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Papers by M. Dommergues
Journal De Gynecologie Obstetrique Et Biologie De La Reproduction, 2006
Resume Les fœtus ou les enfants des femmes porteuses d’un anticorps anti-SSA/Ro et/ou anti-SSB/La... more Resume Les fœtus ou les enfants des femmes porteuses d’un anticorps anti-SSA/Ro et/ou anti-SSB/La peuvent developper un « lupus erythemateux neonatal » comportant une atteinte cutanee, hematologique, hepatique et/ou un bloc auriculo-ventriculaire congenital (BAVc) survenant sur un cœur indemne de cardiopathie malformative majeure. La frequence du BAVc chez les femmes ayant une connectivite associee a un anticorps anti-SSA/Ro est estimee a 1 a 2 % et le risque de recurrence est de 10 a 17 %. Le BAVc complet est definitif et est associe a une morbidite (necessite d’implanter un pace maker dans 2/3 des cas) et une mortalite (16 a 19 %) faisant toute la gravite de ce syndrome. Une atteinte myocardique peut etre associee d’emblee ou apparaitre tardivement. Les autres atteintes sont egalement discutees. Lorsqu’une femme enceinte est porteuse d’un anticorps anti-SSA/Ro, la surveillance echographique obstetricale doit etre realisee tous les 15 jours entre 16 et 24 SA, voire toutes les semai...
Journal de gynecologie, obstetrique et biologie de la reproduction, 2006
OBJECTIVES To study perinatal outcome following thoraco-amniotic shunting for fetal pleural effus... more OBJECTIVES To study perinatal outcome following thoraco-amniotic shunting for fetal pleural effusions with hydrops. MATERIALS AND METHODS Retrospective study (1984-2004) to evaluate a policy of emergency thracoamniotic shunting in hydropic fetuses with suspected chylothorax, on the basis of the rationale that mediastinal compression could lead to acute fetal distress. RESULTS Shunting was performed immediately following diagnosis, and was successful in all 60 cases attempted. There were 7 pregnancy terminations, 10 in utero deaths, and 43 live births, of which 7 children died in the neonatal period and 36 survived (33 without sequels). Among the liveborn, 26 were delivered preterm (72%), of which 7 (19%) had preterm premature rupture of membranes and 4 (11%) had chorioamnionitis. Perinatal death (24/60, 40%) was related to underlying anomalies (7 cases), pulmonary hypoplasia (5 cases), chorioamnionitis (2 cases), or treatment failure for unknown reasons (10 cases). All 36 survivors ...
La Revue de Médecine Interne, 2012
Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction, 2010
Journal de Radiologie, 2005
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 2012
Background.-In up to 5% of pregnancies, ultrasound screening detects a foetal feature or "soft ma... more Background.-In up to 5% of pregnancies, ultrasound screening detects a foetal feature or "soft marker" (SM) that places the foetus at risk for a severe abnormality. In most cases, prenatal diagnostic work-up rules out a severe defect and, thus SM constitutes, retrospectively, a false positive of ultrasound screening. Objective.-To study the effects of false positive ultrasound screenings on maternal emotional status, maternal representations of the infant, and mother-infant interaction. Design.-Prospective case control study. Participants: Utilizing an extreme-case design, we selected from a group of 244 women undergoing ultrasound: the study group consisted of 19 pregnant women whose foetus had a positive SM ultrasound screening and a reassuring diagnostic work up. The controls were 19 women with negative ultrasound screening, matched for age and education. Exclusion criteria included history of a medical or psychiatric disease or obstetrical complications, poor socio economic status, and single parenthood. Outcomes measures.-In the third trimester of pregnancy, within 1 week after delivery, and 2 months postpartum, anxiety and depression were scored, and maternal representations were categorised using semi structured interviews. Maternal representations were scored as good (integrated/equilibrate), intermediate (reduced/loss involvement) and poor (non-integrated/ambivalent). Mother-infant interactions were videotaped during feeding within 1 week after delivery and again at 2 months postpartum, then coded blindly using the Coding Interactive Behavior (CIB) scales. Results.-Maternal anxiety and depression symptoms were significantly higher at all assessment points in the SM group. Maternal representations were also significantly different between SM and control groups at all study time (94% to 100% vs 5% to 11% of intermediate/poor representations, respectively). Perturbations to early mother-infant interactions were observed in the SM group and these dyads showed greater dysregulation, lower maternal sensitivity, and higher maternal intrusive behaviour. During interactions, SM infants displayed higher avoidance of their mothers. Multivariate analysis showed that maternal representation and depression at third trimester predicted mother-infant interaction. Conclusion.-False positive ultrasound screenings for SM are not benign and negatively affect the developing maternal-infant attachment. Medical efforts should be directed to minimize as much as possible such false diagnoses.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 1998
Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité, 2008
La nécrose des surrénales est une complication exceptionnelle du syndrome des antiphospholipides ... more La nécrose des surrénales est une complication exceptionnelle du syndrome des antiphospholipides mettant en jeu le pronostic vital, dont le diagnostic est difficile en péripartum. Nous rapportons le cas d'une femme de 33 ans ayant présenté une nécrose surrénalienne bilatérale au cours d'une seconde grossesse dans le cadre d'un syndrome des antiphospholipides. La grossesse est marquée par l'admission en urgence à 36 semaines et cinq jours pour douleurs lombaires bilatérales interprétées comme des contractions utérines. Une induction du travail est réalisée devant la persistance des douleurs associée à une thrombopénie majeure. La patiente accouche par voie vaginale d'un enfant bien portant. Le diagnostic d'insuffisance surrénalienne est évoqué au second jour du post-partum, devant l'aggravation des douleurs lombaires, l'altération de l'état général, une hyponatrémie et une cortisolémie effondrée. La nécrose surrénalienne est confirmée par la tomodensitométrie et l'IRM. Ce cas illustre la difficulté du diagnostic de nécrose surrénalienne au troisième trimestre de la grossesse.
Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité, 2001
Objectifs-Comparer le dépistage anténatal de la trisomie 21 par les marqueurs sériques et la mesu... more Objectifs-Comparer le dépistage anténatal de la trisomie 21 par les marqueurs sériques et la mesure de la clarté nucale au premier trimestre, et évaluer les résultats d'un dépistage séquentiel dans une population non sélectionnée. Patientes et méthodes-Le taux de détection de la trisomie 21 par la clarté nucale (CN) au premier trimestre (dix à 14 semaines d'aménorrhée [SA]) et les marqueurs sériques (MS) (hCG et alphafoetoprotéine entre 14 et 18 SA) au deuxième trimestre a été observé chez 4 308 patientes. Un caryotype foetal était initialement proposé pour une clarté nucale égale à 3 mm ou un risque biochimique égal à 1/250. Les taux de détection et de faux positifs de différentes stratégies ont été analysés. Résultats-Parmi 4 308 grossesses uniques successives (âge maternel moyen 30,1 ans), 12 cas de trisomie 21 ont été diagnostiqués (0,28 %), tous en période prénatale. Sept des 12 foetus avaient une CN égale à 3 mm, et six des dix cas avec MS disponibles avaient un risque calculé égal à 1/250. Pour un seuil donnant 5 % de tests positifs, la sensibilité de la CN et des MS était respectivement de 75 et 60 %. Discussion et conclusion-Le dépistage séquentiel de la trisomie 21 par la clarté nucale et les marqueurs sériques est efficace et augmente le taux de détection d'un test isolé. Toutefois, cette stratégie augmente le taux de faux-positifs, et l'interprétation des marqueurs sériques devrait tenir compte de la mesure de la clarté nucale. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS clarté nucale / dépistage biochimique / trisomie 21 Summary-Down's syndrome screening: nuchal translucency and/or serum markers? Objectives-To compare alternative methods of antenatal screening for Down's syndrome (nuchal translucency measurement and second trimester maternal serum screening) in a low-risk population and to evaluate the consequences of a sequential estimation of risk. Methods-In a consecutive series of 4308 women aged less than 38 with a singleton pregnancy, we examined the detection rate of nuchal translucency (NT) measurement at 10-14 weeks and maternal serum screening (MSS) by human chorionic gonadotropin and alpha-feto-protein at 14-18 weeks. Women with a NT measurement = 3 mm and women with a MSS derived risk =1/250 were recommended to have an amniocentesis. A second trimester detailed ultrasound scan was also performed in all women. The outcome of all pregnancies was entered in a computerized database and the detection rate and false-positive rate of different screening strategies were analysed. Results-Of the 4308 pregnancies that were followed (mean maternal age 30.1 years), there were 12 cases of Down's syndrome (0.28 %), all detected prenatally. Seven of twelve cases had a NT measurement above 3 mm (58 %), and 6 out of ten cases with available MSS had a calculated risk =1/250 (60 %). Four of the five cases with NT measurement below 3 mm were detected by subsequent MSS. At a threshold giving 5 % of positive tests, the sensitivity of NT screening and MSS were 75 % and 60 %, respectively.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2002
A previous anthropometric study has shown that neonates with transposition of the great arteries ... more A previous anthropometric study has shown that neonates with transposition of the great arteries have a smaller head circumference and intracranial volume, which may be related to a lower oxygen content of blood delivered to the head and upper extremities. The aim of this study was to compare Doppler blood flow velocity waveforms in fetuses with transposition of the great arteries with those in healthy fetuses. Doppler blood flow velocimetry was performed in the middle cerebral artery, the umbilical artery, the aorta and the ductus venosus in a consecutive series of 23 fetuses with transposition of the great arteries between 36 and 38 weeks' gestation. The control group consisted of 40 healthy fetuses matched for gestational age. There was no significant difference in pulsatility indices in the umbilical artery, the aorta and the ductus venosus between fetuses with transposition of the great arteries and controls. The median middle cerebral artery pulsatility index in the group with transposition of the great arteries was 1.37 (range, 1.10-2.02) and was significantly lower than that in the control group (median, 1.68; range, 1.46-2.04) (P < 0.001, Mann-Whitney test). The lower pulsatility indices observed in the middle cerebral artery of fetuses with transposition of the great arteries may reflect a trend towards cerebral vasodilation. This phenomenon could be an indicator of hypoxemia and/or hypercapnia restricted to areas perfused by the preisthmus aorta and be related to the characteristics of the circulation in fetuses with transposition of the great arteries.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2003
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2003
Prenatal Diagnosis, 1991
Prenatal Diagnosis, 2007
To study the clinical, emotional and moral difficulties that French midwives encounter in the lab... more To study the clinical, emotional and moral difficulties that French midwives encounter in the labor ward while performing termination of pregnancy (TOP) for fetal abnormality. Six public maternity hospitals located in the Ile de France region, two of which were referral centers for prenatal diagnosis (PND) and TOP. Questionnaire survey Ninety-two of 115 midwives responded. Sixty-five percent of the midwives reported that their role in the labor ward during TOP was difficult. Aspects contributing substantially to the perceived difficulties were the midwives' responsibility to provide psychological support to patients and the emotional distress of the midwives themselves. Seventy-five percent reported that they were concerned about the child being alive in cases of late TOP. Twenty-five percent of the midwives reported moral conflicts due to personal, cultural or religious background, mainly for particular indications. There was a consensus about the clinical management of TOP. Overall, midwives with professional experience, training, and those who worked in a referral center reported fewer difficulties. It is necessary to improve institutional support available within maternity units to alleviate the difficulties midwives face in their roles. The need for training/updating midwives about psychological and ethical aspects of TOP should also be considered.
Neuromuscular Disorders, 2011
Kidney International, 2000
Fetal serum  2-microglobulin predicts postnatal renal function spectrum of outcomes ranging from... more Fetal serum  2-microglobulin predicts postnatal renal function spectrum of outcomes ranging from perinatal death with in bilateral uropathies. terminal renal failure, an absence of amniotic fluid and Background. Predicting postnatal renal function is crucial pulmonary hypoplasia, to survival with normal renal for the prenatal evaluation of fetal bilateral uropathies. Prenafunction. In utero, the most severe cases can be readily tal ultrasound can identify intrauterine terminal renal failure, identified, based on severe oligohydramnios or sonobut is not sensitive enough to identify those infants who would survive with an impaired renal function. Because it reflects graphic evidence of bilateral renal dysplasia with cystic fetal glomerular filtration, fetal serum  2-microglobulin is a hyperechogenic kidneys [1-5]. For less severely affected potential predictor of postnatal renal function. patients, the long-term outcome is difficult to predict Methods. Fetal serum  2-microglobulin ( 2 m) was assayed and fetal urinalysis seems more sensitive than ultrasound in 61 cases of bilateral or low obstructive uropathy, 74 controls, in identifying fetuses at risk for renal insufficiency [6, 7]. and 17 cases of bilateral renal agenesis, and was correlated with renal function.
Journal De Gynecologie Obstetrique Et Biologie De La Reproduction, 2006
Resume Les fœtus ou les enfants des femmes porteuses d’un anticorps anti-SSA/Ro et/ou anti-SSB/La... more Resume Les fœtus ou les enfants des femmes porteuses d’un anticorps anti-SSA/Ro et/ou anti-SSB/La peuvent developper un « lupus erythemateux neonatal » comportant une atteinte cutanee, hematologique, hepatique et/ou un bloc auriculo-ventriculaire congenital (BAVc) survenant sur un cœur indemne de cardiopathie malformative majeure. La frequence du BAVc chez les femmes ayant une connectivite associee a un anticorps anti-SSA/Ro est estimee a 1 a 2 % et le risque de recurrence est de 10 a 17 %. Le BAVc complet est definitif et est associe a une morbidite (necessite d’implanter un pace maker dans 2/3 des cas) et une mortalite (16 a 19 %) faisant toute la gravite de ce syndrome. Une atteinte myocardique peut etre associee d’emblee ou apparaitre tardivement. Les autres atteintes sont egalement discutees. Lorsqu’une femme enceinte est porteuse d’un anticorps anti-SSA/Ro, la surveillance echographique obstetricale doit etre realisee tous les 15 jours entre 16 et 24 SA, voire toutes les semai...
Journal de gynecologie, obstetrique et biologie de la reproduction, 2006
OBJECTIVES To study perinatal outcome following thoraco-amniotic shunting for fetal pleural effus... more OBJECTIVES To study perinatal outcome following thoraco-amniotic shunting for fetal pleural effusions with hydrops. MATERIALS AND METHODS Retrospective study (1984-2004) to evaluate a policy of emergency thracoamniotic shunting in hydropic fetuses with suspected chylothorax, on the basis of the rationale that mediastinal compression could lead to acute fetal distress. RESULTS Shunting was performed immediately following diagnosis, and was successful in all 60 cases attempted. There were 7 pregnancy terminations, 10 in utero deaths, and 43 live births, of which 7 children died in the neonatal period and 36 survived (33 without sequels). Among the liveborn, 26 were delivered preterm (72%), of which 7 (19%) had preterm premature rupture of membranes and 4 (11%) had chorioamnionitis. Perinatal death (24/60, 40%) was related to underlying anomalies (7 cases), pulmonary hypoplasia (5 cases), chorioamnionitis (2 cases), or treatment failure for unknown reasons (10 cases). All 36 survivors ...
La Revue de Médecine Interne, 2012
Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction, 2010
Journal de Radiologie, 2005
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 2012
Background.-In up to 5% of pregnancies, ultrasound screening detects a foetal feature or "soft ma... more Background.-In up to 5% of pregnancies, ultrasound screening detects a foetal feature or "soft marker" (SM) that places the foetus at risk for a severe abnormality. In most cases, prenatal diagnostic work-up rules out a severe defect and, thus SM constitutes, retrospectively, a false positive of ultrasound screening. Objective.-To study the effects of false positive ultrasound screenings on maternal emotional status, maternal representations of the infant, and mother-infant interaction. Design.-Prospective case control study. Participants: Utilizing an extreme-case design, we selected from a group of 244 women undergoing ultrasound: the study group consisted of 19 pregnant women whose foetus had a positive SM ultrasound screening and a reassuring diagnostic work up. The controls were 19 women with negative ultrasound screening, matched for age and education. Exclusion criteria included history of a medical or psychiatric disease or obstetrical complications, poor socio economic status, and single parenthood. Outcomes measures.-In the third trimester of pregnancy, within 1 week after delivery, and 2 months postpartum, anxiety and depression were scored, and maternal representations were categorised using semi structured interviews. Maternal representations were scored as good (integrated/equilibrate), intermediate (reduced/loss involvement) and poor (non-integrated/ambivalent). Mother-infant interactions were videotaped during feeding within 1 week after delivery and again at 2 months postpartum, then coded blindly using the Coding Interactive Behavior (CIB) scales. Results.-Maternal anxiety and depression symptoms were significantly higher at all assessment points in the SM group. Maternal representations were also significantly different between SM and control groups at all study time (94% to 100% vs 5% to 11% of intermediate/poor representations, respectively). Perturbations to early mother-infant interactions were observed in the SM group and these dyads showed greater dysregulation, lower maternal sensitivity, and higher maternal intrusive behaviour. During interactions, SM infants displayed higher avoidance of their mothers. Multivariate analysis showed that maternal representation and depression at third trimester predicted mother-infant interaction. Conclusion.-False positive ultrasound screenings for SM are not benign and negatively affect the developing maternal-infant attachment. Medical efforts should be directed to minimize as much as possible such false diagnoses.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 1998
Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité, 2008
La nécrose des surrénales est une complication exceptionnelle du syndrome des antiphospholipides ... more La nécrose des surrénales est une complication exceptionnelle du syndrome des antiphospholipides mettant en jeu le pronostic vital, dont le diagnostic est difficile en péripartum. Nous rapportons le cas d'une femme de 33 ans ayant présenté une nécrose surrénalienne bilatérale au cours d'une seconde grossesse dans le cadre d'un syndrome des antiphospholipides. La grossesse est marquée par l'admission en urgence à 36 semaines et cinq jours pour douleurs lombaires bilatérales interprétées comme des contractions utérines. Une induction du travail est réalisée devant la persistance des douleurs associée à une thrombopénie majeure. La patiente accouche par voie vaginale d'un enfant bien portant. Le diagnostic d'insuffisance surrénalienne est évoqué au second jour du post-partum, devant l'aggravation des douleurs lombaires, l'altération de l'état général, une hyponatrémie et une cortisolémie effondrée. La nécrose surrénalienne est confirmée par la tomodensitométrie et l'IRM. Ce cas illustre la difficulté du diagnostic de nécrose surrénalienne au troisième trimestre de la grossesse.
Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité, 2001
Objectifs-Comparer le dépistage anténatal de la trisomie 21 par les marqueurs sériques et la mesu... more Objectifs-Comparer le dépistage anténatal de la trisomie 21 par les marqueurs sériques et la mesure de la clarté nucale au premier trimestre, et évaluer les résultats d'un dépistage séquentiel dans une population non sélectionnée. Patientes et méthodes-Le taux de détection de la trisomie 21 par la clarté nucale (CN) au premier trimestre (dix à 14 semaines d'aménorrhée [SA]) et les marqueurs sériques (MS) (hCG et alphafoetoprotéine entre 14 et 18 SA) au deuxième trimestre a été observé chez 4 308 patientes. Un caryotype foetal était initialement proposé pour une clarté nucale égale à 3 mm ou un risque biochimique égal à 1/250. Les taux de détection et de faux positifs de différentes stratégies ont été analysés. Résultats-Parmi 4 308 grossesses uniques successives (âge maternel moyen 30,1 ans), 12 cas de trisomie 21 ont été diagnostiqués (0,28 %), tous en période prénatale. Sept des 12 foetus avaient une CN égale à 3 mm, et six des dix cas avec MS disponibles avaient un risque calculé égal à 1/250. Pour un seuil donnant 5 % de tests positifs, la sensibilité de la CN et des MS était respectivement de 75 et 60 %. Discussion et conclusion-Le dépistage séquentiel de la trisomie 21 par la clarté nucale et les marqueurs sériques est efficace et augmente le taux de détection d'un test isolé. Toutefois, cette stratégie augmente le taux de faux-positifs, et l'interprétation des marqueurs sériques devrait tenir compte de la mesure de la clarté nucale. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS clarté nucale / dépistage biochimique / trisomie 21 Summary-Down's syndrome screening: nuchal translucency and/or serum markers? Objectives-To compare alternative methods of antenatal screening for Down's syndrome (nuchal translucency measurement and second trimester maternal serum screening) in a low-risk population and to evaluate the consequences of a sequential estimation of risk. Methods-In a consecutive series of 4308 women aged less than 38 with a singleton pregnancy, we examined the detection rate of nuchal translucency (NT) measurement at 10-14 weeks and maternal serum screening (MSS) by human chorionic gonadotropin and alpha-feto-protein at 14-18 weeks. Women with a NT measurement = 3 mm and women with a MSS derived risk =1/250 were recommended to have an amniocentesis. A second trimester detailed ultrasound scan was also performed in all women. The outcome of all pregnancies was entered in a computerized database and the detection rate and false-positive rate of different screening strategies were analysed. Results-Of the 4308 pregnancies that were followed (mean maternal age 30.1 years), there were 12 cases of Down's syndrome (0.28 %), all detected prenatally. Seven of twelve cases had a NT measurement above 3 mm (58 %), and 6 out of ten cases with available MSS had a calculated risk =1/250 (60 %). Four of the five cases with NT measurement below 3 mm were detected by subsequent MSS. At a threshold giving 5 % of positive tests, the sensitivity of NT screening and MSS were 75 % and 60 %, respectively.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2002
A previous anthropometric study has shown that neonates with transposition of the great arteries ... more A previous anthropometric study has shown that neonates with transposition of the great arteries have a smaller head circumference and intracranial volume, which may be related to a lower oxygen content of blood delivered to the head and upper extremities. The aim of this study was to compare Doppler blood flow velocity waveforms in fetuses with transposition of the great arteries with those in healthy fetuses. Doppler blood flow velocimetry was performed in the middle cerebral artery, the umbilical artery, the aorta and the ductus venosus in a consecutive series of 23 fetuses with transposition of the great arteries between 36 and 38 weeks' gestation. The control group consisted of 40 healthy fetuses matched for gestational age. There was no significant difference in pulsatility indices in the umbilical artery, the aorta and the ductus venosus between fetuses with transposition of the great arteries and controls. The median middle cerebral artery pulsatility index in the group with transposition of the great arteries was 1.37 (range, 1.10-2.02) and was significantly lower than that in the control group (median, 1.68; range, 1.46-2.04) (P < 0.001, Mann-Whitney test). The lower pulsatility indices observed in the middle cerebral artery of fetuses with transposition of the great arteries may reflect a trend towards cerebral vasodilation. This phenomenon could be an indicator of hypoxemia and/or hypercapnia restricted to areas perfused by the preisthmus aorta and be related to the characteristics of the circulation in fetuses with transposition of the great arteries.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2003
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2003
Prenatal Diagnosis, 1991
Prenatal Diagnosis, 2007
To study the clinical, emotional and moral difficulties that French midwives encounter in the lab... more To study the clinical, emotional and moral difficulties that French midwives encounter in the labor ward while performing termination of pregnancy (TOP) for fetal abnormality. Six public maternity hospitals located in the Ile de France region, two of which were referral centers for prenatal diagnosis (PND) and TOP. Questionnaire survey Ninety-two of 115 midwives responded. Sixty-five percent of the midwives reported that their role in the labor ward during TOP was difficult. Aspects contributing substantially to the perceived difficulties were the midwives' responsibility to provide psychological support to patients and the emotional distress of the midwives themselves. Seventy-five percent reported that they were concerned about the child being alive in cases of late TOP. Twenty-five percent of the midwives reported moral conflicts due to personal, cultural or religious background, mainly for particular indications. There was a consensus about the clinical management of TOP. Overall, midwives with professional experience, training, and those who worked in a referral center reported fewer difficulties. It is necessary to improve institutional support available within maternity units to alleviate the difficulties midwives face in their roles. The need for training/updating midwives about psychological and ethical aspects of TOP should also be considered.
Neuromuscular Disorders, 2011
Kidney International, 2000
Fetal serum  2-microglobulin predicts postnatal renal function spectrum of outcomes ranging from... more Fetal serum  2-microglobulin predicts postnatal renal function spectrum of outcomes ranging from perinatal death with in bilateral uropathies. terminal renal failure, an absence of amniotic fluid and Background. Predicting postnatal renal function is crucial pulmonary hypoplasia, to survival with normal renal for the prenatal evaluation of fetal bilateral uropathies. Prenafunction. In utero, the most severe cases can be readily tal ultrasound can identify intrauterine terminal renal failure, identified, based on severe oligohydramnios or sonobut is not sensitive enough to identify those infants who would survive with an impaired renal function. Because it reflects graphic evidence of bilateral renal dysplasia with cystic fetal glomerular filtration, fetal serum  2-microglobulin is a hyperechogenic kidneys [1-5]. For less severely affected potential predictor of postnatal renal function. patients, the long-term outcome is difficult to predict Methods. Fetal serum  2-microglobulin ( 2 m) was assayed and fetal urinalysis seems more sensitive than ultrasound in 61 cases of bilateral or low obstructive uropathy, 74 controls, in identifying fetuses at risk for renal insufficiency [6, 7]. and 17 cases of bilateral renal agenesis, and was correlated with renal function.