Matej Gregorič - (original) (raw)
Papers by Matej Gregorič
Public Health Nutrition, 2015
ObjectiveTo holistically evaluate the extent of implementation of dietary guidelines in schools a... more ObjectiveTo holistically evaluate the extent of implementation of dietary guidelines in schools and present various monitoring systems.DesignThe study comprises three methods: (i) a cross-sectional survey (process evaluation); (ii) an indicator-based evaluation (menu quality); and (iii) a 5 d weighed food record of school lunches (output evaluation).SettingSlovenian primary schools.SubjectsA total 234 food-service managers from 488 schools completed a self-administrated questionnaire for process evaluation; 177 out of 194 randomly selected schools provided menus for menu quality evaluation; and 120 school lunches from twenty-four schools were measured and nutritionally analysed for output evaluation.ResultsThe survey among food-service managers revealed high levels of implementation at almost all process evaluation areas of the guidelines. An even more successful implementation of these guidelines was found in relation to organization cultural issues as compared with technical issue...
Vitamin D is involved in calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and is vital for numerous bodily func... more Vitamin D is involved in calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and is vital for numerous bodily functions. In the absence of sufficient UV-B light-induced skin biosynthesis, dietary intake becomes the most important source of vitamin D. In the absence of biosynthesis, the recommended dietary vitamin D intake is 10–20 µg/day. Major contributors to dietary vitamin D intake are the few foods naturally containing vitamin D (i.e., fish), enriched foods, and supplements. The present study aimed to estimate the vitamin D intake in Slovenia, to identify food groups that notably contribute to vitamin D intake, and to predict the effects of hypothetical mandatory milk fortification. This study was conducted using data collected by the national cross-sectional food consumption survey (SI.Menu) in adolescents (n = 468; 10–17 years), adults (n = 364; 18–64 years), and the elderly (n = 416; 65–74 years). Data collection was carried out between March 2017 and April 2018 using the EU Menu Methodology,...
Several studies conducted around the world showed substantial vitamin D insufficiency and deficie... more Several studies conducted around the world showed substantial vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency among different population groups. Sources of vitamin D in the human body include ultraviolet B (UVB)-light-induced biosynthesis and dietary intake, but people’s diets are often poor in vitamin D. Furthermore, in many regions, sun exposure and the intensity of UVB irradiation during wintertime are not sufficient for vitamin D biosynthesis. In Slovenia, epidemiological data about vitamin D status in the population were investigated through a national Nutrihealth study—an extension to the national dietary survey SI.Menu (2017/18). The study was conducted on a representative sample of 125 adult (18–64 years) and 155 elderly (65–74 years old) subjects, enrolled in the study in different seasons. Their vitamin D status was determined by measuring the serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration. Thresholds for vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency were 25(OH)D levels below 30 and 5...
Excessive free sugars consumption is associated with poor health outcomes. Thus, the World Health... more Excessive free sugars consumption is associated with poor health outcomes. Thus, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends limiting free sugars intake to no more than 10% of total energy intake. To evaluate current intakes of dietary sugars and monitor the adherence to the guidelines, the objective of this study was to comprehensively assess total and free sugars consumption of different age groups within the Slovenian population. The Slovenian national food consumption survey SI.Menu 2017/18 was conducted on representative samples of adolescents (10–17 years), adults (18–64 years), and the elderly (65–74 years) using two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls. The analyses were carried out on a sample of 1248 study participants. Free sugars content in food was estimated based on previously established databases. The population weighted median free sugars intake accounted for 10.1% of total energy intake (TEI) among adolescents, 6.4% among adults, and 6.5% in the elderly populati...
EFSA Supporting Publications
The Slovenian national food consumption survey on children was part of the third Slovenian nation... more The Slovenian national food consumption survey on children was part of the third Slovenian national dietary survey-SI.Menu 2017/18. A dietary study was especially needed for infants and toddlers, since no national food consumption data for this population group was yet available in Slovenia. The methodology of the survey followed the EFSA EU Menu Guidance and specifications in the contract. Individuals were randomly selected from the Slovenian Central Register of Population following a twostage stratified sampling procedure. Dietary survey sample was at population level representative of gender and age classes (three months to three years old). The participation rate to the survey was 67%. A fully completed data was collected for 637 participants of whom 294 were infants and 343 were toddlers. Data collection period was divided into four quarters (3-monthly samples) and equal distribution of all week and weekend days was employed. Information on food consumption was collected with two non-consecutive 24-hour dietary recalls (using the OPEN dietary software) by interviewers. Recall was complemented with a short food propensity questionnaire. In addition, information concerning breastfeeding, feeding practices, milk formulas, food allergies, and food supplements was collected. Food items consumed were coded according to the FoodEx2 classification. Body mass and height/length were measured. Collected data for this sensitive population group will be very valuable for national risk assessments, nutritional studies and for the development and evaluation of nutrition and health policies.
The methodology used in dietary surveys could, to a large extent, follow the instructions of the ... more The methodology used in dietary surveys could, to a large extent, follow the instructions of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), where 24-h dietary recall (24HDR) is recommended for (sub) population studies. However, it is necessary to examine the suitability of 24HDR for indicative dietary intake in older adults. This study aimed to compare participants’ dietary intakes with the recommendations and to compare dietary intakes derived from a 24HDR using an OPEN web-based application to those obtained from reference weighed food records (WFRs). Forty-nine Slovenian residential home residents completed both assessments, and a comparison with dietary reference values was performed. Estimates from these two methods were compared and the correlations between them were assessed. The findings revealed that dietary intakes derived from the WFR method mostly differed from the recommended intakes. The 24HDR underestimated dietary intake compared to the WFR for 66% of monitored parameter...
The analysis of nutrition quality of midmorning snack is based on acquired menus that primary sch... more The analysis of nutrition quality of midmorning snack is based on acquired menus that primary schools used in May 2006. The sample consisted of 141 primary schools – 126 of which were evaluated – which represents 40 % of all primary schools in Slovenia. 2405 midmorning snacks, prepared at school, were taken into consideration. The purpose of this analysis was to define the midmorning snack quality, together with developing appropriate tools for evaluation, which were based on Guidelines for healthy nutrition in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, adopted in 2005, published by Ministry of Health. All nine “health” regions were represented by comparable number of school contributing. The methods used were: descriptive, semi-qualitative evaluation of meals, comparative method and statistic analysis. The evaluation of nutrition quality of midmorning snacks was based on the information about their food ingredient. The source of information of midmorning snacks was the National ...
UVoD Po številnih krizah v živilskem sektorju konec devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja se Evrop... more UVoD Po številnih krizah v živilskem sektorju konec devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja se Evropska Komisija znova trudi pridobiti zaupanje potrošnikov in zaščititi javno zdravje. EU je s svojim pristopom reševanja problema začrtala novo pot oz. nov pristop v smeri zaščite zdravja potrošnika. Zara-di globalizacije je prišlo do pestrejše ponudbe živil na trgu, hkrati pa se je okrepila tudi zavest potrošnikov, kar je vodilo k širjenju zahtev po večji varnosti, kvaliteti ter prehranski vrednosti živilskih proizvodov. Obstoječi sistem, ki je zagotavljal varnost hrane, se je moderniziral v smislu ustano-vitve Evropske agencije za varnost hrane (v nadaljevanju EFSA). Ustanov-ljena je bila leta 2002 kot neodvisni znanstveni vir svetovanja in obvestil o tveganjih, povezanih z živilsko verigo. Agencija je bila oblikovana kot del celovitega programa za izboljšanje varnosti živil v Evropski zvezi, zagotavl-janja visoke ravni varstva potrošnikov ter ponovne vzpostavitve in ohran-itev zaupanja ...
ABSTRACT Strokovno spremljanje šolske prehrane s svetovanjem z zdravstvenega vidika opredeljuje Z... more ABSTRACT Strokovno spremljanje šolske prehrane s svetovanjem z zdravstvenega vidika opredeljuje Zakon o šolski prehrani (Ur. l. RS, št. 3/13). Po tem zakonu se pri organizaciji šolske prehrane upoštevajo Smernice za zdravo prehranjevanje v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih, ki jih je 11. avgusta 2010 potrdil Strokovni svet Republike Slovenije za splošno izobraževanje. Omenjene smernice temeljijo na dokumentih, ki so bili v zadnjih letih sprejeti s strani Ministrstva za zdravje in so postali za vzgojno-izobraževalne zavode obvezujoči in s tem predmet strokovnega spremljanja. V šolskem letu 2012/2013 smo izvedli strokovno spremljanje šolske prehrane s svetovanjem na 105 vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih. Podatki so bili pridobljeni iz razgovora z organizatorjem prehrane oz. vodjo prehrane (pogosto tudi z kuharji, direktorji, računovodji) in na osnovi ugotavljanja dejanskega stanja v kuhinji, iz jedilnika ali na osnovi drugih dokazil. Zavodi v povprečju pripravijo dnevno 439 dopoldanskih malic, kar znaša 40 % vseh ponujenih obrokov, v povprečju 354 kosil, kar predstavlja 32 % ter 190 zajtrkov in 208 popoldanskih malic, kar predstavlja približno 15 % vseh obrokov. Zavodi v povprečju pripravijo dnevno 1068 vseh obrokov. Večina zavodov pripravlja obroke v lastni kuhinji (94 %) in le manjši delež je takih, ki so odvisni od zunanjih ponudnikov (6 %). Pri pripravi jedilnikov sodelujejo poleg vodje šolske kuhinje oz. organizatorja prehrane v največjem številu še kuharji, ponekod tudi drugi zaposleni v zavodu (socialna delavka, ravnateljica, učitelji, vzgojitelji), pa tudi starši in učenci. Le v dobri polovici zavodov imajo vzpostavljeno skupino za prehrano, kjer oblikujejo šolske jedilnike, spremljajo uresničevanje smernic in sodelujejo pri organizaciji prehrane na ravni šole oz. vrtca. Tretjina vodij šolske prehrane oz. organizatorjev ZHR je profesorjev gospodinjstva in biologije, sledita mu univerzitetni diplomirani inženir živilske tehnologije (25 %) in diplomirani sanitarni inženir (10 %). Za razliko od vodij šolske prehrane oz. organizatorjev ZHR, ima večina vodij kuhinje ustrezno izobrazbo. V tekočem šolskem letu se je 76 % vodij šolske prehrane oz. organizatorjev prehrane in 60 % vodij kuhinje udeležilo vsaj enega strokovnega izobraževanja oziroma usposabljanja, ki je vključevalo teme iz Smernic zdravega prehranjevanja (MZ, 2005). Ti so se največ udeleževali izobraževanj na temo načrtovanja jedilnikov, vodje kuhinj pa vsebin o dietetiki in raznih kuharskih delavnic. Jedilnike imajo v vseh zavodih javno dostopne na vidnem mestu (oglasna deska, spletna stran, …). Sestava jedilnikov glede na Smernice zdravega prehranjevanja (MZ, 2005) ne uresničujejo v zadostni meri, kljub temu da so za vrtce in šole po Zakonu o šolski prehrani (Ur. l. RS, št. 3/2013) obvezujoče. V mesečnih jedilnikih se premalo vključuje sadje in/ali zelenjavo, za katere je priporočeno vključevanje v vse obroke, glede na rezultate, pa je vključenost le teh 65 odstotna. Glede na priporočeno vključenost vode, nesladkanega in malo sladkanega čaja oz. sadnih sokov pri vseh obrokih, so bili ti vključeni v približno polovici vseh obrokov. Največkrat imajo na razpolago pitno vodo (80 %). Polnozrnati izdelki naj bi bili vključeni v polovici vseh obrokov, rezultati pa kažejo, da so ti najbolje vključeni pri malicah (v 42,8 % pri dopoldanski malici in v 25 % pri popoldanski malici), slabše pa pri kosilu (18,6 %). Ker smernice priporočajo dnevno vključevanje mleka oz. mlečnih izdelkov, je smiselno, da se te vključuje pri dopoldanski malici, ki jo uživa pretežna večina otrok. Priporočila za belo meso in izdelke z vidno strukturo priporočajo pojavnost le teh v vsaj 40 % obrokov, podatki pa kažejo, da so prisotni le v četrtini kosil in manj kot desetini malic. Ribe in ribje jedi se pojavljalo v manj kot desetini obrokov, čeprav se priporoča njihova prisotnost v vsaj 30 % obrokov. Največji problem in odstopanje od priporočil v Smernicah predstavljajo odsvetovana živila. Glede na smernice naj bi se v šolskih obrokih odsvetovana živila pojavila največ 2-krat mesečno. Pri obravnavanih jedilnikih ta odstotek presega pojavnost mlečnih izdelkov z dodanimi sladkorji in večjo vsebnostjo aditivov (21,2 %) pri malici, pojavnost pekovskih in slaščičarskih izdelkov z višjo vsebnostjo sladkorja in/ali maščob, vključno z deserti in sladkarijami (18,4 %), sladkih pijač (14,4 %), mesni izdelki s homogeno strukturo ali večjo vsebnostjo maščob (11,1 %) pri kosilu ter pojavnost pekovskih in slaščičarskih izdelkov z višjo vsebnostjo sladkorja in /ali maščob, vključno z deserti in sladkarijami (12,3 %) pri popoldanski malici. Skoraj v vseh zavodih uporabljajo pri pripravi živil rastlinska olja različnih vrst, veliko se uporablja tudi maslo (79 %) in olivno olje (72 %), najmanj pa svinjska (3 %) in kokosova maščoba (4 %). Dobra polovica zavodov v svoje obroke največ 2-krat mesečno vključuje tudi odsvetovane maščobe. Večin (89 %) zavodov pri načrtovanju jedilnikov uporablja Smernice…
EFSA Supporting Publications
The Slovenian national food consumption survey in adolescents, adults and elderly was a part of t... more The Slovenian national food consumption survey in adolescents, adults and elderly was a part of the third Slovenian national dietary survey, named SI.Menu 2017/18, with the fieldwork taken place in 2017-2018. The methodology of the survey followed the EFSA EU Menu guidance and specifications in the contract. Individuals were randomly selected from the Slovenian Central Register of Population following a two-stage stratified sampling procedure. Dietary survey sample was at population level representative of gender and age classes (10-74 years old). The participation rate to the survey was 62 %. For 1319 individuals a fully completed data were collected of which 484 were adolescents, 387 adults and 450 elderly. Data collection period was divided into four quarters (3-monthly samples) and equal distribution of all week and weekend days in order to incorporate seasonal effects and day-today variation in food consumption was employed. Information on food consumption was collected with two non-consecutive 24-hour dietary recalls (using the OPEN dietary software) by interviews. This was complemented with a food propensity questionnaire. In addition to food consumption data, information concerning eating habits, consumers habits, food allergy, using food supplements, on lifestyle, physical activity, socio-demographic and socioeconomic status, and health was collected. The food consumption data was also coded according to the FoodEx2 classification and will be included in the EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. Body mass and height were measured. In addition, body composition was also measured in adults and elderly by using impedance analyser. Data from the survey will be very valuable for national risk assessments, nutritional studies, assessment of changes in dietary patterns, and the development and evaluation of nutrition or health policies.
Public Health Nutrition, 2015
ObjectiveTo holistically evaluate the extent of implementation of dietary guidelines in schools a... more ObjectiveTo holistically evaluate the extent of implementation of dietary guidelines in schools and present various monitoring systems.DesignThe study comprises three methods: (i) a cross-sectional survey (process evaluation); (ii) an indicator-based evaluation (menu quality); and (iii) a 5 d weighed food record of school lunches (output evaluation).SettingSlovenian primary schools.SubjectsA total 234 food-service managers from 488 schools completed a self-administrated questionnaire for process evaluation; 177 out of 194 randomly selected schools provided menus for menu quality evaluation; and 120 school lunches from twenty-four schools were measured and nutritionally analysed for output evaluation.ResultsThe survey among food-service managers revealed high levels of implementation at almost all process evaluation areas of the guidelines. An even more successful implementation of these guidelines was found in relation to organization cultural issues as compared with technical issue...
Vitamin D is involved in calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and is vital for numerous bodily func... more Vitamin D is involved in calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and is vital for numerous bodily functions. In the absence of sufficient UV-B light-induced skin biosynthesis, dietary intake becomes the most important source of vitamin D. In the absence of biosynthesis, the recommended dietary vitamin D intake is 10–20 µg/day. Major contributors to dietary vitamin D intake are the few foods naturally containing vitamin D (i.e., fish), enriched foods, and supplements. The present study aimed to estimate the vitamin D intake in Slovenia, to identify food groups that notably contribute to vitamin D intake, and to predict the effects of hypothetical mandatory milk fortification. This study was conducted using data collected by the national cross-sectional food consumption survey (SI.Menu) in adolescents (n = 468; 10–17 years), adults (n = 364; 18–64 years), and the elderly (n = 416; 65–74 years). Data collection was carried out between March 2017 and April 2018 using the EU Menu Methodology,...
Several studies conducted around the world showed substantial vitamin D insufficiency and deficie... more Several studies conducted around the world showed substantial vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency among different population groups. Sources of vitamin D in the human body include ultraviolet B (UVB)-light-induced biosynthesis and dietary intake, but people’s diets are often poor in vitamin D. Furthermore, in many regions, sun exposure and the intensity of UVB irradiation during wintertime are not sufficient for vitamin D biosynthesis. In Slovenia, epidemiological data about vitamin D status in the population were investigated through a national Nutrihealth study—an extension to the national dietary survey SI.Menu (2017/18). The study was conducted on a representative sample of 125 adult (18–64 years) and 155 elderly (65–74 years old) subjects, enrolled in the study in different seasons. Their vitamin D status was determined by measuring the serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration. Thresholds for vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency were 25(OH)D levels below 30 and 5...
Excessive free sugars consumption is associated with poor health outcomes. Thus, the World Health... more Excessive free sugars consumption is associated with poor health outcomes. Thus, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends limiting free sugars intake to no more than 10% of total energy intake. To evaluate current intakes of dietary sugars and monitor the adherence to the guidelines, the objective of this study was to comprehensively assess total and free sugars consumption of different age groups within the Slovenian population. The Slovenian national food consumption survey SI.Menu 2017/18 was conducted on representative samples of adolescents (10–17 years), adults (18–64 years), and the elderly (65–74 years) using two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls. The analyses were carried out on a sample of 1248 study participants. Free sugars content in food was estimated based on previously established databases. The population weighted median free sugars intake accounted for 10.1% of total energy intake (TEI) among adolescents, 6.4% among adults, and 6.5% in the elderly populati...
EFSA Supporting Publications
The Slovenian national food consumption survey on children was part of the third Slovenian nation... more The Slovenian national food consumption survey on children was part of the third Slovenian national dietary survey-SI.Menu 2017/18. A dietary study was especially needed for infants and toddlers, since no national food consumption data for this population group was yet available in Slovenia. The methodology of the survey followed the EFSA EU Menu Guidance and specifications in the contract. Individuals were randomly selected from the Slovenian Central Register of Population following a twostage stratified sampling procedure. Dietary survey sample was at population level representative of gender and age classes (three months to three years old). The participation rate to the survey was 67%. A fully completed data was collected for 637 participants of whom 294 were infants and 343 were toddlers. Data collection period was divided into four quarters (3-monthly samples) and equal distribution of all week and weekend days was employed. Information on food consumption was collected with two non-consecutive 24-hour dietary recalls (using the OPEN dietary software) by interviewers. Recall was complemented with a short food propensity questionnaire. In addition, information concerning breastfeeding, feeding practices, milk formulas, food allergies, and food supplements was collected. Food items consumed were coded according to the FoodEx2 classification. Body mass and height/length were measured. Collected data for this sensitive population group will be very valuable for national risk assessments, nutritional studies and for the development and evaluation of nutrition and health policies.
The methodology used in dietary surveys could, to a large extent, follow the instructions of the ... more The methodology used in dietary surveys could, to a large extent, follow the instructions of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), where 24-h dietary recall (24HDR) is recommended for (sub) population studies. However, it is necessary to examine the suitability of 24HDR for indicative dietary intake in older adults. This study aimed to compare participants’ dietary intakes with the recommendations and to compare dietary intakes derived from a 24HDR using an OPEN web-based application to those obtained from reference weighed food records (WFRs). Forty-nine Slovenian residential home residents completed both assessments, and a comparison with dietary reference values was performed. Estimates from these two methods were compared and the correlations between them were assessed. The findings revealed that dietary intakes derived from the WFR method mostly differed from the recommended intakes. The 24HDR underestimated dietary intake compared to the WFR for 66% of monitored parameter...
The analysis of nutrition quality of midmorning snack is based on acquired menus that primary sch... more The analysis of nutrition quality of midmorning snack is based on acquired menus that primary schools used in May 2006. The sample consisted of 141 primary schools – 126 of which were evaluated – which represents 40 % of all primary schools in Slovenia. 2405 midmorning snacks, prepared at school, were taken into consideration. The purpose of this analysis was to define the midmorning snack quality, together with developing appropriate tools for evaluation, which were based on Guidelines for healthy nutrition in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, adopted in 2005, published by Ministry of Health. All nine “health” regions were represented by comparable number of school contributing. The methods used were: descriptive, semi-qualitative evaluation of meals, comparative method and statistic analysis. The evaluation of nutrition quality of midmorning snacks was based on the information about their food ingredient. The source of information of midmorning snacks was the National ...
UVoD Po številnih krizah v živilskem sektorju konec devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja se Evrop... more UVoD Po številnih krizah v živilskem sektorju konec devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja se Evropska Komisija znova trudi pridobiti zaupanje potrošnikov in zaščititi javno zdravje. EU je s svojim pristopom reševanja problema začrtala novo pot oz. nov pristop v smeri zaščite zdravja potrošnika. Zara-di globalizacije je prišlo do pestrejše ponudbe živil na trgu, hkrati pa se je okrepila tudi zavest potrošnikov, kar je vodilo k širjenju zahtev po večji varnosti, kvaliteti ter prehranski vrednosti živilskih proizvodov. Obstoječi sistem, ki je zagotavljal varnost hrane, se je moderniziral v smislu ustano-vitve Evropske agencije za varnost hrane (v nadaljevanju EFSA). Ustanov-ljena je bila leta 2002 kot neodvisni znanstveni vir svetovanja in obvestil o tveganjih, povezanih z živilsko verigo. Agencija je bila oblikovana kot del celovitega programa za izboljšanje varnosti živil v Evropski zvezi, zagotavl-janja visoke ravni varstva potrošnikov ter ponovne vzpostavitve in ohran-itev zaupanja ...
ABSTRACT Strokovno spremljanje šolske prehrane s svetovanjem z zdravstvenega vidika opredeljuje Z... more ABSTRACT Strokovno spremljanje šolske prehrane s svetovanjem z zdravstvenega vidika opredeljuje Zakon o šolski prehrani (Ur. l. RS, št. 3/13). Po tem zakonu se pri organizaciji šolske prehrane upoštevajo Smernice za zdravo prehranjevanje v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih, ki jih je 11. avgusta 2010 potrdil Strokovni svet Republike Slovenije za splošno izobraževanje. Omenjene smernice temeljijo na dokumentih, ki so bili v zadnjih letih sprejeti s strani Ministrstva za zdravje in so postali za vzgojno-izobraževalne zavode obvezujoči in s tem predmet strokovnega spremljanja. V šolskem letu 2012/2013 smo izvedli strokovno spremljanje šolske prehrane s svetovanjem na 105 vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih. Podatki so bili pridobljeni iz razgovora z organizatorjem prehrane oz. vodjo prehrane (pogosto tudi z kuharji, direktorji, računovodji) in na osnovi ugotavljanja dejanskega stanja v kuhinji, iz jedilnika ali na osnovi drugih dokazil. Zavodi v povprečju pripravijo dnevno 439 dopoldanskih malic, kar znaša 40 % vseh ponujenih obrokov, v povprečju 354 kosil, kar predstavlja 32 % ter 190 zajtrkov in 208 popoldanskih malic, kar predstavlja približno 15 % vseh obrokov. Zavodi v povprečju pripravijo dnevno 1068 vseh obrokov. Večina zavodov pripravlja obroke v lastni kuhinji (94 %) in le manjši delež je takih, ki so odvisni od zunanjih ponudnikov (6 %). Pri pripravi jedilnikov sodelujejo poleg vodje šolske kuhinje oz. organizatorja prehrane v največjem številu še kuharji, ponekod tudi drugi zaposleni v zavodu (socialna delavka, ravnateljica, učitelji, vzgojitelji), pa tudi starši in učenci. Le v dobri polovici zavodov imajo vzpostavljeno skupino za prehrano, kjer oblikujejo šolske jedilnike, spremljajo uresničevanje smernic in sodelujejo pri organizaciji prehrane na ravni šole oz. vrtca. Tretjina vodij šolske prehrane oz. organizatorjev ZHR je profesorjev gospodinjstva in biologije, sledita mu univerzitetni diplomirani inženir živilske tehnologije (25 %) in diplomirani sanitarni inženir (10 %). Za razliko od vodij šolske prehrane oz. organizatorjev ZHR, ima večina vodij kuhinje ustrezno izobrazbo. V tekočem šolskem letu se je 76 % vodij šolske prehrane oz. organizatorjev prehrane in 60 % vodij kuhinje udeležilo vsaj enega strokovnega izobraževanja oziroma usposabljanja, ki je vključevalo teme iz Smernic zdravega prehranjevanja (MZ, 2005). Ti so se največ udeleževali izobraževanj na temo načrtovanja jedilnikov, vodje kuhinj pa vsebin o dietetiki in raznih kuharskih delavnic. Jedilnike imajo v vseh zavodih javno dostopne na vidnem mestu (oglasna deska, spletna stran, …). Sestava jedilnikov glede na Smernice zdravega prehranjevanja (MZ, 2005) ne uresničujejo v zadostni meri, kljub temu da so za vrtce in šole po Zakonu o šolski prehrani (Ur. l. RS, št. 3/2013) obvezujoče. V mesečnih jedilnikih se premalo vključuje sadje in/ali zelenjavo, za katere je priporočeno vključevanje v vse obroke, glede na rezultate, pa je vključenost le teh 65 odstotna. Glede na priporočeno vključenost vode, nesladkanega in malo sladkanega čaja oz. sadnih sokov pri vseh obrokih, so bili ti vključeni v približno polovici vseh obrokov. Največkrat imajo na razpolago pitno vodo (80 %). Polnozrnati izdelki naj bi bili vključeni v polovici vseh obrokov, rezultati pa kažejo, da so ti najbolje vključeni pri malicah (v 42,8 % pri dopoldanski malici in v 25 % pri popoldanski malici), slabše pa pri kosilu (18,6 %). Ker smernice priporočajo dnevno vključevanje mleka oz. mlečnih izdelkov, je smiselno, da se te vključuje pri dopoldanski malici, ki jo uživa pretežna večina otrok. Priporočila za belo meso in izdelke z vidno strukturo priporočajo pojavnost le teh v vsaj 40 % obrokov, podatki pa kažejo, da so prisotni le v četrtini kosil in manj kot desetini malic. Ribe in ribje jedi se pojavljalo v manj kot desetini obrokov, čeprav se priporoča njihova prisotnost v vsaj 30 % obrokov. Največji problem in odstopanje od priporočil v Smernicah predstavljajo odsvetovana živila. Glede na smernice naj bi se v šolskih obrokih odsvetovana živila pojavila največ 2-krat mesečno. Pri obravnavanih jedilnikih ta odstotek presega pojavnost mlečnih izdelkov z dodanimi sladkorji in večjo vsebnostjo aditivov (21,2 %) pri malici, pojavnost pekovskih in slaščičarskih izdelkov z višjo vsebnostjo sladkorja in/ali maščob, vključno z deserti in sladkarijami (18,4 %), sladkih pijač (14,4 %), mesni izdelki s homogeno strukturo ali večjo vsebnostjo maščob (11,1 %) pri kosilu ter pojavnost pekovskih in slaščičarskih izdelkov z višjo vsebnostjo sladkorja in /ali maščob, vključno z deserti in sladkarijami (12,3 %) pri popoldanski malici. Skoraj v vseh zavodih uporabljajo pri pripravi živil rastlinska olja različnih vrst, veliko se uporablja tudi maslo (79 %) in olivno olje (72 %), najmanj pa svinjska (3 %) in kokosova maščoba (4 %). Dobra polovica zavodov v svoje obroke največ 2-krat mesečno vključuje tudi odsvetovane maščobe. Večin (89 %) zavodov pri načrtovanju jedilnikov uporablja Smernice…
EFSA Supporting Publications
The Slovenian national food consumption survey in adolescents, adults and elderly was a part of t... more The Slovenian national food consumption survey in adolescents, adults and elderly was a part of the third Slovenian national dietary survey, named SI.Menu 2017/18, with the fieldwork taken place in 2017-2018. The methodology of the survey followed the EFSA EU Menu guidance and specifications in the contract. Individuals were randomly selected from the Slovenian Central Register of Population following a two-stage stratified sampling procedure. Dietary survey sample was at population level representative of gender and age classes (10-74 years old). The participation rate to the survey was 62 %. For 1319 individuals a fully completed data were collected of which 484 were adolescents, 387 adults and 450 elderly. Data collection period was divided into four quarters (3-monthly samples) and equal distribution of all week and weekend days in order to incorporate seasonal effects and day-today variation in food consumption was employed. Information on food consumption was collected with two non-consecutive 24-hour dietary recalls (using the OPEN dietary software) by interviews. This was complemented with a food propensity questionnaire. In addition to food consumption data, information concerning eating habits, consumers habits, food allergy, using food supplements, on lifestyle, physical activity, socio-demographic and socioeconomic status, and health was collected. The food consumption data was also coded according to the FoodEx2 classification and will be included in the EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. Body mass and height were measured. In addition, body composition was also measured in adults and elderly by using impedance analyser. Data from the survey will be very valuable for national risk assessments, nutritional studies, assessment of changes in dietary patterns, and the development and evaluation of nutrition or health policies.