Living Qur'an as New Market Trends of Islamic Education in Indonesia (original) (raw)

Implementation and Development of Qur'an Learning Method in Malaysia and Indonesia: An Analysis

The article aimed to analyze the implementation and development of Qur'an learning methods in two cognate countries namely Malaysia and Indonesia. The methodology used was content analysis, one of the research approaches in qualitative research. Data came from author's reading of various theories, expert opinions and research results of previous researchers associated with education and learning of Qur'an. All data then collected, reduced, presented and closed with conclusions. At the beginning of the authors begin with the introduction, further discuss the urgency of learning and teaching of Qur'an, the method of learning Qur'an in the first period of Qur'an is revealed, the obligation to read Qur'an well and correctly, the description of methods and analysis of the implementation of learning Qur'an in Malaysia and Indonesia, factors that influence the success of learning Qur'an and conclude with conclusions. The results of the discussion of this article can at least be an additional reference material for Qur'an observers teachers Qur'an in particular, parents, community and the next researchers related to the study of Qur'an in Islamic education. Abstrak Artikel bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana implementasi dan perkembangan metode-metode pembelajaran al-Quran di dua negara serumpun yaitu Malaysia dan Indonesia. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah analisis isi atau (content analysis), salah satu pendekatan riset dalam penelitian kualitatif. Data bersumber dari hasil bacaan penulis terhadap berbagai teori, pendapat pakar dan hasil penelitian peneliti terdahulu terkait dengan pendidikan dan pembelajaran al-Quran. Seluruh data kemudian dihimpun, direduksi, disajikan serta ditutup dengan kesimpulan. Pada bagian awal penulis mulai dengan pendahuluan, selanjutnya membahas urgensi belajar dan mengajarkan al-Quran, metode pembelajaran al-Quran pada periode pertama al-Quran diturunkan, kewajiban membaca al-Quran dengan baik dan benar, deskripsi metode dan analisis implementasi pembelajaran al-Quran di Malaysia dan Indonesia, faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pembelajaran al-Quran dan ditutup dengan kesimpulan. Hasil dari pembahasan artikel ini setidaknya dapat menjadi bahan rujukan tambahan bagi pemerhati al-Quran kususnya guru al-Quran, orang tua, masyarakat dan para peneliti berikutnya terkait pembelajaran al-Quran dalam pendidikan Islam.

A Sociological Approach to the Quran: Contemporary Interactions Between Society and the Quran (Jam'iyyah Qur'aniyyah) in Indonesia

KnE Social Sciences

The Quran is a guide that covers all matters of human life. However, sociologically, the Quran as the word of God also influences Muslim culture and practices around the globe. Therefore, the Quran can be interpreted by distinguishing between what is essentially religious and what is part of the historical tradition which has always existed at different levels in the history of Muslims. This article aimed to analyze the interactions which have resulted in a good understanding of the messages of the Quran and the practice of these in daily life in Indonesia, using the concept of living Quran through jam’iyyah qur’aniyyah. Keywords: sociological approach, living Quran, contemporary Indonesia

The Face of Al-Quran on Islamic Education Curriculum in Indonesia


The success of Rasulullah in changing the behavior of Arab society, was influenced among others by the coming of the Koran. The verse that descended on Mecca was in accord with the needs of the people of Mecca at that time. The periodization of the coming of the Koran is the stage of teaching in Islamic education run by the Prophet. This periodization can also be used as a guide as to which teaching materials should be delivered at an early and the next stage. For this reason, this paper aims to determine the suitability between the periods of the coming of the Koran and the Islamic education curriculum. Efforts made to determine this suitability are by browsing the verses of the Koran, that are learned in the Institute of Islamic Education through the curriculum taught in class XI-XII Madrasah Aliyah, specialization in the field of interpretation religious studies and interpretation of tafsir. The results obtained from this search indicate that the surah descended during the Mecca ...

Implimentasi Budaya Living Quran DI Sekolah Implementation of Living Quran Culture in School


This research has two aims, namely to describe the types of implementation of living Quran culture in schools, and to analyze the values that underlie the spirit of the development of a living Quran culture at school. The method of this research was qualitative using a case study approach, and conducted at SDI and SMPI Al Azhaar Tulungagung, East Java. The research subjects were the kiai of Islamic boarding schools, the chairman of the foundation, the principal, and the teachers. Data was collected through; in-depth interviews, documentation, and observation. The results of this study indicate that; First, the types of implementation of the Quran's living culture are a) Living Quran (tahfidz, iqra', tahsin, tarjim, Quran khotmil in student's house, Quran reciting competition, sticking verses Quran in each class, and praying using Quran verses); b). Birrul walidain (praying for parents, piety, politeness); and c) Islamic behavior at school and home. Secondly, the values o...

Dynamics of The Study of The Quran in Indonesia: Language and Paradigm

Islam Transformatif : Journal of Islamic Studies, 2021

This paper describes the development of the study of the Quran in Indonesia. Through historical-analytical approach, it shows that since the arrival of Islam in Indonesia, the study of the Quran has always been developing. They were starting from oral translation until the birth of interpretive products with various dynamics in them. The research question is, what are the forms of the dynamics of the study of the Quran in Indonesia. This study shows that the study of the Quran in Indonesia is moving dynamically, especially in terms of language characters and paradigms. The languages and characters used vary, ranging from Arabic and Arabic script to local-national languages and scripts (Indonesian and Latin characters), such as jawi, lontara, and pegon. Furthermore, the paradigm is also dynamic, such as textual and contextual approaches. The textual approach has characteristics dealing with the linguistic area and historical context of the Quran, not touching the context in which the...

New Trajectories of Quranic Studies in Indonesia: A Critical Dissertation Review

DINIKA : Academic Journal of Islamic Studies

This study aims to see the study of the Qur'an in Indonesia during the years 2015 to 2021 through dissertations at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, UIN Alauddin Makassar, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya and UIN Walisongo Semarang. Historically, the five institutions have provided doctoral programs for a long time and are influential in producing Islamic knowledge in Indonesia. This study seeks to map the typology of the study, the issue being discussed, and the methodology developed. The data collection process was carried out by entering the college repository, mapping the results of existing dissertations and analyzing them. This study shows that throughout 2015-2020, there were 78 dissertations discussing various issues. While the study typology shows that the existing dissertation is dominated by 37 leaders' studies (47.43%) followed by the Study of Thematic Qur'an as many as 23 pieces (29.48%), the Ulumul Qur'an study of 10 pieces (12.82%...

Konsep Perdagangan dalam Tafsir Al-Mishbah (Paradigma Filsafat Ekonomi Qur’ani Ulama Indonesia)

Al Tijarah, 2017

Today, Islamic teaching appears as a alternative economic system, where religion norms (Al-Qur'an and hadits) are to be the fundamental of it. The researcher is interested in the research of Muhammad Quraish Shihab interpretation of at-tijarah (business) concept based on the Qur'an that can be found in his al-misbah interpretation book. This research is library research. The primary data source is al-misbah interpreation. The analytical technic of this research is qualitative analysis data with tematic interpreation. At-tijarah concepts have the difference subject, object, the meaning, and contect from one verse to the other but have the same of logic thinking of the correlation and mutual law in an act. It is like a business or a trading where there are profit and loss. There are three "business model" (at-tijarah). The first is from the human to the all human kind having material qualitative. The second is from Allah SWT (The God) to the human having immaterial qualitative. The third is from Allah SWT (The God) to the human and all of human kind having material and immaterial qualitative at once.

Implementation of Living Quran Culture in School

EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan

This research has two aims, namely to describe the types of implementation of living Quran culture in schools, and to analyze the values that underlie the spirit of the development of a living Quran culture at school. The method of this research was qualitative using a case study approach, and conducted at SDI and SMPI Al Azhaar Tulungagung, East Java. The research subjects were the kiai of Islamic boarding schools, the chairman of the foundation, the principal, and the teachers. Data was collected through; in-depth interviews, documentation, and observation. The results of this study indicate that; First, the types of implementation of the Quran's living culture are a) Living Quran (tahfidz, iqra', tahsin, tarjim, Quran khotmil in student's house, Quran reciting competition, sticking verses Quran in each class, and praying using Quran verses); b). Birrul walidain (praying for parents, piety, politeness); and c) Islamic behavior at school and home. Secondly, the values o...

From Print to Screen: Methodology, Media, and Transition of Qur’Anic Learning in Indonesia

Khazanah: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora, 2019

This article aims to discuss the shift in the methodology of Qur’anic learning in Indonesia that is influenced by media. There are four cases used to map the contestations in the traditional era: Baghdadi, Qiroati, Iqro ', and Yanbu'a. Those have the same characteristic, namely face-to-face learning which is then challenged by the new media that infiltrate the Islamic world. One of the new media described in this paper is the Qur’anCall that is initiated by the PPPA Daarul Qur’an led by the famous preacher Yusuf Mansur. This is a learning and teaching platform for the Qur'an based on a video call. The character possessed by the Qur’anCall is very different from the traditional methodology. Based on this issue, the author examines the changes in Qur’anic learning in the traditional and modern eras then elaborates the effects that have caused. The finding shows that there are degradations from various performative aspects which are inherent in the traditional methods of Qu...

Dynamics and New Paradigm of Islamic Education in Indonesia

Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme

This paper aims to analyze the dynamics and new paradigm of Islamic education in Indonesia from a historical perspective. This study uses the library to research reference books, journals, archives, documents, and other writings relevant to the title under study. This research is historical research and the object is the dynamics and new paradigm of Islamic educational institutions that grew and developed in Indonesia before and after Indonesia's independence. The new paradigm of Islamic education in Indonesia is through the realization of three dimensions of the substance of Islamic education, namely the acquisition of students towards science; the realization of students towards science in the format of their attitudes or behavior towards the learning environment, and even towards society; and the synergy between the acquired knowledge and their actualized attitudes or behavior in everyday life. Then, a new paradigm of Islamic education emerged, namely the Hadhari paradigm, wh...