPAs) lags behind that of their terrestrial counterparts. Here, we highlight the important role of ecological connectivity in the design and management of MPA networks through an introduction to marine connectivity and the challenges and benefits of incorporating it into management. The paper also provides guidance for policy and practice, including "rules of thumb" Through NAMPAN (the North American Marine Protected Areas Network), Canada, Mexico, and the United States work together to protect shared resources such as highly-migratory whales. ED LYMAN / NOAA PERMIT #14682
La connectivité écologique est le mouvement sans entrave des espèces et le flux des processus nat... more La connectivité écologique est le mouvement sans entrave des espèces et le flux des processus naturels qui soutiennent la vie sur Terre. Il est impérieux que les pays du monde entier s’orientent vers une approche globale et cohérente de la conservation de la connectivité écologique, et qu’ils entreprennent de mesurer et de contrôler l’efficacité des efforts déployés en ce sens pour ainsi établir des réseaux écologiques fonctionnels. Pour favoriser l’atteinte de ces objectifs, les présentes lignes directrices présentent les corridors écologiques comme des moyens de recenser, de préserver, d’améliorer et de restaurer la connectivité; synthétisant un volume important de données scientifiques connexes; et formulent des recommandations concernant les moyens d’officialiser les corridors et les réseaux écologiques.
IUCN is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. ... more IUCN is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. It provides public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development and nature conservation to take place together. Created in 1948, IUCN is now the world's largest and most diverse environmental network, harnessing the knowledge, resources and reach of more than 1,400 Member organisations and some 15,000 experts. It is a leading provider of conservation data, assessments and analysis. Its broad membership enables IUCN to fill the role of incubator and trusted repository of best practices, tools and international standards. IUCN provides a neutral space in which diverse stakeholders including governments, NGOs, scientists, businesses, local communities, indigenous peoples organisations and others can work together to forge and implement solutions to environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development. Working with many partners and supporters, IUCN implements a large and diverse portfolio of conservation projects worldwide. Combining the latest science with the traditional knowledge of local communities, these projects work to reverse habitat loss, restore ecosystems and improve people's well-being. IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) is the world's premier network of protected area expertise. It is administered by IUCN Programme on Protected Areas and has more than 2,500 members, spanning 140 countries. WCPA is one of IUCN's six voluntary Commissions and its mission is to promote the establishment and effective management of a worldwide representative network of terrestrial and marine protected areas, as an integral contribution to the IUCN mission. WCPA works by helping governments and others plan protected areas and integrate them into all sectors, providing strategic advice to policy makers and practitioners to help strengthen capacity and investment in protected areas, and convening the diverse constituency of protected area stakeholders to address challenging issues. For more than 60 years, IUCN and WCPA have been at the forefront of global action on protected areas. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Opened for signature at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and entered into force in December 1993, the Convention on Biological Diversity is an international treaty for the conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of the components of biodiversity and the equitable sharing of the benefits derived from the use of genetic resources. With 196 Parties so far, the Convention has near universal participation among countries. WCPA Connectivity Conservation Specialist Group (CCSG) CCSG was established in 2016 under the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) to support information sharing, active participation, global awareness, and action to maintain, enhance, and restore ecological connectivity conservation around the world. Its objective is to advance the science, policy, and practice at international, national, and subnational levels to meet the growing demand for solutions that advance the identification, recognition, and implementation of consistent connectivity conservation measures. Center for Large Landscape Conservation (CLLC) CLLC develops solutions, implements projects and contributes to global efforts that connect and protect crucial habitat across terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems. It provides expertise through four key focus areas: science and research, mentorship and networking, community resilience and policy. By bringing knowledge and experience to bear on connectivity conservation issues worldwide, the Center works with communities, governments and other stakeholders to stop fragmentation and safeguard the legacy of protected and conserved areas by making them part of larger ecological networks for conservation. Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) Y2Y connects and protects habitat in North America spanning the Yellowstone to Yukon ecosystems so people and nature can thrive. It highlights and focuses on local issues that have implications for the region as a whole, and works to set the context for regional conservation work by providing the vision for a healthy Yellowstone to Yukon. Working across an area covering over 3,200 square kilometres, Y2Y engages partners across jurisdictions to knit together an interconnected system of wild lands and waters that harmonizes the needs of people and nature.
Environmental Modelling & Software, 2018
This paper provides empirical and experimental assessments of thematic knowledge discourses based... more This paper provides empirical and experimental assessments of thematic knowledge discourses based on two case studies in the US Virgin Islands and Florida. We utilize a latent semantic indexing analysis over natural language corpus to classify and categorize knowledge categories. We computed TF*IDF scores and associated cooccurrence Jaccard similarity scores to construct semantic knowledge networks. Using network analysis, we computed structural metrics over four composite groups: neighbor-based, centrality, equivalence and position. The analysis show that structural network characteristics of environmental knowledge can exponentially predict associations between knowledge categories. We show that connectivity play a critical role on acquisition, representation, and diffusion patterns of knowledge within local communities. We provide evidence of a global prevalence of a shared knowledge core. We show that core social-ecological attributes of knowledge follow scalefree, power law distributions and stable, equilibrium network structures. We identify two distinct models of bidirectional translation: a bottom-up and a top-down.