Ludmila Osadchuk - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ludmila Osadchuk
Fiziologicheskiĭ zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossiĭskaia akademiia nauk
15.7% of spermatozoa were found to be abnormal in silver fox males during their first reproductiv... more 15.7% of spermatozoa were found to be abnormal in silver fox males during their first reproductive season. The total number of spermatozoa and the abnormal spermatogenesis remained unchanged during mating season. Sexual stimulation increased the testosterone level only at the beginning of the mating season.
У мышей инбредных линий BALB/cLac, PT и CBA/Lac исследовали изменения репродуктивв ных параметров... more У мышей инбредных линий BALB/cLac, PT и CBA/Lac исследовали изменения репродуктивв ных параметров после совместного содержания 2 взрослых самцов разного генотипа в течение 5 дней. Иерархический статус каждой особи устанавливали ретроспективно по асимметрии в агонистическом поведении. У самцов определяли уровень тестостерона в сыворотке крови, его содержание в семенниках, количество сперматозоидов в каудальном эпидидимисе, долю аномальных головок сперматозоидов, а также массу семенников, каудального эпидидимиса и семенных пузырьков. После содержания самцов в группе наблюдалось снижение уровня тестостерона в крови и его содержания в семенниках у животных линии РТ, количества сперматозоидов в каудальном эпидидимисе – у BALB/cLac и увеличение доли аномальных головок сперматозоидов – у CBA/Lac независимо от социального ранга особи. У самцов линии BALB/cLac и CBA/Lac установлена ранговая асимметрия в прекопуляторном поведении, а у линии BALB/cLac – в гормональном ответе семенников на поме...
Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova
The goal of the investigation is to establish a new experimental model of social hierarchy in lab... more The goal of the investigation is to establish a new experimental model of social hierarchy in laboratory mice. The important feature of the model is a group of two males only placed into the special experimental cage. The cage consists of two nestling chambers and central chamber. Observations were made 3 times per day (20 min each) throughout 5 days. Aggression, defence and sniffing behaviours of both partners were recorded during each observation period using video camera. Social rank was detected by asymmetry in aggressive behaviour. It was shown that social hierarchy was established during the first four tests limited by the first 24 h after pairing. After this period aggression and defence behaviours were greatly decreased. After the first 5 tests a stabilization in aggression (number of wins, active attacks and not direct aggression) and defence (number of vertical defensive postures and escapes) as well as sniffing behaviours took place. But a strong asymmetry in mentioned he...
Rossiĭskii fiziologicheskiĭ zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossiĭskaia akademiia nauk
It is known that among many animal species, including laboratory mice, a short-time exposition to... more It is known that among many animal species, including laboratory mice, a short-time exposition to a female causes activation of the pituitary-testicular axis in males, which then rapidly decreases. Effects of a prolonged female exposition on the testicular testosterone output in response to hCG injections were investigated in adult males of two inbred mice strains CBA/Lac and PT. The males of both genotypes kept with females for 5 days were injected subcutaneously with 10 IU of hCG 120 minutes before decapitation. Males of the same genotype and similar age keeping alone were served as control. The serum testosterone concentration and its testicular content were measured with immune-enzyme assay. It has been shown that the hCG increased the testosterone concentration and its testicular content in control males of both strains, but the testosterone output was expressed more significantly in PT males in comparison with CBA/Lac. The prolonged exposition of a female itself did not influe...
In laboratory male mice the effects of social hierarchy on hormonal and spermatogenic testicular ... more In laboratory male mice the effects of social hierarchy on hormonal and spermatogenic testicular function, ac-cessory organs and testicular weights, sexual behaviour have been investigated using an experimental model of social hierarchy, which is characterised by a minimal size (two male mice) and 5 days period of social interac-tions. The social rank of the partners was detected by asymmetry in aggressive behaviour. Using the experi-mental condition, when the both partners have no preferences for exclusive use of area we demonstrated that there were no rank differences in the number of mounts and testicular testosterone content. Nevertheless a rank asymmetry in the male sniffing behaviour towards a receptive female, weights of the testes, seminal vesicles, epididymes and the number of epididymal sperm was kept up in a stable social group. Social dominance was found to affect negatively on testicular testosterone increase in response to introduction of a receptive female and sexual ...
Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova
Asymmetry of social rank in the competition for food and female was studied using the social domi... more Asymmetry of social rank in the competition for food and female was studied using the social dominance model with only two male mice. Marking activity was recorded as a useful indicator of the social status. Social rank was determined by asymmetry in aggressive behavior. A food test was presented for 10 min daily within 5 days of the experiment, whereas a sexual test was performed only on the 5th day for 30 min. Marking behavior was estimated twice: before the first interaction and on the 4th day of the experiment. The competition for food was accompanied by active attacks, escapes, vertical defense postures, and sniffing. The level of aggression, sniffing, and food activity was higher in dominant than submissive males. Time course of aggressive, defensive, and sniffing behaviors was characterized by maximum scores in the period of formation of social hierarchy; however, the rate of food activity in this period was low and increased only to the 4th day. Introduction of a receptive f...
Цель настоящей работы состояла в том, чтобы выявить межлинейные различия в уровне домии нирования... more Цель настоящей работы состояла в том, чтобы выявить межлинейные различия в уровне домии нирования и временны х паттернах агонистического поведения у самцов лабораторных мышей в генетически гетерогенной этологической модели социальной иерархии. Исследования проводили на взрослых самцах инбредных линий мышей BALB/cLac, CBA/Lac и PT. Экспериментальные группы формировали из 2-х самцов разного генотипа в трех возможных парных сочее таниях. Наблюдения за поведением каждого самца в паре проводили в течение пяти последоо вательных дней. В первый день после образования группы интенсивность агонистического поведения и ранговая асимметрия по агонистическому поведению в парах была максимальной, но в дальнейшем эти показатели заметно снижались. Выявлены значительные межлинейные различия в уровне социального доминирования (доля доминантных особей в линии): так, самм цы BALB/cLac и PT преимущественно доминировали над самцами CBA/Lac. В то же время самцы BALB/cLac и PT характеризовались более высок...
20 млн сперматозоидов в 1 мл), является наиболее частым отклонением от нормы, выявляемой при ис-с... more 20 млн сперматозоидов в 1 мл), является наиболее частым отклонением от нормы, выявляемой при ис-следовании эякулята [1]. Концентрация спермато-зоидов в эякуляте является ценным прогностиче-ским критерием и вносит существенный вклад в оценку оплодотворяемости спермы [2]. В популяци-ях человека вариабельность концентрации сперма-тозоидов в эякуляте весьма существенна и отражает эффекты множества факторов [3]. К средовым фак-торам, снижающим фертильность спермы, включая концентрацию сперматозоидов, относят в первую очередь антропогенное загрязнение окружающей среды, обусловленное химическими и физическими агентами, как следствие активности самого человека — от фталатов до мобильных телефонов [4—7]. С 90-х годов прошлого столетия по настоящее время наи-более популярна гипотеза об эндокринных дизрап-терах, например «гормоноподобных ксенобиотиках» с эстрогенными свойствами, которые благодаря структурному сходству с половыми стероидами на-рушают гормональный баланс организма и снижают каче...
Adult mice of the BALB/cLac, PT, CBA/Lac, DD/He, A/He, SWR, NZB, GR, DBA/2J, CC57Br, C57Bl/6J, A/... more Adult mice of the BALB/cLac, PT, CBA/Lac, DD/He, A/He, SWR, NZB, GR, DBA/2J, CC57Br, C57Bl/6J, A/Sn, and YT inbred strains were tested for the count, motility, and morphology of sperms from the caudal region of the epididymis. The proteinncoding regions of the cytochrome P450 aromatase (CYP19a1), estrogen receptor 2 (ESR2), steroidogenic factor 1 (Nr5a1), and sexxdetermining (Sry) gene were sequenced. A substantial genetic heterogeneity for the genes was observed, as well as a phenotypic variation in spermatogenetic parameters, but the variation was rather discordant. The specifics of the interstrain variation in spermatogenetic parameters indicated that a physiological compensatory mechanism increases certain spermatogenetic parameters when other ones are low to maintain male fertility at a level sufficient for successful reproduction. For instance, a high sperm production compensated for a low sperm motility in DD/He males. In the issue of the proteinncoding regions sequencing of ...
Клиническая медицина УДК 616.697 (571.54) л.н. Шантанова 1 , л.В. Осадчук 2 , Б.Г. дашиев 3 , м.а... more Клиническая медицина УДК 616.697 (571.54) л.н. Шантанова 1 , л.В. Осадчук 2 , Б.Г. дашиев 3 , м.а. Клещев 2 , н.В. Гуторова 2 , а.В. Осадчук 2 , и.с. Башелханов 4 оценка репроДуктивного зДоровья у молоДых мужчин республики бурятия
Впервые проведено исследование качества спермы и уровня основных репродуктивных гормонов в сыворо... more Впервые проведено исследование качества спермы и уровня основных репродуктивных гормонов в сыворотке крови у 145 мужчин-добровольцев (средний возраст 24 года), постоянно проживающих в городе Якутске. Все испытуемые проходили анкетирование и медицинский осмотр врачом-андрологом. Средняя концентрация сперматозоидов в эякуляте в группе испытуемых лиц составляла 34,69 млн/мл, а доля подвижных сперматозоидов -39,6%. Азооспермия обнаружена у 4,3% мужчин, олигозооспермия -у 27,0%, астенозооспермия -у 68,1%. Только у 31,2% мужчин оба основных параметра эякулята (концентрация и подвижность сперматозоидов) соответствовали нормативам ВОЗ (2001). Средние значения концентрации репродуктивных гормонов в сыворотке крови (тестостерона, ЛГ и ФСГ) находились в пределах физиологической нормы. Между мужчинами якутской и славянской этнической принадлежности не выявлено различий по исследуемым антропометрическим, гормональным и сперматогенным параметрам за исключением роста тела и объема эякулята, которые были ниже у якутов по сравнению со славянами. Полученные данные указывают на повышенную частоту субоптимального качества спермы у мужчин обеих национальностей, проживающих в городе Якутске, по сравнению с другими регионами России или европейскими странами. Ключевые слова: качество спермы, концентрация и подвижность сперматозоидов в эякуляте, репродуктивные гормоны, антропометрия, человек. Гормональный профиль и качество спермы у мужчин Восточной Сибири 1 Учреждение Российской академии наук «Институт цитологии и генетики Сибирского отделения РАН», Новосибирск 2 Медицинский институт Северо-Восточного федерального университета, Якутск The objective of the present study was to evaluate sperm quality and reproductive hormonal level in an unselected population of men who were permanent residents of the Yakutsk city and compare the semen and hormonal parameters with the World Health Organization (WHO, 2001) recommended normal values and the results from other countries. A total of 145 men (mean age 24,1 years) agreed to be included in the study. All the volunteers completed a questionnaire, received a general and reproductive health examination by an andrologist, gave semen and blood samples. We found that the means were 34,69 -106 spermatozoa/mL for sperm concentration and 39,6% for total motile spermatozoa. Among all volunteers studied 4,3% had azoospermia, 27,0% reported oligozoospermia, 68,1% -asthenozoospermia. There are no differences between Yakut and Slavs in anthropometric, hormonal or sperm measures, but height and ejaculate volume were higher in Slavs than Yakut men. The data obtained indicated high frequency of suboptimal quality of sperm in males of both nations from this Siberian region in comparison with other Russian regions or European countries.
RNA interference, a recently discovered new mechanism controlling gene expression via small RNAs,... more RNA interference, a recently discovered new mechanism controlling gene expression via small RNAs, was shown to be involved in the characterization and control of basic ovarian cell functions. The main classes of small RNAs, as well as their expression in ovaries have been described. Furthermore, the successful application of RNA interference for the study and control of basic ovarian functions (fertility, proliferation, apoptosis, secretory activity, luteogenesis, oocyte maturation and related ovarian cell malignant transformation) and production of recombinant proteins has been demonstrated. Application of RNA interference in reproductive biology and medicine can be successful in three main areas -(1) characterization and prediction of physiological and pathological state (association between particular small RNA and physiological or pathological processes), (2) application of small RNAs for regulation of reproductive processes and (3) treatment of reproductive disorders or their particular indexes. Problems of improvement of small RNA delivery to target ovarian cells and potent RNA interference-related approaches for the treatment of ovarian disorders (especially of ovarian cancer) have been discussed.
Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii meditsinskikh nauk / Rossiĭskaia akademiia meditsinskikh nauk, 2012
The objective of the present study was to evaluate sperm quality and reproductive hormonal level ... more The objective of the present study was to evaluate sperm quality and reproductive hormonal level in an unselected population of men who were permanent residents of the Yakutsk city and compare the semen and hormonal parameters with the World Health Organization (WHO, 2001) recommended normal values and the results from other countries. A total of 145 men (mean age 24,1 years) agreed to be included in the study. All the volunteers completed a questionnaire, received a general and reproductive health examination by an andrologist, gave semen and blood samples. We found that the means were 34,69 - 106 spermatozoa/mL for sperm concentration and 39,6% for total motile spermatozoa. Among all volunteers studied 4,3% had azoospermia, 27,0% reported oligozoospermia, 68,1% - asthenozoospermia. There are no differences between Yakut and Slavs in anthropometric, hormonal or sperm measures, but height and ejaculate volume were higher in Slavs than Yakut men. The data obtained indicated high freq...
Klinicheskaia laboratornaia diagnostika, 2011
The male permanent residents of Arkhangelsk were examined during the period of daylight hours min... more The male permanent residents of Arkhangelsk were examined during the period of daylight hours minimal duration for the purpose to determine the age-related changes in hormones' level. In the age group of 36-45 years the level recession of progesterone, cortisol and testosterone free fractions against the background of broadening towards higher standard limit of fluctuations of steroid-binding beta-globulin level was demonstrated. In the age group of 46-60 years the rise of cortisol level and tendency to level recession of free thyroxin under thyrotrophic hormone level increase was registered. The hypophysial regulation consisted in lutropin and prolactin level lowering at the age of 36-45 years and in rise of thyrotrophic hormone level at the age of 46-60 years.
Fiziologicheskiĭ zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossiĭskaia akademiia nauk
15.7% of spermatozoa were found to be abnormal in silver fox males during their first reproductiv... more 15.7% of spermatozoa were found to be abnormal in silver fox males during their first reproductive season. The total number of spermatozoa and the abnormal spermatogenesis remained unchanged during mating season. Sexual stimulation increased the testosterone level only at the beginning of the mating season.
У мышей инбредных линий BALB/cLac, PT и CBA/Lac исследовали изменения репродуктивв ных параметров... more У мышей инбредных линий BALB/cLac, PT и CBA/Lac исследовали изменения репродуктивв ных параметров после совместного содержания 2 взрослых самцов разного генотипа в течение 5 дней. Иерархический статус каждой особи устанавливали ретроспективно по асимметрии в агонистическом поведении. У самцов определяли уровень тестостерона в сыворотке крови, его содержание в семенниках, количество сперматозоидов в каудальном эпидидимисе, долю аномальных головок сперматозоидов, а также массу семенников, каудального эпидидимиса и семенных пузырьков. После содержания самцов в группе наблюдалось снижение уровня тестостерона в крови и его содержания в семенниках у животных линии РТ, количества сперматозоидов в каудальном эпидидимисе – у BALB/cLac и увеличение доли аномальных головок сперматозоидов – у CBA/Lac независимо от социального ранга особи. У самцов линии BALB/cLac и CBA/Lac установлена ранговая асимметрия в прекопуляторном поведении, а у линии BALB/cLac – в гормональном ответе семенников на поме...
Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova
The goal of the investigation is to establish a new experimental model of social hierarchy in lab... more The goal of the investigation is to establish a new experimental model of social hierarchy in laboratory mice. The important feature of the model is a group of two males only placed into the special experimental cage. The cage consists of two nestling chambers and central chamber. Observations were made 3 times per day (20 min each) throughout 5 days. Aggression, defence and sniffing behaviours of both partners were recorded during each observation period using video camera. Social rank was detected by asymmetry in aggressive behaviour. It was shown that social hierarchy was established during the first four tests limited by the first 24 h after pairing. After this period aggression and defence behaviours were greatly decreased. After the first 5 tests a stabilization in aggression (number of wins, active attacks and not direct aggression) and defence (number of vertical defensive postures and escapes) as well as sniffing behaviours took place. But a strong asymmetry in mentioned he...
Rossiĭskii fiziologicheskiĭ zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossiĭskaia akademiia nauk
It is known that among many animal species, including laboratory mice, a short-time exposition to... more It is known that among many animal species, including laboratory mice, a short-time exposition to a female causes activation of the pituitary-testicular axis in males, which then rapidly decreases. Effects of a prolonged female exposition on the testicular testosterone output in response to hCG injections were investigated in adult males of two inbred mice strains CBA/Lac and PT. The males of both genotypes kept with females for 5 days were injected subcutaneously with 10 IU of hCG 120 minutes before decapitation. Males of the same genotype and similar age keeping alone were served as control. The serum testosterone concentration and its testicular content were measured with immune-enzyme assay. It has been shown that the hCG increased the testosterone concentration and its testicular content in control males of both strains, but the testosterone output was expressed more significantly in PT males in comparison with CBA/Lac. The prolonged exposition of a female itself did not influe...
In laboratory male mice the effects of social hierarchy on hormonal and spermatogenic testicular ... more In laboratory male mice the effects of social hierarchy on hormonal and spermatogenic testicular function, ac-cessory organs and testicular weights, sexual behaviour have been investigated using an experimental model of social hierarchy, which is characterised by a minimal size (two male mice) and 5 days period of social interac-tions. The social rank of the partners was detected by asymmetry in aggressive behaviour. Using the experi-mental condition, when the both partners have no preferences for exclusive use of area we demonstrated that there were no rank differences in the number of mounts and testicular testosterone content. Nevertheless a rank asymmetry in the male sniffing behaviour towards a receptive female, weights of the testes, seminal vesicles, epididymes and the number of epididymal sperm was kept up in a stable social group. Social dominance was found to affect negatively on testicular testosterone increase in response to introduction of a receptive female and sexual ...
Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova
Asymmetry of social rank in the competition for food and female was studied using the social domi... more Asymmetry of social rank in the competition for food and female was studied using the social dominance model with only two male mice. Marking activity was recorded as a useful indicator of the social status. Social rank was determined by asymmetry in aggressive behavior. A food test was presented for 10 min daily within 5 days of the experiment, whereas a sexual test was performed only on the 5th day for 30 min. Marking behavior was estimated twice: before the first interaction and on the 4th day of the experiment. The competition for food was accompanied by active attacks, escapes, vertical defense postures, and sniffing. The level of aggression, sniffing, and food activity was higher in dominant than submissive males. Time course of aggressive, defensive, and sniffing behaviors was characterized by maximum scores in the period of formation of social hierarchy; however, the rate of food activity in this period was low and increased only to the 4th day. Introduction of a receptive f...
Цель настоящей работы состояла в том, чтобы выявить межлинейные различия в уровне домии нирования... more Цель настоящей работы состояла в том, чтобы выявить межлинейные различия в уровне домии нирования и временны х паттернах агонистического поведения у самцов лабораторных мышей в генетически гетерогенной этологической модели социальной иерархии. Исследования проводили на взрослых самцах инбредных линий мышей BALB/cLac, CBA/Lac и PT. Экспериментальные группы формировали из 2-х самцов разного генотипа в трех возможных парных сочее таниях. Наблюдения за поведением каждого самца в паре проводили в течение пяти последоо вательных дней. В первый день после образования группы интенсивность агонистического поведения и ранговая асимметрия по агонистическому поведению в парах была максимальной, но в дальнейшем эти показатели заметно снижались. Выявлены значительные межлинейные различия в уровне социального доминирования (доля доминантных особей в линии): так, самм цы BALB/cLac и PT преимущественно доминировали над самцами CBA/Lac. В то же время самцы BALB/cLac и PT характеризовались более высок...
20 млн сперматозоидов в 1 мл), является наиболее частым отклонением от нормы, выявляемой при ис-с... more 20 млн сперматозоидов в 1 мл), является наиболее частым отклонением от нормы, выявляемой при ис-следовании эякулята [1]. Концентрация спермато-зоидов в эякуляте является ценным прогностиче-ским критерием и вносит существенный вклад в оценку оплодотворяемости спермы [2]. В популяци-ях человека вариабельность концентрации сперма-тозоидов в эякуляте весьма существенна и отражает эффекты множества факторов [3]. К средовым фак-торам, снижающим фертильность спермы, включая концентрацию сперматозоидов, относят в первую очередь антропогенное загрязнение окружающей среды, обусловленное химическими и физическими агентами, как следствие активности самого человека — от фталатов до мобильных телефонов [4—7]. С 90-х годов прошлого столетия по настоящее время наи-более популярна гипотеза об эндокринных дизрап-терах, например «гормоноподобных ксенобиотиках» с эстрогенными свойствами, которые благодаря структурному сходству с половыми стероидами на-рушают гормональный баланс организма и снижают каче...
Adult mice of the BALB/cLac, PT, CBA/Lac, DD/He, A/He, SWR, NZB, GR, DBA/2J, CC57Br, C57Bl/6J, A/... more Adult mice of the BALB/cLac, PT, CBA/Lac, DD/He, A/He, SWR, NZB, GR, DBA/2J, CC57Br, C57Bl/6J, A/Sn, and YT inbred strains were tested for the count, motility, and morphology of sperms from the caudal region of the epididymis. The proteinncoding regions of the cytochrome P450 aromatase (CYP19a1), estrogen receptor 2 (ESR2), steroidogenic factor 1 (Nr5a1), and sexxdetermining (Sry) gene were sequenced. A substantial genetic heterogeneity for the genes was observed, as well as a phenotypic variation in spermatogenetic parameters, but the variation was rather discordant. The specifics of the interstrain variation in spermatogenetic parameters indicated that a physiological compensatory mechanism increases certain spermatogenetic parameters when other ones are low to maintain male fertility at a level sufficient for successful reproduction. For instance, a high sperm production compensated for a low sperm motility in DD/He males. In the issue of the proteinncoding regions sequencing of ...
Клиническая медицина УДК 616.697 (571.54) л.н. Шантанова 1 , л.В. Осадчук 2 , Б.Г. дашиев 3 , м.а... more Клиническая медицина УДК 616.697 (571.54) л.н. Шантанова 1 , л.В. Осадчук 2 , Б.Г. дашиев 3 , м.а. Клещев 2 , н.В. Гуторова 2 , а.В. Осадчук 2 , и.с. Башелханов 4 оценка репроДуктивного зДоровья у молоДых мужчин республики бурятия
Впервые проведено исследование качества спермы и уровня основных репродуктивных гормонов в сыворо... more Впервые проведено исследование качества спермы и уровня основных репродуктивных гормонов в сыворотке крови у 145 мужчин-добровольцев (средний возраст 24 года), постоянно проживающих в городе Якутске. Все испытуемые проходили анкетирование и медицинский осмотр врачом-андрологом. Средняя концентрация сперматозоидов в эякуляте в группе испытуемых лиц составляла 34,69 млн/мл, а доля подвижных сперматозоидов -39,6%. Азооспермия обнаружена у 4,3% мужчин, олигозооспермия -у 27,0%, астенозооспермия -у 68,1%. Только у 31,2% мужчин оба основных параметра эякулята (концентрация и подвижность сперматозоидов) соответствовали нормативам ВОЗ (2001). Средние значения концентрации репродуктивных гормонов в сыворотке крови (тестостерона, ЛГ и ФСГ) находились в пределах физиологической нормы. Между мужчинами якутской и славянской этнической принадлежности не выявлено различий по исследуемым антропометрическим, гормональным и сперматогенным параметрам за исключением роста тела и объема эякулята, которые были ниже у якутов по сравнению со славянами. Полученные данные указывают на повышенную частоту субоптимального качества спермы у мужчин обеих национальностей, проживающих в городе Якутске, по сравнению с другими регионами России или европейскими странами. Ключевые слова: качество спермы, концентрация и подвижность сперматозоидов в эякуляте, репродуктивные гормоны, антропометрия, человек. Гормональный профиль и качество спермы у мужчин Восточной Сибири 1 Учреждение Российской академии наук «Институт цитологии и генетики Сибирского отделения РАН», Новосибирск 2 Медицинский институт Северо-Восточного федерального университета, Якутск The objective of the present study was to evaluate sperm quality and reproductive hormonal level in an unselected population of men who were permanent residents of the Yakutsk city and compare the semen and hormonal parameters with the World Health Organization (WHO, 2001) recommended normal values and the results from other countries. A total of 145 men (mean age 24,1 years) agreed to be included in the study. All the volunteers completed a questionnaire, received a general and reproductive health examination by an andrologist, gave semen and blood samples. We found that the means were 34,69 -106 spermatozoa/mL for sperm concentration and 39,6% for total motile spermatozoa. Among all volunteers studied 4,3% had azoospermia, 27,0% reported oligozoospermia, 68,1% -asthenozoospermia. There are no differences between Yakut and Slavs in anthropometric, hormonal or sperm measures, but height and ejaculate volume were higher in Slavs than Yakut men. The data obtained indicated high frequency of suboptimal quality of sperm in males of both nations from this Siberian region in comparison with other Russian regions or European countries.
RNA interference, a recently discovered new mechanism controlling gene expression via small RNAs,... more RNA interference, a recently discovered new mechanism controlling gene expression via small RNAs, was shown to be involved in the characterization and control of basic ovarian cell functions. The main classes of small RNAs, as well as their expression in ovaries have been described. Furthermore, the successful application of RNA interference for the study and control of basic ovarian functions (fertility, proliferation, apoptosis, secretory activity, luteogenesis, oocyte maturation and related ovarian cell malignant transformation) and production of recombinant proteins has been demonstrated. Application of RNA interference in reproductive biology and medicine can be successful in three main areas -(1) characterization and prediction of physiological and pathological state (association between particular small RNA and physiological or pathological processes), (2) application of small RNAs for regulation of reproductive processes and (3) treatment of reproductive disorders or their particular indexes. Problems of improvement of small RNA delivery to target ovarian cells and potent RNA interference-related approaches for the treatment of ovarian disorders (especially of ovarian cancer) have been discussed.
Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii meditsinskikh nauk / Rossiĭskaia akademiia meditsinskikh nauk, 2012
The objective of the present study was to evaluate sperm quality and reproductive hormonal level ... more The objective of the present study was to evaluate sperm quality and reproductive hormonal level in an unselected population of men who were permanent residents of the Yakutsk city and compare the semen and hormonal parameters with the World Health Organization (WHO, 2001) recommended normal values and the results from other countries. A total of 145 men (mean age 24,1 years) agreed to be included in the study. All the volunteers completed a questionnaire, received a general and reproductive health examination by an andrologist, gave semen and blood samples. We found that the means were 34,69 - 106 spermatozoa/mL for sperm concentration and 39,6% for total motile spermatozoa. Among all volunteers studied 4,3% had azoospermia, 27,0% reported oligozoospermia, 68,1% - asthenozoospermia. There are no differences between Yakut and Slavs in anthropometric, hormonal or sperm measures, but height and ejaculate volume were higher in Slavs than Yakut men. The data obtained indicated high freq...
Klinicheskaia laboratornaia diagnostika, 2011
The male permanent residents of Arkhangelsk were examined during the period of daylight hours min... more The male permanent residents of Arkhangelsk were examined during the period of daylight hours minimal duration for the purpose to determine the age-related changes in hormones' level. In the age group of 36-45 years the level recession of progesterone, cortisol and testosterone free fractions against the background of broadening towards higher standard limit of fluctuations of steroid-binding beta-globulin level was demonstrated. In the age group of 46-60 years the rise of cortisol level and tendency to level recession of free thyroxin under thyrotrophic hormone level increase was registered. The hypophysial regulation consisted in lutropin and prolactin level lowering at the age of 36-45 years and in rise of thyrotrophic hormone level at the age of 46-60 years.