Maja Ružić - (original) (raw)
Papers by Maja Ružić
In accordance with the European processes of integrated and homogeneous education, the paper pres... more In accordance with the European processes of integrated and homogeneous education, the paper presents the essential viewpoints and questions covering the establishment and development of DL in Republic of Croatia. It starts from the advantages of distance learning versus traditional education taking into account some pedagogical terms of reference for distance learning, arguments for organizing and systematic development of distance learning.
The life and activities of every man in the period of transition from the second into the third m... more The life and activities of every man in the period of transition from the second into the third millennium have been marked by epochal changes which appear as the consequence of scientific and technological revolution dominated by highly developed information and communication technology. Informatics and information education based on information and communication technologies is information society’s basic trait and premise for technological education of all persons involved in the educational process. The work deals with the necessity of transformation of the present pre-school teachers’ concept of informatics and information education subject to conditions of reformatory processes in higher education of the Republic of Croatia. Suggestions and possible solutions for the change of curriculum and pedagogical aspects of the realization of preschool teachers’ education are provided.
The society of knowledge refers to the society marked with the principle which requires that know... more The society of knowledge refers to the society marked with the principle which requires that knowledge, information and life-time learning hold a key to success in the world of IT technology. Internet, World Wide Web, Web Based Education and ever so growing speed of IT and communicational technologies have enabled the application of new modes, methods and models of learning. This treatise conveys a survey of notional aspects of Distance Learning and a description of the new Module of Distance Learning, named «Learning on Demand-Anywhere at Any Time». The roles and tasks of individual participants of the IT Team of experts are described, as well as those, belonging to the Team which conceptualizes the tuition process, the Team that incorporates the content on the website, the Team of teachers and students who make the central core of Distance Learning contained in the presentation of the communicational module «Learning on DemandAnywhere at any Time».
Online Submission, 2006
The paper first presents the essential viewpoints of general caracteristics of open distance lear... more The paper first presents the essential viewpoints of general caracteristics of open distance learning (OLD) and the short historical origins. The second part presents some pedagogical terms of reference for Open distance learning as the quality of ODL, the criteria of successful ODL (planning, successful interaction, work and emotional climate, satisfying needs and collective interests), the legal standards required for its realization. Open distant learning is then viewed in terms of its possible application to particular levels of education. In accordance with the European processes of integrated and homogeneous education, the third chapter presents the essential viewpoints and dilemmas covering the establishment and development of new models of open distant learning in Croatia.
Online Submission, Feb 1, 2004
The society of knowledge refers to the society marked with the principle which requires that know... more The society of knowledge refers to the society marked with the principle which requires that knowledge, information and lifetime learning hold a key to success in the world of IT technology. Internet, World Wide Web, Web Based Education and ever so growing speed of IT and communicational technologies have enabled the application of new modes, methods and models of learning. This treatise conveys a survey of notional aspects of Distance Learning and a description of the new Module of Distance Learning, named «Learning on Demand-Anywhere at Any Time». The roles and tasks of individual participants of the IT Team of experts are described, as well as those, belonging to the Team which conceptualizes the tuition process, the Team that incorporates the content on the website, the Team of teachers and students who make the central core of Distance Learning contained in the presentation of the communicational module «Learning on Demand-Anywhere at any Time».
This work deals with the need of introducing modern aspects of communication on higher education ... more This work deals with the need of introducing modern aspects of communication on higher education of future teachers using information and communication technologies. The emphasis is put on the importance for future teachers to have basic information science knowledge and skills and their preparations for using ICT. A growth of the number of computers in education in Croatia has been shown for the period between 1999 and 2003, as well as a proposal of basic contents which, within the informatical and informational system of education, every person included in the education system should possess. Contents are indicated of the Basic Course IT knowledge, The Advanced and the specialist Course of Computer Literacy. suggested by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia. A Curriculum of intensive study of Information Science is presented as it is realized in one of the nine teacher's training colleges in the Republic of Croatia.
Today society has become a multimedia society, turned towards new forms of communication, ready f... more Today society has become a multimedia society, turned towards new forms of communication, ready for changes and the new communicational challenges. The students, surrounded by PCs, mobile phones and ever so sophisticated software, videos, wireless sets and TVs, DVDs, satellite transmissions and 'the media above all other media'-the Internet. Because of that, the teaching ought to lean on new tools of technology that would speed up and make more efficient the process of communication. Considering several definitions of communication, the students learn about the communicational modules (compiled by Shannon, Shram, Newcomb, P.Watzlawicky) as well as the scheme of contemporary media used for educational purposes. A video-conference presented with more details, the relevant equipment required for realization of the same, types of conferences are indicated as well as the samples of video-conferences in the field of education, especially so in the Republic of Croatia. The last portion of the work contains a brief survey on the research work carried out among students in order to elicit their opinions on interactive communication by means of contemporary media in high school education.
In accordance with the European processes of integrated and homogeneous education, the paper pres... more In accordance with the European processes of integrated and homogeneous education, the paper presents the essential viewpoints and questions covering the establishment and development of DL in Republic of Croatia. It starts from the advantages of distance learning versus traditional education taking into account some pedagogical terms of reference for distance learning, arguments for organizing and systematic development of distance learning.
Sažetak: Danas su računala dostupnija sve mlađoj populaciji djece. U sve više kućanstava koristi ... more Sažetak: Danas su računala dostupnija sve mlađoj populaciji djece. U sve više kućanstava koristi se osobno računalo i/ili igraće konzole kao što su: Play Station, Nintendo, Xbox. U radu se daje prikaz popularnih igara za osobna računala i konzole, pregled žanra igre te dob kojoj je igra namijenjena. Primjenom programa PEGI (The Pan-European Game Information) kompariraju se popularne igre za osobna računala i igraće konzole. Ključne riječi: računalne igre, igraće konzole, mladi, prednosti i nedostatci računalnih igara.
Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje
The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has an important place within the pro... more The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has an important place within the process of education. Personal computers are present in numerous households, kindergartens, and almost all primary schools. Permanent education of parents, educators and teachers about the application of ICT has an important role in the process of children's education. Familiarising children with positive and negative consequences of the application of new technologies and timely involvement of all persons involved in the process of education contributes to adequate and quality use of new technologies. In the introductory part, the paper deals with the importance of parents' role regarding the use of ICT in children's education, inadequate and excessive use of computers, playing computer games and particular modes of behaviour, and describes the American national educational technology standards for teachers and courses in the field of information and communication technology.Th...
International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 2018
Just like in other fields, the possibilities of tourism entertainment and education are shaped by... more Just like in other fields, the possibilities of tourism entertainment and education are shaped by the progress in information and communication technology (ICT) and ICT is, at the same time, becoming an essential component of both industries. The purpose of this paper is to influence proper child development even when they are on vacation. The paper focuses on strategic usage of ICT. The goal is to introduce an application for the wearable devices for children that would motivate them to be more physically active. As contradictory as it may seem, ICT might be in function of increasing physical activity. The paper offers a close view of the proposal of the application called 'Sunny, Happy Growing'. The application's objective is to encourage physical activity of children through games and information and communication technology applied to entertainment programs of hotels during vacations.
Ciljem ovog rada želi se iznaci odgovor na pitanje na koji nacin pripadnici manjinske skupine Rom... more Ciljem ovog rada želi se iznaci odgovor na pitanje na koji nacin pripadnici manjinske skupine Roma (N=200), za razliku od ostalog istarskog stanovnistva (N=200), percipiraju ucinkovitost policije i obilježja policijskih službenika. Poslo se od pretpostavke da ce Romi kao clanovi jedne od manjinskih skupina na podrucju Istre biti u mnogocemu diskriminirani od ostalog stanovnistva, pa samim tim i na razlicite nacine subjektivno percipirati ucinkovitost policije i obilježja policijskih službenika. Rezultati pokazuju da postoje razlike u percepciji ucinkovitosti policije i obilježja policijskih službenika od strane Roma i od strane ostalog istarskog stanovnistva, ali se generalno zakljucuje da obje promatrane skupine pretežno pozitivno procjenjuju ucinkovitost policije i obilježja policijskih službenika. Ovaj rad znaci korak u pravcu pomaka uloge Roma od objekta prema subjektu kaznenog prava i drustvene sigurnosti. Znanstvena i aplikativna vrijednost ovog rada je da daje smjernice za kr...
Metodički obzori/Methodological Horizons, 2010
S u m m a r y When we speak about the potential influence of computer use the most vulnerable seg... more S u m m a r y When we speak about the potential influence of computer use the most vulnerable segment of the population in particular is that of pupils that go through the process of socialization and who are most susceptible to different influences. The influence of parents on a young person will, in this respect, depend on a serious of characteristics such as the parents' child-rearing practices, their competence to provide timely and adequate intervention, their personality etc.51 The goals of this work are directed towards detecting the differences for the purpose of which computers are most frequently used and the characteristics of the parents in groups of pupils that perpetrated criminal acts (N=100) treated by the Centre for social care Pula in the period from 01/04/2004 until 31/3/2007. The purpose of the research is to determine precise indicators for the interpretation of this phenomenon, to provide guidelines for prevention and treatment of pupils that perpetrated various criminal acts and their parents. The results indicate that the groups of pupils that perpetrated various criminal acts have almost the same characteristics of the parents. There are differences between groups for the purpose of which computers are most frequently used.
Metodički obzori/Methodological Horizons, 2011
The general aim of this research is to obtain an insight into substance abuse among the pupils of... more The general aim of this research is to obtain an insight into substance abuse among the pupils of the elementary school Jože Šuran in Višnjan-Branch School in Kaštelir, with the purpose of planning preventive and early interventions aimed at substance abuse, as well as a possible conduction of a further research on a larger sample of examinees. The specific aim is to determine the differences in the use of addictive substances according to age (grades) of pupils, since the risk of experimenting with some addictive substances increases in the adolescence period. The obtained results show a relatively favourable relation between the pupils of the examined school toward substance abuse and are a valuable contribution to the planning of preventive and early interventions regarding this problem.
Metodički obzori/Methodological Horizons, 2013
This research's general aim is to get an insight into the experiences, reasons and differences in... more This research's general aim is to get an insight into the experiences, reasons and differences in substances abuse by the the first to fourth-year students of the Department of Primary Education University of Pula (N = 108) with the intention of planning prevention activities. The results show that there are differences in experiences and reasons for substances abuse by students from different study years. Fourth-year students do not use ecstasy, but they have tried it because they wanted to experiment or out of boredom. They do not use heroin and they have not tried marijuana unlike students from other years. Such indicators show a relatively favourable situation of substances abuse among students from the oldest group of examinees, especially when it is the first-year students who have the furthest experiences and reasons from the ones mentioned. This research's results give guidelines for prevention activities taking into consideration risk factors linked to substances abuse among students.
There are various elements in designing e-teaching materials that could have an impact in raising... more There are various elements in designing e-teaching materials that could have an impact in raising the efficiency of e-learning. This paper is based on the experiments aiming to investigate whether there are certain positions on the monitor in which students are able to better perceive and/or remember e-teaching materials. Our research was carried out at the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. Participants were first year students attending the teacher education programme (aged 19.5 – 20.5). The research design included two pre-experimental groups and one experimental group. The monitor was virtually divided into 24 zones. Students read the teaching material displayed on the screen; in each reading four texts in different positions were used. The relative ease/difficulty of remembering the text was taken into account by introducing different ponders to each text. Regarding the memory efficiency, our results show statistically significant differences between certain screen positions (th...
Život I Skola Casopis Za Teoriju I Praksu Odgoja I Obrazovanja, Dec 6, 2010
Sažetak: Danas su računala dostupnija sve mlađoj populaciji djece. U sve više kućanstava koristi ... more Sažetak: Danas su računala dostupnija sve mlađoj populaciji djece. U sve više kućanstava koristi se osobno računalo i/ili igraće konzole kao što su: Play Station, Nintendo, Xbox. U radu se daje prikaz popularnih igara za osobna računala i konzole, pregled žanra igre te dob kojoj je igra namijenjena. Primjenom programa PEGI (The Pan-European Game Information) kompariraju se popularne igre za osobna računala i igraće konzole. Ključne riječi: računalne igre, igraće konzole, mladi, prednosti i nedostatci računalnih igara.
The brain develops itself mostly until the age of 12. There is a connection between the number of... more The brain develops itself mostly until the age of 12. There is a connection between the number of synapsis and the cognitive performance. The NTC system starts from the correct development of the biological potential and ends with the development of complex cognitive functions. One of the biggest change in human life is the massive use of ICT technologies. There are some risks connected to the improper use of the ICT. These risks are presented together with the suggestion to educate the parents as they are the first responsible for how much their kid will use the ICT.
eLearning and Software for Education
The paper presents the NTC (Nikola Tesla Centre) learning methodologies. The researches that show... more The paper presents the NTC (Nikola Tesla Centre) learning methodologies. The researches that shows the importance of movement for children, especially before primary school, are presented. One of the basic principles of the NTC learning system is to help children, parents and educators for a whole development, in order to achieve the full potential of the child. To gain this result the NTC learning system provides exercises that include rotation, balance, dynamic accommodation of the eye, fine motoric, stimulation of the foot, coordination eye - hand, speech, etc.. The paper presents also the importance of usage the Information and communication technologies (ICT) for educational purposes and for a proper use of ICT in education. The second part of the paper presents the results of a pilot research project on the NTC camps held in Croatia and Serbia. The population analysed is a sample of 68 kids from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina from 7 to 12 years old. The aim was to ...
In accordance with the European processes of integrated and homogeneous education, the paper pres... more In accordance with the European processes of integrated and homogeneous education, the paper presents the essential viewpoints and questions covering the establishment and development of DL in Republic of Croatia. It starts from the advantages of distance learning versus traditional education taking into account some pedagogical terms of reference for distance learning, arguments for organizing and systematic development of distance learning.
The life and activities of every man in the period of transition from the second into the third m... more The life and activities of every man in the period of transition from the second into the third millennium have been marked by epochal changes which appear as the consequence of scientific and technological revolution dominated by highly developed information and communication technology. Informatics and information education based on information and communication technologies is information society’s basic trait and premise for technological education of all persons involved in the educational process. The work deals with the necessity of transformation of the present pre-school teachers’ concept of informatics and information education subject to conditions of reformatory processes in higher education of the Republic of Croatia. Suggestions and possible solutions for the change of curriculum and pedagogical aspects of the realization of preschool teachers’ education are provided.
The society of knowledge refers to the society marked with the principle which requires that know... more The society of knowledge refers to the society marked with the principle which requires that knowledge, information and life-time learning hold a key to success in the world of IT technology. Internet, World Wide Web, Web Based Education and ever so growing speed of IT and communicational technologies have enabled the application of new modes, methods and models of learning. This treatise conveys a survey of notional aspects of Distance Learning and a description of the new Module of Distance Learning, named «Learning on Demand-Anywhere at Any Time». The roles and tasks of individual participants of the IT Team of experts are described, as well as those, belonging to the Team which conceptualizes the tuition process, the Team that incorporates the content on the website, the Team of teachers and students who make the central core of Distance Learning contained in the presentation of the communicational module «Learning on DemandAnywhere at any Time».
Online Submission, 2006
The paper first presents the essential viewpoints of general caracteristics of open distance lear... more The paper first presents the essential viewpoints of general caracteristics of open distance learning (OLD) and the short historical origins. The second part presents some pedagogical terms of reference for Open distance learning as the quality of ODL, the criteria of successful ODL (planning, successful interaction, work and emotional climate, satisfying needs and collective interests), the legal standards required for its realization. Open distant learning is then viewed in terms of its possible application to particular levels of education. In accordance with the European processes of integrated and homogeneous education, the third chapter presents the essential viewpoints and dilemmas covering the establishment and development of new models of open distant learning in Croatia.
Online Submission, Feb 1, 2004
The society of knowledge refers to the society marked with the principle which requires that know... more The society of knowledge refers to the society marked with the principle which requires that knowledge, information and lifetime learning hold a key to success in the world of IT technology. Internet, World Wide Web, Web Based Education and ever so growing speed of IT and communicational technologies have enabled the application of new modes, methods and models of learning. This treatise conveys a survey of notional aspects of Distance Learning and a description of the new Module of Distance Learning, named «Learning on Demand-Anywhere at Any Time». The roles and tasks of individual participants of the IT Team of experts are described, as well as those, belonging to the Team which conceptualizes the tuition process, the Team that incorporates the content on the website, the Team of teachers and students who make the central core of Distance Learning contained in the presentation of the communicational module «Learning on Demand-Anywhere at any Time».
This work deals with the need of introducing modern aspects of communication on higher education ... more This work deals with the need of introducing modern aspects of communication on higher education of future teachers using information and communication technologies. The emphasis is put on the importance for future teachers to have basic information science knowledge and skills and their preparations for using ICT. A growth of the number of computers in education in Croatia has been shown for the period between 1999 and 2003, as well as a proposal of basic contents which, within the informatical and informational system of education, every person included in the education system should possess. Contents are indicated of the Basic Course IT knowledge, The Advanced and the specialist Course of Computer Literacy. suggested by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia. A Curriculum of intensive study of Information Science is presented as it is realized in one of the nine teacher's training colleges in the Republic of Croatia.
Today society has become a multimedia society, turned towards new forms of communication, ready f... more Today society has become a multimedia society, turned towards new forms of communication, ready for changes and the new communicational challenges. The students, surrounded by PCs, mobile phones and ever so sophisticated software, videos, wireless sets and TVs, DVDs, satellite transmissions and 'the media above all other media'-the Internet. Because of that, the teaching ought to lean on new tools of technology that would speed up and make more efficient the process of communication. Considering several definitions of communication, the students learn about the communicational modules (compiled by Shannon, Shram, Newcomb, P.Watzlawicky) as well as the scheme of contemporary media used for educational purposes. A video-conference presented with more details, the relevant equipment required for realization of the same, types of conferences are indicated as well as the samples of video-conferences in the field of education, especially so in the Republic of Croatia. The last portion of the work contains a brief survey on the research work carried out among students in order to elicit their opinions on interactive communication by means of contemporary media in high school education.
In accordance with the European processes of integrated and homogeneous education, the paper pres... more In accordance with the European processes of integrated and homogeneous education, the paper presents the essential viewpoints and questions covering the establishment and development of DL in Republic of Croatia. It starts from the advantages of distance learning versus traditional education taking into account some pedagogical terms of reference for distance learning, arguments for organizing and systematic development of distance learning.
Sažetak: Danas su računala dostupnija sve mlađoj populaciji djece. U sve više kućanstava koristi ... more Sažetak: Danas su računala dostupnija sve mlađoj populaciji djece. U sve više kućanstava koristi se osobno računalo i/ili igraće konzole kao što su: Play Station, Nintendo, Xbox. U radu se daje prikaz popularnih igara za osobna računala i konzole, pregled žanra igre te dob kojoj je igra namijenjena. Primjenom programa PEGI (The Pan-European Game Information) kompariraju se popularne igre za osobna računala i igraće konzole. Ključne riječi: računalne igre, igraće konzole, mladi, prednosti i nedostatci računalnih igara.
Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje
The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has an important place within the pro... more The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has an important place within the process of education. Personal computers are present in numerous households, kindergartens, and almost all primary schools. Permanent education of parents, educators and teachers about the application of ICT has an important role in the process of children's education. Familiarising children with positive and negative consequences of the application of new technologies and timely involvement of all persons involved in the process of education contributes to adequate and quality use of new technologies. In the introductory part, the paper deals with the importance of parents' role regarding the use of ICT in children's education, inadequate and excessive use of computers, playing computer games and particular modes of behaviour, and describes the American national educational technology standards for teachers and courses in the field of information and communication technology.Th...
International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 2018
Just like in other fields, the possibilities of tourism entertainment and education are shaped by... more Just like in other fields, the possibilities of tourism entertainment and education are shaped by the progress in information and communication technology (ICT) and ICT is, at the same time, becoming an essential component of both industries. The purpose of this paper is to influence proper child development even when they are on vacation. The paper focuses on strategic usage of ICT. The goal is to introduce an application for the wearable devices for children that would motivate them to be more physically active. As contradictory as it may seem, ICT might be in function of increasing physical activity. The paper offers a close view of the proposal of the application called 'Sunny, Happy Growing'. The application's objective is to encourage physical activity of children through games and information and communication technology applied to entertainment programs of hotels during vacations.
Ciljem ovog rada želi se iznaci odgovor na pitanje na koji nacin pripadnici manjinske skupine Rom... more Ciljem ovog rada želi se iznaci odgovor na pitanje na koji nacin pripadnici manjinske skupine Roma (N=200), za razliku od ostalog istarskog stanovnistva (N=200), percipiraju ucinkovitost policije i obilježja policijskih službenika. Poslo se od pretpostavke da ce Romi kao clanovi jedne od manjinskih skupina na podrucju Istre biti u mnogocemu diskriminirani od ostalog stanovnistva, pa samim tim i na razlicite nacine subjektivno percipirati ucinkovitost policije i obilježja policijskih službenika. Rezultati pokazuju da postoje razlike u percepciji ucinkovitosti policije i obilježja policijskih službenika od strane Roma i od strane ostalog istarskog stanovnistva, ali se generalno zakljucuje da obje promatrane skupine pretežno pozitivno procjenjuju ucinkovitost policije i obilježja policijskih službenika. Ovaj rad znaci korak u pravcu pomaka uloge Roma od objekta prema subjektu kaznenog prava i drustvene sigurnosti. Znanstvena i aplikativna vrijednost ovog rada je da daje smjernice za kr...
Metodički obzori/Methodological Horizons, 2010
S u m m a r y When we speak about the potential influence of computer use the most vulnerable seg... more S u m m a r y When we speak about the potential influence of computer use the most vulnerable segment of the population in particular is that of pupils that go through the process of socialization and who are most susceptible to different influences. The influence of parents on a young person will, in this respect, depend on a serious of characteristics such as the parents' child-rearing practices, their competence to provide timely and adequate intervention, their personality etc.51 The goals of this work are directed towards detecting the differences for the purpose of which computers are most frequently used and the characteristics of the parents in groups of pupils that perpetrated criminal acts (N=100) treated by the Centre for social care Pula in the period from 01/04/2004 until 31/3/2007. The purpose of the research is to determine precise indicators for the interpretation of this phenomenon, to provide guidelines for prevention and treatment of pupils that perpetrated various criminal acts and their parents. The results indicate that the groups of pupils that perpetrated various criminal acts have almost the same characteristics of the parents. There are differences between groups for the purpose of which computers are most frequently used.
Metodički obzori/Methodological Horizons, 2011
The general aim of this research is to obtain an insight into substance abuse among the pupils of... more The general aim of this research is to obtain an insight into substance abuse among the pupils of the elementary school Jože Šuran in Višnjan-Branch School in Kaštelir, with the purpose of planning preventive and early interventions aimed at substance abuse, as well as a possible conduction of a further research on a larger sample of examinees. The specific aim is to determine the differences in the use of addictive substances according to age (grades) of pupils, since the risk of experimenting with some addictive substances increases in the adolescence period. The obtained results show a relatively favourable relation between the pupils of the examined school toward substance abuse and are a valuable contribution to the planning of preventive and early interventions regarding this problem.
Metodički obzori/Methodological Horizons, 2013
This research's general aim is to get an insight into the experiences, reasons and differences in... more This research's general aim is to get an insight into the experiences, reasons and differences in substances abuse by the the first to fourth-year students of the Department of Primary Education University of Pula (N = 108) with the intention of planning prevention activities. The results show that there are differences in experiences and reasons for substances abuse by students from different study years. Fourth-year students do not use ecstasy, but they have tried it because they wanted to experiment or out of boredom. They do not use heroin and they have not tried marijuana unlike students from other years. Such indicators show a relatively favourable situation of substances abuse among students from the oldest group of examinees, especially when it is the first-year students who have the furthest experiences and reasons from the ones mentioned. This research's results give guidelines for prevention activities taking into consideration risk factors linked to substances abuse among students.
There are various elements in designing e-teaching materials that could have an impact in raising... more There are various elements in designing e-teaching materials that could have an impact in raising the efficiency of e-learning. This paper is based on the experiments aiming to investigate whether there are certain positions on the monitor in which students are able to better perceive and/or remember e-teaching materials. Our research was carried out at the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. Participants were first year students attending the teacher education programme (aged 19.5 – 20.5). The research design included two pre-experimental groups and one experimental group. The monitor was virtually divided into 24 zones. Students read the teaching material displayed on the screen; in each reading four texts in different positions were used. The relative ease/difficulty of remembering the text was taken into account by introducing different ponders to each text. Regarding the memory efficiency, our results show statistically significant differences between certain screen positions (th...
Život I Skola Casopis Za Teoriju I Praksu Odgoja I Obrazovanja, Dec 6, 2010
Sažetak: Danas su računala dostupnija sve mlađoj populaciji djece. U sve više kućanstava koristi ... more Sažetak: Danas su računala dostupnija sve mlađoj populaciji djece. U sve više kućanstava koristi se osobno računalo i/ili igraće konzole kao što su: Play Station, Nintendo, Xbox. U radu se daje prikaz popularnih igara za osobna računala i konzole, pregled žanra igre te dob kojoj je igra namijenjena. Primjenom programa PEGI (The Pan-European Game Information) kompariraju se popularne igre za osobna računala i igraće konzole. Ključne riječi: računalne igre, igraće konzole, mladi, prednosti i nedostatci računalnih igara.
The brain develops itself mostly until the age of 12. There is a connection between the number of... more The brain develops itself mostly until the age of 12. There is a connection between the number of synapsis and the cognitive performance. The NTC system starts from the correct development of the biological potential and ends with the development of complex cognitive functions. One of the biggest change in human life is the massive use of ICT technologies. There are some risks connected to the improper use of the ICT. These risks are presented together with the suggestion to educate the parents as they are the first responsible for how much their kid will use the ICT.
eLearning and Software for Education
The paper presents the NTC (Nikola Tesla Centre) learning methodologies. The researches that show... more The paper presents the NTC (Nikola Tesla Centre) learning methodologies. The researches that shows the importance of movement for children, especially before primary school, are presented. One of the basic principles of the NTC learning system is to help children, parents and educators for a whole development, in order to achieve the full potential of the child. To gain this result the NTC learning system provides exercises that include rotation, balance, dynamic accommodation of the eye, fine motoric, stimulation of the foot, coordination eye - hand, speech, etc.. The paper presents also the importance of usage the Information and communication technologies (ICT) for educational purposes and for a proper use of ICT in education. The second part of the paper presents the results of a pilot research project on the NTC camps held in Croatia and Serbia. The population analysed is a sample of 68 kids from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina from 7 to 12 years old. The aim was to ...