M Rizki - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by M Rizki
At this time one of the instantaneous programs inclusive of WhatsApp or WA has been so effortless... more At this time one of the instantaneous programs inclusive of WhatsApp or WA has been so effortlessly implemented and preferred by numerous layers of age. Most of the users of this software are young adults of faculty age from early adolescence to students. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed numerous elements of human life today, especially inside the area of education. This calls for all elements of schooling to conform and maintain the rest of the semester. The reason of this have a look at is an overview of mastering in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. They have an impact on of WhatsApp is very sturdy on the getting to know machine in School. Generally WA users point out the cause about selecting this utility is because of the availability of numerous conveniences that are further to no longer voicing alias free. This studies makes use of descriptive analysis research method. Online gaining knowledge of is an effective answer for activating classrooms even though colleges have c...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
The purpose of this study was to describe the validity of authentic learning-based electronic the... more The purpose of this study was to describe the validity of authentic learning-based electronic thermodynamic teaching materials to train students’ problem-solving skills during the covid-19 pandemic. The model used in this study was the ASSURE development model, which only reached the third stage, namely Selection of Media and Materials. The validation of teaching materials was assessed by three validators consisting of two physics education academics and one practitioner. Based on the validation results, it was found that the authentic learning-based electronic thermodynamic teaching material for training students’ problem-solving skills was declared valid with a value of 3.14. Appropriate teaching materials can then be used in schools’ teaching and learning processes and tested for practicality and effectiveness.
WHO(世界保健機関)は 1998年から,マラリア罹患者の半減を目指し,Roll Back Malaria Program をスタートした。世界各国とともに長年にわたる多大な努力を重 ねてきたが... more WHO(世界保健機関)は 1998年から,マラリア罹患者の半減を目指し,Roll Back Malaria Program をスタートした。世界各国とともに長年にわたる多大な努力を重 ねてきたが,マラリアは現在においても,熱帯途上国を中心に深刻な医療健康問題で ある。東南アジア諸国では 430万人が罹患し,2426人が公式に犠牲となっている (WHO レポート,2011)。インドネシアにおいても,マラリアはパプア,スマトラ, カリマンタン,セレベス,マルク,東西ヌサテンガラなどの周辺地域で依然として, 最悪の感染症の一つである。 西ヌサテンガラ州のロンボク島では,2005年にマラリア・アウトブレイクが発生 し,多くの患者と死者が出た。マタラム大学医学部ムリヤント教授と佛教大学社会学 部満田との国際共同研究チームは,2006年からアウトブレイクが発生した東ロンボ クの 4つの地区で,マラリア感染拡大に関する社会疫学調査(CBDESS I and II) を実施した(Mitsuda and Mulyanto; 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)。さらに,マラリア 制圧を目指した社会学的手法,とくに CBDESS 調査を支援したマラリア専門員によ る地域力向上(community empowerment)を試み,マラリア死者がゼロという一 定の成果を上げた。 本研究では,前回の世帯主を対象としたマラリア社会疫学調査(CBDESS)に準拠 し,同一地域の小学生 400名を対象に「マラリア知識と行動に関する社会疫学調査」 (ESMKB AESCEL)を実施。調査結果を医学生が医学知識とともに指導すること で,小学生へのマラリア教育を実践した。さらに Health Messenger として「マラ リア見守り隊(Malaria School Scout: MASCOT)」を創設し,この小学生活動を通 して,家庭,学校,地域などでマラリア制圧プログラムを浸透させる試みをおこなう。 ESMKB AESCEL のデータをパス解析することで,「子供のマラリアに関する情 報源」の因果律を検証すると,マスメディアや医療関係者でなく,「母親」の影響, とくにその学歴が最重要な要因であった。「MASCOT]プロジェクトでは,今後とも 母子の健康と教育に焦点を当てたプログラムを...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
The High Temperature Test Reactor is a 30-MWth helium-cooled, graphite-moderated, prismatic-type ... more The High Temperature Test Reactor is a 30-MWth helium-cooled, graphite-moderated, prismatic-type gas reactor developed by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The hexagonal shape of fuel blocks in the HTTR core combined with complex inner structures containing TRISO particles results in the double-heterogeneity effect that increases the simulation challenge of the reactor. This research has a goal to accurately model the HTTR fuel blocks employing the standard two-step procedure of a reactor analysis: employ a lattice physics calculation to generate homogeneous cross sections and use them in a nodal diffusion calculation. The implementation of the diffusion approximation results in a faster calculation with acceptable accuracy compared to the high-resolution lattice calculation. An advanced method called Triangular Polynomial Expansion Nodal (TriPEN) method was used in this work for the nodal diffusion calculation to accurately model the flux discontinuity effect between blocks by...
KnE Social Sciences, 2018
This paper aims to study the importance of the physical boundary at the Indonesian and Malaysian ... more This paper aims to study the importance of the physical boundary at the Indonesian and Malaysian Border in Temajuk Village, as a manifestation of effective implementation of Indonesia's sovereignty in the area. This research is a legal research. Therefore, the data collecting method applied for this research mainly focuses on literature and field research to obtain primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and non-legal materials. These materials are analyzed using qualitative method with a statutory approach. The results of the research showed that the absence of several physical border markers, worsen by its worrying condition in Temajuk, often trigger legal issues and potential threats toward national security. As consequences, many issues have arisen, such as: a border dispute regarding the right to utilize the land, smuggling of commercial products and services, traffic of goods and services without customs tax, illegal logging, international marriage without complying to legal procedures, foreign influence infiltration, natural resources theft and undocumented residences or immigration. Ultimately, the Authors highly recommend the Government of Indonesia to be more serious and take necessary steps in constructing physical permanent border markers considering both legal and practical significance of the boundary line on the livelihoods of people living in the border area.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi, 2020
Quality public service with a high level of community satisfaction are the determinants of the s... more Quality public service with a high level of community satisfaction are the determinants of the success of local governments in realizing good governance and sustainable development. This paper aims to present empirical data related to public service practices in Jayapura Regency. The purpose of this study is to precisely measure service quality; determine the satisfaction index; and perform a theoretical-conceptual study on the implementation of public service delivery in Jayapura Regency as mandated by Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia No.14 of 2017 on Guidelines of Public Satisfaction Surveys for Public Service. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. Primary data were collected from community satisfaction survey to obtain the Jayapura Regency Community Satisfaction Index (IKM). Based on results of data processing, CSI for Yowari Hospital of Jayapura District is 2,69, while CSI for DPMPTSP ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
This study aims to analyze the need for:1) analyzing resources availability 2) analysing the TPAC... more This study aims to analyze the need for:1) analyzing resources availability 2) analysing the TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge) profile of preservice biology teachers 3) designing GoProfTeach as a web-based learning tool for in-service and pre-service teachers. In doing so, it followed ADDIE development model. The instrument for data collection was a validated TPACK test. This article, in particular, discusses the results of the study in the first year of the analysis and design phase. The instrument for data collection included documents checking sheets, questions validation sheets and a Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) test. The results of resources availability analysis and TPACK tests indicate that there is a need for the development of web-based learning resources as a means of increasing the ability of TPACK of pre-service and high school Biology teachers. The contents that have been designed include; 4 sets of practice exercises, 4 mo...
Jalan merupakan jalur pergerakan orang, kendaraan serta sebagai tempat beraktifitas, seperti beke... more Jalan merupakan jalur pergerakan orang, kendaraan serta sebagai tempat beraktifitas, seperti bekerja,berdagang, belajar, dan lain-lain. Jalan Palmerah Utara dan jalan S Parman merupakan jalan kolektor dan arteri yang memiliki lalu lintas yang padat, dimana pada sepanjang jalannya terdapat pohon-pohon yang berguna untuk memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengguna jalan. Namun keberadaan pohon di sepanjang jalan juga akan memberikan masalah, misalnya pohon tumbang dan ini akan membahayakan bagi pengguna jalan. Dengan demikian diperlukan pengelolaan dan pemeliharaanyang baik, yang salah satunya adalah monitoring dan menyusun data inventarisasi pohon. Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman kota Jakarta yang bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan fasilitas pertamanan kota selama ini melakukan pengelolaan data inventarisasi pohon secara manual. Cara seperti ini menyebabkan pengelola membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dan biaya yang cukup besar dalam pemutakhiran data inventarisasi pohon. Oleh karena itu diper...
Civil and Environmental Science, 2020
Ulubelu sub-district is the center of geothermal activity in Lampung Province. The Ulubelu geothe... more Ulubelu sub-district is the center of geothermal activity in Lampung Province. The Ulubelu geothermal project supply 25% of electricity to Lampung Province. In the future the Government plans to build a geothermal pipeline network with the aim of maximizing the potential found in Ulubelu. One of the objects that must be examined in the construction of the pipeline is the stability of the slope that will be passed by geothermal pipes. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the stability of landslides in the Ulubelu geothermal pipeline. Soil samples for this study were taken from 5 locations: BH-01, BH-02, BH-03, BH-04, and BH-05. This soil sample is then examined to determine its soil mechanics characteristics in the laboratory. The safety factor of each sample is analyzed using 3 slope analysis methods: the Fellenius method, the Bishop method, and the Janbu method, and calculated in Geostudio (Slope/W). The results showed that all samples showed safety factor values that were not much different that were spread between the numbers 1.7 to 4.3. This shows that all sample locations are safe from landslides. This also shows that the characteristics of the soil and the slope of the study area are almost the same.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The achievements of Indonesian students at TIMMS are still categorized low. One of the reasons is... more The achievements of Indonesian students at TIMMS are still categorized low. One of the reasons is that students are poorly trained in solving HOTS problems. The observations showed that questions used in the 2017/2018 odd semester exam in high schools in Banda Aceh were still categorized as LOTS, so giving HOTS questions has become a necessity. The purpose of this study was to develop and analyze HOTS questions on static fluid materials. The method used was research and development (R&D) with the ADDIE model. The number of samples was 66 students who were selected using a random sampling technique. The data were collected through questionnaires and written tests. The average percentage of expert validation was 97.98% which indicated a very decent category. The quality of the HOTS question test obtained 16 (20%) valid items and 4 (20%) invalid items. The reliability was 0.878 which indicated a very high category. The test item difficulty index consisted of 6 difficult items, 9 modera...
2012 IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), 2012
2010 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, 2010
Context based recognition system, which can im prove the accuracy of scene recognition if robots ... more Context based recognition system, which can im prove the accuracy of scene recognition if robots cannot obtain adequate recognition features in the camera, has attracted researchers recently. However, there are few researches which focus on part-whole supplement system based on con text which can describe the scene using detail parts in the scene and also reduce the ambigu ity of each detail part using sentences in reverse. In this paper, we constructed the mutual supple ment model focused on the ontological relation ship between object and motion. We will take desk work in this research as an example of the experiment and show the usefulness of proposed model which can increase the recognition proba bility values of object and motion.
Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications IV, 2006
Color is an important feature for object recognition in security and military applications. Unfor... more Color is an important feature for object recognition in security and military applications. Unfortunately, color is sensitive to the environmental operating conditions so its use for automatic target recognition is often limited. Recently a number of research efforts have focused on techniques for developing algorithms to improve color constancy across images. Many of these approaches attempt to improve the color
Third International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG'06), 2006
A Nearest Neighbor Classifier (NNC) approaches the problem of text classification by computing a ... more A Nearest Neighbor Classifier (NNC) approaches the problem of text classification by computing a similarity metric between feature vector representations of an unknown document and a set of known prototype documents. The accuracy and speed of the NNC are dependent upon the choices of features and prototypes. In this work we consider the use of a genetic algorithm to optimize the feature and prototype sets for an NNC. We also examine whether simultaneously evolving the feature and prototype sets produces better results than sequential optimization.
Proceedings of the IEEE 1993 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference-NAECON 1993
Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. CEC'02 (Cat. No.02TH8600)
The reference neuron model (RNM) is an example of an advanced model of neurological structure. Th... more The reference neuron model (RNM) is an example of an advanced model of neurological structure. The model is based on the principle of superposition-free memory, i.e., the requirement that the acquisition of new memories by a neural network does not degrade or hybridize the previously acquired memories. The RNM incorporates features found in procedural systems as well as the distributed pattern recognition capabilities found in connectionist neural network approaches. The memory manipulation mechanisms inherent in the model support the development of temporal as well as associative memory structures through trial and error learning. The results of which contribute to the development of knowledge by the model about its environment. The RNM is capable of learning strategies to play board games with a reasonable level of performance. In this work, results of experiments with the game of Tic-tac-toe are presented. The RNM is taught to play the game by simulating contests between the RNM and an artificial opponent that simply makes random moves. Through a series of games, the RNM acquires strategies that permit it to consistently win games. Various sizes of boards were tested to demonstrate that the results produced using RNM scale to larger search spaces. In addition, results are presented that provide evidence that as additional types of memories (e.g. temporal, associative, and artificial imagination) are introduced into the system, the performance improves
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2010
This study was conducted to assess the effect of nitrogen (N) variations from lignocellulosic sub... more This study was conducted to assess the effect of nitrogen (N) variations from lignocellulosic substrates of empty fruit bunch (EFB), palm oil frond (POF), palm oil trunks (POT), A.mangium bark (AB) and Cogongrass (IC), and combinations among them using biological supplements (POF and POT) for suitability as a substrate of P. ostreatus. Three different sets of substrates were evaluated in response to different parameters of P. ostreatus including spawn running, primordial initiation, fruit body yield and biological efficiency (BE). The supplementation of POT and POF generally revealed significant differences on the crop performance of P. ostreatus compared to the un-supplemented substrate. POT demonstrated reduced production time, while POF was the best supplement to promote fresh weight and BE. The most rapid spawn running took place within 18.6 ± 0.9 days, while the primordial initiation was observed within 23.2 ± 0.5 days in the combination of IC ? POT. The most suitable substrate for higher mushroom weight and BE was IC ? POF (19.6 ± 1.3 g; 70.5 ± 5.5%). In addition, the interval between primordial formations was found to be fastest in the un-supplemented EFB and the combination of EFB ? POF, which supported a shortened production time. Therefore, IC and EFB appeared to be the better alternative materials for growing P. ostreatus, either with or without any supplementation.
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 1986
The sources of diversity in evolutionary ecosystems are investigated using a discrete event model... more The sources of diversity in evolutionary ecosystems are investigated using a discrete event model (EVOLVE III). This interactional model incorporates realistic features of organisms, including complex phenotypic traits and a detailed representation of genetic organization. The ...
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 1999
Two chromium(VI) compounds (potassium chromate and potassium dichromate) and one chromium(III) co... more Two chromium(VI) compounds (potassium chromate and potassium dichromate) and one chromium(III) compound, chromium chloride, were evaluated for genotoxic effects in the wing spot test of Drosophila melanogaster following standard procedures. This assay detects both somatic recombination and mutational events. The genotoxic effects were determined from the appearance of wing spots in flies transheterozygous for the third chromosome recessive markers multiple wing hairs (mwh) and flare-3 (flr(3)), as well as in flies heterozygous formwh and the multiply inverted TM3 balancer chromosome. Genetic changes induced in somatic cells of the wing's imaginal discs lead to the formation of mutant clones on the wingblade. Single spots are due to different genotoxic mechanisms: point mutation, deletion, chromosome breakage, and mitotic recombination; while twin spots are produced only by mitotic recombination. From our results it appears that both chromium(VI) compounds clearly increase the incidence of mutant clones by inducing high increases in the frequency of all types of clones recorded. On the contrary, chromium(III) did not increase the frequency of mutant clones. A high proportion of the total spot induction was due to mitotic recombination, confirming previously reported data on the strong recombinogenic activity of chromium(VI) compounds.
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 2002
The wing spot test in Drosophila melanogaster was used to investigate the genotoxicity of arsenic... more The wing spot test in Drosophila melanogaster was used to investigate the genotoxicity of arsenic and its effects on the action of two clearly genotoxic agents: potassium dichromate (PDC) and ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). This assay is based on the principle that the loss of heterozygosity of the suitable recessive markers multiple wing hairs (mwh) and flare-3 (flr(3)) can lead to the formation of mutant clones of larval cells, which are then expressed as spots on the wings of adult flies. These spots can be attributed to different genotoxic events: either mitotic recombination or mutation (deletion, point mutation, and specific types of translocation). Pretreatments and chronic cotreatments were comparatively used for combined treatments. From the results obtained it is evident that sodium arsenite (SA) does not increase the frequency of any of the three categories of spots recorded (small, large, and twin spots) at the concentrations tested. The effects of SA in combination with PDC, in both cotreatments and pretreatments, indicate that SA almost suppressed the clones induced by PDC. Nevertheless, no effects of arsenic were observed with respect to the pre- and cotreatments with EMS. Thus, SA does not modify the frequencies of mutant clones induced by EMS.
At this time one of the instantaneous programs inclusive of WhatsApp or WA has been so effortless... more At this time one of the instantaneous programs inclusive of WhatsApp or WA has been so effortlessly implemented and preferred by numerous layers of age. Most of the users of this software are young adults of faculty age from early adolescence to students. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed numerous elements of human life today, especially inside the area of education. This calls for all elements of schooling to conform and maintain the rest of the semester. The reason of this have a look at is an overview of mastering in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. They have an impact on of WhatsApp is very sturdy on the getting to know machine in School. Generally WA users point out the cause about selecting this utility is because of the availability of numerous conveniences that are further to no longer voicing alias free. This studies makes use of descriptive analysis research method. Online gaining knowledge of is an effective answer for activating classrooms even though colleges have c...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
The purpose of this study was to describe the validity of authentic learning-based electronic the... more The purpose of this study was to describe the validity of authentic learning-based electronic thermodynamic teaching materials to train students’ problem-solving skills during the covid-19 pandemic. The model used in this study was the ASSURE development model, which only reached the third stage, namely Selection of Media and Materials. The validation of teaching materials was assessed by three validators consisting of two physics education academics and one practitioner. Based on the validation results, it was found that the authentic learning-based electronic thermodynamic teaching material for training students’ problem-solving skills was declared valid with a value of 3.14. Appropriate teaching materials can then be used in schools’ teaching and learning processes and tested for practicality and effectiveness.
WHO(世界保健機関)は 1998年から,マラリア罹患者の半減を目指し,Roll Back Malaria Program をスタートした。世界各国とともに長年にわたる多大な努力を重 ねてきたが... more WHO(世界保健機関)は 1998年から,マラリア罹患者の半減を目指し,Roll Back Malaria Program をスタートした。世界各国とともに長年にわたる多大な努力を重 ねてきたが,マラリアは現在においても,熱帯途上国を中心に深刻な医療健康問題で ある。東南アジア諸国では 430万人が罹患し,2426人が公式に犠牲となっている (WHO レポート,2011)。インドネシアにおいても,マラリアはパプア,スマトラ, カリマンタン,セレベス,マルク,東西ヌサテンガラなどの周辺地域で依然として, 最悪の感染症の一つである。 西ヌサテンガラ州のロンボク島では,2005年にマラリア・アウトブレイクが発生 し,多くの患者と死者が出た。マタラム大学医学部ムリヤント教授と佛教大学社会学 部満田との国際共同研究チームは,2006年からアウトブレイクが発生した東ロンボ クの 4つの地区で,マラリア感染拡大に関する社会疫学調査(CBDESS I and II) を実施した(Mitsuda and Mulyanto; 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)。さらに,マラリア 制圧を目指した社会学的手法,とくに CBDESS 調査を支援したマラリア専門員によ る地域力向上(community empowerment)を試み,マラリア死者がゼロという一 定の成果を上げた。 本研究では,前回の世帯主を対象としたマラリア社会疫学調査(CBDESS)に準拠 し,同一地域の小学生 400名を対象に「マラリア知識と行動に関する社会疫学調査」 (ESMKB AESCEL)を実施。調査結果を医学生が医学知識とともに指導すること で,小学生へのマラリア教育を実践した。さらに Health Messenger として「マラ リア見守り隊(Malaria School Scout: MASCOT)」を創設し,この小学生活動を通 して,家庭,学校,地域などでマラリア制圧プログラムを浸透させる試みをおこなう。 ESMKB AESCEL のデータをパス解析することで,「子供のマラリアに関する情 報源」の因果律を検証すると,マスメディアや医療関係者でなく,「母親」の影響, とくにその学歴が最重要な要因であった。「MASCOT]プロジェクトでは,今後とも 母子の健康と教育に焦点を当てたプログラムを...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
The High Temperature Test Reactor is a 30-MWth helium-cooled, graphite-moderated, prismatic-type ... more The High Temperature Test Reactor is a 30-MWth helium-cooled, graphite-moderated, prismatic-type gas reactor developed by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The hexagonal shape of fuel blocks in the HTTR core combined with complex inner structures containing TRISO particles results in the double-heterogeneity effect that increases the simulation challenge of the reactor. This research has a goal to accurately model the HTTR fuel blocks employing the standard two-step procedure of a reactor analysis: employ a lattice physics calculation to generate homogeneous cross sections and use them in a nodal diffusion calculation. The implementation of the diffusion approximation results in a faster calculation with acceptable accuracy compared to the high-resolution lattice calculation. An advanced method called Triangular Polynomial Expansion Nodal (TriPEN) method was used in this work for the nodal diffusion calculation to accurately model the flux discontinuity effect between blocks by...
KnE Social Sciences, 2018
This paper aims to study the importance of the physical boundary at the Indonesian and Malaysian ... more This paper aims to study the importance of the physical boundary at the Indonesian and Malaysian Border in Temajuk Village, as a manifestation of effective implementation of Indonesia's sovereignty in the area. This research is a legal research. Therefore, the data collecting method applied for this research mainly focuses on literature and field research to obtain primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and non-legal materials. These materials are analyzed using qualitative method with a statutory approach. The results of the research showed that the absence of several physical border markers, worsen by its worrying condition in Temajuk, often trigger legal issues and potential threats toward national security. As consequences, many issues have arisen, such as: a border dispute regarding the right to utilize the land, smuggling of commercial products and services, traffic of goods and services without customs tax, illegal logging, international marriage without complying to legal procedures, foreign influence infiltration, natural resources theft and undocumented residences or immigration. Ultimately, the Authors highly recommend the Government of Indonesia to be more serious and take necessary steps in constructing physical permanent border markers considering both legal and practical significance of the boundary line on the livelihoods of people living in the border area.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi, 2020
Quality public service with a high level of community satisfaction are the determinants of the s... more Quality public service with a high level of community satisfaction are the determinants of the success of local governments in realizing good governance and sustainable development. This paper aims to present empirical data related to public service practices in Jayapura Regency. The purpose of this study is to precisely measure service quality; determine the satisfaction index; and perform a theoretical-conceptual study on the implementation of public service delivery in Jayapura Regency as mandated by Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia No.14 of 2017 on Guidelines of Public Satisfaction Surveys for Public Service. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. Primary data were collected from community satisfaction survey to obtain the Jayapura Regency Community Satisfaction Index (IKM). Based on results of data processing, CSI for Yowari Hospital of Jayapura District is 2,69, while CSI for DPMPTSP ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
This study aims to analyze the need for:1) analyzing resources availability 2) analysing the TPAC... more This study aims to analyze the need for:1) analyzing resources availability 2) analysing the TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge) profile of preservice biology teachers 3) designing GoProfTeach as a web-based learning tool for in-service and pre-service teachers. In doing so, it followed ADDIE development model. The instrument for data collection was a validated TPACK test. This article, in particular, discusses the results of the study in the first year of the analysis and design phase. The instrument for data collection included documents checking sheets, questions validation sheets and a Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) test. The results of resources availability analysis and TPACK tests indicate that there is a need for the development of web-based learning resources as a means of increasing the ability of TPACK of pre-service and high school Biology teachers. The contents that have been designed include; 4 sets of practice exercises, 4 mo...
Jalan merupakan jalur pergerakan orang, kendaraan serta sebagai tempat beraktifitas, seperti beke... more Jalan merupakan jalur pergerakan orang, kendaraan serta sebagai tempat beraktifitas, seperti bekerja,berdagang, belajar, dan lain-lain. Jalan Palmerah Utara dan jalan S Parman merupakan jalan kolektor dan arteri yang memiliki lalu lintas yang padat, dimana pada sepanjang jalannya terdapat pohon-pohon yang berguna untuk memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengguna jalan. Namun keberadaan pohon di sepanjang jalan juga akan memberikan masalah, misalnya pohon tumbang dan ini akan membahayakan bagi pengguna jalan. Dengan demikian diperlukan pengelolaan dan pemeliharaanyang baik, yang salah satunya adalah monitoring dan menyusun data inventarisasi pohon. Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman kota Jakarta yang bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan fasilitas pertamanan kota selama ini melakukan pengelolaan data inventarisasi pohon secara manual. Cara seperti ini menyebabkan pengelola membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dan biaya yang cukup besar dalam pemutakhiran data inventarisasi pohon. Oleh karena itu diper...
Civil and Environmental Science, 2020
Ulubelu sub-district is the center of geothermal activity in Lampung Province. The Ulubelu geothe... more Ulubelu sub-district is the center of geothermal activity in Lampung Province. The Ulubelu geothermal project supply 25% of electricity to Lampung Province. In the future the Government plans to build a geothermal pipeline network with the aim of maximizing the potential found in Ulubelu. One of the objects that must be examined in the construction of the pipeline is the stability of the slope that will be passed by geothermal pipes. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the stability of landslides in the Ulubelu geothermal pipeline. Soil samples for this study were taken from 5 locations: BH-01, BH-02, BH-03, BH-04, and BH-05. This soil sample is then examined to determine its soil mechanics characteristics in the laboratory. The safety factor of each sample is analyzed using 3 slope analysis methods: the Fellenius method, the Bishop method, and the Janbu method, and calculated in Geostudio (Slope/W). The results showed that all samples showed safety factor values that were not much different that were spread between the numbers 1.7 to 4.3. This shows that all sample locations are safe from landslides. This also shows that the characteristics of the soil and the slope of the study area are almost the same.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The achievements of Indonesian students at TIMMS are still categorized low. One of the reasons is... more The achievements of Indonesian students at TIMMS are still categorized low. One of the reasons is that students are poorly trained in solving HOTS problems. The observations showed that questions used in the 2017/2018 odd semester exam in high schools in Banda Aceh were still categorized as LOTS, so giving HOTS questions has become a necessity. The purpose of this study was to develop and analyze HOTS questions on static fluid materials. The method used was research and development (R&D) with the ADDIE model. The number of samples was 66 students who were selected using a random sampling technique. The data were collected through questionnaires and written tests. The average percentage of expert validation was 97.98% which indicated a very decent category. The quality of the HOTS question test obtained 16 (20%) valid items and 4 (20%) invalid items. The reliability was 0.878 which indicated a very high category. The test item difficulty index consisted of 6 difficult items, 9 modera...
2012 IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), 2012
2010 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, 2010
Context based recognition system, which can im prove the accuracy of scene recognition if robots ... more Context based recognition system, which can im prove the accuracy of scene recognition if robots cannot obtain adequate recognition features in the camera, has attracted researchers recently. However, there are few researches which focus on part-whole supplement system based on con text which can describe the scene using detail parts in the scene and also reduce the ambigu ity of each detail part using sentences in reverse. In this paper, we constructed the mutual supple ment model focused on the ontological relation ship between object and motion. We will take desk work in this research as an example of the experiment and show the usefulness of proposed model which can increase the recognition proba bility values of object and motion.
Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications IV, 2006
Color is an important feature for object recognition in security and military applications. Unfor... more Color is an important feature for object recognition in security and military applications. Unfortunately, color is sensitive to the environmental operating conditions so its use for automatic target recognition is often limited. Recently a number of research efforts have focused on techniques for developing algorithms to improve color constancy across images. Many of these approaches attempt to improve the color
Third International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG'06), 2006
A Nearest Neighbor Classifier (NNC) approaches the problem of text classification by computing a ... more A Nearest Neighbor Classifier (NNC) approaches the problem of text classification by computing a similarity metric between feature vector representations of an unknown document and a set of known prototype documents. The accuracy and speed of the NNC are dependent upon the choices of features and prototypes. In this work we consider the use of a genetic algorithm to optimize the feature and prototype sets for an NNC. We also examine whether simultaneously evolving the feature and prototype sets produces better results than sequential optimization.
Proceedings of the IEEE 1993 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference-NAECON 1993
Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. CEC'02 (Cat. No.02TH8600)
The reference neuron model (RNM) is an example of an advanced model of neurological structure. Th... more The reference neuron model (RNM) is an example of an advanced model of neurological structure. The model is based on the principle of superposition-free memory, i.e., the requirement that the acquisition of new memories by a neural network does not degrade or hybridize the previously acquired memories. The RNM incorporates features found in procedural systems as well as the distributed pattern recognition capabilities found in connectionist neural network approaches. The memory manipulation mechanisms inherent in the model support the development of temporal as well as associative memory structures through trial and error learning. The results of which contribute to the development of knowledge by the model about its environment. The RNM is capable of learning strategies to play board games with a reasonable level of performance. In this work, results of experiments with the game of Tic-tac-toe are presented. The RNM is taught to play the game by simulating contests between the RNM and an artificial opponent that simply makes random moves. Through a series of games, the RNM acquires strategies that permit it to consistently win games. Various sizes of boards were tested to demonstrate that the results produced using RNM scale to larger search spaces. In addition, results are presented that provide evidence that as additional types of memories (e.g. temporal, associative, and artificial imagination) are introduced into the system, the performance improves
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2010
This study was conducted to assess the effect of nitrogen (N) variations from lignocellulosic sub... more This study was conducted to assess the effect of nitrogen (N) variations from lignocellulosic substrates of empty fruit bunch (EFB), palm oil frond (POF), palm oil trunks (POT), A.mangium bark (AB) and Cogongrass (IC), and combinations among them using biological supplements (POF and POT) for suitability as a substrate of P. ostreatus. Three different sets of substrates were evaluated in response to different parameters of P. ostreatus including spawn running, primordial initiation, fruit body yield and biological efficiency (BE). The supplementation of POT and POF generally revealed significant differences on the crop performance of P. ostreatus compared to the un-supplemented substrate. POT demonstrated reduced production time, while POF was the best supplement to promote fresh weight and BE. The most rapid spawn running took place within 18.6 ± 0.9 days, while the primordial initiation was observed within 23.2 ± 0.5 days in the combination of IC ? POT. The most suitable substrate for higher mushroom weight and BE was IC ? POF (19.6 ± 1.3 g; 70.5 ± 5.5%). In addition, the interval between primordial formations was found to be fastest in the un-supplemented EFB and the combination of EFB ? POF, which supported a shortened production time. Therefore, IC and EFB appeared to be the better alternative materials for growing P. ostreatus, either with or without any supplementation.
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 1986
The sources of diversity in evolutionary ecosystems are investigated using a discrete event model... more The sources of diversity in evolutionary ecosystems are investigated using a discrete event model (EVOLVE III). This interactional model incorporates realistic features of organisms, including complex phenotypic traits and a detailed representation of genetic organization. The ...
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 1999
Two chromium(VI) compounds (potassium chromate and potassium dichromate) and one chromium(III) co... more Two chromium(VI) compounds (potassium chromate and potassium dichromate) and one chromium(III) compound, chromium chloride, were evaluated for genotoxic effects in the wing spot test of Drosophila melanogaster following standard procedures. This assay detects both somatic recombination and mutational events. The genotoxic effects were determined from the appearance of wing spots in flies transheterozygous for the third chromosome recessive markers multiple wing hairs (mwh) and flare-3 (flr(3)), as well as in flies heterozygous formwh and the multiply inverted TM3 balancer chromosome. Genetic changes induced in somatic cells of the wing's imaginal discs lead to the formation of mutant clones on the wingblade. Single spots are due to different genotoxic mechanisms: point mutation, deletion, chromosome breakage, and mitotic recombination; while twin spots are produced only by mitotic recombination. From our results it appears that both chromium(VI) compounds clearly increase the incidence of mutant clones by inducing high increases in the frequency of all types of clones recorded. On the contrary, chromium(III) did not increase the frequency of mutant clones. A high proportion of the total spot induction was due to mitotic recombination, confirming previously reported data on the strong recombinogenic activity of chromium(VI) compounds.
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 2002
The wing spot test in Drosophila melanogaster was used to investigate the genotoxicity of arsenic... more The wing spot test in Drosophila melanogaster was used to investigate the genotoxicity of arsenic and its effects on the action of two clearly genotoxic agents: potassium dichromate (PDC) and ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). This assay is based on the principle that the loss of heterozygosity of the suitable recessive markers multiple wing hairs (mwh) and flare-3 (flr(3)) can lead to the formation of mutant clones of larval cells, which are then expressed as spots on the wings of adult flies. These spots can be attributed to different genotoxic events: either mitotic recombination or mutation (deletion, point mutation, and specific types of translocation). Pretreatments and chronic cotreatments were comparatively used for combined treatments. From the results obtained it is evident that sodium arsenite (SA) does not increase the frequency of any of the three categories of spots recorded (small, large, and twin spots) at the concentrations tested. The effects of SA in combination with PDC, in both cotreatments and pretreatments, indicate that SA almost suppressed the clones induced by PDC. Nevertheless, no effects of arsenic were observed with respect to the pre- and cotreatments with EMS. Thus, SA does not modify the frequencies of mutant clones induced by EMS.