Lina Artemenko - (original) (raw)
Papers by Lina Artemenko
The method of researching the development of an innovative enterprise suggested in the paper show... more The method of researching the development of an innovative enterprise suggested in the paper shows two possible ways to perform it: firstly, when the Competitiveness Commission regulates the excess profits to avoid ageing of existing businesses, and secondly, when the process takes place without any interference, leading to accumulation of fictitious capital and avoidance of obsolescence. The methods allow calculating the pace of these processes. The method of researching the possible negative consequences of corporate innovative development is suggested. The following two elements are the methodological basis of the suggested method: development of the formalized economic conceptual framework and construction of generalizing model of technical change by Hicks, Harrod, and Solow. Classical technical change models were developed in the framework of production functions methodology based on the research of three main factors – capital and labor inputs, and output. The suggested concep...
Вісник Хмельницького національного університету, Dec 29, 2022
У статті розглянуто сутність, зміст та ключові ознаки стратегічного управління. Досліджено основн... more У статті розглянуто сутність, зміст та ключові ознаки стратегічного управління. Досліджено основні чинники, які здійснюють вплив на діяльність компанії у стратегічній перспективі. Діюча система чинників доповнена з позицій сучасної практики господарювання та досягнення стратегічних конкурентних переваг. Стратегію пропонується розглядати як дорожню карту досягнення довгострокових цілей і завдань компанії. Проаналізовано два базових методичних підходи до стратегічного управління бізнесом: процесний і системний. Визначено, що за сучасних стратегічних пріоритетів і цілей обидва підходи мають орієнтуватись на створення довгострокових сталих цілей розвитку бізнесу. Окреслено основні переваги, які формує стратегічний менеджмент для розвитку компанії. Визначено, що склад традиційних інструментів стратегічного управління (методи планування і прогнозування, методи стратегічного аналізу, методи моделювання) у теперішній час мають бути доповнений наступними: корпоративна організаційна культура, стратегічні бізнес-комунікації, соціальна відповідальність бізнесу. Доведено, що пріоритетом сучасних стратегій розвитку бізнесу мають стати стратегічні цінності, ключовими з яких для компаній є: люди, персонал, партнерські відносини із стейкхолдерами, збереження навколишнього середовища, задоволення інтересів всіх учасників бізнес-процесу. Сучасна практика стратегічного управління компаній має ґрунтуватись на базових принципах глобальної концепції сталого розвитку. Практика діяльності відомих світових компаній показує, що врахування цілей і завдань сталого розвитку у стратегічному управління сприяє нарощуванню довгострокового конкурентного потенціалу та реалізації власних цілей бізнесу. У контексті зарубіжного досвіду досліджено основні стратегічні моделі бізнес-поведінки компаній на ринку, орієнтовані на створення довгострокових цінностей. Серед факторів успішної реалізації стратегії компанії в якості головного визначений людський фактор. Запропоновано система принципів стратегічного лідерства, необхідного для реалізації процесу стратегічного управління компанії. Ключові слова: стратегічне управління, бізнес, довгострокові цінності, сталий розвиток, пріоритети стратегічного управління, інструменти управління, компанії
Ukrainian Journal of Applied Economics and Technology
The development and implementation of an innovation-oriented strategy are essential for solving t... more The development and implementation of an innovation-oriented strategy are essential for solving the problem of ensuring a consistently high competitive position of food industry enterprises. Taking this into account, they are faced with the need to choose the right strategy for increasing competitiveness, which should be based on using innovative and investment approaches to determine the development vector. The article aims to substantiate approaches to the choice of an innovation-oriented strategy for increasing the competitiveness of food industry enterprises. The research results obtained in the report are based on economic and systemic methods, methods of strategic analysis, and systematic and logical approaches. The article discusses approaches to developing and implementing an innovation-oriented strategy for increasing the competitiveness of food industry enterprises. The model of such a strategy, in general, should provide for the use of a systematic approach and hierarchic...
The article considers the categories of the system of enterprise economic security. The essence o... more The article considers the categories of the system of enterprise economic security. The essence of the concepts of "danger", "risk", "threat", «challenge" is determined in the system of enterprise economic security. There are considered Chinese, Latin, English, American and Ukrainian security vision categories. The system elements of enterprise economic security and their characteristics (probability of harm, irreversibility of loss and time of transition) are defined in the first part. The specific principles of modern system of enterprise economic security are complexity, adaptability, flexibility, stability, efficiency, reliability and self-organization. The review of theoretical approaches to the definition of a system enterprise economic security by different authors is discussed in the second part. The subsystems of system enterprise economic security are preparation to development, definition managed and unmanaged challenges, consideration d...
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanitas Zarządzanie, 2015
Authors' Contribution: (A) Study Design (projekt badania) (B) Data Collection (zbieranie danych) ... more Authors' Contribution: (A) Study Design (projekt badania) (B) Data Collection (zbieranie danych) (C) Statistical Analysis (analiza statystyczna) (D) Data Interpretation (interpretacja danych) (E) Manuscript Preparation (redagowanie opracowania) (F) Literature Search (badania literaturowe) PhD economic science B C D As.
Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University. Economic sciences
The essence, content and key features of strategic management are explored in the article. New fa... more The essence, content and key features of strategic management are explored in the article. New factors influencing the company’s activities in a strategic perspective were also investigated here. The current system of factors was supplemented from the standpoint of modern business practices and the achievement of strategic competitive advantages. It is proposed to consider the strategy as a road map for achieving the company’s long-term goals and objectives. Two basic methodological approaches to strategic business management are analyzed: process and system. According to modern strategic priorities and goals, both approaches should focus on creating long-term sustainable business development goals. The main advantages formed by strategic management for the development of the company are outlined. It was determined that the composition of traditional strategic management tools (planning and forecasting methods, strategic analysis methods, modeling methods) should now be supplemented...
Ingénierie des systèmes d information
The main purpose of our study is to form a demonstration model of the main processes for introduc... more The main purpose of our study is to form a demonstration model of the main processes for introducing digital technologies into the human resources management system for engineering enterprises. Digital transformations are associated with management changes, which are based on the technologies of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine learning, Industry 4.0, Big Data in all spheres of public life. Investing in human capital has always been considered a productive investment. The digital economy has increased the urgency of increasing labor productivity through the transformation of human governance mechanisms. The main and key processes of the introduction of digital technologies in the human resources management system of the engineering enterprise were considered. The digitalization of society has radically changed people's lives and opened up new opportunities in the field of human resources management. The digital transformation of the human reso...
Serbian Journal of Management
Since the corporate e-learning platforms is a relatively new, unexplored frontier, this paper is ... more Since the corporate e-learning platforms is a relatively new, unexplored frontier, this paper is intended to provide a case and to offer a framework for project development. The aim of this study is to discover the development of open education platform for maintain the company competitiveness. This paper describes the idea and the stages of the project to create a corporate online learning platform. The general background for education platform project in Ukraine is presented; the reasons for choosing the Igor Sikorsky KPI as software and content developers are revealed. Also, it is highlighted that just on-line resources do not lead to realizing the potential of platforms; it requires technologies that make platform interactive and engaging. Methodology: The case study in this article introduces an initiative to create online platform for a Ukraine-based company. Comparative research methods are used for analysis of Ukraine's position on the level of ICT development by interna...
Економічний вісник Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут»
У статті розглянуто сучасну концепцію стратегування стартап активності. Систематизовано концептуа... more У статті розглянуто сучасну концепцію стратегування стартап активності. Систематизовано концептуальні принципи стратегування стартап активності та конкретизовано їх інституційне оформлення в сучасних умовах на прикладі КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського. Технологія стратегування стартап активності складається зі змістовної і організаційних компонентів. Технологія стратегування стартап активності пропонується як сукупність змістовної компоненти: стратегічний аналіз; фактичний аналіз ресурсів; план реалізації стратегії; стратегічний синтез ключових факторів розвитку; формування бажаного майбутнього; формування стратегічних цілей та відповідних пріоритетів розвитку; розробка прогнозних сценаріїв; розробка набору програм і проектів, пов'язаних з "деревом цілей"; розробка механізмів реалізації стратегії та моніторингу. Технологія організаційної складової стратегічних робіт базується на використанні засобів організації діяльності, спільної організації учасників стратегічного процесу,...
In the article the modern concept of strategizing of startup activity are considered. The concept... more In the article the modern concept of strategizing of startup activity are considered. The conceptual principles of strategizing startup activity are systematized and its institutional design in modern conditions is specified on the example of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The technology of strategizing startup activity consists of essential and organizational components. The technology of strategizing startup activity is proposed as a set of essential component: strategic analysis; actual resource analysis; strategy implementation plan; strategic synthesis of key development factors; formation of the desired future; generation of strategic goals and relevant development priorities; development of forecast scenarios; development of a set of programs and projects related to the "goal tree"; development of mechanisms for strategy implementation and monitoring. The technology of organizational component of strategic works is based on the use of means of organizing ...
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Częstochowskiej Zarządzanie, 2021
The importance of mobbing as a pathological phenomenon that occurs in the workplace is discussed.... more The importance of mobbing as a pathological phenomenon that occurs in the workplace is discussed. Attention was also paid to the issues of human resource management that can be a source of mobbing behavior in organizations. Various approaches to defining mobbing and its characteristics are briefly described. Then the focus was on the types of mobbing pathologies occurring in the organization. Based on empirical research, it indicates human resource management and its relationship with the most common manifestations of pathological behaviors in the workplace of people included in the survey.
Today's consumers are surrounded by lots of different products, merchandise, promotional adve... more Today's consumers are surrounded by lots of different products, merchandise, promotional advertising and hidden customer acquisition techniques. From 2018 to 2019, the number of in-store purchase decisions increased from 76% to 82%, confirming that buyers are more open to impulsive choices than before. The fact that consumers make their final choice in the store underscores the importance of studying the behavior of shoppers in-store under the influence of marketing programs. This is what makes the exclusive and original design of the packaging as important as the quality of the product because it depends on it the high percentage of probability of choosing the buyer of this product.Brands have, on average about 7 seconds to make a good impression before the customer moves on to the next option. Effective and appealing packaging design not only makes it more likely for one product to be choses over alternatives, but it also reflects on the values of the brand. It goes beyond that quick, first impression. According to one survey, 52% of online customers report they would continue purchasing from the same company if they receive their orders in premium packaging. You can see how much it matters to them from all those YouTube unboxing videos where part of the review is dedicated specifically to how the product is packaged. It’s also free publicity, because if the packaging is particularly attractive, buyers are more likely to take photos and share it on social media. Not paying enough attention to this aspect is a lost marketing opportunity [1].Research from Westerman et al. (2013), examined how package design affects consumer assessment by manipulating fundamental graphical forms, such as shape, orientation and alignment. Determining the preference for color and shape when creating a desired aesthetic however, remains a challenge for professionals in different research fields. Besides selecting each individual characteristic, the challenge is to combine them into a desirable and interesting product. By merging different design elements in a synergic manner, it is possible to generate a stronger effect than that from the individual, separate elements. Despite widespread interest in this topic, few professionals have studied the role of color in marketing. The general opinion of scientists is that the influence on consumer choice through visual perception is very relevant at the current stage of brand development.From everyday experience, we know how important a certain product can be to us, what our loyalty to it is, and how we have certain passions for certain goods because of personal preferences. Emotions can have a profound effect on the purchase decision, as the human brain often builds the associative feelings of the individual with one element or another. We associate products with certain emotions, and for this reason, there is a connection which is the start of the activation of the process of influence of packaging on consumer choice.Craig Elbert describes the following contexts of emotional detection with user behavior: intrigue and secrets - create curiosity that is important for advertising as a whole and for attracting attention; desires and aspirations - assistance in product image; urgency and anxiety - causes a feeling of immediate reaction, a feeling of lack, which leads to purchase; astonishment and laughter - awakens a sense of community. Among various perceptions, it is shown that some scientists claim that red, in addition to irritability and aggression, causes warmth and feeling of calmness and home. The policy of using red color is now actively used by the Confectionery Factory Roshen, which specializes in the manufacture of confectionery products and is located in Ukraine. In this way, the company associates its product with warmth, comfort and positive.Properly selected and packaged, the product protects the commodity during transport or storage and minimizes the risk of damage. Also, the packaging form, design and material all contribute to the purchase decision. The role and importance of packaging perform the functional role of physical coverage and protection of the product both in the store and in consumer home. It also facilitates the buyer's life at the expense of their comfort and also has its own information role containing details of ingredients, method of use, storage, nutrient content and value of the product. Costumers see hundreds of brands when they visit a store, and aesthetics are important to keep the brand stand out, to attract buyers' attention and make it easier for consumers to find exactly your offer and decide. It also plays the role of preventing theft by physically destroying the package (identifying obvious signs of opening) by offering the possibility of built-in anti-theft devices or the inability to re-operate. Besides, package a convenient way to use the product with additional features that make it easy to display, process, and distribute with options…
The method of researching the development of an innovative enterprise suggested in the paper show... more The method of researching the development of an innovative enterprise suggested in the paper shows two possible ways to perform it: firstly, when the Competitiveness Commission regulates the excess profits to avoid ageing of existing businesses, and secondly, when the process takes place without any interference, leading to accumulation of fictitious capital and avoidance of obsolescence. The methods allow calculating the pace of these processes. The method of researching the possible negative consequences of corporate innovative development is suggested. The following two elements are the methodological basis of the suggested method: development of the formalized economic conceptual framework and construction of generalizing model of technical change by Hicks, Harrod, and Solow. Classical technical change models were developed in the framework of production functions methodology based on the research of three main factors – capital and labor inputs, and output. The suggested concep...
Вісник Хмельницького національного університету, Dec 29, 2022
У статті розглянуто сутність, зміст та ключові ознаки стратегічного управління. Досліджено основн... more У статті розглянуто сутність, зміст та ключові ознаки стратегічного управління. Досліджено основні чинники, які здійснюють вплив на діяльність компанії у стратегічній перспективі. Діюча система чинників доповнена з позицій сучасної практики господарювання та досягнення стратегічних конкурентних переваг. Стратегію пропонується розглядати як дорожню карту досягнення довгострокових цілей і завдань компанії. Проаналізовано два базових методичних підходи до стратегічного управління бізнесом: процесний і системний. Визначено, що за сучасних стратегічних пріоритетів і цілей обидва підходи мають орієнтуватись на створення довгострокових сталих цілей розвитку бізнесу. Окреслено основні переваги, які формує стратегічний менеджмент для розвитку компанії. Визначено, що склад традиційних інструментів стратегічного управління (методи планування і прогнозування, методи стратегічного аналізу, методи моделювання) у теперішній час мають бути доповнений наступними: корпоративна організаційна культура, стратегічні бізнес-комунікації, соціальна відповідальність бізнесу. Доведено, що пріоритетом сучасних стратегій розвитку бізнесу мають стати стратегічні цінності, ключовими з яких для компаній є: люди, персонал, партнерські відносини із стейкхолдерами, збереження навколишнього середовища, задоволення інтересів всіх учасників бізнес-процесу. Сучасна практика стратегічного управління компаній має ґрунтуватись на базових принципах глобальної концепції сталого розвитку. Практика діяльності відомих світових компаній показує, що врахування цілей і завдань сталого розвитку у стратегічному управління сприяє нарощуванню довгострокового конкурентного потенціалу та реалізації власних цілей бізнесу. У контексті зарубіжного досвіду досліджено основні стратегічні моделі бізнес-поведінки компаній на ринку, орієнтовані на створення довгострокових цінностей. Серед факторів успішної реалізації стратегії компанії в якості головного визначений людський фактор. Запропоновано система принципів стратегічного лідерства, необхідного для реалізації процесу стратегічного управління компанії. Ключові слова: стратегічне управління, бізнес, довгострокові цінності, сталий розвиток, пріоритети стратегічного управління, інструменти управління, компанії
Ukrainian Journal of Applied Economics and Technology
The development and implementation of an innovation-oriented strategy are essential for solving t... more The development and implementation of an innovation-oriented strategy are essential for solving the problem of ensuring a consistently high competitive position of food industry enterprises. Taking this into account, they are faced with the need to choose the right strategy for increasing competitiveness, which should be based on using innovative and investment approaches to determine the development vector. The article aims to substantiate approaches to the choice of an innovation-oriented strategy for increasing the competitiveness of food industry enterprises. The research results obtained in the report are based on economic and systemic methods, methods of strategic analysis, and systematic and logical approaches. The article discusses approaches to developing and implementing an innovation-oriented strategy for increasing the competitiveness of food industry enterprises. The model of such a strategy, in general, should provide for the use of a systematic approach and hierarchic...
The article considers the categories of the system of enterprise economic security. The essence o... more The article considers the categories of the system of enterprise economic security. The essence of the concepts of "danger", "risk", "threat", «challenge" is determined in the system of enterprise economic security. There are considered Chinese, Latin, English, American and Ukrainian security vision categories. The system elements of enterprise economic security and their characteristics (probability of harm, irreversibility of loss and time of transition) are defined in the first part. The specific principles of modern system of enterprise economic security are complexity, adaptability, flexibility, stability, efficiency, reliability and self-organization. The review of theoretical approaches to the definition of a system enterprise economic security by different authors is discussed in the second part. The subsystems of system enterprise economic security are preparation to development, definition managed and unmanaged challenges, consideration d...
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanitas Zarządzanie, 2015
Authors' Contribution: (A) Study Design (projekt badania) (B) Data Collection (zbieranie danych) ... more Authors' Contribution: (A) Study Design (projekt badania) (B) Data Collection (zbieranie danych) (C) Statistical Analysis (analiza statystyczna) (D) Data Interpretation (interpretacja danych) (E) Manuscript Preparation (redagowanie opracowania) (F) Literature Search (badania literaturowe) PhD economic science B C D As.
Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University. Economic sciences
The essence, content and key features of strategic management are explored in the article. New fa... more The essence, content and key features of strategic management are explored in the article. New factors influencing the company’s activities in a strategic perspective were also investigated here. The current system of factors was supplemented from the standpoint of modern business practices and the achievement of strategic competitive advantages. It is proposed to consider the strategy as a road map for achieving the company’s long-term goals and objectives. Two basic methodological approaches to strategic business management are analyzed: process and system. According to modern strategic priorities and goals, both approaches should focus on creating long-term sustainable business development goals. The main advantages formed by strategic management for the development of the company are outlined. It was determined that the composition of traditional strategic management tools (planning and forecasting methods, strategic analysis methods, modeling methods) should now be supplemented...
Ingénierie des systèmes d information
The main purpose of our study is to form a demonstration model of the main processes for introduc... more The main purpose of our study is to form a demonstration model of the main processes for introducing digital technologies into the human resources management system for engineering enterprises. Digital transformations are associated with management changes, which are based on the technologies of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine learning, Industry 4.0, Big Data in all spheres of public life. Investing in human capital has always been considered a productive investment. The digital economy has increased the urgency of increasing labor productivity through the transformation of human governance mechanisms. The main and key processes of the introduction of digital technologies in the human resources management system of the engineering enterprise were considered. The digitalization of society has radically changed people's lives and opened up new opportunities in the field of human resources management. The digital transformation of the human reso...
Serbian Journal of Management
Since the corporate e-learning platforms is a relatively new, unexplored frontier, this paper is ... more Since the corporate e-learning platforms is a relatively new, unexplored frontier, this paper is intended to provide a case and to offer a framework for project development. The aim of this study is to discover the development of open education platform for maintain the company competitiveness. This paper describes the idea and the stages of the project to create a corporate online learning platform. The general background for education platform project in Ukraine is presented; the reasons for choosing the Igor Sikorsky KPI as software and content developers are revealed. Also, it is highlighted that just on-line resources do not lead to realizing the potential of platforms; it requires technologies that make platform interactive and engaging. Methodology: The case study in this article introduces an initiative to create online platform for a Ukraine-based company. Comparative research methods are used for analysis of Ukraine's position on the level of ICT development by interna...
Економічний вісник Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут»
У статті розглянуто сучасну концепцію стратегування стартап активності. Систематизовано концептуа... more У статті розглянуто сучасну концепцію стратегування стартап активності. Систематизовано концептуальні принципи стратегування стартап активності та конкретизовано їх інституційне оформлення в сучасних умовах на прикладі КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського. Технологія стратегування стартап активності складається зі змістовної і організаційних компонентів. Технологія стратегування стартап активності пропонується як сукупність змістовної компоненти: стратегічний аналіз; фактичний аналіз ресурсів; план реалізації стратегії; стратегічний синтез ключових факторів розвитку; формування бажаного майбутнього; формування стратегічних цілей та відповідних пріоритетів розвитку; розробка прогнозних сценаріїв; розробка набору програм і проектів, пов'язаних з "деревом цілей"; розробка механізмів реалізації стратегії та моніторингу. Технологія організаційної складової стратегічних робіт базується на використанні засобів організації діяльності, спільної організації учасників стратегічного процесу,...
In the article the modern concept of strategizing of startup activity are considered. The concept... more In the article the modern concept of strategizing of startup activity are considered. The conceptual principles of strategizing startup activity are systematized and its institutional design in modern conditions is specified on the example of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The technology of strategizing startup activity consists of essential and organizational components. The technology of strategizing startup activity is proposed as a set of essential component: strategic analysis; actual resource analysis; strategy implementation plan; strategic synthesis of key development factors; formation of the desired future; generation of strategic goals and relevant development priorities; development of forecast scenarios; development of a set of programs and projects related to the "goal tree"; development of mechanisms for strategy implementation and monitoring. The technology of organizational component of strategic works is based on the use of means of organizing ...
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Częstochowskiej Zarządzanie, 2021
The importance of mobbing as a pathological phenomenon that occurs in the workplace is discussed.... more The importance of mobbing as a pathological phenomenon that occurs in the workplace is discussed. Attention was also paid to the issues of human resource management that can be a source of mobbing behavior in organizations. Various approaches to defining mobbing and its characteristics are briefly described. Then the focus was on the types of mobbing pathologies occurring in the organization. Based on empirical research, it indicates human resource management and its relationship with the most common manifestations of pathological behaviors in the workplace of people included in the survey.
Today's consumers are surrounded by lots of different products, merchandise, promotional adve... more Today's consumers are surrounded by lots of different products, merchandise, promotional advertising and hidden customer acquisition techniques. From 2018 to 2019, the number of in-store purchase decisions increased from 76% to 82%, confirming that buyers are more open to impulsive choices than before. The fact that consumers make their final choice in the store underscores the importance of studying the behavior of shoppers in-store under the influence of marketing programs. This is what makes the exclusive and original design of the packaging as important as the quality of the product because it depends on it the high percentage of probability of choosing the buyer of this product.Brands have, on average about 7 seconds to make a good impression before the customer moves on to the next option. Effective and appealing packaging design not only makes it more likely for one product to be choses over alternatives, but it also reflects on the values of the brand. It goes beyond that quick, first impression. According to one survey, 52% of online customers report they would continue purchasing from the same company if they receive their orders in premium packaging. You can see how much it matters to them from all those YouTube unboxing videos where part of the review is dedicated specifically to how the product is packaged. It’s also free publicity, because if the packaging is particularly attractive, buyers are more likely to take photos and share it on social media. Not paying enough attention to this aspect is a lost marketing opportunity [1].Research from Westerman et al. (2013), examined how package design affects consumer assessment by manipulating fundamental graphical forms, such as shape, orientation and alignment. Determining the preference for color and shape when creating a desired aesthetic however, remains a challenge for professionals in different research fields. Besides selecting each individual characteristic, the challenge is to combine them into a desirable and interesting product. By merging different design elements in a synergic manner, it is possible to generate a stronger effect than that from the individual, separate elements. Despite widespread interest in this topic, few professionals have studied the role of color in marketing. The general opinion of scientists is that the influence on consumer choice through visual perception is very relevant at the current stage of brand development.From everyday experience, we know how important a certain product can be to us, what our loyalty to it is, and how we have certain passions for certain goods because of personal preferences. Emotions can have a profound effect on the purchase decision, as the human brain often builds the associative feelings of the individual with one element or another. We associate products with certain emotions, and for this reason, there is a connection which is the start of the activation of the process of influence of packaging on consumer choice.Craig Elbert describes the following contexts of emotional detection with user behavior: intrigue and secrets - create curiosity that is important for advertising as a whole and for attracting attention; desires and aspirations - assistance in product image; urgency and anxiety - causes a feeling of immediate reaction, a feeling of lack, which leads to purchase; astonishment and laughter - awakens a sense of community. Among various perceptions, it is shown that some scientists claim that red, in addition to irritability and aggression, causes warmth and feeling of calmness and home. The policy of using red color is now actively used by the Confectionery Factory Roshen, which specializes in the manufacture of confectionery products and is located in Ukraine. In this way, the company associates its product with warmth, comfort and positive.Properly selected and packaged, the product protects the commodity during transport or storage and minimizes the risk of damage. Also, the packaging form, design and material all contribute to the purchase decision. The role and importance of packaging perform the functional role of physical coverage and protection of the product both in the store and in consumer home. It also facilitates the buyer's life at the expense of their comfort and also has its own information role containing details of ingredients, method of use, storage, nutrient content and value of the product. Costumers see hundreds of brands when they visit a store, and aesthetics are important to keep the brand stand out, to attract buyers' attention and make it easier for consumers to find exactly your offer and decide. It also plays the role of preventing theft by physically destroying the package (identifying obvious signs of opening) by offering the possibility of built-in anti-theft devices or the inability to re-operate. Besides, package a convenient way to use the product with additional features that make it easy to display, process, and distribute with options…