Luciane Lacerda Franco Rocha Rodrigues (original) (raw)
Papers by Luciane Lacerda Franco Rocha Rodrigues
Journal of advances in medicine and medical research, Oct 11, 2023
International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 2000
Misinterpretation of patient beliefs may complicate shared decision-making in rheumatoid arthriti... more Misinterpretation of patient beliefs may complicate shared decision-making in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). The objective of this study was to develop a questionnaire to assess patients' beliefs about their disease and its treatment, and to identify patient characteristics associated with these beliefs. All beliefs reported by > 5% of 50 patients in a previous study were reformulated with a partnering patient organization into statements with which participants could rate their agreement on a scale of 0-10 (totally disagree to totally agree). The resulting Questionnaire for Arthritis Dialogue (QuAD) was made available to patients with RA or axSpA. A score ≥ 7 was considered a strongly held belief. Associations between patient characteristics and individual lifestyle beliefs were assessed using multiple logistic regression. The 21-item QuAD was completed by 672 patients (432 RA, 240 axSpA; mean [±SD] age 54.2 [± 14.2]; 63.7% female). The most widely held beliefs were related to uncertainty about progression (n = 354, 54.0%), heredity (n = 309, 47.8%), and flare triggers (n = 283, 42.7%). The unwarranted belief that physical activity is deleterious to disease activity was associated with markers of psychological distress and lower educational levels. The beliefs of patients with RA or axSpA about their disease are wide-ranging. Since these may be unwarranted and may lead to inappropriate behaviors, physicians should discuss these beliefs with their patients. The QuAD may facilitate this dialogue, and may also be useful in population studies to standardize the assessment and evolution of beliefs over time. People with long-term inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA; inflammation of the joints) and axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA; inflammation of the spine) may hold a number of beliefs about their disease, including some that are not supported by current scientific evidence (e.g., BI think that my disease was triggered by a vaccina-tion^). Some beliefs, especially those relating to the role of lifestyle factors (such as exercise, diet, smoking, and drinking Thibault de Chalus was an employee of UCB Pharma at the time of the study. Caroline Dreuillet was an employee of Arthritis Fondation Courtin at the time of the study.
Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) according to Okeson, (1998) is the term used to describe a co... more Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) according to Okeson, (1998) is the term used to describe a comprehensive condition of clinical changes in the orofacial region, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and adjacent structures, where it is most commonly observed the painful symptomatology present in the dysfunctions of the masticatory muscles and cervical muscles. A non-invasive therapeutic option for TMD control is phonophoresis, a technique that associates therapeutic ultrasound with a drug, described by Skauen and Zentner (1984), as drug movement through intact living skin and soft tissues under the influence of an ultrasonic disturbance, enabling greater spreading, penetration and absorption of the drugs used.
Brazilian Journal Of Pain
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Introduction. Considering oral rehabilitation with dental implants, many studies have aimed at im... more Introduction. Considering oral rehabilitation with dental implants, many studies have aimed at improving bone regeneration through the use of biomaterials. Objective. This study aimed at comparing bone neoformation in patients undergoing bilateral maxillary sinus surgery with two bovine biomaterials. Materials and Methods. This is a randomized, blinded, clinical crossover, and divided mouth study. Ten participants with an indication of maxillary sinus enlargement were selected and underwent surgical treatment with Bio-Oss® graft biomaterial (graft 1) on one side and Lumina-Porous® graft biomaterial (graft 2) on the other. The samples were collected after nine months and fixed and then decalcified in 10% ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) solution for 30 days to process and make histological slides. Connective and bone tissue were further analyzed to identify the amount of newly formed bone. Results. The graft 1 group had a greater formation of vital mineralized tissue when com...
Brazilian Dental Science
Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a term that covers a number of clinical problems involving th... more Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a term that covers a number of clinical problems involving the masticatory muscles, TMJ and all associated structures leading to signs and symptoms such as jaw pain, otalgia, headaches and limitation of function. In this context, TMD has been related to facial type and there are three distinct facial types (euryprosopic, mesoprosopic, and leptoprosopic). Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between myofascial pain and facial types classified by the RDC/TMD Axis I. Material and Methods: this study was composed of 64 women aged between 12 and 49 years, using data obtained from two institutions. We used the anthropometric methodology, which meets the criteria of simplicity and reliability. We also applied the Brugsh Facial Index. The individuals were classified as euryprosopic (51.56%), mesoprosopic (12.50%) and leptoprosopic (35.94%), without statistical significance among the groups (p=0,3492). Results: there is no statistical difference between the age groups (p=0.2976) and no association between facial type and age range. Conclusion: this study found that there was a correlation between myofascial pain and facial types, with the predominance of euryprosopic faced women aged between 20 and 29 years when compared with other facial types and other age groups.
DEDICATÓRIA Dedico este trabalho ao meu pai, Raul, que hoje já não se encontra entre nós, mas dur... more DEDICATÓRIA Dedico este trabalho ao meu pai, Raul, que hoje já não se encontra entre nós, mas durante a sua jornada na Terra foi um grande exemplo de determinação e sabedoria a ser seguido. À minha mãe, Vera, que tanto nos mostrou a importância de continuarmos estudando. Ao meu marido, Hamilton, pela paciência que teve em dividir os nossos momentos de lazer com este trabalho e, ao Guilherme, nosso filho tão esperado e amado, meu muito obrigada pelo apoio recebido para conclusão desta jornada. vi AGRADECIMENTOS À Profa. Dra. Cláudia Herrera Tambeli, minha amiga de tantos anos, meu muito obrigada por ter me orientado e, principalmente pelo apoio e pelo incentivo através do seu exemplo de determinação dentro de seus objetivos, que muito contribuiu para a conclusão deste trabalho. À Profa. Dra. Maria Cecília Ferraz de Arruda Veiga, obrigada por me acolher nos momentos mais difíceis e pelo constante bom humor. À Dra. Adriana Pelegrini da Silva, por ter me acolhido tantas vezes em sua residência durante a sua gravidez e pelas sugestões realizadas no artigo publicado. À doutoranda e amiga, Maria Cláudia Gonçalves de Oliveira Fusaro, pela boa vontade e companheirismo na execução deste trabalho. Ao Prof. Dr. Carlos Amílcar Parada, o meu muito obrigada pelas valiosas sugestões e colaboração neste trabalho. À Profa. Dra. Fernanda Klein Marcondes, pelo exemplo de organização e competência. Às Professoras Doutoras Cecília Gatti Guirado, Célia M. Rizatti Barbosa e Maria Beatriz D. Gavião, por terem aceitado fazer parte da minha banca examinadora na qualificação e pela colaboração nas sugestões apresentadas. Aos Professores Doutores Eduardo Dias de Andrade, Élio Itoshi Shinohara, Norair Salviano dos Reis e Valdir Quintana Gomes Júnior, pessoas pelas quais tenho profunda admiração, meu muito obrigada por me concederem à honra de fazer parte da minha banca examinadora e pelas valiosas sugestões apresentadas na minha defesa de tese/. vii Ao Prof. Dr. Norair Salviano dos Reis, meu muito obrigada por ter se mostrado tão disposto a participar da minha banca, mas que por motivo de saúde não pôde estar presente na minha defesa de tese.
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, 2014
Acesso da população idosa aos serviços de saúde bucal: uma revisão Access of elderly people to or... more Acesso da população idosa aos serviços de saúde bucal: uma revisão Access of elderly people to oral health services: a review
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, 2018
Objective: to assess the characteristics associated withtemporomandibular disorders (TMD) and the... more Objective: to assess the characteristics associated withtemporomandibular disorders (TMD) and their impacton oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of institutionalizedelderly people. Subjects and method: itwas a cross-sectional study performed in 30 private institutionsfor the elderly. The data collected included theTMD questionnaire and clinical evaluation assessed bythe Research Diagnostic Criteria/TemporomandibularDisorders (RDC/TMD), as well as the OHIP-49 questionnairefor OHRQoL. Results: twenty-four institutionsaccepted to participate in the study (n = 375 with 133fit for answering both questionnaires). Considering thecharacteristics, tinnitus was the most frequent symptomreported, while 98.5% of the research participants didnot present myofascial pain. Disc displacement wasobserved in 26.3%, while 93% of individuals did notpresent chronic pain. Severe depression was found in23.3% of the elderly with 24.1% presenting moderatelevels of non-specific physical symptoms, inc...
Revista Dor, 2015
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Among temporomandibular disorder classifications, masticatory muscles ... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Among temporomandibular disorder classifications, masticatory muscles myofascial pain is the most frequent. Its multifactorial etiology makes its treatment difficult. Identifying other painful sites related to temporomandibular disorders may help controlling comorbidities and, as a consequence, improving their symptoms. This study aimed at evaluating the presence of body pain in temporomandibular disorder patients, the frequency of such reports and their location. METHODS: We have evaluated 328 medical charts of the Dental Research Center São Leopoldo Mandic, with diagnosis of muscular temporomandibular disorder. Patients were evaluated by means of a body map to locate pain complaints. RESULTS: From 328 analyzed medical charts, 180 (55%) had body pain (160 females, 20 males), and 148 (45%) had facial pain only (116 females, 32 males). Areas with most frequent pain reports were cervical, lumbar and shoulders. Females had more body pain (with pain n=160, without pain n=116, p<0.001) as compared to males (with pain n=20, without pain n=32) with statistical difference. In most cases pain has affected both body sides (bilateral face 67%, bilateral body 92%). CONCLUSION: Most patients with temporomandibular disorder had pain in body parts different from the face. Regions marked in human body drawings with more pain were cervical followed by lumbar and shoulders.
Headache Medicine, 2020
IntroduçãoA síndrome dolorosa miofascial (SDM) é uma das causas mais comuns de dor musculoesquelé... more IntroduçãoA síndrome dolorosa miofascial (SDM) é uma das causas mais comuns de dor musculoesquelética, acompanhada de limitação de abertura bucal ou desvio em abertura, além da exacerbação da dor em função. Em alguns casos, a perpetuação da dor sugere o envolvimento de uma Sensibilização Central. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alterações de sensibilidade em indivíduos com a Síndrome da Dor Crônica Miofascial da Face diagnosticados pelo DC/ TMD Eixo I, por meio da verificação do Limiar de Dor à Pressão.Material e MétodosO estudo aprovado pelo CEP sob protocolo número 2.655.433 com uma amostra de 40 indivíduos de ambos os gêneros e idade a partir de 18 anos, foi recrutada na Clínica de DTM/Dor Orofacial da Faculdade de Odontologia São Leopoldo Mandic de Campinas-SP, sendo 28 referentes ao grupo de estudo e 12 ao grupo controle. O presente estudo de abordagem quantitativa, descritiva, observacional e transversal, consistiu na aplicação de um estímulo mecânico de pressão por meio...
A vida acadêmica é caracterizada por um ambiente estressante e degrande ansiedade no qual os acad... more A vida acadêmica é caracterizada por um ambiente estressante e degrande ansiedade no qual os acadêmicos têm a responsabilidade de aprender uma profissão e preparar-se para um futuro profissional incerto. A ansiedade e o estresse são fatores psicossociais que podem causar hiperatividade muscular e o desenvolvimento de hábitos parafuncionais, podendo levar a DTM. Esta pesquisa transversal, aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic sob o parecer nº 3.967.804 e da Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná sob o parecer nº 4.000.015, foi composta por uma amostra de 174 alunos, divididos entre os 5 anos de graduação, que preencheram uma Ficha Clínica, a Lista de Verificação dos Comportamentos Orais, o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço – Estado, a Escala de Estresse Percebido e o Questionário de Triagem para DTM. Após a aplicação dos critérios de exclusão, a amostra passou para 138 indivíduos, sendo que 46 responderam afirmativamente a duas ou m...
Brazilian Journal Of Pain, 2020
European journal of dentistry
The objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) ... more The objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) and to investigate whether an association exists between the presence of TMD symptoms and the degree of MS-related disability. In all, 120 individuals were evaluated: 60 patients with a diagnosis of relapsing-remitting MS and 60 age- and sex-matched controls without neurological impairments. A questionnaire recommended by the European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders for the assessment of TMD symptoms was administered. For those who answered affirmatively to at least one of the questions, the RDC/TMD Axis I instrument was used for a possible classification of TMD subtypes. The Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) was the measure of the degree of MS-related disability. Fisher's exact test was used to analyze the data. ANOVA was used to detect significant differences between means and to assess whether the factors inf...
Journal of orofacial pain, 2013
To translate the Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure (PRISM) instrument from Ger... more To translate the Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure (PRISM) instrument from German to Portuguese (Brazilian) and adapt it to the Brazilian cultural context, and then assess its reliability and validity in orofacial pain patients. The PRISM was translated to Portuguese then back-translated to German. The translated PRISM was evaluated by a multidisciplinary committee and administered as a pre-test to 30 Portuguese-speaking orofacial pain patients. Psychometric properties were obtained after testing 116 orofacial pain patients. Validity was obtained through correlation analyses of scores obtained from PRISM and other psychometric tests, including the Numerical Pain Scale (NPS), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). The adapted instrument showed high levels of reliability, proven by means of the test-retest procedure, and calculation of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC = 0.991). Significant correlations were found b...
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 2012
Objectives: The aim of this prospective longitudinal study was to evaluate the relationships betw... more Objectives: The aim of this prospective longitudinal study was to evaluate the relationships between anxiety, depression, and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in a sample of pre-university students submitted to a stressful event. Study Design: 153 students from a pre-university course (82 females and 71 males between 16 and 31 years old) were given a survey about TMD symptoms and a survey about anxiety and depression scale at the beginning and the end of the preparatory course (August 2009-T1, and November 2009-T2). Results: Results were analyzed using a chi-square test and Odds Ratio (OR), significance level of α = 0.05. Statistical significance were found to depression rates in students with TMD (16% on T1 and 26% on T2, p = 0.001) as well as in general sample (12% on T1 and 22% on T2, p = 0.009), anxiety and TMD symptoms presented constant rates in both periods. Increased risk of having TMD were found in participants with anxiety (OR 2.6 in T2 and 5.6 in T1) and depression (2.0 in T2 and 3.3 in T1), but only anxiety reach statistical significance in both periods. Conclusions: TMD symptoms were a fluctuating variable that exchange between some individuals of this study. Independently of the TMD, depression rates significant increased in the evaluated period. Finally, anxiety was the psychological symptom related to the increased risk of having TMD.
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 2014
The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of symptoms of temporomandibular disord... more The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in patients with the relapsing-remitting form of multiple sclerosis (MS), the relationship between TMD and the severity of MS, and the presence of TMD symptoms in the evaluated groups. Sixty individuals were evaluated: 30 patients diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS and 30 control individuals matched for gender and age range with no neurologic pathology. In order to investigate the TMD symptoms, the questionnaires of the EACD (European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders) and the RDC/TMD (Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders), both validated for TMD research, were administered. To assess the extent of disability produced by MS, the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) was used. The prevalence of TMD symptoms in patients with MS was 56.7% versus 16.7% for the control group, with a statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.0016). ...
Journal of oral & facial pain and headache, 2016
To investigate the possible relationship between the orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusi... more To investigate the possible relationship between the orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusion and the development of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). A total of 40 patients was evaluated at four time points: the day before the start of treatment employing bilateral Class II elastics (baseline), as well as at 24 hours, 1 week, and 1 month after the start of treatment. The development of TMD pain complaints in the orofacial region and changes in the range of mouth opening were assessed at these times. Shapiro-Wilk, McNemar, and Friedman tests with 5% significance level were used to analyze the data. The treatment produced pain of a transitory, moderate intensity, but there was no significant change from baseline after 1 month. There were no restrictions in the range of jaw motion or any evidence of limitations in mouth opening. Orthodontic treatment with bilateral Class II elastics does not cause significant orofacial pain or undesirable changes in the range of mouth opening. ...
Journal of advances in medicine and medical research, Oct 11, 2023
International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 2000
Misinterpretation of patient beliefs may complicate shared decision-making in rheumatoid arthriti... more Misinterpretation of patient beliefs may complicate shared decision-making in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). The objective of this study was to develop a questionnaire to assess patients' beliefs about their disease and its treatment, and to identify patient characteristics associated with these beliefs. All beliefs reported by > 5% of 50 patients in a previous study were reformulated with a partnering patient organization into statements with which participants could rate their agreement on a scale of 0-10 (totally disagree to totally agree). The resulting Questionnaire for Arthritis Dialogue (QuAD) was made available to patients with RA or axSpA. A score ≥ 7 was considered a strongly held belief. Associations between patient characteristics and individual lifestyle beliefs were assessed using multiple logistic regression. The 21-item QuAD was completed by 672 patients (432 RA, 240 axSpA; mean [±SD] age 54.2 [± 14.2]; 63.7% female). The most widely held beliefs were related to uncertainty about progression (n = 354, 54.0%), heredity (n = 309, 47.8%), and flare triggers (n = 283, 42.7%). The unwarranted belief that physical activity is deleterious to disease activity was associated with markers of psychological distress and lower educational levels. The beliefs of patients with RA or axSpA about their disease are wide-ranging. Since these may be unwarranted and may lead to inappropriate behaviors, physicians should discuss these beliefs with their patients. The QuAD may facilitate this dialogue, and may also be useful in population studies to standardize the assessment and evolution of beliefs over time. People with long-term inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA; inflammation of the joints) and axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA; inflammation of the spine) may hold a number of beliefs about their disease, including some that are not supported by current scientific evidence (e.g., BI think that my disease was triggered by a vaccina-tion^). Some beliefs, especially those relating to the role of lifestyle factors (such as exercise, diet, smoking, and drinking Thibault de Chalus was an employee of UCB Pharma at the time of the study. Caroline Dreuillet was an employee of Arthritis Fondation Courtin at the time of the study.
Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) according to Okeson, (1998) is the term used to describe a co... more Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) according to Okeson, (1998) is the term used to describe a comprehensive condition of clinical changes in the orofacial region, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and adjacent structures, where it is most commonly observed the painful symptomatology present in the dysfunctions of the masticatory muscles and cervical muscles. A non-invasive therapeutic option for TMD control is phonophoresis, a technique that associates therapeutic ultrasound with a drug, described by Skauen and Zentner (1984), as drug movement through intact living skin and soft tissues under the influence of an ultrasonic disturbance, enabling greater spreading, penetration and absorption of the drugs used.
Brazilian Journal Of Pain
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Introduction. Considering oral rehabilitation with dental implants, many studies have aimed at im... more Introduction. Considering oral rehabilitation with dental implants, many studies have aimed at improving bone regeneration through the use of biomaterials. Objective. This study aimed at comparing bone neoformation in patients undergoing bilateral maxillary sinus surgery with two bovine biomaterials. Materials and Methods. This is a randomized, blinded, clinical crossover, and divided mouth study. Ten participants with an indication of maxillary sinus enlargement were selected and underwent surgical treatment with Bio-Oss® graft biomaterial (graft 1) on one side and Lumina-Porous® graft biomaterial (graft 2) on the other. The samples were collected after nine months and fixed and then decalcified in 10% ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) solution for 30 days to process and make histological slides. Connective and bone tissue were further analyzed to identify the amount of newly formed bone. Results. The graft 1 group had a greater formation of vital mineralized tissue when com...
Brazilian Dental Science
Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a term that covers a number of clinical problems involving th... more Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a term that covers a number of clinical problems involving the masticatory muscles, TMJ and all associated structures leading to signs and symptoms such as jaw pain, otalgia, headaches and limitation of function. In this context, TMD has been related to facial type and there are three distinct facial types (euryprosopic, mesoprosopic, and leptoprosopic). Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between myofascial pain and facial types classified by the RDC/TMD Axis I. Material and Methods: this study was composed of 64 women aged between 12 and 49 years, using data obtained from two institutions. We used the anthropometric methodology, which meets the criteria of simplicity and reliability. We also applied the Brugsh Facial Index. The individuals were classified as euryprosopic (51.56%), mesoprosopic (12.50%) and leptoprosopic (35.94%), without statistical significance among the groups (p=0,3492). Results: there is no statistical difference between the age groups (p=0.2976) and no association between facial type and age range. Conclusion: this study found that there was a correlation between myofascial pain and facial types, with the predominance of euryprosopic faced women aged between 20 and 29 years when compared with other facial types and other age groups.
DEDICATÓRIA Dedico este trabalho ao meu pai, Raul, que hoje já não se encontra entre nós, mas dur... more DEDICATÓRIA Dedico este trabalho ao meu pai, Raul, que hoje já não se encontra entre nós, mas durante a sua jornada na Terra foi um grande exemplo de determinação e sabedoria a ser seguido. À minha mãe, Vera, que tanto nos mostrou a importância de continuarmos estudando. Ao meu marido, Hamilton, pela paciência que teve em dividir os nossos momentos de lazer com este trabalho e, ao Guilherme, nosso filho tão esperado e amado, meu muito obrigada pelo apoio recebido para conclusão desta jornada. vi AGRADECIMENTOS À Profa. Dra. Cláudia Herrera Tambeli, minha amiga de tantos anos, meu muito obrigada por ter me orientado e, principalmente pelo apoio e pelo incentivo através do seu exemplo de determinação dentro de seus objetivos, que muito contribuiu para a conclusão deste trabalho. À Profa. Dra. Maria Cecília Ferraz de Arruda Veiga, obrigada por me acolher nos momentos mais difíceis e pelo constante bom humor. À Dra. Adriana Pelegrini da Silva, por ter me acolhido tantas vezes em sua residência durante a sua gravidez e pelas sugestões realizadas no artigo publicado. À doutoranda e amiga, Maria Cláudia Gonçalves de Oliveira Fusaro, pela boa vontade e companheirismo na execução deste trabalho. Ao Prof. Dr. Carlos Amílcar Parada, o meu muito obrigada pelas valiosas sugestões e colaboração neste trabalho. À Profa. Dra. Fernanda Klein Marcondes, pelo exemplo de organização e competência. Às Professoras Doutoras Cecília Gatti Guirado, Célia M. Rizatti Barbosa e Maria Beatriz D. Gavião, por terem aceitado fazer parte da minha banca examinadora na qualificação e pela colaboração nas sugestões apresentadas. Aos Professores Doutores Eduardo Dias de Andrade, Élio Itoshi Shinohara, Norair Salviano dos Reis e Valdir Quintana Gomes Júnior, pessoas pelas quais tenho profunda admiração, meu muito obrigada por me concederem à honra de fazer parte da minha banca examinadora e pelas valiosas sugestões apresentadas na minha defesa de tese/. vii Ao Prof. Dr. Norair Salviano dos Reis, meu muito obrigada por ter se mostrado tão disposto a participar da minha banca, mas que por motivo de saúde não pôde estar presente na minha defesa de tese.
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, 2014
Acesso da população idosa aos serviços de saúde bucal: uma revisão Access of elderly people to or... more Acesso da população idosa aos serviços de saúde bucal: uma revisão Access of elderly people to oral health services: a review
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, 2018
Objective: to assess the characteristics associated withtemporomandibular disorders (TMD) and the... more Objective: to assess the characteristics associated withtemporomandibular disorders (TMD) and their impacton oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of institutionalizedelderly people. Subjects and method: itwas a cross-sectional study performed in 30 private institutionsfor the elderly. The data collected included theTMD questionnaire and clinical evaluation assessed bythe Research Diagnostic Criteria/TemporomandibularDisorders (RDC/TMD), as well as the OHIP-49 questionnairefor OHRQoL. Results: twenty-four institutionsaccepted to participate in the study (n = 375 with 133fit for answering both questionnaires). Considering thecharacteristics, tinnitus was the most frequent symptomreported, while 98.5% of the research participants didnot present myofascial pain. Disc displacement wasobserved in 26.3%, while 93% of individuals did notpresent chronic pain. Severe depression was found in23.3% of the elderly with 24.1% presenting moderatelevels of non-specific physical symptoms, inc...
Revista Dor, 2015
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Among temporomandibular disorder classifications, masticatory muscles ... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Among temporomandibular disorder classifications, masticatory muscles myofascial pain is the most frequent. Its multifactorial etiology makes its treatment difficult. Identifying other painful sites related to temporomandibular disorders may help controlling comorbidities and, as a consequence, improving their symptoms. This study aimed at evaluating the presence of body pain in temporomandibular disorder patients, the frequency of such reports and their location. METHODS: We have evaluated 328 medical charts of the Dental Research Center São Leopoldo Mandic, with diagnosis of muscular temporomandibular disorder. Patients were evaluated by means of a body map to locate pain complaints. RESULTS: From 328 analyzed medical charts, 180 (55%) had body pain (160 females, 20 males), and 148 (45%) had facial pain only (116 females, 32 males). Areas with most frequent pain reports were cervical, lumbar and shoulders. Females had more body pain (with pain n=160, without pain n=116, p<0.001) as compared to males (with pain n=20, without pain n=32) with statistical difference. In most cases pain has affected both body sides (bilateral face 67%, bilateral body 92%). CONCLUSION: Most patients with temporomandibular disorder had pain in body parts different from the face. Regions marked in human body drawings with more pain were cervical followed by lumbar and shoulders.
Headache Medicine, 2020
IntroduçãoA síndrome dolorosa miofascial (SDM) é uma das causas mais comuns de dor musculoesquelé... more IntroduçãoA síndrome dolorosa miofascial (SDM) é uma das causas mais comuns de dor musculoesquelética, acompanhada de limitação de abertura bucal ou desvio em abertura, além da exacerbação da dor em função. Em alguns casos, a perpetuação da dor sugere o envolvimento de uma Sensibilização Central. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alterações de sensibilidade em indivíduos com a Síndrome da Dor Crônica Miofascial da Face diagnosticados pelo DC/ TMD Eixo I, por meio da verificação do Limiar de Dor à Pressão.Material e MétodosO estudo aprovado pelo CEP sob protocolo número 2.655.433 com uma amostra de 40 indivíduos de ambos os gêneros e idade a partir de 18 anos, foi recrutada na Clínica de DTM/Dor Orofacial da Faculdade de Odontologia São Leopoldo Mandic de Campinas-SP, sendo 28 referentes ao grupo de estudo e 12 ao grupo controle. O presente estudo de abordagem quantitativa, descritiva, observacional e transversal, consistiu na aplicação de um estímulo mecânico de pressão por meio...
A vida acadêmica é caracterizada por um ambiente estressante e degrande ansiedade no qual os acad... more A vida acadêmica é caracterizada por um ambiente estressante e degrande ansiedade no qual os acadêmicos têm a responsabilidade de aprender uma profissão e preparar-se para um futuro profissional incerto. A ansiedade e o estresse são fatores psicossociais que podem causar hiperatividade muscular e o desenvolvimento de hábitos parafuncionais, podendo levar a DTM. Esta pesquisa transversal, aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic sob o parecer nº 3.967.804 e da Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná sob o parecer nº 4.000.015, foi composta por uma amostra de 174 alunos, divididos entre os 5 anos de graduação, que preencheram uma Ficha Clínica, a Lista de Verificação dos Comportamentos Orais, o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço – Estado, a Escala de Estresse Percebido e o Questionário de Triagem para DTM. Após a aplicação dos critérios de exclusão, a amostra passou para 138 indivíduos, sendo que 46 responderam afirmativamente a duas ou m...
Brazilian Journal Of Pain, 2020
European journal of dentistry
The objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) ... more The objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) and to investigate whether an association exists between the presence of TMD symptoms and the degree of MS-related disability. In all, 120 individuals were evaluated: 60 patients with a diagnosis of relapsing-remitting MS and 60 age- and sex-matched controls without neurological impairments. A questionnaire recommended by the European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders for the assessment of TMD symptoms was administered. For those who answered affirmatively to at least one of the questions, the RDC/TMD Axis I instrument was used for a possible classification of TMD subtypes. The Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) was the measure of the degree of MS-related disability. Fisher's exact test was used to analyze the data. ANOVA was used to detect significant differences between means and to assess whether the factors inf...
Journal of orofacial pain, 2013
To translate the Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure (PRISM) instrument from Ger... more To translate the Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure (PRISM) instrument from German to Portuguese (Brazilian) and adapt it to the Brazilian cultural context, and then assess its reliability and validity in orofacial pain patients. The PRISM was translated to Portuguese then back-translated to German. The translated PRISM was evaluated by a multidisciplinary committee and administered as a pre-test to 30 Portuguese-speaking orofacial pain patients. Psychometric properties were obtained after testing 116 orofacial pain patients. Validity was obtained through correlation analyses of scores obtained from PRISM and other psychometric tests, including the Numerical Pain Scale (NPS), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). The adapted instrument showed high levels of reliability, proven by means of the test-retest procedure, and calculation of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC = 0.991). Significant correlations were found b...
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 2012
Objectives: The aim of this prospective longitudinal study was to evaluate the relationships betw... more Objectives: The aim of this prospective longitudinal study was to evaluate the relationships between anxiety, depression, and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in a sample of pre-university students submitted to a stressful event. Study Design: 153 students from a pre-university course (82 females and 71 males between 16 and 31 years old) were given a survey about TMD symptoms and a survey about anxiety and depression scale at the beginning and the end of the preparatory course (August 2009-T1, and November 2009-T2). Results: Results were analyzed using a chi-square test and Odds Ratio (OR), significance level of α = 0.05. Statistical significance were found to depression rates in students with TMD (16% on T1 and 26% on T2, p = 0.001) as well as in general sample (12% on T1 and 22% on T2, p = 0.009), anxiety and TMD symptoms presented constant rates in both periods. Increased risk of having TMD were found in participants with anxiety (OR 2.6 in T2 and 5.6 in T1) and depression (2.0 in T2 and 3.3 in T1), but only anxiety reach statistical significance in both periods. Conclusions: TMD symptoms were a fluctuating variable that exchange between some individuals of this study. Independently of the TMD, depression rates significant increased in the evaluated period. Finally, anxiety was the psychological symptom related to the increased risk of having TMD.
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 2014
The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of symptoms of temporomandibular disord... more The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in patients with the relapsing-remitting form of multiple sclerosis (MS), the relationship between TMD and the severity of MS, and the presence of TMD symptoms in the evaluated groups. Sixty individuals were evaluated: 30 patients diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS and 30 control individuals matched for gender and age range with no neurologic pathology. In order to investigate the TMD symptoms, the questionnaires of the EACD (European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders) and the RDC/TMD (Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders), both validated for TMD research, were administered. To assess the extent of disability produced by MS, the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) was used. The prevalence of TMD symptoms in patients with MS was 56.7% versus 16.7% for the control group, with a statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.0016). ...
Journal of oral & facial pain and headache, 2016
To investigate the possible relationship between the orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusi... more To investigate the possible relationship between the orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusion and the development of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). A total of 40 patients was evaluated at four time points: the day before the start of treatment employing bilateral Class II elastics (baseline), as well as at 24 hours, 1 week, and 1 month after the start of treatment. The development of TMD pain complaints in the orofacial region and changes in the range of mouth opening were assessed at these times. Shapiro-Wilk, McNemar, and Friedman tests with 5% significance level were used to analyze the data. The treatment produced pain of a transitory, moderate intensity, but there was no significant change from baseline after 1 month. There were no restrictions in the range of jaw motion or any evidence of limitations in mouth opening. Orthodontic treatment with bilateral Class II elastics does not cause significant orofacial pain or undesirable changes in the range of mouth opening. ...