Mustafa Kavacık - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mustafa Kavacık
Turkish journal of engineering :, Dec 10, 2023
Global competitiveness Air conditioning Comparative advantages Product mapping Türkiye The global... more Global competitiveness Air conditioning Comparative advantages Product mapping Türkiye The global economy significantly relies on the air conditioning sector, which has been gaining increased importance worldwide and in Türkiye due to the impact of global warming, climate change, and the diminishing energy resources. As a multifaceted industry encompassing air conditioning, heating, installation, insulation, refrigeration and ventilation sector has been adapting to the growing demand for environmentally friendly and energy-efficient solutions. This study analyzes air conditioning industry of Türkiye and its sub-product groups in terms of its ability to compete internationally, spanning from 2001 to 2021. To assess competitiveness, we employed various analytical tools, including Balassa's Revealed Comparative Advantages Index (RCA), Vollrath Indices (RXA, RMP, RTA, RC), Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantages Index (RSCA), Trade Balance Index (TBI), and Product Mapping method. Notably, there is no research that scrutinize the competitiveness of the Turkish air conditioning industry utilizing the Product Mapping. The study findings emphasize that air conditioning industry of Türkiye has competitiveness. Within the sub-product group, the analysis reveals that Türkiye has competitiveness for 11 products, a near-limit competitiveness for 3 products, and a lack of competitiveness for 10 products.
Spectrum of Engineering and Management Sciences, Mar 13, 2024
It is not a desirable situation when input parameters excessively affect the results of a system ... more It is not a desirable situation when input parameters excessively affect the results of a system as well as imply unwarranted drift and inefficiency. This situation, which expresses dependence or sensitivity to inputs, is also considered a problem in the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodology family, which has more than 200 members. A newly produced MCDM method is first subjected to sensitivity tests. MCDM methods are generally evaluated for their sensitivity to weighting methods. Sensitivity is affected by many different parameters such as data, normalization, fundamental equation, and distance type. The common methodical approach for sensitivity analysis is to check whether the best alternative changes with the alteration of weight coefficients. It is problematic to identify sensitivity only in the situation where the ranking position of the best alternative changes. In this study, the sensitivity of the entire ranking is based on a holistic view. Moreover, in the classical method, there is no reference point for sensitivity. Each different MCDM result is compared to each other and it is claimed that the method that produces rankings that are significantly different from the others is poor. We reinterpret sensitivity using the relationship between dynamic MCDM-based performance and static price towards the selection of an environmentally friendly, traffic-saving performance electric scooter. Two PROBID variants as well as the CODAS method are used in this study to deepen the accuracy in the comparison. Additionally, how four types of weighting methods and six types of normalization types affected MCDM sensitivity is measured with a different statistical framework. The finding from a total of 72 different MCDM rankings is striking: If the sensitivity of an MCDM method is generally high, the correlation between that MCDM method and the external anchor (price) is low. Conversely, if sentiment is low, a high correlation with price results. These matching patterns are a unique discovery of this work.
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
This study seeks to assess the recreational experience preferences and satisfaction levels of bot... more This study seeks to assess the recreational experience preferences and satisfaction levels of both local residents and second home owners in Alanya. Research findings were obtained from 396 participants through a questionnaire using convenience sampling method. Descriptive statistics and ANOVA tests were applied to analyse the data. As a result of the research, it was determined that the participants mostly visited friends, could not participate in activities due to time constraints and expected recreational areas to be cleaner. While the majority of the participants in the research define the concept of recreation correctly, it can be said that they prefer to participate in outdoor recreation activities and participate in the activities with their friends. Resident foreigners attach more importance to social recognition, skill development and achievement experiences than local people. Furthermore, the satisfaction level of resident foreigners with recreational areas is higher than ...
Journal of intelligent management decision, Apr 10, 2024
In general, a stable and strong system shouldn't have an overly sensitive/dependent response to i... more In general, a stable and strong system shouldn't have an overly sensitive/dependent response to inputs (unless consciously and planned desired), as this would reduce efficiency. As in other techniques, approaches, and methodologies, if the results are excessively affected when the input parameters change in MCDM methods, this situation is identified with sensitivity analyses. Oversensitivity is generally accepted as a problem in the MCDM (Multi-Criteria Decision Making) methodology family, which has more than 200 members according to the current literature. The MCDM family is not just a weight coefficient-sensitive methodology. MCDM types can also be sensitive to many different calculation parameters such as data type, normalization, fundamental equation, threshold value, preference function, etc. Many studies to understand the degree of sensitivity simply monitor whether the ranking position of the best alternative changes. However, this is incomplete for understanding the nature of sensitivity, and more evidence is undoubtedly needed to gain insight into this matter. Observing the holistic change of all alternatives compared to a single alternative provides the researcher with more reliable and generalizing evidence, information, or assumptions about the degree of sensitivity of the system. In this study, we assigned a fixed reference point to measure sensitivity with a more robust approach. Thus, we took the distance to the fixed point as a base reference while observing the changeable MCDM results. We calculated sensitivity to normalization, not just sensitivity to weight coefficients. In addition, past MCDM studies accept existing data as the only criterion in sensitivity analysis and make generalizations easily. To show that the model proposed in this study is not a coincidence, in addition to the graphics card selection problem, an exploratory validation was performed for another problem with a different set of data, alternatives, and criteria. We comparatively measured sensitivity using the relationship between MCDM-based performance and the static reference point. We statistically measured the sensitivity with four types of weighting methods and 7 types of normalization techniques with the PROBID method. The striking result, confirmed by 56 different MCDM ranking findings, was this: In general, if the sensitivity of an MCDM method is high, the relationship of that MCDM method to a fixed reference point is low. On the other hand, if the sensitivity is low, a high correlation with the reference point is produced. In short, uncontrolled hypersensitivity disrupts not only the ranking but also external relations, as expected.
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin AB üyesi olmayan Balkan Ülkeleri ile imzalamış olduğu Serbest Ticaret An... more Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin AB üyesi olmayan Balkan Ülkeleri ile imzalamış olduğu Serbest Ticaret Anlaşmalarının dış ticaret yapısına etkileri 1996-2019 yılları itibariyle incelenip yorumlanmıştır. İhracat açısından, serbest ticaret anlaşması sonrasında Makedonya ile 19 yılda %279,39; Bosna-Hersek ile 16 yılda %617,05; Arnavutluk ile 11 yılda %59,37; Karadağ ile 9 yılda %383,87 ve Sırbistan ile 9 yılda %211,68 oranında toplam ihracatın yükseldiği görülmektedir. İthalat açısından, anlaşma sonrasında Makedonya’dan 19 yılda %927,56; Bosna-Hersek’ten 16 yılda %2220,70; Karadağ’dan 9 yılda %107,79 ve Sırbistan’dan 9 yılda %299,48 oranında toplam ithalatın yükseldiği görülmektedir. Bulgular içerisinde sadece Arnavutluk’tan 11 yılda yapılan ithalat %39,30 oranında düşüş olduğu göze çarpmaktadır. Ayrıca 1996-2019 yılları itibariyle, yani toplam 24 yıl baz alınarak çalışmanın kapsamındaki beş ülkeye yapılan ihracatın Türkiye’nin toplam ihracatından iki kata yakın ve bu beş ülkeden yapılan ithal...
In the globalizing world, international trade is reaching advanced dimensions every passing day. ... more In the globalizing world, international trade is reaching advanced dimensions every passing day. Exporting companies had to make a competition both in local and international markets. Therefore, countries should have competitiveness both in the domestic and global markets. Nowadays, Turkey is leading pasta producer and exporter. In this study, the situation of the pasta industry in the world and in Turkey and the developments in its foreign trade were examined. This study aims to determine and analyze the international competitiveness of Turkey's pasta industry. Accordingly, pasta export and import data from Turkey and the world between 2001-2020 were used to calculate international competitiveness indices. Within the scope analysis, Balassa's RCA index, Vollrath’s indices (RXA, RMP, RTA, RC), Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage Index (RSCA), Trade Balance Index (TBI) were used and The Product Mapping Method developed by Tri Widodo was applied. As a result of the calcul...
Turk Turizm Arastirmalari Dergisi
Türkiye’de Fakülte bünyesinde eğitim veren Turizm İşletmeciliği bölümü müfredatlar ının genelini ... more Türkiye’de Fakülte bünyesinde eğitim veren Turizm İşletmeciliği bölümü müfredatlar ının genelini temsil edecek düzeyde daha önce betimsel ve içerik analizin yapılmamış olması nedeniyle mevcut çalışmanın bu boşluğu doldurması hedeflenmekte ve Turizm İşletmeciliği bölümü müfredat derslerinin temalar aracılığıyla resmedilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma örneklemini Türkiye’deki 45 farklı üniversitedeki 54 Turizm İşletmeciliği müfredatı oluşturmaktadır.Araştırmada yorumlayıcı paradigma benimsenmiş ve doküman incelemesi ile toplanan toplam 5161 adet ders ve program detay bilgilerinin MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2022 programı aracılığıyla betimsel ve içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Yapılan analizler neticesinde ulaşılan sonuçlara göre lisans düzeyinde farklı fakültelerde verilen Turizm İşletmeciliği müfredat derslerinin standart bir yapıda olmadığı ve çok farklı ders ve modüllerden oluştuğu görülmüştür. Araştırmada hem devlet hem de vakıf üniversitelerinde en fazla “yönetim” temasıve yönetimin alt kodl...
Resmi kaynaklara gore Alanya’da 9.995 farkli milliyetten yerlesik yabanci bulunmaktadir. Yerlesik... more Resmi kaynaklara gore Alanya’da 9.995 farkli milliyetten yerlesik yabanci bulunmaktadir. Yerlesik yabancilarin cogunlugunu Almanlar olusturmaktadir. Ikincisi Iskandinavlar ve ucuncu Ruslardir. Satin alma davranisi kisisel, sosyo-kulturel ve psikolojik faktorler gibi farkli faktorlerden etkilenmektedir. Milliyet, sosyo-kulturel faktorlerin alt faktorudur. Bu nedenle, bu calisma yerlesik yabancilarin milliyetlerinin satin alma davranislari uzerindeki etkisini analiz etmek icin yapilmistir. Bu arastirmada 350 yerlesik yabanciya bir anket uygulanmistir, ama 26 eksik gozlemden dolayi analize dahil edilmemistir. Toplamda 324 anketin yapildigi analizde SPSS 13 paket programi kullanilmistir. Bu baglamda, arastirma sonuclari milliyetin yerlesik yabancilarin satin alma davranislari uzerinde etkili oldugunu ortaya koymustur
Pazarlamanin vazgecilmezlerinden olan marka, gunumuzde bircok alanda pazarlama araci olarak kulla... more Pazarlamanin vazgecilmezlerinden olan marka, gunumuzde bircok alanda pazarlama araci olarak kullanilmaktadir. Turizm sektorunde de artan bir oneme sahip olan marka destinasyonlarin gerek ulke icinde gerekse ulke disindaki rakiplerinden ayirt edilmesini saglamaktadir. Destinasyon olmayi basarabilmis bircok sehir farkindaligini arttirmak icin markalasma cabasina girmektedir. Bunun icin de markanin en onemli bilesenlerinden biri olan marka imajinin kontrol edilmesi ve yonetilmesi gerekmektedir. Marka olmak icin saglanmasi gereken bir takim unsurlar soz konusudur. Bu durum destinasyon markasi olmak icin de gecerlidir. Bu calismada destinasyon pazarlamasinda onemli bir arac olan destinasyon markasinin olusturulma ilkelerine deginilerek, Alanya’nin bir destinasyon markasi olup olmadigi analiz edilmistir.
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Mar 28, 2023
This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of Türkiye, which is among the E7 countries, with ... more This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of Türkiye, which is among the E7 countries, with other countries in this group in terms of some selected sectors. The Comparative Export Performance (CEP) Index was used to measure competitiveness with these countries. The first five chapters in which Türkiye has achieved the highest increase in exports in the last ten years were considered through HS (Harmonized System) codes. In comparing these chapters, the CEP indexes were calculated using the 2011-2020. Chapters subject to research are 97-Works of art, collector's pieces, and antiques, 81-Other base metals employed in metallurgy and articles thereof, 96-Miscellaneous manufactured articles (pens and brushes, etc.), 75-Nickel and articles thereof and 23-Residues and waste from the food industries, prepared animal fodder. According to the findings, in 97, Türkiye has a higher export performance than Russia and Mexico, and its export performance has also increased against Indonesia since 2016. In 81, Türkiye has a better export performance against India, Indonesia, and Mexico. In, there is a higher export performance than other countries except for China. In 75, the export performance of Türkiye increased against China, India, and Brazil, especially after 2016, and showed a better performance despite a changing graphic with Mexico. Also, in 23, it can be said that although the export performance against China and Mexico has differed over the years, it has gained momentum in this process.
Bu çalışmada konaklama işletmelerinde çalışan personelin iş tatmin düzeylerinin yöneticilerin ser... more Bu çalışmada konaklama işletmelerinde çalışan personelin iş tatmin düzeylerinin yöneticilerin sergiledikleri liderlik özelliklerinden nasıl etkilendiği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla Alanya'da faaliyet gösteren 4 ve 5 yıldızlı konaklama işletmelerinin personeli ile 400 adet anket uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiş, 370 adedi analizlerde kullanılmıştır. Yöneticilerin liderlik özelliklerinin ve çalışanların iş tatminini ölçen 40 değişkenden az sayıda ve tanımlanabilir nitelikte değişkenler elde etmek amacıyla yapılan faktör analizi sonucunda 4 boyut elde edilmiştir. Bunlar; "vizyoner liderlik", etkileşimci liderlik", "dönüşümcü liderlik" ve "iş tatmini" olarak adlandırılmıştır. Korelasyon analizi neticesinde çalışanların vizyoner ve dönüşümcü liderlik algılarının yüksek olduğu durumda iş tatmin seviyelerinin de yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Ancak, olumsuz özellikleri ön planda olan bir etkileşimci liderin, çalışanların iş tatminini düşürdüğü saptanmıştır. Reg...
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Mar 25, 2021
itibariyle, yani toplam 24 yıl baz alınarak çalışmanın kapsamındaki beş ülkeye yapılan ihracatın ... more itibariyle, yani toplam 24 yıl baz alınarak çalışmanın kapsamındaki beş ülkeye yapılan ihracatın Türkiye'nin toplam ihracatından iki kata yakın ve bu beş ülkeden yapılan ithalatın Türkiye'nin toplam ithalatından üç kata yakın artış göstermiştir. Dolayısıyla bu süre içerisinde ilgili ülkelerden yapılan ithalatın ilgili ülkelere yapılan ihracattan daha yüksek oranda arttığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Uluslararası Alanya Isletme Fakultesi Dergisi, 2013
Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, Oct 30, 2014
Muğla Sitki Kocman Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Ensitusu Dergisi, Mar 21, 2014
Turkish journal of engineering :, Dec 10, 2023
Global competitiveness Air conditioning Comparative advantages Product mapping Türkiye The global... more Global competitiveness Air conditioning Comparative advantages Product mapping Türkiye The global economy significantly relies on the air conditioning sector, which has been gaining increased importance worldwide and in Türkiye due to the impact of global warming, climate change, and the diminishing energy resources. As a multifaceted industry encompassing air conditioning, heating, installation, insulation, refrigeration and ventilation sector has been adapting to the growing demand for environmentally friendly and energy-efficient solutions. This study analyzes air conditioning industry of Türkiye and its sub-product groups in terms of its ability to compete internationally, spanning from 2001 to 2021. To assess competitiveness, we employed various analytical tools, including Balassa's Revealed Comparative Advantages Index (RCA), Vollrath Indices (RXA, RMP, RTA, RC), Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantages Index (RSCA), Trade Balance Index (TBI), and Product Mapping method. Notably, there is no research that scrutinize the competitiveness of the Turkish air conditioning industry utilizing the Product Mapping. The study findings emphasize that air conditioning industry of Türkiye has competitiveness. Within the sub-product group, the analysis reveals that Türkiye has competitiveness for 11 products, a near-limit competitiveness for 3 products, and a lack of competitiveness for 10 products.
Spectrum of Engineering and Management Sciences, Mar 13, 2024
It is not a desirable situation when input parameters excessively affect the results of a system ... more It is not a desirable situation when input parameters excessively affect the results of a system as well as imply unwarranted drift and inefficiency. This situation, which expresses dependence or sensitivity to inputs, is also considered a problem in the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodology family, which has more than 200 members. A newly produced MCDM method is first subjected to sensitivity tests. MCDM methods are generally evaluated for their sensitivity to weighting methods. Sensitivity is affected by many different parameters such as data, normalization, fundamental equation, and distance type. The common methodical approach for sensitivity analysis is to check whether the best alternative changes with the alteration of weight coefficients. It is problematic to identify sensitivity only in the situation where the ranking position of the best alternative changes. In this study, the sensitivity of the entire ranking is based on a holistic view. Moreover, in the classical method, there is no reference point for sensitivity. Each different MCDM result is compared to each other and it is claimed that the method that produces rankings that are significantly different from the others is poor. We reinterpret sensitivity using the relationship between dynamic MCDM-based performance and static price towards the selection of an environmentally friendly, traffic-saving performance electric scooter. Two PROBID variants as well as the CODAS method are used in this study to deepen the accuracy in the comparison. Additionally, how four types of weighting methods and six types of normalization types affected MCDM sensitivity is measured with a different statistical framework. The finding from a total of 72 different MCDM rankings is striking: If the sensitivity of an MCDM method is generally high, the correlation between that MCDM method and the external anchor (price) is low. Conversely, if sentiment is low, a high correlation with price results. These matching patterns are a unique discovery of this work.
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
This study seeks to assess the recreational experience preferences and satisfaction levels of bot... more This study seeks to assess the recreational experience preferences and satisfaction levels of both local residents and second home owners in Alanya. Research findings were obtained from 396 participants through a questionnaire using convenience sampling method. Descriptive statistics and ANOVA tests were applied to analyse the data. As a result of the research, it was determined that the participants mostly visited friends, could not participate in activities due to time constraints and expected recreational areas to be cleaner. While the majority of the participants in the research define the concept of recreation correctly, it can be said that they prefer to participate in outdoor recreation activities and participate in the activities with their friends. Resident foreigners attach more importance to social recognition, skill development and achievement experiences than local people. Furthermore, the satisfaction level of resident foreigners with recreational areas is higher than ...
Journal of intelligent management decision, Apr 10, 2024
In general, a stable and strong system shouldn't have an overly sensitive/dependent response to i... more In general, a stable and strong system shouldn't have an overly sensitive/dependent response to inputs (unless consciously and planned desired), as this would reduce efficiency. As in other techniques, approaches, and methodologies, if the results are excessively affected when the input parameters change in MCDM methods, this situation is identified with sensitivity analyses. Oversensitivity is generally accepted as a problem in the MCDM (Multi-Criteria Decision Making) methodology family, which has more than 200 members according to the current literature. The MCDM family is not just a weight coefficient-sensitive methodology. MCDM types can also be sensitive to many different calculation parameters such as data type, normalization, fundamental equation, threshold value, preference function, etc. Many studies to understand the degree of sensitivity simply monitor whether the ranking position of the best alternative changes. However, this is incomplete for understanding the nature of sensitivity, and more evidence is undoubtedly needed to gain insight into this matter. Observing the holistic change of all alternatives compared to a single alternative provides the researcher with more reliable and generalizing evidence, information, or assumptions about the degree of sensitivity of the system. In this study, we assigned a fixed reference point to measure sensitivity with a more robust approach. Thus, we took the distance to the fixed point as a base reference while observing the changeable MCDM results. We calculated sensitivity to normalization, not just sensitivity to weight coefficients. In addition, past MCDM studies accept existing data as the only criterion in sensitivity analysis and make generalizations easily. To show that the model proposed in this study is not a coincidence, in addition to the graphics card selection problem, an exploratory validation was performed for another problem with a different set of data, alternatives, and criteria. We comparatively measured sensitivity using the relationship between MCDM-based performance and the static reference point. We statistically measured the sensitivity with four types of weighting methods and 7 types of normalization techniques with the PROBID method. The striking result, confirmed by 56 different MCDM ranking findings, was this: In general, if the sensitivity of an MCDM method is high, the relationship of that MCDM method to a fixed reference point is low. On the other hand, if the sensitivity is low, a high correlation with the reference point is produced. In short, uncontrolled hypersensitivity disrupts not only the ranking but also external relations, as expected.
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin AB üyesi olmayan Balkan Ülkeleri ile imzalamış olduğu Serbest Ticaret An... more Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin AB üyesi olmayan Balkan Ülkeleri ile imzalamış olduğu Serbest Ticaret Anlaşmalarının dış ticaret yapısına etkileri 1996-2019 yılları itibariyle incelenip yorumlanmıştır. İhracat açısından, serbest ticaret anlaşması sonrasında Makedonya ile 19 yılda %279,39; Bosna-Hersek ile 16 yılda %617,05; Arnavutluk ile 11 yılda %59,37; Karadağ ile 9 yılda %383,87 ve Sırbistan ile 9 yılda %211,68 oranında toplam ihracatın yükseldiği görülmektedir. İthalat açısından, anlaşma sonrasında Makedonya’dan 19 yılda %927,56; Bosna-Hersek’ten 16 yılda %2220,70; Karadağ’dan 9 yılda %107,79 ve Sırbistan’dan 9 yılda %299,48 oranında toplam ithalatın yükseldiği görülmektedir. Bulgular içerisinde sadece Arnavutluk’tan 11 yılda yapılan ithalat %39,30 oranında düşüş olduğu göze çarpmaktadır. Ayrıca 1996-2019 yılları itibariyle, yani toplam 24 yıl baz alınarak çalışmanın kapsamındaki beş ülkeye yapılan ihracatın Türkiye’nin toplam ihracatından iki kata yakın ve bu beş ülkeden yapılan ithal...
In the globalizing world, international trade is reaching advanced dimensions every passing day. ... more In the globalizing world, international trade is reaching advanced dimensions every passing day. Exporting companies had to make a competition both in local and international markets. Therefore, countries should have competitiveness both in the domestic and global markets. Nowadays, Turkey is leading pasta producer and exporter. In this study, the situation of the pasta industry in the world and in Turkey and the developments in its foreign trade were examined. This study aims to determine and analyze the international competitiveness of Turkey's pasta industry. Accordingly, pasta export and import data from Turkey and the world between 2001-2020 were used to calculate international competitiveness indices. Within the scope analysis, Balassa's RCA index, Vollrath’s indices (RXA, RMP, RTA, RC), Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage Index (RSCA), Trade Balance Index (TBI) were used and The Product Mapping Method developed by Tri Widodo was applied. As a result of the calcul...
Turk Turizm Arastirmalari Dergisi
Türkiye’de Fakülte bünyesinde eğitim veren Turizm İşletmeciliği bölümü müfredatlar ının genelini ... more Türkiye’de Fakülte bünyesinde eğitim veren Turizm İşletmeciliği bölümü müfredatlar ının genelini temsil edecek düzeyde daha önce betimsel ve içerik analizin yapılmamış olması nedeniyle mevcut çalışmanın bu boşluğu doldurması hedeflenmekte ve Turizm İşletmeciliği bölümü müfredat derslerinin temalar aracılığıyla resmedilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma örneklemini Türkiye’deki 45 farklı üniversitedeki 54 Turizm İşletmeciliği müfredatı oluşturmaktadır.Araştırmada yorumlayıcı paradigma benimsenmiş ve doküman incelemesi ile toplanan toplam 5161 adet ders ve program detay bilgilerinin MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2022 programı aracılığıyla betimsel ve içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Yapılan analizler neticesinde ulaşılan sonuçlara göre lisans düzeyinde farklı fakültelerde verilen Turizm İşletmeciliği müfredat derslerinin standart bir yapıda olmadığı ve çok farklı ders ve modüllerden oluştuğu görülmüştür. Araştırmada hem devlet hem de vakıf üniversitelerinde en fazla “yönetim” temasıve yönetimin alt kodl...
Resmi kaynaklara gore Alanya’da 9.995 farkli milliyetten yerlesik yabanci bulunmaktadir. Yerlesik... more Resmi kaynaklara gore Alanya’da 9.995 farkli milliyetten yerlesik yabanci bulunmaktadir. Yerlesik yabancilarin cogunlugunu Almanlar olusturmaktadir. Ikincisi Iskandinavlar ve ucuncu Ruslardir. Satin alma davranisi kisisel, sosyo-kulturel ve psikolojik faktorler gibi farkli faktorlerden etkilenmektedir. Milliyet, sosyo-kulturel faktorlerin alt faktorudur. Bu nedenle, bu calisma yerlesik yabancilarin milliyetlerinin satin alma davranislari uzerindeki etkisini analiz etmek icin yapilmistir. Bu arastirmada 350 yerlesik yabanciya bir anket uygulanmistir, ama 26 eksik gozlemden dolayi analize dahil edilmemistir. Toplamda 324 anketin yapildigi analizde SPSS 13 paket programi kullanilmistir. Bu baglamda, arastirma sonuclari milliyetin yerlesik yabancilarin satin alma davranislari uzerinde etkili oldugunu ortaya koymustur
Pazarlamanin vazgecilmezlerinden olan marka, gunumuzde bircok alanda pazarlama araci olarak kulla... more Pazarlamanin vazgecilmezlerinden olan marka, gunumuzde bircok alanda pazarlama araci olarak kullanilmaktadir. Turizm sektorunde de artan bir oneme sahip olan marka destinasyonlarin gerek ulke icinde gerekse ulke disindaki rakiplerinden ayirt edilmesini saglamaktadir. Destinasyon olmayi basarabilmis bircok sehir farkindaligini arttirmak icin markalasma cabasina girmektedir. Bunun icin de markanin en onemli bilesenlerinden biri olan marka imajinin kontrol edilmesi ve yonetilmesi gerekmektedir. Marka olmak icin saglanmasi gereken bir takim unsurlar soz konusudur. Bu durum destinasyon markasi olmak icin de gecerlidir. Bu calismada destinasyon pazarlamasinda onemli bir arac olan destinasyon markasinin olusturulma ilkelerine deginilerek, Alanya’nin bir destinasyon markasi olup olmadigi analiz edilmistir.
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Mar 28, 2023
This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of Türkiye, which is among the E7 countries, with ... more This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of Türkiye, which is among the E7 countries, with other countries in this group in terms of some selected sectors. The Comparative Export Performance (CEP) Index was used to measure competitiveness with these countries. The first five chapters in which Türkiye has achieved the highest increase in exports in the last ten years were considered through HS (Harmonized System) codes. In comparing these chapters, the CEP indexes were calculated using the 2011-2020. Chapters subject to research are 97-Works of art, collector's pieces, and antiques, 81-Other base metals employed in metallurgy and articles thereof, 96-Miscellaneous manufactured articles (pens and brushes, etc.), 75-Nickel and articles thereof and 23-Residues and waste from the food industries, prepared animal fodder. According to the findings, in 97, Türkiye has a higher export performance than Russia and Mexico, and its export performance has also increased against Indonesia since 2016. In 81, Türkiye has a better export performance against India, Indonesia, and Mexico. In, there is a higher export performance than other countries except for China. In 75, the export performance of Türkiye increased against China, India, and Brazil, especially after 2016, and showed a better performance despite a changing graphic with Mexico. Also, in 23, it can be said that although the export performance against China and Mexico has differed over the years, it has gained momentum in this process.
Bu çalışmada konaklama işletmelerinde çalışan personelin iş tatmin düzeylerinin yöneticilerin ser... more Bu çalışmada konaklama işletmelerinde çalışan personelin iş tatmin düzeylerinin yöneticilerin sergiledikleri liderlik özelliklerinden nasıl etkilendiği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla Alanya'da faaliyet gösteren 4 ve 5 yıldızlı konaklama işletmelerinin personeli ile 400 adet anket uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiş, 370 adedi analizlerde kullanılmıştır. Yöneticilerin liderlik özelliklerinin ve çalışanların iş tatminini ölçen 40 değişkenden az sayıda ve tanımlanabilir nitelikte değişkenler elde etmek amacıyla yapılan faktör analizi sonucunda 4 boyut elde edilmiştir. Bunlar; "vizyoner liderlik", etkileşimci liderlik", "dönüşümcü liderlik" ve "iş tatmini" olarak adlandırılmıştır. Korelasyon analizi neticesinde çalışanların vizyoner ve dönüşümcü liderlik algılarının yüksek olduğu durumda iş tatmin seviyelerinin de yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Ancak, olumsuz özellikleri ön planda olan bir etkileşimci liderin, çalışanların iş tatminini düşürdüğü saptanmıştır. Reg...
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Mar 25, 2021
itibariyle, yani toplam 24 yıl baz alınarak çalışmanın kapsamındaki beş ülkeye yapılan ihracatın ... more itibariyle, yani toplam 24 yıl baz alınarak çalışmanın kapsamındaki beş ülkeye yapılan ihracatın Türkiye'nin toplam ihracatından iki kata yakın ve bu beş ülkeden yapılan ithalatın Türkiye'nin toplam ithalatından üç kata yakın artış göstermiştir. Dolayısıyla bu süre içerisinde ilgili ülkelerden yapılan ithalatın ilgili ülkelere yapılan ihracattan daha yüksek oranda arttığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Uluslararası Alanya Isletme Fakultesi Dergisi, 2013
Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, Oct 30, 2014
Muğla Sitki Kocman Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Ensitusu Dergisi, Mar 21, 2014