Lucas Vieira - (original) (raw)

Papers by Lucas Vieira

Research paper thumbnail of Metabolomics Analysis of C. lanceolatum Roots in the Presence of Its Endophytic Fungi

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society

The aim of this work was to identify and quantify the metabolites present in the roots of Combret... more The aim of this work was to identify and quantify the metabolites present in the roots of Combretum lanceolatum inoculated with its endophytic fungi. The metabolomics was accomplished using the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectral data and evaluated via rNMR software and Madison Metabolomics Consortium Database (MMCD). The principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) showed that plants inoculated with Trichoderma spirale (Ts) present differentiation and discrimination over the time as compared to control. Seven days after Ts fungal inoculation, 15 metabolites were identified at different concentrations comparing to the control plants. The plants inoculated with Ts fungus present the metabolites spermidine and pantothenate in higher concentrations and 3-hydroxybutyric acid and β-alanine in lower concentrations as compared to control plants, indicating any response to biotic stress. These metabolites are involved in various plant ...

Research paper thumbnail of Desafios de interoperabilidade entre BIM e BEM

4º Congresso Português de Building Information Modelling vol. 1 - ptBIM

Research paper thumbnail of Relato de experiência: a construção de um curso pré-vestibular popular vinculado ao curso de medicina

Revista Acervo Educacional (online), 2021

Objetivo: Relatar a experiência da dinâmica de seleção e funcionamento de um curso pré-vestibular... more Objetivo: Relatar a experiência da dinâmica de seleção e funcionamento de um curso pré-vestibular popular criado e desenvolvido como projeto de extensão por alunos de medicina de uma universidade comunitária do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Relato de experiência: Estudantes da graduação estruturaram um curso pré-vestibular e desenvolveram um modelo próprio de seleção, baseado em experiências prévias com processos seletivos e nas Multiple Mini-Interviews (MMI), o qual une a avaliação teórica (primeira etapa) com cenários temáticos (segunda etapa). A seleção visa abranger não somente competências cognitivas. A avaliação teórica evidenciou que os candidatos apresentaram dificuldades em matemática, química e física. Já os cenários temáticos contribuíram na identificação de candidatos que expressassem traços de trabalho em equipe, empatia, motivação e interesse em participar do projeto. Após o processo, o projeto se desenvolveu com aulas e simulados ao longo de um ano letivo. Consideraçõe...

Research paper thumbnail of Current Research on Therapy in Alzheimer’s Disease Experimental Model: Beta-Amyloid1-42 Induction

Journal of Advance Research in Pharmacy & Biological Science (ISSN: 2208-2360), 2015

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder commonly associated with brain ?-amyloid... more Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder commonly associated with brain ?-amyloid accumulation (A?). Early in disease, individuals have impairment in short-term memory, but keeps alert preserved sensory and motor functions, progressing to cognitive functions total loss. The aim of this study is to present main substances currently investigated in Alzheimer’s disease experimental model induced by A?1-42 and its possible therapeutic actions. For this, we realized an exhaustive literature research, and main results data compiled and analyzed. Thus, there were observed three agents’ classes used to treat AD: antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and calcium homeostasis regulators, with 15 substances found. In conclusion, it can be seen that these agents have beneficial results which suggest actions that may be used in clinical practice to pathology treatment.

Research paper thumbnail of Reforma a vapor do etanol com captura de dióxido de carbono utilizando catalisadores à base de níquel e cálcio dopados com materiais inertes

Palavras-chave: hidrogênio, sinterização de partículas CaO, maienita, óxido de cério, ciclos de c... more Palavras-chave: hidrogênio, sinterização de partículas CaO, maienita, óxido de cério, ciclos de carbonatação e regeneração, reforma a vapor com captura de CO2.

Research paper thumbnail of Padrões espirométricos de resposta ao uso do broncodilatador em pacientes acometidos por doenças respiratórias

Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde, 2021

Objetivo: Estudar a resposta ao broncodilatador em pacientes acometidos por doenças respiratórias... more Objetivo: Estudar a resposta ao broncodilatador em pacientes acometidos por doenças respiratórias como asma e bronquite descrevendo as características clínicas avaliadas, bem como avaliar os diferentes padrões espirométricos expressados em patologias respiratórias encaminhadas para a espirometria. Métodos: Foram selecionados os prontuários e as espirometrias dos pacientes que apresentavam quadro de asma, bronquite ou rinite entre os anos de 2016-2019. Os testes espirométricos consistiram em uma etapa pré-broncodilatador e pós-broncodilatador. Foram utilizados os seguintes dados espirométricos: 1) capacidade vital forçada expiratória (FVC), volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (FEV1), VEF1/FVC Pré e Pós-broncodilatador. Resultados: Dos 34 pacientes avaliados neste estudo, 23 (70%) tinham diagnóstico de asma e 9 (28%) de bronquite e 1 (2%) de rinite. Os asmáticos que apresentaram quadro clínico obstrutivo foi de 11 (47,82%) juntamente com pacientes com bronquite, que também...

Research paper thumbnail of Truncation robust centroiding for wavefront sensors

In the new generation of giant telescopes with high resolution images, the atmospheric turbulence... more In the new generation of giant telescopes with high resolution images, the atmospheric turbulence has become an obstacle to the precision of the results. The use of adaptive optics is now crucial for wavefront correction in such telescopes. The most commonly used sensor in adaptive optics is the Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor. Composed of an array of lenses, it uses a reference, normally a star, to sample the wavefront tilts in the primary aperture. By processing the tilts at each sub-aperture, it is possible to estimate the overall disturbance. Since adaptive optics systems require high luminous intensity, it is common to use artificial guide stars. These stars are generated by a laser focused on the sodium layer in the upper atmosphere. Due to the optical geometry, the laser guide star generates an elongated spot when imaged by a sub-aperture. In giant telescopes larger than 20 meters in diameter, the spot elongation is so large that classical centroiding techniques provide poor ...

Research paper thumbnail of Ontological Analysis of Weathering

Weathering is an event that changes rocks and sediments when they are exposed to the Earth’s surf... more Weathering is an event that changes rocks and sediments when they are exposed to the Earth’s surface conditions. This paper presents an ontological analysis and proposes a model for this type of event, based on the Unified Foundational Ontology and specializing concepts from the GeoCore ontology. The proposed model details the two main types of weathering processes (i.e. Physical Weathering and Chemical Weathering) and describes them in terms of transitions between situations, detailing the involved continuants and the properties that are affected, as well as how they are arranged in the situations connected by such processes. With this structure, the result of this work can help in tracing the past states of sediment and rocks before they are transformed into a weathering event and helps modelers to understand how to model physical

Research paper thumbnail of CloudSlurm: a multi-provider approach for HPC in the cloud

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação postural de adolescentes de uma escola estadual no município de Bagé-RS através da fotogrametria

Atualmente, tem se observado uma alta prevalencia de alteracoes posturais em adolescentes. Alguma... more Atualmente, tem se observado uma alta prevalencia de alteracoes posturais em adolescentes. Algumas dessas alteracoes sao proprias do desenvolvimento fisiologico; entretanto, boa parte delas esta relacionada com o comportamento postural inadequado durante a fase escolar. Nesse periodo os adolescentes passam sentados por um longo tempo, utilizam as cadeiras de forma inadequada e transportam o material escolar, que, na maioria das vezes, esta em excesso de carga, alem desses fatores negativos, soma-se a obesidade e o sedentarismo. Em adolescentes, variacoes posturais sao comumente encontradas no periodo do crescimento e desenvolvimento, sendo decorrentes dos varios ajustes, adaptacoes e mudancas corporais e psicossociais que marcam essa fase. A postura pode ser afetada por varios fatores intrinsecos e extrinsecos, como hereditariedade, ambiente e condicoes fisicas nas quais o individuo vive, bem como por fatores emocionais, socioeconomicos e por alteracoes consequentes do crescimento e...

Research paper thumbnail of Dragonfly: a Tool for Simulating Self-Adaptive Drone Behaviours

2019 IEEE/ACM 14th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), 2019

Drone simulators can provide an abstraction of different applications of drones and facilitate re... more Drone simulators can provide an abstraction of different applications of drones and facilitate reasoning about distinct situations, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of these applications. In this paper we describe Dragonfly, a simulator of the behaviours of individual and collection of drones in various environments, involving random contextual variables and different environmental settings. Dragonfly supports the use of several drones in applications and evaluates the satisfaction of requirements under normal and exceptional situations. It simulates adaptive behaviours of drones due to exceptional situations. The adaption of drones is based on the use of wrappers implemented using aspect-oriented programming.

Research paper thumbnail of Expressões potentes da juventude: eu sou porque nós somos/Powerful expressions of youth: I am because we are

Revista Interinstitucional Brasileira de Terapia Ocupacional - REVISBRATO, 2019

ResumoA imagem da capa é um dos produtos da oficina fotográfica realizada durante o projeto integ... more ResumoA imagem da capa é um dos produtos da oficina fotográfica realizada durante o projeto integrado de ensino, pesquisa e extensão “Expressões Potentes na Escola Pública: corpo e arte”, do Laboratório de Atividades Humanas e Terapia Ocupacional. Esta atividade foi idealizada e produzida pela coordenadora e os estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação que atuavam na equipe em parceria com os estudantes de uma escola pública na cidade de São Carlos-SP, em 2017. A Oficina de Atividades teve como objetivo trabalhar com as questões sobre o pertencimento e a autoimagem dos participantes, dar expressão às suas essências. O processo de produção das imagens, em associação com as demais estratégias construídas durante o projeto inclusive as relações de afeto, demonstraram ser potentes e sensíveis para o protagonismo dos envolvidos através de um espaço apropriado para a expressão de ideias, sentimentos e emoções, que promovesse o respeito de si e do outro. The cover image is one of the photog...

Research paper thumbnail of Um Estudo das Reflexões de Sinais de RF em Sistemas RFID de UHF

Anais de XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais, 2019

Resumo-Um estudo do comportamento de sinais de RF para sistemas de comunicação de RFID que operam... more Resumo-Um estudo do comportamento de sinais de RF para sistemas de comunicação de RFID que operam em UHF é apresentado, incluindo resultados experimentais e modelados. É apresentada uma generalização do modelo de radiopropagação Dielectric Canyon envolvendo reflexões no solo e/ou outros objetos. O modelo é comparado com medições feitas na prática com leitor RFID e também com um analisador de espectro. Isso explica os pontos "cegos" em que as tags não são ativadas, mesmo em distâncias próximas. O estudo é importante para aplicações em ambientes onde as tags estão próximas do solo, como por exemplo na agricultura.

Research paper thumbnail of DisOpenFaaS: A Distributed Function-as-a-Service Platform

Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC), 2019

The adoption of cloud computing is increasing due to low costs of infrastructure, as well as havi... more The adoption of cloud computing is increasing due to low costs of infrastructure, as well as having virtually infinite resources available for demand based scaling. The increasing interest in this topic, there is a continuous search for better ways to manage such infrastructures. One of the most recent steps was the development of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS). FaaS is a cloud computing service model where developers can deploy functions to a cloud platform and have them executed based on the triggering of events, or by making HTTP(S) requests. We propose an architecture for deploying FaaS platforms in hybrid clouds that can be composed by multiple cloud providers. This architecture enable privately deployed FaaS platforms to perform auto-scaling of virtual machines in a distributed infrastructure, while considering the scenario where the users of such platform are scattered around the globe. This allows the execution of requests in servers geographically located as close as possible...

Research paper thumbnail of Nova Técnica de Centroide para Sensores de Frente de Onda com Ponto Elongado Usando Grid Search

Anais de XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais, 2017

Resumo-Na nova geração de telescópios gigantes, com diâmetro superior a 24m, a Óptica Adaptativa ... more Resumo-Na nova geração de telescópios gigantes, com diâmetro superior a 24m, a Óptica Adaptativa tornou-se essencial para a observação científica astronômica. Sistemas de óptica adaptativa requerem uma estrela de referência para o devido funcionamento, comumente uma estrela artificial (estrela guia laser). A imagem desta estrela observada pelo sensor de frente onda é um ponto alongado com intensidade luminosa dependente da densidade do perfil de sódio. O processamento de dados do sensor de frente de onda com estrelas alongadas não é trivial, principalmente na presença de truncamento da imagem. Neste trabalho, propomos um método para determinação do centroide do ponto alongado utilizando Grid Search. Esse método além de ter performance semelhante a outros métodos propostos recentemente, apresenta a vantagem da determinação do centroide na presença de truncamento.

Research paper thumbnail of Neuroestimulação na dor neuropática refratária por avulsão do plexo braquial: relatos de dois casos

XXXII Congresso Brasileiro de Neurocirurgia, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of {"__content__"=>"Evaluation of Alkaloids Isolated from as Photosynthesis Inhibitors.", "i"=>{"__content__"=>"Ruta graveolens"}}

Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), Jan 19, 2018

Eight alkaloids (⁻) were isolated from , and their herbicide activities were evaluated through in... more Eight alkaloids (⁻) were isolated from , and their herbicide activities were evaluated through in vitro, semivivo, and in vivo assays. The most relevant results were observed for Compounds and ⁻ at 150 μM, which decreased dry biomass by 20% and 23%, respectively. These are significant results since they presented similar values with the positive control, commercial herbicide 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). Based on the performed assays, Compound (graveoline) is classified as an electron-transport inhibitor during the light phase of photosynthesis, as well as a plant-growth regulator. On the other hand, Compounds ⁻ inhibited electron and energy transfers, and are also plant-growth inhibitors. These phytotoxic behaviors based on acridone and quinolone alkaloids may serve as a valuable tool in the further development of a new class of herbicides since natural products represent an interesting alternative to replace commercial herbicides, potentially due their low toxicity.

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of the interactions between coumarin-derivatives and acetylcholinesterase: Examination by NMR and docking simulations

Journal of molecular modeling, Jan 14, 2018

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most common forms of dementia and a significant threat... more Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most common forms of dementia and a significant threat to the elderly populations, especially in the Western world. The rapid hydrolysis of the principal neurotransmitter into choline and acetate by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) at synapses causes the loss of cognitive response that becomes the real cause of AD. Therefore, inhibition of AChE is the most fundamental therapy among currently available treatments for AD. In this context, we designed and performed molecular recognitions studies of coumarin-based inhibitors towards AChE. STD NMR and Tr-NOESY applications were utilized to evaluate the binding epitope, the dissociation constant (K) and bound conformations of these inhibitors within this inhibitor-AChE complex. Compound 1, which has a similar inhibition activity to tacrine (a current drug) led in this study as a stronger binder with K = 30 μM ,even greater than tacrine (K = 140 μM). Moreover, docking simulations mimic NMR results and ...

Research paper thumbnail of PlantRNA_Sniffer: A SVM-Based Workflow to Predict Long Intergenic Non-Coding RNAs in Plants

Non-Coding RNA, 2017

Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) constitute an important set of transcripts produced in the cells of orga... more Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) constitute an important set of transcripts produced in the cells of organisms. Among them, there is a large amount of a particular class of long ncRNAs that are difficult to predict, the so-called long intergenic ncRNAs (lincRNAs), which might play essential roles in gene regulation and other cellular processes. Despite the importance of these lincRNAs, there is still a lack of biological knowledge and, currently, the few computational methods considered are so specific that they cannot be successfully applied to other species different from those that they have been originally designed to. Prediction of lncRNAs have been performed with machine learning techniques. Particularly, for lincRNA prediction, supervised learning methods have been explored in recent literature. As far as we know, there are no methods nor workflows specially designed to predict lincRNAs in plants. In this context, this work proposes a workflow to predict lincRNAs on plants, considering a workflow that includes known bioinformatics tools together with machine learning techniques, here a support vector machine (SVM). We discuss two case studies that allowed to identify novel lincRNAs, in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) and in maize (Zea mays). From the results, we also could identify differentially-expressed lincRNAs in sugarcane and maize plants submitted to pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms.

Research paper thumbnail of The Brazilian World Cup: too hot for soccer?

International journal of biometeorology, Jan 25, 2017

The main objective of this research was to analyze the climate data for the host cities of the so... more The main objective of this research was to analyze the climate data for the host cities of the soccer World Cup held in Brazil in June and July 2014. A great deal of criticism was expressed about the Brazilian climate in the national and international press and media in the run-up to the competition, suggesting that the air temperature and relative air humidity would be the main adversaries of the soccer teams, especially those from Europe, during the competition. An analysis of the weather was done at the places and times of each of the 64 matches held. A human thermal comfort index was calculated (discomfort index (DI)) for each of the matches in order to discover the real climatic conditions in the host cities during the 2014 World Cup and their potential influence on the teams and human comfort in general. During the 2014 World Cup, only two matches were played at temperatures above 30 °C, representing a negligible percentage of the total number of matches. The air temperature f...

Research paper thumbnail of Metabolomics Analysis of C. lanceolatum Roots in the Presence of Its Endophytic Fungi

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society

The aim of this work was to identify and quantify the metabolites present in the roots of Combret... more The aim of this work was to identify and quantify the metabolites present in the roots of Combretum lanceolatum inoculated with its endophytic fungi. The metabolomics was accomplished using the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectral data and evaluated via rNMR software and Madison Metabolomics Consortium Database (MMCD). The principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) showed that plants inoculated with Trichoderma spirale (Ts) present differentiation and discrimination over the time as compared to control. Seven days after Ts fungal inoculation, 15 metabolites were identified at different concentrations comparing to the control plants. The plants inoculated with Ts fungus present the metabolites spermidine and pantothenate in higher concentrations and 3-hydroxybutyric acid and β-alanine in lower concentrations as compared to control plants, indicating any response to biotic stress. These metabolites are involved in various plant ...

Research paper thumbnail of Desafios de interoperabilidade entre BIM e BEM

4º Congresso Português de Building Information Modelling vol. 1 - ptBIM

Research paper thumbnail of Relato de experiência: a construção de um curso pré-vestibular popular vinculado ao curso de medicina

Revista Acervo Educacional (online), 2021

Objetivo: Relatar a experiência da dinâmica de seleção e funcionamento de um curso pré-vestibular... more Objetivo: Relatar a experiência da dinâmica de seleção e funcionamento de um curso pré-vestibular popular criado e desenvolvido como projeto de extensão por alunos de medicina de uma universidade comunitária do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Relato de experiência: Estudantes da graduação estruturaram um curso pré-vestibular e desenvolveram um modelo próprio de seleção, baseado em experiências prévias com processos seletivos e nas Multiple Mini-Interviews (MMI), o qual une a avaliação teórica (primeira etapa) com cenários temáticos (segunda etapa). A seleção visa abranger não somente competências cognitivas. A avaliação teórica evidenciou que os candidatos apresentaram dificuldades em matemática, química e física. Já os cenários temáticos contribuíram na identificação de candidatos que expressassem traços de trabalho em equipe, empatia, motivação e interesse em participar do projeto. Após o processo, o projeto se desenvolveu com aulas e simulados ao longo de um ano letivo. Consideraçõe...

Research paper thumbnail of Current Research on Therapy in Alzheimer’s Disease Experimental Model: Beta-Amyloid1-42 Induction

Journal of Advance Research in Pharmacy & Biological Science (ISSN: 2208-2360), 2015

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder commonly associated with brain ?-amyloid... more Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder commonly associated with brain ?-amyloid accumulation (A?). Early in disease, individuals have impairment in short-term memory, but keeps alert preserved sensory and motor functions, progressing to cognitive functions total loss. The aim of this study is to present main substances currently investigated in Alzheimer’s disease experimental model induced by A?1-42 and its possible therapeutic actions. For this, we realized an exhaustive literature research, and main results data compiled and analyzed. Thus, there were observed three agents’ classes used to treat AD: antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and calcium homeostasis regulators, with 15 substances found. In conclusion, it can be seen that these agents have beneficial results which suggest actions that may be used in clinical practice to pathology treatment.

Research paper thumbnail of Reforma a vapor do etanol com captura de dióxido de carbono utilizando catalisadores à base de níquel e cálcio dopados com materiais inertes

Palavras-chave: hidrogênio, sinterização de partículas CaO, maienita, óxido de cério, ciclos de c... more Palavras-chave: hidrogênio, sinterização de partículas CaO, maienita, óxido de cério, ciclos de carbonatação e regeneração, reforma a vapor com captura de CO2.

Research paper thumbnail of Padrões espirométricos de resposta ao uso do broncodilatador em pacientes acometidos por doenças respiratórias

Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde, 2021

Objetivo: Estudar a resposta ao broncodilatador em pacientes acometidos por doenças respiratórias... more Objetivo: Estudar a resposta ao broncodilatador em pacientes acometidos por doenças respiratórias como asma e bronquite descrevendo as características clínicas avaliadas, bem como avaliar os diferentes padrões espirométricos expressados em patologias respiratórias encaminhadas para a espirometria. Métodos: Foram selecionados os prontuários e as espirometrias dos pacientes que apresentavam quadro de asma, bronquite ou rinite entre os anos de 2016-2019. Os testes espirométricos consistiram em uma etapa pré-broncodilatador e pós-broncodilatador. Foram utilizados os seguintes dados espirométricos: 1) capacidade vital forçada expiratória (FVC), volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (FEV1), VEF1/FVC Pré e Pós-broncodilatador. Resultados: Dos 34 pacientes avaliados neste estudo, 23 (70%) tinham diagnóstico de asma e 9 (28%) de bronquite e 1 (2%) de rinite. Os asmáticos que apresentaram quadro clínico obstrutivo foi de 11 (47,82%) juntamente com pacientes com bronquite, que também...

Research paper thumbnail of Truncation robust centroiding for wavefront sensors

In the new generation of giant telescopes with high resolution images, the atmospheric turbulence... more In the new generation of giant telescopes with high resolution images, the atmospheric turbulence has become an obstacle to the precision of the results. The use of adaptive optics is now crucial for wavefront correction in such telescopes. The most commonly used sensor in adaptive optics is the Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor. Composed of an array of lenses, it uses a reference, normally a star, to sample the wavefront tilts in the primary aperture. By processing the tilts at each sub-aperture, it is possible to estimate the overall disturbance. Since adaptive optics systems require high luminous intensity, it is common to use artificial guide stars. These stars are generated by a laser focused on the sodium layer in the upper atmosphere. Due to the optical geometry, the laser guide star generates an elongated spot when imaged by a sub-aperture. In giant telescopes larger than 20 meters in diameter, the spot elongation is so large that classical centroiding techniques provide poor ...

Research paper thumbnail of Ontological Analysis of Weathering

Weathering is an event that changes rocks and sediments when they are exposed to the Earth’s surf... more Weathering is an event that changes rocks and sediments when they are exposed to the Earth’s surface conditions. This paper presents an ontological analysis and proposes a model for this type of event, based on the Unified Foundational Ontology and specializing concepts from the GeoCore ontology. The proposed model details the two main types of weathering processes (i.e. Physical Weathering and Chemical Weathering) and describes them in terms of transitions between situations, detailing the involved continuants and the properties that are affected, as well as how they are arranged in the situations connected by such processes. With this structure, the result of this work can help in tracing the past states of sediment and rocks before they are transformed into a weathering event and helps modelers to understand how to model physical

Research paper thumbnail of CloudSlurm: a multi-provider approach for HPC in the cloud

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação postural de adolescentes de uma escola estadual no município de Bagé-RS através da fotogrametria

Atualmente, tem se observado uma alta prevalencia de alteracoes posturais em adolescentes. Alguma... more Atualmente, tem se observado uma alta prevalencia de alteracoes posturais em adolescentes. Algumas dessas alteracoes sao proprias do desenvolvimento fisiologico; entretanto, boa parte delas esta relacionada com o comportamento postural inadequado durante a fase escolar. Nesse periodo os adolescentes passam sentados por um longo tempo, utilizam as cadeiras de forma inadequada e transportam o material escolar, que, na maioria das vezes, esta em excesso de carga, alem desses fatores negativos, soma-se a obesidade e o sedentarismo. Em adolescentes, variacoes posturais sao comumente encontradas no periodo do crescimento e desenvolvimento, sendo decorrentes dos varios ajustes, adaptacoes e mudancas corporais e psicossociais que marcam essa fase. A postura pode ser afetada por varios fatores intrinsecos e extrinsecos, como hereditariedade, ambiente e condicoes fisicas nas quais o individuo vive, bem como por fatores emocionais, socioeconomicos e por alteracoes consequentes do crescimento e...

Research paper thumbnail of Dragonfly: a Tool for Simulating Self-Adaptive Drone Behaviours

2019 IEEE/ACM 14th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), 2019

Drone simulators can provide an abstraction of different applications of drones and facilitate re... more Drone simulators can provide an abstraction of different applications of drones and facilitate reasoning about distinct situations, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of these applications. In this paper we describe Dragonfly, a simulator of the behaviours of individual and collection of drones in various environments, involving random contextual variables and different environmental settings. Dragonfly supports the use of several drones in applications and evaluates the satisfaction of requirements under normal and exceptional situations. It simulates adaptive behaviours of drones due to exceptional situations. The adaption of drones is based on the use of wrappers implemented using aspect-oriented programming.

Research paper thumbnail of Expressões potentes da juventude: eu sou porque nós somos/Powerful expressions of youth: I am because we are

Revista Interinstitucional Brasileira de Terapia Ocupacional - REVISBRATO, 2019

ResumoA imagem da capa é um dos produtos da oficina fotográfica realizada durante o projeto integ... more ResumoA imagem da capa é um dos produtos da oficina fotográfica realizada durante o projeto integrado de ensino, pesquisa e extensão “Expressões Potentes na Escola Pública: corpo e arte”, do Laboratório de Atividades Humanas e Terapia Ocupacional. Esta atividade foi idealizada e produzida pela coordenadora e os estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação que atuavam na equipe em parceria com os estudantes de uma escola pública na cidade de São Carlos-SP, em 2017. A Oficina de Atividades teve como objetivo trabalhar com as questões sobre o pertencimento e a autoimagem dos participantes, dar expressão às suas essências. O processo de produção das imagens, em associação com as demais estratégias construídas durante o projeto inclusive as relações de afeto, demonstraram ser potentes e sensíveis para o protagonismo dos envolvidos através de um espaço apropriado para a expressão de ideias, sentimentos e emoções, que promovesse o respeito de si e do outro. The cover image is one of the photog...

Research paper thumbnail of Um Estudo das Reflexões de Sinais de RF em Sistemas RFID de UHF

Anais de XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais, 2019

Resumo-Um estudo do comportamento de sinais de RF para sistemas de comunicação de RFID que operam... more Resumo-Um estudo do comportamento de sinais de RF para sistemas de comunicação de RFID que operam em UHF é apresentado, incluindo resultados experimentais e modelados. É apresentada uma generalização do modelo de radiopropagação Dielectric Canyon envolvendo reflexões no solo e/ou outros objetos. O modelo é comparado com medições feitas na prática com leitor RFID e também com um analisador de espectro. Isso explica os pontos "cegos" em que as tags não são ativadas, mesmo em distâncias próximas. O estudo é importante para aplicações em ambientes onde as tags estão próximas do solo, como por exemplo na agricultura.

Research paper thumbnail of DisOpenFaaS: A Distributed Function-as-a-Service Platform

Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC), 2019

The adoption of cloud computing is increasing due to low costs of infrastructure, as well as havi... more The adoption of cloud computing is increasing due to low costs of infrastructure, as well as having virtually infinite resources available for demand based scaling. The increasing interest in this topic, there is a continuous search for better ways to manage such infrastructures. One of the most recent steps was the development of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS). FaaS is a cloud computing service model where developers can deploy functions to a cloud platform and have them executed based on the triggering of events, or by making HTTP(S) requests. We propose an architecture for deploying FaaS platforms in hybrid clouds that can be composed by multiple cloud providers. This architecture enable privately deployed FaaS platforms to perform auto-scaling of virtual machines in a distributed infrastructure, while considering the scenario where the users of such platform are scattered around the globe. This allows the execution of requests in servers geographically located as close as possible...

Research paper thumbnail of Nova Técnica de Centroide para Sensores de Frente de Onda com Ponto Elongado Usando Grid Search

Anais de XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais, 2017

Resumo-Na nova geração de telescópios gigantes, com diâmetro superior a 24m, a Óptica Adaptativa ... more Resumo-Na nova geração de telescópios gigantes, com diâmetro superior a 24m, a Óptica Adaptativa tornou-se essencial para a observação científica astronômica. Sistemas de óptica adaptativa requerem uma estrela de referência para o devido funcionamento, comumente uma estrela artificial (estrela guia laser). A imagem desta estrela observada pelo sensor de frente onda é um ponto alongado com intensidade luminosa dependente da densidade do perfil de sódio. O processamento de dados do sensor de frente de onda com estrelas alongadas não é trivial, principalmente na presença de truncamento da imagem. Neste trabalho, propomos um método para determinação do centroide do ponto alongado utilizando Grid Search. Esse método além de ter performance semelhante a outros métodos propostos recentemente, apresenta a vantagem da determinação do centroide na presença de truncamento.

Research paper thumbnail of Neuroestimulação na dor neuropática refratária por avulsão do plexo braquial: relatos de dois casos

XXXII Congresso Brasileiro de Neurocirurgia, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of {"__content__"=>"Evaluation of Alkaloids Isolated from as Photosynthesis Inhibitors.", "i"=>{"__content__"=>"Ruta graveolens"}}

Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), Jan 19, 2018

Eight alkaloids (⁻) were isolated from , and their herbicide activities were evaluated through in... more Eight alkaloids (⁻) were isolated from , and their herbicide activities were evaluated through in vitro, semivivo, and in vivo assays. The most relevant results were observed for Compounds and ⁻ at 150 μM, which decreased dry biomass by 20% and 23%, respectively. These are significant results since they presented similar values with the positive control, commercial herbicide 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). Based on the performed assays, Compound (graveoline) is classified as an electron-transport inhibitor during the light phase of photosynthesis, as well as a plant-growth regulator. On the other hand, Compounds ⁻ inhibited electron and energy transfers, and are also plant-growth inhibitors. These phytotoxic behaviors based on acridone and quinolone alkaloids may serve as a valuable tool in the further development of a new class of herbicides since natural products represent an interesting alternative to replace commercial herbicides, potentially due their low toxicity.

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of the interactions between coumarin-derivatives and acetylcholinesterase: Examination by NMR and docking simulations

Journal of molecular modeling, Jan 14, 2018

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most common forms of dementia and a significant threat... more Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most common forms of dementia and a significant threat to the elderly populations, especially in the Western world. The rapid hydrolysis of the principal neurotransmitter into choline and acetate by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) at synapses causes the loss of cognitive response that becomes the real cause of AD. Therefore, inhibition of AChE is the most fundamental therapy among currently available treatments for AD. In this context, we designed and performed molecular recognitions studies of coumarin-based inhibitors towards AChE. STD NMR and Tr-NOESY applications were utilized to evaluate the binding epitope, the dissociation constant (K) and bound conformations of these inhibitors within this inhibitor-AChE complex. Compound 1, which has a similar inhibition activity to tacrine (a current drug) led in this study as a stronger binder with K = 30 μM ,even greater than tacrine (K = 140 μM). Moreover, docking simulations mimic NMR results and ...

Research paper thumbnail of PlantRNA_Sniffer: A SVM-Based Workflow to Predict Long Intergenic Non-Coding RNAs in Plants

Non-Coding RNA, 2017

Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) constitute an important set of transcripts produced in the cells of orga... more Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) constitute an important set of transcripts produced in the cells of organisms. Among them, there is a large amount of a particular class of long ncRNAs that are difficult to predict, the so-called long intergenic ncRNAs (lincRNAs), which might play essential roles in gene regulation and other cellular processes. Despite the importance of these lincRNAs, there is still a lack of biological knowledge and, currently, the few computational methods considered are so specific that they cannot be successfully applied to other species different from those that they have been originally designed to. Prediction of lncRNAs have been performed with machine learning techniques. Particularly, for lincRNA prediction, supervised learning methods have been explored in recent literature. As far as we know, there are no methods nor workflows specially designed to predict lincRNAs in plants. In this context, this work proposes a workflow to predict lincRNAs on plants, considering a workflow that includes known bioinformatics tools together with machine learning techniques, here a support vector machine (SVM). We discuss two case studies that allowed to identify novel lincRNAs, in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) and in maize (Zea mays). From the results, we also could identify differentially-expressed lincRNAs in sugarcane and maize plants submitted to pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms.

Research paper thumbnail of The Brazilian World Cup: too hot for soccer?

International journal of biometeorology, Jan 25, 2017

The main objective of this research was to analyze the climate data for the host cities of the so... more The main objective of this research was to analyze the climate data for the host cities of the soccer World Cup held in Brazil in June and July 2014. A great deal of criticism was expressed about the Brazilian climate in the national and international press and media in the run-up to the competition, suggesting that the air temperature and relative air humidity would be the main adversaries of the soccer teams, especially those from Europe, during the competition. An analysis of the weather was done at the places and times of each of the 64 matches held. A human thermal comfort index was calculated (discomfort index (DI)) for each of the matches in order to discover the real climatic conditions in the host cities during the 2014 World Cup and their potential influence on the teams and human comfort in general. During the 2014 World Cup, only two matches were played at temperatures above 30 °C, representing a negligible percentage of the total number of matches. The air temperature f...