Miljan Milkic - (original) (raw)
Papers by Miljan Milkic
There is an assessment dominating in Serbian historiography which says that the period from 1903 ... more There is an assessment dominating in Serbian historiography which says that the period from 1903 to 1914 represents “the golden age” of Serbian democracy.1 We can conclude that the army in such conditions could materially and morally become stronger and turn into one of the most respected institutions in the Kingdom of Serbia. Such an army was able to gain great victories during the Balkan Wars and in 1914. The Serbian Army was an important part of a complex internal political life, too.2 In order to understand national identity, tradition and moral in the Serbian Army during the First World War and especially in 1914, we need to introduce the following facts. In the summer of 1914 the Serbian state’s territory consisted of two clearly separate entities: the territory before the Balkan Wars (around 54 000 square kilometres with more than 3 million inhabitants) and the territory which was acquired in the Balkan Wars (around 33,000 square kilometres and 1.5 million inhabitants).3 For ...
Die Alpen im Kalten Krieg, 2012
Balcanica, 2018
The transportation of the Serbian Army to the Chalkidiki and deployment on the Salonika front was... more The transportation of the Serbian Army to the Chalkidiki and deployment on the Salonika front was part of the unique process of reorganizing, equipping, training and engaging the Serbian Army within the Allied coalition. Combining unpublished archival documents and the literature, this article analyzes military reasons and diplomatic circum?stances in which the Serbian Army was deployed to the Chalkidiki and became part of the Allied military forces on the Salonika front. The most important part of this research are details related to the activity of the Serbian Military Mission in the Chalkidiki, which was tasked with making arrangements for receiving, accommodating and supplying the Serbian Army in the peninsula.
80 година од избијања Другог светског рата на простору Југославије и страдања града Крагујевца: нови помаци или ревизије историје, 2021
The article analyzes the negotiations that began on 13 June 1945 in
Duino between the Yugoslav and Allied military representatives. The main
goal of the negotiations was to closely define the decisions in adopted by
signing the Belgrade Agreement on 9 June 1945. After difficult negotiations, the Duino Agreement was signed on 20 June 1945. The author points out the complex circumstances in which the negotiations took place. The article was written on the basis of documents from the Archives of Yugoslavia, published archival materials and literature. On the Yugoslav side, the negotiators in Duino were generals of the Yugoslav Army. During the negotiations with the allied military representatives, the Yugoslav generals tried to use all the arguments and all the influence that Yugoslavia had. They constantly emphasized the fact that Yugoslavia is an allied state, and Italy is an enemy, and that because of that, Yugoslavia and Italy do not have the same rights in the Venezia Giulia. Although the negotiations in Duino did not result in obtaining guarantees for the smooth operation of local people’s committees, nor in obtaining approval to increase the number of Yugoslav soldiers in the area under Allied occupation, which would significantly strengthen Yugoslavia’s position in Venezia Giulia, the Duino Agreement provided a good basis for the continuation of the diplomatic struggle at the peace conference.
Keywords: Venezia Giulia, Trieste, Yugoslavia, Duino Agreement, Great
Britain, United States of America.
Army is an inseparable part of the society, military tradition is part of the
folk tradition, and army, as a big system, also represents an integral part of national identity. Th is is especially noticeable in Serbian society in which the army holds special place and in which there is an interlacing of military and folk traditions, which is foremost refl ected in obeying Orthodox customs such as celebrating regimental Slava, ceremonies of fl ag sanctifi cation and taking an oath. Although the identity of the Serbian army was especially affirmed during the wars from 1912 till 1918, after the war, materialization of one of the Serbian government’s war goals was forming of joint South Slav state on December 1, 1918. Multiethnic and multiconfessional army was formed which had former members of Serbian, Montenegrin, Russian, Albanian and Austria-Hungarian armies in it, which led to changes in nurturing and development of military tradition. Basis of Serbian military identity was ethnic and religious tradition. Aft er the World War I and disappearance of Serbian state, ethnic and religious structure in the newly formed Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was changed, which inevitably led to change of identity and traditions which were nurtured in the army. Social and political changes which occurred due to forming of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes caused the change of military tradition, and, consequently, of behavior of soldiers. The new army was not characterized only by changes in formation, organization or combat equipment, but also by changes in tradition and traditional values which were supposed to be nurtured, primarily because of maintaining cohesion of the army and its military, i.e. fighting morale. Numerous ethnic and religious problems which were deteriorating combat readiness of the Army of Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes / Yugoslavia contributed, along with other factors, that this army does not only get defeated during the April war, but that it disintegrates by itself.
CANZONE SERBA Prefazione, 2021
Francesco Leoncini (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) descrive i rapporti tra le due sponde dell’Ad... more Francesco Leoncini (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) descrive i rapporti tra le due sponde dell’Adriatico e, più in generale, il ruolo dei Balcani nella storia europea; Ljubinka Trgovčević (Università di Belgrado) traccia il percorso della Serbia durante la Grande guerra, dall’attentato di Sarajevo alla proclamazione della Jugoslavia; Miljan Milkić (Istituto di studi strategici, Belgrado) delinea la storia del fronte di Salonicco, in cui è ambientata Canzone serba; Luca Alteri (Università La Sapienza di Roma) spiega, infine, l’importanza nella cultura italiana delle canzoni come veicolo di espressione politica e sociale.
Experiences from the Army of the Kingdom of Serbia are the basis for the formation of religious s... more Experiences from the Army of the Kingdom of Serbia are the basis for the formation of religious service in the Army of Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Legal regulation of religious service in the army of Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes began on the Thessaloniki Front. In addition to the fact that soldiers of Orthodox, Muslim and Jewish denominations had their military priests, the arrival of volunteers of Roman Catholic and Protestant denominations during 1917 and 1918 influenced the Serbian Supreme Command to enact appropriate regulations governing their religious rights. In addition to these denominations, soldiers of all recognized religious communities in the country had the right to their religion in the Army Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Interethnic relations and the facilitation of religious freedom were of great importance for the functioning of the military, as well as for the development of combat morale. In his analysis, the author
starts from the fact that the Kingdom was a multinational and multi-religious state, burdened by numerous political, national and religious problems. In such a state, it was difficult to find solutions that would suit all religious communities in the Army. The large number of national and religious problems in the Army have led to the dissatisfaction of military priests of all faiths.
Vojnoistorijski glasnik , 2020
У чланку се анализирају покушаји југословенске и италијанске владе да одреде коначну линију нових... more У чланку се анализирају покушаји југословенске и италијанске владе да одреде коначну линију нових граница установљених Уговором о миру. На основу члана 5. Уговора о миру италијанска и југословенска влада имале су међународну обавезу да заједно дефинишу граничну линију. Покушаји одређивања дефинитивне граничне линије и прилагођавања границе локалним географским и економским условима били су праћени инцидентима на граници. Указује се на дипломатске контакте југословенских и италијанских
представника у циљу превазилажења проблема у вези са одређивањем коначне границе. Чланак је писан на основу необјављене архивске грађе из Дипломатског архива у Београду и Архива Југославије, објављених нормативних докумената и литературе на српском, хрватском и словеначком језику.
Vojnoistorijski glasnik, 2020
У чланку се анализирају оружани инциденти на Јадранском мору који су били последица уласка италиј... more У чланку се анализирају оружани инциденти на Јадранском мору који су били последица уласка италијанских рибарских бродова у југословенске територијалне воде. Аутор указује на политичке и безбедносне импликације нерешавања питања рибарења између Југославије и Италије. Чланак је писан на основу необјављене архивске грађе из Војног архива у Београду, Архива Југославије, Дипломатског архива у Београду, објављених нормативних докумената и литературе на српском, енглеском, словеначком и француском језику.
Ksenija Atanasijević: o meni će govoriti moja dela. , 2020
O filozofiji pacifizma Ksenije Atanasijević već je ranije pisano, a naša namera jeste da u ovom č... more O filozofiji pacifizma Ksenije Atanasijević već je ranije pisano, a naša namera jeste da u ovom članku kroz analizu njenih stavova o religiji kao pacifističkoj ideji ukažemo na razlike koje su u vezi sa tim pogledima postojale u vojsci kao jednoj od najznačajnijih državnih institucija. Da bismo bolјe razumeli vreme u kome je Ksenija Atanasijević stvarala i razvijala svoj koncept pacifizma, analiziraćemo najpre odnos države prema verskim zajednicama, a zatim i kako je religija shvatana u vojsci Kralјevine Jugoslavije. Religija je u vojsci bila veoma važna i ona je predstavlјala osnovu za vaspitanje vojnika u svemu što je dobro i plemenito. Religija je bila i osnova iz koje se stvara borbeni moral. Nasuprot ovakvim shvatanjima, Ksenija Atanasijević je u religiji pronalazili jednu od osnova za razvijanje ideje pacifizma. Ona je ukazivala na to da postoji sličnost svih verskih doktrina i smatrala da svi lјudi imaju zajedničko poreklo.
The Serbian Army formed the basis for the creation of an Army of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and... more The Serbian Army formed the basis for the creation of an Army of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, proclaimed on 1 December 1918. The first government was formed on 20 December and within it a joint Ministry of War and Navy was established. The Supreme Command of the Serbian Army became the Supreme Command of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The Army confronted the problems of establishing and protecting the borders of the new state, as well as many internal security problems. Therefore, the demobilization of the army was carried out in the period from 5 April to 5 May 1920. Before the general demobilization was declared, some were released from the Army. One of the specific categories of recruits were chaplains. The initiative for the release of all the chaplains from the Army was launched in November 1918. The main reason was the fact that during the First World War many parishes remained without priests. A large number of priests died or were killed. On 6 December 1918, the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Command proclaimed an order to release from the duties all chaplains in military units. Since the demobilization of the chaplains did not take place at the expected dynamics, intensive correspondence between the Metropolitan of the Serbian Church and the Army Minister took place during January, February and March 1919. In order to determine the number of demobilized military chaplains, it should be noted that the number of chaplains remaining in the Army by the end of the war cannot be determined on the basis of currently available documents and literature.
Vojnoistorijski glasnik, 2019
A bilateral agreement on military assistance was signed between the
Yugoslav and U.S. governments after months of negotiations on 14 November 1951. The agreement marked the beginning of the military assistance program. The goal of economic and military assistance from the United States, Britain, and France was to eliminate economic hardship and strengthen Yugoslavia's defense capabilities. Yugoslavia was a significant partner in the creation of defense plans, but Italy was a NATO member and bound by contractual obligations with other NATO members. The governments of the USA, Great Britain, and France had an interest in helping Yugoslavia, but had to align their interests with the interests of the Italian government. The deteriorating Yugoslav‐Italian relations led Western countries to approach the military assistance program to Yugoslavia with caution. This was because Yugoslavia, despite the conflict with Italy, was part of the military assistance program due to its strategic position and the respectable strength of the Yugoslav Army. The formation of a regional military alliance between Yugoslavia and two NATO countries (Greece and Turkey) had a positive impact on the advancement of Yugoslav‐U.S. military cooperation. The importance of resolving the issue of the Trieste crisis from a military point of view was often emphasized in discussions with representatives of the Yugoslav government.
KEYWORDS: Military Aid, Yugoslavia, Italy, USA, NATO, Trieste Crisis
Military Historical Review, Special Edition, 2019
The religious service in the Serbian Army during the First World War
was organized to facilitate the exercise of religious rights for the Serbian
Army members. It was the continuation of organizing religious services in the Serbian Army, which has institutionally started in 1839. Solutions adopted by the Serbian state and military authorities for regulating the rights of religious minorities in the Principality and Kingdom of Serbia provided unrestricted living and meeting the needs of members of all religious groups. Serbian Army chaplains were commissioned officers in military unites and in the hospitals. Chaplains minister to soldiers in spiritual support and they have an important role in moral guidance through formal teaching, counsel, and personal example. During the First World War, in the period from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918, the Serbian Army had 205 Orthodox parish priests, 24 hieromonks, two deacons with the rank of hierodeacon, two imams and a rabbi, which makes a total of 234 chaplains. The religious needs of soldiers in the Serbian Army were regulated through different segments of everyday life in the barracks and the military camp. Regulation of the religious needs of members of the Serbian Army of different confessions was aimed at strengthening the combat morale and creating the modern Serbian Army. With the arrival of a large number of volunteers on the Thessalonica front, the Serbian Army was increasingly becoming multinational and multiconfessional. There were more and more volunteers from Roman Catholic, Muslim, Protestant and Jewish faiths, who mostly declared themselves as Yugoslavs. Although until the end of the First World War, the Serbian military authorities did not have their military priests, their efforts to regulate the religious needs of soldiers of the Roman Catholic and Protestant faith represented an important basis for their institutional regulation in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The initiative for the release of all the chaplains from the Army was launched in November 1918. The reason for this was first of all because during the First World War many parishes remained without priests. A large number of priests died or were killed. On 6 December 1918, the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Command proclaimed an order to release from the duties all chaplains in military units. Since the demobilization of the chaplains did not take place with the expected dynamics, intensive correspondence between the Metropolitan of the Serbian Church and the Army Minister took place during January, February and March 1919.
KEY WORDS: Serbian Army, military chaplain, religious service, the First
World War, Thessaloniki Front.
Bătăliile de la Mărăşti, Mărăşeşti şi Oituz în dinamica Primului Război Mondial, 2018
Thepaper evaluates and discusses the position o f Serbian Army within the allied troops on the sa... more Thepaper evaluates and discusses the position o f Serbian Army within
the allied troops on the salonika Front in 1917. The role and position o f serbian army concerning the inter-allied tactics, techniques, andprocedures were crucial fo r military operations. some attention is paid to the roll o f British and France troops regarding the logistics support o f the serbian army. The serbian Navy Command, the serbian Am force and serbian military hospitals directly depended on British and France support. AIso, a certain number o f a llied soldiers were incorporated into serbian troops.
The use of Military Forces in Domestic Affairs: Lessons from the Past, Current Issues and Future Developments, 2018
The suppression of livestock diseases in the Julian Region and its surrounds between 1946 and 195... more The suppression of livestock diseases in the Julian Region and its surrounds between 1946 and 1954 reflected the specific status afforded to this region. Mindful of its foreign policy commitment to resolve the Trieste crisis by uniting the Julian Region, the Yugoslav government tried to protect its economic as well as political interests in the area through its fight against livestock diseases. Cooperation with the Allied Military Administration was initially hampered by the lack of adequate contractual obligations enabling cooperation, as well as by mutual mistrust. Although the Devin Agreement defined the modalities of cooperation between the two Military Administrations, the Yugoslav government started full-capacity cooperation only after the entry into force of the Peace Treaty in September 1947. Appropriate measures for the protection of animal diseases were applied at the border to Italy. The process of establishing the Free Territory of Trieste coincided with the restoration of Yugoslav-Italian diplomatic relations, which facilitated cooperation in the Julian Region quite considerably and introduced these new cooperative parameters into international legal frameworks. The engagement of the Yugoslav government in the fight against animal diseases in the Julian Region was based on Agreements between the Yugoslav Army Military Administration and the Allied Military Administration or it was present within the framework of the Yugoslav-Italian Bilateral Agreements.
Balcanica, 2018
The Serbian Army in the Chalkidiki in 1916 Organization and Deployment Abstract: The transportat... more The Serbian Army in the Chalkidiki in 1916 Organization and Deployment
Abstract: The transportation of the Serbian Army to the Chalkidiki and deployment on the Salonika front was part of the unique process of reorganizing, equipping, training and engaging the Serbian Army within the Allied coalition. Combining unpublished archival documents and the literature, this article analyzes military reasons and diplomatic circumstances in which the Serbian Army was deployed to the Chalkidiki and became part of the Allied military forces on the Salonika front. The most important part of this research are details related to the activity of the Serbian Military Mission in the Chalkidiki, which was tasked with making arrangements for receiving, accommodating and supplying the Serbian Army in the peninsula.
Keywords: Serbian Army, Chalkidiki, organization, formation, Serbian Military Mission, Salonika (Macedonian) front
The regulation of religious issues for Orthodox members of the Serbian Army was institutionally committed in the Military Law 1839. In the following years the religious issues were regulated for members of religious minorities in the Serbian Army (Muslims and Jews) who were primarily related to specific meals and the celebration of religious holidays. The First World War brought significant changes in connection with religious issues in the Serbian Army. For the first time members of religious minorities get their chaplains: the first military imam was appointed in 1914, and the military rabbi in 1916. The require for formal regulation of the religious needs of Roman Catholics and Protestants did not exist until the arrival of a large number of volunteers on the Thessaloniki front. These volunteers came from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, as well as from Australia and the United States. Their religious needs were first performed by Orthodox priests. The final solution was brought on 21 September 1918 with the agreement between the Serbian Army and the Allied Command. In accordance with agreement French priests perform religious service for Roman Catholics in the Serbian army. Regulatinons of the religious needs for Roman Catholic and Protestant soldiers was also important in the contents of the Serbian war goals aimed in creating of a new state.
In this article the author provides an analysis of the wartime career of Serbian Army chaplain Sv... more In this article the author provides an analysis of the wartime career of
Serbian Army chaplain Svetozar Ivošević. Serbian Army chaplains were
commissioned officers in military units and hospitals. Chaplains provided
soldiers with spiritual support and had an important role in moral guidance through formal teaching, counsel, and personal example. Ivošević’s wartime career was full of events and personalities, and he was a man of extraordinary energy. Based on the order of 12 October 1915, he was appointed military chaplain in the 5th Infantry Regiment Combined Division. After Serbian Army’s retreat through the Albanian mountains, his regiment arrived at the island of Corfu on 20 February 1916. According to the chaplains schedule of 27 March 1916, he was appointed a military chaplain in the 12th Infantry Regiment Šumadija Division. After the reorganization of the Serbian Army, Ivošević was enlisted as a military chaplain of the 24th Infantry Regiment Vardar Division. From the island of Corfu Ivošević went to the Thessaloniki Front on 11 May 1916. Due to a conflict with the deputy regiment commander, in March 1917 he was accused of selling bread to soldiers. In September 1917 he was awarded the Gold Medal for valuable service in the same regiment. On 9 June 1917 Svetozar Ivošević was appointed a military chaplain in the British General Hospital No 2 located in Sorović. The article includes the findings based on the unpublished diary written by Svetozar Ivošević, published legal documents and corresponding bibliography. The war diary of military chaplain Ivošević presents a reconstruction of his life, but also provides an insight into the activities of other chaplains, officers and soldiers during the First World War. Ivošević recorded in detail the events from 23 October 1915 to the last day of the war, 11 November 1918.
Keywords: Svetozar Ivošević, military chaplain, religious service, First World War, island of Corfu, Thessaloniki Front.
Miljan Milkić SOCIAL STATUS OF SERBIAN MILITARY CHAPLAINS, 1839–1918 The religious service in the... more Miljan Milkić
The religious service in the Army of the Principality and Kingdom of
Serbia institutionally started in 1839 by adopting the first Military Law.
Solutions adopted by the Serbian military authorities for facilitating the exercise of religious rights provided unrestricted living for all religious groups in the Serbian Army. The vast majority of the population in Serbia belonged to the Orthodox faith and the Serbian Church had the status of a state church. In the following years different laws and regulations were adopted and various segments of the religious service in the Serbian Army were regulated. Chaplains were government officials appointed by the King’s decree on the proposal of the Minister of War. The religious service in the Serbian Army was headed by a desk officer for confessional affairs in the Ministry of War. He was an orthodox priest with rotopresbyter rank. In order to understand the social status of Serbian military chaplains it is important to analyse their social background,
educational structure, financial income and personal skills. After the 1904 Military Law was adopted, Serbian military chaplains lost most of their rights. They could be only parttime Army members and their rank was not strictly determinate. The negative consequences of this Law were particularly manifest during the First World War. There were not enough trained chaplains, and there were no clear criteria for their selection. The social status of military chaplains was bad because of the financial problems they were facing.
There is an assessment dominating in Serbian historiography which says that the period from 1903 ... more There is an assessment dominating in Serbian historiography which says that the period from 1903 to 1914 represents “the golden age” of Serbian democracy.1 We can conclude that the army in such conditions could materially and morally become stronger and turn into one of the most respected institutions in the Kingdom of Serbia. Such an army was able to gain great victories during the Balkan Wars and in 1914. The Serbian Army was an important part of a complex internal political life, too.2 In order to understand national identity, tradition and moral in the Serbian Army during the First World War and especially in 1914, we need to introduce the following facts. In the summer of 1914 the Serbian state’s territory consisted of two clearly separate entities: the territory before the Balkan Wars (around 54 000 square kilometres with more than 3 million inhabitants) and the territory which was acquired in the Balkan Wars (around 33,000 square kilometres and 1.5 million inhabitants).3 For ...
Die Alpen im Kalten Krieg, 2012
Balcanica, 2018
The transportation of the Serbian Army to the Chalkidiki and deployment on the Salonika front was... more The transportation of the Serbian Army to the Chalkidiki and deployment on the Salonika front was part of the unique process of reorganizing, equipping, training and engaging the Serbian Army within the Allied coalition. Combining unpublished archival documents and the literature, this article analyzes military reasons and diplomatic circum?stances in which the Serbian Army was deployed to the Chalkidiki and became part of the Allied military forces on the Salonika front. The most important part of this research are details related to the activity of the Serbian Military Mission in the Chalkidiki, which was tasked with making arrangements for receiving, accommodating and supplying the Serbian Army in the peninsula.
80 година од избијања Другог светског рата на простору Југославије и страдања града Крагујевца: нови помаци или ревизије историје, 2021
The article analyzes the negotiations that began on 13 June 1945 in
Duino between the Yugoslav and Allied military representatives. The main
goal of the negotiations was to closely define the decisions in adopted by
signing the Belgrade Agreement on 9 June 1945. After difficult negotiations, the Duino Agreement was signed on 20 June 1945. The author points out the complex circumstances in which the negotiations took place. The article was written on the basis of documents from the Archives of Yugoslavia, published archival materials and literature. On the Yugoslav side, the negotiators in Duino were generals of the Yugoslav Army. During the negotiations with the allied military representatives, the Yugoslav generals tried to use all the arguments and all the influence that Yugoslavia had. They constantly emphasized the fact that Yugoslavia is an allied state, and Italy is an enemy, and that because of that, Yugoslavia and Italy do not have the same rights in the Venezia Giulia. Although the negotiations in Duino did not result in obtaining guarantees for the smooth operation of local people’s committees, nor in obtaining approval to increase the number of Yugoslav soldiers in the area under Allied occupation, which would significantly strengthen Yugoslavia’s position in Venezia Giulia, the Duino Agreement provided a good basis for the continuation of the diplomatic struggle at the peace conference.
Keywords: Venezia Giulia, Trieste, Yugoslavia, Duino Agreement, Great
Britain, United States of America.
Army is an inseparable part of the society, military tradition is part of the
folk tradition, and army, as a big system, also represents an integral part of national identity. Th is is especially noticeable in Serbian society in which the army holds special place and in which there is an interlacing of military and folk traditions, which is foremost refl ected in obeying Orthodox customs such as celebrating regimental Slava, ceremonies of fl ag sanctifi cation and taking an oath. Although the identity of the Serbian army was especially affirmed during the wars from 1912 till 1918, after the war, materialization of one of the Serbian government’s war goals was forming of joint South Slav state on December 1, 1918. Multiethnic and multiconfessional army was formed which had former members of Serbian, Montenegrin, Russian, Albanian and Austria-Hungarian armies in it, which led to changes in nurturing and development of military tradition. Basis of Serbian military identity was ethnic and religious tradition. Aft er the World War I and disappearance of Serbian state, ethnic and religious structure in the newly formed Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was changed, which inevitably led to change of identity and traditions which were nurtured in the army. Social and political changes which occurred due to forming of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes caused the change of military tradition, and, consequently, of behavior of soldiers. The new army was not characterized only by changes in formation, organization or combat equipment, but also by changes in tradition and traditional values which were supposed to be nurtured, primarily because of maintaining cohesion of the army and its military, i.e. fighting morale. Numerous ethnic and religious problems which were deteriorating combat readiness of the Army of Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes / Yugoslavia contributed, along with other factors, that this army does not only get defeated during the April war, but that it disintegrates by itself.
CANZONE SERBA Prefazione, 2021
Francesco Leoncini (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) descrive i rapporti tra le due sponde dell’Ad... more Francesco Leoncini (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) descrive i rapporti tra le due sponde dell’Adriatico e, più in generale, il ruolo dei Balcani nella storia europea; Ljubinka Trgovčević (Università di Belgrado) traccia il percorso della Serbia durante la Grande guerra, dall’attentato di Sarajevo alla proclamazione della Jugoslavia; Miljan Milkić (Istituto di studi strategici, Belgrado) delinea la storia del fronte di Salonicco, in cui è ambientata Canzone serba; Luca Alteri (Università La Sapienza di Roma) spiega, infine, l’importanza nella cultura italiana delle canzoni come veicolo di espressione politica e sociale.
Experiences from the Army of the Kingdom of Serbia are the basis for the formation of religious s... more Experiences from the Army of the Kingdom of Serbia are the basis for the formation of religious service in the Army of Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Legal regulation of religious service in the army of Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes began on the Thessaloniki Front. In addition to the fact that soldiers of Orthodox, Muslim and Jewish denominations had their military priests, the arrival of volunteers of Roman Catholic and Protestant denominations during 1917 and 1918 influenced the Serbian Supreme Command to enact appropriate regulations governing their religious rights. In addition to these denominations, soldiers of all recognized religious communities in the country had the right to their religion in the Army Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Interethnic relations and the facilitation of religious freedom were of great importance for the functioning of the military, as well as for the development of combat morale. In his analysis, the author
starts from the fact that the Kingdom was a multinational and multi-religious state, burdened by numerous political, national and religious problems. In such a state, it was difficult to find solutions that would suit all religious communities in the Army. The large number of national and religious problems in the Army have led to the dissatisfaction of military priests of all faiths.
Vojnoistorijski glasnik , 2020
У чланку се анализирају покушаји југословенске и италијанске владе да одреде коначну линију нових... more У чланку се анализирају покушаји југословенске и италијанске владе да одреде коначну линију нових граница установљених Уговором о миру. На основу члана 5. Уговора о миру италијанска и југословенска влада имале су међународну обавезу да заједно дефинишу граничну линију. Покушаји одређивања дефинитивне граничне линије и прилагођавања границе локалним географским и економским условима били су праћени инцидентима на граници. Указује се на дипломатске контакте југословенских и италијанских
представника у циљу превазилажења проблема у вези са одређивањем коначне границе. Чланак је писан на основу необјављене архивске грађе из Дипломатског архива у Београду и Архива Југославије, објављених нормативних докумената и литературе на српском, хрватском и словеначком језику.
Vojnoistorijski glasnik, 2020
У чланку се анализирају оружани инциденти на Јадранском мору који су били последица уласка италиј... more У чланку се анализирају оружани инциденти на Јадранском мору који су били последица уласка италијанских рибарских бродова у југословенске територијалне воде. Аутор указује на политичке и безбедносне импликације нерешавања питања рибарења између Југославије и Италије. Чланак је писан на основу необјављене архивске грађе из Војног архива у Београду, Архива Југославије, Дипломатског архива у Београду, објављених нормативних докумената и литературе на српском, енглеском, словеначком и француском језику.
Ksenija Atanasijević: o meni će govoriti moja dela. , 2020
O filozofiji pacifizma Ksenije Atanasijević već je ranije pisano, a naša namera jeste da u ovom č... more O filozofiji pacifizma Ksenije Atanasijević već je ranije pisano, a naša namera jeste da u ovom članku kroz analizu njenih stavova o religiji kao pacifističkoj ideji ukažemo na razlike koje su u vezi sa tim pogledima postojale u vojsci kao jednoj od najznačajnijih državnih institucija. Da bismo bolјe razumeli vreme u kome je Ksenija Atanasijević stvarala i razvijala svoj koncept pacifizma, analiziraćemo najpre odnos države prema verskim zajednicama, a zatim i kako je religija shvatana u vojsci Kralјevine Jugoslavije. Religija je u vojsci bila veoma važna i ona je predstavlјala osnovu za vaspitanje vojnika u svemu što je dobro i plemenito. Religija je bila i osnova iz koje se stvara borbeni moral. Nasuprot ovakvim shvatanjima, Ksenija Atanasijević je u religiji pronalazili jednu od osnova za razvijanje ideje pacifizma. Ona je ukazivala na to da postoji sličnost svih verskih doktrina i smatrala da svi lјudi imaju zajedničko poreklo.
The Serbian Army formed the basis for the creation of an Army of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and... more The Serbian Army formed the basis for the creation of an Army of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, proclaimed on 1 December 1918. The first government was formed on 20 December and within it a joint Ministry of War and Navy was established. The Supreme Command of the Serbian Army became the Supreme Command of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The Army confronted the problems of establishing and protecting the borders of the new state, as well as many internal security problems. Therefore, the demobilization of the army was carried out in the period from 5 April to 5 May 1920. Before the general demobilization was declared, some were released from the Army. One of the specific categories of recruits were chaplains. The initiative for the release of all the chaplains from the Army was launched in November 1918. The main reason was the fact that during the First World War many parishes remained without priests. A large number of priests died or were killed. On 6 December 1918, the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Command proclaimed an order to release from the duties all chaplains in military units. Since the demobilization of the chaplains did not take place at the expected dynamics, intensive correspondence between the Metropolitan of the Serbian Church and the Army Minister took place during January, February and March 1919. In order to determine the number of demobilized military chaplains, it should be noted that the number of chaplains remaining in the Army by the end of the war cannot be determined on the basis of currently available documents and literature.
Vojnoistorijski glasnik, 2019
A bilateral agreement on military assistance was signed between the
Yugoslav and U.S. governments after months of negotiations on 14 November 1951. The agreement marked the beginning of the military assistance program. The goal of economic and military assistance from the United States, Britain, and France was to eliminate economic hardship and strengthen Yugoslavia's defense capabilities. Yugoslavia was a significant partner in the creation of defense plans, but Italy was a NATO member and bound by contractual obligations with other NATO members. The governments of the USA, Great Britain, and France had an interest in helping Yugoslavia, but had to align their interests with the interests of the Italian government. The deteriorating Yugoslav‐Italian relations led Western countries to approach the military assistance program to Yugoslavia with caution. This was because Yugoslavia, despite the conflict with Italy, was part of the military assistance program due to its strategic position and the respectable strength of the Yugoslav Army. The formation of a regional military alliance between Yugoslavia and two NATO countries (Greece and Turkey) had a positive impact on the advancement of Yugoslav‐U.S. military cooperation. The importance of resolving the issue of the Trieste crisis from a military point of view was often emphasized in discussions with representatives of the Yugoslav government.
KEYWORDS: Military Aid, Yugoslavia, Italy, USA, NATO, Trieste Crisis
Military Historical Review, Special Edition, 2019
The religious service in the Serbian Army during the First World War
was organized to facilitate the exercise of religious rights for the Serbian
Army members. It was the continuation of organizing religious services in the Serbian Army, which has institutionally started in 1839. Solutions adopted by the Serbian state and military authorities for regulating the rights of religious minorities in the Principality and Kingdom of Serbia provided unrestricted living and meeting the needs of members of all religious groups. Serbian Army chaplains were commissioned officers in military unites and in the hospitals. Chaplains minister to soldiers in spiritual support and they have an important role in moral guidance through formal teaching, counsel, and personal example. During the First World War, in the period from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918, the Serbian Army had 205 Orthodox parish priests, 24 hieromonks, two deacons with the rank of hierodeacon, two imams and a rabbi, which makes a total of 234 chaplains. The religious needs of soldiers in the Serbian Army were regulated through different segments of everyday life in the barracks and the military camp. Regulation of the religious needs of members of the Serbian Army of different confessions was aimed at strengthening the combat morale and creating the modern Serbian Army. With the arrival of a large number of volunteers on the Thessalonica front, the Serbian Army was increasingly becoming multinational and multiconfessional. There were more and more volunteers from Roman Catholic, Muslim, Protestant and Jewish faiths, who mostly declared themselves as Yugoslavs. Although until the end of the First World War, the Serbian military authorities did not have their military priests, their efforts to regulate the religious needs of soldiers of the Roman Catholic and Protestant faith represented an important basis for their institutional regulation in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The initiative for the release of all the chaplains from the Army was launched in November 1918. The reason for this was first of all because during the First World War many parishes remained without priests. A large number of priests died or were killed. On 6 December 1918, the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Command proclaimed an order to release from the duties all chaplains in military units. Since the demobilization of the chaplains did not take place with the expected dynamics, intensive correspondence between the Metropolitan of the Serbian Church and the Army Minister took place during January, February and March 1919.
KEY WORDS: Serbian Army, military chaplain, religious service, the First
World War, Thessaloniki Front.
Bătăliile de la Mărăşti, Mărăşeşti şi Oituz în dinamica Primului Război Mondial, 2018
Thepaper evaluates and discusses the position o f Serbian Army within the allied troops on the sa... more Thepaper evaluates and discusses the position o f Serbian Army within
the allied troops on the salonika Front in 1917. The role and position o f serbian army concerning the inter-allied tactics, techniques, andprocedures were crucial fo r military operations. some attention is paid to the roll o f British and France troops regarding the logistics support o f the serbian army. The serbian Navy Command, the serbian Am force and serbian military hospitals directly depended on British and France support. AIso, a certain number o f a llied soldiers were incorporated into serbian troops.
The use of Military Forces in Domestic Affairs: Lessons from the Past, Current Issues and Future Developments, 2018
The suppression of livestock diseases in the Julian Region and its surrounds between 1946 and 195... more The suppression of livestock diseases in the Julian Region and its surrounds between 1946 and 1954 reflected the specific status afforded to this region. Mindful of its foreign policy commitment to resolve the Trieste crisis by uniting the Julian Region, the Yugoslav government tried to protect its economic as well as political interests in the area through its fight against livestock diseases. Cooperation with the Allied Military Administration was initially hampered by the lack of adequate contractual obligations enabling cooperation, as well as by mutual mistrust. Although the Devin Agreement defined the modalities of cooperation between the two Military Administrations, the Yugoslav government started full-capacity cooperation only after the entry into force of the Peace Treaty in September 1947. Appropriate measures for the protection of animal diseases were applied at the border to Italy. The process of establishing the Free Territory of Trieste coincided with the restoration of Yugoslav-Italian diplomatic relations, which facilitated cooperation in the Julian Region quite considerably and introduced these new cooperative parameters into international legal frameworks. The engagement of the Yugoslav government in the fight against animal diseases in the Julian Region was based on Agreements between the Yugoslav Army Military Administration and the Allied Military Administration or it was present within the framework of the Yugoslav-Italian Bilateral Agreements.
Balcanica, 2018
The Serbian Army in the Chalkidiki in 1916 Organization and Deployment Abstract: The transportat... more The Serbian Army in the Chalkidiki in 1916 Organization and Deployment
Abstract: The transportation of the Serbian Army to the Chalkidiki and deployment on the Salonika front was part of the unique process of reorganizing, equipping, training and engaging the Serbian Army within the Allied coalition. Combining unpublished archival documents and the literature, this article analyzes military reasons and diplomatic circumstances in which the Serbian Army was deployed to the Chalkidiki and became part of the Allied military forces on the Salonika front. The most important part of this research are details related to the activity of the Serbian Military Mission in the Chalkidiki, which was tasked with making arrangements for receiving, accommodating and supplying the Serbian Army in the peninsula.
Keywords: Serbian Army, Chalkidiki, organization, formation, Serbian Military Mission, Salonika (Macedonian) front
The regulation of religious issues for Orthodox members of the Serbian Army was institutionally committed in the Military Law 1839. In the following years the religious issues were regulated for members of religious minorities in the Serbian Army (Muslims and Jews) who were primarily related to specific meals and the celebration of religious holidays. The First World War brought significant changes in connection with religious issues in the Serbian Army. For the first time members of religious minorities get their chaplains: the first military imam was appointed in 1914, and the military rabbi in 1916. The require for formal regulation of the religious needs of Roman Catholics and Protestants did not exist until the arrival of a large number of volunteers on the Thessaloniki front. These volunteers came from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, as well as from Australia and the United States. Their religious needs were first performed by Orthodox priests. The final solution was brought on 21 September 1918 with the agreement between the Serbian Army and the Allied Command. In accordance with agreement French priests perform religious service for Roman Catholics in the Serbian army. Regulatinons of the religious needs for Roman Catholic and Protestant soldiers was also important in the contents of the Serbian war goals aimed in creating of a new state.
In this article the author provides an analysis of the wartime career of Serbian Army chaplain Sv... more In this article the author provides an analysis of the wartime career of
Serbian Army chaplain Svetozar Ivošević. Serbian Army chaplains were
commissioned officers in military units and hospitals. Chaplains provided
soldiers with spiritual support and had an important role in moral guidance through formal teaching, counsel, and personal example. Ivošević’s wartime career was full of events and personalities, and he was a man of extraordinary energy. Based on the order of 12 October 1915, he was appointed military chaplain in the 5th Infantry Regiment Combined Division. After Serbian Army’s retreat through the Albanian mountains, his regiment arrived at the island of Corfu on 20 February 1916. According to the chaplains schedule of 27 March 1916, he was appointed a military chaplain in the 12th Infantry Regiment Šumadija Division. After the reorganization of the Serbian Army, Ivošević was enlisted as a military chaplain of the 24th Infantry Regiment Vardar Division. From the island of Corfu Ivošević went to the Thessaloniki Front on 11 May 1916. Due to a conflict with the deputy regiment commander, in March 1917 he was accused of selling bread to soldiers. In September 1917 he was awarded the Gold Medal for valuable service in the same regiment. On 9 June 1917 Svetozar Ivošević was appointed a military chaplain in the British General Hospital No 2 located in Sorović. The article includes the findings based on the unpublished diary written by Svetozar Ivošević, published legal documents and corresponding bibliography. The war diary of military chaplain Ivošević presents a reconstruction of his life, but also provides an insight into the activities of other chaplains, officers and soldiers during the First World War. Ivošević recorded in detail the events from 23 October 1915 to the last day of the war, 11 November 1918.
Keywords: Svetozar Ivošević, military chaplain, religious service, First World War, island of Corfu, Thessaloniki Front.
Miljan Milkić SOCIAL STATUS OF SERBIAN MILITARY CHAPLAINS, 1839–1918 The religious service in the... more Miljan Milkić
The religious service in the Army of the Principality and Kingdom of
Serbia institutionally started in 1839 by adopting the first Military Law.
Solutions adopted by the Serbian military authorities for facilitating the exercise of religious rights provided unrestricted living for all religious groups in the Serbian Army. The vast majority of the population in Serbia belonged to the Orthodox faith and the Serbian Church had the status of a state church. In the following years different laws and regulations were adopted and various segments of the religious service in the Serbian Army were regulated. Chaplains were government officials appointed by the King’s decree on the proposal of the Minister of War. The religious service in the Serbian Army was headed by a desk officer for confessional affairs in the Ministry of War. He was an orthodox priest with rotopresbyter rank. In order to understand the social status of Serbian military chaplains it is important to analyse their social background,
educational structure, financial income and personal skills. After the 1904 Military Law was adopted, Serbian military chaplains lost most of their rights. They could be only parttime Army members and their rank was not strictly determinate. The negative consequences of this Law were particularly manifest during the First World War. There were not enough trained chaplains, and there were no clear criteria for their selection. The social status of military chaplains was bad because of the financial problems they were facing.
THE GREAT WAR 1914-1918 The Kingdom of Serbia, the United States of America, and the Serbian Ame... more THE GREAT WAR 1914-1918
The Kingdom of Serbia, the United States of America, and the Serbian American Diaspora
This anthology commemorates the centennial of “An Appeal to Americans to Pray for Serbians” issued July 26, 1918 by the administration of President Woodrow Wilson. The appeal recognized the four years of struggle, hardship and sacrifice of the Serbian people following the July 28, 1914 declaration of war by Austria-Hungary.
This book is dedicated to the Great War, an event that shook the world one hundred years ago. Within this vast historical frame-work, this book focuses on the relationship between two Allies—the Kingdom of Serbia and the United States of America, including the role of the Serbian American Diaspora. In the longer historical perspective, World War One, World War Two and the Cold War appear as three global events marking the 20th century and changing the world at the threshold of the new Millennium.
The chapters in this book deal with general issues regarding Serbia’s role in the Great War, beginning with the event that would trigger the war and put the small town of Sarajevo on the world map. An exceptional chapter in this book is dedicated to Serbian American war volunteers, who began enlisting and going to war-torn Serbia and Montenegro in 1914.
This book offers a wealth of information as well as a fascinating narrative of the human urge to resist, survive, and be free to live and love. It provides insights into the relations between two countries – the Kingdom of Serbia and the United States of America.
Trieste Crisis in the Context of Military and Political Relations between Yugoslavia and Great Po... more Trieste Crisis in the Context of Military and Political Relations between Yugoslavia and Great Powers 1943–1947
Trieste Crisis in the Context of Military and Political Relations between Yugoslavia and Great Powers 1943–1947 Upon the entry of the Yugoslav Army into Trieste on May 1, 1945, the crisis in relations among the Great Powers started. This crisis included finding solutions for geopolitical and strategical issues. The consequences of the unfulfilled expectations of American and British commandants related to the dynamics of liberating Italy and being late in leading military operations in fall 1944 created the conditions for the Yugoslav Army to liberate Trieste before the arrival of the allied troops. The Allies lost “race for Trieste”, and by entering Yugoslav armed forces in Venezia Giulia, the first crisis among Anti-fascist coalition started. Yugoslav territorial pretensions towards Venezia Giulia and the formation of the Allied Military Government were the topics on Allies Conferences in the period from 1943 to 1945. With the end of th e World War II, the differences among American, British and Soviet governments were becoming more and more obvious in relation to the territorial status of Venezia Giulia. In the period from May to June 1945, the survival of coalition bet ween the Soviet Union, the USA and the United Kingdom was seriously jeopardized. The American and British governments faced communication problems with the Soviet government and the arrangements about the sphere of interests were called into question. In June 1945, the British Prime Minister and the American and Soviet presidents exchanged letters in which the beginning of the Cold War could be perceived. Trieste crisis could be seen as the first Cold War crisis. Diplomatic consequences of military operations in Venezia Giulia were expressed through seriously jeopardized relations between the Yugoslav Government on one side and the American and British governments on the other. The possibility of an armed attack at the Yugoslav army was also taken into consideration. Trieste crisis was temporary pacified by signing Belgrade Agreement on June 9, 1945 between Yugoslavia on one side and the USA and the United Kingdom on the other. Duino Agreement, which was signed on June 20, 1945, contained military issues from the Belgrade Agreement. Venezia Giulia became an occupied territory divided between the Anglo-American and Yugoslav and B Zone. The final status solution for this area was supposed to be considered at the peace conference. Policies and strategies in solving Trieste issue in the period from 1945 to 1947 were presented in a two-level analysis. The first level represented the relation between the Great Powers and the main participants of the crisis – the Italian and Yugoslav governments. The second level included the relations between the Italian and Yugoslav governments in the process of solving the Trieste issue. In the beginning of the Yugoslav conflict with the Western Allies, the Soviet Government did not have a clear attitude towards it. However, messages that the Soviet Government was sending to Belgrade in May and June 1945 clearly pointed out that a more acute conflict towards the Anglo-American policy will not arise. The Trieste crisis, which arose as a crisis between Yugoslavia and the Western Allies and went on to cause a conflict between the Great Powers took on a whole new dimension at the end of the war. The entry of Yugoslav troops into Trieste reawakened the old territorial dispute between Yugoslavia and Italy, which had sparked off upon the termination of the World War I. During the WWII, one of the major foreign policy aims, supported by both the royal government in London and by Yugoslav communists in the occupied Yugoslavia, was the revision of the north-west borders (towards Italy and Austria) and redefinition of the status of Venezia Giulia. Under altered circumstances in the wake of the WWII where Yugoslavia was a winner in the war and Italy the defeated, the struggle for domination on the territory of Venezia Giulia continued. In this struggle, the Italian government enjoyed the support of the American and British governments. On the other hand, Yugoslav diplomacy could not count on an unqualified support of the Soviet government in carrying out its policy. The British Prime Minister and the American president, Churchill and Truman took over the initiative for solving Trieste issue after signing Belgrade and Duino Agreements. International circumstances at the time were not favourable for Yugoslavia. Based on diplomatic reports, Yugoslav government was informed that the Foreign Office and the State Department believed that integrating Trieste into Yugoslavia means its cession to the Soviet Union. During the Potsdam Conference, it was decided that the Yugoslav issue should be transferred to the Council of Foreign Ministers of Five Great Powers (the USA, the Soviet Union, the UK, France and China). The Council of Ministers did not have a common attitude about the Trieste issue. The American and British governments were against Trieste being integrated into Yugoslavia, the Chinese and French governments were indecisive; there was only some support from the Soviet Government. During the preparations for the Council of Foreign Ministers conference which started on September 18, 1945 in London, the Yugoslav Government agreed on the standpoint that the whole Venezia Giulia should come under Yugoslavia. Trieste should be under Yugoslav sovereignty with full city administration autonomy. During the Second Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers in Paris from June 15 to July 15, the Council presented solution for Venezia Giulia. The Commission which should work on a possible solution for the status of Free Territory of Trieste was formed. Integrity of the Free Territory of Trieste was guaranteed by the United Nations Security Council. Plenary Session of Peace Conference was held from July 29 to October 15, 1946, in Paris. During that Conference, the Italian and Yugoslav delegations tried to prove historical, ethnical, geographic and economic reasons for merging Venezia Giulia with either of them. Yugoslav delegation was well prepared and had strong arguments, but those arguments were not very helpful. In New York, from November 4 to December 12, 1946, the Conference of Ministers aimed at the preparation of the final texts of peace contracts with Italy and Axis satellite countries was held. Paris Peace Treaty with Italy was signed by twenty countries on February 10, 1947, and this Treaty entered into force on September 15, 1947. The status of Venezia Giulia was regulated in formal legal terms. However, the political problem was not solved because neither the Yugoslav Government nor the Italian one was satisfied. Pursuant to the decisions of the Peace Treaty, the Free Territory of Trieste was established. This territory was put under the authority of an international governor and the supervision of the UN Security Council. The Free Territory of Trieste assumed that since the day of Peace Treaty enforcement, the Free Territory of Trieste had all the attributes of statehood and capability to carry out an independent foreign policy. Demilitarization of the Free Territory of Trieste assumed that since the day of the Peace Treaty enforcement, the total number of military troops deployed in this territory must not exceed 5,000 militaries from the Great Britain, the USA and Yugoslavia each. The number of militaries would be put under the command of the governor of the Free Territory for the period of 90 days. After the expiration of this period, the troops were to withdraw from the territory, unless the governor assessed their presence necessary. Due to the impossibility to reach an agreement between Yugoslavia and Italy on the appointment of the governor, the Governor of the Free Territory of Trieste was not elected. Therefore, the presence of Yugoslav and Anglo-American troops was extended until the final solution of the Trieste crisis in October 1954. The relations between the Yugoslav and Italian governments in the period between 1945 and 1947 in connection with the Trieste issue were based on testing each other’s strength and trying out tactics. The conditions for the establishment of direct negotiations were created after February 26, 1947 when the Yugoslav Minister of Foreign Affairs, Simić gave instructions that all Yugoslav embassies, representative bodies, consulates and delegations were allowed to have direct contacts with Italian diplomatic and consular representative bodies. However, direct Yugoslav-Italian negotiations on the Trieste issue were not arranged.
by Dušan Fundić, Vojislav G Pavlovic, Árpád Hornyák, Miljan Milkic, Giovanni Belluscio, Areti Demosthenous, Dragan Bakić, Elli Lemonidou, Vlasis Vlasidis, Radmila Pejić, and Dusan T. Batakovic
International Conference "South-East Europe and the Great War History Memory Legacy"/"Le Sud-Est ... more International Conference "South-East Europe and the Great War History Memory Legacy"/"Le Sud-Est européen et la Grand Guerre. Histoire, mémoire, héritage", Institute for Balkan Studies Serbian Academy fo Sciences and Arts, Association Internationale d'Etudes du Sud-Est Europeen, Belgrade, 7-8 December 2017.