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Research paper thumbnail of Towards a Digital Twin System Design Based on a User-Centered Approach to Improve Quality Control on Construction Sites

Lecture notes in civil engineering, Sep 29, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation et Optimisation des Inondations en Milieu Urbain avec une Approche Multicritères

Le risque d’inondations dans les zones urbaines a considerablement augmente au cours des derniere... more Le risque d’inondations dans les zones urbaines a considerablement augmente au cours des dernieres decennies avec la croissance rapide de la population et le processus d’urbanisation a proximite des cours d’eau et des zones inondables. Afin de faire face a ce risque, differents acteurs se reunissent dans le but de proposer une solution d’amenagement du territoire, capable de le maitriser au mieux. La solution proposee doit repondre a plusieurs objectifs de natures differentes (economiques, sociaux, politiques,…) qui sont le plus souvent contradictoires. Des outils numeriques d’aide a la decision sont actuellement disponibles et frequemment utilises par les amenageurs pour les aider dans leurs choix d’une solution adequate. Cependant ces outils se basent generalement sur des approches empiriques et l’efficacite des solutions proposees reste incertaine. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif des travaux realises au cours de cette these, consiste a developper une approche complementaire aux outils d’aide a la decision en se basant principalement sur des methodes numeriques directes, telles que la modelisation 3D, la simulation numerique et l’optimisation multicriteres. L’approche consiste dans un premier temps a coupler la modelisation geometrique 3D issue de Systeme d’Information Geographique « SIG » avec la modelisation en mecanique des fluides « CFD », afin de representer le phenomene d’inondation urbaine avec une precision proche du reel. Cette etape permet de fournir une cartographie tridimensionnelle de differentes caracteristiques de l’inondation (Vitesses, Hauteur d’eau, etendue de l’inondation, …), et par consequent localiser les differentes parties de la ville a amenager en priorite. Dans un second temps, en se basant sur les resultats obtenus dans la premiere partie, des strategies d'optimisation multicriteres sont mises en œuvre afin de trouver parmi une multitude de solutions proposees, representant des projets d’amenagement, celle la plus convenable pour la situation etudiee, et qui satisfasse simultanement les differentes contraintes techniques, economiques et environnementales. Une telle approche permet aux decideurs a la fois d’accelerer leur procedure d’analyse du risque dans la zone urbaine et de les rassurer sur l’efficacite de la solution choisie face a ce risque.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimization study of an urban network using evolutionary algorithms", 2010 Enginsoft International Conference and the Ansys Italian Conference, Fiera Montichiari (BS)

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimal Modeling Study of Flooding Phenomenon in Urban Area (Dam break case)

International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Building Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data

ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Multiobjective Optimization on Urban Flooding Using RSM and GA

Advanced Materials Research, 2011

Urban flooding due to climate changes, dam breaking and drainage systems being overwhelmed by rai... more Urban flooding due to climate changes, dam breaking and drainage systems being overwhelmed by rainfall causes a huge loss to mankind civilization every year all over the world. This work aims to minimize the flooding damage by optimally design the building location and interspace. The velocity, water pressure and the height of water are considered as the main factors to reduce the flooding damage. The multi-objective optimization is implemented by combing several techniques, including Design of Experiment (DOE), Response Surface Method (RSM) and the Genetic Algorithm (GA). The proposed methodology is validated with a case study on the topography of ESTP Cachan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Multiphase smoothed particle hydrodynamics approach for modeling soil–water interactions

Advances in Water Resources, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: A consistent model for interfacial multiphase fluid flow simulations

Journal of Computational Physics, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Using a Laser Scanning to Construct a 3D Numerical Model to Study the Flooding Risk in Urban Area

International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of BIM to Develop Integrated, Incremental and Multiscale Methods to Assess Comfort and Quality of Public Spaces

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2020

Our approach applied BIM to the urban scale to feed multiscale simulations with input data and to... more Our approach applied BIM to the urban scale to feed multiscale simulations with input data and to collect results which can be used to create global indicators to evaluate current urban projects, in any field of interest. In our case the whole available data of the territory - including new and existing buildings and infrastructure - of the National Interest Operation of Paris La Defense (which is France’s largest business district) has been collected and formatted into several databases. Our achieved interoperable BIM model has been adapted to perform complex multi-physical studies and simulations in several technical fields (including noise exposure, wind comfort, artificial and natural lighting, energy consumption, environmental impacts and global comfort) in order to understand and assess the quality of use of public spaces.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards a Digital Twin System Design Based on a User-Centered Approach to Improve Quality Control on Construction Sites

Lecture notes in civil engineering, Sep 29, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation et Optimisation des Inondations en Milieu Urbain avec une Approche Multicritères

Le risque d’inondations dans les zones urbaines a considerablement augmente au cours des derniere... more Le risque d’inondations dans les zones urbaines a considerablement augmente au cours des dernieres decennies avec la croissance rapide de la population et le processus d’urbanisation a proximite des cours d’eau et des zones inondables. Afin de faire face a ce risque, differents acteurs se reunissent dans le but de proposer une solution d’amenagement du territoire, capable de le maitriser au mieux. La solution proposee doit repondre a plusieurs objectifs de natures differentes (economiques, sociaux, politiques,…) qui sont le plus souvent contradictoires. Des outils numeriques d’aide a la decision sont actuellement disponibles et frequemment utilises par les amenageurs pour les aider dans leurs choix d’une solution adequate. Cependant ces outils se basent generalement sur des approches empiriques et l’efficacite des solutions proposees reste incertaine. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif des travaux realises au cours de cette these, consiste a developper une approche complementaire aux outils d’aide a la decision en se basant principalement sur des methodes numeriques directes, telles que la modelisation 3D, la simulation numerique et l’optimisation multicriteres. L’approche consiste dans un premier temps a coupler la modelisation geometrique 3D issue de Systeme d’Information Geographique « SIG » avec la modelisation en mecanique des fluides « CFD », afin de representer le phenomene d’inondation urbaine avec une precision proche du reel. Cette etape permet de fournir une cartographie tridimensionnelle de differentes caracteristiques de l’inondation (Vitesses, Hauteur d’eau, etendue de l’inondation, …), et par consequent localiser les differentes parties de la ville a amenager en priorite. Dans un second temps, en se basant sur les resultats obtenus dans la premiere partie, des strategies d'optimisation multicriteres sont mises en œuvre afin de trouver parmi une multitude de solutions proposees, representant des projets d’amenagement, celle la plus convenable pour la situation etudiee, et qui satisfasse simultanement les differentes contraintes techniques, economiques et environnementales. Une telle approche permet aux decideurs a la fois d’accelerer leur procedure d’analyse du risque dans la zone urbaine et de les rassurer sur l’efficacite de la solution choisie face a ce risque.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimization study of an urban network using evolutionary algorithms", 2010 Enginsoft International Conference and the Ansys Italian Conference, Fiera Montichiari (BS)

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimal Modeling Study of Flooding Phenomenon in Urban Area (Dam break case)

International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Building Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data

ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Multiobjective Optimization on Urban Flooding Using RSM and GA

Advanced Materials Research, 2011

Urban flooding due to climate changes, dam breaking and drainage systems being overwhelmed by rai... more Urban flooding due to climate changes, dam breaking and drainage systems being overwhelmed by rainfall causes a huge loss to mankind civilization every year all over the world. This work aims to minimize the flooding damage by optimally design the building location and interspace. The velocity, water pressure and the height of water are considered as the main factors to reduce the flooding damage. The multi-objective optimization is implemented by combing several techniques, including Design of Experiment (DOE), Response Surface Method (RSM) and the Genetic Algorithm (GA). The proposed methodology is validated with a case study on the topography of ESTP Cachan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Multiphase smoothed particle hydrodynamics approach for modeling soil–water interactions

Advances in Water Resources, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: A consistent model for interfacial multiphase fluid flow simulations

Journal of Computational Physics, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Using a Laser Scanning to Construct a 3D Numerical Model to Study the Flooding Risk in Urban Area

International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of BIM to Develop Integrated, Incremental and Multiscale Methods to Assess Comfort and Quality of Public Spaces

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2020

Our approach applied BIM to the urban scale to feed multiscale simulations with input data and to... more Our approach applied BIM to the urban scale to feed multiscale simulations with input data and to collect results which can be used to create global indicators to evaluate current urban projects, in any field of interest. In our case the whole available data of the territory - including new and existing buildings and infrastructure - of the National Interest Operation of Paris La Defense (which is France’s largest business district) has been collected and formatted into several databases. Our achieved interoperable BIM model has been adapted to perform complex multi-physical studies and simulations in several technical fields (including noise exposure, wind comfort, artificial and natural lighting, energy consumption, environmental impacts and global comfort) in order to understand and assess the quality of use of public spaces.

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