Mimin Sahmini - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Mimin Sahmini
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia), Aug 11, 2021
This research is entitled Analysis of Poetry entitled “Kubaca Bisa” by Abdul Wachid. This researc... more This research is entitled Analysis of Poetry entitled “Kubaca Bisa” by Abdul Wachid. This research is a form of contribution to the scientific development of Indonesian Language and Literature in analyzing poetry. This study aims to describe and interpret the language style used in the poem entitled "Kubaca bisa" by Abdul Wachid. This research belongs to the type of qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques in this study using content analysis. The validity of the data in this study is centered on theory and uses interactive techniques, namely the data reduction stage, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Every poem has its own use of language. As the results of this study which show that the poem "Kubaca Bisa" contains metaphors, parallelism, rhetoric, hyperbole to alliteration. The style of language used in the poem aims to emphasize the meaning of the poem.
Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa, 2019
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia), Nov 24, 2018
Use mix code be trend by users various kinds of social media including social media facebook. Wit... more Use mix code be trend by users various kinds of social media including social media facebook. With thereby increasingly many people started learn language foreigners. Use language foreigners are not free from influence mix code background by attitude speaker and language. Researchers choose 24 people in the village Cinerang on month February 2018 on social media Facebook many finding status or result data posts that use language foreigners. Research this aim for describe mix code on facebook status of 24 people in the village Cinerang on month February 2018 taken data from results observation. Method The research is descriptive qualitative. Research data in the form of facebook status of 24 people in the village Cinerang on month February 2018. Based on results research is known that mix code contained in facebook media status of 24 people in the village Cinerang on month The February 2018 in the form of words, phrases, baster, expression, and clause. Mix code the caused by attitude factor speaker and language and could knowing impact positive and negative from pengg unaan mix code in sosi al media facebook.
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia), May 5, 2018
Literary works are the media used by the author in conveying ideas, experiences to be conveyed to... more Literary works are the media used by the author in conveying ideas, experiences to be conveyed to the reader. In addition, literary works can also be found in the intrectextual relationship between one literary work with other literary works. The purpose of this study is to know how the intertextual relationship between the novel "Dilan he is Dilanku 1990", "Dilan he is Dilanku 1991," and novel "Milea sounds from Dilan" by Pidi Baiq, where the three novels have intertextual relationships in the theme, the background, the plot, the character, the style, the point of view, and the message. Based on the results of the study, there is an intertextual relationship between the novel "Dilan he is Dilanku 1990," novel "Dilan he is Dilanku 1991," and the novel "Milea Dilan hearts of heart," in terms of themes, viewpoints and backgrounds used in the three novels. The equations of the three novels is the theme of romance. The method used in this research is descriptive method that is the method that describes the contents of the three novels reviewed.
Journal on Education, Oct 27, 2021
The title of this research is the analysis of figurative language in the poem "Dalam Diriku" by S... more The title of this research is the analysis of figurative language in the poem "Dalam Diriku" by Sapardi Djoko Darmono. This research is a form of appreciation for literary works, especially poetry in the context of developing Indonesian language and literature. This study aims to describe and interpret the use of language style in the poem entitled "Dalam Diriku" by Sapardi Djoko Darmono. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The technique for collecting data in this study used content analysis in the poem. This research explains phenomena throught the process of observing cases or phenomena, then being interpreted, interpreted, and then formulating conclusions. The use of language style is a component that often exists in works of fiction and nonfiction in Indonesian. The results of this study show that the poem "Dalam Diriku" contains repetition, metaphor, personification, paradox to hyperbole language styles. The use of language style in the poem needs to be known as the beauty of the effect in a story so that it seems lively and interesting so that the message contained in it is easier to understand.
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research), Nov 13, 2019
This research applies behavioristic learning theory in learning to write short stories with liter... more This research applies behavioristic learning theory in learning to write short stories with literary engineering. In this research it is expected that students will be skilled in writing short stories through literary engineering to foster imagination and ideas that will be written by students in short story writing activities. This research is based on the problem that a student has difficulty writing something that he feels and thinks in written form. Most students express their experiences more easily by speaking in terms of them, students rarely pour into written form. Another problem related to student creativity in writing activities is that many students who complain when getting a writing assignment from the lecturer are very annoying. This is because students do not know where to start and what to do in writing activities. Feelings of fear have become a scourge for students now in writing activities. This research method uses quantitative methods with experiments, in which researchers will provide implementation of the behavioristic approach in learning to write short stories with literary engineering. The results of this study indicate that students are more skilled at writing with literary engineering, where literary works in the form of poetry are changed by students in the form of short stories. As for the stages of each short story based on the experience of students both directly and indirectly into the short story. The learning process was very enjoyable and the students felt honed their talents and interests through this activity. An overflowing of feelings, hopes, and ideals is reflected in the writing of the students so that it helps the lecturer to hone the interests and talents of the students.
Jurnal gramatika, Apr 18, 2023
Students have difficulties in learning to analyze the drama text, from the initial observation do... more Students have difficulties in learning to analyze the drama text, from the initial observation done by the writer, the students consider the learning of analyzing the drama is easy learning, so the students tend to be lazy to learn and study it, the students feel that learning to analyze the drama text is easy to learn because the material has been studied when in junior high . Reciprocal Teaching method will be suitable for learning in analyzing drama text and increasing student independence. The method requires students to actively seek the material first to be delivered back to the students in front of the class The research method used by the researcher is a qualitative method: Pre-Experimental design with One-Group Pretest-Postes Design research design. This method is done by taking preliminary data in the form of pre-test before the treatment, it is intended to measure the ability of students first to then be given treatment that is the application of learning by using methods...
Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah tidak semua orang tua dapat memberikan tuntunan kepada anakny... more Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah tidak semua orang tua dapat memberikan tuntunan kepada anaknya dalam menikmati tontonan televise sehingga membutuhkan tim kreatif yang berkompeten untuk memilah tayangan televisi dan disuguhkan dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan tidak menyimpang dari kaidah kebahasaan. Maraknya bahasa gaul, alay, dan bahasa yang tidak santun dalam media televise merupakan salah satu penyebaran bahasa yang berdampak negatif bagi pemertahanan bahasa Indonesia. Membudayanya bahasa gaul di masyarakat dapat melunturkan kecintaan terhadap bahasa Indonesia sehingga hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan permasalahan di bidang bahasa dalam pemertahanan bahasa Indonesia. Jika diperhatikan, kehidupan remaja di lingkungan sekitar, dapat dilihat bahwa karakter seseorang dapat diketahui dari bagaimana ia berbahasa. Karena itu, ada pepatah yang mengatakan bahwa bahasa menunjukkan bangsa dan bahasa merupakan jati diri bangsa. Penggunaan bahasa yang baik dan benar berpengaruh pada presti seseseorang. Oleh karena itu, bahasa memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Sebagai satu-satunya bahasa nasional, kedudukan bahasa Indonesia tidak tergantikan oleh bahasa lainnya. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui keterkaitan pengaruh bahasa media televise terhadap karakter mahasiswa melalui tulisan bergenre fiksi, cerpen; (2) mengetahui dampak penggunaan bahasa media televise pada karakter mahasiswa dalam menulis cerpen di STKIP Siliwangi; (3) mengetahui upaya untuk mempertahankan bahasa Indonesia agar tidak luntur dengan kemunculan bahasa alay. Tentu saja hal ini sangat penting sebagai wujud pemertahanan. Penggunaan bahasa yang baik dan benar, memupuk kebanggaan terhadap bahasa sendiri, tidak mudah terpengaruh oleh bahasa luar yang belum tentu baik untuk digunakan, dan menyadarkan kesetiaan berbahasa. Penelitian ini dilakukan melaui metode kualitatif pendekatan studi kasus intinsik. Dalam hal ini peneliti menelaah suatu kasus penggunaan bahasa media televisi sebagai upaya pemertahanan bahasa bagi generasi mendatang dari kemunculan bahasa alay dan perbaikan karakter remaja melalui kegiatan menulis cerpen. Adapun data didapat dari teknik pengamatan. Peneliti mengumpulkan perbendaharaan kosa kata dalam korpus data, selanjutnya dilakukan pengamatan melalui menulis cerpen yang penjabarannya dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam penelitian kualitatif langkah-langkah atau tahapan-tahapan itu secara garis besar dibagi ke dalam tiga bagian, yaitu; 1)Tahapanpersiapan/pralapangan, 2) Tahapan pekerjaan lapangan, dan 3) Tahapan analisis data. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pihak terkait agar seluruh tayangan di media televisi menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan sesuai dengan kaidah kebahasaan sebagai upaya pemertahanan bahasa Indonesia yang diseminarkan dalam temu ilmiah, diterbitkan dalam jurnal, dan menghasilkan bahan ajar dalam rumpun keterampilan berbahasa. Kata kunci: bahasa media televisi, perkembangan karakter, menulis, cerpen
Semantik: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Sep 23, 2022
This research is motivated by the low literacy skills of students in Indonesia. As reported by El... more This research is motivated by the low literacy skills of students in Indonesia. As reported by El-Fikri (2018) that Indonesian people's interest in reading and writing is still low, even in the ASEAN region Indonesia's ranking in this aspect is only above Cambodia and Laos. If the literacy problem is left unchecked and there is no movement that is able to target the right target to make the community and students aware, then this problem will continue to intertwine and get worse. This is a setback for the Indonesian people. Students who are creative in writing will grow into students who have a future. The results of his writings can be a motivation for him to be more creative in writing. The purpose of this study was to find out the description and steps of learning to write using the quantum learning method with hypnosis as an effort to strengthen character through moral messages in the short stories written. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, in this study the researcher describes the picture of learning to write short stories using the quantum learning method with hypnosis and describes the results of the analysis of character values through moral messages in their values. The results of this study produce students who are skilled in writing and have superior characters.
Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa, 2019
Pengembangan bahasa Indonesia bertujuan agar bahasa Indonesia berkembang menjadi bahasa yang satu... more Pengembangan bahasa Indonesia bertujuan agar bahasa Indonesia berkembang menjadi bahasa yang satu, baku, modern, dan cendekia. Pemodernan bahasa dapat diartikan sebagai pemutakhiran bahasa sehingga dia benar-benar memiliki fungsi termasa. Bahasa yang demikianlah yang mampu memenuhi tuntutan kehidupan modern. Tujuan pengembangan agar bahasa Indonesia menjadi bahasa yang cendekia menitikberatkan ketepatgunaan bahasa Indonesia dalam mencerminkan logika penuturnya. Dalam pemutakhiran bahasa di era industri 4.0 tentu saja harus memerhatikan kesantunan dalam berbahasa. Bahasa santun merupakan karakter yang melekat pada diri seseorang, dan ini akan menjadi ciri khas bangsa secara menasional. Kesantunan tidak hanya diterapkan dalam tuturan namun dalam tulisan di media sosial kita pun harus utamakan, karena tulisan di media sosial menjadi ciri kepribadian si penutur. Tentunya tuturan baik akan berdampak positif dan memberi banyak peluang pekerjaan baik secara kedinasan maupun kewirausahaan di era industri 4.0. Dengan demikian, peneliti ingin melakukan kajian tentang kesantunan berbahasa pada media sosial di era industri 4.0. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memberi informasi tentang etika berbahasa di media sosial. Sehingga dapat mengurangi permasalahan dalam kejahatan verba yang berdampak pada kejadian buruk yang tidak kita harapkan. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, di mana penulis menjelaskan tentang kesantunan berbahasa baik konsep dasar, tujuan berbahasa santun, dan prinsip kesantunan berbahasa dari beberapa teori. Kemudian penulis menginterpretasi dari teori tersebut secara jelas ditambah kajian empiris dari beberapa jurnal. Hasil penelitian ini adalah memberi gambaran tentang kesantunan berbahasa pada media sosial di era industri 4.0 dan urgenitas kesantunan di era milenial.
Jurnal gramatika, Apr 18, 2023
This research is motivated by the low literacy skills of students in Indonesia. As reported by El... more This research is motivated by the low literacy skills of students in Indonesia. As reported by El-Fikri (2018) that Indonesian people's interest in reading and writing is still low, even in the ASEAN region Indonesia's ranking in this aspect is only above Cambodia and Laos. If the literacy problem is left unchecked and there is no movement that is able to target the right target to make the community and students aware, then this problem will continue to intertwine and get worse. This is a setback for the Indonesian people. Students who are creative in writing will grow into students who have a future. The results of his writings can be a motivation for him to be more creative in writing. The purpose of this study was to find out the description and steps of learning to write using the quantum learning method with hypnosis as an effort to strengthen character through moral messages in the short stories written. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, in this study ...
Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa, 2019
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia), Aug 7, 2021
Karya sastra bukan hanya sebuah bentuk karya yang mengandung keindahan namun karya sastra juga m... more Karya sastra bukan hanya sebuah bentuk karya yang mengandung keindahan namun karya sastra juga mengandung makna di dalamnya. Puisi merupakan karya sastra yang bersifat imajinatif, dirangkai dengan kata yang estetis dan sederhana namun tidak mudah dipahami oleh para pembaca terlebih tanpa ilmu dalam menganalisis puisi. Seringali makna puisi dianalogikan ke dalam objek lain sehingga makna puisi tersembunyi dibalik eloknya kata. Puisi dapat menjadi motivasi bagi para pembaca terlebih untuk pencinta menulis. Penulis tertarik untuk menganalisis puisi “Senja Di Pelabuhan Kecil” karya Chairil anwar, karena puisi tersebut dibentuk dengan tatanan bahasa yang sederhana namun maknanya luas. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui makna dalam puisi karya Chairil Anwar serta untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman penulis terhadap pendekatan mimetik. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang mengkaji kemudian mendreskripsikan makna dari puisi “Senja Di Pelabuhan Ke...
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia), Aug 11, 2021
This research is entitled Analysis of Poetry entitled “Kubaca Bisa” by Abdul Wachid. This researc... more This research is entitled Analysis of Poetry entitled “Kubaca Bisa” by Abdul Wachid. This research is a form of contribution to the scientific development of Indonesian Language and Literature in analyzing poetry. This study aims to describe and interpret the language style used in the poem entitled "Kubaca bisa" by Abdul Wachid. This research belongs to the type of qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques in this study using content analysis. The validity of the data in this study is centered on theory and uses interactive techniques, namely the data reduction stage, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Every poem has its own use of language. As the results of this study which show that the poem "Kubaca Bisa" contains metaphors, parallelism, rhetoric, hyperbole to alliteration. The style of language used in the poem aims to emphasize the meaning of the poem.
Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa, 2019
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia), Nov 24, 2018
Use mix code be trend by users various kinds of social media including social media facebook. Wit... more Use mix code be trend by users various kinds of social media including social media facebook. With thereby increasingly many people started learn language foreigners. Use language foreigners are not free from influence mix code background by attitude speaker and language. Researchers choose 24 people in the village Cinerang on month February 2018 on social media Facebook many finding status or result data posts that use language foreigners. Research this aim for describe mix code on facebook status of 24 people in the village Cinerang on month February 2018 taken data from results observation. Method The research is descriptive qualitative. Research data in the form of facebook status of 24 people in the village Cinerang on month February 2018. Based on results research is known that mix code contained in facebook media status of 24 people in the village Cinerang on month The February 2018 in the form of words, phrases, baster, expression, and clause. Mix code the caused by attitude factor speaker and language and could knowing impact positive and negative from pengg unaan mix code in sosi al media facebook.
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia), May 5, 2018
Literary works are the media used by the author in conveying ideas, experiences to be conveyed to... more Literary works are the media used by the author in conveying ideas, experiences to be conveyed to the reader. In addition, literary works can also be found in the intrectextual relationship between one literary work with other literary works. The purpose of this study is to know how the intertextual relationship between the novel "Dilan he is Dilanku 1990", "Dilan he is Dilanku 1991," and novel "Milea sounds from Dilan" by Pidi Baiq, where the three novels have intertextual relationships in the theme, the background, the plot, the character, the style, the point of view, and the message. Based on the results of the study, there is an intertextual relationship between the novel "Dilan he is Dilanku 1990," novel "Dilan he is Dilanku 1991," and the novel "Milea Dilan hearts of heart," in terms of themes, viewpoints and backgrounds used in the three novels. The equations of the three novels is the theme of romance. The method used in this research is descriptive method that is the method that describes the contents of the three novels reviewed.
Journal on Education, Oct 27, 2021
The title of this research is the analysis of figurative language in the poem "Dalam Diriku" by S... more The title of this research is the analysis of figurative language in the poem "Dalam Diriku" by Sapardi Djoko Darmono. This research is a form of appreciation for literary works, especially poetry in the context of developing Indonesian language and literature. This study aims to describe and interpret the use of language style in the poem entitled "Dalam Diriku" by Sapardi Djoko Darmono. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The technique for collecting data in this study used content analysis in the poem. This research explains phenomena throught the process of observing cases or phenomena, then being interpreted, interpreted, and then formulating conclusions. The use of language style is a component that often exists in works of fiction and nonfiction in Indonesian. The results of this study show that the poem "Dalam Diriku" contains repetition, metaphor, personification, paradox to hyperbole language styles. The use of language style in the poem needs to be known as the beauty of the effect in a story so that it seems lively and interesting so that the message contained in it is easier to understand.
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research), Nov 13, 2019
This research applies behavioristic learning theory in learning to write short stories with liter... more This research applies behavioristic learning theory in learning to write short stories with literary engineering. In this research it is expected that students will be skilled in writing short stories through literary engineering to foster imagination and ideas that will be written by students in short story writing activities. This research is based on the problem that a student has difficulty writing something that he feels and thinks in written form. Most students express their experiences more easily by speaking in terms of them, students rarely pour into written form. Another problem related to student creativity in writing activities is that many students who complain when getting a writing assignment from the lecturer are very annoying. This is because students do not know where to start and what to do in writing activities. Feelings of fear have become a scourge for students now in writing activities. This research method uses quantitative methods with experiments, in which researchers will provide implementation of the behavioristic approach in learning to write short stories with literary engineering. The results of this study indicate that students are more skilled at writing with literary engineering, where literary works in the form of poetry are changed by students in the form of short stories. As for the stages of each short story based on the experience of students both directly and indirectly into the short story. The learning process was very enjoyable and the students felt honed their talents and interests through this activity. An overflowing of feelings, hopes, and ideals is reflected in the writing of the students so that it helps the lecturer to hone the interests and talents of the students.
Jurnal gramatika, Apr 18, 2023
Students have difficulties in learning to analyze the drama text, from the initial observation do... more Students have difficulties in learning to analyze the drama text, from the initial observation done by the writer, the students consider the learning of analyzing the drama is easy learning, so the students tend to be lazy to learn and study it, the students feel that learning to analyze the drama text is easy to learn because the material has been studied when in junior high . Reciprocal Teaching method will be suitable for learning in analyzing drama text and increasing student independence. The method requires students to actively seek the material first to be delivered back to the students in front of the class The research method used by the researcher is a qualitative method: Pre-Experimental design with One-Group Pretest-Postes Design research design. This method is done by taking preliminary data in the form of pre-test before the treatment, it is intended to measure the ability of students first to then be given treatment that is the application of learning by using methods...
Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah tidak semua orang tua dapat memberikan tuntunan kepada anakny... more Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah tidak semua orang tua dapat memberikan tuntunan kepada anaknya dalam menikmati tontonan televise sehingga membutuhkan tim kreatif yang berkompeten untuk memilah tayangan televisi dan disuguhkan dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan tidak menyimpang dari kaidah kebahasaan. Maraknya bahasa gaul, alay, dan bahasa yang tidak santun dalam media televise merupakan salah satu penyebaran bahasa yang berdampak negatif bagi pemertahanan bahasa Indonesia. Membudayanya bahasa gaul di masyarakat dapat melunturkan kecintaan terhadap bahasa Indonesia sehingga hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan permasalahan di bidang bahasa dalam pemertahanan bahasa Indonesia. Jika diperhatikan, kehidupan remaja di lingkungan sekitar, dapat dilihat bahwa karakter seseorang dapat diketahui dari bagaimana ia berbahasa. Karena itu, ada pepatah yang mengatakan bahwa bahasa menunjukkan bangsa dan bahasa merupakan jati diri bangsa. Penggunaan bahasa yang baik dan benar berpengaruh pada presti seseseorang. Oleh karena itu, bahasa memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Sebagai satu-satunya bahasa nasional, kedudukan bahasa Indonesia tidak tergantikan oleh bahasa lainnya. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui keterkaitan pengaruh bahasa media televise terhadap karakter mahasiswa melalui tulisan bergenre fiksi, cerpen; (2) mengetahui dampak penggunaan bahasa media televise pada karakter mahasiswa dalam menulis cerpen di STKIP Siliwangi; (3) mengetahui upaya untuk mempertahankan bahasa Indonesia agar tidak luntur dengan kemunculan bahasa alay. Tentu saja hal ini sangat penting sebagai wujud pemertahanan. Penggunaan bahasa yang baik dan benar, memupuk kebanggaan terhadap bahasa sendiri, tidak mudah terpengaruh oleh bahasa luar yang belum tentu baik untuk digunakan, dan menyadarkan kesetiaan berbahasa. Penelitian ini dilakukan melaui metode kualitatif pendekatan studi kasus intinsik. Dalam hal ini peneliti menelaah suatu kasus penggunaan bahasa media televisi sebagai upaya pemertahanan bahasa bagi generasi mendatang dari kemunculan bahasa alay dan perbaikan karakter remaja melalui kegiatan menulis cerpen. Adapun data didapat dari teknik pengamatan. Peneliti mengumpulkan perbendaharaan kosa kata dalam korpus data, selanjutnya dilakukan pengamatan melalui menulis cerpen yang penjabarannya dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam penelitian kualitatif langkah-langkah atau tahapan-tahapan itu secara garis besar dibagi ke dalam tiga bagian, yaitu; 1)Tahapanpersiapan/pralapangan, 2) Tahapan pekerjaan lapangan, dan 3) Tahapan analisis data. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pihak terkait agar seluruh tayangan di media televisi menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan sesuai dengan kaidah kebahasaan sebagai upaya pemertahanan bahasa Indonesia yang diseminarkan dalam temu ilmiah, diterbitkan dalam jurnal, dan menghasilkan bahan ajar dalam rumpun keterampilan berbahasa. Kata kunci: bahasa media televisi, perkembangan karakter, menulis, cerpen
Semantik: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Sep 23, 2022
This research is motivated by the low literacy skills of students in Indonesia. As reported by El... more This research is motivated by the low literacy skills of students in Indonesia. As reported by El-Fikri (2018) that Indonesian people's interest in reading and writing is still low, even in the ASEAN region Indonesia's ranking in this aspect is only above Cambodia and Laos. If the literacy problem is left unchecked and there is no movement that is able to target the right target to make the community and students aware, then this problem will continue to intertwine and get worse. This is a setback for the Indonesian people. Students who are creative in writing will grow into students who have a future. The results of his writings can be a motivation for him to be more creative in writing. The purpose of this study was to find out the description and steps of learning to write using the quantum learning method with hypnosis as an effort to strengthen character through moral messages in the short stories written. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, in this study the researcher describes the picture of learning to write short stories using the quantum learning method with hypnosis and describes the results of the analysis of character values through moral messages in their values. The results of this study produce students who are skilled in writing and have superior characters.
Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa, 2019
Pengembangan bahasa Indonesia bertujuan agar bahasa Indonesia berkembang menjadi bahasa yang satu... more Pengembangan bahasa Indonesia bertujuan agar bahasa Indonesia berkembang menjadi bahasa yang satu, baku, modern, dan cendekia. Pemodernan bahasa dapat diartikan sebagai pemutakhiran bahasa sehingga dia benar-benar memiliki fungsi termasa. Bahasa yang demikianlah yang mampu memenuhi tuntutan kehidupan modern. Tujuan pengembangan agar bahasa Indonesia menjadi bahasa yang cendekia menitikberatkan ketepatgunaan bahasa Indonesia dalam mencerminkan logika penuturnya. Dalam pemutakhiran bahasa di era industri 4.0 tentu saja harus memerhatikan kesantunan dalam berbahasa. Bahasa santun merupakan karakter yang melekat pada diri seseorang, dan ini akan menjadi ciri khas bangsa secara menasional. Kesantunan tidak hanya diterapkan dalam tuturan namun dalam tulisan di media sosial kita pun harus utamakan, karena tulisan di media sosial menjadi ciri kepribadian si penutur. Tentunya tuturan baik akan berdampak positif dan memberi banyak peluang pekerjaan baik secara kedinasan maupun kewirausahaan di era industri 4.0. Dengan demikian, peneliti ingin melakukan kajian tentang kesantunan berbahasa pada media sosial di era industri 4.0. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memberi informasi tentang etika berbahasa di media sosial. Sehingga dapat mengurangi permasalahan dalam kejahatan verba yang berdampak pada kejadian buruk yang tidak kita harapkan. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, di mana penulis menjelaskan tentang kesantunan berbahasa baik konsep dasar, tujuan berbahasa santun, dan prinsip kesantunan berbahasa dari beberapa teori. Kemudian penulis menginterpretasi dari teori tersebut secara jelas ditambah kajian empiris dari beberapa jurnal. Hasil penelitian ini adalah memberi gambaran tentang kesantunan berbahasa pada media sosial di era industri 4.0 dan urgenitas kesantunan di era milenial.
Jurnal gramatika, Apr 18, 2023
This research is motivated by the low literacy skills of students in Indonesia. As reported by El... more This research is motivated by the low literacy skills of students in Indonesia. As reported by El-Fikri (2018) that Indonesian people's interest in reading and writing is still low, even in the ASEAN region Indonesia's ranking in this aspect is only above Cambodia and Laos. If the literacy problem is left unchecked and there is no movement that is able to target the right target to make the community and students aware, then this problem will continue to intertwine and get worse. This is a setback for the Indonesian people. Students who are creative in writing will grow into students who have a future. The results of his writings can be a motivation for him to be more creative in writing. The purpose of this study was to find out the description and steps of learning to write using the quantum learning method with hypnosis as an effort to strengthen character through moral messages in the short stories written. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, in this study ...
Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa, 2019
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia), Aug 7, 2021
Karya sastra bukan hanya sebuah bentuk karya yang mengandung keindahan namun karya sastra juga m... more Karya sastra bukan hanya sebuah bentuk karya yang mengandung keindahan namun karya sastra juga mengandung makna di dalamnya. Puisi merupakan karya sastra yang bersifat imajinatif, dirangkai dengan kata yang estetis dan sederhana namun tidak mudah dipahami oleh para pembaca terlebih tanpa ilmu dalam menganalisis puisi. Seringali makna puisi dianalogikan ke dalam objek lain sehingga makna puisi tersembunyi dibalik eloknya kata. Puisi dapat menjadi motivasi bagi para pembaca terlebih untuk pencinta menulis. Penulis tertarik untuk menganalisis puisi “Senja Di Pelabuhan Kecil” karya Chairil anwar, karena puisi tersebut dibentuk dengan tatanan bahasa yang sederhana namun maknanya luas. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui makna dalam puisi karya Chairil Anwar serta untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman penulis terhadap pendekatan mimetik. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang mengkaji kemudian mendreskripsikan makna dari puisi “Senja Di Pelabuhan Ke...