Luthfi Maulana - (original) (raw)

Papers by Luthfi Maulana

Research paper thumbnail of TEOLOGI PEREMPUAN DALAM TAFSIR AL-QURAN: Perspektif Pemikiran Hamka

Posts about to reveal the relationship between theology and women, theology itself is a divinity,... more Posts about to reveal the relationship between theology and women, theology itself is a divinity, but with a growing time, theology does not mean only on the scope science of God, but also the science which deals with the relationship of God and man, which then theology used as an explanation containing its own meaning, which is then analyzed based on the interpretation of Hamka. The goal is to uncover interpretation Hamka in the verses of the Koran about women. So this article will be a discussion join the new understanding of theology and of women, which in this discussion is the relationship between religion and women, which is then analyzed based on the premise Hamka. From this analysis resulted in a conclusion that Hamka in his commentary, very concerned about rights and obligations of women regardless of social status, thus indirectly Hamka has changed the theological bias long been a theological bias of new very attentive Rights and the fate of women, both in the domestic spa...

Research paper thumbnail of Living Qur'an as New Market Trends of Islamic Education in Indonesia

became a new business field for managers of Islamic religious education institutions so Qur'an st... more became a new business field for managers of Islamic religious education institutions so Qur'an studies is a product that has its own market share which the phenomenon of living al-Quran was as a trend of Islamic education methods in Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Semiotika michael Riffatere

Heuristic and hermeneutic is the theoretical framework of Michael Rifatere's analysis which is us... more Heuristic and hermeneutic is the theoretical framework of Michael Rifatere's analysis which is used to criticize and explore the meaning of literature. In its relationship with Q.S analysis. al-Quran, it is intended to examine the meaning of the text itself, from before only interpreted at the heuristic stage and then developed analyzed using hermeneutic meaning. In the process of development, the meaning of the Koran text, especially Q.S. A< li-Imran (3): 14 will give birth to various dynamics of the meaning behind the verse until how the meaning of the verse speaks with koledor maqasid ayat. This research was felt important because in previous studies it was still rarely found which discussed the heuristic and hermeneutic analysis of Michael Riffatre to analyze the verses of the Koran, especially QS. ali-Imron: 14. Because in general previous writings only focused on the analysis of literary works such as poetry ), love poems (Mirantin, 2018 and other literary works such as poetry , (Muchti , tt), (Syafeti, tt) and extracting meaning in various other literary works including mantra (Uniawati, 2017)


The socio-historical reading of the hadith does not seem to have been adequately studied, so the ... more The socio-historical reading of the hadith does not seem to have been adequately studied, so the study of hadiths to find the authenticity of the text and its precise meaning is still to be considered, this consideration is due to the very rapid development of contemporary society, to the extent of requiring a review of the process a meaning maqasid hadith, it is certainly to emphasize the view of hadith as the foundation of Islamic law which put forward various aspects, hermeneutics of hadith as a science that reflects the text of hadith in recording the history of the past, then understood existentially in the present situation need to be moved, in order to achieve interpretation which is close to the truth. This is because the hadiths have been formed in the time of the Prophet, while the post-life of the Prophet has continued to develop, so that life is now required to adapt to that source, as the textual understanding of talak will lead to an understanding that tends to position women as parties who get a very disadvantaged position, again under any circumstances if a husband has said the word "talak", then a divorce is a necessity, whether a husband is conscious or unconscious. So this concept is very discriminative, contextual re-understanding of the traditions that explain about the talak sirri need to be peeled back, in order to know how the context and terms of legal and formal registration of divorce to be understood in the current era.

Research paper thumbnail of Pembacaan Tafsir Feminis Nasarudin Umar Sebagai Tranformasi Sosial Islam

This paper will reveal a feminist interpretation as a reading that can transform Islamic social, ... more This paper will reveal a feminist interpretation as a reading that can transform Islamic social, because social understanding of society has long been eroded by the reading of classical interpretation, which tends to be biased and discriminative against women, so through reading the feminist interpretation of Nasarudin Umar, Opening a just horizon of reading (equality), peace for both men and women. Due to his tafsir exposure which tends to be more concerned with social conditions, Nasaruddin Umar tries to give a new color in interpreting the Qur'an with etymological analysis, hermeneutics and using history to examine many words in the Qur'an. So the pattern of interpreter is more to consider the macro-social aspects than the micro in each verse, in order to produce a reading of tafsir that can transform the social state of Islamic society. Abstrak: Tulisan ini hendak mengungkap sebuah pembacaan tafsir feminis sebagai pembacaan yang dapat mentranformasikan sosial Islam, karena pemahaman sosial masyarakat, telah lama tergerus dengan pembacaan penafsiran klasik,yang cenderung bersikapbias dan diskriminatif terhadap perempuan, sehingga melalui pembacaan tafsir feminis Nasarudin Umar, diharapkan dapat membuka cakrawala pembacaan yang berkeadilan (kesetaraan),kedamaian baik untuk laki-laki maupun perempuan. Karena dengan pemaparan tafsirnya yang cenderung lebih mempertimbangkan kondisi sosial kemasyarakatan, Nasaruddin Umar berusaha memberi warna baru dalam menafsirkan al-Qurandengan analisis etimologi, hermeneutika dan menggunakan sejarah untuk meneliti banyak kata-kata dalam al-Quran. Sehingga pola penafsiranya lebih mempertimbangkan aspek sosial makro daripada mikro dalam setiap ayat, guna menghasilkan pembacaan tafsir yang dapat mentransformasikan keadaan sosial masyarakatIslam.


The raising of hoax phenomenon in the social media is very excessive, especially the impact has b... more The raising of hoax phenomenon in the social media is very excessive, especially the impact has been divisive Muslims, whereas the roots of the emergence of the hoax itself is nothing but the influence of global development and the advancement of science and technology, so that humans are pampered with a variety of sophisticated facilities, these facilities cause human beings entitled to freedom of expression. It is this freedom which gives birth to human communication with others indefinitely, even with the media of a person free to express public opinion, through this, one becomes free in exploring the interests of each, especially in realizing a mission of existence by the interests of a particular group, on this basis, regardless of how the impact of the hoax itself works, the groups produce and circulate the hoax news in the public sphere. In response, this study focuses on the Quranic view of the phenomenon of hoax or hoax. Through this descriptive method, this study confirms that the Qur'an as a guideline for Muslims needs to be re-dialled to the Islamic society of today, so through the Qur'an we can see how the hoax itself has been described in it, and how we as Muslims can work to avoid the plague of the hoax itself.

Research paper thumbnail of INTEGRASI TRIADIK TAFSIR AL-QUR’AN.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of TEOLOGI PEREMPUAN DALAM TAFSIR AL-QURAN: Perspektif Pemikiran Hamka

Posts about to reveal the relationship between theology and women, theology itself is a divinity,... more Posts about to reveal the relationship between theology and women, theology itself is a divinity, but with a growing time, theology does not mean only on the scope science of God, but also the science which deals with the relationship of God and man, which then theology used as an explanation containing its own meaning, which is then analyzed based on the interpretation of Hamka. The goal is to uncover interpretation Hamka in the verses of the Koran about women. So this article will be a discussion join the new understanding of theology and


This study aims to understand the theology of liberation as an alternative solution that freed be... more This study aims to understand the theology of liberation as an alternative solution that freed because of the discrimination against women. Discrimination against women is a result of the hegemony of patriarchal society jahiliya that is still growing in the view of Islam, so that religion can not function as a mercy to entire human race. Religion as the foundation of justice also become invisible. That condition requires a liberating theology, so it can be used as an alternative to achieve maslaha of the people, including women Abstrak: Kajian ini dimaksudkan untuk memahami teologi pembebasan sebagai alternatif pemahaman yang membebaskan karena adanya diskriminasi terhadap perempuan. Diskriminasi terhadap perempuan adalah akibat dari hegemoni patriarki masyarakat jahiliyah yang masih berkembang dalam pandangan Islam saat ini, sehingga agama tidak dapat mengfusikan dirinya sebagai rahmat bagi seluruh umat manusia. Agama sebagai landasan adanya keadilan juga menjadi tidak nampak. Kondisi tersebut membutuhkan sebuah teologi yang membebaskan, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif untuk mewujudkan kemaslahatan umat termasuk kaum perempuan.


The history of the study of hadith from time to time experiencing a very significant development,... more The history of the study of hadith from time to time experiencing a very significant development, beginning the study of hadith from oral to oral evolved into writing changes by others as a form of concern about the loss of traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, the development of tradition reached its peak when entering the period of the Successors exactly rule caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, where the tradition at this time officially codified in order to cope with the spread of false traditions pioneered by the heretics. Furthermore, after the tradition codified development be very rapid, with the birth of the canonical books of hadith to appear the terms scholarly tradition oriented as selectors hadith (criticism sanad hadith) and there are also books Sharh hadith as explanatory traditions of the Prophet Muhammad , Until the next period the study of hadith switch does not just dwell on criticism sanad but has entered the criticism of honor. In fact, along with the times that has entered the digital age, tradition began in containers therein to present assessment traditions more easily. Abstrak Sejarah kajian hadis dari masa ke masa mengalamai perkembangan yang sangat signifikan, mulanya kajian hadis dari lisan ke lisan berkembang menjadi tulisan, perubahan tersebut tak lain sebagai bentuk kekhawatiran akan hilangnya hadis-hadis Nabi SAW, perkembangan hadis mencapai puncaknya ketika memasuki periode tabiin tepatnya pemerintahan khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz, dimana hadis pada masa ini resmi dikodifikasi guna menanggulangi tersebarnya hadis-hadis palsu yang di pelopori oleh para pelaku bid'ah. Lebih lanjut, setelah hadis dikodifikasi perkembanganya menjadi sangat pesat, dengan lahirnya kitab-kitab kanonik hadis hingga muncul term-term keilmuwan hadis yang berorientasi sebagai penyeleksi hadis (kritik sanad hadis) serta muncul pula kitab-kitab syarh hadis sebagai penjelas hadis-hadis Nabi SAW. Hingga periode selanjutnya kajian hadis beralih tidak hanya berkutat pada kritik sanad melainkan sudah memasuki kritik terhadap matan. Bahkan seiring dengan perkembangan zaman yang sudah memasuki era digital, hadis mulai di kemas di dalamnya guna mengdirkan pengkajian hadis dengan lebih mudah. Kata kunci: sejarah, perkembangan kajian hadis, era digitalisasi.

Research paper thumbnail of BK kEDINAMISAN.docx

Analisa dalam Perspektif Alquran ( Dinamis merupakan asas bimbingan dan konseling yang menghendak... more Analisa dalam Perspektif Alquran ( Dinamis merupakan asas bimbingan dan konseling yang menghendaki agar isi sasaran layanan (klien) yang sama kehendaknya selalu bergerak maju, tidak menoton, dan terus berkembang serta berlanjutan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tahap perkembangannya dari waktu ke waktu. 1 Usaha pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling menghendaki terjadinya perubahan pada diri klien, yaitu perubahan tingkah laku ke-arah yang lebih baik. Perubahan itu tidaklah sekedar mengulang hal yang lama ataupun bersifat monoton, melainkan perubahan yang selalu menuju pada suatu pembaharuan, sesuatu yang lebih maju, dinamis sesuai dengan arah perkembangan klien yang dikehendaki dan mengacu pada hal-hal baru yang hendaknya terdapat pada dan menjadi ciri-ciri dari proses konseling dan hasil-hasilnya. 2 Keberhasilan usaha pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling ditandai dengan terjadinya perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku klien ke arah yang lebih baik. Untuk mewujudkan terjadinya perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku itu membutuhakan proses dan waktu tertentu sesuai dengan kedalaman dan kerumitan masalah yang dihadapi klien. 3 Konselor dan klien serta pihak lainnya 1 Syamsuri, Pendidikanuntuk Kelas X, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2006)., hlm., 23. 2 Hallen A, Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Islam, (Jakarta: Ciputat Pers, 2002)., hlm. 70. 3 Priyatno dan Erman Anti, Dasar-dasar Bimbingan dan Konseling, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2004), h. 115. 2 diminta untuk memberikan kerja sama sepenuhnya agar pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling yang diberikan dapat dengan cepat menimbulkan perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku klien. Hal ini karena tujuan yang utama bagi kegiatan bimbingan dan konseling adalah menimbulkan kesadaran dan motivasi untuk secara mandiri meningkatkan kualitas dan taraf hidup. Allah berfirman dalam QS. Al-Ra'd (13): 11: "Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah keadaan suatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan diri mereka sendiri." Di dalam Tafsir al-Misbah di jelaskan mengenai isi kandungan ayat tersebut, Menurutnya, Allah tidak akan mengubah suatu kaum apa yang ada pada dirinya sendiri, sperti halnya kondisi dari segala sesuatu yang bersifat negatif terhadap manusia tidak akan berubah secara otomatis melainkan perubahan menuju kedinamisan perlu adanya upaya dari orang-orang yang berkaitan tersebut. 4

Research paper thumbnail of TEOLOGI PEREMPUAN DALAM TAFSIR AL-QURAN: Perspektif Pemikiran Hamka

Posts about to reveal the relationship between theology and women, theology itself is a divinity,... more Posts about to reveal the relationship between theology and women, theology itself is a divinity, but with a growing time, theology does not mean only on the scope science of God, but also the science which deals with the relationship of God and man, which then theology used as an explanation containing its own meaning, which is then analyzed based on the interpretation of Hamka. The goal is to uncover interpretation Hamka in the verses of the Koran about women. So this article will be a discussion join the new understanding of theology and of women, which in this discussion is the relationship between religion and women, which is then analyzed based on the premise Hamka. From this analysis resulted in a conclusion that Hamka in his commentary, very concerned about rights and obligations of women regardless of social status, thus indirectly Hamka has changed the theological bias long been a theological bias of new very attentive Rights and the fate of women, both in the domestic spa...

Research paper thumbnail of Living Qur'an as New Market Trends of Islamic Education in Indonesia

became a new business field for managers of Islamic religious education institutions so Qur'an st... more became a new business field for managers of Islamic religious education institutions so Qur'an studies is a product that has its own market share which the phenomenon of living al-Quran was as a trend of Islamic education methods in Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Semiotika michael Riffatere

Heuristic and hermeneutic is the theoretical framework of Michael Rifatere's analysis which is us... more Heuristic and hermeneutic is the theoretical framework of Michael Rifatere's analysis which is used to criticize and explore the meaning of literature. In its relationship with Q.S analysis. al-Quran, it is intended to examine the meaning of the text itself, from before only interpreted at the heuristic stage and then developed analyzed using hermeneutic meaning. In the process of development, the meaning of the Koran text, especially Q.S. A< li-Imran (3): 14 will give birth to various dynamics of the meaning behind the verse until how the meaning of the verse speaks with koledor maqasid ayat. This research was felt important because in previous studies it was still rarely found which discussed the heuristic and hermeneutic analysis of Michael Riffatre to analyze the verses of the Koran, especially QS. ali-Imron: 14. Because in general previous writings only focused on the analysis of literary works such as poetry ), love poems (Mirantin, 2018 and other literary works such as poetry , (Muchti , tt), (Syafeti, tt) and extracting meaning in various other literary works including mantra (Uniawati, 2017)


The socio-historical reading of the hadith does not seem to have been adequately studied, so the ... more The socio-historical reading of the hadith does not seem to have been adequately studied, so the study of hadiths to find the authenticity of the text and its precise meaning is still to be considered, this consideration is due to the very rapid development of contemporary society, to the extent of requiring a review of the process a meaning maqasid hadith, it is certainly to emphasize the view of hadith as the foundation of Islamic law which put forward various aspects, hermeneutics of hadith as a science that reflects the text of hadith in recording the history of the past, then understood existentially in the present situation need to be moved, in order to achieve interpretation which is close to the truth. This is because the hadiths have been formed in the time of the Prophet, while the post-life of the Prophet has continued to develop, so that life is now required to adapt to that source, as the textual understanding of talak will lead to an understanding that tends to position women as parties who get a very disadvantaged position, again under any circumstances if a husband has said the word "talak", then a divorce is a necessity, whether a husband is conscious or unconscious. So this concept is very discriminative, contextual re-understanding of the traditions that explain about the talak sirri need to be peeled back, in order to know how the context and terms of legal and formal registration of divorce to be understood in the current era.

Research paper thumbnail of Pembacaan Tafsir Feminis Nasarudin Umar Sebagai Tranformasi Sosial Islam

This paper will reveal a feminist interpretation as a reading that can transform Islamic social, ... more This paper will reveal a feminist interpretation as a reading that can transform Islamic social, because social understanding of society has long been eroded by the reading of classical interpretation, which tends to be biased and discriminative against women, so through reading the feminist interpretation of Nasarudin Umar, Opening a just horizon of reading (equality), peace for both men and women. Due to his tafsir exposure which tends to be more concerned with social conditions, Nasaruddin Umar tries to give a new color in interpreting the Qur'an with etymological analysis, hermeneutics and using history to examine many words in the Qur'an. So the pattern of interpreter is more to consider the macro-social aspects than the micro in each verse, in order to produce a reading of tafsir that can transform the social state of Islamic society. Abstrak: Tulisan ini hendak mengungkap sebuah pembacaan tafsir feminis sebagai pembacaan yang dapat mentranformasikan sosial Islam, karena pemahaman sosial masyarakat, telah lama tergerus dengan pembacaan penafsiran klasik,yang cenderung bersikapbias dan diskriminatif terhadap perempuan, sehingga melalui pembacaan tafsir feminis Nasarudin Umar, diharapkan dapat membuka cakrawala pembacaan yang berkeadilan (kesetaraan),kedamaian baik untuk laki-laki maupun perempuan. Karena dengan pemaparan tafsirnya yang cenderung lebih mempertimbangkan kondisi sosial kemasyarakatan, Nasaruddin Umar berusaha memberi warna baru dalam menafsirkan al-Qurandengan analisis etimologi, hermeneutika dan menggunakan sejarah untuk meneliti banyak kata-kata dalam al-Quran. Sehingga pola penafsiranya lebih mempertimbangkan aspek sosial makro daripada mikro dalam setiap ayat, guna menghasilkan pembacaan tafsir yang dapat mentransformasikan keadaan sosial masyarakatIslam.


The raising of hoax phenomenon in the social media is very excessive, especially the impact has b... more The raising of hoax phenomenon in the social media is very excessive, especially the impact has been divisive Muslims, whereas the roots of the emergence of the hoax itself is nothing but the influence of global development and the advancement of science and technology, so that humans are pampered with a variety of sophisticated facilities, these facilities cause human beings entitled to freedom of expression. It is this freedom which gives birth to human communication with others indefinitely, even with the media of a person free to express public opinion, through this, one becomes free in exploring the interests of each, especially in realizing a mission of existence by the interests of a particular group, on this basis, regardless of how the impact of the hoax itself works, the groups produce and circulate the hoax news in the public sphere. In response, this study focuses on the Quranic view of the phenomenon of hoax or hoax. Through this descriptive method, this study confirms that the Qur'an as a guideline for Muslims needs to be re-dialled to the Islamic society of today, so through the Qur'an we can see how the hoax itself has been described in it, and how we as Muslims can work to avoid the plague of the hoax itself.

Research paper thumbnail of INTEGRASI TRIADIK TAFSIR AL-QUR’AN.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of TEOLOGI PEREMPUAN DALAM TAFSIR AL-QURAN: Perspektif Pemikiran Hamka

Posts about to reveal the relationship between theology and women, theology itself is a divinity,... more Posts about to reveal the relationship between theology and women, theology itself is a divinity, but with a growing time, theology does not mean only on the scope science of God, but also the science which deals with the relationship of God and man, which then theology used as an explanation containing its own meaning, which is then analyzed based on the interpretation of Hamka. The goal is to uncover interpretation Hamka in the verses of the Koran about women. So this article will be a discussion join the new understanding of theology and


This study aims to understand the theology of liberation as an alternative solution that freed be... more This study aims to understand the theology of liberation as an alternative solution that freed because of the discrimination against women. Discrimination against women is a result of the hegemony of patriarchal society jahiliya that is still growing in the view of Islam, so that religion can not function as a mercy to entire human race. Religion as the foundation of justice also become invisible. That condition requires a liberating theology, so it can be used as an alternative to achieve maslaha of the people, including women Abstrak: Kajian ini dimaksudkan untuk memahami teologi pembebasan sebagai alternatif pemahaman yang membebaskan karena adanya diskriminasi terhadap perempuan. Diskriminasi terhadap perempuan adalah akibat dari hegemoni patriarki masyarakat jahiliyah yang masih berkembang dalam pandangan Islam saat ini, sehingga agama tidak dapat mengfusikan dirinya sebagai rahmat bagi seluruh umat manusia. Agama sebagai landasan adanya keadilan juga menjadi tidak nampak. Kondisi tersebut membutuhkan sebuah teologi yang membebaskan, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif untuk mewujudkan kemaslahatan umat termasuk kaum perempuan.


The history of the study of hadith from time to time experiencing a very significant development,... more The history of the study of hadith from time to time experiencing a very significant development, beginning the study of hadith from oral to oral evolved into writing changes by others as a form of concern about the loss of traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, the development of tradition reached its peak when entering the period of the Successors exactly rule caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, where the tradition at this time officially codified in order to cope with the spread of false traditions pioneered by the heretics. Furthermore, after the tradition codified development be very rapid, with the birth of the canonical books of hadith to appear the terms scholarly tradition oriented as selectors hadith (criticism sanad hadith) and there are also books Sharh hadith as explanatory traditions of the Prophet Muhammad , Until the next period the study of hadith switch does not just dwell on criticism sanad but has entered the criticism of honor. In fact, along with the times that has entered the digital age, tradition began in containers therein to present assessment traditions more easily. Abstrak Sejarah kajian hadis dari masa ke masa mengalamai perkembangan yang sangat signifikan, mulanya kajian hadis dari lisan ke lisan berkembang menjadi tulisan, perubahan tersebut tak lain sebagai bentuk kekhawatiran akan hilangnya hadis-hadis Nabi SAW, perkembangan hadis mencapai puncaknya ketika memasuki periode tabiin tepatnya pemerintahan khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz, dimana hadis pada masa ini resmi dikodifikasi guna menanggulangi tersebarnya hadis-hadis palsu yang di pelopori oleh para pelaku bid'ah. Lebih lanjut, setelah hadis dikodifikasi perkembanganya menjadi sangat pesat, dengan lahirnya kitab-kitab kanonik hadis hingga muncul term-term keilmuwan hadis yang berorientasi sebagai penyeleksi hadis (kritik sanad hadis) serta muncul pula kitab-kitab syarh hadis sebagai penjelas hadis-hadis Nabi SAW. Hingga periode selanjutnya kajian hadis beralih tidak hanya berkutat pada kritik sanad melainkan sudah memasuki kritik terhadap matan. Bahkan seiring dengan perkembangan zaman yang sudah memasuki era digital, hadis mulai di kemas di dalamnya guna mengdirkan pengkajian hadis dengan lebih mudah. Kata kunci: sejarah, perkembangan kajian hadis, era digitalisasi.

Research paper thumbnail of BK kEDINAMISAN.docx

Analisa dalam Perspektif Alquran ( Dinamis merupakan asas bimbingan dan konseling yang menghendak... more Analisa dalam Perspektif Alquran ( Dinamis merupakan asas bimbingan dan konseling yang menghendaki agar isi sasaran layanan (klien) yang sama kehendaknya selalu bergerak maju, tidak menoton, dan terus berkembang serta berlanjutan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tahap perkembangannya dari waktu ke waktu. 1 Usaha pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling menghendaki terjadinya perubahan pada diri klien, yaitu perubahan tingkah laku ke-arah yang lebih baik. Perubahan itu tidaklah sekedar mengulang hal yang lama ataupun bersifat monoton, melainkan perubahan yang selalu menuju pada suatu pembaharuan, sesuatu yang lebih maju, dinamis sesuai dengan arah perkembangan klien yang dikehendaki dan mengacu pada hal-hal baru yang hendaknya terdapat pada dan menjadi ciri-ciri dari proses konseling dan hasil-hasilnya. 2 Keberhasilan usaha pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling ditandai dengan terjadinya perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku klien ke arah yang lebih baik. Untuk mewujudkan terjadinya perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku itu membutuhakan proses dan waktu tertentu sesuai dengan kedalaman dan kerumitan masalah yang dihadapi klien. 3 Konselor dan klien serta pihak lainnya 1 Syamsuri, Pendidikanuntuk Kelas X, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2006)., hlm., 23. 2 Hallen A, Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Islam, (Jakarta: Ciputat Pers, 2002)., hlm. 70. 3 Priyatno dan Erman Anti, Dasar-dasar Bimbingan dan Konseling, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2004), h. 115. 2 diminta untuk memberikan kerja sama sepenuhnya agar pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling yang diberikan dapat dengan cepat menimbulkan perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku klien. Hal ini karena tujuan yang utama bagi kegiatan bimbingan dan konseling adalah menimbulkan kesadaran dan motivasi untuk secara mandiri meningkatkan kualitas dan taraf hidup. Allah berfirman dalam QS. Al-Ra'd (13): 11: "Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah keadaan suatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan diri mereka sendiri." Di dalam Tafsir al-Misbah di jelaskan mengenai isi kandungan ayat tersebut, Menurutnya, Allah tidak akan mengubah suatu kaum apa yang ada pada dirinya sendiri, sperti halnya kondisi dari segala sesuatu yang bersifat negatif terhadap manusia tidak akan berubah secara otomatis melainkan perubahan menuju kedinamisan perlu adanya upaya dari orang-orang yang berkaitan tersebut. 4