Mehmet Karagül - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mehmet Karagül
Hem uluslararasi hem de ulusal duzeyde baris ve guven ortaminin olusturulmasi, bununla birlikte e... more Hem uluslararasi hem de ulusal duzeyde baris ve guven ortaminin olusturulmasi, bununla birlikte ekonomik refahin saglanmasi cozulmesi gereken onemli sorunlar olarak dunya toplumlarinin onunde durmaktadir. Yasanan olumsuzluklara cozum uretebilmek icin oncelikle sorunlarin kaynagina inilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu anlamda oncelikle butun dunyada yogun olarak uygulanan; insanin refahi ve huzuru yerine; gucluden yana olan, rekabetci sistemde kârliligi ve sermaye birikimini hedefleyen liberal kapitalist sistem ile olan iliskilerin yeniden gozden gecirilmesi gerekmektedir. Baris ve refahin tesisi ve toplumsal istikrar icin; Osmanli Turk toplumunda gordugumuz ahilik kulturu ve onun modern yorumu olan sosyal sermayenin dikkate alindigi saglikli bir toplumsal yapi olusturulmasi cozum olabilir. Bu baglamda bireylerin ve toplumlarin mevcut deger yargilarinin; bireysellikten toplumsalliga, sermaye birikimi yerine paylasima, kar maksimizasyonu yerine fayda doruklastirmaya, rekabetten dayanismaya, tuk...
“People to understand themselves and whatever is going on around them, which means science, Natio... more “People to understand themselves and whatever is going on around them, which means science, Nations is essential to the continuation of their existence. Therefore, today our country's economic, social and military situation that we have to be independent of scientific level is impossible. Therefore, in order to ensure the overall development of our country, it is certain that we must improve our scientific infrastructure. In this sense, education, and publication in the field of addiction who has a foreign policy we have to carry out an independent science. Received from the outside because the outside of the rules of education and that puts the scientific principles appropriate to the needs and realities of our own country, we will not be able to produce science.”
Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Economics Developm... more Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Economics Development Head of Department of International Economics Prof.Dr. Mehmet Karagul: “The differentiation in the system of society's ideas and values, often in the sense that it is possible to observe changes could be ascribed to the concepts. At this point words and concepts that are used remain the same, while the meaning of them through differentiation in what is loaded and how society's values change in shifting in different channels we can see. The protection and development of the common values of society even in terms of communication between generations in order to sustain a healthy way of in existence, with the fundamental meaning of words and concepts it is our opinion that it is of vital importance.”
Genel alginin otesinde kazanani ve kaybedeni olan ve oldukca kapsamli bir sureci ifade eden kures... more Genel alginin otesinde kazanani ve kaybedeni olan ve oldukca kapsamli bir sureci ifade eden kuresellesmenin etkin oldugu en onemli alan kuskusuz ekonomidir. Bilhassa gelismis ulkelerin, gelisen ulkeler uzerindeki ekonomik hâkimiyetini genisletmeleri baglaminda en fazla kullandiklari arac da para politikalaridir. Gelisen ulkelerde yaygin olarak gorulen enflasyonla mucadele icin maliyet arttirici ve uretim dusurucu etkisi yeterince dikkate alinmadan, hep siki para politikasi dayatilmaktadir. Soz konusu politikalarin uygulanmasi neticesinde ise ic piyasada daralan para arzi, yukselen faizle yabanci kaynak olarak disaridan dengelenmektedir. Oysa gelismis ulkeler, tam aksine surekli genisletici para politikasi uygulayarak, gelisen ulkelere once para, sonra da mal ihrac etmek suretiyle hep kazanan taraf olmayi hedeflemektedirler.
Prof. Mehmet Karagul, head of the department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Adminis... more Prof. Mehmet Karagul, head of the department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, reports ‘It is not possible to deny the significance of education for the economical and social development of the countries, nevertheless the coherence of education with the need and opportunities of the country and the world is vital as well. It is impossible to get the expected results from an educational policy which highlights the quantitative rise and ignores the needs and opportunities. Moreover it is obliged to consider the roles of the schools in the information era, when the mass media proliferates.’ (Translated by BURDIL)
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Iktisat Bolumu, Iktisadi Geli... more Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Iktisat Bolumu, Iktisadi Gelistirme Uluslararasi Iktisat Ana Bilim Dali Baskani Prof. Dr. Mehmet Karagul: “Kuresellesme hareketi, esasen Kure uzerinde her alanda yeknesaklik arz eden bir yapisal donusum olmakla birlikte, goruldugu alanlar itibariyle farkliliklar sergileyebilmektedir. Kuresellesmenin turlerini oncelikle yasandigi alan itibariyle; iktisadi, siyasi, kulturel ve askeri alanlar seklinde ayirima tabi tutmak mumkundur. Merkezi ulkeler, azgelismis ve gelismekte olan ulkelerdeki etnik ve dini farkliliklari olan gruplari demokratik haklarina sahip cikmalari konusunda uyarirken, bir anlamda ayrismalarina zemin hazirlamaktadirlar”
Toplumlarin varliklarini refah ve guven icinde devam ettirebilmeleri, oncelikle kendi icindeki mi... more Toplumlarin varliklarini refah ve guven icinde devam ettirebilmeleri, oncelikle kendi icindeki millet olma bilincini gelistirmesi ve bir arada yasama suuruna sahip olmasina baglidir. Cunku ortak degerler uretip bunlara gore sosyal, siyasal ve iktisadi hayatlarini duzenleyemeyen, diger bir ifade ile millet bilincine sahip olamayan toplumlarin ne tarihte, ne de bugun etkin olabildiklerine sahit olunmamistir. Islam dunyasinin onemli sosyal bilimcilerinde olan Ibn-i Haldun, tarihi ve sosyal tahlillerinin genis bir sekilde yer aldigi Mukaddime adli eserinde temel deger ve kavram olarak asabiyet dusuncesi uzerinde durmaktadir. Toplumlarin bir arada yasamasi, devlet kurup guclu bir iktisadi yapi olusturabilmelerini sahip olduklari asabiyet dusuncesiyle aciklamaya calismaktadir. Bu itibarla bu calismada toplumlarin iktisadi ve siyasi anlamda guclu bir konuma sahip olabilmelerinde asabiyet fikrinin rolu uzerinde durulacak, bu cercevede; ibn-i Haldun, asabiyet, devlet ve iktisadi hayat kavram...
“ Fakultemizde hâlihazirda faal olan; Iktisat, Isletme, Kamu Yonetimi, Bankacilik ve Finans ile S... more “ Fakultemizde hâlihazirda faal olan; Iktisat, Isletme, Kamu Yonetimi, Bankacilik ve Finans ile Saglik Yonetimi bolumleri ogrenci kabul etmektedir. Bu bolumlerin yani sira Fakultemiz bunyesinde, Uluslararasi Iliskiler Bolumu, Sosyal Hizmetler Bolumu ve Maliye Bolumu bulunmakta olup ilgili bolumlere ogrenci alimi icin akademik yeterlilik sartlarini tamamlamak konusunda yogun caba surdurulmektedir. Fakultemizin fiziksel olanaklari degerlendirildiginde, Fakultemizde mevcut durumda 20 Derslik ve 21 Amfide aktif olarak egitim faaliyetleri gerceklestirilmektedir. Yeni kurulmakla birlikte oldukca genc ve dinamik bir kadroya sahip olan Fakultemiz, gun gectikce alaninda uzman, donanimli ogretim uyelerimizle zenginlesmektedir.”
“The most primitive form of minerals that are considered in an advanced stage of the universe whe... more “The most primitive form of minerals that are considered in an advanced stage of the universe when creating plants, plants become animals if a parent poses. Human structure and formation and most importantly, all aspects of existence and consciousness into the realm of consciousness that you have a top-level point from the evil eye. Mevlana of interest between the soul and the body in a sense is similar to the relation between sound and meaning. The body of sound sense, mana is the soul of the sound. In other words, the essence and meaning of the existence of sound basis. But any mana for the identification of sound in physical space is not possible. Body and soul of numerous religious works that will be integrated in complex and interlocking, so that the two of them related to the severity of the pain of death, which means separation from each other of the Frequent indication of the expression. It is easy to see the manifestations of the intricate relationship in question in our normal lives.”
Bu calismada beseri ve sosyal degerlerle ekonomik kalkinma arasindaki teorik ve tarihsel iliski i... more Bu calismada beseri ve sosyal degerlerle ekonomik kalkinma arasindaki teorik ve tarihsel iliski irdelenmistir. Bu baglamda, din ve iktisadi kalkinma arasinda nedensellik iliskisi tartisilmis Avrupa iktisadi acisindan Katolik ve Protestanlik, Asya iktisadi baglaminda da Maturdi ve Es’ari inanc esaslari ele alinmistir. Akilciligi on plana cikaran; Avrupa’da Protestanligin, Asya’da da Mâturidi anlayisin ekonomik kalkinmaya pozitif katki yaptigi sonucuna varilmistir.
In reality, which is expressed as Middle East today, this land we live on as a centralized center... more In reality, which is expressed as Middle East today, this land we live on as a centralized center in every direction does not get itself from pain and tears in every period of history as it is today. It is certain that the region has played a major role in the disputes and conflicts within and among the countries of the Region, as well as the characteristics of the region that have attracted global powers. In this sense, the development of bilateral relations between Turkey and Iran, two important regions of the region, is of great importance. Despite the fact that the circles that do not want this to happen are constantly brought to the agenda of the sectarian differences between the two countries, we are currently establishing a relationship as "allies and friends"; Europe, USA and Russia. We need to ask what partnerships we have with you.
One of the most important rules that the universe has systematically has is that everything rotat... more One of the most important rules that the universe has systematically has is that everything rotates around a certain axis. It should not be wrong to claim that this rule applies in social sciences. We all know that about 2,000 years ago, the most advanced society in the world was the Chinese, and that it was selling its goods to the West through historical Silk Road. The second Silk Road project should not be a coincidence at a time when China is moving rapidly towards becoming the most economically powerful economy in the world. As Asia stands up as a whole under the leadership of China, what the Turks of the ancient nations of the region will do in this process is a separate importance. In this sense, it is possible to summarize the most accurate attitude for Turks living in different political structures in the region as supporting each other in the international arena and improving the trade between them.
Relations based on trust among the people, from the economic point of view is called as “social c... more Relations based on trust among the people, from the economic point of view is called as “social capital”. It has an important role in economic well-being. In the recent years, it has been understood that it is not possible to explain the existing economic well-been by only physical capital. Consequently, especially in less developed countries, it is necessary to improve social capital which is one of the basic externalities of economic well-being.
Relations based on trust among the people, from the economic point of view is called as “social c... more Relations based on trust among the people, from the economic point of view is called as “social capital”. It has an important role in economic well-being. In the recent years, it has been understood that it is not possible to explain the existing economic well-been by only physical capital. Consequently, especially in less developed countries, it is necessary to improve social capital which is one of the basic externalities of economic well-being.
We, who live in the honor of being created as human beings, know to what extent "human being... more We, who live in the honor of being created as human beings, know to what extent "human beings" and how can we give the privilege of this distinguished person? A person who is aware of his own being and has the ability to question it can give the right to be a human being to the extent that he can do the right to withdraw. In order to be able to carry out this questioning, it is firstly necessary to define the soul and body and mind and intelligence they possess, and to define what they are in their essence and the network of relations with each other. In fact, the body that hosts the soul's temporary homeliness in this world is honored to welcome an extraterrestrial existence. Therefore, the real task of the conscious man is to ensure that the soul seeks peace, not the pleasure of the body. On the other hand, mind is satisfied with this Earth which is present, seen, held and felt in the shape of the body, and intelligence is searching for the non-existent and undiscove...
Prof. Mehmet Karagul academician at Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Faculty of Economics and Adminis... more Prof. Mehmet Karagul academician at Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, reports ‘It is a fact that there are hopeful developments for the future to make Ahi commemoration ceremonies more common presently. However to get concrete results from this organizations we should reconsider our relation with the present capitalist life concept which dominates in our country but not fits into our values and which prefers individualism to community, profit to benefit, accumulating to sharing, luxury consumption to production, suppressing the weak rather than helping them.’ (Translated by BURDIL)
Hem uluslararasi hem de ulusal duzeyde baris ve guven ortaminin olusturulmasi, bununla birlikte e... more Hem uluslararasi hem de ulusal duzeyde baris ve guven ortaminin olusturulmasi, bununla birlikte ekonomik refahin saglanmasi cozulmesi gereken onemli sorunlar olarak dunya toplumlarinin onunde durmaktadir. Yasanan olumsuzluklara cozum uretebilmek icin oncelikle sorunlarin kaynagina inilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu anlamda oncelikle butun dunyada yogun olarak uygulanan; insanin refahi ve huzuru yerine; gucluden yana olan, rekabetci sistemde kârliligi ve sermaye birikimini hedefleyen liberal kapitalist sistem ile olan iliskilerin yeniden gozden gecirilmesi gerekmektedir. Baris ve refahin tesisi ve toplumsal istikrar icin; Osmanli Turk toplumunda gordugumuz ahilik kulturu ve onun modern yorumu olan sosyal sermayenin dikkate alindigi saglikli bir toplumsal yapi olusturulmasi cozum olabilir. Bu baglamda bireylerin ve toplumlarin mevcut deger yargilarinin; bireysellikten toplumsalliga, sermaye birikimi yerine paylasima, kar maksimizasyonu yerine fayda doruklastirmaya, rekabetten dayanismaya, tuk...
“People to understand themselves and whatever is going on around them, which means science, Natio... more “People to understand themselves and whatever is going on around them, which means science, Nations is essential to the continuation of their existence. Therefore, today our country's economic, social and military situation that we have to be independent of scientific level is impossible. Therefore, in order to ensure the overall development of our country, it is certain that we must improve our scientific infrastructure. In this sense, education, and publication in the field of addiction who has a foreign policy we have to carry out an independent science. Received from the outside because the outside of the rules of education and that puts the scientific principles appropriate to the needs and realities of our own country, we will not be able to produce science.”
Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Economics Developm... more Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Economics Development Head of Department of International Economics Prof.Dr. Mehmet Karagul: “The differentiation in the system of society's ideas and values, often in the sense that it is possible to observe changes could be ascribed to the concepts. At this point words and concepts that are used remain the same, while the meaning of them through differentiation in what is loaded and how society's values change in shifting in different channels we can see. The protection and development of the common values of society even in terms of communication between generations in order to sustain a healthy way of in existence, with the fundamental meaning of words and concepts it is our opinion that it is of vital importance.”
Genel alginin otesinde kazanani ve kaybedeni olan ve oldukca kapsamli bir sureci ifade eden kures... more Genel alginin otesinde kazanani ve kaybedeni olan ve oldukca kapsamli bir sureci ifade eden kuresellesmenin etkin oldugu en onemli alan kuskusuz ekonomidir. Bilhassa gelismis ulkelerin, gelisen ulkeler uzerindeki ekonomik hâkimiyetini genisletmeleri baglaminda en fazla kullandiklari arac da para politikalaridir. Gelisen ulkelerde yaygin olarak gorulen enflasyonla mucadele icin maliyet arttirici ve uretim dusurucu etkisi yeterince dikkate alinmadan, hep siki para politikasi dayatilmaktadir. Soz konusu politikalarin uygulanmasi neticesinde ise ic piyasada daralan para arzi, yukselen faizle yabanci kaynak olarak disaridan dengelenmektedir. Oysa gelismis ulkeler, tam aksine surekli genisletici para politikasi uygulayarak, gelisen ulkelere once para, sonra da mal ihrac etmek suretiyle hep kazanan taraf olmayi hedeflemektedirler.
Prof. Mehmet Karagul, head of the department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Adminis... more Prof. Mehmet Karagul, head of the department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, reports ‘It is not possible to deny the significance of education for the economical and social development of the countries, nevertheless the coherence of education with the need and opportunities of the country and the world is vital as well. It is impossible to get the expected results from an educational policy which highlights the quantitative rise and ignores the needs and opportunities. Moreover it is obliged to consider the roles of the schools in the information era, when the mass media proliferates.’ (Translated by BURDIL)
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Iktisat Bolumu, Iktisadi Geli... more Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Iktisat Bolumu, Iktisadi Gelistirme Uluslararasi Iktisat Ana Bilim Dali Baskani Prof. Dr. Mehmet Karagul: “Kuresellesme hareketi, esasen Kure uzerinde her alanda yeknesaklik arz eden bir yapisal donusum olmakla birlikte, goruldugu alanlar itibariyle farkliliklar sergileyebilmektedir. Kuresellesmenin turlerini oncelikle yasandigi alan itibariyle; iktisadi, siyasi, kulturel ve askeri alanlar seklinde ayirima tabi tutmak mumkundur. Merkezi ulkeler, azgelismis ve gelismekte olan ulkelerdeki etnik ve dini farkliliklari olan gruplari demokratik haklarina sahip cikmalari konusunda uyarirken, bir anlamda ayrismalarina zemin hazirlamaktadirlar”
Toplumlarin varliklarini refah ve guven icinde devam ettirebilmeleri, oncelikle kendi icindeki mi... more Toplumlarin varliklarini refah ve guven icinde devam ettirebilmeleri, oncelikle kendi icindeki millet olma bilincini gelistirmesi ve bir arada yasama suuruna sahip olmasina baglidir. Cunku ortak degerler uretip bunlara gore sosyal, siyasal ve iktisadi hayatlarini duzenleyemeyen, diger bir ifade ile millet bilincine sahip olamayan toplumlarin ne tarihte, ne de bugun etkin olabildiklerine sahit olunmamistir. Islam dunyasinin onemli sosyal bilimcilerinde olan Ibn-i Haldun, tarihi ve sosyal tahlillerinin genis bir sekilde yer aldigi Mukaddime adli eserinde temel deger ve kavram olarak asabiyet dusuncesi uzerinde durmaktadir. Toplumlarin bir arada yasamasi, devlet kurup guclu bir iktisadi yapi olusturabilmelerini sahip olduklari asabiyet dusuncesiyle aciklamaya calismaktadir. Bu itibarla bu calismada toplumlarin iktisadi ve siyasi anlamda guclu bir konuma sahip olabilmelerinde asabiyet fikrinin rolu uzerinde durulacak, bu cercevede; ibn-i Haldun, asabiyet, devlet ve iktisadi hayat kavram...
“ Fakultemizde hâlihazirda faal olan; Iktisat, Isletme, Kamu Yonetimi, Bankacilik ve Finans ile S... more “ Fakultemizde hâlihazirda faal olan; Iktisat, Isletme, Kamu Yonetimi, Bankacilik ve Finans ile Saglik Yonetimi bolumleri ogrenci kabul etmektedir. Bu bolumlerin yani sira Fakultemiz bunyesinde, Uluslararasi Iliskiler Bolumu, Sosyal Hizmetler Bolumu ve Maliye Bolumu bulunmakta olup ilgili bolumlere ogrenci alimi icin akademik yeterlilik sartlarini tamamlamak konusunda yogun caba surdurulmektedir. Fakultemizin fiziksel olanaklari degerlendirildiginde, Fakultemizde mevcut durumda 20 Derslik ve 21 Amfide aktif olarak egitim faaliyetleri gerceklestirilmektedir. Yeni kurulmakla birlikte oldukca genc ve dinamik bir kadroya sahip olan Fakultemiz, gun gectikce alaninda uzman, donanimli ogretim uyelerimizle zenginlesmektedir.”
“The most primitive form of minerals that are considered in an advanced stage of the universe whe... more “The most primitive form of minerals that are considered in an advanced stage of the universe when creating plants, plants become animals if a parent poses. Human structure and formation and most importantly, all aspects of existence and consciousness into the realm of consciousness that you have a top-level point from the evil eye. Mevlana of interest between the soul and the body in a sense is similar to the relation between sound and meaning. The body of sound sense, mana is the soul of the sound. In other words, the essence and meaning of the existence of sound basis. But any mana for the identification of sound in physical space is not possible. Body and soul of numerous religious works that will be integrated in complex and interlocking, so that the two of them related to the severity of the pain of death, which means separation from each other of the Frequent indication of the expression. It is easy to see the manifestations of the intricate relationship in question in our normal lives.”
Bu calismada beseri ve sosyal degerlerle ekonomik kalkinma arasindaki teorik ve tarihsel iliski i... more Bu calismada beseri ve sosyal degerlerle ekonomik kalkinma arasindaki teorik ve tarihsel iliski irdelenmistir. Bu baglamda, din ve iktisadi kalkinma arasinda nedensellik iliskisi tartisilmis Avrupa iktisadi acisindan Katolik ve Protestanlik, Asya iktisadi baglaminda da Maturdi ve Es’ari inanc esaslari ele alinmistir. Akilciligi on plana cikaran; Avrupa’da Protestanligin, Asya’da da Mâturidi anlayisin ekonomik kalkinmaya pozitif katki yaptigi sonucuna varilmistir.
In reality, which is expressed as Middle East today, this land we live on as a centralized center... more In reality, which is expressed as Middle East today, this land we live on as a centralized center in every direction does not get itself from pain and tears in every period of history as it is today. It is certain that the region has played a major role in the disputes and conflicts within and among the countries of the Region, as well as the characteristics of the region that have attracted global powers. In this sense, the development of bilateral relations between Turkey and Iran, two important regions of the region, is of great importance. Despite the fact that the circles that do not want this to happen are constantly brought to the agenda of the sectarian differences between the two countries, we are currently establishing a relationship as "allies and friends"; Europe, USA and Russia. We need to ask what partnerships we have with you.
One of the most important rules that the universe has systematically has is that everything rotat... more One of the most important rules that the universe has systematically has is that everything rotates around a certain axis. It should not be wrong to claim that this rule applies in social sciences. We all know that about 2,000 years ago, the most advanced society in the world was the Chinese, and that it was selling its goods to the West through historical Silk Road. The second Silk Road project should not be a coincidence at a time when China is moving rapidly towards becoming the most economically powerful economy in the world. As Asia stands up as a whole under the leadership of China, what the Turks of the ancient nations of the region will do in this process is a separate importance. In this sense, it is possible to summarize the most accurate attitude for Turks living in different political structures in the region as supporting each other in the international arena and improving the trade between them.
Relations based on trust among the people, from the economic point of view is called as “social c... more Relations based on trust among the people, from the economic point of view is called as “social capital”. It has an important role in economic well-being. In the recent years, it has been understood that it is not possible to explain the existing economic well-been by only physical capital. Consequently, especially in less developed countries, it is necessary to improve social capital which is one of the basic externalities of economic well-being.
Relations based on trust among the people, from the economic point of view is called as “social c... more Relations based on trust among the people, from the economic point of view is called as “social capital”. It has an important role in economic well-being. In the recent years, it has been understood that it is not possible to explain the existing economic well-been by only physical capital. Consequently, especially in less developed countries, it is necessary to improve social capital which is one of the basic externalities of economic well-being.
We, who live in the honor of being created as human beings, know to what extent "human being... more We, who live in the honor of being created as human beings, know to what extent "human beings" and how can we give the privilege of this distinguished person? A person who is aware of his own being and has the ability to question it can give the right to be a human being to the extent that he can do the right to withdraw. In order to be able to carry out this questioning, it is firstly necessary to define the soul and body and mind and intelligence they possess, and to define what they are in their essence and the network of relations with each other. In fact, the body that hosts the soul's temporary homeliness in this world is honored to welcome an extraterrestrial existence. Therefore, the real task of the conscious man is to ensure that the soul seeks peace, not the pleasure of the body. On the other hand, mind is satisfied with this Earth which is present, seen, held and felt in the shape of the body, and intelligence is searching for the non-existent and undiscove...
Prof. Mehmet Karagul academician at Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Faculty of Economics and Adminis... more Prof. Mehmet Karagul academician at Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, reports ‘It is a fact that there are hopeful developments for the future to make Ahi commemoration ceremonies more common presently. However to get concrete results from this organizations we should reconsider our relation with the present capitalist life concept which dominates in our country but not fits into our values and which prefers individualism to community, profit to benefit, accumulating to sharing, luxury consumption to production, suppressing the weak rather than helping them.’ (Translated by BURDIL)